Implementation notes -------------------- Files ----- The library tex2any.lib contains the generic Latex parser. It comprises, tex2any.h and The executable Tex2RTF is made up of tex2any.lib, (main driver and user interface), and specific drivers for generating output:, and Data structures --------------- Class declarations are found in tex2any.h. TexMacroDef holds a macro (Latex command) definition: name, identifier, number of arguments, whether it should be ignored, etc. Integer identifiers are used for each Latex command for efficiency when generating output. A hash table MacroDefs stores all the TexMacroDefs, indexed on command name. Each unit of a Latex file is stored in a TexChunk. A TexChunk can be a macro, argument or just a string: a TexChunk macro has child chunks for the arguments, and each argument will have one or more children for representing another command or a simple string. Parsing ------- Parsing is relatively add hoc. read_a_line reads in a line at a time, doing some processing for file commands (e.g. input, verbatiminclude). File handles are stored in a stack so file input commands may be nested. ParseArg parses an argument (which might be the whole Latex input, which is treated as an argument) or a single command, or a command argument. The parsing gets a little hairy because an environment, a normal command and bracketed commands (e.g. {\bf thing}) all get parsed into the same format. An environment, for example, is usually a one-argument command, as is {\bf thing}. It also deals with user-defined macros. Whilst parsing, the function MatchMacro gets called to attempt to find a command following a backslash (or the start of an environment). ParseMacroBody parses the arguments of a command when one is found. Generation ---------- The upshot of parsing is a hierarchy of TexChunks. TraverseFromDocument calls the recursive TraverseFromChunk, and is called by the 'client' converter application to start the generation process. TraverseFromChunk calls the two functions OnMacro and OnArgument, twice for each chunk to allow for preprocessing and postprocessing of each macro or argument. The client defines OnMacro and OnArgument to test the command identifier, and output the appropriate code. To help do this, the function TexOutput outputs to the current stream(s), and SetCurrentOutput(s) allows the setting of one or two output streams for the output to be sent to. Usually two outputs at a time are sufficient for hypertext applications where a title is likely to appear in an index and as a section header. There are support functions for getting the string data for the current chunk (GetArgData) and the current chunk (GetArgChunk). If you have a handle on a chunk, you can output it several times by calling TraverseChildrenFromChunk (not TraverseFromChunk because that causes infinite recursion). The client (here, Tex2RTF) also defines OnError and OnInform output functions appropriate to the desired user interface. References ---------- Adding, finding and resolving references are supported with functions from WriteTexReferences and ReadTexReferences allow saving and reading references between conversion processes, rather like real LaTeX. Bibliography ------------ Again provides functions for reading in .bib files and resolving references. The function OutputBibItem gives a generic way outputting bibliography items, by 'faking' calls to OnMacro and OnArgument, allowing the existing low-level client code to take care of formatting. Units ----- Unit parsing code is in as ParseUnitArgument. It converts units to points. Common errors ------------- 1) Macro not found: \end{center} ... Rewrite: \begin{center} {\large{\underline{A}}} \end{center} as: \begin{center} {\large \underline{A}} \end{center} 2) Tables crash RTF. Set 'compatibility ' to TRUE in .ini file; also check for \\ end of row characters on their own on a line, insert correct number of ampersands for the number of columns. E.g. hello & world\\ \\ becomes hello & world\\ &\\ 3) If list items indent erratically, try increasing listItemIndent to give more space between label and following text. A global replace of '\item [' to '\item[' may also be helpful to remove unnecessary space before the item label. 4) Missing figure or section references: ensure all labels _directly_ follow captions or sections (no intervening white space).