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Upgrading files table... Could not create temporary file for files table dump: %s Dumping old files table... Could not write dump: %s Could not seek back to start of dump: %s Could not obtain file descriptor: %s Could not stat dump file: %s Could not map dump file: %s Clearing old backups... DROP TABLE IF EXISTS files_backup;Error clearing old backup - will continue anyway: %s Moving old files table out of the way... ALTER TABLE files RENAME TO files_backup;Error making backup of old files table: %s Creating new files table... Error creating new files table: %s Reloading new files table... Error reloading files table data: %s Deleting backup files table... DROP TABLE files_backup;Error dropping backup files table: %s Upgrade of files table complete! Could not unmap dump file: %s Watch not found: '%s' BUG: wi column map out of sync with schema BUG: Unknown type %d in wi column map SELECT g.type FROM groups g WHERE g.persistentid = %lli;Out of memory for query string No results prepare failed: %sstep failed: %sANALYZE;ANALYZE failed: %s Error '%s' while runnning '%s' SELECT COUNT(*) FROM playlistitems pi JOIN files f ON pi.filepath = f.path WHERE f.disabled = 0 AND pi.playlistid = %d;SELECT COUNT(*) FROM files f WHERE f.disabled = 0 AND %s;SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT f.%s) FROM files f WHERE f.disabled = 0 AND f.%s != '' AND %s;SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT f.%s) FROM files f WHERE f.disabled = 0 AND f.%s != '';Out of memory for count query string Out of memory for sort string ORDER BY f.%sSELECT f.%s, f.%s FROM files f WHERE f.disabled = 0 AND f.%s != '' AND %s GROUP BY f.%s %s %s;SELECT f.%s, f.%s FROM files f WHERE f.disabled = 0 AND f.%s != '' GROUP BY f.%s %s %s;SELECT f.%s, f.%s FROM files f WHERE f.disabled = 0 AND f.%s != '' AND %s GROUP BY f.%s %s;SELECT f.%s, f.%s FROM files f WHERE f.disabled = 0 AND f.%s != '' GROUP BY f.%s %s%qOut of memory for escaped string Could not allocate struct playlist_info, out of memory BUG: pli column map out of sync with schema BUG: Unknown type %d in pli column map Query had more than a single result! Unknown playlist type %d while fetching playlist Running post-scan DB maintenance tasks... Done with post-scan DB maintenance Running purge query '%s' Purge query %d error: %s Purged %d rows BEGIN TRANSACTION;SQL error running '%s': %s END TRANSACTION;Query not started! Not an items, playlist or group items query! End of query results BUG: dbmfi column map out of sync with schema Not a playlist query! BUG: dbpli column map out of sync with schema Could not convert items, buffer too small Not a groups query! BUG: dbgri column map out of sync with schema Not a browse query! SELECT COUNT(*) FROM files f WHERE f.disabled = 0;SELECT COUNT(*) FROM files f WHERE f.path LIKE '%%%q';Out of memory making count query string. UPDATE files SET songartistid = daap_songalbumid(LOWER(album_artist), '');UPDATE files SET songalbumid = daap_songalbumid(LOWER(album_artist), LOWER(album));UPDATE files SET play_count = play_count + 1, time_played = %lli WHERE id = %d;Error in db_exec_nonblock: Could not init attributes Error in db_exec_nonblock: Could not create thread UPDATE files SET db_timestamp = %lli, disabled = 0 WHERE id = %d;UPDATE files SET db_timestamp = %lli WHERE path LIKE '%q/%%';UPDATE files SET db_timestamp = %lli WHERE path LIKE '%q%%';SELECT f.path FROM files f WHERE f.id = %d;SELECT f.id FROM files f WHERE f.path = '%q';SELECT f.id FROM files f WHERE f.path LIKE '%%%q';SELECT f.id FROM files f WHERE f.path LIKE '%q/%%/%q';SELECT f.id FROM files f WHERE f.fname = '%q';SELECT f.id FROM files f WHERE f.url = '%q';SELECT f.id, f.db_timestamp FROM files f WHERE f.path = '%q';SELECT f.* FROM files f WHERE f.id = %d;Could not allocate struct media_file_info, out of memory BUG: mfi column map out of sync with schema BUG: Unknown type %d in mfi column map Trying to add file with non-zero id; use db_file_update()? INSERT INTO files (id, path, fname, title, artist, album, genre, comment, type, composer, orchestra, conductor, grouping, url, bitrate, samplerate, song_length, file_size, year, track, total_tracks, disc, total_discs, bpm, compilation, artwork, rating, play_count, seek, data_kind, item_kind, description, time_added, time_modified, time_played, db_timestamp, disabled, sample_count, codectype, idx, has_video, contentrating, bits_per_sample, album_artist, media_kind, tv_series_name, tv_episode_num_str, tv_network_name, tv_episode_sort, tv_season_num, songartistid, songalbumid, title_sort, artist_sort, album_sort, composer_sort, album_artist_sort ) VALUES (NULL, '%q', '%q', TRIM(%Q), TRIM(%Q), TRIM(%Q), TRIM(%Q), TRIM(%Q), %Q, TRIM(%Q), TRIM(%Q), TRIM(%Q), TRIM(%Q), %Q, %d, %d, %d, %lli, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %Q, %lli, %lli, %lli, %lli, %d, %lli, %Q, %d, %d, %d, %d, TRIM(%Q), %d, TRIM(%Q), TRIM(%Q), TRIM(%Q), %d, %d, daap_songalbumid(LOWER(TRIM(%Q)), ''), daap_songalbumid(LOWER(TRIM(%Q)), LOWER(TRIM(%Q))), TRIM(%Q), TRIM(%Q), TRIM(%Q), TRIM(%Q), TRIM(%Q));Query error: %s Trying to update file with id 0; use db_file_add()? UPDATE files SET path = '%q', fname = '%q', title = TRIM(%Q), artist = TRIM(%Q), album = TRIM(%Q), genre = TRIM(%Q), comment = TRIM(%Q), type = %Q, composer = TRIM(%Q), orchestra = TRIM(%Q), conductor = TRIM(%Q), grouping = TRIM(%Q), url = %Q, bitrate = %d, samplerate = %d, song_length = %d, file_size = %lli, year = %d, track = %d, total_tracks = %d, disc = %d, total_discs = %d, bpm = %d, compilation = %d, artwork = %d, rating = %d, seek = %d, data_kind = %d, item_kind = %d, description = %Q, time_modified = %lli, db_timestamp = %lli, disabled = %lli, sample_count = %lli, codectype = %Q, idx = %d, has_video = %d, bits_per_sample = %d, album_artist = TRIM(%Q), media_kind = %d, tv_series_name = TRIM(%Q), tv_episode_num_str = TRIM(%Q), tv_network_name = TRIM(%Q), tv_episode_sort = %d, tv_season_num = %d, songartistid = daap_songalbumid(LOWER(TRIM(%Q)), ''), songalbumid = daap_songalbumid(LOWER(TRIM(%Q)), LOWER(TRIM(%Q))), title_sort = TRIM(%Q), artist_sort = TRIM(%Q), album_sort = TRIM(%Q), composer_sort = TRIM(%Q), album_artist_sort = TRIM(%Q) WHERE id = %d;DELETE FROM files WHERE path = '%q';UPDATE files SET path = substr(path, %d), disabled = %lli WHERE path = '%q';UPDATE files SET path = substr(path, %d), disabled = %lli WHERE path LIKE '%q/%%';UPDATE files SET path = '%q' || path, disabled = 0 WHERE disabled = %lli;SELECT COUNT(*) FROM playlists p WHERE p.disabled = 0;UPDATE playlists SET db_timestamp = %lli, disabled = 0 WHERE id = %d;UPDATE playlists SET db_timestamp = %lli WHERE path LIKE '%q/%%';UPDATE playlists SET db_timestamp = %lli WHERE path LIKE '%q%%';SELECT p.* FROM playlists p WHERE p.path = '%q';SELECT p.* FROM playlists p WHERE p.id = %d;1 = 1SELECT f.* FROM files f WHERE f.disabled = 0 AND %s %s %s;SELECT f.* FROM files f WHERE f.disabled = 0 %s %s;SELECT f.* FROM files f WHERE f.disabled = 0 AND %s %s;SELECT f.* FROM files f WHERE f.disabled = 0 %s;SELECT f.* FROM playlists f WHERE f.disabled = 0 AND %s %s %s;SELECT f.* FROM playlists f WHERE f.disabled = 0 %s %s;SELECT f.* FROM playlists f WHERE f.disabled = 0 AND %s %s;SELECT f.* FROM playlists f WHERE f.disabled = 0 %s;No playlist id specified in playlist items query SELECT COUNT(*) FROM files f WHERE f.disabled = 0 AND %s AND %s;SELECT f.* FROM files f WHERE f.disabled = 0 AND %s AND %s %s %s;SELECT COUNT(*) FROM files f JOIN playlistitems pi ON f.path = pi.filepath WHERE pi.playlistid = %d AND f.disabled = 0 AND %s;SELECT COUNT(*) FROM files f JOIN playlistitems pi ON f.path = pi.filepath WHERE pi.playlistid = %d AND f.disabled = 0;SELECT f.* FROM files f JOIN playlistitems pi ON f.path = pi.filepath WHERE pi.playlistid = %d AND f.disabled = 0 AND %s ORDER BY pi.id ASC %s;SELECT f.* FROM files f JOIN playlistitems pi ON f.path = pi.filepath WHERE pi.playlistid = %d AND f.disabled = 0 ORDER BY pi.id ASC %s;SELECT f.* FROM files f JOIN playlistitems pi ON f.path = pi.filepath WHERE pi.playlistid = %d AND f.disabled = 0 AND %s ORDER BY pi.id ASC;SELECT f.* FROM files f JOIN playlistitems pi ON f.path = pi.filepath WHERE pi.playlistid = %d AND f.disabled = 0 ORDER BY pi.id ASC;Unknown playlist type %d in playlist items query SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT f.songalbumid) FROM files f WHERE f.disabled = 0;SELECT g.id, g.persistentid, f.album, f.album_sort, COUNT(f.id), 1, f.album_artist, f.songartistid FROM files f JOIN groups g ON f.songalbumid = g.persistentid WHERE f.disabled = 0 AND %s GROUP BY f.songalbumid %s %s;SELECT g.id, g.persistentid, f.album, f.album_sort, COUNT(f.id), 1, f.album_artist, f.songartistid FROM files f JOIN groups g ON f.songalbumid = g.persistentid WHERE f.disabled = 0 GROUP BY f.songalbumid %s %s;SELECT g.id, g.persistentid, f.album, f.album_sort, COUNT(f.id), 1, f.album_artist, f.songartistid FROM files f JOIN groups g ON f.songalbumid = g.persistentid WHERE f.disabled = 0 AND %s GROUP BY f.songalbumid %s;SELECT g.id, g.persistentid, f.album, f.album_sort, COUNT(f.id), 1, f.album_artist, f.songartistid FROM files f JOIN groups g ON f.songalbumid = g.persistentid WHERE f.disabled = 0 GROUP BY f.songalbumid %s;SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT f.songartistid) FROM files f WHERE f.disabled = 0;SELECT g.id, g.persistentid, f.album_artist, f.album_artist_sort, COUNT(f.id), COUNT(DISTINCT f.songalbumid), f.album_artist, f.songartistid FROM files f JOIN groups g ON f.songartistid = g.persistentid WHERE f.disabled = 0 AND %s GROUP BY f.songartistid %s %s;SELECT g.id, g.persistentid, f.album_artist, f.album_artist_sort, COUNT(f.id), COUNT(DISTINCT f.songalbumid), f.album_artist, f.songartistid FROM files f JOIN groups g ON f.songartistid = g.persistentid WHERE f.disabled = 0 GROUP BY f.songartistid %s %s;SELECT g.id, g.persistentid, f.album_artist, f.album_artist_sort, COUNT(f.id), COUNT(DISTINCT f.songalbumid), f.album_artist, f.songartistid FROM files f JOIN groups g ON f.songartistid = g.persistentid WHERE f.disabled = 0 AND %s GROUP BY f.songartistid %s;SELECT g.id, g.persistentid, f.album_artist, f.album_artist_sort, COUNT(f.id), COUNT(DISTINCT f.songalbumid), f.album_artist, f.songartistid FROM files f JOIN groups g ON f.songartistid = g.persistentid WHERE f.disabled = 0 GROUP BY f.songartistid %s;SELECT COUNT(*) FROM files f WHERE f.songalbumid = %lli AND f.disabled = 0;SELECT COUNT(*) FROM files f WHERE f.songartistid = %lli AND f.disabled = 0;Unsupported group type %d for group id %lli SELECT f.* FROM files f WHERE f.songalbumid = %lli AND f.disabled = 0;SELECT f.* FROM files f WHERE f.songartistid = %lli AND f.disabled = 0;SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(SUBSTR(f.path, 1, LENGTH(f.path) - LENGTH(f.fname) - 1))) FROM files f WHERE f.songalbumid = %lli AND f.disabled = 0;SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(SUBSTR(f.path, 1, LENGTH(f.path) - LENGTH(f.fname) - 1))) FROM files f WHERE f.songartistid = %lli AND f.disabled = 0;SELECT DISTINCT(SUBSTR(f.path, 1, LENGTH(f.path) - LENGTH(f.fname) - 1)) FROM files f WHERE f.songalbumid = %lli AND f.disabled = 0;SELECT DISTINCT(SUBSTR(f.path, 1, LENGTH(f.path) - LENGTH(f.fname) - 1)) FROM files f WHERE f.songartistid = %lli AND f.disabled = 0;album_sortalbum_artist_sortcomposer_sortUnknown query type Starting query '%s' SELECT p.* FROM playlists p WHERE p.title = '%q' AND p.path = '%q';SELECT COUNT(*) FROM playlists p WHERE p.title = '%q' AND p.path = '%q';Duplicate playlist with title '%s' path '%s' INSERT INTO playlists (title, type, query, db_timestamp, disabled, path, idx, special_id) VALUES ('%q', 0, NULL, %lli, 0, '%q', 0, 0);Successful insert but no last_insert_rowid! Added playlist %s (path %s) with id %d INSERT INTO playlistitems (playlistid, filepath) VALUES (%d, '%q');INSERT INTO playlistitems (playlistid, filepath) VALUES (%d, (SELECT f.path FROM files f WHERE f.id = %d));UPDATE playlists SET title = '%q', db_timestamp = %lli, disabled = 0, path = '%q' WHERE id = %d;DELETE FROM playlistitems WHERE playlistid = %d;DELETE FROM playlists WHERE id = %d;SELECT p.id FROM playlists p WHERE p.path = '%q';UPDATE playlists SET path = substr(path, %d), disabled = %lli WHERE path = '%q';UPDATE playlists SET path = substr(path, %d), disabled = %lli WHERE path LIKE '%q/%%';UPDATE playlists SET path = '%q' || path, disabled = 0 WHERE disabled = %lli;DELETE FROM groups;SELECT g.persistentid FROM groups g WHERE g.id = %d;DELETE FROM pairings WHERE remote = '%q';INSERT INTO pairings (remote, name, guid) VALUES ('%q', '%q', '%q');SELECT p.* FROM pairings p WHERE p.guid = '%q';Pairing GUID %s not found INSERT OR REPLACE INTO admin (key, value) VALUES ('%q', '%q');SELECT value FROM admin a WHERE a.key = '%q';UPDATE admin SET value='%q' WHERE key='%q';DELETE FROM admin where key='%q';INSERT OR REPLACE INTO speakers (id, selected, volume) VALUES (%lli, %d, %d);SELECT s.selected, s.volume FROM speakers s WHERE s.id = %lli;UPDATE speakers SET selected = 0;DELETE FROM inotify;INSERT INTO inotify (wd, cookie, path) VALUES (%d, 0, '%q');DELETE FROM inotify WHERE wd = %d;DELETE FROM inotify WHERE path = '%q';DELETE FROM inotify WHERE path LIKE '%q/%%';DELETE FROM inotify WHERE cookie = %lli;SELECT * FROM inotify WHERE wd = %d;SELECT * FROM inotify WHERE path = '%q';UPDATE inotify SET path = substr(path, %d), cookie = %lli WHERE path = '%q';UPDATE inotify SET path = substr(path, %d), cookie = %lli WHERE path LIKE '%q/%%';UPDATE inotify SET path = '%q' || path, cookie = 0 WHERE cookie = %lli;SELECT COUNT(*) FROM inotify WHERE cookie = %lli;SELECT wd FROM inotify WHERE path LIKE '%q/%%';SELECT wd FROM inotify WHERE cookie = %lli;Could not start enum, no parameter given Starting enum '%s' Watch enum not started! End of watch enum results Could not open database: %s Could not enable extension loading /lib/libforked-daapd-sqlext.soCould not load SQLite extension: %s Could not disable extension loading sqlitepragma_cache_size_libraryPRAGMA cache_size=%d;PRAGMA cache_size;Database cache size in pages: %d PRAGMA journal_mode=%s;Database journal mode: %s PRAGMA synchronous=%d;PRAGMA synchronous;Database synchronous: %d init okError in db_exec_thread: Could not init thread Running delayed query '%s' Error running query '%s': %s Warning: Slow query detected '%s' - database performance problems? db_pathdb_path=%s Could not switch SQLite3 to multithread mode Check that SQLite3 has been configured for thread-safe operations Could not enable SQLite3 shared-cache mode SQLite3 failed to initialize thread create failed vacuumschema_version_majorschema_versionschema_version_minorDatabase schema v%d too old, cannot upgrade Database schema v%d is newer than the supported version Database schema outdated, upgrading schema v%d.%d -> v%d.%d... SELECT COUNT(*) FROM admin WHERE key = 'player:active-spk';Out of memory for speaker IDs SELECT value FROM admin WHERE key = 'player:active-spk';Could not convert speaker ID: %s SELECT value FROM admin WHERE key = 'player:volume';INSERT INTO speakers (id, selected, volume) VALUES (%lli, 1, 75);Error adding speaker: %s UPDATE speakers SET volume = %d;DELETE FROM admin WHERE key = 'player:volume' OR key = 'player:active-spk';SELECT 'INSERT INTO files (id, path, fname, title, artist, album, genre, comment, type, composer, orchestra, conductor, grouping, url, bitrate, samplerate, song_length, file_size, year, track, total_tracks, disc, total_discs, bpm, compilation, rating, play_count, data_kind, item_kind, description, time_added, time_modified, time_played, db_timestamp, disabled, sample_count, codectype, idx, has_video, contentrating, bits_per_sample, album_artist, media_kind, tv_series_name, tv_episode_num_str, tv_network_name, tv_episode_sort, tv_season_num, songalbumid, title_sort, artist_sort, album_sort, composer_sort, album_artist_sort) VALUES (' || id || ', ' || QUOTE(path) || ', ' || QUOTE(fname) || ', ' || QUOTE(title) || ', ' || QUOTE(artist) || ', ' || QUOTE(album) || ', ' || QUOTE(genre) || ', ' || QUOTE(comment) || ', ' || QUOTE(type) || ', ' || QUOTE(composer) || ', ' || QUOTE(orchestra) || ', ' || QUOTE(conductor) || ', ' || QUOTE(grouping) || ', ' || QUOTE(url) || ', ' || bitrate || ', ' || samplerate || ', ' || song_length || ', ' || file_size || ', ' || year || ', ' || track || ', ' || total_tracks || ', ' || disc || ', ' || total_discs || ', ' || bpm || ', ' || compilation || ', ' || rating || ', ' || play_count || ', ' || data_kind || ', ' || item_kind || ', ' || QUOTE(description) || ', ' || time_added || ', ' || time_modified || ', ' || time_played || ', 1, ' || disabled || ', ' || sample_count || ', ' || QUOTE(codectype) || ', ' || idx || ', ' || has_video || ', ' || contentrating || ', ' || bits_per_sample || ', ' || QUOTE(album_artist) || ', ' || media_kind || ', ' || QUOTE(tv_series_name) || ', ' || QUOTE(tv_episode_num_str) || ', ' || QUOTE(tv_network_name) || ', ' || tv_episode_sort || ', ' || tv_season_num || ', ' || songalbumid || ', ' || QUOTE(title) || ', ' || QUOTE(artist) || ', ' || QUOTE(album) || ', ' || QUOTE(composer) || ', ' || QUOTE(album_artist) || ');' FROM files;CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS files ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, path VARCHAR(4096) NOT NULL, fname VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, title VARCHAR(1024) DEFAULT NULL COLLATE DAAP, artist VARCHAR(1024) DEFAULT NULL COLLATE DAAP, album VARCHAR(1024) NOT NULL COLLATE DAAP, genre VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL COLLATE DAAP, comment VARCHAR(4096) DEFAULT NULL COLLATE DAAP, type VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL COLLATE DAAP, composer VARCHAR(1024) DEFAULT NULL COLLATE DAAP, orchestra VARCHAR(1024) DEFAULT NULL COLLATE DAAP, conductor VARCHAR(1024) DEFAULT NULL COLLATE DAAP, grouping VARCHAR(1024) DEFAULT NULL COLLATE DAAP, url VARCHAR(1024) DEFAULT NULL, bitrate INTEGER DEFAULT 0, samplerate INTEGER DEFAULT 0, song_length INTEGER DEFAULT 0, file_size INTEGER DEFAULT 0, year INTEGER DEFAULT 0, track INTEGER DEFAULT 0, total_tracks INTEGER DEFAULT 0, disc INTEGER DEFAULT 0, total_discs INTEGER DEFAULT 0, bpm INTEGER DEFAULT 0, compilation INTEGER DEFAULT 0, rating INTEGER DEFAULT 0, play_count INTEGER DEFAULT 0, data_kind INTEGER DEFAULT 0, item_kind INTEGER DEFAULT 0, description INTEGER DEFAULT 0, time_added INTEGER DEFAULT 0, time_modified INTEGER DEFAULT 0, time_played INTEGER DEFAULT 0, db_timestamp INTEGER DEFAULT 0, disabled INTEGER DEFAULT 0, sample_count INTEGER DEFAULT 0, codectype VARCHAR(5) DEFAULT NULL, idx INTEGER NOT NULL, has_video INTEGER DEFAULT 0, contentrating INTEGER DEFAULT 0, bits_per_sample INTEGER DEFAULT 0, album_artist VARCHAR(1024) NOT NULL COLLATE DAAP, media_kind INTEGER NOT NULL, tv_series_name VARCHAR(1024) DEFAULT NULL COLLATE DAAP, tv_episode_num_str VARCHAR(1024) DEFAULT NULL COLLATE DAAP, tv_network_name VARCHAR(1024) DEFAULT NULL COLLATE DAAP, tv_episode_sort INTEGER NOT NULL, tv_season_num INTEGER NOT NULL, songalbumid INTEGER NOT NULL, title_sort VARCHAR(1024) DEFAULT NULL COLLATE DAAP, artist_sort VARCHAR(1024) DEFAULT NULL COLLATE DAAP, album_sort VARCHAR(1024) DEFAULT NULL COLLATE DAAP, composer_sort VARCHAR(1024) DEFAULT NULL COLLATE DAAP, album_artist_sort VARCHAR(1024) DEFAULT NULL COLLATE DAAP);SELECT 'INSERT INTO files (id, path, fname, title, artist, album, genre, comment, type, composer, orchestra, conductor, grouping, url, bitrate, samplerate, song_length, file_size, year, track, total_tracks, disc, total_discs, bpm, compilation, rating, play_count, seek, data_kind, item_kind, description, time_added, time_modified, time_played, db_timestamp, disabled, sample_count, codectype, idx, has_video, contentrating, bits_per_sample, album_artist, media_kind, tv_series_name, tv_episode_num_str, tv_network_name, tv_episode_sort, tv_season_num, songartistid, songalbumid, title_sort, artist_sort, album_sort, composer_sort, album_artist_sort) VALUES (' || id || ', ' || QUOTE(path) || ', ' || QUOTE(fname) || ', ' || QUOTE(title) || ', ' || QUOTE(artist) || ', ' || QUOTE(album) || ', ' || QUOTE(genre) || ', ' || QUOTE(comment) || ', ' || QUOTE(type) || ', ' || QUOTE(composer) || ', ' || QUOTE(orchestra) || ', ' || QUOTE(conductor) || ', ' || QUOTE(grouping) || ', ' || QUOTE(url) || ', ' || bitrate || ', ' || samplerate || ', ' || song_length || ', ' || file_size || ', ' || year || ', ' || track || ', ' || total_tracks || ', ' || disc || ', ' || total_discs || ', ' || bpm || ', ' || compilation || ', ' || rating || ', ' || play_count || ', 0, ' || data_kind || ', ' || item_kind || ', ' || QUOTE(description) || ', ' || time_added || ', ' || time_modified || ', ' || time_played || ', ' || db_timestamp || ', ' || disabled || ', ' || sample_count || ', ' || QUOTE(codectype) || ', ' || idx || ', ' || has_video || ', ' || contentrating || ', ' || bits_per_sample || ', ' || QUOTE(album_artist) || ', ' || media_kind || ', ' || QUOTE(tv_series_name) || ', ' || QUOTE(tv_episode_num_str) || ', ' || QUOTE(tv_network_name) || ', ' || tv_episode_sort || ', ' || tv_season_num || ', daap_songalbumid(' || QUOTE(album_artist) || ', ''''), ' || songalbumid || ', ' || QUOTE(title_sort) || ', ' || QUOTE(artist_sort) || ', ' || QUOTE(album_sort) || ', ' || QUOTE(composer_sort) || ', ' || QUOTE(album_artist_sort) || ');' FROM files;CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS files ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, path VARCHAR(4096) NOT NULL, fname VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, title VARCHAR(1024) DEFAULT NULL COLLATE DAAP, artist VARCHAR(1024) DEFAULT NULL COLLATE DAAP, album VARCHAR(1024) NOT NULL COLLATE DAAP, genre VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL COLLATE DAAP, comment VARCHAR(4096) DEFAULT NULL COLLATE DAAP, type VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL COLLATE DAAP, composer VARCHAR(1024) DEFAULT NULL COLLATE DAAP, orchestra VARCHAR(1024) DEFAULT NULL COLLATE DAAP, conductor VARCHAR(1024) DEFAULT NULL COLLATE DAAP, grouping VARCHAR(1024) DEFAULT NULL COLLATE DAAP, url VARCHAR(1024) DEFAULT NULL, bitrate INTEGER DEFAULT 0, samplerate INTEGER DEFAULT 0, song_length INTEGER DEFAULT 0, file_size INTEGER DEFAULT 0, year INTEGER DEFAULT 0, track INTEGER DEFAULT 0, total_tracks INTEGER DEFAULT 0, disc INTEGER DEFAULT 0, total_discs INTEGER DEFAULT 0, bpm INTEGER DEFAULT 0, compilation INTEGER DEFAULT 0, rating INTEGER DEFAULT 0, play_count INTEGER DEFAULT 0, seek INTEGER DEFAULT 0, data_kind INTEGER DEFAULT 0, item_kind INTEGER DEFAULT 0, description INTEGER DEFAULT 0, time_added INTEGER DEFAULT 0, time_modified INTEGER DEFAULT 0, time_played INTEGER DEFAULT 0, db_timestamp INTEGER DEFAULT 0, disabled INTEGER DEFAULT 0, sample_count INTEGER DEFAULT 0, codectype VARCHAR(5) DEFAULT NULL, idx INTEGER NOT NULL, has_video INTEGER DEFAULT 0, contentrating INTEGER DEFAULT 0, bits_per_sample INTEGER DEFAULT 0, album_artist VARCHAR(1024) NOT NULL COLLATE DAAP, media_kind INTEGER NOT NULL, tv_series_name VARCHAR(1024) DEFAULT NULL COLLATE DAAP, tv_episode_num_str VARCHAR(1024) DEFAULT NULL COLLATE DAAP, tv_network_name VARCHAR(1024) DEFAULT NULL COLLATE DAAP, tv_episode_sort INTEGER NOT NULL, tv_season_num INTEGER NOT NULL, songartistid INTEGER NOT NULL, songalbumid INTEGER NOT NULL, title_sort VARCHAR(1024) DEFAULT NULL COLLATE DAAP, artist_sort VARCHAR(1024) DEFAULT NULL COLLATE DAAP, album_sort VARCHAR(1024) DEFAULT NULL COLLATE DAAP, composer_sort VARCHAR(1024) DEFAULT NULL COLLATE DAAP, album_artist_sort VARCHAR(1024) DEFAULT NULL COLLATE DAAP);SELECT 'INSERT INTO files (id, path, fname, title, artist, album, genre, comment, type, composer, orchestra, conductor, grouping, url, bitrate, samplerate, song_length, file_size, year, track, total_tracks, disc, total_discs, bpm, compilation, artwork, rating, play_count, seek, data_kind, item_kind, description, time_added, time_modified, time_played, db_timestamp, disabled, sample_count, codectype, idx, has_video, contentrating, bits_per_sample, album_artist, media_kind, tv_series_name, tv_episode_num_str, tv_network_name, tv_episode_sort, tv_season_num, songartistid, songalbumid, title_sort, artist_sort, album_sort, composer_sort, album_artist_sort) VALUES (' || id || ', ' || QUOTE(path) || ', ' || QUOTE(fname) || ', ' || QUOTE(title) || ', ' || QUOTE(artist) || ', ' || QUOTE(album) || ', ' || QUOTE(genre) || ', ' || QUOTE(comment) || ', ' || QUOTE(type) || ', ' || QUOTE(composer) || ', ' || QUOTE(orchestra) || ', ' || QUOTE(conductor) || ', ' || QUOTE(grouping) || ', ' || QUOTE(url) || ', ' || bitrate || ', ' || samplerate || ', ' || song_length || ', ' || file_size || ', ' || year || ', ' || track || ', ' || total_tracks || ', ' || disc || ', ' || total_discs || ', ' || bpm || ', ' || compilation || ', 0, ' || rating || ', ' || play_count || ', ' || seek || ', ' || data_kind || ', ' || item_kind || ', ' || QUOTE(description) || ', ' || time_added || ', ' || time_modified || ', ' || time_played || ', ' || db_timestamp || ', ' || disabled || ', ' || sample_count || ', ' || QUOTE(codectype) || ', ' || idx || ', ' || has_video || ', ' || contentrating || ', ' || bits_per_sample || ', ' || QUOTE(album_artist) || ', ' || media_kind || ', ' || QUOTE(tv_series_name) || ', ' || QUOTE(tv_episode_num_str) || ', ' || QUOTE(tv_network_name) || ', ' || tv_episode_sort || ', ' || tv_season_num || ', ' || songartistid ||', ' || songalbumid || ', ' || QUOTE(title_sort) || ', ' || QUOTE(artist_sort) || ', ' || QUOTE(album_sort) || ', ' || QUOTE(composer_sort) || ', ' || QUOTE(album_artist_sort) || ');' FROM files;CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS files ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, path VARCHAR(4096) NOT NULL, fname VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, title VARCHAR(1024) DEFAULT NULL COLLATE DAAP, artist VARCHAR(1024) DEFAULT NULL COLLATE DAAP, album VARCHAR(1024) NOT NULL COLLATE DAAP, genre VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL COLLATE DAAP, comment VARCHAR(4096) DEFAULT NULL COLLATE DAAP, type VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL COLLATE DAAP, composer VARCHAR(1024) DEFAULT NULL COLLATE DAAP, orchestra VARCHAR(1024) DEFAULT NULL COLLATE DAAP, conductor VARCHAR(1024) DEFAULT NULL COLLATE DAAP, grouping VARCHAR(1024) DEFAULT NULL COLLATE DAAP, url VARCHAR(1024) DEFAULT NULL, bitrate INTEGER DEFAULT 0, samplerate INTEGER DEFAULT 0, song_length INTEGER DEFAULT 0, file_size INTEGER DEFAULT 0, year INTEGER DEFAULT 0, track INTEGER DEFAULT 0, total_tracks INTEGER DEFAULT 0, disc INTEGER DEFAULT 0, total_discs INTEGER DEFAULT 0, bpm INTEGER DEFAULT 0, compilation INTEGER DEFAULT 0, artwork INTEGER DEFAULT 0, rating INTEGER DEFAULT 0, play_count INTEGER DEFAULT 0, seek INTEGER DEFAULT 0, data_kind INTEGER DEFAULT 0, item_kind INTEGER DEFAULT 0, description INTEGER DEFAULT 0, time_added INTEGER DEFAULT 0, time_modified INTEGER DEFAULT 0, time_played INTEGER DEFAULT 0, db_timestamp INTEGER DEFAULT 0, disabled INTEGER DEFAULT 0, sample_count INTEGER DEFAULT 0, codectype VARCHAR(5) DEFAULT NULL, idx INTEGER NOT NULL, has_video INTEGER DEFAULT 0, contentrating INTEGER DEFAULT 0, bits_per_sample INTEGER DEFAULT 0, album_artist VARCHAR(1024) NOT NULL COLLATE DAAP, media_kind INTEGER NOT NULL, tv_series_name VARCHAR(1024) DEFAULT NULL COLLATE DAAP, tv_episode_num_str VARCHAR(1024) DEFAULT NULL COLLATE DAAP, tv_network_name VARCHAR(1024) DEFAULT NULL COLLATE DAAP, tv_episode_sort INTEGER NOT NULL, tv_season_num INTEGER NOT NULL, songartistid INTEGER NOT NULL, songalbumid INTEGER NOT NULL, title_sort VARCHAR(1024) DEFAULT NULL COLLATE DAAP, artist_sort VARCHAR(1024) DEFAULT NULL COLLATE DAAP, album_sort VARCHAR(1024) DEFAULT NULL COLLATE DAAP, composer_sort VARCHAR(1024) DEFAULT NULL COLLATE DAAP, album_artist_sort VARCHAR(1024) DEFAULT NULL COLLATE DAAP);No upgrade path from the current DB schema Now vacuuming database, this may take some time... VACUUM;Could not VACUUM database: %s Could not check database version, trying DB init DB init table query: %s Could not create tables Internal error, unknown config item '%s' UPDATE playlists SET title = '%q' WHERE type = 1 AND special_id = %d;Error setting playlist title, query %s, error: %s Playlist title for config item '%s' set with query '%s' Database ok Database OK with %d active files and %d active playlists Database version check errored out, incompatible database CREATE TABLE speakers( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, selected INTEGER NOT NULL, volume INTEGER NOT NULL);create new table speakersUPDATE admin SET value = '11' WHERE key = 'schema_version';set schema_version to 11CREATE TRIGGER update_groups_new_file AFTER INSERT ON files FOR EACH ROW BEGIN INSERT OR IGNORE INTO groups (type, name, persistentid) VALUES (1, NEW.album, NEW.songalbumid); END;create trigger update_groups_new_fileCREATE TRIGGER update_groups_update_file AFTER UPDATE OF songalbumid ON files FOR EACH ROW BEGIN INSERT OR IGNORE INTO groups (type, name, persistentid) VALUES (1, NEW.album, NEW.songalbumid); END;create trigger update_groups_update_fileUPDATE admin SET value = '12' WHERE key = 'schema_version';set schema_version to 12UPDATE playlists SET query = 'f.media_kind = 1' where id = 2;update default smart playlist 'Music'UPDATE playlists SET query = 'f.media_kind = 2' where id = 3;update default smart playlist 'Movies'UPDATE playlists SET query = 'f.media_kind = 64' where id = 4;update default smart playlist 'TV Shows'UPDATE admin SET value = '13' WHERE key = 'schema_version';set schema_version to 13DELETE FROM playlists WHERE id=5;delete playlist id 5 table playlistsDELETE FROM playlistitems WHERE playlistid=5;delete playlist id 5 table playlistitemsDELETE FROM playlists WHERE id=6;delete playlist id 6 table playlistsDELETE FROM playlistitems WHERE playlistid=6;delete playlist id 6 table playlistitemsCREATE TRIGGER update_groups_new_file AFTER INSERT ON files FOR EACH ROW BEGIN INSERT OR IGNORE INTO groups (type, name, persistentid) VALUES (1, NEW.album, NEW.songalbumid); INSERT OR IGNORE INTO groups (type, name, persistentid) VALUES (2, NEW.album_artist, NEW.songartistid); END;CREATE TRIGGER update_groups_update_file AFTER UPDATE OF songalbumid ON files FOR EACH ROW BEGIN INSERT OR IGNORE INTO groups (type, name, persistentid) VALUES (1, NEW.album, NEW.songalbumid); INSERT OR IGNORE INTO groups (type, name, persistentid) VALUES (2, NEW.album_artist, NEW.songartistid); END;INSERT OR IGNORE INTO playlists (id, title, type, query, db_timestamp, path, idx, special_id) VALUES(5, 'Podcasts', 1, 'f.media_kind = 4', 0, '', 0, 1);create default smart playlist 'Podcasts' table playlistsINSERT OR IGNORE INTO playlists (id, title, type, query, db_timestamp, path, idx, special_id) VALUES(6, 'Audiobooks', 1, 'f.media_kind = 8', 0, '', 0, 7);create default smart playlist 'Audiobooks' table playlistsUPDATE admin SET value = '14' WHERE key = 'schema_version';set schema_version to 14UPDATE admin SET value = '15' WHERE key = 'schema_version';set schema_version to 15INSERT INTO admin (key, value) VALUES ('schema_version_major', '15');set schema_version_major to 15INSERT INTO admin (key, value) VALUES ('schema_version_minor', '01');set schema_version_minor to 01CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_rescan ON files(path, db_timestamp);create rescan indexCREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_sari ON files(songartistid);create songartistid indexCREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_sali ON files(songalbumid, disabled, media_kind, album_sort, disc, track);create songalbumid indexCREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_state_mkind_sari ON files(disabled, media_kind, songartistid);create state/mkind/sari indexCREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_state_mkind_sali ON files(disabled, media_kind, songalbumid);create state/mkind/sali indexCREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_artist ON files(artist, artist_sort);create artist indexCREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_albumartist ON files(album_artist, album_artist_sort);create album_artist indexCREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_composer ON files(disabled, media_kind, composer_sort);create composer indexCREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_genre ON files(disabled, media_kind, genre);create genre indexCREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_title ON files(disabled, media_kind, title_sort);create title indexCREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_album ON files(album, album_sort);create album indexCREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_pl_path ON playlists(path);create playlist path indexCREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_pl_disabled ON playlists(disabled);create playlist state indexCREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_filepath ON playlistitems(filepath ASC);create file path indexCREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_playlistid ON playlistitems(playlistid, filepath);create playlist id indexCREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_grp_persist ON groups(persistentid);create groups persistentid indexCREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_pairingguid ON pairings(guid);create pairing guid indexCREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS admin( key VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL, value VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL);create table admincreate table filesCREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS playlists ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, title VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL COLLATE DAAP, type INTEGER NOT NULL, query VARCHAR(1024), db_timestamp INTEGER NOT NULL, disabled INTEGER DEFAULT 0, path VARCHAR(4096), idx INTEGER NOT NULL, special_id INTEGER DEFAULT 0);create table playlistsCREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS playlistitems ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, playlistid INTEGER NOT NULL, filepath VARCHAR(4096) NOT NULL);create table playlistitemsCREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS groups ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, type INTEGER NOT NULL, name VARCHAR(1024) NOT NULL COLLATE DAAP, persistentid INTEGER NOT NULL,CONSTRAINT groups_type_unique_persistentid UNIQUE (type, persistentid));create table groupsCREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS pairings( remote VARCHAR(64) PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, guid VARCHAR(16) NOT NULL);create table pairingsCREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS speakers( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, selected INTEGER NOT NULL, volume INTEGER NOT NULL);create table speakersCREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS inotify ( wd INTEGER PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, cookie INTEGER NOT NULL, path VARCHAR(4096) NOT NULL);create table inotifyINSERT INTO playlists (id, title, type, query, db_timestamp, path, idx, special_id) VALUES(1, 'Library', 1, '1 = 1', 0, '', 0, 0);create default playlistINSERT INTO playlists (id, title, type, query, db_timestamp, path, idx, special_id) VALUES(2, 'Music', 1, 'f.media_kind = 1', 0, '', 0, 6);create default smart playlist 'Music'INSERT INTO playlists (id, title, type, query, db_timestamp, path, idx, special_id) VALUES(3, 'Movies', 1, 'f.media_kind = 2', 0, '', 0, 4);create default smart playlist 'Movies'INSERT INTO playlists (id, title, type, query, db_timestamp, path, idx, special_id) VALUES(4, 'TV Shows', 1, 'f.media_kind = 64', 0, '', 0, 5);create default smart playlist 'TV Shows'INSERT INTO playlists (id, title, type, query, db_timestamp, path, idx, special_id) VALUES(5, 'Podcasts', 1, 'f.media_kind = 4', 0, '', 0, 1);create default smart playlist 'Podcasts'INSERT INTO playlists (id, title, type, query, db_timestamp, path, idx, special_id) VALUES(6, 'Audiobooks', 1, 'f.media_kind = 8', 0, '', 0, 7);create default smart playlist 'Audiobooks'INSERT INTO admin (key, value) VALUES ('schema_version', '15');set schema versionset schema version majorset schema version minorname_libraryname_musicname_moviesname_tvshowsname_podcastsname_audiobooksORDER BY f.title_sort ASCORDER BY f.album_sort ASC, f.disc ASC, f.track ASCORDER BY f.album_artist_sort ASCORDER BY f.type DESC, f.special_id ASC, f.title ASCDELETE FROM playlistitems;DELETE FROM playlists WHERE type <> 1;DELETE FROM files;DELETE FROM playlistitems WHERE playlistid IN (SELECT id FROM playlists p WHERE p.type <> 1 AND p.db_timestamp < %lli);DELETE FROM playlists WHERE type <> 1 AND db_timestamp < %lli;DELETE FROM files WHERE db_timestamp < %lli; CECCCC7CDDIDDD"D)D.D5D:D%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S[%s] %8s: Could not reopen logfile: %s , %sError: unknown log domain '%s' ,Could not open logfile %s: %s Failed to set ownership on logfile: %s Failed to set permissions on logfile: %s httpdmainmdnsmiscscanxcodeeventdacpffmpegartworkplayerraoplaudiodmapdbperffatalwarningspamUnrecognised loglevel '%s' Unknown hostCould not get system name: %s Out of memory Could not open config file %s Parse error in config file %s Could not lookup user %s: %s directoriesNo directories specified for library Could not expand library name airplaympdnobodyadmin_password/var/log/forked-daapd.log/var/cache/forked-daapd/songs3.dbdb_pragma_cache_sizedb_pragma_journal_modedb_pragma_synchronousipv6cache_path/var/cache/forked-daapd/cache.dbcache_daap_thresholdMy Music on %hcompilationscompilation_artistradio_playlistsLibraryMusicMoviesTV ShowsPodcastsAudiobooksname_radioRadioartwork_basenames{artwork,cover,Folder}artwork_individualfiletypes_ignore{.db,.ini,.db-journal,.pdf}filepath_ignorefilescan_disableitunes_overridesno_transcodeforce_transcodenicknameComputercarddefaultmixermax_volumesettings_dir/var/cache/forked-daapd/libspotifycache_dir/tmpbase_playlist_disablestarred_artist_overridestarred_album_overridepragma_cache_size_cache.m3uCould not determine filename for %s Out of memory for fname Out of memory for path .pls.png.jpg.mp3.wav.flac.asf.wma.wmv.m4a.f4v.aac.amr.awb.au4.mov.m4v.mp4Could not extract metadata for %s unknmp4vmp4a%s%s%s - %s, Season %dUnknown artistUnknown albumUnknown genre/tmp/remote_change/tmp/shares/forked_daapd.remoterm /tmp/remote_change -r -fOut of memory for deferred playlist Deferred playlist %s Processing directory %s (flags = 0x%x) Could not open directory %s: %s readdir_r error in %s: %s %s/%sSkipping %s/%s, PATH_MAX exceeded Skipping %s, lstat() failed: %s Skipping %s, could not dereference symlink: %s Skipping %s, stat() failed: %s Skipping %s, PATH_MAX exceeded Could not stack directory %s; out of memory Could not stack directory %s; out of memory for path Skipping %s, not a directory, symlink nor regular file Could not create inotify watch for %s: %s Error: DB init failed Error: could not clear old watches from DB Error: could not clear old groups from DB Skipping library directory %s, could not dereference: %s WARNING: unhandled leftover directories Purging old database content Scan event loop terminated ahead of time! Directory event: 0x%x, cookie 0x%x, wd %d Could not determine inotify queue size: %s Could not allocate %d bytes for inotify events inotify read failed: %s No matching watch found, ignoring event (0x%x) %s deleted or backing filesystem unmounted! Skipping event under %s, PATH_MAX exceeded File event: 0x%x, cookie 0x%x, wd %d .MP3.Mp3.mP3songs.d-journalsparsebundlesparsebundleandsCould not lstat() '%s': %s Could not dereference symlink '%s': %s Could not stat() '%s': %s Could not spawn filescanner thread: %s Could not create an event base Could not create pipe: %s Could not create inotify fd: %s Could not write to exit fd: %s Could not join filescanner thread: %s $uW`$TWXWX\W`W`WWWWWWW W WWWWXX XXX$X$XT4u XT4u%X\ u)X\ u.XP2XP7XPstate == EVCON_DISCONNECTEDevhttp/http.ckeep-aliveProxy-Connectionclose%s %s HTTP/%d.%d Content-Length%ldHTTP/%d.%d %d %s Date%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMTTransfer-EncodingContent-Typetext/html; charset=ISO-8859-1%s: %s evcon->state == EVCON_IDLEGETPOSTHEADHTTP/1.0HTTP/1.1evcon->base == ((void *)0)!(evcon->flags & 0x0001)req->evcon == ((void *)0)!(req->flags & 0x0001)req != ((void *)0)evcon->state == EVCON_WRITING%x %%%02X%s: malloc(%lu)&%s: malloc%s: address is neither IPv4 nor IPv6%s: listen%s: evbuffer_new((&evcon->requests)->tqh_first) == reqOKtext/html %d %s

Method Not Implemented

Invalid method in request

%s: strdup failed%s: address is neither IPv6 nor IPv4%s: calloc failed%s: evbuffer_new failedreq->flags & 0x00010 Bad RequestNot Found404 Not Found

Not Found

The requested URL %s was not found on this server.

chunkedClose%s: we got no content length, but the server wants to keep the connection open: %s.%s: bad header on %d%s: illegal connection state %d%s: bad acceptWrite called on evbuffer URL with priv_data = NULL! Malformed evbuffer URL: '%s' Invalid buffer address in URL: '%s' No buffer address found in URL: '%s' Got a NULL buffer address from URL '%s' evbufferOut of memory for avio_evbuffer Out of memory for avio buffer Could not allocate AVIOContext uրۀ/3Y^hmHyHTTPd event loop terminated ahead of time! %s%sindex.htmlRedirection URL exceeds buffer length LocationMovedConnection failed; stopping streaming of file ID %d Could not re-add one-shot event for streaming Done streaming file id %d Streaming error, file id %d Read %d bytes; streaming file id %d Done streaming transcoded file id %d Transcoding error, file id %d Got %d bytes from transcode; streaming file id %d Could not re-add one-shot event for streaming (xcode) Found Range header: %s Invalid start offset, will stream whole file (%s) Invalid end offset, will stream to end of file (%s) End offset < start offset, will stream to end of file (%lli < %lli) Item %d not found Cannot stream radio stationOut of memory for struct stream_ctx Internal Server ErrorPreparing to transcode %s Transcoding setup failed, aborting streaming audio/wavPreparing to stream %s Out of memory for raw streaming buffer Could not open %s: %s Could not stat() %s: %s Could not seek into %s: %s video/%sContent-Type too large for buffer, dropping audio/%sCould not allocate an evbuffer for streaming Could not expand evbuffer for streaming Could not add one-shot event for streaming Content-Length too large for buffer, dropping Stream request with range %lli-%lli bytes %lli-%lli/%lliContent-Range too large for buffer, dropping Content-RangePartial ContentKicking off streaming for %s Not gzipping body-less reply Accept-EncodingNot gzipping; no Accept-Encoding header gzipNot gzipping; gzip not in Accept-Encoding (%s) Could not allocate evbuffer for gzipped reply 1.2.7zlib setup failed: %s Could not deflate data: %s Out of memory adding gzipped data to evbuffer Compressed data not finalized! Content-EncodingUser-AgentRemoteRokuAuthorizationNo Authorization header Basic Bad Authentication header Could not decode Authentication header Malformed Authentication header Username mismatch Bad password Basic realm="%s"WWW-Authenticate401 UnauthorizedAuthorization requiredUnauthorizedapplication/octet-streamChecking web interface authentication forked-daapd web interfaceAuthentication successful ::1127.0.0.1Remote web interface request denied; no password set Forbidden/usr/share/forked-daapd/webface/Request exceeds PATH_MAX: %s Could not lstat() %s: %s Could not dereference %s: %s Dereferenced path exceeds PATH_MAX: %s Could not create evbuffer Internal errorCould not read file into evbuffer Found query string HTTP request: %s RSP protocol init failed DAAP protocol init failed DACP protocol init failed Could not create HTTP server not bind INADDR_ANY:%d ::Could not bind IN6ADDR_ANY:%d (that's OK) Could not spawn HTTPd thread: %s Could not join HTTPd thread: %s text/html; charset=utf-8.xmltext/xml; charset=utf-8.csstext/css; charset=utf-8.txttext/plain; charset=utf-8.jsapplication/javascript; charset=utf-8.gifimage/gif.icoimage/x-icoimage/pngYdD {W \I jI @ 9 @$ X( X, E@4 @8 d@< @@ @D @H @L @P 5@T '@X _\ @` h cl K@tnxq@| W@ @ x dD 9( .4 Could not create evbuffer for RSP reply Could not finalize RSP reply Could not load evbuffer for RSP reply ?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?errorcodeerrorstringtotalrecordsInvalid offsetInvalid limitRSP browse query filter: %s Ignoring improper RSP query Could not finalize replyUnsupported browse type '%s' Unsupported browse typeInvalid playlist IDCould not start query Could not start queryError fetching results Error fetching query resultsfulldetailedUnknown browse mode %s wav audio fileoriginal_codecrsp-versionserver-versionServer errorRSP request: %s Checking authentication for library '%s' Library authentication successful RSP URI has too many/few components (%d) Bad pathUnrecognized RSP request /rsp/RSP init failed; regexp error: %s ^/rsp/info$^/rsp/db$^/rsp/db/[[:digit:]]+$^/rsp/db/[[:digit:]]+/[^/]+$^/rsp/stream/[[:digit:]]+$fnamebpmplay_countitem_kindtime_playeddb_timestampsample_countidxhas_videoUpdate request: client closed connection WARNING: struct daap_update_request not found in list; BUG! Unsupported index range: %s Could not parse index range: %s Could not parse high index in range: %s Index range %s: low %d, high %d (offset %d, limit %d) releasedateUnknown sort param: %s Sorting songlist by %s include-sort-headersSort headers requested Unknown include-sort-headers param: %s filterDAAP browse query filter: %s Ignoring improper DAAP query Out of memory for sorting context Could not create evbuffer for DAAP sort headers list Could not expand evbuffer for DAAP sort headers list RetuneCould not duplicate meta parameter; out of memory Out of memoryAsking for %d meta tags Could not allocate meta array; out of memory Could not find requested meta field '%s' Parser will ignore duplicate occurrence of meta field '%s' Found %d meta tags Could not normalize string for sort header mlitmshcmshimshnAdded sort header: mshc = %c, mshi = %u, mshn = %u fl %c Added sort header: mshc = %c, mshi = %u, mshn = %u (final) No ContentCould not create evbuffer for DAAP server-info reply msrvClient-DAAP-Version2.0msttmprominmaproaeSVatedasgraeMQaeTraeSLaeSRmsedmslrmstmmsalmsaumsupmspimsexmsbrmsqymsixmsdcMalformed DAAP Request URI '%s' Could not expand evbuffer for DAAP login reply mlogpairing-guidLogin attempt with U-A: Remote and no pairing-guid Login attempt with invalid pairing-guid Remote '%s' logging in with GUID %s request-session-idLogin request where request-session-id is not an integer Out of memory for DAAP session Session id requested in login (%d) is not available mlidCould not start sessionCould not expand evbuffer for DAAP content-codes reply mccrmdclmcnmmcnamcty(f.data_kind <> 1)(f.data_kind = 0)%s AND %sSQL filter w/client mod: %s daap://No session-id specified in request DAAP session id %d not found agaragaldmap.itemname,dmap.persistentid,daap.songalbumartistgroup-typeartistsCould not expand evbuffer for DAAP groups reply Could not create evbuffer for DMAP group list Could not expand evbuffer for DMAP group list Could not create evbuffer for DMAP group block Could not expand evbuffer for DMAP group block metaNo meta parameter in query, using default Failed to parse meta parameter in DAAP query Could not create sort context Done with meta tag %s (%s) Could not add sort header to DAAP groups reply mimcasaamiidDone with group Could not add group to group list for DAAP groups reply Done with group list, %d groups mutymtcomrcomlclCould not add group list to DAAP groups reply mshlCould not add sort headers to DAAP groups reply apsoadbsdmap.itemkind,dmap.itemid,dmap.itemname,dmap.containeritemid,dmap.parentcontaineridFetching song list for playlist %d Could not expand evbuffer for DAAP song list reply Could not create evbuffer for DMAP song list Could not expand evbuffer for DMAP song list Could not create evbuffer for DMAP song block Could not expand evbuffer for DMAP song block Accept-CodecsCannot transcode '%s', codec type is unknown Failed to encode song metadata Could not add sort header to DAAP song list reply Done with song Done with song list, %d songs Could not add song list to DAAP song list reply Could not add sort headers to DAAP song list reply dmap.itemid,dmap.itemname,dmap.persistentid,com.apple.itunes.smart-playlistaplyInvalid database IDCould not expand evbuffer for DAAP playlists reply Could not create evbuffer for DMAP playlist list Could not expand evbuffer for DMAP playlist list Could not create evbuffer for DMAP playlist block Could not expand evbuffer for DMAP playlist block aeSPaePSabplDone with playlist Could not add playlist to playlist list for DAAP playlists reply Done with playlist list, %d playlists Could not add playlist list to DAAP playlists reply image/jpegmwmhCould not convert mw parameter to integer Could not convert mh parameter to integer Request for artwork without mw/mh parameter abarabalabgnabcpalbumsgenrescomposersInvalid DAAP browse request type '%s' abroInvalid browse typeCould not expand evbuffer for DAAP browse reply Could not create evbuffer for DMAP browse item list Could not expand evbuffer for DMAP browse item list Could not add sort header to DAAP browse reply Error fetching/building results Error fetching/building query resultsCould not add item list to DAAP browse reply Could not add sort headers to DAAP browse reply Could not create evbuffer for DAAP dblist reply avdbCould not create evbuffer for DAAP dblist library item mpermdbkaeCsmctcmedsCould not create evbuffer for DAAP dblist radio item aeMkrevision-numberMissing revision-number in client update request Parameter revision-number not an integer mupdInvalid requestCould not expand evbuffer for DAAP update reply musrOut of memory for update request Logout SuccessfulError: Request to remove non-existent session. BUG! /server-info/logout/databases/1/items/DAAP URI has too many/few components (%d) Accept-RangesbytesDAAP-Serverforked-daapd/0.19application/x-dmap-taggedCould not allocate evbuffer for DAAP reply DAAP request handled in %d milliseconds Unrecognized DAAP request /databases//databases/content-codes/login/update/activityBuilding reply for DAAP request: %s Error extracting DAAP request: %s Could not allocate evbuffer for building DAAP reply Unrecognized DAAP request: %s DAAP init failed; regexp error: %s ^/server-info$^/content-codes$^/login$^/logout$^/update$^/activity$^/databases$^/databases/[[:digit:]]+/browse/[^/]+$^/databases/[[:digit:]]+/items$^/databases/[[:digit:]]+/items/[[:digit:]]+[.][^/]+$^/databases/[[:digit:]]+/items/[[:digit:]]+/extra_data/artwork$^/databases/[[:digit:]]+/containers$^/databases/[[:digit:]]+/containers/[[:digit:]]+/items$^/databases/[[:digit:]]+/groups$^/databases/[[:digit:]]+/groups/[[:digit:]]+/extra_data/artwork$L_PIO^xOtX`VίL [߯LIhO<]XO/TILHI\LwLXIDI&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& &&&&&&&& &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&WARNING: struct dacp_update_request not found in list; BUG! Missing speaker-id parameter in DACP setspeakers request Out of memory for speaker ids Invalid speaker id in request: %s Speakers de/activation failed! cantcaascaarcmvoCould not create evbuffer for speaker list caspcacicmikcmprcaprcmspaeFRcmsvcasscaovcasuceSGcmrlcapscavccashcarpcaiacahpcaivmsmaRequest for artwork without mw parameter Request for artwork without mh parameter canpcanncanacanlcangasaicmmkCould not allocate evbuffer for playstatusupdate Could not fetch file id %d cmsrcmstCould not add status data to playstatusupdate reply Missing revision-number in update request Player returned an error for start after pause Player returned an error for nextitem Player returned an error for start after nextitem Player returned an error for previtem Player returned an error for start after previtem dacp.shufflestate argument doesn't convert to integer: %s , shuffledacp.shufflestatecontainer-specNo container-spec in playspec request Malformed container-spec parameter in playspec request Couldn't convert container-spec to an integer in playspec (%s) container-item-specNo container-item-spec in playspec request Malformed container-item-spec parameter in playspec request Couldn't convert container-item-spec to an integer in playspec (%s) Playspec request for playlist %d, start song id %d%s Could not build song queue from playlist %d Playspec start song index is %d Could not start playback dacp.playingtime argument doesn't convert to integer: %s Could not write to status update fd: %s Could not allocate evbuffer for playstatusupdate reply Could not allocate evbuffer for playstatusupdate data Couldn't re-add event for playstatusupdate dacp.userrating argument doesn't convert to integer: %s song-specMissing item-spec/song-spec parameter in dacp.userrating query Malformed item-spec/song-spec parameter in dacp.userrating query Couldn't convert item-spec/song-spec to an integer in dacp.userrating (%s) Seek timer expired, target %d ms Player failed to seek to %d ms Player returned an error for start after seek dacp.repeatstate argument doesn't convert to integer: %s dmcp.volume argument doesn't convert to integer: %s Invalid speaker ID in dmcp.volume request include-speaker-idcommandNo command in cue request cacrNo command in cue requestclearclear-firstInvalid clear-first value in cue request Could not build song queue Could not build song queueInvalid index (%s) in cue request Playback failed to startUnknown cue command %s Unknown command in cue requestUnknown DACP property %s No setter method for DACP property %s propertiesInvalid DACP getproperty request, no properties cmgtCould not duplicate properties parameter; out of memory Could not allocate evbuffer for properties list No getter method for DACP property %s Could not find requested property '%s' Could not add properties to getproperty reply DACP request: %s DACP URI has too many/few components (%d) Could not allocate evbuffer for DACP reply Unrecognized DACP request /ctrl-int//ctrl-intCould not create update pipe: %s DACP init failed; regexp error: %s ^/ctrl-int$^/ctrl-int/[[:digit:]]+/cue$^/ctrl-int/[[:digit:]]+/playspec$^/ctrl-int/[[:digit:]]+/pause$^/ctrl-int/[[:digit:]]+/playpause$^/ctrl-int/[[:digit:]]+/nextitem$^/ctrl-int/[[:digit:]]+/previtem$^/ctrl-int/[[:digit:]]+/beginff$^/ctrl-int/[[:digit:]]+/beginrew$^/ctrl-int/[[:digit:]]+/playresume$^/ctrl-int/[[:digit:]]+/playstatusupdate$^/ctrl-int/[[:digit:]]+/nowplayingartwork$^/ctrl-int/[[:digit:]]+/getproperty$^/ctrl-int/[[:digit:]]+/setproperty$^/ctrl-int/[[:digit:]]+/getspeakers$^/ctrl-int/[[:digit:]]+/setspeakers$dmcp.volumedacp.visualizerdacp.repeatstatedacp.nowplayingdacp.playingtimedacp.visualizerenableddacp.volumecontrollabledacp.userratingdacp.playerstatecom.apple.itunes.itms-songiddacp.fullscreendacp.availablerepeatstatesdacp.availableshufflestatescom.apple.itunes.has-chapter-datadacp.fullscreenenabled; s   #ĺ(=кBPܺUљi    C$0< H ǢT‘` "0l59pDTx Y™k I  ̻ ػ ) CYb g1 sL+,8 nD P\ h t1 Y> .?DQ Vjo ȼԼ d    %>Y^( p4 @|LXd p ,| */G] b~ ʗ ĽXнܽ  + 0LQn  s$ ,0<ȚH"|T E`)rl>Px Uh|'w ̾ 3ؾ8]mp/ , 8 D &P >Z\_whwt#(EJ6 _|ȿ wԿ@ --------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------2(#U--UK7< Ai---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------xtP  D@HT \8h|X<$4P`0LUnsupported DMAP type %d for DMAP field %s Could not allocate evbuffer for DMAP error Could not expand evbuffer for DMAP error mstsInvestigating %s assnassaassuasslasscmikdasdkCould not add song to song list dmap.itemnamempcodaap.sortnamedmap.containermcondaap.songeqpresetaseqdaap.songsizeasszdmap.containeritemidmctidaap.songtimeastmdmap.containercountdmap.serverinforesponsedaap.sortalbumdaap.serverdatabasesdmap.itemiddaap.songstoptimeasspdaap.songstarttimeasstdaap.songalbumasaldaap.sortartistdaap.songalbumiddmap.listingdaap.songyearasyrdmap.itemcountdaap.songartistasardmap.persistentiddmap.updateresponsedmap.listingitemdmap.returnedcountdaap.songcommentascmdaap.songdiscnumberasdndaap.songformatasfmdmap.contentcodesnamedmap.contentcodesnumberdmap.databasescountdmap.contentcodesresponsedmap.contentcodestypedmap.bagmbcldmap.statusdmap.itemkinddmap.sessioniddmap.dictionarydmap.statusstringdaap.songbeatsperminuteasbtdaap.sortalbumartistdaap.songdatemodifiedasdmdaap.songcontentratingascrdaap.databasesongsdaap.songbitrateasbrdaap.resolvearsvdaap.songuserratingasurdaap.browsecomposerlistingdmap.updatetypedaap.resolveinfoarifdaap.songcodectypeascddaap.songgenreasgndaap.songdescriptionasdtdaap.songdisabledasdbdaap.songdisccountasdcdmap.specifiedtotalcountdmap.authenticationschemesmsasdaap.sortcomposerdaap.songdateaddedasdadaap.songsamplerateassrdmap.authenticationmethoddaap.songcodecsubtypeascsdaap.songcomposerascpdaap.songdataurlasuldaap.playlistsongsdaap.songtrackcountastcdmap.supportsextensionsdmap.deletedidlistingmudldaap.songcontentdescriptionascndaap.databasebrowsedaap.playlistrepeatmodeaprmdaap.songdatakinddaap.songrelativevolumeasrvdaap.songcategoryasctdmap.loginresponsecom.apple.itunes.network-nameaeNNcom.apple.itunes.season-numaeSUcom.apple.itunes.series-nameaeSNdaap.songcompilationascodaap.songlongcontentdescriptionaslcdaap.baseplaylistdmap.supportsindexdmap.serverrevisiondaap.songkeywordsaskycom.apple.itunes.music-sharing-versiondmap.timeoutintervaldaap.songgroupingagrpdmap.supportsquerydmap.supportsbrowsedaap.songtracknumberastncom.apple.itunes.special-playlistdaap.browseartistlistingcom.apple.itunes.episode-sortaeEScom.apple.itunes.episode-num-straeENdaap.playlistshufflemodeapsmcom.apple.itunes.extended-media-kinddmap.loginrequireddmap.supportsupdatedmap.supportsresolvemsrscom.apple.itunes.has-videoaeHVaeSIcom.apple.itunes.itms-storefrontidaeSFcom.apple.itunes.itms-artistidaeAIdaap.databaseplaylistsdaap.browsegenrelistingcom.apple.itunes.is-podcastaePCdmap.supportsautologoutcom.apple.itunes.mediakindaeMKcom.apple.itunes.is-podcast-playlistaePPcom.apple.itunes.itms-composeridaeCIdmap.supportspersistentidscom.apple.itunes.itms-playlistidaePIcom.apple.itunes.norm-volumeaeNVdmap.protocolversiondaap.browsealbumlistingcom.apple.itunes.itms-genreidaeGIdaap.protocolversion@B@BResample returned no samples! Could not copy WAV data to buffer Could not read more data Could not seek into stream: %s Could not read more data while seeking Seek wanted %d ms, got %d ms Could not allocate transcode context Could not open file %s: %s Could not find stream info: %s No audio stream found in file %s No suitable decoder found for codec Could not open codec: %s Could not allocate transcode buffer Setting up resampling (%d@%d) Could not init resample from %d@%d to 2@44100 Could not allocate resample buffer RIFFWAVEfmt mpeg,mp4a,mp4v,alac,wavmpeg,mp4a,wma,wavmpeg,wavDetermining transcoding status for codectype %s Codectype is in no_transcode Codectype is in force_transcode User-Agent: %s Client is iTunes QuickTimeClient is QuickTime, using iTunes codecs Front%20RowClient is Front Row, using iTunes codecs Client is Remote, using iTunes codecs Client is a Roku device AppleCoreMediaClient is a AppleCoreMedia, using iTunes codecs HifidelioClient is a Hifidelio device, allegedly cannot transcode Client advertises codecs: %s Codectype supported by client, no transcoding needed Will transcode Could not identify client, using default codectype set DXHHCould not open artwork file '%s': %s Could not stat() artwork file '%s': %s Out of memory for artwork Artwork request parameters: max w = %d, max h = %d Cannot open artwork file '%s': %s Artwork file '%s' not a PNG or JPEG file Original image '%s': w %d h %d Raw destination width %d height %d Destination width %d height %d No suitable decoder found for artwork %s Could not open codec for decoding: %s image2ffmpeg image2 muxer not available No suitable encoder found for codec ID %d Out of memory for format context Out of memory for new output stream Could not determine best pixel format Selected pixel format: %d Could not open codec for encoding: %s Could not allocate input/output frame Artwork buffer size: %d Out of memory for artwork buffer Could not get SWS context Could not decode artwork Could not open artwork destination buffer Out of memory for encoded artwork buffer Could not encode artwork Could not write artwork header: %s Error writing artwork Could not write artwork trailer: %s Unhandled rescale output format Artwork path exceeds PATH_MAX /%s.%sArtwork path exceeds PATH_MAX (%s.%s) Trying directory artwork file %s Artwork path exceeds PATH_MAX (ext %s) Trying own artwork file %s Artwork request for item %d No artwork found for item id %d Artwork request for group %d Could not start Q_GROUP_DIRS query Error fetching Q_GROUP_DIRS results Could not start Q_GROUPITEMS query Error fetching Q_GROUPITEMS results coverInvalid integer in string (%s): %s No integer found in string (%s) 0xOut of memory for new keyval Out of memory for new keyval name Out of memory for new keyval value Out of memory for realpath asciiCould not convert string '%s' to UTF-8: %s ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/Trying RSP query -%s- RSP queryCould not create input stream Could not create RSP lexer Could not create RSP token stream Could not create RSP parser RSP query parser terminated with %d errors RSP query AST: %s Could not create node stream Could not create SQL converter RSP query tree parser terminated with %d errors RSP SQL query: -%s- Invalid RSP query Trying DAAP query -%s- DAAP queryCould not create DAAP lexer Could not create DAAP token stream Could not create DAAP parser DAAP query parser terminated with %d errors DAAP query AST: %s DAAP query tree parser terminated with %d errors DAAP SQL query: -%s- Invalid DAAP query BUG: cmd->func is NULL! Could not send command: %s DELETE FROM artwork WHERE filepath = '%q';Cache closed Could not open cache database: %s SELECT value FROM admin_cache WHERE key = 'cache_version';Database schema outdated, deleting cache v%d -> v%d DROP TABLE IF EXISTS replies;Error dropping reply cache table: %s DROP TABLE IF EXISTS queries;Error dropping query table: %s DROP INDEX IF EXISTS idx_query;Error dropping query index: %s DROP TABLE IF EXISTS artwork;Error dropping artwork table: %s DROP INDEX IF EXISTS idx_persistentidwh;Error dropping artwork id index: %s DROP INDEX IF EXISTS idx_pathtime;Error dropping artwork path index: %s DROP TABLE IF EXISTS admin_cache;Error dropping admin cache table: %s Error vacuuming cache database: %s Cache tables dropped Error deleting database tables CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS replies ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, query VARCHAR(4096) NOT NULL, reply BLOB);Error creating cache table 'replies': %s CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS queries ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, query VARCHAR(4096) UNIQUE NOT NULL, user_agent VARCHAR(1024), msec INTEGER DEFAULT 0, timestamp INTEGER DEFAULT 0);Error creating cache table 'queries': %s CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_query ON replies (query);Error creating index on replies(query): %s CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS artwork ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, type INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, persistentid INTEGER NOT NULL, max_w INTEGER NOT NULL, max_h INTEGER NOT NULL, format INTEGER NOT NULL, filepath VARCHAR(4096) NOT NULL, db_timestamp INTEGER DEFAULT 0, data BLOB);Error creating cache table 'artwork': %s CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_persistentidwh ON artwork(type, persistentid, max_w, max_h);Error creating index on artwork(type, persistentid, max_w, max_h): %s CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_pathtime ON artwork(filepath, db_timestamp);Error creating index on artwork(filepath, db_timestamp): %s CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS admin_cache( key VARCHAR(32) PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, value VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL);Error creating cache table 'admin_cache': %s INSERT INTO admin_cache (key, value) VALUES ('cache_version', '%d');Error inserting cache version: %s Cache tables created Could not create cache database tables Error setting pragma_cache_size_cache: %s Error setting pragma_journal_mode: %s Error setting pragma_synchronous: %s Cache created Error: Cache create failed. Cache will be disabled. Error: DB init failed. Cache will be disabled. Cache event loop terminated ahead of time! Could not check cache database version Timeout reached, time to update DAAP cache DELETE FROM replies;Error clearing reply cache before update: %s SELECT user_agent, query FROM queries;Error preparing for cache update: %s Error building DAAP reply for query: %s INSERT INTO replies (query, reply) VALUES (?, ?);Error preparing query for cache update: %s Error stepping query for cache update: %s Error finalizing query for cache update: %s DAAP cache updated -no error-Could not read command! (read %d): %s Error reading from exit pipe SELECT a.format, a.data FROM artwork a WHERE a.type = %d AND a.persistentid = %lli AND a.max_w = %d AND a.max_h = %d;Error: Artwork evbuffer is NULL Out of memory for artwork evbuffer Error finalizing query for getting cache: %s Cache hit: %s INSERT INTO artwork (id, persistentid, max_w, max_h, format, filepath, db_timestamp, data, type) VALUES (NULL, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?);Error stepping query for artwork add: %s Error finalizing query for artwork add: %s UPDATE artwork SET db_timestamp = %lli WHERE filepath = '%q' AND db_timestamp >= %lli;DELETE FROM artwork WHERE filepath = '%q' AND db_timestamp < %lli;DELETE FROM artwork WHERE db_timestamp < %lli;SELECT reply FROM replies WHERE query = ?;Error: DAAP reply evbuffer is NULL Out of memory for DAAP reply evbuffer Could not allocate cache_command Couldn't add slow query to cache, unknown user-agent /databases/1/containers//databases/1/groups?/databases/1/items?/databases/1/browse/INSERT OR REPLACE INTO queries (user_agent, query, msec, timestamp) VALUES ('%q', '%q', %d, %lli);Out of memory making query string. Error adding query to query list: %s Slow query (%d ms) added to cache: '%s' (user-agent: '%s') DELETE FROM queries WHERE id NOT IN (SELECT id FROM queries ORDER BY timestamp DESC LIMIT 20);Error cleaning up query list before update: %s Cache path invalid, disabling cache Cache threshold set to 0, disabling cache Could not create command pipe: %s Could not create exit event Could not create cmd event Could not create cache event cache thread init Could not spawn cache thread: %s Killing cache thread Could not join cache thread: %s Invalid repeat mode: %d Failed to stop lost device Lost device stopped properly Removing AirTunes device %s; stopped advertising Could not save state for speaker %s AirTunes device %s stopped advertising, but not in our list AirTunes device disappeared during streaming! AirTunes device %s FAILED AirTunes device %s stopped Player event loop terminated ahead of time! Could not save state for local audio Could not extract AirTunes device ID (%s) Could not extract AirTunes device name (%s) Event for AirTunes device %llx/%s (%d) Out of memory for new AirTunes device Could not allocate player_command tpAirTunes %s: no tp field in TXT record! AirTunes %s: tp has no value UDPAirTunes %s: device does not support AirTunes v2 (tp=%s), discarding pwAirTunes %s: no pw field in TXT record, assuming no password protection AirTunes %s: pw has no value AirTunes device %s is password-protected apexNo password given in config for AirTunes device %s AirTunes %s: no am field in TXT record! AirTunes %s: am has no value AppleTVAirPort4AirTunes device %s: password: %s, type %s Couldn't get clock: %s Local audio stopping Local audio running Local audio failed AirTunes device disappeared during probe! AirTunes device disappeared before shutdown completion! Could not allocate memory for shuffle array Invalid shuffle mode: %d AirTunes device disappeared during restart! AirTunes device disappeared during startup! Could not get current time: %s Deactivating local audio Deactivating RAOP device %s PTOH! Unhandled song boundary case in metadata_send() Couldn't fetch file id %d File id %d is disabled, skipping Opening %s Could not open file id %d Start of playlist reached and repeat is OFF Could not open any file in the queue (prev) Failed to restart song for song repeat End of playlist reached and repeat is OFF Could not open any file in the queue (next) Cannot start playback: no output started Local audio failed to start Couldn't get current clock: %s Could not create playback timer: %s Could not set playback timer: %s Could not set up playback timer event Nothing to play! Couldn't jump to queue position %d Couldn't find anything to play! Could not open local audio Could not start selected AirTunes device %s Could not start playback: no output selected or couldn't start any output Player queue query returned %d items Invalid song id in query result! Out of memory for struct player_source Added song id %d (%s) Activating local audio Could not get current stream position for local audio start Local playback failed to start Activating RAOP device %s Could not start device %s Probing RAOP device %s Could not probe device %s Speaker set: %d speakers Set %llu device %llu RAOP device %s is password-protected, but we don't have it RAOP device %s selected Could not activate RAOP device %s Could not deactivate RAOP device %s Local audio selected Could not activate local audio output Could not deactivate local audio output RAOP device %s NOT selected Local audio NOT selected Couldn't get current playback position Playback switched to next song Could not retrieve current position for pause New file Error reading from source, aborting playback Could not re-add playback timer event Player status: stopped Player status: paused Player status: playing (buffering) Player status: playing Could not get current stream position for playstatus Improper DAAP query! Could not allocate evbuffer for audio buffer Local audio init failed RAOP init failed _raop._tcpCould not add mDNS browser for AirTunes devices Could not spawn player thread: %s AirPort Express 802.11gAirPort Express 802.11nFailed to open mixer: %s Failed to attach mixer: %s Failed to register mixer: %s Failed to load mixer: %s PCMMasterFailed to open configured mixer element '%s' Failed to open PCM or Master mixer element Could not allocate sw params: %s Could not retrieve current sw params: %s Could not set start threshold: %s Could not set sw params: %s Couldn't recover from underrun: %s Couldn't recover from suspend: %s Out of memory for PCM pkt Couldn't set PCM start threshold to 0 for output start Couldn't recover PCM device after 10 tries, aborting PCM write error: %s Could not obtain PCM delay: %s Setting PCM volume to %d (%d) Could not prepare PCM device: %s PCM will start after %d samples (%d packets) PCM pos %llu, start pos %llu Could not set PCM start threshold for local audio start Could not open playback device: %s Could not allocate hw params: %s Could not retrieve hw params: %s Could not set access method: %s Could not set S16LE format: %s Could not set stereo output: %s Hardware doesn't support 44.1 kHz: %s Could not get max buffer size: %s Max buffer size is %lu samples Could not set buffer size to max: %s Buffer size is %lu samples Could not set hw params: %s Could not open mixer DxlUDyE,hB=.%-.o9aHꄅ^.D-&dtOh-z ـ.P)"@i8/2=U_QY!b3R謹H׸vl<g={ . _Њ WhrU݌\C;_显Y>oa7+(UYxPIvV-A)V5[^u4>ǂv%ͿD{Couldn't make timing socket: %s Could not set IPV6_V6ONLY on timing socket: %s Couldn't bind timing socket: %s Couldn't get timing socket name: %s Timing IPv4 port: %d Timing IPv6 port: %d Couldn't add event for timing requests Couldn't make control socket: %s Could not set IPV6_V6ONLY on control socket: %s Couldn't bind control socket: %s Couldn't get control socket name: %s Control IPv4 port: %d Control IPv6 port: %d Couldn't add event for control requests Couldn't get receive timestamp Error reading timing request: %s Got timing request with size %d Time sync: Unknown address family %d Time sync request from [error: %s]; not a RAOP client Time sync request from %s; not a RAOP client Packet header doesn't match timing request Couldn't get transmit timestamp, falling back to receive timestamp Could not send timing reply: %s Couldn't re-add event for timing requests WARNING: struct raop_session not found in list; BUG! Cleaning up failed session (deferred) on device %s Send error for %s: %s Partial send (%d) for %s Error reading control request: %s Got control request with size %d Control svc: Unknown address family %d Control request from [error: %s]; not a RAOP client Control request from %s; not a RAOP client Packet header doesn't match retransmit request Got retransmit request, seq_start %u len %u RAOP device %s asking for seqnum %u; not in buffer (h %u t %u) Error retransmit packet, aborting retransmission WARNING: len non-zero at end of retransmission Couldn't re-add event for control requests CSeqCould not convert CSeq value to integer (%s) Could not get current playback position and clock Unknown family %d Could not send playback sync to device %s: %s ApEx %s closed RTSP connection Out of memory for deferred error handling! Out of memory for RAOP session Could not create control connection to %s Could not find interface %s Device address not valid (%s) Out of memory for RAOP metadata id = %dCould not build filter for file id %d; metadata will not be sent Couldn't start query; no metadata will be sent Couldn't fetch file id %d; metadata will not be sent Out of memory for temporary metadata evbuffer; metadata will not be sent Out of memory for metadata evbuffer; metadata will not be sent Could not encode file metadata; metadata will not be sent Failed to convert song_length to integer; no metadata will be sent Out of memory for artwork evbuffer; no artwork will be sent Failed to retrieve artwork for '%s' (%d); no artwork will be sent *%02xBuilding %s for %s Authentication required but no password found for device %s Digest username="%s", realm="%s", nonce="%s", uri="%s", response="%s"Authorization value header exceeds buffer size Authorization header: %s %llXClient-InstanceDACP-IDSessionCould not add Authorization header Could not create RTSP request for TEARDOWN Could not make TEARDOWN request Could not create RTSP request for OPTIONS Could not make OPTIONS request Could not create RTSP request for SET_PARAMETER Out of memory for SET_PARAMETER payload RTP-InfoCould not make SET_PARAMETER request Could not allocate evbuffer for volume payload volume: %d.%06d Out of memory for SET_PARAMETER payload (volume) text/parametersCould not send SET_PARAMETER request for volume Could not allocate temp evbuffer for metadata processing RTP-Info too big for buffer while sending metadata Could not copy metadata for sending Could not send SET_PARAMETER request for metadata Could not send metadata to %s Unsupported artwork format %d Could not copy artwork for sending Could not send artwork to %s progress: %u/%u/%u Could not build progress string for sending Could not send progress to %s No CSeq in reply, skipping check No CSeq in request Reply CSeq does not match request CSeq: got %d expected %d TEARDOWN request failed in session shutdown: %d %s SET_PARAMETER request failed for metadata/artwork/progress: %d %s FLUSH request failed: %d %s SET_PARAMETER request failed for stream volume: %d %s RECORD request failed in session startup: %d %s Audio-LatencyRECORD reply from %s did not have an Audio-Latency header RAOP audio latency is %s SET_PARAMETER request failed for startup volume: %d %s Could not create socket for streaming: %s connect() to [%s]:%u failed: %s Could not open streaming socket WWW-Authenticate header not found WWW-Authenticate: %s Digest Unsupported authentication method: %s Out of memory for WWW-Authenticate header copy =realm="nonceCould not find realm/nonce in WWW-Authenticate header Found realm: [%s], nonce: [%s] OPTIONS request failed in device probe: %d %s Bad password for device %s Could not re-run OPTIONS request with authentication OPTIONS request failed in session startup: %d %s Could not determine local address Local address: %s (LL: %s) port %d Could not create RTSP request for ANNOUNCE rtsp://%s/%uSession URL length exceeds 127 characters v=0 o=iTunes %u 0 IN IP4 %s s=iTunes c=IN IP4 %s t=0 0 m=audio 0 RTP/AVP 96 a=rtpmap:96 AppleLossless a=fmtp:96 %d 0 16 40 10 14 2 255 0 0 44100 a=rsaaeskey:%s a=aesiv:%s v=0 o=iTunes %u 0 IN IP4 %s s=iTunes c=IN IP4 %s t=0 0 m=audio 0 RTP/AVP 96 a=rtpmap:96 AppleLossless a=fmtp:96 %d 0 16 40 10 14 2 255 0 0 44100 Out of memory for SDP payload Could not generate SDP payload for ANNOUNCE application/sdpCouldn't encode challenge Apple-ChallengeCould not make ANNOUNCE request Could not open hash: %s SETUP request failed in session startup: %d %s Missing Session header in SETUP reply TransportMissing Transport header in SETUP reply RTP/AVP/UDP;ApEx replied with unsupported Transport: %s Out of memory for Transport header copy ;=token: %s server_portCould not read server_port control_portCould not read control_port timing_portCould not read timing_port Transport header lacked some port numbers in SETUP reply Transport header was: %s Negotiated AirTunes v2 UDP streaming session %s; ports s=%u c=%u t=%u Could not create RTSP request for RECORD npt=0-seq=%u;rtptime=%uRTP-Info too big for buffer in RECORD request Could not make RECORD request ANNOUNCE request failed in session startup: %d %s Could not create RTSP request for SETUP RTP/AVP/UDP;unicast;interleaved=0-1;mode=record;control_port=%u;timing_port=%uTransport header exceeds buffer length Could not make SETUP request Could not create RTSP request for FLUSH RTP-Info too big for buffer in FLUSH request Could not make FLUSH request Could not send OPTIONS request on IPv6 (probe) Could not send OPTIONS request on IPv4 (probe) Could not send OPTIONS request on IPv6 (start) Could not send OPTIONS request on IPv4 (start) Flush timer expired; tearing down RAOP sessions shutdown: TEARDOWN request failed! Could not reset AES cipher: %s Could not set AES IV: %s Could not encrypt payload: %s Could not open AES cipher: %s Could not set AES key: %s Could not add OAEP padding: message too long Could not allocate memory for OAEP padding Could not allocate memory for OAEP seed Could not read RAOP RSA pubkey: %s Could not read RAOP RSA exponent: %s Could not convert input data: %s (public-key(rsa(n %m)(e %m)))Could not build RSA params S-exp: %s (data(value %m))Could not build data S-exp: %s Could not encrypt data: %s Could not find token 'a' in result S-exp Cannot extract MPI from result Could not copy encrypted data: %s Couldn't encrypt and encode AES session key Couldn't encode AES IV Could not start timing service on IPv6 Could not start timing service on IPv4 AirTunes v2 time synchronization failed to start Could not start control service on IPv6 Could not start control service on IPv4 AirTunes v2 playback synchronization failed to start RAOP Semphore init errorQ"Z"b"h"o"u""""evrtsp_add_header_internalevrtsp_request_dispatchevrtsp_parse_response_lineevrtsp_connection_set_baseevrtsp_connection_get_local_addressevrtsp_make_requestevrtsp_make_requestevrtsp_write_connectioncbevrtsp_request_newevrtsp_connection_newevrtsp_connection_failevrtsp_read_headerevrtsp_readrtsp://%s %s RTSP/%d.%d evrtsp/rtsp.cRTSP/1.0RTSP/1.1%s: unhandled address family ANNOUNCEOPTIONSSETUPRECORDPAUSEGET_PARAMETERSET_PARAMETERFLUSHTEARDOWNInvalid utf-16 in file Got item of length %d: %s WMA Codec Type: %02X ASF_Audio_Mediaplay_duration: %lld, send_duration: %lld, preroll: %lld Reading extended content description object Reading descr %d of %d Found descriptor: %s Type: string, value: %s Type: bytes Type: int, value: %d Type: ll, value: %lld %lldtype: short, value %d Badly formatted wma file Read fail on file wm/genrewm/albumtitlewm/trackwm/shareduserratingwm/tracknumberwm/yearwm/composermalloc: wma_ext_content_descr wm/albumartistwm/contengroupdescriptionFound header ext of %d (%d) bytes Unknown ext subheader: %02hhx%02hhx%02hhx%02hhx-%02hhx%02hhx-%02hhx%02hhx-%02hhx%02hhx-%02hhx%02hhx%02hhx%02hhx%02hhx%02hhx Found ext subheader: %s ASF_Metadata_Library_Object Size: %lld Error opening WMA file (%s): %s Error reading from %s: %s Could not find header in %s Found WMA header: %s Header size: %lld Header objects: %d Error seeking in %s %llu: Found subheader: %s ASF_Content_Description_ObjectASF_Extended_Content_Description_ObjectASF_File_Properties_ObjectASF_Stream_Properties_ObjectASF_Header_Extension_ObjectUnknown subheader: %02hhx%02hhx%02hhx%02hhx-%02hhx%02hhx-%02hhx%02hhx-%02hhx%02hhx-%02hhx%02hhx%02hhx%02hhx%02hhx%02hhx Error reading meta info for file %s Successfully parsed file ASF_Index_ObjectD6E229D3-35DA-11D1-9034-00A0C90349BEASF_Extended_Stream_Properties_Object14E6A5CB-C672-4332-8399-A96952065B5AASF_Payload_Ext_Syst_Pixel_Aspect_Ratio1B1EE554-F9EA-4BC8-821A-376B74E4C4B8ASF_Bandwidth_Sharing_ObjectA69609E6-517B-11D2-B6AF-00C04FD908E9ASF_Payload_Extension_System_Timecode399595EC-8667-4E2D-8FDB-98814CE76C1EASF_Marker_ObjectF487CD01-A951-11CF-8EE6-00C00C205365ASF_Data_Object75B22636-668E-11CF-A6D9-00AA0062CE6C75B22633-668E-11CF-A6D9-00AA0062CE6CASF_Reserved_1ABD3D211-A9BA-11cf-8EE6-00C00C205365ASF_Timecode_Index_Object3CB73FD0-0C4A-4803-953D-EDF7B6228F0CASF_Language_List_Object7C4346A9-EFE0-4BFC-B229-393EDE415C85ASF_No_Error_Correction20FB5700-5B55-11CF-A8FD-00805F5C442BD2D0A440-E307-11D2-97F0-00A0C95EA850ASF_Media_Object_Index_Parameters_Obj6B203BAD-3F11-4E84-ACA8-D7613DE2CFA7ASF_Codec_List_Object86D15240-311D-11D0-A3A4-00A0C90348F6ASF_Stream_Bitrate_Properties_Object7BF875CE-468D-11D1-8D82-006097C9A2B2ASF_Script_Command_Object1EFB1A30-0B62-11D0-A39B-00A0C90348F6ASF_Degradable_JPEG_Media35907DE0-E415-11CF-A917-00805F5C442BASF_Header_Object75B22630-668E-11CF-A6D9-00AA0062CE6CASF_Padding_Object1806D474-CADF-4509-A4BA-9AABCB96AAE8ASF_JFIF_MediaB61BE100-5B4E-11CF-A8FD-00805F5C442BASF_Digital_Signature_Object2211B3FC-BD23-11D2-B4B7-00A0C955FC6E44231C94-9498-49D1-A141-1D134E457054ASF_Payload_Ext_System_File_NameE165EC0E-19ED-45D7-B4A7-25CBD1E28E9BASF_Stream_Prioritization_ObjectD4FED15B-88D3-454F-81F0-ED5C45999E24ASF_Bandwidth_Sharing_ExclusiveAF6060AA-5197-11D2-B6AF-00C04FD908E9ASF_Group_Mutual_Exclusion_ObjectD1465A40-5A79-4338-B71B-E36B8FD6C249ASF_Audio_SpreadBFC3CD50-618F-11CF-8BB2-00AA00B4E220ASF_Advanced_Mutual_Exclusion_ObjectA08649CF-4775-4670-8A16-6E35357566CDASF_Payload_Ext_Syst_Sample_DurationC6BD9450-867F-4907-83A3-C77921B733ADB7DC0791-A9B7-11CF-8EE6-00C00C205365ASF_Metadata_ObjectC5F8CBEA-5BAF-4877-8467-AA8C44FA4CCAASF_Mutex_UnknownD6E22A02-35DA-11D1-9034-00A0C90349BEASF_Content_Branding_Object2211B3FA-BD23-11D2-B4B7-00A0C955FC6EASF_Content_Encryption_Object2211B3FB-BD23-11D2-B4B7-00A0C955FC6EASF_Index_Parameters_ObjectD6E229DF-35DA-11D1-9034-00A0C90349BEASF_Payload_Ext_System_Content_TypeD590DC20-07BC-436C-9CF7-F3BBFBF1A4DCASF_Web_Stream_Media_Subtype776257D4-C627-41CB-8F81-7AC7FF1C40CCASF_Web_Stream_FormatDA1E6B13-8359-4050-B398-388E965BF00CASF_Simple_Index_Object33000890-E5B1-11CF-89F4-00A0C90349CBASF_Error_Correction_Object75B22635-668E-11CF-A6D9-00AA0062CE6CASF_Media_Object_Index_ObjectFEB103F8-12AD-4C64-840F-2A1D2F7AD48CASF_Mutex_LanguageD6E22A00-35DA-11D1-9034-00A0C90349BEASF_File_Transfer_Media91BD222C-F21C-497A-8B6D-5AA86BFC0185ASF_Reserved_34B1ACBE3-100B-11D0-A39B-00A0C90348F6ASF_Bitrate_Mutual_Exclusion_ObjectD6E229DC-35DA-11D1-9034-00A0C90349BEASF_Bandwidth_Sharing_PartialAF6060AB-5197-11D2-B6AF-00C04FD908E9ASF_Command_Media59DACFC0-59E6-11D0-A3AC-00A0C90348F6F8699E40-5B4D-11CF-A8FD-00805F5C442BASF_Reserved_286D15241-311D-11D0-A3A4-00A0C90348F6ASF_Binary_Media3AFB65E2-47EF-40F2-AC2C-70A90D71D343ASF_Mutex_BitrateD6E22A01-35DA-11D1-9034-00A0C90349BEASF_Reserved_44CFEDB20-75F6-11CF-9C0F-00A0C90349CBASF_Alt_Extended_Content_Encryption_ObjFF889EF1-ADEE-40DA-9E71-98704BB928CEASF_Timecode_Index_Parameters_ObjectF55E496D-9797-4B5D-8C8B-604DFE9BFB245FBF03B5-A92E-11CF-8EE3-00C00C205365ASF_Video_MediaBC19EFC0-5B4D-11CF-A8FD-00805F5C442BASF_Extended_Content_Encryption_Object298AE614-2622-4C17-B935-DAE07EE9289C8CABDCA1-A947-11CF-8EE4-00C00C205365RSP.gMismatched 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