///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: No names yet. // Purpose: Contrib. demo // Author: Aleksandras Gluchovas // Modified by: // Created: 27/12/98 // RCS-ID: $Id: ifcontext.cpp 40162 2006-07-17 13:17:57Z MW $ // Copyright: (c) Aleskandars Gluchovas // Licence: wxWindows licence ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // For compilers that support precompilation, includes "wx/wx.h". #include "wx/wxprec.h" #ifdef __BORLANDC__ #pragma hdrstop #endif #ifndef WX_PRECOMP #include "wx/wx.h" #endif #include #include "ifcontext.h" /***** Implementation for class spInterFileContext *****/ size_t spInterFileContext::GetFileNo( const wxString& fname ) { for ( size_t i = 0; i != m_Files.size(); ++i ) { if ( fname == m_Files[i] ) return i; } wxFAIL_MSG("File not found in array in function spInterFileContext::GetFileNo()"); return 0; } size_t spInterFileContext::GetFileNoOfContext( spContext& ctx ) { spContext* pCtx = ctx.GetEnclosingContext( SP_CTX_FILE ); // DBG:: outer-file context should be present wxASSERT( pCtx && pCtx->GetType() == SP_CTX_FILE ); return GetFileNo( ((spFile*)pCtx)->m_FileName ); } /*** public interface ***/ spInterFileContext::spInterFileContext() {} spInterFileContext::~spInterFileContext() {} void spInterFileContext::AddFile( const wxString& fname, const wxString& content ) { m_Files.push_back( fname ); m_Contents.push_back( content ); } void spInterFileContext::RemoveContext( spContext& ctx ) { wxASSERT( ctx.PositionIsKnown() ); // DBG:: should be checked by-user code size_t fNo = GetFileNoOfContext( ctx ); mDeletionMarks.push_back( spBookmark( ctx.mSrcOffset, ctx.mContextLength, fNo ) ); } void spInterFileContext::InsertBookmarkSorted( BookmarkListT& lst, spBookmark& mark ) { for( size_t i = 0; i != lst.size(); ++i ) if ( lst[i].mFrom > mark.mFrom ) { lst.insert( &lst[i], mark ); return; } lst.push_back( mark ); } void spInterFileContext::DoAppendSourceFragment( wxString& source, wxString& result, size_t pos, size_t len ) { mFiltered.erase( mFiltered.begin(), mFiltered.end() ); size_t i; for( i = 0; i != mDeletionMarks.size(); ++i ) { spBookmark& mark = mDeletionMarks[i]; if ( mark.mFileNo == mCurFileNo && mark.mFrom >= pos && mark.mFrom < pos + len ) InsertBookmarkSorted( mFiltered, mark ); } size_t cur = pos; for( i = 0; i != mFiltered.size(); ++ i ) { spBookmark& mark = mFiltered[i]; result.append( source, cur, ( (size_t)mark.mFrom - cur ) ); cur = size_t( mark.mFrom + mark.mLen ); if ( cur >= pos + len ) // check if we've overstepped the current source-fragment { // wxASSERT(0); // DBG:: with current imp. this should not happen wxFAIL_MSG("Overstepped the current source fragment in function\nspInterFileContext::DoAppendSourceFragment()"); cur = pos + len; break; } } result.append( source, cur, ( pos + len ) - cur ); } void spInterFileContext::GenerateContextBody( spContext& ctx, wxString& source, wxString& result, size_t& lastSavedPos, size_t& lastKnownPos ) { if ( ctx.PositionIsKnown() ) lastKnownPos = ctx.mSrcOffset; if ( ctx.IsVirtualContext() ) { // add fragment accumulated before this context DoAppendSourceFragment( source, result, size_t(lastSavedPos), size_t(lastKnownPos - lastSavedPos) ); // add context body result += ctx.GetVirtualContextBody(); lastSavedPos = lastKnownPos; if ( ctx.PositionIsKnown() ) { if ( ctx.VitualContextHasChildren() ) { lastKnownPos = ctx.mSrcOffset + ctx.mHeaderLength; lastSavedPos = lastKnownPos; } else { lastKnownPos = ctx.mSrcOffset + ctx.mContextLength; lastSavedPos = lastKnownPos; return; // have not children } } } MMemberListT& lst = ctx.GetMembers(); for( size_t i = 0; i != lst.size(); ++i ) { GenerateContextBody( *lst[i], source, result, lastSavedPos, lastKnownPos ); } if ( ctx.IsVirtualContext() ) { if ( ctx.VitualContextHasChildren() && !ctx.GetFooterOfVirtualContextBody().empty() ) { // append the reminder space after children of the context DoAppendSourceFragment( result, source, size_t(lastSavedPos), size_t(lastKnownPos - lastSavedPos) ); // add footer result += ctx.GetFooterOfVirtualContextBody(); lastKnownPos = ctx.mSrcOffset + ctx.mContextLength; lastSavedPos = lastKnownPos; } } if ( ctx.PositionIsKnown() ) lastKnownPos = ctx.mSrcOffset + ctx.mContextLength; } void spInterFileContext::GenrateContents() { MMemberListT& lst = GetMembers(); for( size_t f = 0; f != lst.size(); ++f ) { wxString& fname = ((spFile*)lst[f])->m_FileName; size_t fileNo = GetFileNo( fname ); wxString& source = m_Contents[ fileNo ]; wxString result; size_t lastKnownPos = 0, // the begining of the file is always "known" lastSavedPos = 0; mCurFileNo = fileNo; GenerateContextBody( *lst[f], source, result, lastSavedPos, lastKnownPos ); // the end of file is always known lastKnownPos = m_Contents[ fileNo ].length(); // append the reminder DoAppendSourceFragment( source, result, size_t(lastSavedPos), size_t(lastKnownPos - lastSavedPos) ); // replace original contnet with newly generated one m_Contents[ fileNo ] = result; } } void spInterFileContext::ParseContents( SourceParserPlugin* pPlugin ) { mDeletionMarks.erase( mDeletionMarks.begin(), mDeletionMarks.end() ); RemoveChildren(); // clean up top-level context mParser.SetPlugin( pPlugin ); for( size_t i = 0; i != m_Files.size(); ++i ) { wxChar* s = (char*)(m_Contents[i].c_str()); spFile* pFCtx = mParser.Parse( s, s + m_Contents[i].length() ); pFCtx->m_FileName = m_Files[i]; AddMember( pFCtx ); } } void spInterFileContext::WriteToFiles() { for( size_t i = 0; i != m_Files.size(); ++i ) { FILE* fp = fopen( m_Files[i].c_str(), "w+t" ); if ( fp != NULL ) { fwrite( m_Contents[i].c_str(), sizeof(char), m_Contents[i].length(), fp ); fclose( fp ); } } } wxString spInterFileContext::GetBody( spContext* pCtx ) { wxASSERT( pCtx->PositionIsKnown() ); // DBG:: should be checked by-user code wxString& source = m_Contents[ GetFileNoOfContext( *pCtx ) ]; return wxString( source.c_str() + pCtx->mSrcOffset, pCtx->mContextLength ); } wxString spInterFileContext::GetHeader( spContext* pCtx ) { wxASSERT( pCtx->PositionIsKnown() ); // DBG:: should be checked by-user code wxASSERT( pCtx->mHeaderLength != -1 ); // DBG:: -/- wxString& source = m_Contents[ GetFileNoOfContext( *pCtx ) ]; return wxString( source.c_str() + pCtx->mSrcOffset, pCtx->mHeaderLength ); }