///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: No names yet. // Purpose: Contrib. demo // Author: Aleksandras Gluchovas // Modified by: // Created: 22/09/98 // RCS-ID: $Id: scriptbinder.h 34519 2005-06-02 09:44:45Z ABX $ // Copyright: (c) Aleskandars Gluchovas // Licence: wxWindows licence ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #ifndef __SCRIPTBINDER_G__ #define __SCRIPTBINDER_G__ #if defined( wxUSE_TEMPLATE_STL ) #include #ifdef WIN32 #include #else #include #include #endif #else #include "wxstlvec.h" #include "wx/string.h" #endif #ifndef ASSERT // assert yourself #define ASSERT(x) if (!(x) ) throw; #endif #include "markup.h" // just another portable stream class... class ScriptStream { protected: char* m_pBuf; size_t m_Size; size_t m_Capacity; public: ScriptStream(); ~ScriptStream(); void WriteBytes( const void* srcBuf, size_t count ); ScriptStream& operator<<( const char* str ); ScriptStream& operator<<( const wxString& str ); ScriptStream& operator<<( char ch ); void endl(); inline char* GetBuf() { return m_pBuf; } inline size_t GetBufSize() { return m_Size; } // clears current contents of the stream void Reset() { m_Size = 0; } }; class ScriptTemplate; // used internally by ScriptTemplate enum TEMPLATE_VARIABLE_TYPES { TVAR_INTEGER, TVAR_STRING, TVAR_DOUBLE, TVAR_REF_ARRAY }; // helper structures used only by ScriptTemplate struct TVarInfo { public: const char* m_Name; int m_Type; int m_Ofs; TVarInfo( const char* name, int ofs, int varType ) : m_Name(name), m_Type( varType ), m_Ofs( ofs ) {} }; struct TArrayInfo : public TVarInfo { public: int m_RefOfs; int m_SizeIntOfs; int m_ObjRefTemplOfs; TArrayInfo( const char* name ) : TVarInfo( name, 0, TVAR_REF_ARRAY ) {} }; // stores offset of the given member (of the given class) // to (*pOfs), though the use of template classes would have // solved this problem in much clearer fashion // FOR NOW:: obtaining physical offset of class member // does not appeare to be protable across compilers? // FIXME:: +/- 1 problem #ifdef __UNIX__ #define WEIRD_OFFSET 1 #else #define WEIRD_OFFSET 0 #endif #define GET_VAR_OFS( className, varName, pOfs ) \ { \ int* className::* varPtr; \ varPtr = (int* className::*)&className::varName; \ \ (*pOfs) = int(*(int*)&varPtr)-WEIRD_OFFSET; \ } class ScriptSection; #if defined( wxUSE_TEMPLATE_STL ) typedef vector TVarListT; // container class for sections typedef vector SectListT; #else typedef TVarInfo* TVarInfoPtrT; typedef ScriptSection* ScriptSectionPtrT; typedef WXSTL_VECTOR_SHALLOW_COPY(TVarInfoPtrT) TVarListT; // container class for sections typedef WXSTL_VECTOR_SHALLOW_COPY(ScriptSectionPtrT) SectListT; #endif // class performs preprocessing of arbitrary scripts, // replaces identifiers enclosed in $(..) tag, whith // values of the corresponding class member variables class ScriptTemplate { protected: // do not use wxString object here - parsing of // C string can be much faster (in debug v.) char* m_TText; TVarListT m_Vars; inline void PrintVar( TVarInfo* pInfo, void* dataObj, ScriptStream& stm ); public: ScriptTemplate( const wxString& templateText ); virtual ~ScriptTemplate(); bool HasVar( const char* name ); // Member variables registration methods. // NOTE:: GET_VAR_OFS() macro should be used // to get offset of the class member (see #define above) void AddStringVar ( const char* name, int ofs ); void AddIntegerVar( const char* name, int ofs ); void AddDoubleVar ( const char* name, int ofs ); void AddObjectRefArray( const char* name, int ofsRefToFirstObj, int ofsObjSizeInt, int ofsObjRefTempl ); // reads the script, replaces $(..) tags with values // of registered members of dataObj object, and outputs // the result to given text stream void PrintScript( void* dataObj, ScriptStream& stm ); }; class ScriptSection; // class manages section and aggregated sections of // inter-linked documents class ScriptSection { protected: // NOTE:: "$(NAME)", $(ID), "$(BODY)" and "$(REFLIST)" are // reseved template variables of ScriptSection // the below there members are registered to ScriptTemplate, // GUID within the section tree (numeric) ScriptSection* m_pParent; wxString m_Id; // $(ID) wxString m_Name;// $(NAME) wxString m_Body; // $(BODY) // NULL, if this section is not aggregated anywhere SectListT m_Subsections; // aggregated sectons SectListT m_References; // registered as $(REFLIST) bool m_AutoHide; // see autoHide arg, in constructor bool m_SortOn; // true, if sort subsectons by naem // tempalte for this section ScriptTemplate* m_pSectTempl; // template used for links (or references) to this section ScriptTemplate* m_pRefTempl; // do not call destructor of this object, // call RemoveRef() instead int m_RefCount; static int m_IdCounter; // generator of GUIDs // fields registered and used by ScriptTemplate object void* m_RefFirst; int m_ArrSize; protected: virtual void AddRef(); virtual void RemoveRef(); void DoRemoveEmptySections(int& nRemoved, SectListT& removedLst); void DoRemoveDeadLinks( SectListT& removedLst); public: // NOTE:: pass NULL to certain template, if your sure // this kind of template will never be used, // e.g. if section is contained but never referrenced, // then pReferenceTemplate can be NULL // if autoHide option is true, the section will be automatically // collapsed (not shown) if it doesn't contain any references // to other sections (e.g. could be usefull for autoamically // hiding empty index-sections). ScriptSection( const wxString& name = wxEmptyString, const wxString& body = wxEmptyString, ScriptTemplate* pSectionTemplate = NULL, ScriptTemplate* pReferenceTemplate = NULL, bool autoHide = false, bool sorted = false ); // calls RemoveRef() to all aggreagated sections first, // then to all referenced section - this way all // sections (even not aggregated ones) become "garbage-collected" // NOTE:: do not call destructor directlly, call RemoveRef() // instead virtual ~ScriptSection(); // if addToReferencesToo is true, section is aggregated and // also added to reference list of this section void AddSection( ScriptSection* pSection, bool addToReferencesToo = false ); // add cross-reference to this given section void AddReference( ScriptSection* pReferredSection ); // subsection may be given of variable depth level, // e.g. "publications/reviews/software" ScriptSection* GetSubsection( const char* name ); // returns list aggregated sections SectListT& GetSubsections(); // binds reserved template names ( $(..) ) to member // vairalbes in the ScriptSection class, should be called // to initialize each user-code provided script template static void RegisterTemplate( ScriptTemplate& sectionTempalte ); // prints out section tree to the stream, starting from // this section as a root node virtual void Print( ScriptStream& stm ); // searches empty sections which has autoHide == true, // and colapses them (this method should be called ) // on the root-section of the sections tree // NOTE:: does not work properly, yet! void RemoveEmptySections(); }; // base class for documnetation generators // (allows user code set up target script type, // independently of documentation type) class DocGeneratorBase { protected: MarkupTagsT m_Tags; // override this method to do some post processing // after generation of document, or even write some // data into output stream, before the section tree // is flushed into it. // return false, if something has gone wrong and // document cannot be saved now virtual bool OnSaveDocument( ScriptStream& WXUNUSED(stm) ) { return 1; } // override this method to provide reference to // the top section of the document (used as default // starting section when saving a document) virtual ScriptSection* GetTopSection() { return 0; } public: DocGeneratorBase() : m_Tags(0) // no defaul script {} // dectrouctors of polymorphic classes SHOULD be virtual virtual ~DocGeneratorBase() {} // returns tags, being used for specific target script MarkupTagsT GetScriptMarkupTags() { return m_Tags; } // sets tag array for specific script // NOTE:: Why virtual? since approach with MarkupTagsT is // "flowless" only in theory. Overriding this method // allows document generators to check the type of the // target script, and perhaps make some modifications // to generator's tamplates, to match the specific script virtual void SetScriptMarkupTags( MarkupTagsT tags ) { m_Tags = tags; } // seves document to file starting from the root-node of // the document (provided by GetTopSection() method), // or from "pFromSection" if it's not NULL. // fopenOptions arg. is string passed to fopen() method, // returns true, if saving was successful virtual bool SaveDocument( const char* fname, const char* fopenOptions = "w", ScriptSection* pFromSection = NULL ); }; #endif