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R&^b1>!,°T \JUVp!@ Ptp@T:8#Z 4 5 4F 5 5Vm ``M@xPc{- Ѝ10/p1QQP!1/Ɛƒ /  0@-PpC--3#---3# & * Z>>*S 51:3`////@-x -Lreceived a signal (%d)%sifp %p event %p id is %x%sifp %p event %p a new XID (%x) is generated%sfailed to copy client ID%sfailed to copy requested options%sfailed to construct options547%sgetaddrinfo: %ssend dst if %s addr is %s scope id is %dtransmit failed: %s%ssend %s to %susage: dhcpc [-c configfile] [-r all or (ipv6address ipv6address...)] [-R (ipv6 address ipv6address...) [-dDIf] interface %sfailed to allocate memory for an ipv6 addrconfig address failed: %sXXXXXXset timer for checking link ...set timer for checking DAD ...set timer for syncing file ...%smemory allocation failed for server%sfailed to copy options%snew server DUID %s, len %d %sinterface %s iaid is %u/tmp/client6.leases%sfailed to parse lease filethis address %s is not leased by this clientno ipv6 addresses are leased by clientioctl SIOCGIFFLAGS failedioctl SIOCSIFFLAGS failed%sfailed to create an event%sfailed to add a timer for %suser_class%sassumption failure%sunexpected state %d%s**TESTING** Use user-defined xid_sol %lu%s**TESTING** Use user-defined xid_req %lucurrent server ID %s%sfailed to copy server ID%s IAID is %urelease empty address listclient release failed%sremoving server (ID: %s)%sno responses were received%sSet SOLICIT message to %d times%spicked a server (ID: %s)%sall information to be updated were canceled%scan't find a server%sdeconfiging address %s failed%s remove all events on interface/etc/radvd.conf.dhcpv6.bak/etc/radvd.conf/tmp/resolv.conf.dhcpv6.bak/tmp/resolv.conf%s failed to backup resolv.confenter checking link ...interface is from down to upinterface is down%srecvmsg: %s%sfailed to get packet info%sunexpected interface (%d)receive packet info ifname %s, addr is %s scope id is %d%sreceive %s from %s scope id %d %s%sXID mismatch%sfailed to parse options%sunexpected advertise%sno server ID option%sserver ID: %s, pref=%2x%sno client ID option%sclient DUID mismatch%sstatus code: %s%sduplicated server (ID: %s)/tmp/wan_dhcp6c_iapd/tmp/wan_dhcp6c%sreset timer for %s to %d.%06d%sreply message XID is (%x)%sunexpected reply%sserverID is %s len is %d%sgot a NotOnLink reply for request/rapid commit, sending solicit.%sgot a NoAddrAvail reply for request/rapid commit, sending inforeq.%sgot a NotOnLink reply for renew/rebindkillall -SIGUSR1 radvd%sgot a NotOnLink reply for confirm, sending solicit.%sgot an expected reply for confirm%sfailed to add a timer for iaid %u%sgot an expected reply for decline, sending request.%sgot an expected release, exit.%sgot an expected reply, sleeping.%sreceived an unexpected message (%s) from %s/tmp/dhcp6c_user.conf/tmp/dhcp6c.conffailed to allocate memory/invalid ipv6address for releaseallc:u:r:R:P:dDfIdaemon /var/run/dhcpv6/dhcp6c.pid%d %sfailed to parse configuration filenvram set ipv6_sip_servers=""nvram set ipv6_ntp_servers=""if_nametoindex(%s)/tmp/dhcp6c_duid%sfailed to get a DUIDlink local addr is %s546%ssocket(inbound)%ssetsockopt(inbound, IPV6_RECVPKTINFO): %sres addr is %s/%d%sbind(inbound): %s%sopen a socket: %sff02::1:2%sinterface %s not configured%sfailed to set signal: %sexitingrestarting%sselect: %senter checking dad ...parse /proc/net/if_inet6 failed/proc/ipv6_wan_DAD_detectedcheck_wan_DAD : can't open /proc/ipv6_wan_DAD_detected send info-reqp:t:x:|:::::::::::::::::::getdev: getifaddrs INVALID optionclient IDserver IDoption requestpreferencestatus coderapid commitDNS_SERVERSDOMAIN_LISTSIP_SERVERSNTP_SERVERSopt_%dINVALID msgsolicitadvertiserenewrebindreplydeclineinformation requestreconfigurerelay forwardingrelay replymsg%dINVALID codesuccessunspec failureauth failaddress unavailableno addressesno bindingconfirm no matchnot on-linkuse multicastcode%d:%s%02x%3s/%02d/%04d %02d:%02d:%02d %s %sDUID is %s, DUID_LEN is %d%sremoving ID (ID: %s)%slen %d memory allocation failed???%sreset a timer on %s, state=%s, timeo=%d, retrans=%ld%sunexpected event state %d on %seth0dhcpv6 doesn't support hardware type %d%s found an interface %s hardware %p%sfailed to open DUID file: %s%sDUID file corrupted%sfailed to get a hardware address%sfailed to allocate memory%sextracted an existing DUID from %s: %s%s**TESTING** Use user-defined duid_time %lu%sgenerated a new DUID: %sw+%sfailed to open DUID file for save%sfailed to save DUID%ssaved generated DUID to %s%stoo long DUID (%d)%smemory allocation failed%02xconfigure duid is %s%sassumption failure (bad string)%s getnameinfo return errorgetifaddr: getifaddrs in6_matchflags: socket(DGRAM6) in6_matchflags: ioctl(SIOCGIFFLAGS, %s) %sremoving an event %p on %s, state=%d, xid=%x%sassumption failure: event data list is not empty%sfailed to allocate memory for an event%screate an event %p xid %d for state %d%sfailed to allocate memory for list entry%sunexpected list value type (%d)%soption buffer short for %s%sset %s%sDHCP server don't check IAID!%sset IA_TA iaid information: %dset IA_NA iaidinfo: iaid %u renewtime %u rebindtime %u%smemory allocation failed for optionsset IADDR address option len %d: %s preferlifetime %d validlifetime %d this address status code: %s status code: %s%sfailed to copy status codeset IA_PD iaidinfo: iaid %u renewtime %u rebindtime %uset IAPREFIX option len %d: %s/%d preferlifetime %d validlifetime %dserver preference %2x%smemory allocation failed for DNS options%smemory allocation failed for SIP options%smemory allocation failed for NTP options%scompress domain name failedcompress domain name %s IA address option: %s, len %d%smalformed DHCP optionsstatus code for this address is: %sstatus message for this address is: %-*s get IAADR address information: %s preferlifetime %d validlifetime %dpreferred life time(%d) is greater than valid life time(%d) get IAPREFIX prefix information: %s/%d preferlifetime %d validlifetime %dnvram set RA_AdvValidLifetime_from_IAPD=%unvram set RA_AdvPreferredLifetime_from_IAPD=%ustatus code for this prefix is: %sstatus message for this prefix is: %-*sduplicated prefix (%s/%d)%sfailed to copy prefixduplicated address (%s/%d)%sfailed to copy an addressnvram set RA_use_dynamic_lifetime=1 malformed IA option: type %d, len %d%sget DHCP option %s, len %d DUID: %s%sfailed to copy DUID this message elapsed time is: %d this message status code: %s requested option: %s%sduplicated option type (%s)%sfailed to copy requested option%sget option preferrence is %2x%sget option iaid is %uget option iaid is %u, renewtime %u, rebindtime %u%sduplicated DNS address (%s)%sfailed to copy DNS address%sduplicated SIP address (%s)%sfailed to copy SIP address%s nvram set ipv6_sip_servers="%s"%sduplicated NTP address (%s)%sfailed to copy NTP addressnvram set ipv6_ntp_servers="%s"expand domain name %s, size %d%sunknown or unexpected DHCP6 option %s, len %d%srecv IANA. OK!%sInfo-only. OK!%srecv IAPD. OK!%svalid INFOREQ/REPLY. OK!%sgot REPLY to DECLINE.%sgot IANA only in auto-detect mode. NG!%sgot IANA/IAPD in auto-detect mode%sno IANA/IAPD%smalformed DHCP option: type %d, len %d%sduplicated interface: %s%smalloc failed%sfailed to copy ifname%sinvalid interface(%s): %sJanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDecINITSOLICITINFOREQREQUESTRENEWREBINDCONFIRMDECLINERELEASEIDLE%sinvalid address: %s%sduplicated address: %s/%d %sadd address: %s%sduplicated requested option: %s%sinvalid operation (%d) for option type (%d)%sfailed to configure an option%sunknown option type: %dSet User-class [%s]%smemory allocation for %s failed%s%s:%d client-only configuration%s%s:%d server-only configuration%s%s:%d bad value: %d%s%s:%d duplicated IAID for %s%s%s:%d duplicated renewtime for %s%s%s:%d duplicated rebindtime for %s%sfailed to configure ipv6address for %s%s failed to configure prefix-delegation-interface for %sSend DHCPC solicit only!%s assign user_class='%s'Accept IANA only!Accept IAPD only!%s%s:%d invalid interface configuration%smemory allocation failed for host %s%sfailed to copy host name: %s%s%s:%d duplicated DUID for %s%s%s:%d failed to configure DUID for %s%sconfigure DUID for %s: %s%sfailed to configure prefix for %s%s%s:%d duplicated linklocal for %s%s: %d invalid host configuration for %s%s%s:%d duplicated DNS server: %s%sfailed to add a DNS serverdhcp6_timer_rest%scan't allocate memory%stimeout function unspecified<%s> a timer must be expired, but not yet%sget address is %s/%d %slease address is %s/%d addremove%scan't open a temporary socket: %s%sfailed to %s an address on %s: %s%s%s an address %s on %s%stry to add address %s%snot successful status code for %s is %s%sinvalid address life time for %s%sduplicated address: %s%sfailed to allocate memory for a addr%sfailed to write a new lease address %s to lease filerequest prefix is %s/%d%sadding address failed: %s%sinfinity address life time for %s%sfailed to add a timer for lease %s%sremoving address %s%sfailed to write removed lease address %s to lease file%sremoving address %s faileddhcp6c_down %s%slease timeout for %s, state=%d%sfailed to remove an addr %s%sfailed to write an updated lease address %s to lease file T1 time is greater than T2 time%sfailed to copy server ID %sassigned address %s prefix len is not in any RAs prefix length using 64 bit insteaddhcp6c_up %s %s %d %sfailed to add a new addr lease %s %s %d &dhcp6c_up %s renew time %d, rebind time %dassigned address %s is not in any RAs prefix length using 64 bit insteadclient6_iaidaddr timeout for %d, state=%d%sLease expired due to NTP update. Go to solicit and request new ipv6 addresses%sfailed to rebind a client6_iaidaddr %d go to solicit and request new ipv6 addresses%sfailed to create a new event%sfailed to create a new event timer%s found interface %s iaid %u%sioctl SIOCGIFCONFlodoesn't support %s address family %d%s create iaid %u for interface %sCouldn't allocate hash tablecouldn't grow hash tableCould not malloc hashlist_elementhash_add: duplicated item%sinet_ntop %slease %s/%d { DUID: %s; SDUID: %s; IAID: %u type: %d; RenewTime: %u; RebindTime: %u; linklocal: %s; state: %d; hostname: %s; (start_date: %d %d/%d/%d %d:%d:%d UTC); start date: %lu; PreferredLifeTime: %u; ValidLifeTime: %u; } %swrite lease fflush failed %s%swrite lease fsync failed %s%scould not open sync file%swrite lease failed%sCould not rename sync filea+%scould not open lease file%sCouldn't malloc hash anchors%sCouldn't create hash table%sCould not initialize hash arraysgetifaddrs errornetlink_recv_rtgenmsg callednetlink_recv_rtgenmsg errorget prefix address %sget prefix plen %dprefix route life time is %d get_if_flags calledinterface managed flags setinterface otherconf flags setopen_netlink_socket callednetlink bind errornetlink_send_rtgenmsg callednetlink_send_rtmsg called# -- !$"%'&*1)+,.  !"#$%&'! %"!!"!# $"$ FG!!)!!!!!!!!!! #!#! !!!IH. +$ , %&FG('/ *)1!0238MN!45;67<=>?@ABCGDEKLJFQ#RSTPO (' # !"$%&())*+,,-----------------....../////01233A "9:HI-can't allocate memoryduplicated interface: %s (ignored)syntax errormemory exhausted     !"#$ %&*) !$(#"%&'((((((((((((("((!("(((((((((((((((((("((((((((((((((((((((((((("((((((((((((((( (((("(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( (((((((((( (  7788666696:6:666::::::::::::;::&69::::::::::::::::::::;&&@A::::::::::::::::::::::@ZZ\:::::::::6:::::::6::::6:::\Ax::666:::6:::::::6:66:66:xA::666:::6:::6:6:6:66666::::6666:::666666:6:66666::66666:::66666666666::66666::66666666666::66:66666666666:66:666666666:6666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666&>a}~xs~uvsvtxsw+~|huqprnlxghedfXep_YV\kg/\XgfeQLKILSKAOCOYXK3RRP7;?8<;>;>>72+G:E,6285?1)8;7"9($#+*10$.!;,  ?@~|~f`eccf`ogibdZ`Z_]^`QM]TZG=P7=92<16("  ;%%%:%i i1 J 40J010666?3??]2]?ttuuzz10/.-+*)('$"!     &&&&&&&&&@@@@@@@@AAAAAAAAAZZZZZZZZ\\\\\\\\\\xxxxxxxx77788899~}|{ywvsrqpomlkjhgfedcb`_^[YXWVUTSRQPONMLKIHGFEDCB>=<;:9875432/.-,)('$#"! 666666666666666666666666666666666666666?+>++05+667J81.d95Ge/HKIPQR+4>++3z+,A+210/.-,+* !"#)$('&%$#"!      &'(((((((@ABBBBBBBZ[[[[[[[\C]]]]]]]uvvvvvvvwxyzzzzzzz%%%**y++A~}|{vtsrqponmlkjihgfcba`_^+[>YXWVUTSONMLFED,)BC=<;:432-,)6 66666666666666666666666666666666666666<%d>%s [%s] (%d)<%d>[%s] (%d)%s %d: %s out of dynamic memory in cpyyensure_buffer_stack()out of dynamic memory in cpyy_create_buffer()invalid address in line %dcommentend of sentencebegin of closureend of closurefatal flex scanner internal error--end of buffer missedfatal error - scanner input buffer overflowinput in flex scanner failedout of dynamic memory in yy_get_next_buffer()fatal flex scanner internal error--no action foundout of dynamic memory in cpyy_scan_buffer()out of dynamic memory in cpyy_scan_bytes()bad buffer in cpyy_scan_bytes()cfparse: fopen(%s): %sfatal parse failure: exiting (%d errors)fatal parse failure: exiting  @@ ?????A???????A???????????????????????????????????? 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PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP%s received nameserver[%d] %s%snameserver %s found in resolv.confnameserver %s received domainname[%d] %s%sdomain name %s found in resolv.confsearch %sdomain name %s added in resolv.conf%swrite resolv.conf.dhcpv6 file fflush failed %s%swrite resolv.conf.dhcpv6 file failed %s%s backup failed for resolv.conf file%s rename failed for resolv.conf filekillall -SIGHUP dnsmasqout of dynamic memory in rvyyensure_buffer_stack()out of dynamic memory in rvyy_create_buffer()resolv parse error %s lineno %d./tmp/resolv.conf.dhcpv6parse domain name %sparse name server %sout of dynamic memory in rvyy_scan_buffer()out of dynamic memory in rvyy_scan_bytes()bad buffer in rvyy_scan_bytes()%s failed to open resolv.conf.dhcpv6 file%s failed to fdopen resolv.conf.dhcpv6 fileresolv_parse: fopen(%s): %slstat resolv.conf file failedresolv_parse: fdopen(%s): %s             TTSSS SSSSUSVVWSSSXXSSUYYSSSUSVVWSXXYYSSSVSXYSSVSXYSSVSXYSSVSXYSSVXYSVXYSVXYSSSSSS $6Hrq}zonklujofqcbg`_dcb``_]XWYTQ))( %$%$#" Z]`YXVNMLKJIHGEDBA@?>=<;: TTTU9UW8W76543210/.,*(&$"!  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Removing.hash add client iaidaddr type %d for duid %s for iaid %u%sthis client iaidinfo is different to others%shash add failedhash add client iaidaddr %u type %d for duid %sfailed to allocate memory for a lease %s lineno %d.lease parse error %s lineno %d.invalid address %s lineno %d.Жd X@@@P O @0 @ȑȑȑȑȑȑȑȑȑȑȑȑȑȑȑȑȑȑȑȑȑȑȑȑȑȑȑȑȑȑȑȑȑȑȑȑȑȑȑȑȑȑȑȑȑȑȑȑȑȑȑȑȑȑȑȑȑȑȑȑȑȑȑȑȑȑȑȑȑȑȑȑȑȑȑȑȑȑȑȑȑȑȑȑȑȑȑȑȑȑȑȑȑȑȑm(yGCC: (GNU) 3.3.2 20031005 (Debian prerelease)GCC: (Buildroot 2012.02) 4.5.3A*aeabi 7-A A ,.shstrtab.interp.hash.dynsym.dynstr.rel.dyn.rel.plt.init.text.fini.rodata.eh_frame.init_array.fini_array.jcr.dynamic.got.data.bss.comment.ARM.attributes H PP!@@ O) 02 ;6ȑAPPGXXMhhU||;_@@k@@w@@| @ @@@dBdB<CC10CMpC+D