/* MiniDLNA media server * Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Justin Maggard * * This file is part of MiniDLNA. * * MiniDLNA is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * MiniDLNA is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with MiniDLNA. If not, see . */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* Foxconn added start Bernie 06/01/2016 */ #include "../ffmpeg-2.3.4/libavutil/avutil.h" #include "../ffmpeg-2.3.4/libavcodec/avcodec.h" #include "../ffmpeg-2.3.4/libavformat/avformat.h" /* Foxconn added end Bernie 06/01/2016 */ #include "libav.h" #include "upnpglobalvars.h" #include "tagutils/tagutils.h" #include "image_utils.h" #include "upnpreplyparse.h" #include "tivo_utils.h" #include "metadata.h" #include "albumart.h" #include "utils.h" #include "sql.h" #include "log.h" #define FLAG_TITLE 0x00000001 #define FLAG_ARTIST 0x00000002 #define FLAG_ALBUM 0x00000004 #define FLAG_GENRE 0x00000008 #define FLAG_COMMENT 0x00000010 #define FLAG_CREATOR 0x00000020 #define FLAG_DATE 0x00000040 #define FLAG_DLNA_PN 0x00000080 #define FLAG_MIME 0x00000100 #define FLAG_DURATION 0x00000200 #define FLAG_RESOLUTION 0x00000400 /* Audio profile flags */ enum audio_profiles { PROFILE_AUDIO_UNKNOWN, PROFILE_AUDIO_MP3, PROFILE_AUDIO_AC3, PROFILE_AUDIO_WMA_BASE, PROFILE_AUDIO_WMA_FULL, PROFILE_AUDIO_WMA_PRO, PROFILE_AUDIO_MP2, PROFILE_AUDIO_PCM, PROFILE_AUDIO_AAC, PROFILE_AUDIO_AAC_MULT5, PROFILE_AUDIO_AMR }; /* This function shamelessly copied from libdlna */ #define MPEG_TS_SYNC_CODE 0x47 #define MPEG_TS_PACKET_LENGTH 188 #define MPEG_TS_PACKET_LENGTH_DLNA 192 /* prepends 4 bytes to TS packet */ int dlna_timestamp_is_present(const char *filename, int *raw_packet_size) { unsigned char buffer[3*MPEG_TS_PACKET_LENGTH_DLNA]; int fd, i; /* read file header */ fd = open(filename, O_RDONLY); if( fd < 0 ) return 0; i = read(fd, buffer, MPEG_TS_PACKET_LENGTH_DLNA*3); close(fd); if( i < 0 ) return 0; for( i = 0; i < MPEG_TS_PACKET_LENGTH_DLNA; i++ ) { if( buffer[i] == MPEG_TS_SYNC_CODE ) { if (buffer[i + MPEG_TS_PACKET_LENGTH_DLNA] == MPEG_TS_SYNC_CODE && buffer[i + MPEG_TS_PACKET_LENGTH_DLNA*2] == MPEG_TS_SYNC_CODE) { *raw_packet_size = MPEG_TS_PACKET_LENGTH_DLNA; if (buffer[i+MPEG_TS_PACKET_LENGTH] == 0x00 && buffer[i+MPEG_TS_PACKET_LENGTH+1] == 0x00 && buffer[i+MPEG_TS_PACKET_LENGTH+2] == 0x00 && buffer[i+MPEG_TS_PACKET_LENGTH+3] == 0x00) return 0; else return 1; } else if (buffer[i + MPEG_TS_PACKET_LENGTH] == MPEG_TS_SYNC_CODE && buffer[i + MPEG_TS_PACKET_LENGTH*2] == MPEG_TS_SYNC_CODE) { *raw_packet_size = MPEG_TS_PACKET_LENGTH; return 0; } } } *raw_packet_size = 0; return 0; } void check_for_captions(const char *path, int64_t detailID) { char file[MAXPATHLEN]; char *p; int ret; strncpyt(file, path, sizeof(file)); p = strip_ext(file); if (!p) p = strrchr(file, '\0'); /* If we weren't given a detail ID, look for one. */ if (!detailID) { detailID = sql_get_int64_field(db, "SELECT ID from DETAILS where (PATH > '%q.' and PATH <= '%q.z')" " and MIME glob 'video/*' limit 1", file, file); if (detailID <= 0) { //DPRINTF(E_MAXDEBUG, L_METADATA, "No file found for caption %s.\n", path); return; } } strcpy(p, ".srt"); ret = access(file, R_OK); if (ret != 0) { strcpy(p, ".smi"); ret = access(file, R_OK); } if (ret == 0) { sql_exec(db, "INSERT into CAPTIONS" " (ID, PATH) " "VALUES" " (%lld, %Q)", detailID, file); } } void parse_nfo(const char *path, metadata_t *m) { FILE *nfo; char buf[65536]; struct NameValueParserData xml; struct stat file; size_t nread; char *val, *val2; if( stat(path, &file) != 0 || file.st_size > 65536 ) { DPRINTF(E_INFO, L_METADATA, "Not parsing very large .nfo file %s\n", path); return; } DPRINTF(E_DEBUG, L_METADATA, "Parsing .nfo file: %s\n", path); nfo = fopen(path, "r"); if( !nfo ) return; nread = fread(&buf, 1, sizeof(buf), nfo); ParseNameValue(buf, nread, &xml, 0); //printf("\ttype: %s\n", GetValueFromNameValueList(&xml, "rootElement")); val = GetValueFromNameValueList(&xml, "title"); if( val ) { char *esc_tag, *title; val2 = GetValueFromNameValueList(&xml, "episodetitle"); if( val2 ) xasprintf(&title, "%s - %s", val, val2); else title = strdup(val); esc_tag = unescape_tag(title, 1); m->title = escape_tag(esc_tag, 1); free(esc_tag); free(title); } val = GetValueFromNameValueList(&xml, "plot"); if( val ) { char *esc_tag = unescape_tag(val, 1); m->comment = escape_tag(esc_tag, 1); free(esc_tag); } val = GetValueFromNameValueList(&xml, "capturedate"); if( val ) { char *esc_tag = unescape_tag(val, 1); m->date = escape_tag(esc_tag, 1); free(esc_tag); } val = GetValueFromNameValueList(&xml, "genre"); if( val ) { free(m->genre); char *esc_tag = unescape_tag(val, 1); m->genre = escape_tag(esc_tag, 1); free(esc_tag); } val = GetValueFromNameValueList(&xml, "mime"); if( val ) { free(m->mime); char *esc_tag = unescape_tag(val, 1); m->mime = escape_tag(esc_tag, 1); free(esc_tag); } ClearNameValueList(&xml); fclose(nfo); } void free_metadata(metadata_t *m, uint32_t flags) { if( flags & FLAG_TITLE ) free(m->title); if( flags & FLAG_ARTIST ) free(m->artist); if( flags & FLAG_ALBUM ) free(m->album); if( flags & FLAG_GENRE ) free(m->genre); if( flags & FLAG_CREATOR ) free(m->creator); if( flags & FLAG_DATE ) free(m->date); if( flags & FLAG_COMMENT ) free(m->comment); if( flags & FLAG_DLNA_PN ) free(m->dlna_pn); if( flags & FLAG_MIME ) free(m->mime); if( flags & FLAG_DURATION ) free(m->duration); if( flags & FLAG_RESOLUTION ) free(m->resolution); } int64_t GetFolderMetadata(const char *name, const char *path, const char *artist, const char *genre, int64_t album_art) { int ret; ret = sql_exec(db, "INSERT into DETAILS" " (TITLE, PATH, CREATOR, ARTIST, GENRE, ALBUM_ART) " "VALUES" " ('%q', %Q, %Q, %Q, %Q, %lld);", name, path, artist, artist, genre, album_art); if( ret != SQLITE_OK ) ret = 0; else ret = sqlite3_last_insert_rowid(db); return ret; } int64_t GetAudioMetadata(const char *path, char *name) { char type[4]; static char lang[6] = { '\0' }; struct stat file; int64_t ret; char *esc_tag; int i; int64_t album_art = 0; struct song_metadata song; metadata_t m; uint32_t free_flags = FLAG_MIME|FLAG_DURATION|FLAG_DLNA_PN|FLAG_DATE; memset(&m, '\0', sizeof(metadata_t)); if ( stat(path, &file) != 0 ) return 0; strip_ext(name); if( ends_with(path, ".mp3") ) { strcpy(type, "mp3"); m.mime = strdup("audio/mpeg"); } else if( ends_with(path, ".m4a") || ends_with(path, ".mp4") || ends_with(path, ".aac") || ends_with(path, ".m4p") ) { strcpy(type, "aac"); m.mime = strdup("audio/mp4"); } else if( ends_with(path, ".3gp") ) { strcpy(type, "aac"); m.mime = strdup("audio/3gpp"); } else if( ends_with(path, ".wma") || ends_with(path, ".asf") ) { strcpy(type, "asf"); m.mime = strdup("audio/x-ms-wma"); } else if( ends_with(path, ".flac") || ends_with(path, ".fla") || ends_with(path, ".flc") ) { strcpy(type, "flc"); m.mime = strdup("audio/x-flac"); } else if( ends_with(path, ".wav") ) { strcpy(type, "wav"); m.mime = strdup("audio/x-wav"); } else if( ends_with(path, ".ogg") || ends_with(path, ".oga") ) { strcpy(type, "ogg"); m.mime = strdup("audio/ogg"); } else if( ends_with(path, ".pcm") ) { strcpy(type, "pcm"); m.mime = strdup("audio/L16"); } else { DPRINTF(E_WARN, L_METADATA, "Unhandled file extension on %s\n", path); return 0; } if( !(*lang) ) { if( !getenv("LANG") ) strcpy(lang, "en_US"); else strncpyt(lang, getenv("LANG"), sizeof(lang)); } if( readtags((char *)path, &song, &file, lang, type) != 0 ) { DPRINTF(E_WARN, L_METADATA, "Cannot extract tags from %s!\n", path); freetags(&song); free_metadata(&m, free_flags); return 0; } if( song.dlna_pn ) m.dlna_pn = strdup(song.dlna_pn); if( song.year ) xasprintf(&m.date, "%04d-01-01", song.year); xasprintf(&m.duration, "%d:%02d:%02d.%03d", (song.song_length/3600000), (song.song_length/60000%60), (song.song_length/1000%60), (song.song_length%1000)); if( song.title && *song.title ) { m.title = trim(song.title); if( (esc_tag = escape_tag(m.title, 0)) ) { free_flags |= FLAG_TITLE; m.title = esc_tag; } } else { m.title = name; } for( i = ROLE_START; i < N_ROLE; i++ ) { if( song.contributor[i] && *song.contributor[i] ) { m.creator = trim(song.contributor[i]); if( strlen(m.creator) > 48 ) { m.creator = strdup("Various Artists"); free_flags |= FLAG_CREATOR; } else if( (esc_tag = escape_tag(m.creator, 0)) ) { m.creator = esc_tag; free_flags |= FLAG_CREATOR; } m.artist = m.creator; break; } } /* If there is a album artist or band associated with the album, use it for virtual containers. */ if( i < ROLE_ALBUMARTIST ) { for( i = ROLE_ALBUMARTIST; i <= ROLE_BAND; i++ ) { if( song.contributor[i] && *song.contributor[i] ) break; } if( i <= ROLE_BAND ) { m.artist = trim(song.contributor[i]); if( strlen(m.artist) > 48 ) { m.artist = strdup("Various Artists"); free_flags |= FLAG_ARTIST; } else if( (esc_tag = escape_tag(m.artist, 0)) ) { m.artist = esc_tag; free_flags |= FLAG_ARTIST; } } } if( song.album && *song.album ) { m.album = trim(song.album); if( (esc_tag = escape_tag(m.album, 0)) ) { free_flags |= FLAG_ALBUM; m.album = esc_tag; } } if( song.genre && *song.genre ) { m.genre = trim(song.genre); if( (esc_tag = escape_tag(m.genre, 0)) ) { free_flags |= FLAG_GENRE; m.genre = esc_tag; } } if( song.comment && *song.comment ) { m.comment = trim(song.comment); if( (esc_tag = escape_tag(m.comment, 0)) ) { free_flags |= FLAG_COMMENT; m.comment = esc_tag; } } album_art = find_album_art(path, song.image, song.image_size); ret = sql_exec(db, "INSERT into DETAILS" " (PATH, SIZE, TIMESTAMP, DURATION, CHANNELS, BITRATE, SAMPLERATE, DATE," " TITLE, CREATOR, ARTIST, ALBUM, GENRE, COMMENT, DISC, TRACK, DLNA_PN, MIME, ALBUM_ART) " "VALUES" " (%Q, %lld, %lld, '%s', %d, %d, %d, %Q, %Q, %Q, %Q, %Q, %Q, %Q, %d, %d, %Q, '%s', %lld);", path, (long long)file.st_size, (long long)file.st_mtime, m.duration, song.channels, song.bitrate, song.samplerate, m.date, m.title, m.creator, m.artist, m.album, m.genre, m.comment, song.disc, song.track, m.dlna_pn, song.mime?song.mime:m.mime, album_art); if( ret != SQLITE_OK ) { DPRINTF(E_ERROR, L_METADATA, "Error inserting details for '%s'!\n", path); ret = 0; } else { ret = sqlite3_last_insert_rowid(db); } freetags(&song); free_metadata(&m, free_flags); return ret; } /* For libjpeg error handling */ jmp_buf setjmp_buffer; static void libjpeg_error_handler(j_common_ptr cinfo) { cinfo->err->output_message (cinfo); longjmp(setjmp_buffer, 1); return; } int64_t GetImageMetadata(const char *path, char *name) { ExifData *ed; ExifEntry *e = NULL; ExifLoader *l; struct jpeg_decompress_struct cinfo; struct jpeg_error_mgr jerr; FILE *infile; int width=0, height=0, thumb=0; char make[32], model[64] = {'\0'}; char b[1024]; struct stat file; int64_t ret; image_s *imsrc; metadata_t m; uint32_t free_flags = 0xFFFFFFFF; memset(&m, '\0', sizeof(metadata_t)); //DEBUG DPRINTF(E_DEBUG, L_METADATA, "Parsing %s...\n", path); if ( stat(path, &file) != 0 ) return 0; strip_ext(name); //DEBUG DPRINTF(E_DEBUG, L_METADATA, " * size: %jd\n", file.st_size); /* MIME hard-coded to JPEG for now, until we add PNG support */ m.mime = strdup("image/jpeg"); l = exif_loader_new(); exif_loader_write_file(l, path); ed = exif_loader_get_data(l); exif_loader_unref(l); if( !ed ) goto no_exifdata; e = exif_content_get_entry (ed->ifd[EXIF_IFD_EXIF], EXIF_TAG_DATE_TIME_ORIGINAL); if( e || (e = exif_content_get_entry(ed->ifd[EXIF_IFD_EXIF], EXIF_TAG_DATE_TIME_DIGITIZED)) ) { m.date = strdup(exif_entry_get_value(e, b, sizeof(b))); if( strlen(m.date) > 10 ) { m.date[4] = '-'; m.date[7] = '-'; m.date[10] = 'T'; } else { free(m.date); m.date = NULL; } } else { /* One last effort to get the date from XMP */ image_get_jpeg_date_xmp(path, &m.date); } //DEBUG DPRINTF(E_DEBUG, L_METADATA, " * date: %s\n", m.date); e = exif_content_get_entry(ed->ifd[EXIF_IFD_0], EXIF_TAG_MAKE); if( e ) { strncpyt(make, exif_entry_get_value(e, b, sizeof(b)), sizeof(make)); e = exif_content_get_entry(ed->ifd[EXIF_IFD_0], EXIF_TAG_MODEL); if( e ) { strncpyt(model, exif_entry_get_value(e, b, sizeof(b)), sizeof(model)); if( !strcasestr(model, make) ) snprintf(model, sizeof(model), "%s %s", make, exif_entry_get_value(e, b, sizeof(b))); m.creator = escape_tag(trim(model), 1); } } //DEBUG DPRINTF(E_DEBUG, L_METADATA, " * model: %s\n", model); e = exif_content_get_entry(ed->ifd[EXIF_IFD_0], EXIF_TAG_ORIENTATION); if( e ) { switch( exif_get_short(e->data, exif_data_get_byte_order(ed)) ) { case 3: m.rotation = 180; break; case 6: m.rotation = 90; break; case 8: m.rotation = 270; break; default: m.rotation = 0; break; } } if( ed->size ) { /* We might need to verify that the thumbnail is 160x160 or smaller */ if( ed->size > 12000 ) { imsrc = image_new_from_jpeg(NULL, 0, ed->data, ed->size, 1, ROTATE_NONE); if( imsrc ) { if( (imsrc->width <= 160) && (imsrc->height <= 160) ) thumb = 1; image_free(imsrc); } } else thumb = 1; } //DEBUG DPRINTF(E_DEBUG, L_METADATA, " * thumbnail: %d\n", thumb); exif_data_unref(ed); no_exifdata: /* If SOF parsing fails, then fall through to reading the JPEG data with libjpeg to get the resolution */ if( image_get_jpeg_resolution(path, &width, &height) != 0 || !width || !height ) { infile = fopen(path, "r"); if( infile ) { cinfo.err = jpeg_std_error(&jerr); jerr.error_exit = libjpeg_error_handler; jpeg_create_decompress(&cinfo); if( setjmp(setjmp_buffer) ) goto error; jpeg_stdio_src(&cinfo, infile); jpeg_read_header(&cinfo, TRUE); jpeg_start_decompress(&cinfo); width = cinfo.output_width; height = cinfo.output_height; error: jpeg_destroy_decompress(&cinfo); fclose(infile); } } //DEBUG DPRINTF(E_DEBUG, L_METADATA, " * resolution: %dx%d\n", width, height); if( !width || !height ) { free_metadata(&m, free_flags); return 0; } if( width <= 640 && height <= 480 ) m.dlna_pn = strdup("JPEG_SM"); else if( width <= 1024 && height <= 768 ) m.dlna_pn = strdup("JPEG_MED"); else if( (width <= 4096 && height <= 4096) || !GETFLAG(DLNA_STRICT_MASK) ) m.dlna_pn = strdup("JPEG_LRG"); xasprintf(&m.resolution, "%dx%d", width, height); ret = sql_exec(db, "INSERT into DETAILS" " (PATH, TITLE, SIZE, TIMESTAMP, DATE, RESOLUTION," " ROTATION, THUMBNAIL, CREATOR, DLNA_PN, MIME) " "VALUES" " (%Q, '%q', %lld, %lld, %Q, %Q, %u, %d, %Q, %Q, %Q);", path, name, (long long)file.st_size, (long long)file.st_mtime, m.date, m.resolution, m.rotation, thumb, m.creator, m.dlna_pn, m.mime); if( ret != SQLITE_OK ) { DPRINTF(E_ERROR, L_METADATA, "Error inserting details for '%s'!\n", path); ret = 0; } else { ret = sqlite3_last_insert_rowid(db); } free_metadata(&m, free_flags); return ret; } int64_t GetVideoMetadata(const char *path, char *name) { struct stat file; int ret, i; struct tm *modtime; AVFormatContext *ctx = NULL; AVCodecContext *ac = NULL, *vc = NULL; int audio_stream = -1, video_stream = -1; enum audio_profiles audio_profile = PROFILE_AUDIO_UNKNOWN; char fourcc[4]; int64_t album_art = 0; char nfo[MAXPATHLEN], *ext; struct song_metadata video; metadata_t m; uint32_t free_flags = 0xFFFFFFFF; char *path_cpy, *basepath; memset(&m, '\0', sizeof(m)); memset(&video, '\0', sizeof(video)); //DEBUG DPRINTF(E_DEBUG, L_METADATA, "Parsing video %s...\n", name); if ( stat(path, &file) != 0 ) return 0; strip_ext(name); //DEBUG DPRINTF(E_DEBUG, L_METADATA, " * size: %jd\n", file.st_size); ret = lav_open(&ctx, path); if( ret != 0 ) { char err[128]; av_strerror(ret, err, sizeof(err)); DPRINTF(E_WARN, L_METADATA, "Opening %s failed! [%s]\n", path, err); return 0; } //dump_format(ctx, 0, NULL, 0); for( i=0; inb_streams; i++) { if( ctx->streams[i]->codec->codec_type == AVMEDIA_TYPE_AUDIO && audio_stream == -1 ) { audio_stream = i; ac = ctx->streams[audio_stream]->codec; continue; } else if( ctx->streams[i]->codec->codec_type == AVMEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO && !lav_is_thumbnail_stream(ctx->streams[i], &m.thumb_data, &m.thumb_size) && video_stream == -1 ) { video_stream = i; vc = ctx->streams[video_stream]->codec; continue; } } path_cpy = strdup(path); basepath = basename(path_cpy); if( !vc ) { printf("not a video file\n"); /* This must not be a video file. */ lav_close(ctx); if( !is_audio(path) ) DPRINTF(E_DEBUG, L_METADATA, "File %s does not contain a video stream.\n", basepath); free(path_cpy); return 0; } if( ac ) { aac_object_type_t aac_type = AAC_INVALID; switch( ac->codec_id ) { case AV_CODEC_ID_MP3: audio_profile = PROFILE_AUDIO_MP3; break; case AV_CODEC_ID_AAC: if( !ac->extradata_size || !ac->extradata ) { DPRINTF(E_DEBUG, L_METADATA, "No AAC type\n"); } else { uint8_t data; memcpy(&data, ac->extradata, 1); aac_type = data >> 3; } switch( aac_type ) { /* AAC Low Complexity variants */ case AAC_LC: case AAC_LC_ER: if( ac->sample_rate < 8000 || ac->sample_rate > 48000 ) { DPRINTF(E_DEBUG, L_METADATA, "Unsupported AAC: sample rate is not 8000 < %d < 48000\n", ac->sample_rate); break; } /* AAC @ Level 1/2 */ if( ac->channels <= 2 && ac->bit_rate <= 576000 ) audio_profile = PROFILE_AUDIO_AAC; else if( ac->channels <= 6 && ac->bit_rate <= 1440000 ) audio_profile = PROFILE_AUDIO_AAC_MULT5; else DPRINTF(E_DEBUG, L_METADATA, "Unhandled AAC: %d channels, %d bitrate\n", ac->channels, ac->bit_rate); break; default: DPRINTF(E_DEBUG, L_METADATA, "Unhandled AAC type [%d]\n", aac_type); break; } break; case AV_CODEC_ID_AC3: case AV_CODEC_ID_DTS: audio_profile = PROFILE_AUDIO_AC3; break; case AV_CODEC_ID_WMAV1: case AV_CODEC_ID_WMAV2: /* WMA Baseline: stereo, up to 48 KHz, up to 192,999 bps */ if ( ac->bit_rate <= 193000 ) audio_profile = PROFILE_AUDIO_WMA_BASE; /* WMA Full: stereo, up to 48 KHz, up to 385 Kbps */ else if ( ac->bit_rate <= 385000 ) audio_profile = PROFILE_AUDIO_WMA_FULL; break; case AV_CODEC_ID_WMAPRO: audio_profile = PROFILE_AUDIO_WMA_PRO; break; case AV_CODEC_ID_MP2: audio_profile = PROFILE_AUDIO_MP2; break; case AV_CODEC_ID_AMR_NB: audio_profile = PROFILE_AUDIO_AMR; break; default: if( (ac->codec_id >= AV_CODEC_ID_PCM_S16LE) && (ac->codec_id < AV_CODEC_ID_ADPCM_IMA_QT) ) audio_profile = PROFILE_AUDIO_PCM; else DPRINTF(E_DEBUG, L_METADATA, "Unhandled audio codec [0x%X]\n", ac->codec_id); break; } m.frequency = ac->sample_rate; m.channels = ac->channels; } if( vc ) { int off; int duration, hours, min, sec, ms; ts_timestamp_t ts_timestamp = NONE; DPRINTF(E_DEBUG, L_METADATA, "Container: '%s' [%s]\n", ctx->iformat->name, basepath); xasprintf(&m.resolution, "%dx%d", vc->width, vc->height); if( ctx->bit_rate > 8 ) m.bitrate = ctx->bit_rate / 8; if( ctx->duration > 0 ) { duration = (int)(ctx->duration / AV_TIME_BASE); hours = (int)(duration / 3600); min = (int)(duration / 60 % 60); sec = (int)(duration % 60); ms = (int)(ctx->duration / (AV_TIME_BASE/1000) % 1000); xasprintf(&m.duration, "%d:%02d:%02d.%03d", hours, min, sec, ms); } /* NOTE: The DLNA spec only provides for ASF (WMV), TS, PS, and MP4 containers. * Skip DLNA parsing for everything else. */ if( strcmp(ctx->iformat->name, "avi") == 0 ) { xasprintf(&m.mime, "video/x-msvideo"); if( vc->codec_id == AV_CODEC_ID_MPEG4 ) { fourcc[0] = vc->codec_tag & 0xff; fourcc[1] = vc->codec_tag>>8 & 0xff; fourcc[2] = vc->codec_tag>>16 & 0xff; fourcc[3] = vc->codec_tag>>24 & 0xff; if( memcmp(fourcc, "XVID", 4) == 0 || memcmp(fourcc, "DX50", 4) == 0 || memcmp(fourcc, "DIVX", 4) == 0 ) xasprintf(&m.creator, "DiVX"); } } else if( strcmp(ctx->iformat->name, "mov,mp4,m4a,3gp,3g2,mj2") == 0 && ends_with(path, ".mov") ) xasprintf(&m.mime, "video/quicktime"); else if( strncmp(ctx->iformat->name, "matroska", 8) == 0 ) xasprintf(&m.mime, "video/x-matroska"); else if( strcmp(ctx->iformat->name, "flv") == 0 ) xasprintf(&m.mime, "video/x-flv"); if( m.mime ) goto video_no_dlna; switch( vc->codec_id ) { case AV_CODEC_ID_MPEG1VIDEO: if( strcmp(ctx->iformat->name, "mpeg") == 0 ) { if( (vc->width == 352) && (vc->height <= 288) ) { m.dlna_pn = strdup("MPEG1"); } xasprintf(&m.mime, "video/mpeg"); } break; case AV_CODEC_ID_MPEG2VIDEO: m.dlna_pn = malloc(64); off = sprintf(m.dlna_pn, "MPEG_"); if( strcmp(ctx->iformat->name, "mpegts") == 0 ) { int raw_packet_size; int dlna_ts_present = dlna_timestamp_is_present(path, &raw_packet_size); DPRINTF(E_DEBUG, L_METADATA, "Stream %d of %s is %s MPEG2 TS packet size %d\n", video_stream, basepath, m.resolution, raw_packet_size); off += sprintf(m.dlna_pn+off, "TS_"); if( (vc->width >= 1280) && (vc->height >= 720) ) { off += sprintf(m.dlna_pn+off, "HD_NA"); } else { off += sprintf(m.dlna_pn+off, "SD_"); if( (vc->height == 576) || (vc->height == 288) ) off += sprintf(m.dlna_pn+off, "EU"); else off += sprintf(m.dlna_pn+off, "NA"); } if( raw_packet_size == MPEG_TS_PACKET_LENGTH_DLNA ) { if (dlna_ts_present) ts_timestamp = VALID; else ts_timestamp = EMPTY; } else if( raw_packet_size != MPEG_TS_PACKET_LENGTH ) { DPRINTF(E_DEBUG, L_METADATA, "Unsupported DLNA TS packet size [%d] (%s)\n", raw_packet_size, basepath); free(m.dlna_pn); m.dlna_pn = NULL; } switch( ts_timestamp ) { case NONE: xasprintf(&m.mime, "video/mpeg"); if( m.dlna_pn ) off += sprintf(m.dlna_pn+off, "_ISO"); break; case VALID: off += sprintf(m.dlna_pn+off, "_T"); case EMPTY: xasprintf(&m.mime, "video/vnd.dlna.mpeg-tts"); default: break; } } else if( strcmp(ctx->iformat->name, "mpeg") == 0 ) { DPRINTF(E_DEBUG, L_METADATA, "Stream %d of %s is %s MPEG2 PS\n", video_stream, basepath, m.resolution); off += sprintf(m.dlna_pn+off, "PS_"); if( (vc->height == 576) || (vc->height == 288) ) off += sprintf(m.dlna_pn+off, "PAL"); else off += sprintf(m.dlna_pn+off, "NTSC"); xasprintf(&m.mime, "video/mpeg"); } else { DPRINTF(E_DEBUG, L_METADATA, "Stream %d of %s [%s] is %s non-DLNA MPEG2\n", video_stream, basepath, ctx->iformat->name, m.resolution); free(m.dlna_pn); m.dlna_pn = NULL; } break; case AV_CODEC_ID_H264: m.dlna_pn = malloc(128); off = sprintf(m.dlna_pn, "AVC_"); if( strcmp(ctx->iformat->name, "mpegts") == 0 ) { AVRational display_aspect_ratio; int fps, interlaced; int raw_packet_size; int dlna_ts_present = dlna_timestamp_is_present(path, &raw_packet_size); off += sprintf(m.dlna_pn+off, "TS_"); if (vc->sample_aspect_ratio.num) { av_reduce(&display_aspect_ratio.num, &display_aspect_ratio.den, vc->width * vc->sample_aspect_ratio.num, vc->height * vc->sample_aspect_ratio.den, 1024*1024); } fps = lav_get_fps(ctx->streams[video_stream]); interlaced = lav_get_interlaced(vc, ctx->streams[video_stream]); if( ((((vc->width == 1920 || vc->width == 1440) && vc->height == 1080) || (vc->width == 720 && vc->height == 480)) && fps == 59 && interlaced) || ((vc->width == 1280 && vc->height == 720) && fps == 59 && !interlaced) ) { if( (vc->profile == FF_PROFILE_H264_MAIN || vc->profile == FF_PROFILE_H264_HIGH) && audio_profile == PROFILE_AUDIO_AC3 ) { off += sprintf(m.dlna_pn+off, "HD_60_"); vc->profile = FF_PROFILE_SKIP; } } else if( ((vc->width == 1920 && vc->height == 1080) || (vc->width == 1440 && vc->height == 1080) || (vc->width == 1280 && vc->height == 720) || (vc->width == 720 && vc->height == 576)) && interlaced && fps == 50 ) { if( (vc->profile == FF_PROFILE_H264_MAIN || vc->profile == FF_PROFILE_H264_HIGH) && audio_profile == PROFILE_AUDIO_AC3 ) { off += sprintf(m.dlna_pn+off, "HD_50_"); vc->profile = FF_PROFILE_SKIP; } } switch( vc->profile ) { case FF_PROFILE_H264_BASELINE: case FF_PROFILE_H264_CONSTRAINED_BASELINE: off += sprintf(m.dlna_pn+off, "BL_"); if( vc->width <= 352 && vc->height <= 288 && vc->bit_rate <= 384000 ) { off += sprintf(m.dlna_pn+off, "CIF15_"); break; } else if( vc->width <= 352 && vc->height <= 288 && vc->bit_rate <= 3000000 ) { off += sprintf(m.dlna_pn+off, "CIF30_"); break; } /* Fall back to Main Profile if it doesn't match a Baseline DLNA profile. */ else off -= 3; default: case FF_PROFILE_H264_MAIN: off += sprintf(m.dlna_pn+off, "MP_"); if( vc->profile != FF_PROFILE_H264_BASELINE && vc->profile != FF_PROFILE_H264_CONSTRAINED_BASELINE && vc->profile != FF_PROFILE_H264_MAIN ) { DPRINTF(E_DEBUG, L_METADATA, "Unknown AVC profile %d; assuming MP. [%s]\n", vc->profile, basepath); } if( vc->width <= 720 && vc->height <= 576 && vc->bit_rate <= 10000000 ) { off += sprintf(m.dlna_pn+off, "SD_"); } else if( vc->width <= 1920 && vc->height <= 1152 && vc->bit_rate <= 20000000 ) { off += sprintf(m.dlna_pn+off, "HD_"); } else { DPRINTF(E_DEBUG, L_METADATA, "Unsupported h.264 video profile! [%s, %dx%d, %dbps : %s]\n", m.dlna_pn, vc->width, vc->height, vc->bit_rate, basepath); free(m.dlna_pn); m.dlna_pn = NULL; } break; case FF_PROFILE_H264_HIGH: off += sprintf(m.dlna_pn+off, "HP_"); if( vc->width <= 1920 && vc->height <= 1152 && vc->bit_rate <= 30000000 && audio_profile == PROFILE_AUDIO_AC3 ) { off += sprintf(m.dlna_pn+off, "HD_"); } else { DPRINTF(E_DEBUG, L_METADATA, "Unsupported h.264 HP video profile! [%dbps, %d audio : %s]\n", vc->bit_rate, audio_profile, basepath); free(m.dlna_pn); m.dlna_pn = NULL; } break; case FF_PROFILE_SKIP: break; } if( !m.dlna_pn ) break; switch( audio_profile ) { case PROFILE_AUDIO_MP3: off += sprintf(m.dlna_pn+off, "MPEG1_L3"); break; case PROFILE_AUDIO_AC3: off += sprintf(m.dlna_pn+off, "AC3"); break; case PROFILE_AUDIO_AAC: case PROFILE_AUDIO_AAC_MULT5: off += sprintf(m.dlna_pn+off, "AAC_MULT5"); break; default: DPRINTF(E_DEBUG, L_METADATA, "No DLNA profile found for %s file [%s]\n", m.dlna_pn, basepath); free(m.dlna_pn); m.dlna_pn = NULL; break; } if( !m.dlna_pn ) break; if( raw_packet_size == MPEG_TS_PACKET_LENGTH_DLNA ) { if( vc->profile == FF_PROFILE_H264_HIGH || dlna_ts_present ) ts_timestamp = VALID; else ts_timestamp = EMPTY; } else if( raw_packet_size != MPEG_TS_PACKET_LENGTH ) { DPRINTF(E_DEBUG, L_METADATA, "Unsupported DLNA TS packet size [%d] (%s)\n", raw_packet_size, basepath); free(m.dlna_pn); m.dlna_pn = NULL; } switch( ts_timestamp ) { case NONE: if( m.dlna_pn ) off += sprintf(m.dlna_pn+off, "_ISO"); break; case VALID: off += sprintf(m.dlna_pn+off, "_T"); case EMPTY: xasprintf(&m.mime, "video/vnd.dlna.mpeg-tts"); default: break; } } else if( strcmp(ctx->iformat->name, "mov,mp4,m4a,3gp,3g2,mj2") == 0 ) { off += sprintf(m.dlna_pn+off, "MP4_"); switch( vc->profile ) { case FF_PROFILE_H264_BASELINE: case FF_PROFILE_H264_CONSTRAINED_BASELINE: if( vc->width <= 352 && vc->height <= 288 ) { if( ctx->bit_rate < 600000 ) off += sprintf(m.dlna_pn+off, "BL_CIF15_"); else if( ctx->bit_rate < 5000000 ) off += sprintf(m.dlna_pn+off, "BL_CIF30_"); else goto mp4_mp_fallback; if( audio_profile == PROFILE_AUDIO_AMR ) { off += sprintf(m.dlna_pn+off, "AMR"); } else if( audio_profile == PROFILE_AUDIO_AAC ) { off += sprintf(m.dlna_pn+off, "AAC_"); if( ctx->bit_rate < 520000 ) { off += sprintf(m.dlna_pn+off, "520"); } else if( ctx->bit_rate < 940000 ) { off += sprintf(m.dlna_pn+off, "940"); } else { off -= 13; goto mp4_mp_fallback; } } else { off -= 9; goto mp4_mp_fallback; } } else if( vc->width <= 720 && vc->height <= 576 ) { if( vc->level == 30 && audio_profile == PROFILE_AUDIO_AAC && ctx->bit_rate <= 5000000 ) off += sprintf(m.dlna_pn+off, "BL_L3L_SD_AAC"); else if( vc->level <= 31 && audio_profile == PROFILE_AUDIO_AAC && ctx->bit_rate <= 15000000 ) off += sprintf(m.dlna_pn+off, "BL_L31_HD_AAC"); else goto mp4_mp_fallback; } else if( vc->width <= 1280 && vc->height <= 720 ) { if( vc->level <= 31 && audio_profile == PROFILE_AUDIO_AAC && ctx->bit_rate <= 15000000 ) off += sprintf(m.dlna_pn+off, "BL_L31_HD_AAC"); else if( vc->level <= 32 && audio_profile == PROFILE_AUDIO_AAC && ctx->bit_rate <= 21000000 ) off += sprintf(m.dlna_pn+off, "BL_L32_HD_AAC"); else goto mp4_mp_fallback; } else goto mp4_mp_fallback; break; case FF_PROFILE_H264_MAIN: mp4_mp_fallback: off += sprintf(m.dlna_pn+off, "MP_"); /* AVC MP4 SD profiles - 10 Mbps max */ if( vc->width <= 720 && vc->height <= 576 && vc->bit_rate <= 10000000 ) { sprintf(m.dlna_pn+off, "SD_"); if( audio_profile == PROFILE_AUDIO_AC3 ) off += sprintf(m.dlna_pn+off, "AC3"); else if( audio_profile == PROFILE_AUDIO_AAC || audio_profile == PROFILE_AUDIO_AAC_MULT5 ) off += sprintf(m.dlna_pn+off, "AAC_MULT5"); else if( audio_profile == PROFILE_AUDIO_MP3 ) off += sprintf(m.dlna_pn+off, "MPEG1_L3"); else m.dlna_pn[10] = '\0'; } else if( vc->width <= 1280 && vc->height <= 720 && vc->bit_rate <= 15000000 && audio_profile == PROFILE_AUDIO_AAC ) { off += sprintf(m.dlna_pn+off, "HD_720p_AAC"); } else if( vc->width <= 1920 && vc->height <= 1080 && vc->bit_rate <= 21000000 && audio_profile == PROFILE_AUDIO_AAC ) { off += sprintf(m.dlna_pn+off, "HD_1080i_AAC"); } if( strlen(m.dlna_pn) <= 11 ) { DPRINTF(E_DEBUG, L_METADATA, "No DLNA profile found for %s file %s\n", m.dlna_pn, basepath); free(m.dlna_pn); m.dlna_pn = NULL; } break; case FF_PROFILE_H264_HIGH: if( vc->width <= 1920 && vc->height <= 1080 && vc->bit_rate <= 25000000 && audio_profile == PROFILE_AUDIO_AAC ) { off += sprintf(m.dlna_pn+off, "HP_HD_AAC"); } break; default: DPRINTF(E_DEBUG, L_METADATA, "AVC profile [%d] not recognized for file %s\n", vc->profile, basepath); free(m.dlna_pn); m.dlna_pn = NULL; break; } } else { free(m.dlna_pn); m.dlna_pn = NULL; } DPRINTF(E_DEBUG, L_METADATA, "Stream %d of %s is h.264\n", video_stream, basepath); break; case AV_CODEC_ID_MPEG4: fourcc[0] = vc->codec_tag & 0xff; fourcc[1] = vc->codec_tag>>8 & 0xff; fourcc[2] = vc->codec_tag>>16 & 0xff; fourcc[3] = vc->codec_tag>>24 & 0xff; DPRINTF(E_DEBUG, L_METADATA, "Stream %d of %s is MPEG4 [%c%c%c%c/0x%X]\n", video_stream, basepath, isprint(fourcc[0]) ? fourcc[0] : '_', isprint(fourcc[1]) ? fourcc[1] : '_', isprint(fourcc[2]) ? fourcc[2] : '_', isprint(fourcc[3]) ? fourcc[3] : '_', vc->codec_tag); if( strcmp(ctx->iformat->name, "mov,mp4,m4a,3gp,3g2,mj2") == 0 ) { m.dlna_pn = malloc(128); off = sprintf(m.dlna_pn, "MPEG4_P2_"); if( ends_with(path, ".3gp") ) { xasprintf(&m.mime, "video/3gpp"); switch( audio_profile ) { case PROFILE_AUDIO_AAC: off += sprintf(m.dlna_pn+off, "3GPP_SP_L0B_AAC"); break; case PROFILE_AUDIO_AMR: off += sprintf(m.dlna_pn+off, "3GPP_SP_L0B_AMR"); break; default: DPRINTF(E_DEBUG, L_METADATA, "No DLNA profile found for MPEG4-P2 3GP/0x%X file %s\n", ac->codec_id, basepath); free(m.dlna_pn); m.dlna_pn = NULL; break; } } else { if( ctx->bit_rate <= 1000000 && audio_profile == PROFILE_AUDIO_AAC ) { off += sprintf(m.dlna_pn+off, "MP4_ASP_AAC"); } else if( ctx->bit_rate <= 4000000 && vc->width <= 640 && vc->height <= 480 && audio_profile == PROFILE_AUDIO_AAC ) { off += sprintf(m.dlna_pn+off, "MP4_SP_VGA_AAC"); } else { DPRINTF(E_DEBUG, L_METADATA, "Unsupported h.264 video profile! [%dx%d, %dbps]\n", vc->width, vc->height, ctx->bit_rate); free(m.dlna_pn); m.dlna_pn = NULL; } } } break; case AV_CODEC_ID_WMV3: /* I'm not 100% sure this is correct, but it works on everything I could get my hands on */ if( vc->extradata_size > 0 ) { if( !((vc->extradata[0] >> 3) & 1) ) vc->level = 0; if( !((vc->extradata[0] >> 6) & 1) ) vc->profile = 0; } case AV_CODEC_ID_VC1: if( strcmp(ctx->iformat->name, "asf") != 0 ) { DPRINTF(E_DEBUG, L_METADATA, "Skipping DLNA parsing for non-ASF VC1 file %s\n", path); break; } m.dlna_pn = malloc(64); off = sprintf(m.dlna_pn, "WMV"); DPRINTF(E_DEBUG, L_METADATA, "Stream %d of %s is VC1\n", video_stream, basepath); xasprintf(&m.mime, "video/x-ms-wmv"); if( (vc->width <= 176) && (vc->height <= 144) && (vc->level == 0) ) { off += sprintf(m.dlna_pn+off, "SPLL_"); switch( audio_profile ) { case PROFILE_AUDIO_MP3: off += sprintf(m.dlna_pn+off, "MP3"); break; case PROFILE_AUDIO_WMA_BASE: off += sprintf(m.dlna_pn+off, "BASE"); break; default: DPRINTF(E_DEBUG, L_METADATA, "No DLNA profile found for WMVSPLL/0x%X file %s\n", audio_profile, basepath); free(m.dlna_pn); m.dlna_pn = NULL; break; } } else if( (vc->width <= 352) && (vc->height <= 288) && (vc->profile == 0) && (ctx->bit_rate/8 <= 384000) ) { off += sprintf(m.dlna_pn+off, "SPML_"); switch( audio_profile ) { case PROFILE_AUDIO_MP3: off += sprintf(m.dlna_pn+off, "MP3"); break; case PROFILE_AUDIO_WMA_BASE: off += sprintf(m.dlna_pn+off, "BASE"); break; default: DPRINTF(E_DEBUG, L_METADATA, "No DLNA profile found for WMVSPML/0x%X file %s\n", audio_profile, basepath); free(m.dlna_pn); m.dlna_pn = NULL; break; } } else if( (vc->width <= 720) && (vc->height <= 576) && (ctx->bit_rate/8 <= 10000000) ) { off += sprintf(m.dlna_pn+off, "MED_"); switch( audio_profile ) { case PROFILE_AUDIO_WMA_PRO: off += sprintf(m.dlna_pn+off, "PRO"); break; case PROFILE_AUDIO_WMA_FULL: off += sprintf(m.dlna_pn+off, "FULL"); break; case PROFILE_AUDIO_WMA_BASE: off += sprintf(m.dlna_pn+off, "BASE"); break; default: DPRINTF(E_DEBUG, L_METADATA, "No DLNA profile found for WMVMED/0x%X file %s\n", audio_profile, basepath); free(m.dlna_pn); m.dlna_pn = NULL; break; } } else if( (vc->width <= 1920) && (vc->height <= 1080) && (ctx->bit_rate/8 <= 20000000) ) { off += sprintf(m.dlna_pn+off, "HIGH_"); switch( audio_profile ) { case PROFILE_AUDIO_WMA_PRO: off += sprintf(m.dlna_pn+off, "PRO"); break; case PROFILE_AUDIO_WMA_FULL: off += sprintf(m.dlna_pn+off, "FULL"); break; default: DPRINTF(E_DEBUG, L_METADATA, "No DLNA profile found for WMVHIGH/0x%X file %s\n", audio_profile, basepath); free(m.dlna_pn); m.dlna_pn = NULL; break; } } break; case AV_CODEC_ID_MSMPEG4V3: xasprintf(&m.mime, "video/x-msvideo"); default: DPRINTF(E_DEBUG, L_METADATA, "Stream %d of %s is %s [type %d]\n", video_stream, basepath, m.resolution, vc->codec_id); break; } } if( strcmp(ctx->iformat->name, "asf") == 0 ) { if( readtags((char *)path, &video, &file, "en_US", "asf") == 0 ) { if( video.title && *video.title ) { m.title = escape_tag(trim(video.title), 1); } if( video.genre && *video.genre ) { m.genre = escape_tag(trim(video.genre), 1); } if( video.contributor[ROLE_TRACKARTIST] && *video.contributor[ROLE_TRACKARTIST] ) { m.artist = escape_tag(trim(video.contributor[ROLE_TRACKARTIST]), 1); } if( video.contributor[ROLE_ALBUMARTIST] && *video.contributor[ROLE_ALBUMARTIST] ) { m.creator = escape_tag(trim(video.contributor[ROLE_ALBUMARTIST]), 1); } else { m.creator = m.artist; free_flags &= ~FLAG_CREATOR; } if (!m.thumb_data) { m.thumb_data = video.image; m.thumb_size = video.image_size; } } } #ifndef NETGEAR #if LIBAVFORMAT_VERSION_INT >= ((52<<16)+(31<<8)+0) else if( strcmp(ctx->iformat->name, "mov,mp4,m4a,3gp,3g2,mj2") == 0 ) { if( ctx->metadata ) { AVDictionaryEntry *tag = NULL; //DEBUG DPRINTF(E_DEBUG, L_METADATA, "Metadata:\n"); while( (tag = av_dict_get(ctx->metadata, "", tag, AV_DICT_IGNORE_SUFFIX)) ) { //DEBUG DPRINTF(E_DEBUG, L_METADATA, " %-16s: %s\n", tag->key, tag->value); if( strcmp(tag->key, "title") == 0 ) m.title = escape_tag(trim(tag->value), 1); else if( strcmp(tag->key, "genre") == 0 ) m.genre = escape_tag(trim(tag->value), 1); else if( strcmp(tag->key, "artist") == 0 ) m.artist = escape_tag(trim(tag->value), 1); else if( strcmp(tag->key, "comment") == 0 ) m.comment = escape_tag(trim(tag->value), 1); } } } #endif #endif video_no_dlna: #ifdef TIVO_SUPPORT if( ends_with(path, ".TiVo") && is_tivo_file(path) ) { if( m.dlna_pn ) { free(m.dlna_pn); m.dlna_pn = NULL; } m.mime = realloc(m.mime, 21); strcpy(m.mime, "video/x-tivo-mpeg"); } #endif strcpy(nfo, path); ext = strrchr(nfo, '.'); if( ext ) { strcpy(ext+1, "nfo"); if( access(nfo, F_OK) == 0 ) { parse_nfo(nfo, &m); } } if( !m.mime ) { if( strcmp(ctx->iformat->name, "avi") == 0 ) xasprintf(&m.mime, "video/x-msvideo"); else if( strncmp(ctx->iformat->name, "mpeg", 4) == 0 ) xasprintf(&m.mime, "video/mpeg"); else if( strcmp(ctx->iformat->name, "asf") == 0 ) xasprintf(&m.mime, "video/x-ms-wmv"); else if( strcmp(ctx->iformat->name, "mov,mp4,m4a,3gp,3g2,mj2") == 0 ) if( ends_with(path, ".mov") ) xasprintf(&m.mime, "video/quicktime"); else xasprintf(&m.mime, "video/mp4"); else if( strncmp(ctx->iformat->name, "matroska", 8) == 0 ) xasprintf(&m.mime, "video/x-matroska"); else if( strcmp(ctx->iformat->name, "flv") == 0 ) xasprintf(&m.mime, "video/x-flv"); else DPRINTF(E_WARN, L_METADATA, "%s: Unhandled format: %s\n", path, ctx->iformat->name); } if( !m.date ) { m.date = malloc(20); modtime = localtime(&file.st_mtime); strftime(m.date, 20, "%FT%T", modtime); } if( !m.title ) m.title = strdup(name); album_art = find_album_art(path, m.thumb_data, m.thumb_size); freetags(&video); lav_close(ctx); ret = sql_exec(db, "INSERT into DETAILS" " (PATH, SIZE, TIMESTAMP, DURATION, DATE, CHANNELS, BITRATE, SAMPLERATE, RESOLUTION," " TITLE, CREATOR, ARTIST, GENRE, COMMENT, DLNA_PN, MIME, ALBUM_ART) " "VALUES" " (%Q, %lld, %lld, %Q, %Q, %u, %u, %u, %Q, '%q', %Q, %Q, %Q, %Q, %Q, '%q', %lld);", path, (long long)file.st_size, (long long)file.st_mtime, m.duration, m.date, m.channels, m.bitrate, m.frequency, m.resolution, m.title, m.creator, m.artist, m.genre, m.comment, m.dlna_pn, m.mime, album_art); if( ret != SQLITE_OK ) { DPRINTF(E_ERROR, L_METADATA, "Error inserting details for '%s'!\n", path); ret = 0; } else { ret = sqlite3_last_insert_rowid(db); check_for_captions(path, ret); } free_metadata(&m, free_flags); free(path_cpy); return ret; }