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Method Not Implemented

Invalid method in request

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Not Found

The requested URL %s was not found on this server.

Close%s: we got no content length, but the server wants to keep the connection open: %s.%s: bad header on %d%s: illegal connection state %d%s: bad acceptreply_callbacknameserver_pickserver_port_freenameserver_failed <,evdns_requests_pump_waiting_queuesearch_request_newevdns_add_server_portevdns_server_request_add_ptr_replyevdns_resolve_reverseevdns_resolve_reverse_ipv6evdns_resolv_conf_parseevdns.cglobal_good_nameservers == 0port!port->refcnt!port->pending_repliesclock_gettime%d.%d.%d.%dNameserver %s has failed: %sglobal_good_nameservers >= 0All nameservers have failedError from libevent when adding timer event for %sNameserver %s is back upError from libevent when adding event for %sSetting timeout for request %lxError from libevent when adding timer for request %lxreq_waiting_headRemoving timeout for request %lxRequest %lx timed outrequest timed out.Error %s (%d) while writing response to port; droppingError from libevent when adding event for DNS server.Added nameserver %sUnable to add nameserver %s: error %dSending probe to %swww.google.comtype == 1 || type == 28!is_tcpin || inaddr_name!(in && inaddr_name)%d.%d.%d.%d.in-addr.arpaError from libevent when adding event for DNS serverError %s (%d) while reading request. requested for %sResolve requested for %s (reverse)ip6.arpa0123456789abcdefndots:Setting ndots to %dtimeout:Setting timeout to %dmax-timeouts:Setting maximum allowed timeouts to %dmax-inflight:Setting maximum inflight requests to %dattempts:Setting retries to %d nameserverdomainsearchoptionsParsing resolv.conf file %sn < st.st_size/etc/resolv.confno errormisformatted queryserver failedname does not existquery not implementedrefusedreply truncated or ill-formedunknownrequest timed outdns subsystem shut down[Unknown error code]Bad response %d (%s)Got a SERVERFAILED from nameserver %s; will allow the request to time out.Search: trying raw query %sSearch: now trying %s (%d)Address mismatch on received DNS packet.evrpc_construct_urievrpc_request_timeoutevrpc_add_hookevrpc_remove_hookevrpc_unregister_rpcevrpc_freeevrpc_pool_freeevrpc_pool_add_connectionevrpc_make_request%s: failed to register rpc at %s/.rpc.evcon != ((void *)0)evrpc.chook_type == EVRPC_INPUT || hook_type == EVRPC_OUTPUThook != ((void *)0)evhttp_del_cb(base->http_server, registered_uri) == 0evrpc_unregister_rpc(base, rpc->uri)evrpc_remove_hook(base, EVRPC_INPUT, hook)evrpc_remove_hook(base, EVRPC_OUTPUT, hook)application/octet-streamService Errorevrpc_remove_hook(pool, EVRPC_INPUT, hook)evrpc_remove_hook(pool, EVRPC_OUTPUT, hook)connection->http_server == ((void *)0)((&pool->connections)->tqh_first) != ((void *)0)selectEVENT_NOSELECTreallocEVENT_NOPOLLepoll_waitEVENT_NOEPOLLepoll_createfcntl(%d, F_SETFD)epollevsignal_handlerevsignal_cbevsignal_initevsignal_addevsignal_addevsignal_del%s: received signal %d, but have no base configured%s: read%s: socketpairsigaction%s: EV_SIGNAL incompatible useevsignal >= 0 && evsignal < 65signal.c 0/TPȿ``\ph t    ( @ppxX HqpT$d#o`p((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((s@rGCC: (GNU) 3.3.2 20031005 (Debian prerelease)GCC: (Buildroot 2012.02) 4.5.3A*aeabi 7-A A ,.shstrtab.hash.dynsym.dynstr.rel.dyn.rel.plt.init.text.fini.rodata.eh_frame.init_array.fini_array.jcr.data.rel.ro.dynamic.got.data.bss.comment.ARM.attributes  XX xx ! d#d#* T$T$p3((.((9//?@@EPPMWpcpopt p T`p`HqHds sh 0Mp+D