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Keep in mind that not all messages have an interface field.Invalid combination of attributes on element <%s>Bad message type "%s"trueBad value "%s" for %s attribute, must be true or falseUnknown username "%s" on element <%s> Unknown group "%s" on element <%s> <%s> rule cannot be per-user because it has bus-global semantics<%s> rule cannot be per-group because it has bus-global semanticsCircular inclusion of file '%s'org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.FileNotFoundbusconfigConfiguration file has the wrong document type %sUnknown element <%s> at root of configuration filesyslogkeep_umasklistenauthservicehelperincludedirstandard_session_servicedirsstandard_system_servicedirsallow_anonymousservicedirincludeignore_missingif_selinux_enabledselinux_root_relativeyesnoignore_missing attribute must have value "yes" or "no"if_selinux_enabled attribute must have value "yes" or "no"selinux_root_relative attribute must have value "yes" or "no"at_console element must have exactly one of (context|user|group|at_console) attributesdefaultmandatorycontext attribute on must have the value "default" or "mandatory", not "%s"Unknown username "%s" in message bus configuration file Unknown group "%s" in message bus configuration file Unknown value "%s" for at_console in message bus configuration filelimit element must have a "name" attributeselinuxElement <%s> not allowed inside <%s> in configuration fileallowdenyassociateElement must have attributes own="" and context=""Element <%s> is not allowed in this contextXML parser ended element with no element on the stackXML element <%s> ended but topmost element on the stack was <%s>XML element <%s> was expected to have content inside itmax_incoming_bytesmax_incoming_unix_fdsmax_outgoing_bytesmax_outgoing_unix_fdsmax_message_sizemax_message_unix_fdsservice_start_timeoutauth_timeoutreply_timeoutmax_completed_connectionsmax_incomplete_connectionsmax_connections_per_usermax_pending_service_startsmax_names_per_connectionmax_match_rules_per_connectionmax_replies_per_connectionThere is no limit called "%s" must be a positive number Text content outside of any XML element in configuration fileNo text content expected inside XML element %s in configuration fileCould not determine SELinux policy root for relative inclusionEncountered error '%s' while parsing '%s' element has invalid value (could not parse as integer)Element <%s> was not closed in configuration fileConfiguration file needs one or more elements giving addresses60 3x%âѢԥ"ܢnoneinactiveuid=%ldpid=%ld comm="sid="%s" The maximum number of active connections has been reachedThe maximum number of active connections for UID %lu has been reachedorg.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoReplyMessage did not receive a reply (timeout by message bus)Message has the same reply serial as a currently-outstanding existing method callThe maximum number of pending replies per connection has been reachedError in section %s at line %d: %s Error at line %d: %s Text to be unescaped contains embedded nulorg.freedesktop.DBus.DesktopParseError.InvalidEscapesText to be unescaped ended in \Text to be unescaped had invalid escape sequenceDesktop file size (%ld bytes) is too largeinvalid UTF-8Invalid syntax for section headerorg.freedesktop.DBus.DesktopParseError.InvalidSyntaxEmpty key nameInvalid characters in key nameorg.freedesktop.DBus.DesktopParseError.InvalidCharsNo '=' in key/value pairNo "%s" key in .service file Cannot setup inotify for '%s'; error '%s' Cannot initialize inotify Unable to create inotify watch Unable to add reload watch to main loopUnable to register shutdown funcorg.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NotSupportedTried to send message with Unix file descriptorsto a client that doesn't support that.org.freedesktop.DBus.Localorg.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NameHasNoOwnerName "%s" does not exist˝1b_^b]]!=1T[Cb%KP1ZY]1ZXrb1 org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.UnknownMethodorg.freedesktop.DBus.Error.UnknownInterfaceActivationFailureCall to %s has wrong args (%s, expected %s) %s does not understand message %s org.freedesktop.DBus.IntrospectableRequestNamesuReleaseNameStartServiceByNameUpdateActivationEnvironmenta{ss}NameHasOwnerListNamesasListActivatableNamesAddMatchRemoveMatchGetNameOwnerListQueuedOwnersGetConnectionUnixUserGetConnectionUnixProcessIDGetAdtAuditSessionDataGetConnectionSELinuxSecurityContextReloadConfigGetIdIntrospectRequested bus name "%s" is not validCannot acquire a service starting with ':' such as "%s"Connection "%s" is not allowed to own the service "%s"because it is reserved for D-Bus' use onlyConnection "%s" is not allowed to own the service "%s" due to SELinux policyConnection "%s" is not allowed to own the service "%s" due to security policies in the configuration fileConnection "%s" is not allowed to own more services (increase limits in configuration file if required)Given bus name "%s" is not validCannot release a service starting with ':' such as "%s"Cannot release the %s service because it is owned by the busMatch rule text is %d bytes, maximum is %dorg.freedesktop.DBus.Error.MatchRuleInvalidMatch rule has a key with no subsequent '=' characterUnbalanced quotation marks in match ruleKey %s specified twice in match rule Invalid message type (%s) in match rule Sender name '%s' is invalid Interface name '%s' is invalid Member name '%s' is invalid path_namespacepath or path_namespace specified twice in match rule Path '%s' is invalid Destination name '%s' is invalid eavesdrop='%s' is invalid, it should be 'true' or 'false' argKey '%s' in match rule starts with 'arg' but lacks an arg number. Should be 'arg0' or 'arg7' for example. Key '%s' in match rule starts with 'arg' but could not parse arg number. Should be 'arg0' or 'arg7' for example. arg0namespacearg0namespace='%s' is not a valid prefix of a bus nameKey '%s' in match rule contains junk after argument number (%u). Only 'arg%upath' (for example) or 'arg0namespace' are validKey '%s' in match rule has arg number %lu but the maximum is %d. Argument %d matched more than once in match rule Unknown key "%s" in match ruleorg.freedesktop.DBus.Error.MatchRuleNotFoundThe given match rule wasn't found and can't be removedMemory allocation failure in message busError in file %s, line %d, column %d: %s Unable to write to reload pipe - buffer full? Unable to write termination signal to pipe - buffer full? Will exit instead. dbus-daemon [--version] [--session] [--system] [--config-file=FILE] [--print-address[=DESCRIPTOR]] [--print-pid[=DESCRIPTOR]] [--fork] [--nofork] [--introspect] [--address=ADDRESS] [--systemd-activation] [--nopidfile] --%s specified but configuration file %s already requested Couldn't read from reload pipe. Unable to reload configuration: %s --%s specified but printing pid to %s already requested --%s specified but address %s already requested --%s specified but printing address to %s already requested --help-h-?--versionD-Bus Message Bus Daemon %s Copyright (C) 2002, 2003 Red Hat, Inc., CodeFactory AB, and others This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. --introspectCan not introspect - Out of memory --nofork--fork--nopidfile--systemd-activation--system--session--config-file=--config-file--address=--address--print-address=--print-address--print-pid=--print-pidNo configuration file specified. Invalid file descriptor: "%s" SELinux pre-initialization failed Failed to start message bus: %s Unable to create reload pipe: %s Unable to create reload watch: %s Unable to add reload watch to main loop: %s dbus_connection_has_messages_to_senddbus_connection_refdbus_connection_get_is_connecteddbus_connection_get_is_authenticateddbus_connection_get_is_anonymousdbus_connection_get_server_iddbus_connection_can_send_typedbus_connection_set_exit_on_disconnectdbus_connection_preallocate_senddbus_connection_free_preallocated_senddbus_connection_get_dispatch_statusdbus_connection_set_watch_functionsdbus_connection_set_timeout_functionsdbus_connection_set_wakeup_main_functiondbus_connection_set_dispatch_status_functiondbus_connection_get_socketdbus_connection_get_unix_fddbus_connection_get_unix_userdbus_connection_get_unix_process_iddbus_connection_get_adt_audit_session_datadbus_connection_set_unix_user_functiondbus_connection_unrefdbus_connection_borrow_messagedbus_connection_steal_borrowed_messagedbus_connection_return_messagedbus_connection_closedbus_connection_open_privatedbus_connection_opendbus_connection_send_preallocateddbus_connection_senddbus_connection_send_with_replydbus_connection_send_with_reply_and_blockdbus_connection_dispatchdbus_connection_read_writedbus_connection_read_write_dispatchdbus_connection_flushdbus_connection_get_windows_userdbus_connection_set_windows_user_functiondbus_connection_set_allow_anonymousdbus_connection_set_route_peer_messagesdbus_connection_add_filterdbus_connection_remove_filterdbus_connection_try_register_object_pathdbus_connection_register_object_pathdbus_connection_try_register_fallbackdbus_connection_register_fallbackdbus_connection_unregister_object_pathdbus_connection_get_object_path_datadbus_connection_list_registereddbus_connection_free_data_slotdbus_connection_set_datadbus_connection_get_datadbus_connection_set_max_message_sizedbus_connection_get_max_message_sizedbus_connection_set_max_message_unix_fdsdbus_connection_get_max_message_unix_fdsdbus_connection_set_max_received_sizedbus_connection_get_max_received_sizedbus_connection_set_max_received_unix_fdsdbus_connection_get_max_received_unix_fdsdbus_connection_get_outgoing_sizedbus_connection_get_outgoing_unix_fdsconnection != NULLdbus-connection.c/org/freedesktop/DBus/Localconnection->generation == _dbus_current_generationpreallocated != NULLconnection == preallocated->connectionconnection->transport != NULLuid != NULLpid != NULLdata != NULLdata_size != NULLMost likely, the application called unref() too many times and removed a reference belonging to libdbus, since this is a shared connection. Most likely, the application was supposed to call dbus_connection_close(), since this is a private connection. The last reference on a connection was dropped without closing the connection. This is a bug in an application. See dbus_connection_unref() documentation for details. %smessage != NULLmessage == connection->message_borrowedconnection->dispatch_acquiredApplications must not close shared connections - see dbus_connection_close() docs. This is a bug in the application. guidaddress != NULL(error) == NULL || !dbus_error_is_set ((error))preallocated->connection == connectiondbus_message_get_type (message) != DBUS_MESSAGE_TYPE_METHOD_CALL || dbus_message_get_member (message) != NULLdbus_message_get_type (message) != DBUS_MESSAGE_TYPE_SIGNAL || (dbus_message_get_interface (message) != NULL && dbus_message_get_member (message) != NULL)timeout_milliseconds >= 0 || timeout_milliseconds == -1Cannot send file descriptors on this connection.org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.DisconnectedConnection is closedorg.freedesktop.DBus.Error.UnknownObjectorg.freedesktop.DBus.PeerPingGetMachineIdUnknown method invoked on org.freedesktop.DBus.Peer interfaceMethod "%s" with signature "%s" on interface "%s" doesn't exist Connection was disconnected before a reply was receivedwindows_sid_p != NULLfunction != NULLAttempt to remove filter function %p user data %p, but no such filter has been added vtable != NULLorg.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ObjectPathInUseparent_path != NULLparent_path[0] == '/'child_entries != NULL*slot_p >= 0slot >= 0uid=%lu%spid=%lu%ssid=%sdbus_error_initdbus_error_freedbus_error_has_namedbus_error_is_setdbus_move_errordbus_set_error_constdbus_set_errorUnknown errorNot enough memory availableError reading or writing dataCould not parse addressFeature not supportedResource limits exceededPermission deniedCould not authenticate to serverNo server available at addressConnection timed outNetwork unavailableAddress already in useDisconnected.Invalid arguments.Did not get a reply message.File doesn't exist.Object path already in useorg.freedesktop.DBus.Error.IOErrororg.freedesktop.DBus.Error.BadAddressorg.freedesktop.DBus.Error.AuthFailedorg.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoServerorg.freedesktop.DBus.Error.Timeoutorg.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoNetworkorg.freedesktop.DBus.Error.AddressInUseerror != NULLdbus-errors.c(dest) == NULL || !dbus_error_is_set ((dest))Array or variant type requires that type %s be written, but %s was written. The overall signature expected here was '%s' and we are on byte %d of that signature. Array or variant type wasn't expecting any more values to be written into it, but a value %s was written. The overall signature expected here was '%s' and we are on byte %d of that signature. You can't recurse into an empty array or off the end of a message body Writing an element of type %s, but the expected type here is %s The overall signature expected here was '%s' and we are on byte %d of that signature. Writing an element of type %s, but no value is expected here The overall signature expected here was '%s' and we are on byte %d of that signature. Writing an array of '%s' but this is incompatible with the expected type of elements in the parent array struct typesdict_entry typesarray typesvariantbody typesbodyOut of memoryUnknown reasonValid but incompleteValidity unknownUnknown typecodeMissing array element typeSignature is too longExceeded maximum array recursionExceeded maximum struct recursionStruct ended but not startedStruct started but not endedStruct has no fieldsAlignment padding not nullBoolean is not zero or oneNot enough dataToo much dataBad byte orderBad protocol versionBad message typeBad serialInsane fields array lengthInsane body lengthMessage too longHeader field codeHeader field has wrong typeUses local interfaceUses local pathHeader field appears twiceBad destinationBad interfaceBad memberBad error nameBad senderMissing pathMissing interfaceMissing memberMissing error nameMissing reply serialLength out of boundsArray length exceeds maximumBad pathSignature length out of boundsBad utf8 in stringArray length incorrectVariant signature length out of boundsVariant signature badVariant signature emptyVariant signature specifies multiple valuesVariant signature missing nulString missing nulSignature missing nulExceeded maximum dict entry recursionDict entry ended but not startedDict entry started but not endedDict entry has no fieldsDict entry has only one fieldDict entry has too many fieldsDict entry not inside arrayDict key must be basic typeVariants cannot be used to create a hugely recursive tree of valuesdbus_message_unrefdbus_message_set_serialdbus_message_get_serialdbus_message_set_reply_serialdbus_message_get_reply_serialdbus_message_newdbus_message_new_method_calldbus_message_copydbus_message_refdbus_message_get_typedbus_message_iter_initdbus_message_iter_has_nextdbus_message_iter_nextdbus_message_iter_get_arg_type_dbus_message_iter_get_args_valistdbus_message_get_args_valistdbus_message_get_argsdbus_message_iter_get_element_typedbus_message_iter_recursedbus_message_iter_get_signaturedbus_message_iter_get_basicdbus_message_iter_get_array_lendbus_message_iter_get_fixed_arraydbus_message_iter_init_appenddbus_message_iter_append_basicdbus_message_iter_append_fixed_arraydbus_message_iter_open_containerdbus_message_iter_close_containerdbus_message_iter_abandon_containerdbus_message_append_args_valistdbus_message_append_argsdbus_message_set_no_replydbus_message_new_signaldbus_message_get_no_replydbus_message_set_auto_startdbus_message_get_auto_startdbus_message_set_pathdbus_message_get_pathdbus_message_get_path_decomposeddbus_message_set_interfacedbus_message_get_interfacedbus_message_set_memberdbus_message_get_memberdbus_message_set_error_namedbus_message_get_error_namedbus_message_set_destinationdbus_message_get_destinationdbus_message_set_senderdbus_message_get_senderdbus_message_new_errordbus_message_new_error_printfdbus_message_new_method_returndbus_message_get_signaturedbus_message_is_method_calldbus_message_is_signaldbus_message_is_errordbus_message_has_destinationdbus_message_has_senderdbus_message_has_signaturedbus_set_error_from_messagedbus_message_free_data_slotdbus_message_set_datadbus_message_get_datadbus_message_marshaldbus_message_demarshalFailed to close file descriptor: %s dbus message iterator is NULL dbus message changed byte order since iterator was created dbus message changed byte order since append iterator was created dbus message iterator looks uninitialized or corrupted dbus message iterator invalid because the message has been modified (or perhaps the iterator is just uninitialized) dbus append iterator can't be used: message is locked (has already been sent) dbus-message.cmessage->generation == _dbus_current_generation!message->in_cache!message->lockedreply_serial != 0message_type != DBUS_MESSAGE_TYPE_INVALIDmethod != NULLdestination == NULL || _dbus_check_is_valid_bus_name (destination)_dbus_check_is_valid_path (path)interface == NULL || _dbus_check_is_valid_interface (interface)_dbus_check_is_valid_member (method)iter != NULL_dbus_message_iter_check (real)real->iter_type == DBUS_MESSAGE_ITER_TYPE_READERArgument %d is specified to be of type "%s", but is actually of type "%s" org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.InconsistentMessageMessage refers to file descriptor at index %i,but has only %i descriptors attached. Argument %d is specified to be an array of "%s", but is actually an array of "%s" you can't read arrays of container types (struct, variant, array) with %s for now you can only read arrays and basic types with %s for now Message has only %d arguments, but more were expecteddbus_message_iter_get_arg_type (iter) == DBUS_TYPE_ARRAYsub != NULLvalue != NULL(subtype == DBUS_TYPE_INVALID) || (dbus_type_is_fixed (subtype) && subtype != DBUS_TYPE_UNIX_FD)_dbus_message_iter_append_check (real)real->iter_type == DBUS_MESSAGE_ITER_TYPE_WRITERdbus_type_is_basic (type)_dbus_check_is_valid_utf8 (*string_p)_dbus_check_is_valid_path (*string_p)_dbus_check_is_valid_signature (*string_p)*bool_p == 0 || *bool_p == 1dbus_type_is_fixed (element_type) && element_type != DBUS_TYPE_UNIX_FDreal->u.writer.container_type == DBUS_TYPE_ARRAYn_elements >= 0n_elements <= DBUS_MAXIMUM_ARRAY_LENGTH / _dbus_type_get_alignment (element_type)(*bools)[i] == 0 || (*bools)[i] == 1dbus_type_is_container (type)(type == DBUS_TYPE_STRUCT && contained_signature == NULL) || (type == DBUS_TYPE_DICT_ENTRY && contained_signature == NULL) || (type == DBUS_TYPE_VARIANT && contained_signature != NULL) || (type == DBUS_TYPE_ARRAY && contained_signature != NULL)(type == DBUS_TYPE_ARRAY && contained_signature && *contained_signature == DBUS_DICT_ENTRY_BEGIN_CHAR) || (contained_signature == NULL || _dbus_check_is_valid_signature (contained_signature))_dbus_message_iter_append_check (real_sub)real_sub->iter_type == DBUS_MESSAGE_ITER_TYPE_WRITERarrays of %s can't be appended with %s for now type %s isn't supported yet in %s interface != NULL_dbus_check_is_valid_member (name)object_path == NULL || _dbus_check_is_valid_path (object_path)member == NULL || _dbus_check_is_valid_member (member)error_name == NULL || _dbus_check_is_valid_error_name (error_name)sender == NULL || _dbus_check_is_valid_bus_name (sender)reply_to != NULLerror_name != NULLmethod_call != NULLsignal_name != NULLsignature != NULLmethod_callmethod_returnsignalmsg != NULLmarshalled_data_p != NULLlen_p != NULLstr != NULLMessage is corrupted (%s)(cannot represent path: out of memory!)A handler is already registered for %sAttempted to unregister path (path[0] = %s path[1] = %s) which isn't registered dbus_pending_call_refdbus_pending_call_set_notifydbus_pending_call_canceldbus_pending_call_get_completeddbus_pending_call_steal_replydbus_pending_call_blockdbus_pending_call_allocate_data_slotdbus_pending_call_free_data_slotdbus_pending_call_unrefdbus_pending_call_set_datadbus_pending_call_get_dataDid not receive a reply. Possible causes include: the remote application did not send a reply, the message bus security policy blocked the reply, the reply timeout expired, or the network connection was broken.pending != NULLdbus-pending-call.cpending->completedpending->reply != NULLslot_p != NULLdbus_server_listendbus_server_refdbus_server_unrefdbus_server_disconnectdbus_server_get_is_connecteddbus_server_get_addressdbus_server_get_iddbus_server_set_new_connection_functiondbus_server_set_watch_functionsdbus_server_set_timeout_functionsdbus_server_set_auth_mechanismsdbus_server_free_data_slotdbus_server_set_datadbus_server_get_data,guid=dbus-server.cAddress '%s' already usedUnknown address type '%s'Empty address '%s'server != NULLold_refcount > 0Re-entrant call to %s localhostnonce-tcp:host=*,port=,family=,noncefile=nonce-tcpbindportfamilyunix:abstract=unix:path=unixtmpdirpath or tmpdir or abstractcannot specify two of "path" and "tmpdir" and "abstract" at the same timedbus-systemd:dbus_signature_iter_get_element_typedbus_type_is_fixeddbus_type_is_basicdbus_type_is_containerdbus_signature_iter_recursedbus_signature_iter_get_current_type (iter) == DBUS_TYPE_ARRAYdbus-signature.corg.freedesktop.DBus.Error.InvalidSignatureExactly one complete type required in signaturedbus_type_is_valid (typecode) || typecode == DBUS_TYPE_INVALIDdbus_type_is_container (dbus_signature_iter_get_current_type (iter))Unknown address type (examples of valid types are "tcp" and on UNIX "unix")scopeTried to handle an invalidated watch; this watch should have been removed nonce-tcp:noncefiledbus_watch_get_unix_fddbus_watch_get_fddbus_watch_get_socketdbus_watch_get_flagsdbus_watch_get_datadbus_watch_set_datadbus_watch_get_enableddbus_watch_handlewatch != NULLdbus-watch.cthis watch should have been invalidatedWatch is invalid, it should have been removed D-Bus threads were initialized after first using the D-Bus library. If your application does not directly initialize threads or use D-Bus, keep in mind that some library or plugin may have used D-Bus or initialized threads behind your back. You can often fix this problem by calling dbus_init_threads() or dbus_g_threads_init() early in your main() method, before D-Bus is used. DBUS_FATAL_WARNINGSDBUS_FATAL_WARNINGS should be set to 0 or 1 if set, not '%s'process %lu: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.InvalidFileContentUUID file '%s' should contain a hex string of length %d, not length %d, with no other textUUID file '%s' contains invalid hex dataUUID file '%s' contains %d bytes of hex-encoded data instead of %dD-Bus library appears to be incorrectly set up; failed to read machine uuid: %s See the manual page for dbus-uuidgen to correct this issue. Not enough memoryarguments to %s() were incorrect, assertion "%s" failed in file %s line %d. This is normally a bug in some application using the D-Bus library. insert_at = %d string len = %d data_len = %d booleanuint16uint32uint64doubleobject_pathbegin_structend_structbegin_dict_entryend_dict_entryunix_fdtype %s not a basic type type %s %d not a basic type 0123456789abcdefFailed to open "%s": %sFailed to stat "%s": %sFile size %lu of "%s" is too large.Error reading "%s": %s"%s" is not a regular fileCould not create %s: %sCould not chmod %s: %sCould not write to %s: %sCould not synchronize file %s: %sCould not close file %s: %sCould not rename %s to %s: %sCould not change permissions of file %s: %s Could not create file %s: %s Could not close file %s: %s Failed to delete file %s: %s Writing to pipe: %s /usr/local/share:/usr/share:/usr/share:/libFailed to create directory %s: %s ???User "%s" unknown or no memory to allocate password entry It appears that username "%s" is in more than %d groups. Proceeding with just the first %d groups.Failed to get groups for username "%s" primary GID %lu: %s %s directory is not private to the userwrote zero bytes writing credentials byteFailed to write credentials byte: %sFailed to read credentials byte: %sFailed to read credentials byte (zero-length read)Credentials byte was not nulFailed to open socket: %sCould not close fd %d/dev/urandomCould not duplicate fd %dFailed to get flags from file descriptor %d: %sFailed to set nonblocking flag of file descriptor %d: %sipv4ipv6Unknown address family %sFailed to lookup host/port: "%s:%s": %s (%d)Failed to set socket option "%s:%s": %sFailed to bind socket "%s:%s": %sFailed to listen on socket "%s:%s": %sFailed to allocate file handle array: %sFailed to resolve port "%s:%s": %s (%s)Failed to connect to socket "%s:%s" %sFailed to acquire systemd socket: %sNo socket received.Failed to verify systemd socket type: %sPassed socket has wrong type.Failed to allocate file handle array.Operating system does not support abstract socket namespace Abstract socket name too long Failed to set socket option"%s": %smkdir /var/runFailed to bind socket "%s": %sFailed to listen on socket "%s": %sCould not set mode 0777 on socket %s Socket name too long Failed to connect to socket %s: %s D-Bus not compiled with backtrace support so unable to print a backtrace Could not create full-duplex pipeCould not set full-duplex pipe nonblockingTMPDIRTMPTEMP/tmp/usr/var/lib/dbus/machine-id/etc/machine-idcan't lookup socket from launchd; launchd support not compiled inXDG_DATA_HOMEXDG_DATA_DIRS/.local/share/usr/local/share:/usr/share:/usr/share/dbus-1/services/dbus-1/system-services/usr/etc/dbus-1/system.conf/usr/etc/dbus-1/session.conf.dbus-keyringsFailed to remove directory %s: %s /proc/self/fdFailed to create socket pair: %sFailed to fork() to call %s: %sFailed to execute process %s: %s Unable to autolaunch when setuidDISPLAYUnable to autolaunch a dbus-daemon without a $DISPLAY for X11--autolaunch--binary-syntax--close-stderrFailed to create a pipe to call %s: %s/usr/bin/dbus-launch/dev/null%s terminated abnormally with the following error: %s%s terminated abnormally without any error messagecannot use the "tmpdir" option for an address to connect to, only in an address to listen onpath or abstractcan't specify both "path" and "abstract" options in an addressunixexecNo process path specifiedargv%uunixexec:path=,argv%u=%sLISTEN_PIDLISTEN_FDSNOTIFY_SOCKET/sys/fs/cgroup/sys/fs/cgroup/systemdABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzDBUS_BLOCK_ON_ABORT Process %lu sleeping for gdb attach org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.FileExistscould not find watch %p to remove could not find timeout %p to remove invalid request, socket fd %d not open Unclosed quotes in command lineNo tokens found in command lineGroup %s unknown or failed to look it up Failed to fdopen fd %d: %s%lu Failed to write to "%s": %sFailed to close "%s": %sPrinting message bus PID: did not write enough bytes Could not chdir() to root directoryFailed to fork daemon: %sDBUS_DEBUG_OUTPUTUser '%s' does not appear to exist?Failed to drop supplementary groups: %s Failed to set GID to %lu: %sFailed to set UID to %lu: %sdbus/var/run/console/Failed to read directory "%s": %sCould not allocate memory for directory iteratorNo memory to read directory entry/proc/%ld/cmdlineFailed to read from "%s": %sCould not get system database.Failed to write data to pipe! waitpid() reaped pid %d that we've never heard of unexpected waitpid() failure in check_babysit_events(): %s org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.Spawn.FailedFailed to read from child pipe (%s)Failed to read data from fd %d: %s Failed to read arg from fd %d: %s Unknown message received from babysitter process Failed to read PID from fd %d: %s Babysitter process not available to be reaped; should not happen Unexpected error %d in waitpid() for babysitter: %s Failed to execute program %s: %sFailed to fork a new process %s: %sProcess %s exited with status %dProcess %s received signal %dProcess %s exited abnormallyProcess %s exited, reason unknownFailed to create pipe for communicating with child process (%s)org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.Spawn.ForkFailedFailed to fork (%s)Not enough file descriptors to create pipe in babysitter process _dbus_poll() error: %s In D-Bus address, percent character was not followed by two hex digitsIn D-Bus address, percent character was followed by characters other than hex digitsIn D-Bus address, character '%c' should have been escaped Server address of type %s was missing argument %sCould not parse server address: %sAddress does not contain a colon,'=' character not found or has no value following itclientserverREJECTEDOK ERROR "%s" Sent AUTH while expecting BEGINSent DATA while expecting BEGINAGREE_UNIX_FD Unix FD passing not supported, not authenticated or otherwise not possibleUnknown commandAUTH BEGIN libdbus 1.6.8DATA DATA Invalid hex encodingNot currently in an auth conversationNeed to authenticate firstSent AUTH while another AUTH in progressorg_freedesktop_generalNEGOTIATE_UNIX_FD CANCEL Server did not send context/ID/challenge properlyServer sent invalid cookie contextCould not parse cookie ID as an integerEmpty server challenge stringCould not load cookie fileDon't have the requested cookie IDCommand contained non-ASCIIAuthenticatedNeedDisconnectAUTHCANCELDATAOKERRORNEGOTIATE_UNIX_FDAGREE_UNIX_FDNeedSendAuthEXTERNALDBUS_COOKIE_SHA1ANONYMOUSWaitingForAuthWaitingForBeginWaitingForDataWaitingForAgreeUnixFDWaitingForRejectdbus_bus_registerinternal_bus_getdbus_bus_set_unique_namedbus_bus_get_unique_namedbus_bus_get_unix_userdbus_bus_get_iddbus_bus_request_namedbus_bus_release_namedbus_bus_name_has_ownerdbus_bus_start_service_by_namedbus_bus_add_matchdbus_bus_remove_matchdbus_shutdown() called but connections were still live. This probably means the application did not drop all its references to bus connections. dbus-bus.ctype >= 0 && type < N_BUS_TYPESunix:path=/var/run/system_bus_socketDynamic session lookup supported but failed: %s Dynamic session lookup supported but failed silently autolaunch:DBUS_ACTIVATION_ADDRESSDBUS_ACTIVATION_BUS_TYPEUnable to determine the address of the message bus (try 'man dbus-launch' and 'man dbus-daemon' for help)unique_name != NULL_dbus_check_is_valid_bus_name (name)rule != NULL(none)Secret keyring file contains non-ASCII! Ignoring existing contents Failed to delete lock file: %s returning %d but error pointer %p name %s Could not lock keyring file to add to it Unable to create DBus keyring when setuidInvalid context in keyring creation.lockNo recent-enough key found in keyring, and unable to create a new keyosssussg uyyyyuua(yv)org.freedesktop.DBus.Local/org/freedesktop/DBus/LocalCould not read nonce from socket (fd=%d)Nonces do not match, access denied (fd=%d)rbCould not read nonce from file %sFailed to send nonce (fd=%d): %s/dbus_nonce-/nonceError when trying to watch fd %d: %s Bad fd %d fd %d enabled before it was added Insufficient memory to change watch for fd %d Misc error when trying to watch fd %d: %s Error when trying to remove fd %d: %s fd %d added and then added again ]̬Y+N+#-4$-)#,4$,:|$$o &%H-F&+  (   , t $48@ Lh - DHP7 F V LV e 8{   l L% X%#t%$DļȼL<Gn Ȓ(  0IJĤĤĤĤĤĤĤĤĤĤĤĤĤĤĤĤĤĤĤĤĤĤĤĤĤĤĤĤĤĤĤĤĤĤĤĤĤĤĤĤĤĤĤĤĤĤĤĤĤĤĤĤĤĤĤĤĤĤĤĤĤĤĤĤĤĤĤĤĤĤĤĤĤĤĤĤĤĤĤĤĤĤĤĤĤĤĤĤĤĤĤĤĤĤĤĤĤĤĤĤĤĤĤĤĤĤĤĤĤĤĤĤĤĤĤĤĤĤĤĤĤĤĤĤĤĤĤĤĤĤĤĤĤĤĤĤĤĤĤĤĤĤĤĤĤĤĤĤĤĤĤĤĤĤĤĤĤĤĤ"lӷϸ\wvTvu(utGCC: (GNU) 3.3.2 20031005 (Debian prerelease)GCC: (Buildroot 2012.02) 4.5.3A*aeabi 7-A A ,.shstrtab.interp.hash.dynsym.dynstr.rel.dyn.rel.plt.init.text.fini.rodata.ARM.exidx.eh_frame.init_array.fini_array.jcr.data.rel.ro.dynamic.got.data.bss.comment.ARM.attributes ((\  ! ) 02 ;$6Ĥ$ALL,|GȒMؒ]Up8'8 `@'@jv  IJIJHH0HMp+