/*- * See the file LICENSE for redistribution information. * * Copyright (c) 2002,2008 Oracle. All rights reserved. * * $Id: LockDetectMode.java,v 12.7 2008/01/17 05:04:53 mjc Exp $ */ package com.sleepycat.db; import com.sleepycat.db.internal.DbConstants; /** Deadlock detection modes. */ public final class LockDetectMode { /** Turn off deadlock detection. */ public static final LockDetectMode NONE = new LockDetectMode("NONE", 0); /** Use whatever lock policy was specified when the database environment was created. If no lock policy has yet been specified, set the lock policy to DB_LOCK_RANDOM. */ public static final LockDetectMode DEFAULT = new LockDetectMode("DEFAULT", DbConstants.DB_LOCK_DEFAULT); /** Reject lock requests which have timed out. No other deadlock detection is performed. */ public static final LockDetectMode EXPIRE = new LockDetectMode("EXPIRE", DbConstants.DB_LOCK_EXPIRE); /** Reject the lock request for the locker ID with the most locks. */ public static final LockDetectMode MAXLOCKS = new LockDetectMode("MAXLOCKS", DbConstants.DB_LOCK_MAXLOCKS); /** Reject the lock request for the locker ID with the most write locks. */ public static final LockDetectMode MAXWRITE = new LockDetectMode("MAXWRITE", DbConstants.DB_LOCK_MAXWRITE); /** Reject the lock request for the locker ID with the fewest locks. */ public static final LockDetectMode MINLOCKS = new LockDetectMode("MINLOCKS", DbConstants.DB_LOCK_MINLOCKS); /** Reject the lock request for the locker ID with the fewest write locks. */ public static final LockDetectMode MINWRITE = new LockDetectMode("MINWRITE", DbConstants.DB_LOCK_MINWRITE); /** Reject the lock request for the locker ID with the oldest lock. */ public static final LockDetectMode OLDEST = new LockDetectMode("OLDEST", DbConstants.DB_LOCK_OLDEST); /** Reject the lock request for a random locker ID. */ public static final LockDetectMode RANDOM = new LockDetectMode("RANDOM", DbConstants.DB_LOCK_RANDOM); /** Reject the lock request for the locker ID with the youngest lock. */ public static final LockDetectMode YOUNGEST = new LockDetectMode("YOUNGEST", DbConstants.DB_LOCK_YOUNGEST); /* package */ static LockDetectMode fromFlag(int flag) { switch (flag) { case 0: return NONE; case DbConstants.DB_LOCK_DEFAULT: return DEFAULT; case DbConstants.DB_LOCK_EXPIRE: return EXPIRE; case DbConstants.DB_LOCK_MAXLOCKS: return MAXLOCKS; case DbConstants.DB_LOCK_MAXWRITE: return MAXWRITE; case DbConstants.DB_LOCK_MINLOCKS: return MINLOCKS; case DbConstants.DB_LOCK_MINWRITE: return MINWRITE; case DbConstants.DB_LOCK_OLDEST: return OLDEST; case DbConstants.DB_LOCK_RANDOM: return RANDOM; case DbConstants.DB_LOCK_YOUNGEST: return YOUNGEST; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Unknown lock detect mode: " + flag); } } private String modeName; private int flag; private LockDetectMode(final String modeName, final int flag) { this.modeName = modeName; this.flag = flag; } /* package */ int getFlag() { return flag; } /** {@inheritDoc} */ public String toString() { return "LockDetectMode." + modeName; } }