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Output channel layout 0x%llx is invalid or unsupported. Requested resampling engine is unavailable Input channel layout has a different number of channels than the number of used channels, ignoring layout Using double precision mode Requested sample format %s is not supported internally, S16/S32/FLT/DBL is supported Resampling only supported with internal s16/s32/flt/dbl !s->in_ch_layoutInput channel count and layout are unset Rematrix is needed between %s and %s but there is not enough information to do it s->used_ch_counts->out.ch_counta->bpsa->ch_count!s->resamples->midbuf.ch_count == s->used_ch_counts->midbuf.ch_count == s->out.ch_counts->in.planars->dither.noise.ch_count == preout->ch_countContext has not been initialized discarding %d audio samples adding %d audio samples of silence Failed to compensate for timestamp delta of %f compensating audio timestamp drift:%f compensation:%d in:%d T$A@FGpH,ILJKpLLMNOPQ RS\^D][4TTDZY4WUVDA (B pC AD-EDME E}E"V@E>E+E@ EFD@FDGdyxd\4 $(@@@(@@TX0@@tX0@@P@@P@@(A(A,A,A TMFSA, TMFSA<@TMFSA\@TMFSAlpTMFSApTMFSAALHCCALHCC ALHCC ALHCC8;f?@@@(8;f?@@@<D4;f?@@@\p4;f?@@@<@@@@?@@@@?@@@D@@ 0A  0A   A , < `?AP ` XQ@P t  AP   AP   AP   AAP X 0 EAP T ` FAP   GAP   BAP   CAP < P DAP    A   8@  ?  ?(  ?8 D T?8 \ ` A8 t | A8   4@.@@@   ?$ 0 $GG  (?A4D,?A0A4A8CH@ A,4ADLAht@hAhAhAh @0@,@P@ě||7EU_  ,0 `  ԭ  o0 ooh oo oGCC: (GNU) 3.3.2 20031005 (Debian prerelease)GCC: (Buildroot 2012.02) 4.5.3A.aeabi$7-A A   ,.shstrtab.hash.dynsym.dynstr.gnu.version.gnu.version_d.gnu.version_r.rel.dyn.rel.plt.init.text.fini.rodata.ARM.exidx.eh_frame.init_array.fini_array.jcr.data.rel.ro.dynamic.got.data.bss.comment.ARM.attributes  ``  !o x.o0 0 8=oh h @L  U   ^Ydjphxp ((,,004488|, ԭ-..0.Mp.//