/* * $Id: afp_asp.c,v 1.29 2010-03-09 06:55:12 franklahm Exp $ * * Copyright (c) 1997 Adrian Sun (asun@zoology.washington.edu) * Copyright (c) 1990,1993 Regents of The University of Michigan. * All Rights Reserved. See COPYRIGHT. * * modified from main.c. this handles afp over asp. */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif /* HAVE_CONFIG_H */ #ifndef NO_DDP #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef HAVE_SYS_TIME_H #include #endif /* HAVE_SYS_TIME_H */ #ifdef HAVE_SYS_STAT_H #include #endif /* HAVE_SYS_STAT_H */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "switch.h" #include "auth.h" #include "fork.h" #ifdef FORCE_UIDGID #warning UIDGID #include "uid.h" #endif /* FORCE_UIDGID */ static AFPObj *child; static void afp_authprint_remove(AFPObj *); static void afp_asp_close(AFPObj *obj) { ASP asp = obj->handle; if (seteuid( obj->uid ) < 0) { LOG(log_error, logtype_afpd, "can't seteuid back %s", strerror(errno)); exit(EXITERR_SYS); } close_all_vol(); if (obj->options.authprintdir) afp_authprint_remove(obj); if (obj->logout) (*obj->logout)(); LOG(log_info, logtype_afpd, "%.2fKB read, %.2fKB written", asp->read_count / 1024.0, asp->write_count / 1024.0); asp_close( asp ); } /* removes the authprint trailing when appropriate */ static void afp_authprint_remove(AFPObj *obj) { ASP asp = obj->handle; char addr_filename[256]; char addr_filename_buff[256]; struct stat cap_st; sprintf(addr_filename, "%s/net%d.%dnode%d", obj->options.authprintdir, ntohs( asp->asp_sat.sat_addr.s_net )/256, ntohs( asp->asp_sat.sat_addr.s_net )%256, asp->asp_sat.sat_addr.s_node ); memset( addr_filename_buff, 0, 256 ); if (stat(addr_filename, &cap_st) == 0) { if( S_ISREG(cap_st.st_mode) ) { int len; int capfd = open( addr_filename, O_RDONLY ); if ((len = read( capfd, addr_filename_buff, 256 )) > 0) { int file_pid; char *p_filepid; addr_filename_buff[len] = 0; if ( (p_filepid = strrchr(addr_filename_buff, ':')) != NULL) { *p_filepid = '\0'; p_filepid++; file_pid = atoi(p_filepid); if (file_pid == (int)getpid()) { if(unlink(addr_filename) == 0) { LOG(log_info, logtype_afpd, "removed %s", addr_filename); } else { LOG(log_info, logtype_afpd, "error removing %s: %s", addr_filename, strerror(errno)); } } else { LOG(log_info, logtype_afpd, "%s belongs to another pid %d", addr_filename, file_pid ); } } else { /* no pid info */ if (unlink(addr_filename) == 0) { LOG(log_info, logtype_afpd, "removed %s", addr_filename ); } else { LOG(log_info, logtype_afpd, "error removing %s: %s", addr_filename, strerror(errno)); } } } else { LOG(log_info, logtype_afpd, "couldn't read data from %s", addr_filename ); } if (capfd != -1) close(capfd); } else { LOG(log_info, logtype_afpd, "%s is not a regular file", addr_filename ); } } else { LOG(log_info, logtype_afpd, "error stat'ing %s: %s", addr_filename, strerror(errno)); } } /* ------------------------ * SIGTERM */ static void afp_asp_die(const int sig) { ASP asp = child->handle; asp_attention(asp, AFPATTN_SHUTDOWN); if ( asp_shutdown( asp ) < 0 ) { LOG(log_error, logtype_afpd, "afp_die: asp_shutdown: %s", strerror(errno) ); } afp_asp_close(child); if (sig == SIGTERM || sig == SIGALRM) exit( 0 ); else exit(sig); } /* ----------------------------- * SIGUSR1 */ static void afp_asp_timedown(int sig _U_) { struct sigaction sv; struct itimerval it; /* shutdown and don't reconnect. server going down in 5 minutes. */ asp_attention(child->handle, AFPATTN_SHUTDOWN | AFPATTN_NORECONNECT | AFPATTN_TIME(5)); it.it_interval.tv_sec = 0; it.it_interval.tv_usec = 0; it.it_value.tv_sec = 300; it.it_value.tv_usec = 0; if ( setitimer( ITIMER_REAL, &it, NULL ) < 0 ) { LOG(log_error, logtype_afpd, "afp_timedown: setitimer: %s", strerror(errno) ); afp_asp_die(EXITERR_SYS); } memset(&sv, 0, sizeof(sv)); sv.sa_handler = afp_asp_die; sigemptyset( &sv.sa_mask ); sigaddset(&sv.sa_mask, SIGHUP); sigaddset(&sv.sa_mask, SIGTERM); sv.sa_flags = SA_RESTART; if ( sigaction( SIGALRM, &sv, NULL ) < 0 ) { LOG(log_error, logtype_afpd, "afp_timedown: sigaction: %s", strerror(errno) ); afp_asp_die(EXITERR_SYS); } /* ignore myself */ sv.sa_handler = SIG_IGN; sigemptyset( &sv.sa_mask ); sv.sa_flags = SA_RESTART; if ( sigaction( SIGUSR1, &sv, NULL ) < 0 ) { LOG(log_error, logtype_afpd, "afp_timedown: sigaction SIGUSR1: %s", strerror(errno) ); afp_asp_die(EXITERR_SYS); } } /* --------------------------------- * SIGHUP reload configuration file */ extern volatile int reload_request; static void afp_asp_reload(int sig _U_) { reload_request = 1; } /* ---------------------- */ #ifdef SERVERTEXT static void afp_asp_getmesg (int sig _U_) { readmessage(child); asp_attention(child->handle, AFPATTN_MESG | AFPATTN_TIME(5)); } #endif /* SERVERTEXT */ /* ---------------------- */ void afp_over_asp(AFPObj *obj) { ASP asp; struct sigaction action; int func, reply = 0; #ifdef DEBUG1 int ccnt = 0; #endif AFPobj = obj; obj->exit = afp_asp_die; obj->reply = (int (*)()) asp_cmdreply; obj->attention = (int (*)(void *, AFPUserBytes)) asp_attention; child = obj; asp = (ASP) obj->handle; /* install signal handlers * With ASP tickle handler is done in the parent process */ memset(&action, 0, sizeof(action)); /* install SIGHUP */ action.sa_handler = afp_asp_reload; sigemptyset( &action.sa_mask ); sigaddset(&action.sa_mask, SIGTERM); sigaddset(&action.sa_mask, SIGUSR1); #ifdef SERVERTEXT sigaddset(&action.sa_mask, SIGUSR2); #endif action.sa_flags = SA_RESTART; if ( sigaction( SIGHUP, &action, NULL ) < 0 ) { LOG(log_error, logtype_afpd, "afp_over_asp: sigaction: %s", strerror(errno) ); afp_asp_die(EXITERR_SYS); } /* install SIGTERM */ action.sa_handler = afp_asp_die; sigemptyset( &action.sa_mask ); sigaddset(&action.sa_mask, SIGHUP); sigaddset(&action.sa_mask, SIGUSR1); #ifdef SERVERTEXT sigaddset(&action.sa_mask, SIGUSR2); #endif action.sa_flags = SA_RESTART; if ( sigaction( SIGTERM, &action, NULL ) < 0 ) { LOG(log_error, logtype_afpd, "afp_over_asp: sigaction: %s", strerror(errno) ); afp_asp_die(EXITERR_SYS); } #ifdef SERVERTEXT /* Added for server message support */ action.sa_handler = afp_asp_getmesg; sigemptyset( &action.sa_mask ); sigaddset(&action.sa_mask, SIGTERM); sigaddset(&action.sa_mask, SIGUSR1); sigaddset(&action.sa_mask, SIGHUP); action.sa_flags = SA_RESTART; if ( sigaction( SIGUSR2, &action, NULL) < 0 ) { LOG(log_error, logtype_afpd, "afp_over_asp: sigaction: %s", strerror(errno) ); afp_asp_die(EXITERR_SYS); } #endif /* SERVERTEXT */ /* SIGUSR1 - set down in 5 minutes */ action.sa_handler = afp_asp_timedown; sigemptyset( &action.sa_mask ); sigaddset(&action.sa_mask, SIGHUP); sigaddset(&action.sa_mask, SIGTERM); #ifdef SERVERTEXT sigaddset(&action.sa_mask, SIGUSR2); #endif action.sa_flags = SA_RESTART; if ( sigaction( SIGUSR1, &action, NULL ) < 0 ) { LOG(log_error, logtype_afpd, "afp_over_asp: sigaction: %s", strerror(errno) ); afp_asp_die(EXITERR_SYS); } if (dircache_init(obj->options.dircachesize) != 0) { LOG(log_error, logtype_afpd, "afp_over_asp: dircache_init error"); afp_asp_die(EXITERR_SYS); } LOG(log_info, logtype_afpd, "session from %u.%u:%u on %u.%u:%u", ntohs( asp->asp_sat.sat_addr.s_net ), asp->asp_sat.sat_addr.s_node, asp->asp_sat.sat_port, ntohs( atp_sockaddr( asp->asp_atp )->sat_addr.s_net ), atp_sockaddr( asp->asp_atp )->sat_addr.s_node, atp_sockaddr( asp->asp_atp )->sat_port ); while ((reply = asp_getrequest(asp))) { if (reload_request) { reload_request = 0; load_volumes(child); } switch (reply) { case ASPFUNC_CLOSE : afp_asp_close(obj); LOG(log_info, logtype_afpd, "done" ); #ifdef DEBUG1 if ( obj->options.flags & OPTION_DEBUG ) { printf( "done\n" ); } #endif return; break; case ASPFUNC_CMD : #ifdef AFS if ( writtenfork ) { if ( flushfork( writtenfork ) < 0 ) { LOG(log_error, logtype_afpd, "main flushfork: %s", strerror(errno)); } writtenfork = NULL; } #endif /* AFS */ func = (u_char) asp->commands[0]; #ifdef DEBUG1 if ( obj->options.flags & OPTION_DEBUG ) { printf("command: %d (%s)\n", func, AfpNum2name(func)); bprint( asp->commands, asp->cmdlen ); } #endif if ( afp_switch[ func ] != NULL ) { /* * The function called from afp_switch is expected to * read its parameters out of buf, put its * results in replybuf (updating rbuflen), and * return an error code. */ asp->datalen = ASP_DATASIZ; reply = (*afp_switch[ func ])(obj, asp->commands, asp->cmdlen, asp->data, &asp->datalen); #ifdef FORCE_UIDGID /* bring everything back to old euid, egid */ if (obj->force_uid) restore_uidgid ( &obj->uidgid ); #endif /* FORCE_UIDGID */ } else { LOG(log_error, logtype_afpd, "bad function %X", func ); asp->datalen = 0; reply = AFPERR_NOOP; } #ifdef DEBUG1 if ( obj->options.flags & OPTION_DEBUG ) { printf( "reply: %d, %d\n", reply, ccnt++ ); bprint( asp->data, asp->datalen ); } #endif if ( asp_cmdreply( asp, reply ) < 0 ) { LOG(log_error, logtype_afpd, "asp_cmdreply: %s", strerror(errno) ); afp_asp_die(EXITERR_CLNT); } break; case ASPFUNC_WRITE : func = (u_char) asp->commands[0]; #ifdef DEBUG1 if ( obj->options.flags & OPTION_DEBUG ) { printf( "(write) command: %d\n", func ); bprint( asp->commands, asp->cmdlen ); } #endif if ( afp_switch[ func ] != NULL ) { asp->datalen = ASP_DATASIZ; reply = (*afp_switch[ func ])(obj, asp->commands, asp->cmdlen, asp->data, &asp->datalen); #ifdef FORCE_UIDGID /* bring everything back to old euid, egid */ if (obj->force_uid) restore_uidgid ( &obj->uidgid ); #endif /* FORCE_UIDGID */ } else { LOG(log_error, logtype_afpd, "(write) bad function %X", func ); asp->datalen = 0; reply = AFPERR_NOOP; } #ifdef DEBUG1 if ( obj->options.flags & OPTION_DEBUG ) { printf( "(write) reply code: %d, %d\n", reply, ccnt++ ); bprint( asp->data, asp->datalen ); } #endif if ( asp_wrtreply( asp, reply ) < 0 ) { LOG(log_error, logtype_afpd, "asp_wrtreply: %s", strerror(errno) ); afp_asp_die(EXITERR_CLNT); } break; default: /* * Bad asp packet. Probably should have asp filter them, * since they are typically things like out-of-order packet. */ LOG(log_info, logtype_afpd, "main: asp_getrequest: %d", reply ); break; } #ifdef DEBUG1 if ( obj->options.flags & OPTION_DEBUG ) { #ifdef notdef pdesc( stdout ); #endif /* notdef */ of_pforkdesc( stdout ); fflush( stdout ); } #endif } } #endif