/* $Id: dhcp6s.c,v 2006-12-04 00:45:25 Exp $ */ /* ported from KAME: dhcp6s.c,v 1.91 2002/09/24 14:20:50 itojun Exp */ /* * Copyright (C) 1998 and 1999 WIDE Project. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. Neither the name of the project nor the names of its contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE PROJECT AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE PROJECT OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #if TIME_WITH_SYS_TIME # include # include #else # if HAVE_SYS_TIME_H # include # else # include # endif #endif #include #include #if defined(__FreeBSD__) && __FreeBSD__ >= 3 #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "queue.h" #include "timer.h" #include "dhcp6.h" #include "config.h" #include "common.h" #include "server6_conf.h" #include "lease.h" typedef enum { DHCP6_CONFINFO_PREFIX, DHCP6_CONFINFO_ADDRS } dhcp6_conftype_t; struct dhcp6_binding { TAILQ_ENTRY(dhcp6_binding) link; dhcp6_conftype_t type; struct duid clientid; void *val; u_int32_t duration; struct dhcp6_timer *timer; }; static char *device[100]; static int num_device = 0; static int debug = 0; const dhcp6_mode_t dhcp6_mode = DHCP6_MODE_SERVER; int insock; /* inbound udp port */ //int outsock; /* outbound udp port */ // Foxconn removed pling 08/15/2009 extern FILE *server6_lease_file; char server6_lease_temp[100]; static const struct sockaddr_in6 *sa6_any_downstream; static u_int16_t upstream_port; static struct msghdr rmh; static char rdatabuf[BUFSIZ]; static int rmsgctllen; static char *rmsgctlbuf; static struct duid server_duid; static struct dns_list arg_dnslist; static struct dhcp6_timer *sync_lease_timer; struct link_decl *subnet = NULL; struct host_decl *host = NULL; struct rootgroup *globalgroup = NULL; #define DUID_FILE "/tmp/dhcp6s_duid" //Modified. "/var/lib/dhcpv6/dhcp6s_duid" #define DHCP6S_CONF "/etc/dhcp6s.conf" #define DH6_VALID_MESSAGE(a) \ (a == DH6_SOLICIT || a == DH6_REQUEST || a == DH6_RENEW || \ a == DH6_REBIND || a == DH6_CONFIRM || a == DH6_RELEASE || \ a == DH6_DECLINE || a == DH6_INFORM_REQ) static void usage __P((void)); static void server6_init __P((void)); static void server6_mainloop __P((void)); static int server6_recv __P((int)); static int server6_react_message __P((struct dhcp6_if *, struct in6_pktinfo *, struct dhcp6 *, struct dhcp6_optinfo *, struct sockaddr *, int)); static int server6_send __P((int, struct dhcp6_if *, struct dhcp6 *, struct dhcp6_optinfo *, struct sockaddr *, int, struct dhcp6_optinfo *)); static struct dhcp6_timer *check_lease_file_timo __P((void *arg)); static struct dhcp6 *dhcp6_parse_relay __P((struct dhcp6_relay *, struct dhcp6_relay *, struct dhcp6_optinfo *, struct in6_addr *)); static int dhcp6_set_relay __P((struct dhcp6_relay *, struct dhcp6_relay *, struct dhcp6_optinfo *)); static void dhcp6_set_relay_option_len __P((struct dhcp6_optinfo *, int len)); extern struct link_decl *dhcp6_allocate_link __P((struct dhcp6_if *, struct rootgroup *, struct in6_addr *)); extern struct host_decl *dhcp6_allocate_host __P((struct dhcp6_if *, struct rootgroup *, struct dhcp6_optinfo *)); extern int dhcp6_get_hostconf __P((struct dhcp6_optinfo *, struct dhcp6_optinfo *, struct dhcp6_iaidaddr *, struct host_decl *)); static void random_init(void) { int f, n; unsigned int seed = time(NULL) & getpid(); char rand_state[256]; f = open("/dev/urandom", O_RDONLY); if (f > 0) { n = read(f, rand_state, sizeof(rand_state)); close(f); if (n > 32) { initstate(seed, rand_state, n); return; } } srandom(seed); } int main(argc, argv) int argc; char **argv; { int ch; struct in6_addr a; struct dhcp6_listval *dlv; char *progname, *conffile = DHCP6S_CONF; if ((progname = strrchr(*argv, '/')) == NULL) progname = *argv; else progname++; TAILQ_INIT(&arg_dnslist.addrlist); random_init(); while ((ch = getopt(argc, argv, "c:dDfn:")) != -1) { switch (ch) { case 'c': conffile = optarg; break; case 'd': debug = 1; break; case 'D': debug = 2; break; case 'f': foreground++; break; case 'n': warnx("-n dnsserv option was obsoleted. " "use configuration file."); if (inet_pton(AF_INET6, optarg, &a) != 1) { errx(1, "invalid DNS server %s", optarg); /* NOTREACHED */ } if ((dlv = malloc(sizeof *dlv)) == NULL) { errx(1, "malloc failed for a DNS server"); /* NOTREACHED */ } dlv->val_addr6 = a; TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&arg_dnslist.addrlist, dlv, link); break; default: usage(); /* NOTREACHED */ } } while (optind < argc) { device[num_device] = argv[optind++]; num_device += 1; } if (foreground == 0) { if (daemon(0, 0) < 0) err(1, "daemon"); openlog(progname, LOG_NDELAY|LOG_PID, LOG_DAEMON); } setloglevel(debug); server6_init(); if ((server6_lease_file = init_leases(PATH_SERVER6_LEASE)) == NULL) { dprintf(LOG_ERR, "%s" "failed to parse lease file", FNAME); exit(1); } strcpy(server6_lease_temp, PATH_SERVER6_LEASE); strcat(server6_lease_temp, "XXXXXX"); server6_lease_file = sync_leases(server6_lease_file, PATH_SERVER6_LEASE, server6_lease_temp); if (server6_lease_file == NULL) exit(1); globalgroup = (struct rootgroup *)malloc(sizeof(struct rootgroup)); if (globalgroup == NULL) { dprintf(LOG_ERR, "failed to allocate memory %s", strerror(errno)); exit(1); } memset(globalgroup, 0, sizeof(*globalgroup)); TAILQ_INIT(&globalgroup->scope.dnslist.addrlist); TAILQ_INIT(&globalgroup->scope.siplist); TAILQ_INIT(&globalgroup->scope.ntplist); if ((sfparse(conffile)) != 0) { dprintf(LOG_ERR, "%s" "failed to parse addr configuration file", FNAME); exit(1); } server6_mainloop(); exit(0); } static void usage() { fprintf(stderr, "usage: dhcp6s [-c configfile] [-dDf] [interface]\n"); exit(0); } /*------------------------------------------------------------*/ void server6_init() { struct addrinfo hints; struct addrinfo *res, *res2; int error, skfd, i; int on = 1; int ifidx[MAX_DEVICE]; struct ipv6_mreq mreq6; static struct iovec iov; static struct sockaddr_in6 sa6_any_downstream_storage; char buff[1024]; struct ifconf ifc; struct ifreq *ifr; double d; struct timeval timo; /* initialize inbound socket */ memset(&hints, 0, sizeof(hints)); hints.ai_family = PF_INET6; hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_DGRAM; hints.ai_protocol = IPPROTO_UDP; hints.ai_flags = AI_PASSIVE; error = getaddrinfo(NULL, DH6PORT_UPSTREAM, &hints, &res); if (error) { dprintf(LOG_ERR, "%s" "getaddrinfo: %s", FNAME, gai_strerror(error)); exit(1); } insock = socket(res->ai_family, res->ai_socktype, res->ai_protocol); if (insock < 0) { dprintf(LOG_ERR, "%s" "socket(insock): %s", FNAME, strerror(errno)); exit(1); } #ifdef IPV6_RECVPKTINFO if (setsockopt(insock, IPPROTO_IPV6, IPV6_RECVPKTINFO, &on, sizeof(on)) < 0) { dprintf(LOG_ERR, "%s" "setsockopt(inbound, IPV6_RECVPKTINFO): %s", FNAME, strerror(errno)); exit(1); } #else if (setsockopt(insock, IPPROTO_IPV6, IPV6_PKTINFO, &on, sizeof(on)) < 0) { dprintf(LOG_ERR, "%s" "setsockopt(inbound, IPV6_PKTINFO): %s", FNAME, strerror(errno)); exit(1); } #endif if (bind(insock, res->ai_addr, res->ai_addrlen) < 0) { dprintf(LOG_ERR, "%s" "dhcp6s: bind(insock): %s", FNAME, strerror(errno)); exit(1); } upstream_port = ((struct sockaddr_in6 *) res->ai_addr)->sin6_port; freeaddrinfo(res); /* initiallize outbound interface */ hints.ai_flags = AI_PASSIVE; error = getaddrinfo(NULL, DH6PORT_DOWNSTREAM, &hints, &res); if (error) { dprintf(LOG_ERR, "%s" "getaddrinfo: %s", FNAME, gai_strerror(error)); exit(1); } /* Foxconn removed start pling 08/15/2009 */ /* Don't use outsock as it conflicts with dhcp6c */ #if 0 outsock = socket(res->ai_family, res->ai_socktype, res->ai_protocol); if (outsock < 0) { dprintf(LOG_ERR, "%s" "socket(outsock): %s", FNAME, strerror(errno)); exit(1); } if (bind(outsock, res->ai_addr, res->ai_addrlen) < 0) { dprintf(LOG_ERR, "%s" "bind(outsock): %s", FNAME, strerror(errno)); exit(1); } #endif /* Foxconn removed end pling 08/15/2009 */ memcpy(&sa6_any_downstream_storage, res->ai_addr, res->ai_addrlen); sa6_any_downstream = (const struct sockaddr_in6*)&sa6_any_downstream_storage; freeaddrinfo(res); /* initialize send/receive buffer */ iov.iov_base = (caddr_t)rdatabuf; iov.iov_len = sizeof(rdatabuf); rmh.msg_iov = &iov; rmh.msg_iovlen = 1; rmsgctllen = CMSG_SPACE(sizeof(struct in6_pktinfo)); if ((rmsgctlbuf = (char *)malloc(rmsgctllen)) == NULL) { dprintf(LOG_ERR, "%s" "memory allocation failed", FNAME); exit(1); } if (num_device != 0) { for (i = 0; i < num_device; i++) { ifidx[i] = if_nametoindex(device[i]); if (ifidx[i] == 0) { dprintf(LOG_ERR, "%s" "invalid interface %s", FNAME, device[0]); exit(1); } ifinit(device[i]); } if (get_duid(DUID_FILE, device[0], &server_duid)) { dprintf(LOG_ERR, "%s" "failed to get a DUID", FNAME); exit(1); } } else { /* all the interfaces join multicast group */ ifc.ifc_len = sizeof(buff); ifc.ifc_buf = buff; if ((skfd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM,0)) < 0) { dprintf(LOG_ERR, "new socket failed"); exit(1); } if (ioctl(skfd, SIOCGIFCONF, &ifc) < 0) { dprintf(LOG_ERR, "SIOCGIFCONF: %s\n", strerror(errno)); exit(1); } ifr = ifc.ifc_req; for (i = ifc.ifc_len / sizeof(struct ifreq); --i >= 0; ifr++) { dprintf(LOG_DEBUG, "found device %s", ifr->ifr_name); ifidx[num_device] = if_nametoindex(ifr->ifr_name); if (ifidx[num_device] < 0) { dprintf(LOG_ERR, "%s: unknown interface.\n", ifr->ifr_name); continue; } dprintf(LOG_DEBUG, "if %s index is %d", ifr->ifr_name, ifidx[num_device]); #ifdef mshirley if (((ifr->ifr_flags & IFF_UP) == 0)) continue; #endif if (strcmp(ifr->ifr_name, "lo")) { /* get our DUID */ if (get_duid(DUID_FILE, ifr->ifr_name, &server_duid)) { dprintf(LOG_ERR, "%s" "failed to get a DUID", FNAME); exit(1); } } ifinit(ifr->ifr_name); num_device += 1; } } for (i = 0; i < num_device; i++) { hints.ai_flags = 0; error = getaddrinfo(DH6ADDR_ALLAGENT, DH6PORT_UPSTREAM, &hints, &res2); if (error) { dprintf(LOG_ERR, "%s" "getaddrinfo: %s", FNAME, gai_strerror(error)); exit(1); } memset(&mreq6, 0, sizeof(mreq6)); mreq6.ipv6mr_interface = ifidx[i]; memcpy(&mreq6.ipv6mr_multiaddr, &((struct sockaddr_in6 *)res2->ai_addr)->sin6_addr, sizeof(mreq6.ipv6mr_multiaddr)); if (setsockopt(insock, IPPROTO_IPV6, IPV6_JOIN_GROUP, &mreq6, sizeof(mreq6))) { dprintf(LOG_ERR, "%s" "setsockopt(insock, IPV6_JOIN_GROUP) %s", FNAME, strerror(errno)); exit(1); } freeaddrinfo(res2); hints.ai_flags = 0; error = getaddrinfo(DH6ADDR_ALLSERVER, DH6PORT_UPSTREAM, &hints, &res2); if (error) { dprintf(LOG_ERR, "%s" "getaddrinfo: %s", FNAME, gai_strerror(error)); exit(1); } memset(&mreq6, 0, sizeof(mreq6)); mreq6.ipv6mr_interface = ifidx[i]; memcpy(&mreq6.ipv6mr_multiaddr, &((struct sockaddr_in6 *)res2->ai_addr)->sin6_addr, sizeof(mreq6.ipv6mr_multiaddr)); if (setsockopt(insock, IPPROTO_IPV6, IPV6_JOIN_GROUP, &mreq6, sizeof(mreq6))) { dprintf(LOG_ERR, "%s" "setsockopt(insock, IPV6_JOIN_GROUP): %s", FNAME, strerror(errno)); exit(1); } freeaddrinfo(res2); /* Foxconn removed start pling 08/15/2009 */ /* Don't use outsock as it conflicts with dhcp6c */ #if 0 /* set outgoing interface of multicast packets for DHCP reconfig */ if (setsockopt(outsock, IPPROTO_IPV6, IPV6_MULTICAST_IF, &ifidx[i], sizeof(ifidx[i])) < 0) { dprintf(LOG_ERR, "%s" "setsockopt(outsock, IPV6_MULTICAST_IF): %s", FNAME, strerror(errno)); exit(1); } #endif /* Foxconn removed start pling 08/15/2009 */ } /* set up sync lease file timer */ sync_lease_timer = dhcp6_add_timer(check_lease_file_timo, NULL); d = DHCP6_SYNCFILE_TIME; timo.tv_sec = (long)d; timo.tv_usec = 0; dprintf(LOG_DEBUG, "set timer for syncing file ..."); dhcp6_set_timer(&timo, sync_lease_timer); return; } static void server6_mainloop() { struct timeval *w; int ret; fd_set r; while (1) { w = dhcp6_check_timer(); FD_ZERO(&r); FD_SET(insock, &r); ret = select(insock + 1, &r, NULL, NULL, w); switch (ret) { case -1: dprintf(LOG_ERR, "%s" "select: %s", FNAME, strerror(errno)); exit(1); /* NOTREACHED */ case 0: /* timeout */ break; default: break; } if (FD_ISSET(insock, &r)) server6_recv(insock); } } static int server6_recv(s) int s; { ssize_t len; struct sockaddr_storage from; int fromlen; struct msghdr mhdr; struct iovec iov; char cmsgbuf[BUFSIZ]; struct cmsghdr *cm; struct in6_pktinfo *pi = NULL; struct dhcp6_if *ifp; struct dhcp6 *dh6; struct dhcp6_optinfo optinfo; struct in6_addr relay; /* the address of the first relay, if any */ memset(&iov, 0, sizeof(iov)); memset(&mhdr, 0, sizeof(mhdr)); iov.iov_base = rdatabuf; iov.iov_len = sizeof(rdatabuf); mhdr.msg_name = &from; mhdr.msg_namelen = sizeof(from); mhdr.msg_iov = &iov; mhdr.msg_iovlen = 1; mhdr.msg_control = (caddr_t)cmsgbuf; mhdr.msg_controllen = sizeof(cmsgbuf); if ((len = recvmsg(insock, &mhdr, 0)) < 0) { dprintf(LOG_ERR, "%s" "recvmsg: %s", FNAME, strerror(errno)); return -1; } fromlen = mhdr.msg_namelen; for (cm = (struct cmsghdr *)CMSG_FIRSTHDR(&mhdr); cm; cm = (struct cmsghdr *)CMSG_NXTHDR(&mhdr, cm)) { if (cm->cmsg_level == IPPROTO_IPV6 && cm->cmsg_type == IPV6_PKTINFO && cm->cmsg_len == CMSG_LEN(sizeof(struct in6_pktinfo))) { pi = (struct in6_pktinfo *)(CMSG_DATA(cm)); } } if (pi == NULL) { dprintf(LOG_NOTICE, "%s" "failed to get packet info", FNAME); return -1; } dprintf(LOG_DEBUG, "received message packet info addr is %s, scope id (%d)", in6addr2str(&pi->ipi6_addr, 0), (unsigned int)pi->ipi6_ifindex); if ((ifp = find_ifconfbyid((unsigned int)pi->ipi6_ifindex)) == NULL) { dprintf(LOG_INFO, "%s" "unexpected interface (%d)", FNAME, (unsigned int)pi->ipi6_ifindex); return -1; } if (len < sizeof(*dh6)) { dprintf(LOG_INFO, "%s" "short packet", FNAME); return -1; } dh6 = (struct dhcp6 *)rdatabuf; dprintf(LOG_DEBUG, "%s" "received %s from %s", FNAME, dhcp6msgstr(dh6->dh6_msgtype), addr2str((struct sockaddr *)&from)); dhcp6_init_options(&optinfo); /* * If this is a relayed message, parse all of the relay data, storing * the link addresses, peer addresses, and interface identifiers for * later use. Get a pointer to the original client message. */ if (dh6->dh6_msgtype == DH6_RELAY_FORW) { dh6 = dhcp6_parse_relay((struct dhcp6_relay *) dh6, (struct dhcp6_relay *) (rdatabuf + len), &optinfo, &relay); /* * NULL means there was an error in the relay format or no * client message was found. */ if (dh6 == NULL) { dprintf(LOG_INFO, "%s" "failed to parse relay fields " "or could not find client message", FNAME); return -1; } } /* * parse and validate options in the request */ /* Foxconn modified start pling 10/04/2010 */ /* Pass extra arg to 'dhcp6_get_options' */ #if 0 if (dhcp6_get_options((struct dhcp6opt *)(dh6 + 1), (struct dhcp6opt *)(rdatabuf + len), &optinfo) < 0) { #endif if (dhcp6_get_options((struct dhcp6opt *)(dh6 + 1), (struct dhcp6opt *)(rdatabuf + len), &optinfo, 0, 0, 0) < 0) { /* Foxconn modified end pling 10/04/2010 */ dprintf(LOG_INFO, "%s" "failed to parse options", FNAME); return -1; } /* check host decl first */ host = dhcp6_allocate_host(ifp, globalgroup, &optinfo); /* ToDo: allocate subnet after relay agent done * now assume client is on the same link as server * if the subnet couldn't be found return status code NotOnLink to client */ /* * If the relay list is empty, then this is a message received directly * from the client, so client is on the same link as the server. * Otherwise, allocate the client an address based on the first relay * that forwarded the message. */ if (TAILQ_EMPTY(&optinfo.relay_list)) subnet = dhcp6_allocate_link(ifp, globalgroup, NULL); else subnet = dhcp6_allocate_link(ifp, globalgroup, &relay); if (!(DH6_VALID_MESSAGE(dh6->dh6_msgtype))) dprintf(LOG_INFO, "%s" "unknown or unsupported msgtype %s", FNAME, dhcp6msgstr(dh6->dh6_msgtype)); else server6_react_message(ifp, pi, dh6, &optinfo, (struct sockaddr *)&from, fromlen); dhcp6_clear_options(&optinfo); return 0; } static int server6_react_message(ifp, pi, dh6, optinfo, from, fromlen) struct dhcp6_if *ifp; struct in6_pktinfo *pi; struct dhcp6 *dh6; struct dhcp6_optinfo *optinfo; struct sockaddr *from; int fromlen; { struct dhcp6_optinfo roptinfo; int addr_flag = 0; int addr_request = 0; int resptype = DH6_REPLY; int num = DH6OPT_STCODE_SUCCESS; int sending_hint = 0; /* message validation according to Section 18.2 of dhcpv6-28 */ /* the message must include a Client Identifier option */ if (optinfo->clientID.duid_len == 0) { dprintf(LOG_INFO, "%s" "no server ID option", FNAME); return -1; } else { dprintf(LOG_DEBUG, "%s" "client ID %s", FNAME, duidstr(&optinfo->clientID)); } /* the message must include a Server Identifier option in below messages*/ switch (dh6->dh6_msgtype) { case DH6_REQUEST: case DH6_RENEW: case DH6_DECLINE: case DH6_RELEASE: if (optinfo->serverID.duid_len == 0) { dprintf(LOG_INFO, "%s" "no server ID option", FNAME); return -1; } /* the contents of the Server Identifier option must match ours */ if (duidcmp(&optinfo->serverID, &server_duid)) { dprintf(LOG_INFO, "server ID %s mismatch %s", duidstr(&optinfo->serverID), duidstr(&server_duid)); return -1; } break; default: break; } /* * configure necessary options based on the options in request. */ dhcp6_init_options(&roptinfo); /* server information option */ if (duidcpy(&roptinfo.serverID, &server_duid)) { dprintf(LOG_ERR, "%s" "failed to copy server ID", FNAME); goto fail; } /* copy client information back */ if (duidcpy(&roptinfo.clientID, &optinfo->clientID)) { dprintf(LOG_ERR, "%s" "failed to copy client ID", FNAME); goto fail; } /* if the client is not on the link */ if (host == NULL && subnet == NULL) { num = DH6OPT_STCODE_NOTONLINK; /* Draft-28 18.2.2, drop the message if NotOnLink */ if (dh6->dh6_msgtype == DH6_CONFIRM || dh6->dh6_msgtype == DH6_REBIND) goto fail; else goto send; } if (subnet) { roptinfo.pref = subnet->linkscope.server_pref; roptinfo.flags = (optinfo->flags & subnet->linkscope.allow_flags) | subnet->linkscope.send_flags; dnslist = subnet->linkscope.dnslist; siplist = subnet->linkscope.siplist; ntplist = subnet->linkscope.ntplist; } if (host) { roptinfo.pref = host->hostscope.server_pref; roptinfo.flags = (optinfo->flags & host->hostscope.allow_flags) | host->hostscope.send_flags; dnslist = host->hostscope.dnslist; siplist = host->hostscope.siplist; ntplist = host->hostscope.ntplist; } /* prohibit a mixture of old and new style of DNS server config */ if (!TAILQ_EMPTY(&arg_dnslist.addrlist)) { if (!TAILQ_EMPTY(&dnslist.addrlist)) { dprintf(LOG_INFO, "%s" "do not specify DNS servers " "both by command line and by configuration file.", FNAME); exit(1); } dnslist = arg_dnslist; TAILQ_INIT(&arg_dnslist.addrlist); } dprintf(LOG_DEBUG, "server preference is %2x", roptinfo.pref); if (roptinfo.flags & DHCIFF_UNICAST) { /* todo find the right server unicast address to client*/ /* get_linklocal(device, &roptinfo.server_addr) */ memcpy(&roptinfo.server_addr, &ifp->linklocal, sizeof(roptinfo.server_addr)); dprintf(LOG_DEBUG, "%s" "server address is %s", FNAME, in6addr2str(&roptinfo.server_addr, 0)); } /* * When the server receives a Request message via unicast from a * client to which the server has not sent a unicast option, the server * discards the Request message and responds with a Reply message * containing a Status Code option with value UseMulticast, a Server * Identifier option containing the server's DUID, the Client * Identifier option from the client message and no other options. * [dhcpv6-26 18.2.1] */ switch (dh6->dh6_msgtype) { case DH6_REQUEST: case DH6_RENEW: case DH6_DECLINE: /* * If the message was relayed, then do not check whether the message * came in via unicast or multicast, since the relay may be configured * to send messages via unicast. */ if (TAILQ_EMPTY(&optinfo->relay_list) && !IN6_IS_ADDR_MULTICAST(&pi->ipi6_addr)) { if (!(roptinfo.flags & DHCIFF_UNICAST)) { num = DH6OPT_STCODE_USEMULTICAST; goto send; } else break; } break; default: /* * If the message was relayed, then do not check whether the message * came in via unicast or multicast, since the relay may be configured * to send messages via unicast. */ if (TAILQ_EMPTY(&optinfo->relay_list) && !IN6_IS_ADDR_MULTICAST(&pi->ipi6_addr)) { num = DH6OPT_STCODE_USEMULTICAST; goto send; } break; } switch (dh6->dh6_msgtype) { case DH6_SOLICIT: /* * If the client has included a Rapid Commit option and the * server has been configured to respond with committed address * assignments and other resources, responds to the Solicit * with a Reply message. * [dhcpv6-28 Section 17.2.1] * [dhcpv6-28 Section 17.2.2] * If Solicit has IA option, responds to Solicit with a Advertise * message. */ if (optinfo->iaidinfo.iaid != 0 && !(roptinfo.flags & DHCIFF_INFO_ONLY)) { memcpy(&roptinfo.iaidinfo, &optinfo->iaidinfo, sizeof(roptinfo.iaidinfo)); roptinfo.type = optinfo->type; dprintf(LOG_DEBUG, "option type is %d", roptinfo.type); addr_request = 1; if (roptinfo.flags & DHCIFF_RAPID_COMMIT) { resptype = DH6_REPLY; } else { resptype = DH6_ADVERTISE; /* giving hint ?? */ sending_hint = 1; } } break; case DH6_INFORM_REQ: /* don't response to info-req if there is any IA option */ if (optinfo->iaidinfo.iaid != 0) goto fail; /* DNS server */ if (dhcp6_copy_list(&roptinfo.dns_list.addrlist, &dnslist.addrlist)) { dprintf(LOG_ERR, "%s" "failed to copy DNS servers", FNAME); goto fail; } /* Foxconn added start pling 01/25/2010 */ /* Add SIP and NTP server if available */ if (dhcp6_copy_list(&roptinfo.sip_list, &siplist)) { dprintf(LOG_ERR, "%s" "failed to copy SIP servers", FNAME); goto fail; } if (dhcp6_copy_list(&roptinfo.ntp_list, &ntplist)) { dprintf(LOG_ERR, "%s" "failed to copy NTP servers", FNAME); goto fail; } /* Foxconn added end pling 01/25/2010 */ roptinfo.dns_list.domainlist = dnslist.domainlist; break; case DH6_REQUEST: /* get iaid for that request client for that interface */ if (optinfo->iaidinfo.iaid != 0 && !(roptinfo.flags & DHCIFF_INFO_ONLY)) { memcpy(&roptinfo.iaidinfo, &optinfo->iaidinfo, sizeof(roptinfo.iaidinfo)); roptinfo.type = optinfo->type; addr_request = 1; } break; /* * Locates the client's binding and verifies that the information * from the client matches the information stored for that client. */ case DH6_RENEW: case DH6_REBIND: case DH6_DECLINE: case DH6_RELEASE: case DH6_CONFIRM: roptinfo.type = optinfo->type; if (dh6->dh6_msgtype == DH6_RENEW || dh6->dh6_msgtype == DH6_REBIND) addr_flag = ADDR_UPDATE; if (dh6->dh6_msgtype == DH6_RELEASE) addr_flag = ADDR_REMOVE; if (dh6->dh6_msgtype == DH6_CONFIRM) { /* DNS server */ addr_flag = ADDR_VALIDATE; if (dhcp6_copy_list(&roptinfo.dns_list.addrlist, &dnslist.addrlist)) { dprintf(LOG_ERR, "%s" "failed to copy DNS servers", FNAME); goto fail; } roptinfo.dns_list.domainlist = dnslist.domainlist; } if (dh6->dh6_msgtype == DH6_DECLINE) addr_flag = ADDR_ABANDON; if (optinfo->iaidinfo.iaid != 0) { if (!TAILQ_EMPTY(&optinfo->addr_list) && resptype != DH6_ADVERTISE) { struct dhcp6_iaidaddr *iaidaddr; memcpy(&roptinfo.iaidinfo, &optinfo->iaidinfo, sizeof(roptinfo.iaidinfo)); roptinfo.type = optinfo->type; /* find bindings */ if ((iaidaddr = dhcp6_find_iaidaddr(&roptinfo)) == NULL) { if (dh6->dh6_msgtype == DH6_REBIND) goto fail; num = DH6OPT_STCODE_NOBINDING; dprintf(LOG_INFO, "%s" "Nobinding for client %s iaid %u", FNAME, duidstr(&optinfo->clientID), optinfo->iaidinfo.iaid); break; } if (addr_flag != ADDR_UPDATE) { dhcp6_copy_list(&roptinfo.addr_list, &optinfo->addr_list); } else { /* get static host configuration */ if (host) dhcp6_get_hostconf(&roptinfo, optinfo, iaidaddr, host); /* allow dynamic address assginment for the host too */ if (optinfo->type == IAPD) dhcp6_create_prefixlist(&roptinfo, optinfo, iaidaddr, subnet); else dhcp6_create_addrlist(&roptinfo, optinfo, iaidaddr, subnet); /* in case there is not bindings available */ if (TAILQ_EMPTY(&roptinfo.addr_list)) { num = DH6OPT_STCODE_NOBINDING; dprintf(LOG_INFO, "%s" "Bindings are not on link for client %s iaid %u", FNAME, duidstr(&optinfo->clientID), roptinfo.iaidinfo.iaid); break; } } if (addr_flag == ADDR_VALIDATE) { if (dhcp6_validate_bindings(&roptinfo, iaidaddr)) num = DH6OPT_STCODE_NOBINDING; break; } else { /* do update if this is not a confirm */ if (dhcp6_update_iaidaddr(&roptinfo, addr_flag) != 0) { dprintf(LOG_INFO, "%s" "bindings failed for client %s iaid %u", FNAME, duidstr(&optinfo->clientID), roptinfo.iaidinfo.iaid); num = DH6OPT_STCODE_UNSPECFAIL; break; } } num = DH6OPT_STCODE_SUCCESS; } else num = DH6OPT_STCODE_NOADDRAVAIL; } else dprintf(LOG_ERR, "invalid message type"); break; default: break; } /* * If the Request message contained an Option Request option, the * server MUST include options in the Reply message for any options in * the Option Request option the server is configured to return to the * client. * [dhcpv6-26 18.2.1] * Note: our current implementation always includes all information * that we can provide. So we do not have to check the option request * options. */ if (addr_request == 1) { int found_binding = 0; struct dhcp6_iaidaddr *iaidaddr; /* find bindings */ if ((iaidaddr = dhcp6_find_iaidaddr(&roptinfo)) != NULL) { found_binding = 1; addr_flag = ADDR_UPDATE; } if (host) dhcp6_get_hostconf(&roptinfo, optinfo, iaidaddr, host); /* valid and create addresses list */ if (optinfo->type == IAPD) dhcp6_create_prefixlist(&roptinfo, optinfo, iaidaddr, subnet); else dhcp6_create_addrlist(&roptinfo, optinfo, iaidaddr, subnet); if (TAILQ_EMPTY(&roptinfo.addr_list)) { num = DH6OPT_STCODE_NOADDRAVAIL; } else if (sending_hint == 0) { /* valid client request address list */ if (found_binding) { if (dhcp6_update_iaidaddr(&roptinfo, addr_flag) != 0) { dprintf(LOG_ERR, "assigned ipv6address for client iaid %u failed", roptinfo.iaidinfo.iaid); num = DH6OPT_STCODE_UNSPECFAIL; } else num = DH6OPT_STCODE_SUCCESS; } else { if (dhcp6_add_iaidaddr(&roptinfo) != 0) { dprintf(LOG_ERR, "assigned ipv6address for client iaid %u failed", roptinfo.iaidinfo.iaid); num = DH6OPT_STCODE_UNSPECFAIL; } else num = DH6OPT_STCODE_SUCCESS; } } /* DNS server */ if (dhcp6_copy_list(&roptinfo.dns_list.addrlist, &dnslist.addrlist)) { dprintf(LOG_ERR, "%s" "failed to copy DNS servers", FNAME); goto fail; } /* Foxconn added start pling 01/25/2010 */ if (dhcp6_copy_list(&roptinfo.sip_list, &siplist)) { dprintf(LOG_ERR, "%s" "failed to copy SIP servers", FNAME); goto fail; } if (dhcp6_copy_list(&roptinfo.ntp_list, &ntplist)) { dprintf(LOG_ERR, "%s" "failed to copy NTP servers", FNAME); goto fail; } /* Foxconn added end pling 01/25/2010 */ roptinfo.dns_list.domainlist = dnslist.domainlist; } /* add address status code */ send: dprintf(LOG_DEBUG, " status code: %s", dhcp6_stcodestr(num)); if (dhcp6_add_listval(&roptinfo.stcode_list, &num, DHCP6_LISTVAL_NUM) == NULL) { dprintf(LOG_ERR, "%s" "failed to copy " "status code", FNAME); goto fail; } /* send a reply message. */ (void)server6_send(resptype, ifp, dh6, optinfo, from, fromlen, &roptinfo); dhcp6_clear_options(&roptinfo); return 0; fail: dhcp6_clear_options(&roptinfo); return -1; } static int server6_send(type, ifp, origmsg, optinfo, from, fromlen, roptinfo) int type; struct dhcp6_if *ifp; struct dhcp6 *origmsg; struct dhcp6_optinfo *optinfo, *roptinfo; struct sockaddr *from; int fromlen; { char replybuf[BUFSIZ]; struct sockaddr_in6 dst; int len, optlen, relaylen = 0; struct dhcp6 *dh6; if (sizeof(struct dhcp6) > sizeof(replybuf)) { dprintf(LOG_ERR, "%s" "buffer size assumption failed", FNAME); return (-1); } if (!TAILQ_EMPTY(&optinfo->relay_list) && (relaylen = dhcp6_set_relay((struct dhcp6_relay *) replybuf, (struct dhcp6_relay *) (replybuf + sizeof (replybuf)), optinfo)) < 0) { dprintf(LOG_INFO, "%s" "failed to construct relay message", FNAME); return (-1); } dh6 = (struct dhcp6 *) (replybuf + relaylen); len = sizeof(*dh6); memset(dh6, 0, sizeof(*dh6)); dh6->dh6_msgtypexid = origmsg->dh6_msgtypexid; dh6->dh6_msgtype = (u_int8_t)type; /* set options in the reply message */ if ((optlen = dhcp6_set_options((struct dhcp6opt *)(dh6 + 1), (struct dhcp6opt *)(replybuf + sizeof(replybuf)), roptinfo)) < 0) { dprintf(LOG_INFO, "%s" "failed to construct reply options", FNAME); return (-1); } len += optlen; /* * If there were any Relay Message options, fill in the option-len * field(s) with the appropriate value(s). */ if (!TAILQ_EMPTY(&optinfo->relay_list)) dhcp6_set_relay_option_len(optinfo, len); len += relaylen; /* specify the destination and send the reply */ dst = *sa6_any_downstream; dst.sin6_addr = ((struct sockaddr_in6 *)from)->sin6_addr; /* RELAY-REPL messages need to be directed back to the port the relay agent is listening on, namely DH6PORT_UPSTREAM */ if (relaylen > 0) dst.sin6_port = upstream_port; dst.sin6_scope_id = ((struct sockaddr_in6 *)from)->sin6_scope_id; dprintf(LOG_DEBUG, "send destination address is %s, scope id is %d", addr2str((struct sockaddr *)&dst), dst.sin6_scope_id); /* Foxconn modified start pling 08/15/2009 */ /* why use 'outsock' to send to client? */ //if (transmit_sa(outsock, &dst, replybuf, len) != 0) { if (transmit_sa(insock, &dst, replybuf, len) != 0) { /* Foxconn modified end pling 08/15/2009 */ dprintf(LOG_ERR, "%s" "transmit %s to %s failed", FNAME, dhcp6msgstr(type), addr2str((struct sockaddr *)&dst)); return (-1); } dprintf(LOG_DEBUG, "%s" "transmit %s to %s", FNAME, dhcp6msgstr(type), addr2str((struct sockaddr *)&dst)); return 0; } static struct dhcp6_timer *check_lease_file_timo(void *arg) { double d; struct timeval timo; struct stat buf; FILE *file; stat(PATH_SERVER6_LEASE, &buf); strcpy(server6_lease_temp, PATH_SERVER6_LEASE); strcat(server6_lease_temp, "XXXXXX"); if (buf.st_size > MAX_FILE_SIZE) { file = sync_leases(server6_lease_file, PATH_SERVER6_LEASE, server6_lease_temp); if (file != NULL) server6_lease_file = file; } d = DHCP6_SYNCFILE_TIME; timo.tv_sec = (long)d; timo.tv_usec = 0; dhcp6_set_timer(&timo, sync_lease_timer); return sync_lease_timer; } /* * Parse all of the RELAY-FORW messages and interface ID options. Each * RELAY-FORW messages will have its hop count, link address, peer-address, * and interface ID (if any) put into a relay_listval structure. * A pointer to the actual original client message will be returned. * If this client message cannot be found, NULL is returned to signal an error. */ static struct dhcp6 * dhcp6_parse_relay(relay_msg, endptr, optinfo, relay_addr) struct dhcp6_relay *relay_msg; struct dhcp6_relay *endptr; struct dhcp6_optinfo *optinfo; struct in6_addr *relay_addr; { struct relay_listval *relay_val; struct dhcp6 *relayed_msg; /* the original message that the relay received */ struct dhcp6opt *option, *option_endptr = (struct dhcp6opt *) endptr; u_int16_t optlen; u_int16_t opt; while ((relay_msg + 1) < endptr) { relay_val = (struct relay_listval *) calloc (1, sizeof (struct relay_listval)); if (relay_val == NULL) { dprintf(LOG_ERR, "%s" "failed to allocate memory", FNAME); relayfree(&optinfo->relay_list); return NULL; } /* copy the msg-type, hop-count, link-address, and peer-address */ memcpy (&relay_val->relay, relay_msg, sizeof (struct dhcp6_relay)); /* set the msg type to relay reply now so that it doesn't need to be done when formatting the reply */ relay_val->relay.dh6_msg_type = DH6_RELAY_REPL; TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&optinfo->relay_list, relay_val, link); /* * need to record the first relay's link address field for later use. * The first relay is the last one we see, so keep overwriting the * relay value. */ memcpy (relay_addr, &relay_val->relay.link_addr, sizeof (struct in6_addr)); /* now handle the options in the RELAY-FORW message */ /* * The only options that should appear in a RELAY-FORW message are: * - Interface identifier * - Relay message * * All other options are ignored. */ option = (struct dhcp6opt *) (relay_msg + 1); relayed_msg = NULL; /* if this is NULL at the end of the loop, no relayed message was found */ /* since the order of options is not specified, all of the options must be processed */ while ((option + 1) < option_endptr) { memcpy (&opt, &option->dh6opt_type, sizeof(opt)); opt = ntohs(opt); memcpy (&optlen, &option->dh6opt_len, sizeof(optlen)); optlen = ntohs(optlen); if ((char *) (option + 1) + optlen > (char *) option_endptr) { dprintf(LOG_ERR, "%s" "invalid option length in %s option", FNAME, dhcp6optstr(opt)); relayfree(&optinfo->relay_list); return NULL; } if (opt == DH6OPT_INTERFACE_ID) { /* if this is not the first interface identifier option, then the message is incorrectly formed */ if (relay_val->intf_id == NULL) { if (optlen) { relay_val->intf_id = (struct intf_id *) malloc (sizeof (struct intf_id)); if (relay_val->intf_id == NULL) { dprintf(LOG_ERR, "%s" "failed to allocate memory", FNAME); relayfree(&optinfo->relay_list); return NULL; } else { relay_val->intf_id->intf_len = optlen; relay_val->intf_id->intf_id = (char *) malloc (optlen); if (relay_val->intf_id->intf_id == NULL) { dprintf(LOG_ERR, "%s" "failed to allocate memory", FNAME); relayfree(&optinfo->relay_list); return NULL; } else { /* copy the interface identifier so it can be sent in the reply */ memcpy (relay_val->intf_id->intf_id, ((char *) (option + 1)), optlen); } } } else { dprintf(LOG_ERR, "%s" "Invalid length for interface " "identifier option", FNAME); } } else { dprintf(LOG_INFO, "%s" "Multiple interface identifier " "options in RELAY-FORW Message ", FNAME); relayfree(&optinfo->relay_list); return NULL; } } else if (opt == DH6OPT_RELAY_MSG) { if (relayed_msg == NULL) relayed_msg = (struct dhcp6 *) (option + 1); else { dprintf(LOG_INFO, "%s" "Duplicated Relay Message option", FNAME); relayfree(&optinfo->relay_list); return NULL; } } else /* No other options besides interface identifier and relay message make sense, so ignore them with a warning */ dprintf(LOG_INFO, "%s" "Unsupported option %s found in " "RELAY-FORW message", FNAME, dhcp6optstr(opt)); /* advance the option pointer */ option = (struct dhcp6opt *) (((char *) (option + 1)) + optlen); } /* * If the relayed message is non-NULL and is a regular client * message, then the relay processing is done. If it is another * RELAY_FORW message, then continue. If the relayed message is * NULL, signal an error. */ if (relayed_msg != NULL && (char *) (relayed_msg + 1) <= (char *) endptr) { /* done if have found the client message */ if (relayed_msg->dh6_msgtype != DH6_RELAY_FORW) return relayed_msg; else relay_msg = (struct dhcp6_relay *) relayed_msg; } else { dprintf(LOG_ERR, "%s" "invalid relayed message", FNAME); relayfree(&optinfo->relay_list); return NULL; } } } /* * Format all of the RELAY-REPL messages and options to send back to the * client. A RELAY-REPL message and Relay Message option are added for * each of the relays that were in the RELAY-FORW packet that this is * in response to. */ static int dhcp6_set_relay (msg, endptr, optinfo) struct dhcp6_relay *msg; struct dhcp6_relay *endptr; struct dhcp6_optinfo *optinfo; { struct relay_listval *relay; struct dhcp6opt *option; int relaylen = 0; u_int16_t type, len; for (relay = TAILQ_FIRST(&optinfo->relay_list); relay; relay = TAILQ_NEXT(relay, link)) { /* bounds check */ if (((char *) msg) + sizeof (struct dhcp6_relay) >= (char *) endptr) { dprintf(LOG_ERR, "%s" "insufficient buffer size for RELAY-REPL", FNAME); return -1; } memcpy (msg, &relay->relay, sizeof(struct dhcp6_relay)); relaylen += sizeof(struct dhcp6_relay); option = (struct dhcp6opt *) (msg + 1); /* include an Interface Identifier option if it was present in the original message */ if (relay->intf_id != NULL) { /* bounds check */ if ((((char *) option) + sizeof(struct dhcp6opt) + relay->intf_id->intf_len) >= (char *) endptr) { dprintf(LOG_ERR, "%s" "insufficient buffer size for RELAY-REPL", FNAME); return -1; } type = htons(DH6OPT_INTERFACE_ID); memcpy (&option->dh6opt_type, &type, sizeof(type)); len = htons(relay->intf_id->intf_len); memcpy (&option->dh6opt_len, &len, sizeof(len)); memcpy (option + 1, relay->intf_id->intf_id, relay->intf_id->intf_len); option = (struct dhcp6opt *)(((char *)(option + 1)) + relay->intf_id->intf_len); relaylen += sizeof(struct dhcp6opt) + relay->intf_id->intf_len; } /* save a pointer to the relay message option so that it is easier to fill in the length later */ relay->option = option; /* bounds check */ if ((char *) (option + 1) >= (char *) endptr) { dprintf(LOG_ERR, "%s" "insufficient buffer size for RELAY-REPL", FNAME); return -1; } /* lastly include the Relay Message option, which encapsulates the message being relayed */ type = htons(DH6OPT_RELAY_MSG); memcpy (&option->dh6opt_type, &type, sizeof(type)); relaylen += sizeof(struct dhcp6opt); /* dh6opt_len will be set by dhcp6_set_relay_option_len */ msg = (struct dhcp6_relay *) (option + 1); } /* * if there were no relays, this is an error since this function should * not have even been called in this case */ if (relaylen == 0) return -1; else return relaylen; } /* * Fill in all of the opt-len fields for the Relay Message options now that * the length of the entire message is known. * * len - the length of the DHCPv6 message to the client (not including any * relay options) * * Precondition: dhcp6_set_relay has already been called and the relay->option * fields of all of the elements in optinfo->relay_list are * non-NULL */ static void dhcp6_set_relay_option_len(optinfo, reply_msg_len) struct dhcp6_optinfo *optinfo; int reply_msg_len; { struct relay_listval *relay, *last = NULL; u_int16_t len; for (relay = TAILQ_LAST(&optinfo->relay_list, relay_list); relay; relay = TAILQ_PREV(relay, relay_list, link)) { if (last == NULL) { len = htons(reply_msg_len); memcpy (&relay->option->dh6opt_len, &len, sizeof(len)); last = relay; } else { len = reply_msg_len + (((void *) (last->option + 1)) - ((void *) (relay->option + 1))); len = htons(len); memcpy (&relay->option->dh6opt_len, &len, sizeof(len)); } } }