/* * Packet interface * Copyright (C) 1999 Kunihiro Ishiguro * * This file is part of GNU Zebra. * * GNU Zebra is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the * Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any * later version. * * GNU Zebra is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with GNU Zebra; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free * Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA * 02111-1307, USA. */ #include #include "stream.h" #include "memory.h" #include "network.h" #include "prefix.h" /*A macro to check pointers in order to not go behind the allocated mem block S -- stream reference Z -- size of data to be written */ #define CHECK_SIZE(S, Z) \ if (((S)->putp + (Z)) > (S)->size) \ (Z) = (S)->size - (S)->putp; /* Stream is fixed length buffer for network output/input. */ /* Make stream buffer. */ struct stream * stream_new (size_t size) { struct stream *s; s = XCALLOC (MTYPE_STREAM, sizeof (struct stream)); s->data = XCALLOC (MTYPE_STREAM_DATA, size); s->size = size; return s; } /* Free it now. */ void stream_free (struct stream *s) { XFREE (MTYPE_STREAM_DATA, s->data); XFREE (MTYPE_STREAM, s); } #ifdef FOX_SUPPORT unsigned long stream_get_getp (struct stream *s) { return s->getp; } unsigned long stream_get_putp (struct stream *s) { return s->putp; } #endif /* FOX_SUPPORT */ unsigned long stream_get_endp (struct stream *s) { return s->endp; } #ifdef FOX_SUPPORT unsigned long stream_get_size (struct stream *s) { return s->size; } /* Stream structre' stream pointer related functions. */ void stream_set_getp (struct stream *s, unsigned long pos) { s->getp = pos; } void stream_set_putp (struct stream *s, unsigned long pos) { s->putp = pos; } #endif /* FOX_SUPPORT */ /* Forward pointer. */ void stream_forward (struct stream *s, int size) { s->getp += size; } /* Copy from stream to destination. */ void stream_get (void *dst, struct stream *s, size_t size) { memcpy (dst, s->data + s->getp, size); s->getp += size; } /* Get next character from the stream. */ u_char stream_getc (struct stream *s) { u_char c; c = s->data[s->getp]; s->getp++; return c; } #ifdef FOX_SUPPORT /* Get next character from the stream. */ u_char stream_getc_from (struct stream *s, unsigned long from) { u_char c; c = s->data[from]; return c; } #endif /* FOX_SUPPORT */ /* Get next word from the stream. */ u_int16_t stream_getw (struct stream *s) { u_int16_t w; w = s->data[s->getp++] << 8; w |= s->data[s->getp++]; return w; } #ifdef FOX_SUPPORT /* Get next word from the stream. */ u_int16_t stream_getw_from (struct stream *s, unsigned long from) { u_int16_t w; w = s->data[from++] << 8; w |= s->data[from]; return w; } #endif /* FOX_SUPPORT */ /* Get next long word from the stream. */ u_int32_t stream_getl (struct stream *s) { u_int32_t l; l = s->data[s->getp++] << 24; l |= s->data[s->getp++] << 16; l |= s->data[s->getp++] << 8; l |= s->data[s->getp++]; return l; } /* Get next long word from the stream. */ u_int32_t stream_get_ipv4 (struct stream *s) { u_int32_t l; memcpy (&l, s->data + s->getp, 4); s->getp += 4; return l; } /* Copy to source to stream. */ void stream_put (struct stream *s, void *src, size_t size) { CHECK_SIZE(s, size); if (src) memcpy (s->data + s->putp, src, size); else memset (s->data + s->putp, 0, size); s->putp += size; if (s->putp > s->endp) s->endp = s->putp; } /* Put character to the stream. */ int stream_putc (struct stream *s, u_char c) { if (s->putp >= s->size) return 0; s->data[s->putp] = c; s->putp++; if (s->putp > s->endp) s->endp = s->putp; return 1; } /* Put word to the stream. */ int stream_putw (struct stream *s, u_int16_t w) { if ((s->size - s->putp) < 2) return 0; s->data[s->putp++] = (u_char)(w >> 8); s->data[s->putp++] = (u_char) w; if (s->putp > s->endp) s->endp = s->putp; return 2; } /* Put long word to the stream. */ int stream_putl (struct stream *s, u_int32_t l) { if ((s->size - s->putp) < 4) return 0; s->data[s->putp++] = (u_char)(l >> 24); s->data[s->putp++] = (u_char)(l >> 16); s->data[s->putp++] = (u_char)(l >> 8); s->data[s->putp++] = (u_char)l; if (s->putp > s->endp) s->endp = s->putp; return 4; } int stream_putc_at (struct stream *s, unsigned long putp, u_char c) { s->data[putp] = c; return 1; } int stream_putw_at (struct stream *s, unsigned long putp, u_int16_t w) { s->data[putp] = (u_char)(w >> 8); s->data[putp + 1] = (u_char) w; return 2; } #ifdef FOX_SUPPORT int stream_putl_at (struct stream *s, unsigned long putp, u_int32_t l) { s->data[putp] = (u_char)(l >> 24); s->data[putp + 1] = (u_char)(l >> 16); s->data[putp + 2] = (u_char)(l >> 8); s->data[putp + 3] = (u_char)l; return 4; } #endif /* FOX_SUPPORT */ /* Put long word to the stream. */ int stream_put_ipv4 (struct stream *s, u_int32_t l) { if ((s->size - s->putp) < 4) return 0; memcpy (s->data + s->putp, &l, 4); s->putp += 4; if (s->putp > s->endp) s->endp = s->putp; return 4; } /* Put long word to the stream. */ int stream_put_in_addr (struct stream *s, struct in_addr *addr) { if ((s->size - s->putp) < 4) return 0; memcpy (s->data + s->putp, addr, 4); s->putp += 4; if (s->putp > s->endp) s->endp = s->putp; return 4; } #ifdef FOX_SUPPORT /* Put prefix by nlri type format. */ int stream_put_prefix (struct stream *s, struct prefix *p) { u_char psize; psize = PSIZE (p->prefixlen); if ((s->size - s->putp) < psize) return 0; stream_putc (s, p->prefixlen); memcpy (s->data + s->putp, &p->u.prefix, psize); s->putp += psize; if (s->putp > s->endp) s->endp = s->putp; return psize; } #endif /* FOX_SUPPORT */ /* Read size from fd. */ int stream_read (struct stream *s, int fd, size_t size) { int nbytes; nbytes = readn (fd, s->data + s->putp, size); if (nbytes > 0) { s->putp += nbytes; s->endp += nbytes; } return nbytes; } #ifdef FOX_SUPPORT /* Read size from fd. */ int stream_read_unblock (struct stream *s, int fd, size_t size) { int nbytes; int val; val = fcntl (fd, F_GETFL, 0); fcntl (fd, F_SETFL, val|O_NONBLOCK); nbytes = read (fd, s->data + s->putp, size); fcntl (fd, F_SETFL, val); if (nbytes > 0) { s->putp += nbytes; s->endp += nbytes; } return nbytes; } #endif /* FOX_SUPPORT */ /* Write data to buffer. */ int stream_write (struct stream *s, u_char *ptr, size_t size) { CHECK_SIZE(s, size); memcpy (s->data + s->putp, ptr, size); s->putp += size; if (s->putp > s->endp) s->endp = s->putp; return size; } #ifdef FOX_SUPPORT /* Return current read pointer. */ u_char * stream_pnt (struct stream *s) { return s->data + s->getp; } /* Check does this stream empty? */ int stream_empty (struct stream *s) { if (s->putp == 0 && s->endp == 0 && s->getp == 0) return 1; else return 0; } #endif /* FOX_SUPPORT */ /* Reset stream. */ void stream_reset (struct stream *s) { s->putp = 0; s->endp = 0; s->getp = 0; } /* Write stream contens to the file discriptor. */ int stream_flush (struct stream *s, int fd) { int nbytes; nbytes = write (fd, s->data + s->getp, s->endp - s->getp); return nbytes; } #ifdef FOX_SUPPORT /* Stream first in first out queue. */ struct stream_fifo * stream_fifo_new () { struct stream_fifo *new; new = XCALLOC (MTYPE_STREAM_FIFO, sizeof (struct stream_fifo)); return new; } /* Add new stream to fifo. */ void stream_fifo_push (struct stream_fifo *fifo, struct stream *s) { if (fifo->tail) fifo->tail->next = s; else fifo->head = s; fifo->tail = s; fifo->count++; } /* Delete first stream from fifo. */ struct stream * stream_fifo_pop (struct stream_fifo *fifo) { struct stream *s; s = fifo->head; if (s) { fifo->head = s->next; if (fifo->head == NULL) fifo->tail = NULL; } fifo->count--; return s; } /* Return first fifo entry. */ struct stream * stream_fifo_head (struct stream_fifo *fifo) { return fifo->head; } void stream_fifo_clean (struct stream_fifo *fifo) { struct stream *s; struct stream *next; for (s = fifo->head; s; s = next) { next = s->next; stream_free (s); } fifo->head = fifo->tail = NULL; fifo->count = 0; } void stream_fifo_free (struct stream_fifo *fifo) { stream_fifo_clean (fifo); XFREE (MTYPE_STREAM_FIFO, fifo); } #endif /* FOX_SUPPORT */