///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: src/univ/toolbar.cpp // Purpose: implementation of wxToolBar for wxUniversal // Author: Robert Roebling, Vadim Zeitlin (universalization) // Modified by: // Created: 20.02.02 // Id: $Id: toolbar.cpp 42840 2006-10-31 13:09:08Z VZ $ // Copyright: (c) 2001 Robert Roebling, // (c) 2002 SciTech Software, Inc. (www.scitechsoft.com) // Licence: wxWindows licence ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ============================================================================ // declarations // ============================================================================ // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // headers // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // For compilers that support precompilation, includes "wx.h". #include "wx/wxprec.h" #ifdef __BORLANDC__ #pragma hdrstop #endif #if wxUSE_TOOLBAR #include "wx/toolbar.h" #ifndef WX_PRECOMP #include "wx/utils.h" #include "wx/app.h" #include "wx/log.h" #include "wx/frame.h" #include "wx/dc.h" #include "wx/image.h" #endif #include "wx/univ/renderer.h" // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // wxStdToolbarInputHandler: translates SPACE and ENTER keys and the left mouse // click into button press/release actions // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- class WXDLLEXPORT wxStdToolbarInputHandler : public wxStdInputHandler { public: wxStdToolbarInputHandler(wxInputHandler *inphand); virtual bool HandleKey(wxInputConsumer *consumer, const wxKeyEvent& event, bool pressed); virtual bool HandleMouse(wxInputConsumer *consumer, const wxMouseEvent& event); virtual bool HandleMouseMove(wxInputConsumer *consumer, const wxMouseEvent& event); virtual bool HandleFocus(wxInputConsumer *consumer, const wxFocusEvent& event); virtual bool HandleActivation(wxInputConsumer *consumer, bool activated); private: wxWindow *m_winCapture; wxToolBarToolBase *m_toolCapture; wxToolBarToolBase *m_toolLast; }; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // constants // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // value meaning that m_widthSeparator is not initialized static const wxCoord INVALID_WIDTH = wxDefaultCoord; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // wxToolBarTool: our implementation of wxToolBarToolBase // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- class WXDLLEXPORT wxToolBarTool : public wxToolBarToolBase { public: wxToolBarTool(wxToolBar *tbar, int id, const wxString& label, const wxBitmap& bmpNormal, const wxBitmap& bmpDisabled, wxItemKind kind, wxObject *clientData, const wxString& shortHelp, const wxString& longHelp) : wxToolBarToolBase(tbar, id, label, bmpNormal, bmpDisabled, kind, clientData, shortHelp, longHelp) { // no position yet m_x = m_y = wxDefaultCoord; m_width = m_height = 0; // not pressed yet m_isInverted = false; // mouse not here yet m_underMouse = false; } wxToolBarTool(wxToolBar *tbar, wxControl *control) : wxToolBarToolBase(tbar, control) { // no position yet m_x = m_y = wxDefaultCoord; m_width = m_height = 0; // not pressed yet m_isInverted = false; // mouse not here yet m_underMouse = false; } // is this tool pressed, even temporarily? (this is different from being // permanently toggled which is what IsToggled() returns) bool IsPressed() const { return CanBeToggled() ? IsToggled() != m_isInverted : m_isInverted; } // are we temporarily pressed/unpressed? bool IsInverted() const { return m_isInverted; } // press the tool temporarily by inverting its toggle state void Invert() { m_isInverted = !m_isInverted; } // Set underMouse void SetUnderMouse( bool under = true ) { m_underMouse = under; } bool IsUnderMouse() { return m_underMouse; } public: // the tool position (for controls) wxCoord m_x; wxCoord m_y; wxCoord m_width; wxCoord m_height; private: // true if the tool is pressed bool m_isInverted; // true if the tool is under the mouse bool m_underMouse; }; // ============================================================================ // wxToolBar implementation // ============================================================================ IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS(wxToolBar, wxControl) // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // wxToolBar creation // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void wxToolBar::Init() { // no tools yet m_needsLayout = false; // unknown widths for the tools and separators m_widthSeparator = INVALID_WIDTH; m_maxWidth = m_maxHeight = 0; wxRenderer *renderer = GetRenderer(); SetToolBitmapSize(renderer->GetToolBarButtonSize(&m_widthSeparator)); SetMargins(renderer->GetToolBarMargin()); } bool wxToolBar::Create(wxWindow *parent, wxWindowID id, const wxPoint& pos, const wxSize& size, long style, const wxString& name) { if ( !wxToolBarBase::Create(parent, id, pos, size, style, wxDefaultValidator, name) ) { return false; } FixupStyle(); CreateInputHandler(wxINP_HANDLER_TOOLBAR); SetInitialSize(size); return true; } wxToolBar::~wxToolBar() { // Make sure the toolbar is removed from the parent. SetSize(0,0); } void wxToolBar::SetMargins(int x, int y) { // This required for similar visual effects under // native platforms and wxUniv. wxToolBarBase::SetMargins( x + 3, y + 3 ); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // wxToolBar tool-related methods // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- wxToolBarToolBase *wxToolBar::FindToolForPosition(wxCoord x, wxCoord y) const { // check the "other" direction first: it must be inside the toolbar or we // don't risk finding anything if ( IsVertical() ) { if ( x < 0 || x > m_maxWidth ) return NULL; // we always use x, even for a vertical toolbar, this makes the code // below simpler x = y; } else // horizontal { if ( y < 0 || y > m_maxHeight ) return NULL; } for ( wxToolBarToolsList::compatibility_iterator node = m_tools.GetFirst(); node; node = node->GetNext() ) { wxToolBarToolBase *tool = node->GetData(); wxRect rectTool = GetToolRect(tool); wxCoord startTool, endTool; GetRectLimits(rectTool, &startTool, &endTool); if ( x >= startTool && x <= endTool ) { // don't return the separators from here, they don't accept any // input anyhow return tool->IsSeparator() ? NULL : tool; } } return NULL; } void wxToolBar::SetToolShortHelp(int id, const wxString& help) { wxToolBarToolBase *tool = FindById(id); wxCHECK_RET( tool, _T("SetToolShortHelp: no such tool") ); tool->SetShortHelp(help); } bool wxToolBar::DoInsertTool(size_t WXUNUSED(pos), wxToolBarToolBase * WXUNUSED(tool)) { // recalculate the toolbar geometry before redrawing it the next time m_needsLayout = true; // and ensure that we indeed are going to redraw Refresh(); return true; } bool wxToolBar::DoDeleteTool(size_t WXUNUSED(pos), wxToolBarToolBase * WXUNUSED(tool)) { // as above m_needsLayout = true; Refresh(); return true; } void wxToolBar::DoEnableTool(wxToolBarToolBase *tool, bool enable) { #if wxUSE_IMAGE // created disabled-state bitmap on demand if ( !enable && !tool->GetDisabledBitmap().Ok() ) { wxImage image(tool->GetNormalBitmap().ConvertToImage()); tool->SetDisabledBitmap(image.ConvertToGreyscale()); } #endif // wxUSE_IMAGE RefreshTool(tool); } void wxToolBar::DoToggleTool(wxToolBarToolBase *tool, bool WXUNUSED(toggle)) { // note that if we're called the tool did change state (the base class // checks for it), so it's not necessary to check for this again here RefreshTool(tool); } void wxToolBar::DoSetToggle(wxToolBarToolBase *tool, bool WXUNUSED(toggle)) { RefreshTool(tool); } wxToolBarToolBase *wxToolBar::CreateTool(int id, const wxString& label, const wxBitmap& bmpNormal, const wxBitmap& bmpDisabled, wxItemKind kind, wxObject *clientData, const wxString& shortHelp, const wxString& longHelp) { return new wxToolBarTool(this, id, label, bmpNormal, bmpDisabled, kind, clientData, shortHelp, longHelp); } wxToolBarToolBase *wxToolBar::CreateTool(wxControl *control) { return new wxToolBarTool(this, control); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // wxToolBar geometry // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- wxRect wxToolBar::GetToolRect(wxToolBarToolBase *toolBase) const { const wxToolBarTool *tool = (wxToolBarTool *)toolBase; wxRect rect; wxCHECK_MSG( tool, rect, _T("GetToolRect: NULL tool") ); // ensure that we always have the valid tool position if ( m_needsLayout ) { wxConstCast(this, wxToolBar)->DoLayout(); } rect.x = tool->m_x - m_xMargin; rect.y = tool->m_y - m_yMargin; if ( IsVertical() ) { if (tool->IsButton()) { if(!HasFlag(wxTB_TEXT)) { rect.width = m_defaultWidth; rect.height = m_defaultHeight; } else { rect.width = m_defaultWidth + GetFont().GetPointSize() * tool->GetLabel().length(); rect.height = m_defaultHeight; } } else if (tool->IsSeparator()) { rect.width = m_defaultWidth; rect.height = m_widthSeparator; } else // control { rect.width = tool->m_width; rect.height = tool->m_height; } } else // horizontal { if (tool->IsButton()) { if(!HasFlag(wxTB_TEXT)) { rect.width = m_defaultWidth; rect.height = m_defaultHeight; } else { rect.width = m_defaultWidth + GetFont().GetPointSize() * tool->GetLabel().length(); rect.height = m_defaultHeight; } } else if (tool->IsSeparator()) { rect.width = m_widthSeparator; rect.height = m_defaultHeight; } else // control { rect.width = tool->m_width; rect.height = tool->m_height; } } rect.width += 2*m_xMargin; rect.height += 2*m_yMargin; return rect; } bool wxToolBar::Realize() { if ( !wxToolBarBase::Realize() ) return false; m_needsLayout = true; DoLayout(); SetInitialSize(wxDefaultSize); return true; } void wxToolBar::SetWindowStyleFlag( long style ) { wxToolBarBase::SetWindowStyleFlag(style); m_needsLayout = true; Refresh(); } void wxToolBar::DoLayout() { wxASSERT_MSG( m_needsLayout, _T("why are we called?") ); m_needsLayout = false; wxCoord x = m_xMargin, y = m_yMargin; wxCoord widthTool = 0, maxWidthTool = 0; wxCoord heightTool = 0, maxHeightTool = 0; wxCoord margin = IsVertical() ? m_xMargin : m_yMargin; wxCoord *pCur = IsVertical() ? &y : &x; // calculate the positions of all elements for ( wxToolBarToolsList::compatibility_iterator node = m_tools.GetFirst(); node; node = node->GetNext() ) { wxToolBarTool *tool = (wxToolBarTool *) node->GetData(); tool->m_x = x; tool->m_y = y; // TODO ugly number fiddling if (tool->IsButton()) { if (IsVertical()) { widthTool = m_defaultHeight; heightTool = m_defaultWidth; if(HasFlag(wxTB_TEXT)) heightTool += GetFont().GetPointSize() * tool->GetLabel().length(); } else { widthTool = m_defaultWidth; if(HasFlag(wxTB_TEXT)) widthTool += GetFont().GetPointSize() * tool->GetLabel().length(); heightTool = m_defaultHeight; } if(widthTool > maxWidthTool) // Record max width of tool { maxWidthTool = widthTool; } if(heightTool > maxHeightTool) // Record max width of tool { maxHeightTool = heightTool; } *pCur += widthTool; } else if (tool->IsSeparator()) { *pCur += m_widthSeparator; } else if (!IsVertical()) // horizontal control { wxControl *control = tool->GetControl(); wxSize size = control->GetSize(); tool->m_y += (m_defaultHeight - size.y)/2; tool->m_width = size.x; tool->m_height = size.y; *pCur += tool->m_width; } *pCur += margin; } // calculate the total toolbar size wxCoord xMin, yMin; if(!HasFlag(wxTB_TEXT)) { xMin = m_defaultWidth + 2*m_xMargin; yMin = m_defaultHeight + 2*m_yMargin; } else { if (IsVertical()) { xMin = heightTool + 2*m_xMargin; yMin = widthTool + 2*m_xMargin; } else { xMin = maxWidthTool + 2*m_xMargin; yMin = heightTool + 2*m_xMargin; } } m_maxWidth = x < xMin ? xMin : x; m_maxHeight = y < yMin ? yMin : y; } wxSize wxToolBar::DoGetBestClientSize() const { return wxSize(m_maxWidth, m_maxHeight); } void wxToolBar::DoSetSize(int x, int y, int width, int height, int sizeFlags) { int old_width, old_height; GetSize(&old_width, &old_height); wxToolBarBase::DoSetSize(x, y, width, height, sizeFlags); // Correct width and height if needed. if ( width == wxDefaultCoord || height == wxDefaultCoord ) { int tmp_width, tmp_height; GetSize(&tmp_width, &tmp_height); if ( width == wxDefaultCoord ) width = tmp_width; if ( height == wxDefaultCoord ) height = tmp_height; } // We must refresh the frame size when the toolbar changes size // otherwise the toolbar can be shown incorrectly if ( old_width != width || old_height != height ) { // But before we send the size event check it // we have a frame that is not being deleted. wxFrame *frame = wxDynamicCast(GetParent(), wxFrame); if ( frame && !frame->IsBeingDeleted() ) { frame->SendSizeEvent(); } } } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // wxToolBar drawing // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void wxToolBar::RefreshTool(wxToolBarToolBase *tool) { RefreshRect(GetToolRect(tool)); } void wxToolBar::GetRectLimits(const wxRect& rect, wxCoord *start, wxCoord *end) const { wxCHECK_RET( start && end, _T("NULL pointer in GetRectLimits") ); if ( IsVertical() ) { *start = rect.GetTop(); *end = rect.GetBottom(); } else // horizontal { *start = rect.GetLeft(); *end = rect.GetRight(); } } void wxToolBar::DoDraw(wxControlRenderer *renderer) { // prepare the variables used below wxDC& dc = renderer->GetDC(); wxRenderer *rend = renderer->GetRenderer(); dc.SetFont(GetFont()); // draw the border separating us from the menubar (if there is no menubar // we probably shouldn't draw it?) if ( !IsVertical() ) { rend->DrawHorizontalLine(dc, 0, 0, GetClientSize().x); } // get the update rect and its limits depending on the orientation wxRect rectUpdate = GetUpdateClientRect(); wxCoord start, end; GetRectLimits(rectUpdate, &start, &end); // and redraw all the tools intersecting it for ( wxToolBarToolsList::compatibility_iterator node = m_tools.GetFirst(); node; node = node->GetNext() ) { wxToolBarTool *tool = (wxToolBarTool*) node->GetData(); wxRect rectTool = GetToolRect(tool); wxCoord startTool, endTool; GetRectLimits(rectTool, &startTool, &endTool); if ( endTool < start ) { // we're still to the left of the area to redraw continue; } if ( startTool > end ) { // we're beyond the area to redraw, nothing left to do break; } if (tool->IsSeparator() && !HasFlag(wxTB_FLAT)) { // Draw separators only in flat mode continue; } // deal with the flags int flags = 0; if ( tool->IsEnabled() ) { // The toolbars without wxTB_FLAT don't react to the mouse hovering if ( !HasFlag(wxTB_FLAT) || tool->IsUnderMouse() ) flags |= wxCONTROL_CURRENT; } else // disabled tool { flags |= wxCONTROL_DISABLED; } //if ( tool == m_toolCaptured ) // flags |= wxCONTROL_FOCUSED; if ( tool->IsPressed() ) flags = wxCONTROL_PRESSED; wxString label; wxBitmap bitmap; if ( !tool->IsSeparator() ) { label = tool->GetLabel(); bitmap = tool->GetBitmap(); } //else: leave both the label and the bitmap invalid to draw a separator if ( !tool->IsControl() ) { int tbStyle = 0; if(HasFlag(wxTB_TEXT)) { tbStyle |= wxTB_TEXT; } if(HasFlag(wxTB_VERTICAL)) { tbStyle |= wxTB_VERTICAL; } else { tbStyle |= wxTB_HORIZONTAL; } rend->DrawToolBarButton(dc, label, bitmap, rectTool, flags, tool->GetStyle(), tbStyle); } else // control { wxControl *control = tool->GetControl(); control->Move(tool->m_x, tool->m_y); } } } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // wxToolBar actions // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool wxToolBar::PerformAction(const wxControlAction& action, long numArg, const wxString& strArg) { wxToolBarTool *tool = (wxToolBarTool*) FindById(numArg); if (!tool) return false; if ( action == wxACTION_TOOLBAR_TOGGLE ) { PerformAction( wxACTION_BUTTON_RELEASE, numArg ); PerformAction( wxACTION_BUTTON_CLICK, numArg ); // Write by Danny Raynor to change state again. // Check button still pressed or not if ( tool->CanBeToggled() && tool->IsToggled() ) { tool->Toggle(false); } if( tool->IsInverted() ) { PerformAction( wxACTION_TOOLBAR_RELEASE, numArg ); } // Set mouse leave toolbar button range (If still in the range, // toolbar button would get focus again PerformAction( wxACTION_TOOLBAR_LEAVE, numArg ); } else if ( action == wxACTION_TOOLBAR_PRESS ) { wxLogTrace(_T("toolbar"), _T("Button '%s' pressed."), tool->GetShortHelp().c_str()); tool->Invert(); RefreshTool( tool ); } else if ( action == wxACTION_TOOLBAR_RELEASE ) { wxLogTrace(_T("toolbar"), _T("Button '%s' released."), tool->GetShortHelp().c_str()); wxASSERT_MSG( tool->IsInverted(), _T("release unpressed button?") ); tool->Invert(); RefreshTool( tool ); } else if ( action == wxACTION_TOOLBAR_CLICK ) { bool isToggled; if ( tool->CanBeToggled() ) { tool->Toggle(); RefreshTool( tool ); isToggled = tool->IsToggled(); } else // simple non-checkable tool { isToggled = false; } OnLeftClick( tool->GetId(), isToggled ); } else if ( action == wxACTION_TOOLBAR_ENTER ) { wxCHECK_MSG( tool, false, _T("no tool to enter?") ); if ( HasFlag(wxTB_FLAT) && tool->IsEnabled() ) { tool->SetUnderMouse( true ); if ( !tool->IsToggled() ) RefreshTool( tool ); } } else if ( action == wxACTION_TOOLBAR_LEAVE ) { wxCHECK_MSG( tool, false, _T("no tool to leave?") ); if ( HasFlag(wxTB_FLAT) && tool->IsEnabled() ) { tool->SetUnderMouse( false ); if ( !tool->IsToggled() ) RefreshTool( tool ); } } else return wxControl::PerformAction(action, numArg, strArg); return true; } /* static */ wxInputHandler *wxToolBar::GetStdInputHandler(wxInputHandler *handlerDef) { static wxStdToolbarInputHandler s_handler(handlerDef); return &s_handler; } // ============================================================================ // wxStdToolbarInputHandler implementation // ============================================================================ wxStdToolbarInputHandler::wxStdToolbarInputHandler(wxInputHandler *handler) : wxStdInputHandler(handler) { m_winCapture = NULL; m_toolCapture = NULL; m_toolLast = NULL; } bool wxStdToolbarInputHandler::HandleKey(wxInputConsumer *consumer, const wxKeyEvent& event, bool pressed) { // TODO: when we have a current button we should allow the arrow // keys to move it return wxStdInputHandler::HandleKey(consumer, event, pressed); } bool wxStdToolbarInputHandler::HandleMouse(wxInputConsumer *consumer, const wxMouseEvent& event) { wxToolBar *tbar = wxStaticCast(consumer->GetInputWindow(), wxToolBar); wxToolBarToolBase *tool = tbar->FindToolForPosition(event.GetX(), event.GetY()); if ( event.Button(1) ) { if ( event.LeftDown() || event.LeftDClick() ) { if ( !tool || !tool->IsEnabled() ) return true; m_winCapture = tbar; m_winCapture->CaptureMouse(); m_toolCapture = tool; consumer->PerformAction( wxACTION_BUTTON_PRESS, tool->GetId() ); return true; } else if ( event.LeftUp() ) { if ( m_winCapture ) { m_winCapture->ReleaseMouse(); m_winCapture = NULL; } if (m_toolCapture) { if ( tool == m_toolCapture ) consumer->PerformAction( wxACTION_BUTTON_TOGGLE, m_toolCapture->GetId() ); else consumer->PerformAction( wxACTION_TOOLBAR_LEAVE, m_toolCapture->GetId() ); } m_toolCapture = NULL; return true; } //else: don't do anything special about the double click } return wxStdInputHandler::HandleMouse(consumer, event); } bool wxStdToolbarInputHandler::HandleMouseMove(wxInputConsumer *consumer, const wxMouseEvent& event) { if ( !wxStdInputHandler::HandleMouseMove(consumer, event) ) { wxToolBar *tbar = wxStaticCast(consumer->GetInputWindow(), wxToolBar); wxToolBarTool *tool; if ( event.Leaving() ) { // We cannot possibly be over a tool when // leaving the toolbar tool = NULL; } else { tool = (wxToolBarTool*) tbar->FindToolForPosition( event.GetX(), event.GetY() ); } if (m_toolCapture) { // During capture we only care of the captured tool if (tool && (tool != m_toolCapture)) tool = NULL; if (tool == m_toolLast) return true; if (tool) consumer->PerformAction( wxACTION_BUTTON_PRESS, m_toolCapture->GetId() ); else consumer->PerformAction( wxACTION_BUTTON_RELEASE, m_toolCapture->GetId() ); m_toolLast = tool; } else { if (tool == m_toolLast) return true; if (m_toolLast) { // Leave old tool if any consumer->PerformAction( wxACTION_TOOLBAR_LEAVE, m_toolLast->GetId() ); } if (tool) { // Enter new tool if any consumer->PerformAction( wxACTION_TOOLBAR_ENTER, tool->GetId() ); } m_toolLast = tool; } return true; } return false; } bool wxStdToolbarInputHandler::HandleFocus(wxInputConsumer *consumer, const wxFocusEvent& WXUNUSED(event)) { if ( m_toolCapture ) { // We shouldn't be left with a highlighted button consumer->PerformAction( wxACTION_TOOLBAR_LEAVE, m_toolCapture->GetId() ); } return true; } bool wxStdToolbarInputHandler::HandleActivation(wxInputConsumer *consumer, bool activated) { if (m_toolCapture && !activated) { // We shouldn't be left with a highlighted button consumer->PerformAction( wxACTION_TOOLBAR_LEAVE, m_toolCapture->GetId() ); } return true; } #endif // wxUSE_TOOLBAR