// File: excxx_example_database_load.cpp #include #include #include #include "MyDb.hpp" #include "gettingStartedCommon.hpp" #ifdef _WIN32 extern "C" { extern int getopt(int, char * const *, const char *); extern char *optarg; } #else #include #endif // Forward declarations void loadInventoryDB(MyDb &, std::string &); void loadVendorDB(MyDb &, std::string &); using namespace std; int usage() { std::cout << "example_database_load [-b ]" << " [-h ]" << std::endl; std::cout << "Note: If -b -h is specified, then the path must end" << " with your system's path delimiter (/ or \\)" << std::endl; return (-1); } // Loads the contents of vendors.txt and inventory.txt into // Berkeley DB databases. int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { char ch, lastChar; // Initialize the path to the database files std::string basename("./"); std::string databaseHome("./"); // Database names std::string vDbName("vendordb.db"); std::string iDbName("inventorydb.db"); std::string itemSDbName("itemname.sdb"); // Parse the command line arguments while ((ch = getopt(argc, argv, "b:h:")) != EOF) switch (ch) { case 'h': databaseHome = optarg; lastChar = databaseHome[databaseHome.size() -1]; if (lastChar != '/' && lastChar != '\\') return (usage()); break; case 'b': basename = optarg; lastChar = basename[basename.size() -1]; if (lastChar != '/' && lastChar != '\\') return (usage()); break; case '?': default: return (usage()); break; } // Identify the full name for our input files, which should // also include some path information. std::string inventoryFile = basename + "inventory.txt"; std::string vendorFile = basename + "vendors.txt"; try { // Open all databases. MyDb inventoryDB(databaseHome, iDbName); MyDb vendorDB(databaseHome, vDbName); MyDb itemnameSDB(databaseHome, itemSDbName, true); // Associate the primary and the secondary inventoryDB.getDb().associate(NULL, &(itemnameSDB.getDb()), get_item_name, 0); // Load the inventory database loadInventoryDB(inventoryDB, inventoryFile); // Load the vendor database loadVendorDB(vendorDB, vendorFile); } catch(DbException &e) { std::cerr << "Error loading databases. " << std::endl; std::cerr << e.what() << std::endl; return (e.get_errno()); } catch(std::exception &e) { std::cerr << "Error loading databases. " << std::endl; std::cerr << e.what() << std::endl; return (-1); } // MyDb class constructors will close the databases when they // go out of scope. return (0); } // End main // Used to locate the first pound sign (a field delimiter) // in the input string. size_t getNextPound(std::string &theString, std::string &substring) { size_t pos = theString.find("#"); substring.assign(theString, 0, pos); theString.assign(theString, pos + 1, theString.size()); return (pos); } // Loads the contents of the inventory.txt file into a database void loadInventoryDB(MyDb &inventoryDB, std::string &inventoryFile) { InventoryData inventoryData; std::string substring; size_t nextPound; std::ifstream inFile(inventoryFile.c_str(), std::ios::in); if ( !inFile ) { std::cerr << "Could not open file '" << inventoryFile << "'. Giving up." << std::endl; throw std::exception(); } while (!inFile.eof()) { inventoryData.clear(); std::string stringBuf; std::getline(inFile, stringBuf); // Now parse the line if (!stringBuf.empty()) { nextPound = getNextPound(stringBuf, substring); inventoryData.setName(substring); nextPound = getNextPound(stringBuf, substring); inventoryData.setSKU(substring); nextPound = getNextPound(stringBuf, substring); inventoryData.setPrice(strtod(substring.c_str(), 0)); nextPound = getNextPound(stringBuf, substring); inventoryData.setQuantity(strtol(substring.c_str(), 0, 10)); nextPound = getNextPound(stringBuf, substring); inventoryData.setCategory(substring); nextPound = getNextPound(stringBuf, substring); inventoryData.setVendor(substring); void *buff = (void *)inventoryData.getSKU().c_str(); size_t size = inventoryData.getSKU().size()+1; Dbt key(buff, (u_int32_t)size); buff = inventoryData.getBuffer(); size = inventoryData.getBufferSize(); Dbt data(buff, (u_int32_t)size); inventoryDB.getDb().put(NULL, &key, &data, 0); } } inFile.close(); } // Loads the contents of the vendors.txt file into a database void loadVendorDB(MyDb &vendorDB, std::string &vendorFile) { std::ifstream inFile(vendorFile.c_str(), std::ios::in); if ( !inFile ) { std::cerr << "Could not open file '" << vendorFile << "'. Giving up." << std::endl; throw std::exception(); } VENDOR my_vendor; while (!inFile.eof()) { std::string stringBuf; std::getline(inFile, stringBuf); memset(&my_vendor, 0, sizeof(VENDOR)); // Scan the line into the structure. // Convenient, but not particularly safe. // In a real program, there would be a lot more // defensive code here. sscanf(stringBuf.c_str(), "%20[^#]#%20[^#]#%20[^#]#%3[^#]#%6[^#]#%13[^#]#%20[^#]#%20[^\n]", my_vendor.name, my_vendor.street, my_vendor.city, my_vendor.state, my_vendor.zipcode, my_vendor.phone_number, my_vendor.sales_rep, my_vendor.sales_rep_phone); Dbt key(my_vendor.name, (u_int32_t)strlen(my_vendor.name) + 1); Dbt data(&my_vendor, sizeof(VENDOR)); vendorDB.getDb().put(NULL, &key, &data, 0); } inFile.close(); }