#include #include #include #include #include "util.h" // for log() #include "pqueue.h" #ifdef DEBUG_PQUEUE #define DEBUG_ON 1 #else #define DEBUG_ON 0 #endif #define DEBUG_CMD(_a) if (DEBUG_ON) { _a } #define MIN_CAPACITY 128 /* min allocated buffer for a packet */ static int pqueue_alloc (int seq, unsigned char *packet, int packlen, pqueue_t **new); int packet_timeout_usecs = DEFAULT_PACKET_TIMEOUT * 1000000; static pqueue_t *pq_head = NULL, *pq_tail = NULL; /* contains a list of free queue elements.*/ static pqueue_t *pq_freelist_head = NULL; static int pqueue_alloc(int seq, unsigned char *packet, int packlen, pqueue_t **new) { pqueue_t *newent; DEBUG_CMD(log("seq=%d, packlen=%d", seq, packlen);); /* search the freelist for one that has sufficient space */ if (pq_freelist_head) { for (newent = pq_freelist_head; newent; newent = newent->next) { if (newent->capacity >= packlen) { /* unlink from freelist */ if (pq_freelist_head == newent) pq_freelist_head = newent->next; if (newent->prev) newent->prev->next = newent->next; if (newent->next) newent->next->prev = newent->prev; if (pq_freelist_head) pq_freelist_head->prev = NULL; break; } /* end if capacity >= packlen */ } /* end for */ /* nothing found? Take first and reallocate it */ if (NULL == newent) { newent = pq_freelist_head; pq_freelist_head = pq_freelist_head->next; if (pq_freelist_head) pq_freelist_head->prev = NULL; DEBUG_CMD(log("realloc capacity %d to %d",newent->capacity, packlen);); newent->packet = (unsigned char *)realloc(newent->packet, packlen); if (!newent->packet) { warn("error reallocating packet: %s", strerror(errno)); return -1; } newent->capacity = packlen; } DEBUG_CMD(log("Recycle entry from freelist. Capacity: %d", newent->capacity);); } else { /* allocate a new one */ newent = (pqueue_t *)malloc( sizeof(pqueue_t) ); if (!newent) { warn("error allocating newent: %s", strerror(errno)); return -1; } newent->capacity = 0; DEBUG_CMD(log("Alloc new queue entry");); } if ( ! newent->capacity ) { /* a new queue entry was allocated. Allocate the packet buffer */ int size = packlen < MIN_CAPACITY ? MIN_CAPACITY : packlen; /* Allocate at least MIN_CAPACITY */ DEBUG_CMD(log("allocating for packet size %d", size);); newent->packet = (unsigned char *)malloc(size); if (!newent->packet) { warn("error allocating packet: %s", strerror(errno)); return -1; } newent->capacity = size; } /* endif ! capacity */ assert( newent->capacity >= packlen ); /* store the contents into the buffer */ memcpy(newent->packet, packet, packlen); newent->next = newent->prev = NULL; newent->seq = seq; newent->packlen = packlen; gettimeofday(&newent->expires, NULL); newent->expires.tv_usec += packet_timeout_usecs; newent->expires.tv_sec += (newent->expires.tv_usec / 1000000); newent->expires.tv_usec %= 1000000; *new = newent; return 0; } int pqueue_add (int seq, unsigned char *packet, int packlen) { pqueue_t *newent, *point; /* get a new entry */ if ( 0 != pqueue_alloc(seq, packet, packlen, &newent) ) { return -1; } for (point = pq_head; point != NULL; point = point->next) { if (point->seq == seq) { // queue already contains this packet warn("discarding duplicate packet %d", seq); return -1; } if (point->seq > seq) { // gone too far: point->seq > seq and point->prev->seq < seq if (point->prev) { // insert between point->prev and point DEBUG_CMD(log("adding %d between %d and %d", seq, point->prev->seq, point->seq);); point->prev->next = newent; } else { // insert at head of queue, before point DEBUG_CMD(log("adding %d before %d", seq, point->seq);); pq_head = newent; } newent->prev = point->prev; // will be NULL, at head of queue newent->next = point; point->prev = newent; return 0; } } /* We didn't find anywhere to insert the packet, * so there are no packets in the queue with higher sequences than this one, * so all the packets in the queue have lower sequences, * so this packet belongs at the end of the queue (which might be empty) */ if (pq_head == NULL) { DEBUG_CMD(log("adding %d to empty queue", seq);); pq_head = newent; } else { DEBUG_CMD(log("adding %d as tail, after %d", seq, pq_tail->seq);); pq_tail->next = newent; } newent->prev = pq_tail; pq_tail = newent; return 0; } int pqueue_del (pqueue_t *point) { DEBUG_CMD(log("Move seq %d to freelist", point->seq);); /* unlink from pq */ if (pq_head == point) pq_head = point->next; if (pq_tail == point) pq_tail = point->prev; if (point->prev) point->prev->next = point->next; if (point->next) point->next->prev = point->prev; /* add point to the freelist */ point->next = pq_freelist_head; point->prev = NULL; if (point->next) point->next->prev = point; pq_freelist_head = point; DEBUG_CMD( int pq_count = 0; int pq_freelist_count = 0; pqueue_t *point; for ( point = pq_head; point ; point = point->next) { ++pq_count; } for ( point = pq_freelist_head; point ; point = point->next) { ++pq_freelist_count; } log("queue length is %d, freelist length is %d", pq_count, pq_freelist_count); ); return 0; } pqueue_t *pqueue_head () { return pq_head; } int pqueue_expiry_time (pqueue_t *entry) { struct timeval tv; int expiry_time; gettimeofday(&tv, NULL); expiry_time = (entry->expires.tv_sec - tv.tv_sec) * 1000000; expiry_time += (entry->expires.tv_usec - tv.tv_usec); return expiry_time; }