/*- * See the file LICENSE for redistribution information. * * Copyright (c) 2002,2008 Oracle. All rights reserved. * * $Id: SimpleFormat.java,v 1.1 2008/02/07 17:12:27 mark Exp $ */ package com.sleepycat.persist.impl; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.math.BigInteger; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import com.sleepycat.db.DatabaseEntry; /** * Format for simple types, including primitives. Additional methods are * included to optimize the handling of primitives. Other classes such as * PrimitiveArrayFormat and ReflectAccessor take advantage of these methods. * * @author Mark Hayes */ public abstract class SimpleFormat extends Format { private static final long serialVersionUID = 4595245575868697702L; private boolean primitive; private SimpleFormat wrapperFormat; SimpleFormat(Class type, boolean primitive) { super(type); this.primitive = primitive; } void setWrapperFormat(SimpleFormat wrapperFormat) { this.wrapperFormat = wrapperFormat; } @Override Format getWrapperFormat() { return wrapperFormat; } @Override public boolean isSimple() { return true; } @Override public boolean isPrimitive() { return primitive; } @Override void collectRelatedFormats(Catalog catalog, Map newFormats) { } @Override void initialize(Catalog catalog, int initVersion) { } @Override public Object readObject(Object o, EntityInput input, boolean rawAccess) { /* newInstance reads the value -- do nothing here. */ return o; } @Override boolean evolve(Format newFormat, Evolver evolver) { evolver.useOldFormat(this, newFormat); return true; } /* -- Begin methods to be overridden by primitive formats only. -- */ Object newPrimitiveArray(int len, EntityInput input) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } void writePrimitiveArray(Object o, EntityOutput output) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } int getPrimitiveLength() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } void readPrimitiveField(Object o, EntityInput input, Field field) throws IllegalAccessException { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } void writePrimitiveField(Object o, EntityOutput output, Field field) throws IllegalAccessException { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } /* -- End methods to be overridden by primitive formats only. -- */ void skipPrimitiveArray(int len, RecordInput input) { input.skipFast(len * getPrimitiveLength()); } void copySecMultiKeyPrimitiveArray(int len, RecordInput input, Set results) { int primLen = getPrimitiveLength(); for (int i = 0; i < len; i += 1) { DatabaseEntry entry = new DatabaseEntry (input.getBufferBytes(), input.getBufferOffset(), primLen); results.add(entry); input.skipFast(primLen); } } public static class FBool extends SimpleFormat { private static final long serialVersionUID = -7724949525068533451L; FBool(boolean primitive) { super(primitive ? Boolean.TYPE : Boolean.class, primitive); } @Override Object newArray(int len) { return new Boolean[len]; } @Override public Object newInstance(EntityInput input, boolean rawAccess) { return Boolean.valueOf(input.readBoolean()); } @Override void writeObject(Object o, EntityOutput output, boolean rawAccess) { output.writeBoolean(((Boolean) o).booleanValue()); } @Override void skipContents(RecordInput input) { input.skipFast(1); } @Override void copySecKey(RecordInput input, RecordOutput output) { output.writeFast(input.readFast()); } @Override Object newPrimitiveArray(int len, EntityInput input) { boolean[] a = new boolean[len]; for (int i = 0; i < len; i += 1) { a[i] = input.readBoolean(); } return a; } @Override void writePrimitiveArray(Object o, EntityOutput output) { boolean[] a = (boolean[]) o; int len = a.length; output.writeArrayLength(len); for (int i = 0; i < len; i += 1) { output.writeBoolean(a[i]); } } @Override int getPrimitiveLength() { return 1; } @Override void readPrimitiveField(Object o, EntityInput input, Field field) throws IllegalAccessException { field.setBoolean(o, input.readBoolean()); } @Override void writePrimitiveField(Object o, EntityOutput output, Field field) throws IllegalAccessException { output.writeBoolean(field.getBoolean(o)); } } public static class FByte extends SimpleFormat { private static final long serialVersionUID = 3651752958101447257L; FByte(boolean primitive) { super(primitive ? Byte.TYPE : Byte.class, primitive); } @Override Object newArray(int len) { return new Byte[len]; } @Override public Object newInstance(EntityInput input, boolean rawAccess) { return Byte.valueOf(input.readByte()); } @Override void writeObject(Object o, EntityOutput output, boolean rawAccess) { output.writeByte(((Number) o).byteValue()); } @Override void skipContents(RecordInput input) { input.skipFast(1); } @Override void copySecKey(RecordInput input, RecordOutput output) { output.writeFast(input.readFast()); } @Override Object newPrimitiveArray(int len, EntityInput input) { byte[] a = new byte[len]; for (int i = 0; i < len; i += 1) { a[i] = input.readByte(); } return a; } @Override void writePrimitiveArray(Object o, EntityOutput output) { byte[] a = (byte[]) o; int len = a.length; output.writeArrayLength(len); for (int i = 0; i < len; i += 1) { output.writeByte(a[i]); } } @Override int getPrimitiveLength() { return 1; } @Override void readPrimitiveField(Object o, EntityInput input, Field field) throws IllegalAccessException { field.setByte(o, input.readByte()); } @Override void writePrimitiveField(Object o, EntityOutput output, Field field) throws IllegalAccessException { output.writeByte(field.getByte(o)); } @Override Format getSequenceKeyFormat() { return this; } } public static class FShort extends SimpleFormat { private static final long serialVersionUID = -4909138198491785624L; FShort(boolean primitive) { super(primitive ? Short.TYPE : Short.class, primitive); } @Override Object newArray(int len) { return new Short[len]; } @Override public Object newInstance(EntityInput input, boolean rawAccess) { return Short.valueOf(input.readShort()); } @Override void writeObject(Object o, EntityOutput output, boolean rawAccess) { output.writeShort(((Number) o).shortValue()); } @Override void skipContents(RecordInput input) { input.skipFast(2); } @Override void copySecKey(RecordInput input, RecordOutput output) { output.writeFast(input.readFast()); output.writeFast(input.readFast()); } @Override Object newPrimitiveArray(int len, EntityInput input) { short[] a = new short[len]; for (int i = 0; i < len; i += 1) { a[i] = input.readShort(); } return a; } @Override void writePrimitiveArray(Object o, EntityOutput output) { short[] a = (short[]) o; int len = a.length; output.writeArrayLength(len); for (int i = 0; i < len; i += 1) { output.writeShort(a[i]); } } @Override int getPrimitiveLength() { return 2; } @Override void readPrimitiveField(Object o, EntityInput input, Field field) throws IllegalAccessException { field.setShort(o, input.readShort()); } @Override void writePrimitiveField(Object o, EntityOutput output, Field field) throws IllegalAccessException { output.writeShort(field.getShort(o)); } @Override Format getSequenceKeyFormat() { return this; } } public static class FInt extends SimpleFormat { private static final long serialVersionUID = 2695910006049980013L; FInt(boolean primitive) { super(primitive ? Integer.TYPE : Integer.class, primitive); } @Override Object newArray(int len) { return new Integer[len]; } @Override public Object newInstance(EntityInput input, boolean rawAccess) { return Integer.valueOf(input.readInt()); } @Override void writeObject(Object o, EntityOutput output, boolean rawAccess) { output.writeInt(((Number) o).intValue()); } @Override void skipContents(RecordInput input) { input.skipFast(4); } @Override void copySecKey(RecordInput input, RecordOutput output) { output.writeFast(input.readFast()); output.writeFast(input.readFast()); output.writeFast(input.readFast()); output.writeFast(input.readFast()); } @Override Object newPrimitiveArray(int len, EntityInput input) { int[] a = new int[len]; for (int i = 0; i < len; i += 1) { a[i] = input.readInt(); } return a; } @Override void writePrimitiveArray(Object o, EntityOutput output) { int[] a = (int[]) o; int len = a.length; output.writeArrayLength(len); for (int i = 0; i < len; i += 1) { output.writeInt(a[i]); } } @Override int getPrimitiveLength() { return 4; } @Override void readPrimitiveField(Object o, EntityInput input, Field field) throws IllegalAccessException { field.setInt(o, input.readInt()); } @Override void writePrimitiveField(Object o, EntityOutput output, Field field) throws IllegalAccessException { output.writeInt(field.getInt(o)); } @Override Format getSequenceKeyFormat() { return this; } } public static class FLong extends SimpleFormat { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1872661106534776520L; FLong(boolean primitive) { super(primitive ? Long.TYPE : Long.class, primitive); } @Override Object newArray(int len) { return new Long[len]; } @Override public Object newInstance(EntityInput input, boolean rawAccess) { return Long.valueOf(input.readLong()); } @Override void writeObject(Object o, EntityOutput output, boolean rawAccess) { output.writeLong(((Number) o).longValue()); } @Override void skipContents(RecordInput input) { input.skipFast(8); } @Override void copySecKey(RecordInput input, RecordOutput output) { output.writeFast (input.getBufferBytes(), input.getBufferOffset(), 8); input.skipFast(8); } @Override Object newPrimitiveArray(int len, EntityInput input) { long[] a = new long[len]; for (int i = 0; i < len; i += 1) { a[i] = input.readLong(); } return a; } @Override void writePrimitiveArray(Object o, EntityOutput output) { long[] a = (long[]) o; int len = a.length; output.writeArrayLength(len); for (int i = 0; i < len; i += 1) { output.writeLong(a[i]); } } @Override int getPrimitiveLength() { return 8; } @Override void readPrimitiveField(Object o, EntityInput input, Field field) throws IllegalAccessException { field.setLong(o, input.readLong()); } @Override void writePrimitiveField(Object o, EntityOutput output, Field field) throws IllegalAccessException { output.writeLong(field.getLong(o)); } @Override Format getSequenceKeyFormat() { return this; } } public static class FFloat extends SimpleFormat { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1033413049495053602L; FFloat(boolean primitive) { super(primitive ? Float.TYPE : Float.class, primitive); } @Override Object newArray(int len) { return new Float[len]; } @Override public Object newInstance(EntityInput input, boolean rawAccess) { return Float.valueOf(input.readSortedFloat()); } @Override void writeObject(Object o, EntityOutput output, boolean rawAccess) { output.writeSortedFloat(((Number) o).floatValue()); } @Override void skipContents(RecordInput input) { input.skipFast(4); } @Override void copySecKey(RecordInput input, RecordOutput output) { output.writeFast(input.readFast()); output.writeFast(input.readFast()); output.writeFast(input.readFast()); output.writeFast(input.readFast()); } @Override Object newPrimitiveArray(int len, EntityInput input) { float[] a = new float[len]; for (int i = 0; i < len; i += 1) { a[i] = input.readSortedFloat(); } return a; } @Override void writePrimitiveArray(Object o, EntityOutput output) { float[] a = (float[]) o; int len = a.length; output.writeArrayLength(len); for (int i = 0; i < len; i += 1) { output.writeSortedFloat(a[i]); } } @Override int getPrimitiveLength() { return 4; } @Override void readPrimitiveField(Object o, EntityInput input, Field field) throws IllegalAccessException { field.setFloat(o, input.readSortedFloat()); } @Override void writePrimitiveField(Object o, EntityOutput output, Field field) throws IllegalAccessException { output.writeSortedFloat(field.getFloat(o)); } } public static class FDouble extends SimpleFormat { private static final long serialVersionUID = 646904456811041423L; FDouble(boolean primitive) { super(primitive ? Double.TYPE : Double.class, primitive); } @Override Object newArray(int len) { return new Double[len]; } @Override public Object newInstance(EntityInput input, boolean rawAccess) { return Double.valueOf(input.readSortedDouble()); } @Override void writeObject(Object o, EntityOutput output, boolean rawAccess) { output.writeSortedDouble(((Number) o).doubleValue()); } @Override void skipContents(RecordInput input) { input.skipFast(8); } @Override void copySecKey(RecordInput input, RecordOutput output) { output.writeFast (input.getBufferBytes(), input.getBufferOffset(), 8); input.skipFast(8); } @Override Object newPrimitiveArray(int len, EntityInput input) { double[] a = new double[len]; for (int i = 0; i < len; i += 1) { a[i] = input.readSortedDouble(); } return a; } @Override void writePrimitiveArray(Object o, EntityOutput output) { double[] a = (double[]) o; int len = a.length; output.writeArrayLength(len); for (int i = 0; i < len; i += 1) { output.writeSortedDouble(a[i]); } } @Override int getPrimitiveLength() { return 8; } @Override void readPrimitiveField(Object o, EntityInput input, Field field) throws IllegalAccessException { field.setDouble(o, input.readSortedDouble()); } @Override void writePrimitiveField(Object o, EntityOutput output, Field field) throws IllegalAccessException { output.writeSortedDouble(field.getDouble(o)); } } public static class FChar extends SimpleFormat { private static final long serialVersionUID = -7609118195770005374L; FChar(boolean primitive) { super(primitive ? Character.TYPE : Character.class, primitive); } @Override Object newArray(int len) { return new Character[len]; } @Override public Object newInstance(EntityInput input, boolean rawAccess) { return Character.valueOf(input.readChar()); } @Override void writeObject(Object o, EntityOutput output, boolean rawAccess) { output.writeChar(((Character) o).charValue()); } @Override void skipContents(RecordInput input) { input.skipFast(2); } @Override void copySecKey(RecordInput input, RecordOutput output) { output.writeFast(input.readFast()); output.writeFast(input.readFast()); } @Override Object newPrimitiveArray(int len, EntityInput input) { char[] a = new char[len]; for (int i = 0; i < len; i += 1) { a[i] = input.readChar(); } return a; } @Override void writePrimitiveArray(Object o, EntityOutput output) { char[] a = (char[]) o; int len = a.length; output.writeArrayLength(len); for (int i = 0; i < len; i += 1) { output.writeChar(a[i]); } } @Override int getPrimitiveLength() { return 2; } @Override void readPrimitiveField(Object o, EntityInput input, Field field) throws IllegalAccessException { field.setChar(o, input.readChar()); } @Override void writePrimitiveField(Object o, EntityOutput output, Field field) throws IllegalAccessException { output.writeChar(field.getChar(o)); } } public static class FString extends SimpleFormat { private static final long serialVersionUID = 5710392786480064612L; FString() { super(String.class, false); } @Override Object newArray(int len) { return new String[len]; } @Override public Object newInstance(EntityInput input, boolean rawAccess) { return input.readString(); } @Override void writeObject(Object o, EntityOutput output, boolean rawAccess) { output.writeString((String) o); } @Override void skipContents(RecordInput input) { input.skipFast(input.getStringByteLength()); } @Override void copySecKey(RecordInput input, RecordOutput output) { int len = input.getStringByteLength(); output.writeFast (input.getBufferBytes(), input.getBufferOffset(), len); input.skipFast(len); } } public static class FBigInt extends SimpleFormat { private static final long serialVersionUID = -5027098112507644563L; FBigInt() { super(BigInteger.class, false); } @Override Object newArray(int len) { return new BigInteger[len]; } @Override public Object newInstance(EntityInput input, boolean rawAccess) { return input.readBigInteger(); } @Override void writeObject(Object o, EntityOutput output, boolean rawAccess) { output.writeBigInteger((BigInteger) o); } @Override void skipContents(RecordInput input) { input.skipFast(input.getBigIntegerByteLength()); } @Override void copySecKey(RecordInput input, RecordOutput output) { int len = input.getBigIntegerByteLength(); output.writeFast (input.getBufferBytes(), input.getBufferOffset(), len); input.skipFast(len); } } public static class FDate extends SimpleFormat { private static final long serialVersionUID = -5665773229869034145L; FDate() { super(Date.class, false); } @Override Object newArray(int len) { return new Date[len]; } @Override public Object newInstance(EntityInput input, boolean rawAccess) { return new Date(input.readLong()); } @Override void writeObject(Object o, EntityOutput output, boolean rawAccess) { output.writeLong(((Date) o).getTime()); } @Override void skipContents(RecordInput input) { input.skipFast(8); } @Override void copySecKey(RecordInput input, RecordOutput output) { output.writeFast (input.getBufferBytes(), input.getBufferOffset(), 8); input.skipFast(8); } } }