DISTRIBUTION NOTES To install gSOAP, unpack the archive. You will get the following files: README.txt read this first LICENSE.txt license information NOTES.txt this file license.html gSOAP public license (HTML), see LICENSE.txt license.pdf gSOAP public license (PDF), see LICENSE.txt gpl.txt GPL license, see LICENSE.txt The 'gsoap' folder contains essential source code for the run-time libraries: stdsoap2.h header file for stdsoap2.c[pp] stdsoap2.c library and gSOAP runtime stdsoap2.cpp library (identical to stdsoap2.c) dom.c C DOM parser dom.cpp C++ DOM parser and the following folders: bin binaries doc documentation, including soapdoc2.html, soapdoc2.pdf samples examples extras contributed extras import #import-ed header files for soapcpp2 compiler plugin plug-in examples custom custom serializers for various data types mod_gsoap contributed Apache mod_gsoap, IIS, and WinInet support src gSOAP soapcpp2 compiler sources wsdl WSDL parser wsdl2h sources WS typemap.dat and WS-* protocol schemas uddi2 UDDI v2 All examples are available in the 'samples' subdirectory. The 'gsoap_mod' directory includes Apache 1.x and 2.0 mods for gSOAP, IIS, and WinInet support. WinInet allows gsoap to use the WinInet API instead of calls to the socket API. The primary benefit of this arrangement is that "if IE works, your program will work". There is no need to read proxy settings from the registry, deal with proxy configuration scripts, etc. Changes in the "Internet Options" dialog box will immediately take effect in your program. Additionally, this will allow gsoap to handle forms of authentication not yet supported natively, such as NTLM (Integrated Windows Authentication), etc. Contributions are included in the 'extras' directory and 'mod_gsoap'.