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Entry %u (%lu): SRC IP: %u.%u.%u.%u/%u.%u.%u.%u DST IP: %u.%u.%u.%u/%u.%u.%u.%u Interface: `%s'/to `%s'/ Protocol: %u Flags: %02X Invflags: %02X Counters: %llu packets, %llu bytes Cache: %08X Match name: `%s' Target name: `%s' [%u] verdict=%s verdict=%u error=`%s' Permission denied (you must be root)Module is wrong versionTable does not exist (do you need to insmod?)Chain is not emptyCan't delete built-in chainCan't delete chain with references leftChain already existsIndex of insertion too bigIndex of replacement too bigIndex of deletion too bigIndex of counter too bigLoop found in tableTarget problemBad rule (does a matching rule exist in that chain?)Bad built-in chain nameBad policy nameIncompatible with this kerneliptables who? (do you need to insmod?)Will be implemented real soon. I promise ;)Memory allocation problemNo chain/target/match by that namessssssssrrrsxssrrrrs ss sxsrrrsvvv'ww8w`wxwwwww(wxxHx`xpx\x&x xy  <X44 o3ssGCC: (Buildroot 2012.02) 4.5.3A.aeabi$7-A A ,.shstrtab.hash.dynsym.dynstr.rel.dyn.rel.plt.text.rodata.data.rel.ro.dynamic.got.data.bss.comment.ARM.attributes @ ! 4 4 * 44X.3`9rrA((yNzW<<{(\dd| bpp|g0p|pp|/|