README.BSD This version of Luke Stras' PPPoE redirector includes support for OpenBSD. Support for other BSD variants is possible but requires some porting. To compile for BSD, you will need to add "-DUSE_BPF" in the DEFINES= string in the Makefile. You will also need to link against kvm library (uncomment LIBS=-lkvm in the Makefile). I am currently running this on a SPARCstation IPX running OpenBSD 2.5. I get 50Kbytes/sec maximum throughput but only if I saturate the machine with multiple connections to get around packet loss. [Under load BPF reports a number of lost packets.] At this point, the CPU on the machine is being fully used. For Intel users, the IPX is roughly on par with a fast 486 so anyone with a modern machine should be fine. NOTE: I have not run this on an Intel box yet, so there may be some byte-ordering issues [SPARCs use the same endian as network ordering]. If you get the error message: BPF program is broken after starting, try recompiling with -DSIMPLE_BPF. If this works, let me know - it means I've buggered up the byte-ordering in the more complex (and better performing) BPF program. --- Look at the "start" script for an example of how to start this up. I found the pty-redir program in another package but that package did not credit it's author. It is GPL'ed so I have no qualms about redistributing it. I've hacked it slightly but otherwise make no claims on it. If the author will speak up I'll more than happily attribute it. Other than that, the instructions that came with the original package more or less apply. Note that the pppd in OpenBSD 2.5 does not support the "pty" option, hence the pty-redir program. --- The BSD specific stuff is made up mostly of 2 chunks: 1. Berkeley Packet Filter code which handles the reading and writing of raw ethernet packets from and to the network. 2. An ugly bit of kvm code to extract the ethernet address of the interface we are interested in. This works on OpenBSD 2.5, may work on other OpenBSD kernels and is unlikely to work anywhere else. If it does work anywhere else or if anyone has any better ideas, please let me know. Part 1 should work on any BSD variant or any platform supporting BPF. Part 2 will require the most porting work. Changes and comments about the BSD-specific parts are welcome at Please note: this is not meant to be an elegant solution, just a stopgap until something better (i.e. something that doesn't dive in and out user-space and copy packets everywhere) can be worked out. Thanks to Luke for writing the Linux version which made the task of getting my gateway back online significantly easier. Matt Robinson Computer Development Manager Dept. of Computer Science York Univerity Toronto, Ontario, Canada