/* * MacChineseTrad * Copyright (C) TSUBAKIMOTO Hiroya 2004 * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. * * Reference * http://www.unicode.org/Public/MAPPINGS/VENDORS/APPLE/ */ static const u_int16_t mac_chinese_trad_uni2_page00[][2] = { /* 0x00a */ { 0x0201, 0 }, { 0x0080, 2 }, }; static const u_int16_t mac_chinese_trad_uni2_page20[][2] = { /* 0x202 */ { 0x0044, 3 }, }; static const u_int16_t mac_chinese_trad_uni2_page21[][2] = { /* 0x212 */ { 0x0004, 5 }, }; static const u_int16_t mac_chinese_trad_uni2_page22[][2] = { /* 0x229 */ { 0x0020, 6 }, { 0x0000, 0 }, { 0x0000, 0 }, /* 0x22c */ { 0x0000, 0 }, { 0x0000, 0 }, { 0x8000, 7 }, }; static const u_int16_t mac_chinese_trad_uni2_page25[][2] = { /* 0x259 */ { 0x0020, 8 }, }; static const u_int16_t mac_chinese_trad_uni2_page26[][2] = { /* 0x264 */ { 0x0002, 9 }, }; static const u_int16_t mac_chinese_trad_uni2_pagee0[][2] = { /* 0xe00 */ { 0xffff, 10 }, { 0x00ff, 26 }, }; static const u_int16_t mac_chinese_trad_uni2_pagef8[][2] = { /* 0xf88 */ { 0x0003, 34 }, }; static const u_int16_t mac_chinese_trad_uni2_pagefe[][2] = { /* 0xfe4 */ { 0x1000, 36 }, { 0x7ef5, 37 }, }; static const u_int16_t mac_chinese_trad_uni2_pageff[][2] = { /* 0xff6 */ { 0x0010, 49 }, }; static const cjk_index_t mac_chinese_trad_uni2_index[] = { { { 0x00a0, 0x00bf }, mac_chinese_trad_uni2_page00 }, { { 0x2020, 0x202f }, mac_chinese_trad_uni2_page20 }, { { 0x2120, 0x212f }, mac_chinese_trad_uni2_page21 }, { { 0x2290, 0x22ef }, mac_chinese_trad_uni2_page22 }, { { 0x2590, 0x259f }, mac_chinese_trad_uni2_page25 }, { { 0x2640, 0x264f }, mac_chinese_trad_uni2_page26 }, { { 0xe000, 0xe01f }, mac_chinese_trad_uni2_pagee0 }, { { 0xf880, 0xf88f }, mac_chinese_trad_uni2_pagef8 }, { { 0xfe40, 0xfe5f }, mac_chinese_trad_uni2_pagefe }, { { 0xff60, 0xff6f }, mac_chinese_trad_uni2_pageff }, { { 0, 0 }, NULL } }; static const u_int16_t mac_chinese_trad_uni2_charset[] = { 0x00a0, 0x00fd, 0xa145, 0xffff, 0x00ff, 0x00fe, 0xa1f2, 0xa14b, 0xffff, 0xffff, 0x0080, 0xa1c3, 0xa279, 0xa14e, 0xa1a3, 0xa1a4, 0xa2cc, 0xa2ce, 0xa1cb, 0xa154, 0xa17d, 0xa17e, 0xa14d, 0xa14f, 0xa150, 0xa1fe, 0xa152, 0xa151, 0xa153, 0xa240, 0xa1c5, 0xa15a, 0xa1a1, 0xa1a2, 0x0081, 0x0082, 0xffff, 0xffff, 0xffff, 0xffff, 0xffff, 0xffff, 0xffff, 0xffff, 0xffff, 0xffff, 0xffff, 0xffff, 0xffff, 0xffff, }; static const u_int16_t mac_chinese_trad_2uni_page00[][2] = { /* 0x008 */ { 0x0007, 0 }, { 0x0000, 0 }, { 0x0001, 3 }, { 0x0000, 0 }, /* 0x00c */ { 0x0000, 0 }, { 0x0000, 0 }, { 0x0000, 0 }, { 0xe000, 4 }, }; static const u_int16_t mac_chinese_trad_2uni_pagea1[][2] = { /* 0xa14 */ { 0xe820, 7 }, { 0x041f, 12 }, { 0x0000, 0 }, { 0x6000, 18 }, /* 0xa18 */ { 0x0000, 0 }, { 0x0000, 0 }, { 0x001e, 20 }, { 0x0000, 0 }, /* 0xa1c */ { 0x0828, 24 }, { 0x0000, 0 }, { 0x0000, 0 }, { 0x4004, 27 }, /* 0xa20 */ { 0x0000, 0 }, { 0x0000, 0 }, { 0x0000, 0 }, { 0x0000, 0 }, /* 0xa24 */ { 0x0001, 29 }, { 0x0000, 0 }, { 0x0000, 0 }, { 0x0200, 30 }, /* 0xa28 */ { 0x0000, 0 }, { 0x0000, 0 }, { 0x0000, 0 }, { 0x0000, 0 }, /* 0xa2c */ { 0x5000, 31 }, }; static const cjk_index_t mac_chinese_trad_2uni_index[] = { { { 0x0080, 0x00ff }, mac_chinese_trad_2uni_page00 }, { { 0xa140, 0xa2cf }, mac_chinese_trad_2uni_pagea1 }, { { 0, 0 }, NULL } }; static const u_int16_t mac_chinese_trad_2uni_charset[] = { 0xe000, 0xf880, 0xf881, 0x00a0, 0x00a9, 0x2122, 0x2026, 0x00b7, 0x22ef, 0xe00c, 0xe003, 0xe00d, 0xe00e, 0xe011, 0xe010, 0xe012, 0xe009, 0xe015, 0xe00a, 0xe00b, 0xe016, 0xe017, 0xe004, 0xe005, 0xe001, 0xe014, 0xe008, 0x2295, 0xe00f, 0xe013, 0xe002, 0xe006, 0xe007, }; static const u_int32_t mac_chinese_trad_compose[] = { 0x005cf87f, 0x203ef87c, 0x2502f87f, 0x3001f87d, 0x3014f87f, 0x3015f87f, 0x5341f87f, 0x5345f87f, 0xfe4bf87c, 0xff01f87d, 0xff08f87f, 0xff09f87f, 0xff0cf87d, 0xff0ef87d, 0xff0ef87e, 0xff0ff87f, 0xff1af87d, 0xff1bf87d, 0xff1ff87d, 0xff3cf87f, 0xff3ff87c, 0xff3ff87f, 0xff5bf87f, 0xff5df87f, };