/* Thread management routine * Copyright (C) 1998, 2000 Kunihiro Ishiguro * * This file is part of GNU Zebra. * * GNU Zebra is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the * Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any * later version. * * GNU Zebra is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with GNU Zebra; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free * Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA * 02111-1307, USA. */ /* #define DEBUG */ #include #include "thread.h" #include "memory.h" #include "log.h" /* Struct timeval's tv_usec one second value. */ #define TIMER_SECOND_MICRO 1000000L static struct timeval timeval_subtract (struct timeval a, struct timeval b) { struct timeval ret; ret.tv_usec = a.tv_usec - b.tv_usec; ret.tv_sec = a.tv_sec - b.tv_sec; while (ret.tv_usec < 0) { ret.tv_usec += TIMER_SECOND_MICRO; ret.tv_sec--; } return ret; } static int timeval_cmp (struct timeval a, struct timeval b) { return (a.tv_sec == b.tv_sec ? a.tv_usec - b.tv_usec : a.tv_sec - b.tv_sec); } static unsigned long timeval_elapsed (struct timeval a, struct timeval b) { return (((a.tv_sec - b.tv_sec) * TIMER_SECOND_MICRO) + (a.tv_usec - b.tv_usec)); } #ifdef FOX_RIP_DEBUG /* List allocation and head/tail print out. */ static void thread_list_debug (struct thread_list *list) { printf ("count [%d] head [%p] tail [%p]\n", list->count, list->head, list->tail); } /* Debug print for thread_master. */ void thread_master_debug (struct thread_master *m) { printf ("-----------\n"); printf ("readlist : "); thread_list_debug (&m->read); printf ("writelist : "); thread_list_debug (&m->write); printf ("timerlist : "); thread_list_debug (&m->timer); printf ("eventlist : "); thread_list_debug (&m->event); printf ("unuselist : "); thread_list_debug (&m->unuse); printf ("total alloc: [%ld]\n", m->alloc); printf ("-----------\n"); } #endif /* #ifdef FOX_RIP_DEBUG */ /* Allocate new thread master. */ struct thread_master * thread_master_create () { return (struct thread_master *) XCALLOC (MTYPE_THREAD_MASTER, sizeof (struct thread_master)); } /* Add a new thread to the list. */ static void thread_list_add (struct thread_list *list, struct thread *thread) { thread->next = NULL; thread->prev = list->tail; if (list->tail) list->tail->next = thread; else list->head = thread; list->tail = thread; list->count++; } /* Add a new thread just before the point. */ static void thread_list_add_before (struct thread_list *list, struct thread *point, struct thread *thread) { thread->next = point; thread->prev = point->prev; if (point->prev) point->prev->next = thread; else list->head = thread; point->prev = thread; list->count++; } /* Delete a thread from the list. */ static struct thread * thread_list_delete (struct thread_list *list, struct thread *thread) { if (thread->next) thread->next->prev = thread->prev; else list->tail = thread->prev; if (thread->prev) thread->prev->next = thread->next; else list->head = thread->next; thread->next = thread->prev = NULL; list->count--; return thread; } /* Move thread to unuse list. */ static void thread_add_unuse (struct thread_master *m, struct thread *thread) { assert (m != NULL); assert (thread->next == NULL); assert (thread->prev == NULL); assert (thread->type == THREAD_UNUSED); thread_list_add (&m->unuse, thread); } /* Free all unused thread. */ static void thread_list_free (struct thread_master *m, struct thread_list *list) { struct thread *t; struct thread *next; for (t = list->head; t; t = next) { next = t->next; XFREE (MTYPE_THREAD, t); list->count--; m->alloc--; } } /* Stop thread scheduler. */ void thread_master_free (struct thread_master *m) { thread_list_free (m, &m->read); thread_list_free (m, &m->write); thread_list_free (m, &m->timer); thread_list_free (m, &m->event); thread_list_free (m, &m->ready); thread_list_free (m, &m->unuse); XFREE (MTYPE_THREAD_MASTER, m); } /* Delete top of the list and return it. */ static struct thread * thread_trim_head (struct thread_list *list) { if (list->head) return thread_list_delete (list, list->head); return NULL; } /* Thread list is empty or not. */ int thread_empty (struct thread_list *list) { return list->head ? 0 : 1; } /* Return remain time in second. */ unsigned long thread_timer_remain_second (struct thread *thread) { struct timeval timer_now; gettimeofday (&timer_now, NULL); if (thread->u.sands.tv_sec - timer_now.tv_sec > 0) return thread->u.sands.tv_sec - timer_now.tv_sec; else return 0; } /* Get new thread. */ static struct thread * thread_get (struct thread_master *m, u_char type, int (*func) (struct thread *), void *arg) { struct thread *thread; if (m->unuse.head) thread = thread_trim_head (&m->unuse); else { thread = XCALLOC (MTYPE_THREAD, sizeof (struct thread)); m->alloc++; } thread->type = type; thread->master = m; thread->func = func; thread->arg = arg; return thread; } /* Add new read thread. */ struct thread * thread_add_read (struct thread_master *m, int (*func) (struct thread *), void *arg, int fd) { struct thread *thread; assert (m != NULL); if (FD_ISSET (fd, &m->readfd)) { #ifdef FOX_RIP_DEBUG zlog (NULL, LOG_WARNING, "There is already read fd [%d]", fd); #endif /* FOX_RIP_DEBUG */ return NULL; } thread = thread_get (m, THREAD_READ, func, arg); FD_SET (fd, &m->readfd); thread->u.fd = fd; thread_list_add (&m->read, thread); return thread; } /* Add new write thread. */ struct thread * thread_add_write (struct thread_master *m, int (*func) (struct thread *), void *arg, int fd) { struct thread *thread; assert (m != NULL); if (FD_ISSET (fd, &m->writefd)) { #ifdef FOX_RIP_DEBUG zlog (NULL, LOG_WARNING, "There is already write fd [%d]", fd); #endif return NULL; } thread = thread_get (m, THREAD_WRITE, func, arg); FD_SET (fd, &m->writefd); thread->u.fd = fd; thread_list_add (&m->write, thread); return thread; } /* Add timer event thread. */ struct thread * thread_add_timer (struct thread_master *m, int (*func) (struct thread *), void *arg, long timer) { struct timeval timer_now; struct thread *thread; #ifndef TIMER_NO_SORT struct thread *tt; #endif /* TIMER_NO_SORT */ assert (m != NULL); thread = thread_get (m, THREAD_TIMER, func, arg); /* Do we need jitter here? */ gettimeofday (&timer_now, NULL); timer_now.tv_sec += timer; thread->u.sands = timer_now; /* Sort by timeval. */ #ifdef TIMER_NO_SORT thread_list_add (&m->timer, thread); #else for (tt = m->timer.head; tt; tt = tt->next) if (timeval_cmp (thread->u.sands, tt->u.sands) <= 0) break; if (tt) thread_list_add_before (&m->timer, tt, thread); else thread_list_add (&m->timer, thread); #endif /* TIMER_NO_SORT */ return thread; } /* Add simple event thread. */ struct thread * thread_add_event (struct thread_master *m, int (*func) (struct thread *), void *arg, int val) { struct thread *thread; assert (m != NULL); thread = thread_get (m, THREAD_EVENT, func, arg); thread->u.val = val; thread_list_add (&m->event, thread); return thread; } /* Cancel thread from scheduler. */ void thread_cancel (struct thread *thread) { switch (thread->type) { case THREAD_READ: assert (FD_ISSET (thread->u.fd, &thread->master->readfd)); FD_CLR (thread->u.fd, &thread->master->readfd); thread_list_delete (&thread->master->read, thread); break; case THREAD_WRITE: assert (FD_ISSET (thread->u.fd, &thread->master->writefd)); FD_CLR (thread->u.fd, &thread->master->writefd); thread_list_delete (&thread->master->write, thread); break; case THREAD_TIMER: thread_list_delete (&thread->master->timer, thread); break; case THREAD_EVENT: thread_list_delete (&thread->master->event, thread); break; case THREAD_READY: thread_list_delete (&thread->master->ready, thread); break; default: break; } thread->type = THREAD_UNUSED; thread_add_unuse (thread->master, thread); } /* Delete all events which has argument value arg. */ void thread_cancel_event (struct thread_master *m, void *arg) { struct thread *thread; thread = m->event.head; while (thread) { struct thread *t; t = thread; thread = t->next; if (t->arg == arg) { thread_list_delete (&m->event, t); t->type = THREAD_UNUSED; thread_add_unuse (m, t); } } } #ifdef TIMER_NO_SORT struct timeval * thread_timer_wait (struct thread_master *m, struct timeval *timer_val) { struct timeval timer_now; struct timeval timer_min; struct timeval *timer_wait; gettimeofday (&timer_now, NULL); timer_wait = NULL; for (thread = m->timer.head; thread; thread = thread->next) { if (! timer_wait) timer_wait = &thread->u.sands; else if (timeval_cmp (thread->u.sands, *timer_wait) < 0) timer_wait = &thread->u.sands; } if (m->timer.head) { timer_min = *timer_wait; timer_min = timeval_subtract (timer_min, timer_now); if (timer_min.tv_sec < 0) { timer_min.tv_sec = 0; timer_min.tv_usec = 10; } timer_wait = &timer_min; } else timer_wait = NULL; if (timer_wait) { *timer_val = timer_wait; return timer_val; } return NULL; } #else /* ! TIMER_NO_SORT */ struct timeval * thread_timer_wait (struct thread_master *m, struct timeval *timer_val) { struct timeval timer_now; struct timeval timer_min; if (m->timer.head) { gettimeofday (&timer_now, NULL); timer_min = m->timer.head->u.sands; timer_min = timeval_subtract (timer_min, timer_now); if (timer_min.tv_sec < 0) { timer_min.tv_sec = 0; timer_min.tv_usec = 10; } *timer_val = timer_min; return timer_val; } return NULL; } #endif /* TIMER_NO_SORT */ struct thread * thread_run (struct thread_master *m, struct thread *thread, struct thread *fetch) { *fetch = *thread; thread->type = THREAD_UNUSED; thread_add_unuse (m, thread); return fetch; } int thread_process_fd (struct thread_master *m, struct thread_list *list, fd_set *fdset, fd_set *mfdset) { struct thread *thread; struct thread *next; int ready = 0; for (thread = list->head; thread; thread = next) { next = thread->next; if (FD_ISSET (THREAD_FD (thread), fdset)) { assert (FD_ISSET (THREAD_FD (thread), mfdset)); FD_CLR(THREAD_FD (thread), mfdset); thread_list_delete (list, thread); thread_list_add (&m->ready, thread); thread->type = THREAD_READY; ready++; } } return ready; } /* Fetch next ready thread. */ struct thread * thread_fetch (struct thread_master *m, struct thread *fetch) { int num; int ready; struct thread *thread; fd_set readfd; fd_set writefd; fd_set exceptfd; struct timeval timer_now; struct timeval timer_val; struct timeval *timer_wait; struct timeval timer_nowait; timer_nowait.tv_sec = 0; timer_nowait.tv_usec = 0; while (1) { /* Normal event is the highest priority. */ if ((thread = thread_trim_head (&m->event)) != NULL) return thread_run (m, thread, fetch); /* Execute timer. */ gettimeofday (&timer_now, NULL); for (thread = m->timer.head; thread; thread = thread->next) if (timeval_cmp (timer_now, thread->u.sands) >= 0) { thread_list_delete (&m->timer, thread); return thread_run (m, thread, fetch); } /* If there are any ready threads, process top of them. */ if ((thread = thread_trim_head (&m->ready)) != NULL) return thread_run (m, thread, fetch); /* Structure copy. */ readfd = m->readfd; writefd = m->writefd; exceptfd = m->exceptfd; /* Calculate select wait timer. */ timer_wait = thread_timer_wait (m, &timer_val); num = select (FD_SETSIZE, &readfd, &writefd, &exceptfd, timer_wait); if (num == 0) continue; if (num < 0) { if (errno == EINTR) continue; #ifdef FOX_RIP_DEBUG zlog_warn ("select() error: %s", strerror (errno)); #endif /* FOX_RIP_DEBUG */ return NULL; } /* Normal priority read thead. */ ready = thread_process_fd (m, &m->read, &readfd, &m->readfd); /* Write thead. */ ready = thread_process_fd (m, &m->write, &writefd, &m->writefd); if ((thread = thread_trim_head (&m->ready)) != NULL) return thread_run (m, thread, fetch); } } static unsigned long thread_consumed_time (RUSAGE_T *now, RUSAGE_T *start) { unsigned long thread_time; #ifdef HAVE_RUSAGE /* This is 'user + sys' time. */ thread_time = timeval_elapsed (now->ru_utime, start->ru_utime); thread_time += timeval_elapsed (now->ru_stime, start->ru_stime); #else /* When rusage is not available, simple elapsed time is used. */ thread_time = timeval_elapsed (*now, *start); #endif /* HAVE_RUSAGE */ return thread_time; } /* We should aim to yield after THREAD_YIELD_TIME_SLOT milliseconds. */ int thread_should_yield (struct thread *thread) { RUSAGE_T ru; GETRUSAGE (&ru); if (thread_consumed_time (&ru, &thread->ru) > THREAD_YIELD_TIME_SLOT) return 1; else return 0; } /* We check thread consumed time. If the system has getrusage, we'll use that to get indepth stats on the performance of the thread. If not - we'll use gettimeofday for some guestimation. */ void thread_call (struct thread *thread) { unsigned long thread_time; RUSAGE_T ru; GETRUSAGE (&thread->ru); (*thread->func) (thread); GETRUSAGE (&ru); thread_time = thread_consumed_time (&ru, &thread->ru); #ifdef THREAD_CONSUMED_TIME_CHECK if (thread_time > 200000L) { /* * We have a CPU Hog on our hands. * Whinge about it now, so we're aware this is yet another task * to fix. */ #ifdef FOX_RIP_DEBUG zlog_err ("CPU HOG task %lx ran for %ldms", /* FIXME: report the name of the function somehow */ (unsigned long) thread->func, thread_time / 1000L); #endif /* FOX_RIP_DEBUG */ } #endif /* THREAD_CONSUMED_TIME_CHECK */ } /* Execute thread */ struct thread * thread_execute (struct thread_master *m, int (*func)(struct thread *), void *arg, int val) { struct thread dummy; memset (&dummy, 0, sizeof (struct thread)); dummy.type = THREAD_EVENT; dummy.master = NULL; dummy.func = func; dummy.arg = arg; dummy.u.val = val; thread_call (&dummy); return NULL; }