/* $Id: extattrs.c,v 1.29 2010-01-05 12:06:33 franklahm Exp $ Copyright (c) 2009 Frank Lahm This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif /* HAVE_CONFIG_H */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "volume.h" #include "desktop.h" #include "directory.h" #include "fork.h" #include "extattrs.h" static const char *ea_finderinfo = "com.apple.FinderInfo"; static const char *ea_resourcefork = "com.apple.ResourceFork"; /* This should be big enough to consecutively store the names of all attributes */ static char attrnamebuf[ATTRNAMEBUFSIZ]; #ifdef DEBUG static void hexdump(void *m, size_t l) { char *p = m; int count = 0, len; char buf[100]; char *bufp = buf; while (l--) { len = sprintf(bufp, "%02x ", *p++); bufp += len; count++; if ((count % 16) == 0) { LOG(log_debug9, logtype_afpd, "%s", buf); bufp = buf; } } } #endif /*************************************** * AFP funcs ****************************************/ /* Note: we're being called twice. Firstly the client only want the size of all EA names, secondly it wants these names. In order to avoid scanning EAs twice we cache them in a static buffer. */ int afp_listextattr(AFPObj *obj _U_, char *ibuf, size_t ibuflen _U_, char *rbuf, size_t *rbuflen) { int ret, oflag = 0, adflags = 0; uint16_t vid, bitmap, uint16; uint32_t did, maxreply, tmpattr; struct vol *vol; struct dir *dir; struct path *s_path; struct stat *st; struct adouble ad, *adp = NULL; char *uname, *FinderInfo; char emptyFinderInfo[32] = { 0 }; static int buf_valid = 0; static size_t attrbuflen = 0; *rbuflen = 0; ibuf += 2; /* Get Bitmap and MaxReplySize first */ memcpy( &bitmap, ibuf +6, sizeof(bitmap)); bitmap = ntohs( bitmap ); memcpy( &maxreply, ibuf + 14, sizeof (maxreply)); maxreply = ntohl( maxreply ); /* If its the first request with maxreply=0 or if we didn't mark our buffers valid for whatever reason (just a safety check, it should be valid), then scan for attributes */ if ((maxreply == 0) || (buf_valid == 0)) { attrbuflen = 0; memcpy( &vid, ibuf, sizeof(vid)); ibuf += sizeof(vid); if (NULL == ( vol = getvolbyvid( vid )) ) { LOG(log_debug, logtype_afpd, "afp_listextattr: getvolbyvid error: %s", strerror(errno)); return AFPERR_ACCESS; } memcpy( &did, ibuf, sizeof(did)); ibuf += sizeof(did); if (NULL == ( dir = dirlookup( vol, did )) ) { LOG(log_debug, logtype_afpd, "afp_listextattr: dirlookup error: %s", strerror(errno)); return afp_errno; } if (bitmap & kXAttrNoFollow) oflag = O_NOFOLLOW; /* Skip Bitmap, ReqCount, StartIndex and maxreply*/ ibuf += 12; /* get name */ if (NULL == ( s_path = cname( vol, dir, &ibuf )) ) { LOG(log_debug, logtype_afpd, "afp_listextattr: cname error: %s", strerror(errno)); return AFPERR_NOOBJ; } st = &s_path->st; if (!s_path->st_valid) { /* it's a dir in our cache, we didn't stat it, do it now */ of_statdir(vol, s_path); } if ( s_path->st_errno != 0 ) { return( AFPERR_NOOBJ ); } adp = of_ad(vol, s_path, &ad); uname = s_path->u_name; /* We have to check the FinderInfo for the file, because if they aren't all 0 we must return the synthetic attribute "com.apple.FinderInfo". Note: the client will never (never seen in traces) request that attribute via FPGetExtAttr ! */ if (S_ISDIR(st->st_mode)) adflags = ADFLAGS_DIR; if ( ad_metadata( uname, adflags, adp) < 0 ) { switch (errno) { case ENOENT: adp = NULL; break; case EACCES: LOG(log_error, logtype_afpd, "afp_listextattr(%s): %s: check resource fork permission?", uname, strerror(errno)); return AFPERR_ACCESS; default: LOG(log_error, logtype_afpd, "afp_listextattr(%s): error getting metadata: %s", uname, strerror(errno)); return AFPERR_MISC; } } if (adp) { FinderInfo = ad_entry(adp, ADEID_FINDERI); /* Check if FinderInfo equals default and empty FinderInfo*/ if (memcmp(FinderInfo, emptyFinderInfo, 32) != 0) { /* FinderInfo contains some non 0 bytes -> include "com.apple.FinderInfo" */ strcpy(attrnamebuf, ea_finderinfo); attrbuflen += strlen(ea_finderinfo) + 1; LOG(log_debug7, logtype_afpd, "afp_listextattr(%s): sending com.apple.FinderInfo", uname); } /* Now check for Ressource fork and add virtual EA "com.apple.ResourceFork" if size > 0 */ LOG(log_debug7, logtype_afpd, "afp_listextattr(%s): Ressourcefork size: %llu", uname, adp->ad_rlen); if (adp->ad_rlen > 0) { LOG(log_debug7, logtype_afpd, "afp_listextattr(%s): sending com.apple.RessourceFork.", uname); strcpy(attrnamebuf + attrbuflen, ea_resourcefork); attrbuflen += strlen(ea_resourcefork) + 1; } } ret = vol->vfs->vfs_ea_list(vol, attrnamebuf, &attrbuflen, uname, oflag); switch (ret) { case AFPERR_BADTYPE: /* its a symlink and client requested O_NOFOLLOW */ LOG(log_debug, logtype_afpd, "afp_listextattr(%s): encountered symlink with kXAttrNoFollow", uname); attrbuflen = 0; buf_valid = 0; ret = AFP_OK; goto exit; case AFPERR_MISC: attrbuflen = 0; goto exit; default: buf_valid = 1; } } /* Start building reply packet */ bitmap = htons(bitmap); memcpy( rbuf, &bitmap, sizeof(bitmap)); rbuf += sizeof(bitmap); *rbuflen += sizeof(bitmap); tmpattr = htonl(attrbuflen); memcpy( rbuf, &tmpattr, sizeof(tmpattr)); rbuf += sizeof(tmpattr); *rbuflen += sizeof(tmpattr); /* Only copy buffer if the client asked for it (2nd request, maxreply>0) and we didnt have an error (buf_valid) */ if (maxreply && buf_valid) { memcpy( rbuf, attrnamebuf, attrbuflen); *rbuflen += attrbuflen; buf_valid = 0; } ret = AFP_OK; exit: if (ret != AFP_OK) buf_valid = 0; if (adp) ad_close_metadata( adp); return ret; } static char *to_stringz(char *ibuf, uint16_t len) { static char attrmname[256]; if (len > 255) /* dont fool with us */ len = 255; /* we must copy the name as its not 0-terminated and I DONT WANT TO WRITE to ibuf */ strlcpy(attrmname, ibuf, len + 1); return attrmname; } int afp_getextattr(AFPObj *obj _U_, char *ibuf, size_t ibuflen _U_, char *rbuf, size_t *rbuflen) { int ret, oflag = 0; uint16_t vid, bitmap, attrnamelen; uint32_t did, maxreply; char attruname[256]; struct vol *vol; struct dir *dir; struct path *s_path; *rbuflen = 0; ibuf += 2; memcpy( &vid, ibuf, sizeof(vid)); ibuf += sizeof(vid); if (NULL == ( vol = getvolbyvid( vid )) ) { LOG(log_debug, logtype_afpd, "afp_getextattr: getvolbyvid error: %s", strerror(errno)); return AFPERR_ACCESS; } memcpy( &did, ibuf, sizeof(did)); ibuf += sizeof(did); if (NULL == ( dir = dirlookup( vol, did )) ) { LOG(log_debug, logtype_afpd, "afp_getextattr: dirlookup error: %s", strerror(errno)); return afp_errno; } memcpy( &bitmap, ibuf, sizeof(bitmap)); bitmap = ntohs( bitmap ); ibuf += sizeof(bitmap); if (bitmap & kXAttrNoFollow) oflag = O_NOFOLLOW; /* Skip Offset and ReqCount */ ibuf += 16; /* Get MaxReply */ memcpy(&maxreply, ibuf, sizeof(maxreply)); maxreply = ntohl(maxreply); ibuf += sizeof(maxreply); /* get name */ if (NULL == ( s_path = cname( vol, dir, &ibuf )) ) { LOG(log_debug, logtype_afpd, "afp_getextattr: cname error: %s", strerror(errno)); return AFPERR_NOOBJ; } if ((unsigned long)ibuf & 1) ibuf++; /* get length of EA name */ memcpy(&attrnamelen, ibuf, sizeof(attrnamelen)); attrnamelen = ntohs(attrnamelen); ibuf += sizeof(attrnamelen); LOG(log_debug, logtype_afpd, "afp_getextattr(%s): EA: %s", s_path->u_name, to_stringz(ibuf, attrnamelen)); /* Convert EA name in utf8 to unix charset */ if ( 0 >= convert_string(CH_UTF8_MAC, obj->options.unixcharset, ibuf, attrnamelen, attruname, 256) ) return AFPERR_MISC; /* write bitmap now */ bitmap = htons(bitmap); memcpy(rbuf, &bitmap, sizeof(bitmap)); rbuf += sizeof(bitmap); *rbuflen += sizeof(bitmap); /* Switch on maxreply: if its 0 we must return the size of the requested attribute, if its non 0 we must return the attribute. */ if (maxreply == 0) ret = vol->vfs->vfs_ea_getsize(vol, rbuf, rbuflen, s_path->u_name, oflag, attruname); else ret = vol->vfs->vfs_ea_getcontent(vol, rbuf, rbuflen, s_path->u_name, oflag, attruname, maxreply); return ret; } int afp_setextattr(AFPObj *obj _U_, char *ibuf, size_t ibuflen _U_, char *rbuf _U_, size_t *rbuflen) { int oflag = 0, ret; uint16_t vid, bitmap, attrnamelen; uint32_t did, attrsize; char attruname[256]; char *attrmname; struct vol *vol; struct dir *dir; struct path *s_path; *rbuflen = 0; ibuf += 2; memcpy( &vid, ibuf, sizeof(vid)); ibuf += sizeof(vid); if (NULL == ( vol = getvolbyvid( vid )) ) { LOG(log_debug, logtype_afpd, "afp_setextattr: getvolbyvid error: %s", strerror(errno)); return AFPERR_ACCESS; } memcpy( &did, ibuf, sizeof(did)); ibuf += sizeof(did); if (NULL == ( dir = dirlookup( vol, did )) ) { LOG(log_debug, logtype_afpd, "afp_setextattr: dirlookup error: %s", strerror(errno)); return afp_errno; } memcpy( &bitmap, ibuf, sizeof(bitmap)); bitmap = ntohs( bitmap ); ibuf += sizeof(bitmap); if (bitmap & kXAttrNoFollow) oflag |= O_NOFOLLOW; if (bitmap & kXAttrCreate) oflag |= O_CREAT; else if (bitmap & kXAttrReplace) oflag |= O_TRUNC; /* Skip Offset */ ibuf += 8; /* get name */ if (NULL == ( s_path = cname( vol, dir, &ibuf )) ) { LOG(log_debug, logtype_afpd, "afp_setextattr: cname error: %s", strerror(errno)); return AFPERR_NOOBJ; } if ((unsigned long)ibuf & 1) ibuf++; /* get length of EA name */ memcpy(&attrnamelen, ibuf, sizeof(attrnamelen)); attrnamelen = ntohs(attrnamelen); ibuf += sizeof(attrnamelen); if (attrnamelen > 255) return AFPERR_PARAM; attrmname = ibuf; /* Convert EA name in utf8 to unix charset */ if ( 0 >= convert_string(CH_UTF8_MAC, obj->options.unixcharset, attrmname, attrnamelen, attruname, 256)) return AFPERR_MISC; ibuf += attrnamelen; /* get EA size */ memcpy(&attrsize, ibuf, sizeof(attrsize)); attrsize = ntohl(attrsize); ibuf += sizeof(attrsize); if (attrsize > MAX_EA_SIZE) /* we arbitrarily make this fatal */ return AFPERR_PARAM; LOG(log_debug, logtype_afpd, "afp_setextattr(%s): EA: %s, size: %u", s_path->u_name, to_stringz(attrmname, attrnamelen), attrsize); ret = vol->vfs->vfs_ea_set(vol, s_path->u_name, attruname, ibuf, attrsize, oflag); return ret; } int afp_remextattr(AFPObj *obj _U_, char *ibuf, size_t ibuflen _U_, char *rbuf _U_, size_t *rbuflen) { int oflag = 0, ret; uint16_t vid, bitmap, attrnamelen; uint32_t did; char attruname[256]; struct vol *vol; struct dir *dir; struct path *s_path; *rbuflen = 0; ibuf += 2; memcpy( &vid, ibuf, sizeof(vid)); ibuf += sizeof(vid); if (NULL == ( vol = getvolbyvid( vid )) ) { LOG(log_debug, logtype_afpd, "afp_remextattr: getvolbyvid error: %s", strerror(errno)); return AFPERR_ACCESS; } memcpy( &did, ibuf, sizeof(did)); ibuf += sizeof(did); if (NULL == ( dir = dirlookup( vol, did )) ) { LOG(log_debug, logtype_afpd, "afp_remextattr: dirlookup error: %s", strerror(errno)); return afp_errno; } memcpy( &bitmap, ibuf, sizeof(bitmap)); bitmap = ntohs( bitmap ); ibuf += sizeof(bitmap); if (bitmap & kXAttrNoFollow) oflag |= O_NOFOLLOW; /* get name */ if (NULL == ( s_path = cname( vol, dir, &ibuf )) ) { LOG(log_debug, logtype_afpd, "afp_setextattr: cname error: %s", strerror(errno)); return AFPERR_NOOBJ; } if ((unsigned long)ibuf & 1) ibuf++; /* get length of EA name */ memcpy(&attrnamelen, ibuf, sizeof(attrnamelen)); attrnamelen = ntohs(attrnamelen); ibuf += sizeof(attrnamelen); if (attrnamelen > 255) return AFPERR_PARAM; /* Convert EA name in utf8 to unix charset */ if ( 0 >= (convert_string(CH_UTF8_MAC, obj->options.unixcharset,ibuf, attrnamelen, attruname, 256)) ) return AFPERR_MISC; LOG(log_debug, logtype_afpd, "afp_remextattr(%s): EA: %s", s_path->u_name, to_stringz(ibuf, attrnamelen)); ret = vol->vfs->vfs_ea_remove(vol, s_path->u_name, attruname, oflag); return ret; }