$! BUILDBZ2.COM $! $! Build procedure for LIBBZ2_NS support library used with the $! VMS versions of UnZip/ZipInfo and UnZipSFX $! $! Last revised: 2007-12-29 CS. $! $! Command args: $! - select compiler environment: "VAXC", "DECC", "GNUC" $! - select compiler listings: "LIST" Note that the whole argument $! is added to the compiler command, so more elaborate options $! like "LIST/SHOW=ALL" (quoted or space-free) may be specified. $! - supply additional compiler options: "CCOPTS=xxx" Allows the $! user to add compiler command options like /ARCHITECTURE or $! /[NO]OPTIMIZE. For example, CCOPTS=/ARCH=HOST/OPTI=TUNE=HOST $! or CCOPTS=/DEBUG/NOOPTI. These options must be quoted or $! space-free. $! $! To specify additional options, define the symbol LOCAL_BZIP2 $! as a comma-separated list of the C macros to be defined, and $! then run BUILDBZ2.COM. For example: $! $! $ LOCAL_BZIP2 = "RETURN_CODES" $! $ @ []BUILDBZ2.COM $! $! If you edit this procedure to set LOCAL_BZIP2 here, be sure to $! use only one "=", to avoid affecting other procedures. $! $! $ on error then goto error $ on control_y then goto error $ OLD_VERIFY = f$verify(0) $! $ edit := edit ! override customized edit commands $ say := write sys$output $! $!##################### Read settings from environment ######################## $! $ if (f$type(LOCAL_BZIP2) .eqs. "") $ then $ local_bzip2 = "" $ else ! Trim blanks and append comma if missing $ local_bzip2 = f$edit(local_bzip2, "TRIM") $ if (f$extract((f$length(local_bzip2) - 1), 1, local_bzip2) .nes. ",") $ then $ local_bzip2 = local_bzip2 + ", " $ endif $ endif $! $!##################### Customizing section ############################# $! $ unzx_unx = "UNZIP" $ unzx_cli = "UNZIP_CLI" $ unzsfx_unx = "UNZIPSFX" $ unzsfx_cli = "UNZIPSFX_CLI" $! $ CCOPTS = "" $ LINKOPTS = "/notraceback" $ LISTING = " /nolist" $ MAY_USE_DECC = 1 $ MAY_USE_GNUC = 0 $! $! Process command line parameters requesting optional features. $! $ arg_cnt = 1 $ argloop: $ current_arg_name = "P''arg_cnt'" $ curr_arg = f$edit( 'current_arg_name', "UPCASE") $ if (curr_arg .eqs. "") then goto argloop_out $! $ if (f$extract( 0, 5, curr_arg) .eqs. "CCOPT") $ then $ opts = f$edit( curr_arg, "COLLAPSE") $ eq = f$locate( "=", opts) $ CCOPTS = f$extract( (eq+ 1), 1000, opts) $ goto argloop_end $ endif $! $ if (f$extract( 0, 4, curr_arg) .eqs. "LIST") $ then $ LISTING = "/''curr_arg'" ! But see below for mods. $ goto argloop_end $ endif $! $ if (curr_arg .eqs. "VAXC") $ then $ MAY_USE_DECC = 0 $ MAY_USE_GNUC = 0 $ goto argloop_end $ endif $! $ if (curr_arg .eqs. "DECC") $ then $ MAY_USE_DECC = 1 $ MAY_USE_GNUC = 0 $ goto argloop_end $ endif $! $ if (curr_arg .eqs. "GNUC") $ then $ MAY_USE_DECC = 0 $ MAY_USE_GNUC = 1 $ goto argloop_end $ endif $! $ say "Unrecognized command-line option: ''curr_arg'" $ goto error $! $ argloop_end: $ arg_cnt = arg_cnt + 1 $ goto argloop $ argloop_out: $! $!####################################################################### $! $! Find out current disk, directory, compiler and options $! $ workdir = f$environment("default") $ here = f$parse(workdir, , , "device") + f$parse(workdir, , , "directory") $! $! Sense the host architecture (Alpha, Itanium, or VAX). $! $ if (f$getsyi("HW_MODEL") .lt. 1024) $ then $ arch = "VAX" $ else $ if (f$getsyi("ARCH_TYPE") .eq. 2) $ then $ arch = "ALPHA" $ else $ if (f$getsyi("ARCH_TYPE") .eq. 3) $ then $ arch = "IA64" $ else $ arch = "unknown_arch" $ endif $ endif $ endif $! $ dest = arch $ cmpl = "DEC/Compaq/HP C" $ opts = "" $ if (arch .nes. "VAX") $ then $ HAVE_DECC_VAX = 0 $ USE_DECC_VAX = 0 $! $ if (MAY_USE_GNUC) $ then $ say "GNU C is not supported for ''arch'." $ say "You must use DEC/Compaq/HP C to build UnZip." $ goto error $ endif $! $ if (.not. MAY_USE_DECC) $ then $ say "VAX C is not supported for ''arch'." $ say "You must use DEC/Compaq/HP C to build UnZip." $ goto error $ endif $! $ cc = "cc /standard=relax /prefix=all /ansi /names=(as_is)" $ defs = "''local_bzip2'" $ else $ HAVE_DECC_VAX = (f$search("SYS$SYSTEM:DECC$COMPILER.EXE") .nes. "") $ HAVE_VAXC_VAX = (f$search("SYS$SYSTEM:VAXC.EXE") .nes. "") $ MAY_HAVE_GNUC = (f$trnlnm("GNU_CC") .nes. "") $ if (HAVE_DECC_VAX .and. MAY_USE_DECC) $ then $ ! We use DECC: $ USE_DECC_VAX = 1 $ cc = "cc /decc /prefix=all /names=(as_is)" $ defs = "''local_bzip2'" $ else $ ! We use VAXC (or GNU C): $ USE_DECC_VAX = 0 $ defs = "''local_bzip2'" $ if ((.not. HAVE_VAXC_VAX .and. MAY_HAVE_GNUC) .or. MAY_USE_GNUC) $ then $ cc = "gcc" $ dest = "''dest'G" $ cmpl = "GNU C" $ opts = "GNU_CC:[000000]GCCLIB.OLB /LIBRARY," $ else $ if (HAVE_DECC_VAX) $ then $ cc = "cc /vaxc" $ else $ cc = "cc" $ endif $ dest = "''dest'V" $ cmpl = "VAX C" $ endif $ endif $ endif $! $! Reveal the plan. If compiling, set some compiler options. $! $ say "Compiling bzip2 on ''arch' using ''cmpl'." $! $ DEF_NS = "/define = (''defs'BZ_NO_STDIO, VMS)" $! $! If [.'dest'] does not exist, either complain (link-only) or make it. $! $ if (f$search("''dest'.dir;1") .eqs. "") $ then $ create /directory [.'dest'] $ endif $! $! Arrange to get arch-specific list file placement, if listing, and if $! the user didn't specify a particular "/LIST =" destination. $! $ L = f$edit(LISTING, "COLLAPSE") $ if ((f$extract(0, 5, L) .eqs. "/LIST") .and. - (f$extract(4, 1, L) .nes. "=")) $ then $ LISTING = " /LIST = [.''dest']" + f$extract(5, 1000, LISTING) $ endif $! $! Define compiler command. $! $ cc = cc + " /include = ([])" + LISTING + CCOPTS $! $! Show interesting facts. $! $ say " architecture = ''arch' (destination = [.''dest'])" $ say " cc = ''cc'" $ say "" $! $ tmp = f$verify( 1) ! Turn echo on to see what's happening. $! $!------------------------------- BZip2 section ------------------------------ $! $! Compile the sources. $! $ cc 'DEF_NS' /object = [.'dest']blocksort.OBJ blocksort.c $ cc 'DEF_NS' /object = [.'dest']huffman.OBJ huffman.c $ cc 'DEF_NS' /object = [.'dest']crctable.OBJ crctable.c $ cc 'DEF_NS' /object = [.'dest']randtable.OBJ randtable.c $ cc 'DEF_NS' /object = [.'dest']compress.OBJ compress.c $ cc 'DEF_NS' /object = [.'dest']decompress.OBJ decompress.c $ cc 'DEF_NS' /object = [.'dest']bzlib.OBJ bzlib.c $! $! Create the object library. $! $ if (f$search( "[.''dest']LIBBZ2_NS.OLB") .eqs. "") then - libr /object /create [.'dest']LIBBZ2_NS.OLB $! $ libr /object /replace [.'dest']LIBBZ2_NS.OLB - [.'dest']blocksort.OBJ, - [.'dest']huffman.OBJ, - [.'dest']crctable.OBJ, - [.'dest']randtable.OBJ, - [.'dest']compress.OBJ, - [.'dest']decompress.OBJ, - [.'dest']bzlib.OBJ $! $! Restore the original default directory, deassign the temporary $! logical names, and restore the DCL verify status. $! $ error: $! $ if (f$type(here) .nes. "") $ then $ if (here .nes. "") $ then $ set default 'here' $ endif $ endif $! $ if (f$type(OLD_VERIFY) .nes. "") $ then $ tmp = f$verify(OLD_VERIFY) $ endif $! $ exit $!