///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: src/x11/clipbrd.cpp // Purpose: Clipboard functionality // Author: Robert Roebling // Created: // RCS-ID: $Id: clipbrd.cpp 56402 2008-10-17 13:45:34Z VZ $ // Copyright: (c) Robert Roebling // Licence: wxWindows licence ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // for compilers that support precompilation, includes "wx.h". #include "wx/wxprec.h" #if wxUSE_CLIPBOARD #include "wx/clipbrd.h" #ifndef WX_PRECOMP #include "wx/log.h" #include "wx/utils.h" #include "wx/dataobj.h" #endif #include "wx/x11/private.h" //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // data //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #if !wxUSE_NANOX Atom g_clipboardAtom = 0; Atom g_targetsAtom = 0; #endif // avoid warnings about unused static variable (notice that we still use it // even in release build if the compiler doesn't support variadic macros) #if defined(__WXDEBUG__) || !defined(HAVE_VARIADIC_MACROS) // the trace mask we use with wxLogTrace() - call // wxLog::AddTraceMask(TRACE_CLIPBOARD) to enable the trace messages from here // (there will be a *lot* of them!) static const wxChar *TRACE_CLIPBOARD = _T("clipboard"); #endif // __WXDEBUG__ //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // reminder //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* The contents of a selection are returned in a GtkSelectionData structure. selection/target identify the request. type specifies the type of the return; if length < 0, and the data should be ignored. This structure has object semantics - no fields should be modified directly, they should not be created directly, and pointers to them should not be stored beyond the duration of a callback. (If the last is changed, we'll need to add reference counting) struct _GtkSelectionData { GdkAtom selection; GdkAtom target; GdkAtom type; gint format; guchar *data; gint length; }; */ //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // "selection_received" for targets //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #if 0 static void targets_selection_received( GtkWidget *WXUNUSED(widget), GtkSelectionData *selection_data, #if (GTK_MINOR_VERSION > 0) guint32 WXUNUSED(time), #endif wxClipboard *clipboard ) { if ( wxTheClipboard && selection_data->length > 0 ) { /* make sure we got the data in the correct form */ GdkAtom type = selection_data->type; if ( type != GDK_SELECTION_TYPE_ATOM ) { if ( strcmp(gdk_atom_name(type), "TARGETS") ) { wxLogTrace( TRACE_CLIPBOARD, _T("got unsupported clipboard target") ); clipboard->m_waiting = false; return; } } #ifdef __WXDEBUG__ wxDataFormat clip( selection_data->selection ); wxLogTrace( TRACE_CLIPBOARD, wxT("selection received for targets, clipboard %s"), clip.GetId().c_str() ); #endif // __WXDEBUG__ // the atoms we received, holding a list of targets (= formats) GdkAtom *atoms = (GdkAtom *)selection_data->data; for (unsigned int i=0; ilength/sizeof(GdkAtom); i++) { wxDataFormat format( atoms[i] ); wxLogTrace( TRACE_CLIPBOARD, wxT("selection received for targets, format %s"), format.GetId().c_str() ); if (format == clipboard->m_targetRequested) { clipboard->m_waiting = false; clipboard->m_formatSupported = true; return; } } } clipboard->m_waiting = false; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // "selection_received" for the actual data //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- static void selection_received( GtkWidget *WXUNUSED(widget), GtkSelectionData *selection_data, #if (GTK_MINOR_VERSION > 0) guint32 WXUNUSED(time), #endif wxClipboard *clipboard ) { if (!wxTheClipboard) { clipboard->m_waiting = false; return; } wxDataObject *data_object = clipboard->m_receivedData; if (!data_object) { clipboard->m_waiting = false; return; } if (selection_data->length <= 0) { clipboard->m_waiting = false; return; } wxDataFormat format( selection_data->target ); /* make sure we got the data in the correct format */ if (!data_object->IsSupportedFormat( format ) ) { clipboard->m_waiting = false; return; } /* make sure we got the data in the correct form (selection type). if so, copy data to target object */ if (selection_data->type != GDK_SELECTION_TYPE_STRING) { clipboard->m_waiting = false; return; } data_object->SetData( format, (size_t) selection_data->length, (const char*) selection_data->data ); wxTheClipboard->m_formatSupported = true; clipboard->m_waiting = false; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // "selection_clear" //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- static gint selection_clear_clip( GtkWidget *WXUNUSED(widget), GdkEventSelection *event ) { if (!wxTheClipboard) return TRUE; if (event->selection == GDK_SELECTION_PRIMARY) { wxTheClipboard->m_ownsPrimarySelection = false; } else if (event->selection == g_clipboardAtom) { wxTheClipboard->m_ownsClipboard = false; } else { wxTheClipboard->m_waiting = false; return FALSE; } if ((!wxTheClipboard->m_ownsPrimarySelection) && (!wxTheClipboard->m_ownsClipboard)) { /* the clipboard is no longer in our hands. we can the delete clipboard data. */ if (wxTheClipboard->m_data) { wxLogTrace(TRACE_CLIPBOARD, wxT("wxClipboard will get cleared" )); delete wxTheClipboard->m_data; wxTheClipboard->m_data = (wxDataObject*) NULL; } } wxTheClipboard->m_waiting = false; return TRUE; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // selection handler for supplying data //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- static void selection_handler( GtkWidget *WXUNUSED(widget), GtkSelectionData *selection_data, guint WXUNUSED(info), guint WXUNUSED(time), gpointer WXUNUSED(data) ) { if (!wxTheClipboard) return; if (!wxTheClipboard->m_data) return; wxDataObject *data = wxTheClipboard->m_data; wxDataFormat format( selection_data->target ); if (!data->IsSupportedFormat( format )) return; int size = data->GetDataSize( format ); if (size == 0) return; void *d = malloc(size); data->GetDataHere( selection_data->target, d ); // transform Unicode text into multibyte before putting it on clipboard #if wxUSE_UNICODE if ( format.GetType() == wxDF_TEXT || format.GetType() == wxDF_UNICODETEXT) { const wchar_t *wstr = (const wchar_t *)d; size_t len = wxConvCurrent->WC2MB(NULL, wstr, 0); if ( len == wxCONV_FAILED ) { free(d); return; } char *str = malloc(len + 1); wxConvCurrent->WC2MB(str, wstr, len + 1); str[len] = '\0'; free(d); d = str; } #endif // wxUSE_UNICODE gtk_selection_data_set( selection_data, GDK_SELECTION_TYPE_STRING, 8*sizeof(gchar), (unsigned char*) d, size ); free(d); } #endif //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // wxClipboard //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS(wxClipboard,wxObject) wxClipboard::wxClipboard() { m_open = false; m_ownsClipboard = false; m_ownsPrimarySelection = false; m_data = (wxDataObject*) NULL; m_receivedData = (wxDataObject*) NULL; /* we use m_targetsWidget to query what formats are available */ /* we use m_clipboardWidget to get and to offer data */ #if !wxUSE_NANOX if (!g_clipboardAtom) g_clipboardAtom = XInternAtom( (Display*) wxGetDisplay(), "CLIPBOARD", False ); if (!g_targetsAtom) g_targetsAtom = XInternAtom( (Display*) wxGetDisplay(), "TARGETS", False ); #endif m_formatSupported = false; m_targetRequested = 0; m_usePrimary = false; } wxClipboard::~wxClipboard() { Clear(); // if (m_clipboardWidget) gtk_widget_destroy( m_clipboardWidget ); // if (m_targetsWidget) gtk_widget_destroy( m_targetsWidget ); } void wxClipboard::Clear() { if (m_data) { #if wxUSE_THREADS /* disable GUI threads */ #endif /* As we have data we also own the clipboard. Once we no longer own it, clear_selection is called which will set m_data to zero */ #if 0 if (gdk_selection_owner_get( g_clipboardAtom ) == m_clipboardWidget->window) { m_waiting = true; gtk_selection_owner_set( (GtkWidget*) NULL, g_clipboardAtom, (guint32) GDK_CURRENT_TIME ); while (m_waiting) gtk_main_iteration(); } if (gdk_selection_owner_get( GDK_SELECTION_PRIMARY ) == m_clipboardWidget->window) { m_waiting = true; gtk_selection_owner_set( (GtkWidget*) NULL, GDK_SELECTION_PRIMARY, (guint32) GDK_CURRENT_TIME ); while (m_waiting) gtk_main_iteration(); } #endif if (m_data) { delete m_data; m_data = (wxDataObject*) NULL; } #if wxUSE_THREADS /* re-enable GUI threads */ #endif } m_targetRequested = 0; m_formatSupported = false; } bool wxClipboard::Open() { wxCHECK_MSG( !m_open, false, wxT("clipboard already open") ); m_open = true; return true; } bool wxClipboard::SetData( wxDataObject *data ) { wxCHECK_MSG( m_open, false, wxT("clipboard not open") ); wxCHECK_MSG( data, false, wxT("data is invalid") ); Clear(); return AddData( data ); } bool wxClipboard::AddData( wxDataObject *data ) { #if wxUSE_NANOX return false; #else wxCHECK_MSG( m_open, false, wxT("clipboard not open") ); wxCHECK_MSG( data, false, wxT("data is invalid") ); /* we can only store one wxDataObject */ Clear(); m_data = data; /* get formats from wxDataObjects */ wxDataFormat *array = new wxDataFormat[ m_data->GetFormatCount() ]; m_data->GetAllFormats( array ); #if 0 /* primary selection or clipboard */ Atom clipboard = m_usePrimary ? (Atom) 1 // 1 = primary selection : g_clipboardAtom; #endif // 0 for (size_t i = 0; i < m_data->GetFormatCount(); i++) { wxLogTrace( TRACE_CLIPBOARD, wxT("wxClipboard now supports atom %s"), array[i].GetId().c_str() ); #if 0 gtk_selection_add_target( GTK_WIDGET(m_clipboardWidget), clipboard, array[i], 0 ); /* what is info ? */ #endif } delete[] array; #if 0 gtk_signal_connect( GTK_OBJECT(m_clipboardWidget), "selection_get", GTK_SIGNAL_FUNC(selection_handler), (gpointer) NULL ); #endif #if wxUSE_THREADS /* disable GUI threads */ #endif bool res = false; #if 0 /* Tell the world we offer clipboard data */ res = (gtk_selection_owner_set( m_clipboardWidget, clipboard, (guint32) GDK_CURRENT_TIME )); #endif if (m_usePrimary) m_ownsPrimarySelection = res; else m_ownsClipboard = res; #if wxUSE_THREADS /* re-enable GUI threads */ #endif return res; #endif } void wxClipboard::Close() { wxCHECK_RET( m_open, wxT("clipboard not open") ); m_open = false; } bool wxClipboard::IsOpened() const { return m_open; } bool wxClipboard::IsSupported( const wxDataFormat& format ) { /* reentrance problems */ if (m_waiting) return false; /* store requested format to be asked for by callbacks */ m_targetRequested = format; #if 0 wxLogTrace( TRACE_CLIPBOARD, wxT("wxClipboard:IsSupported: requested format: %s"), format.GetId().c_str() ); #endif wxCHECK_MSG( m_targetRequested, false, wxT("invalid clipboard format") ); m_formatSupported = false; /* perform query. this will set m_formatSupported to true if m_targetRequested is supported. also, we have to wait for the "answer" from the clipboard owner which is an asynchronous process. therefore we set m_waiting = true here and wait until the callback "targets_selection_received" sets it to false */ m_waiting = true; #if 0 gtk_selection_convert( m_targetsWidget, m_usePrimary ? (GdkAtom)GDK_SELECTION_PRIMARY : g_clipboardAtom, g_targetsAtom, (guint32) GDK_CURRENT_TIME ); while (m_waiting) gtk_main_iteration(); #endif if (!m_formatSupported) return false; return true; } bool wxClipboard::GetData( wxDataObject& data ) { wxCHECK_MSG( m_open, false, wxT("clipboard not open") ); /* get formats from wxDataObjects */ wxDataFormat *array = new wxDataFormat[ data.GetFormatCount() ]; data.GetAllFormats( array ); for (size_t i = 0; i < data.GetFormatCount(); i++) { wxDataFormat format( array[i] ); wxLogTrace( TRACE_CLIPBOARD, wxT("wxClipboard::GetData: requested format: %s"), format.GetId().c_str() ); /* is data supported by clipboard ? */ /* store requested format to be asked for by callbacks */ m_targetRequested = format; wxCHECK_MSG( m_targetRequested, false, wxT("invalid clipboard format") ); m_formatSupported = false; /* perform query. this will set m_formatSupported to true if m_targetRequested is supported. also, we have to wait for the "answer" from the clipboard owner which is an asynchronous process. therefore we set m_waiting = true here and wait until the callback "targets_selection_received" sets it to false */ m_waiting = true; #if 0 gtk_selection_convert( m_targetsWidget, m_usePrimary ? (GdkAtom)GDK_SELECTION_PRIMARY : g_clipboardAtom, g_targetsAtom, (guint32) GDK_CURRENT_TIME ); while (m_waiting) gtk_main_iteration(); #endif if (!m_formatSupported) continue; /* store pointer to data object to be filled up by callbacks */ m_receivedData = &data; /* store requested format to be asked for by callbacks */ m_targetRequested = format; wxCHECK_MSG( m_targetRequested, false, wxT("invalid clipboard format") ); /* start query */ m_formatSupported = false; /* ask for clipboard contents. this will set m_formatSupported to true if m_targetRequested is supported. also, we have to wait for the "answer" from the clipboard owner which is an asynchronous process. therefore we set m_waiting = true here and wait until the callback "targets_selection_received" sets it to false */ m_waiting = true; wxLogTrace( TRACE_CLIPBOARD, wxT("wxClipboard::GetData: format found, start convert") ); #if 0 gtk_selection_convert( m_clipboardWidget, m_usePrimary ? (GdkAtom)GDK_SELECTION_PRIMARY : g_clipboardAtom, m_targetRequested, (guint32) GDK_CURRENT_TIME ); while (m_waiting) gtk_main_iteration(); #endif /* this is a true error as we checked for the presence of such data before */ wxCHECK_MSG( m_formatSupported, false, wxT("error retrieving data from clipboard") ); /* return success */ delete[] array; return true; } wxLogTrace( TRACE_CLIPBOARD, wxT("wxClipboard::GetData: format not found") ); /* return failure */ delete[] array; return false; } #endif // wxUSE_CLIPBOARD