///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: src/richtext/richtexthtml.cpp // Purpose: HTML I/O for wxRichTextCtrl // Author: Julian Smart // Modified by: // Created: 2005-09-30 // RCS-ID: $Id: richtexthtml.cpp 64162 2010-04-27 16:10:27Z JS $ // Copyright: (c) Julian Smart // Licence: wxWindows licence ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // For compilers that support precompilation, includes "wx.h". #include "wx/wxprec.h" #ifdef __BORLANDC__ #pragma hdrstop #endif #if wxUSE_RICHTEXT #include "wx/richtext/richtexthtml.h" #include "wx/richtext/richtextstyles.h" #ifndef WX_PRECOMP #endif #include "wx/filename.h" #include "wx/wfstream.h" #include "wx/txtstrm.h" #if wxUSE_FILESYSTEM #include "wx/filesys.h" #include "wx/fs_mem.h" #endif IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS(wxRichTextHTMLHandler, wxRichTextFileHandler) int wxRichTextHTMLHandler::sm_fileCounter = 1; wxRichTextHTMLHandler::wxRichTextHTMLHandler(const wxString& name, const wxString& ext, int type) : wxRichTextFileHandler(name, ext, type), m_buffer(NULL), m_font(false), m_inTable(false) { m_fontSizeMapping.Add(8); m_fontSizeMapping.Add(10); m_fontSizeMapping.Add(13); m_fontSizeMapping.Add(17); m_fontSizeMapping.Add(22); m_fontSizeMapping.Add(30); m_fontSizeMapping.Add(100); } /// Can we handle this filename (if using files)? By default, checks the extension. bool wxRichTextHTMLHandler::CanHandle(const wxString& filename) const { wxString path, file, ext; wxSplitPath(filename, & path, & file, & ext); return (ext.Lower() == wxT("html") || ext.Lower() == wxT("htm")); } #if wxUSE_STREAMS bool wxRichTextHTMLHandler::DoLoadFile(wxRichTextBuffer *WXUNUSED(buffer), wxInputStream& WXUNUSED(stream)) { return false; } /* * We need to output only _changes_ in character formatting. */ bool wxRichTextHTMLHandler::DoSaveFile(wxRichTextBuffer *buffer, wxOutputStream& stream) { m_buffer = buffer; ClearTemporaryImageLocations(); buffer->Defragment(); #if wxUSE_UNICODE wxCSConv* customEncoding = NULL; wxMBConv* conv = NULL; if (!GetEncoding().IsEmpty()) { customEncoding = new wxCSConv(GetEncoding()); if (!customEncoding->IsOk()) { delete customEncoding; customEncoding = NULL; } } if (customEncoding) conv = customEncoding; else conv = & wxConvUTF8; #endif { #if wxUSE_UNICODE wxTextOutputStream str(stream, wxEOL_NATIVE, *conv); #else wxTextOutputStream str(stream, wxEOL_NATIVE); #endif wxTextAttrEx currentParaStyle = buffer->GetAttributes(); wxTextAttrEx currentCharStyle = buffer->GetAttributes(); if ((GetFlags() & wxRICHTEXT_HANDLER_NO_HEADER_FOOTER) == 0) str << wxT("\n"); OutputFont(currentParaStyle, str); m_font = false; m_inTable = false; m_indents.Clear(); m_listTypes.Clear(); wxRichTextObjectList::compatibility_iterator node = buffer->GetChildren().GetFirst(); while (node) { wxRichTextParagraph* para = wxDynamicCast(node->GetData(), wxRichTextParagraph); wxASSERT (para != NULL); if (para) { wxTextAttrEx paraStyle(para->GetCombinedAttributes()); BeginParagraphFormatting(currentParaStyle, paraStyle, str); wxRichTextObjectList::compatibility_iterator node2 = para->GetChildren().GetFirst(); while (node2) { wxRichTextObject* obj = node2->GetData(); wxRichTextPlainText* textObj = wxDynamicCast(obj, wxRichTextPlainText); if (textObj && !textObj->IsEmpty()) { wxTextAttrEx charStyle(para->GetCombinedAttributes(obj->GetAttributes())); BeginCharacterFormatting(currentCharStyle, charStyle, paraStyle, str); wxString text = textObj->GetText(); if (charStyle.HasTextEffects() && (charStyle.GetTextEffects() & wxTEXT_ATTR_EFFECT_CAPITALS)) text.MakeUpper(); wxString toReplace = wxRichTextLineBreakChar; text.Replace(toReplace, wxT("
")); str << text; EndCharacterFormatting(currentCharStyle, charStyle, paraStyle, str); } wxRichTextImage* image = wxDynamicCast(obj, wxRichTextImage); if( image && (!image->IsEmpty() || image->GetImageBlock().GetData())) WriteImage( image, stream ); node2 = node2->GetNext(); } EndParagraphFormatting(currentParaStyle, paraStyle, str); str << wxT("\n"); } node = node->GetNext(); } CloseLists(-1, str); str << wxT(""); if ((GetFlags() & wxRICHTEXT_HANDLER_NO_HEADER_FOOTER) == 0) str << wxT(""); str << wxT("\n"); } #if wxUSE_UNICODE if (customEncoding) delete customEncoding; #endif m_buffer = NULL; return true; } void wxRichTextHTMLHandler::BeginCharacterFormatting(const wxTextAttrEx& currentStyle, const wxTextAttrEx& thisStyle, const wxTextAttrEx& WXUNUSED(paraStyle), wxTextOutputStream& str) { wxString style; // Is there any change in the font properties of the item? if (thisStyle.GetFont().GetFaceName() != currentStyle.GetFont().GetFaceName()) { wxString faceName(thisStyle.GetFont().GetFaceName()); style += wxString::Format(wxT(" face=\"%s\""), faceName.c_str()); } if (thisStyle.GetFont().GetPointSize() != currentStyle.GetFont().GetPointSize()) style += wxString::Format(wxT(" size=\"%ld\""), PtToSize(thisStyle.GetFont().GetPointSize())); if (thisStyle.GetTextColour() != currentStyle.GetTextColour() ) { wxString color(thisStyle.GetTextColour().GetAsString(wxC2S_HTML_SYNTAX)); style += wxString::Format(wxT(" color=\"%s\""), color.c_str()); } if (style.size()) { str << wxString::Format(wxT(""), style.c_str()); m_font = true; } if (thisStyle.GetFont().GetWeight() == wxBOLD) str << wxT(""); if (thisStyle.GetFont().GetStyle() == wxITALIC) str << wxT(""); if (thisStyle.GetFont().GetUnderlined()) str << wxT(""); if (thisStyle.HasURL()) str << wxT(""); } void wxRichTextHTMLHandler::EndCharacterFormatting(const wxTextAttrEx& WXUNUSED(currentStyle), const wxTextAttrEx& thisStyle, const wxTextAttrEx& WXUNUSED(paraStyle), wxTextOutputStream& stream) { if (thisStyle.HasURL()) stream << wxT(""); if (thisStyle.GetFont().GetUnderlined()) stream << wxT(""); if (thisStyle.GetFont().GetStyle() == wxITALIC) stream << wxT(""); if (thisStyle.GetFont().GetWeight() == wxBOLD) stream << wxT(""); if (m_font) { m_font = false; stream << wxT(""); } } /// Begin paragraph formatting void wxRichTextHTMLHandler::BeginParagraphFormatting(const wxTextAttrEx& WXUNUSED(currentStyle), const wxTextAttrEx& thisStyle, wxTextOutputStream& str) { if (thisStyle.HasPageBreak()) { str << wxT("
\n"); } if (thisStyle.HasLeftIndent() && thisStyle.GetLeftIndent() != 0) { if (thisStyle.HasBulletStyle()) { int indent = thisStyle.GetLeftIndent(); // Close levels high than this CloseLists(indent, str); if (m_indents.GetCount() > 0 && indent == m_indents.Last()) { // Same level, no need to start a new list } else if (m_indents.GetCount() == 0 || indent > m_indents.Last()) { m_indents.Add(indent); wxString tag; int listType = TypeOfList(thisStyle, tag); m_listTypes.Add(listType); // wxHTML needs an extra

before a list when using


in previous paragraphs. // TODO: pass a flag that indicates we're using wxHTML. str << wxT("

\n"); str << tag; } str << wxT("

  • "); } else { CloseLists(-1, str); wxString align = GetAlignment(thisStyle); str << wxString::Format(wxT("

    0.0)) { styleStr += wxString::Format(wxT("margin-left: %.2fmm; "), indentLeftMM); } float indentRightMM = thisStyle.GetRightIndent()/10.0; if ((GetFlags() & wxRICHTEXT_HANDLER_USE_CSS) && thisStyle.HasRightIndent() && (indentRightMM > 0.0)) { styleStr += wxString::Format(wxT("margin-right: %.2fmm; "), indentRightMM); } // First line indentation float firstLineIndentMM = - thisStyle.GetLeftSubIndent() / 10.0; if ((GetFlags() & wxRICHTEXT_HANDLER_USE_CSS) && (firstLineIndentMM > 0.0)) { styleStr += wxString::Format(wxT("text-indent: %.2fmm; "), firstLineIndentMM); } if (!styleStr.IsEmpty()) str << wxT(" style=\"") << styleStr << wxT("\""); str << wxT(">"); // TODO: convert to pixels int indentPixels = indentLeftMM*10/4; if ((GetFlags() & wxRICHTEXT_HANDLER_USE_CSS) == 0) { // Use a table to do indenting if we don't have CSS str << wxString::Format(wxT("
    "), indentPixels); m_inTable = true; } if (((GetFlags() & wxRICHTEXT_HANDLER_USE_CSS) == 0) && (thisStyle.GetLeftSubIndent() < 0)) { str << SymbolicIndent( - thisStyle.GetLeftSubIndent()); } } } else { CloseLists(-1, str); wxString align = GetAlignment(thisStyle); str << wxString::Format(wxT("

    "); } OutputFont(thisStyle, str); } /// End paragraph formatting void wxRichTextHTMLHandler::EndParagraphFormatting(const wxTextAttrEx& WXUNUSED(currentStyle), const wxTextAttrEx& thisStyle, wxTextOutputStream& stream) { if (thisStyle.HasFont()) stream << wxT(""); if (m_inTable) { stream << wxT("

    \n"); m_inTable = false; } else if (!thisStyle.HasBulletStyle()) stream << wxT("

    \n"); } /// Closes lists to level (-1 means close all) void wxRichTextHTMLHandler::CloseLists(int level, wxTextOutputStream& str) { // Close levels high than this int i = m_indents.GetCount()-1; while (i >= 0) { int l = m_indents[i]; if (l > level) { if (m_listTypes[i] == 0) str << wxT(""); else str << wxT(""); m_indents.RemoveAt(i); m_listTypes.RemoveAt(i); } else break; i --; } } /// Output font tag void wxRichTextHTMLHandler::OutputFont(const wxTextAttrEx& style, wxTextOutputStream& stream) { if (style.HasFont()) { stream << wxString::Format(wxT(""); } } int wxRichTextHTMLHandler::TypeOfList( const wxTextAttrEx& thisStyle, wxString& tag ) { // We can use number attribute of li tag but not all the browsers support it. // also wxHtmlWindow doesn't support type attribute. bool m_is_ul = false; if (thisStyle.GetBulletStyle() == (wxTEXT_ATTR_BULLET_STYLE_ARABIC|wxTEXT_ATTR_BULLET_STYLE_PERIOD)) tag = wxT("
      "); else if (thisStyle.GetBulletStyle() == wxTEXT_ATTR_BULLET_STYLE_LETTERS_UPPER) tag = wxT("
        "); else if (thisStyle.GetBulletStyle() == wxTEXT_ATTR_BULLET_STYLE_LETTERS_LOWER) tag = wxT("
          "); else if (thisStyle.GetBulletStyle() == wxTEXT_ATTR_BULLET_STYLE_ROMAN_UPPER) tag = wxT("
            "); else if (thisStyle.GetBulletStyle() == wxTEXT_ATTR_BULLET_STYLE_ROMAN_LOWER) tag = wxT("
              "); else { tag = wxT("
                "); m_is_ul = true; } if (m_is_ul) return 1; else return 0; } wxString wxRichTextHTMLHandler::GetAlignment( const wxTextAttrEx& thisStyle ) { switch( thisStyle.GetAlignment() ) { case wxTEXT_ALIGNMENT_LEFT: return wxT("left"); case wxTEXT_ALIGNMENT_RIGHT: return wxT("right"); case wxTEXT_ALIGNMENT_CENTER: return wxT("center"); case wxTEXT_ALIGNMENT_JUSTIFIED: return wxT("justify"); default: return wxT("left"); } } void wxRichTextHTMLHandler::WriteImage(wxRichTextImage* image, wxOutputStream& stream) { wxTextOutputStream str(stream); str << wxT("GetImage().Ok() && image->GetImageBlock().GetData()) image->LoadFromBlock(); if (image->GetImage().Ok() && !image->GetImageBlock().GetData()) image->MakeBlock(); if (image->GetImage().Ok()) { wxString ext(image->GetImageBlock().GetExtension()); wxString tempFilename(wxString::Format(wxT("image%d.%s"), sm_fileCounter, (const wxChar*) ext)); wxMemoryFSHandler::AddFile(tempFilename, image->GetImage(), image->GetImageBlock().GetImageType()); m_imageLocations.Add(tempFilename); str << wxT("memory:") << tempFilename; } else str << wxT("memory:?"); sm_fileCounter ++; } else if (GetFlags() & wxRICHTEXT_HANDLER_SAVE_IMAGES_TO_FILES) { if (!image->GetImage().Ok() && image->GetImageBlock().GetData()) image->LoadFromBlock(); if (image->GetImage().Ok() && !image->GetImageBlock().GetData()) image->MakeBlock(); if (image->GetImage().Ok()) { wxString tempDir(GetTempDir()); if (tempDir.IsEmpty()) tempDir = wxFileName::GetTempDir(); wxString ext(image->GetImageBlock().GetExtension()); wxString tempFilename(wxString::Format(wxT("%s/image%d.%s"), (const wxChar*) tempDir, sm_fileCounter, (const wxChar*) ext)); image->GetImageBlock().Write(tempFilename); m_imageLocations.Add(tempFilename); str << wxFileSystem::FileNameToURL(tempFilename); } else str << wxT("file:?"); sm_fileCounter ++; } else // if (GetFlags() & wxRICHTEXT_HANDLER_SAVE_IMAGES_TO_BASE64) // this is implied #endif { str << wxT("data:"); str << GetMimeType(image->GetImageBlock().GetImageType()); str << wxT(";base64,"); if (image->GetImage().Ok() && !image->GetImageBlock().GetData()) image->MakeBlock(); wxChar* data = b64enc( image->GetImageBlock().GetData(), image->GetImageBlock().GetDataSize() ); str << data; delete[] data; } str << wxT("\" />"); } long wxRichTextHTMLHandler::PtToSize(long size) { int i; int len = m_fontSizeMapping.GetCount(); for (i = 0; i < len; i++) if (size <= m_fontSizeMapping[i]) return i+1; return 7; } wxString wxRichTextHTMLHandler::SymbolicIndent(long indent) { wxString in; for(;indent > 0; indent -= 20) in.Append( wxT(" ") ); return in; } const wxChar* wxRichTextHTMLHandler::GetMimeType(int imageType) { switch(imageType) { case wxBITMAP_TYPE_BMP: return wxT("image/bmp"); case wxBITMAP_TYPE_TIF: return wxT("image/tiff"); case wxBITMAP_TYPE_GIF: return wxT("image/gif"); case wxBITMAP_TYPE_PNG: return wxT("image/png"); case wxBITMAP_TYPE_JPEG: return wxT("image/jpeg"); default: return wxT("image/unknown"); } } // exim-style base64 encoder wxChar* wxRichTextHTMLHandler::b64enc( unsigned char* input, size_t in_len ) { // elements of enc64 array must be 8 bit values // otherwise encoder will fail // hmmm.. Does wxT macro define a char as 16 bit value // when compiling with UNICODE option? static const wxChar enc64[] = wxT("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/"); wxChar* output = new wxChar[4*((in_len+2)/3)+1]; wxChar* p = output; while( in_len-- > 0 ) { register wxChar a, b; a = *input++; *p++ = enc64[ (a >> 2) & 0x3f ]; if( in_len-- == 0 ) { *p++ = enc64[ (a << 4 ) & 0x30 ]; *p++ = '='; *p++ = '='; break; } b = *input++; *p++ = enc64[(( a << 4 ) | ((b >> 4) &0xf )) & 0x3f]; if( in_len-- == 0 ) { *p++ = enc64[ (b << 2) & 0x3f ]; *p++ = '='; break; } a = *input++; *p++ = enc64[ ((( b << 2 ) & 0x3f ) | ((a >> 6)& 0x3)) & 0x3f ]; *p++ = enc64[ a & 0x3f ]; } *p = 0; return output; } #endif // wxUSE_STREAMS /// Delete the in-memory or temporary files generated by the last operation bool wxRichTextHTMLHandler::DeleteTemporaryImages() { return DeleteTemporaryImages(GetFlags(), m_imageLocations); } /// Delete the in-memory or temporary files generated by the last operation bool wxRichTextHTMLHandler::DeleteTemporaryImages(int flags, const wxArrayString& imageLocations) { size_t i; for (i = 0; i < imageLocations.GetCount(); i++) { wxString location = imageLocations[i]; if (flags & wxRICHTEXT_HANDLER_SAVE_IMAGES_TO_MEMORY) { #if wxUSE_FILESYSTEM wxMemoryFSHandler::RemoveFile(location); #endif } else if (flags & wxRICHTEXT_HANDLER_SAVE_IMAGES_TO_FILES) { if (wxFileExists(location)) wxRemoveFile(location); } } return true; } #endif // wxUSE_RICHTEXT