///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: src/os2/window.cpp // Purpose: wxWindow // Author: David Webster // Modified by: // Created: 10/12/99 // RCS-ID: $Id: window.cpp 40497 2006-08-06 22:00:10Z SN $ // Copyright: (c) David Webster // Licence: wxWindows licence ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // For compilers that support precompilation, includes "wx.h". // #include "wx/wxprec.h" #include "wx/window.h" #ifndef WX_PRECOMP #define INCL_DOS #define INCL_PM #include #include "wx/accel.h" #include "wx/menu.h" #include "wx/dc.h" #include "wx/dcclient.h" #include "wx/utils.h" #include "wx/app.h" #include "wx/panel.h" #include "wx/layout.h" #include "wx/checkbox.h" #include "wx/combobox.h" #include "wx/dialog.h" #include "wx/frame.h" #include "wx/listbox.h" #include "wx/button.h" #include "wx/bmpbuttn.h" #include "wx/msgdlg.h" #include "wx/scrolwin.h" #include "wx/radiobox.h" #include "wx/radiobut.h" #include "wx/slider.h" #include "wx/statbox.h" #include "wx/statusbr.h" #include "wx/toolbar.h" #include "wx/settings.h" #include "wx/intl.h" #include "wx/log.h" #include "wx/textctrl.h" #include "wx/menuitem.h" #include #endif #if wxUSE_OWNER_DRAWN #include "wx/ownerdrw.h" #endif #if wxUSE_DRAG_AND_DROP #include "wx/dnd.h" #endif #include "wx/os2/private.h" #if wxUSE_TOOLTIPS #include "wx/tooltip.h" #endif #if wxUSE_NOTEBOOK #include "wx/notebook.h" #endif #if wxUSE_CARET #include "wx/caret.h" #endif // wxUSE_CARET #include // // Place compiler, OS specific includes here // // // Standard macros -- these are for OS/2 PM, but most GUI's have something similar // #ifndef GET_X_LPARAM // // SHORT1FROMMP -- LOWORD // #define GET_X_LPARAM(mp) ((unsigned short)(unsigned long)(mp)) // // SHORT2FROMMP -- HIWORD // #define GET_Y_LPARAM(mp) ((unsigned short)(unsigned long)(mp >> 16)) #endif // GET_X_LPARAM #ifndef CW_USEDEFAULT # define CW_USEDEFAULT ((int)0x80000000) #endif #ifndef VK_OEM_1 #define VK_OEM_1 0xBA #define VK_OEM_PLUS 0xBB #define VK_OEM_COMMA 0xBC #define VK_OEM_MINUS 0xBD #define VK_OEM_PERIOD 0xBE #define VK_OEM_2 0xBF #define VK_OEM_3 0xC0 #define VK_OEM_4 0xDB #define VK_OEM_5 0xDC #define VK_OEM_6 0xDD #define VK_OEM_7 0xDE #endif // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // global variables // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // The last PM message we got (MT-UNSAFE) // QMSG s_currentMsg; #if wxUSE_MENUS_NATIVE wxMenu* wxCurrentPopupMenu = NULL; #endif // wxUSE_MENUS_NATIVE // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // private functions // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // the window proc for all our windows; most gui's have something similar // MRESULT EXPENTRY wxWndProc( HWND hWnd ,ULONG message ,MPARAM mp1 ,MPARAM mp2 ); #ifdef __WXDEBUG__ const wxChar *wxGetMessageName(int message); #endif //__WXDEBUG__ wxWindowOS2* FindWindowForMouseEvent( wxWindow* pWin ,short* pnX ,short* pnY ); void wxRemoveHandleAssociation(wxWindowOS2* pWin); void wxAssociateWinWithHandle( HWND hWnd ,wxWindowOS2* pWin ); wxWindow* wxFindWinFromHandle(WXHWND hWnd); // // get the current state of SHIFT/CTRL keys // static inline bool IsKeyDown(LONG key) {return (::WinGetKeyState(HWND_DESKTOP, key) & 0x8000) != 0; } static inline bool IsShiftDown() { return IsKeyDown(VK_SHIFT); } static inline bool IsCtrlDown() { return IsKeyDown(VK_CTRL); } static wxWindow* gpWinBeingCreated = NULL; // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // event tables // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // in wxUniv-OS/2 this class is abstract because it doesn't have DoPopupMenu() // method #ifdef __WXUNIVERSAL__ IMPLEMENT_ABSTRACT_CLASS(wxWindowOS2, wxWindowBase) #else // __WXPM__ IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS(wxWindow, wxWindowBase) #endif // __WXUNIVERSAL__/__WXPM__ BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(wxWindowOS2, wxWindowBase) EVT_ERASE_BACKGROUND(wxWindowOS2::OnEraseBackground) EVT_SYS_COLOUR_CHANGED(wxWindowOS2::OnSysColourChanged) EVT_IDLE(wxWindowOS2::OnIdle) EVT_SET_FOCUS(wxWindowOS2::OnSetFocus) END_EVENT_TABLE() // =========================================================================== // implementation // =========================================================================== // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // wxWindow utility functions // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Find an item given the PM Window id // wxWindow* wxWindowOS2::FindItem( long lId ) const { #if wxUSE_CONTROLS wxControl* pItem = wxDynamicCast(this, wxControl); if (pItem) { // // I it we or one of our "internal" children? // if (pItem->GetId() == lId #ifndef __WXUNIVERSAL__ || (pItem->GetSubcontrols().Index(lId) != wxNOT_FOUND) #endif ) { return pItem; } } #endif // wxUSE_CONTROLS wxWindowList::compatibility_iterator current = GetChildren().GetFirst(); while (current) { wxWindow* pChildWin = current->GetData(); wxWindow* pWnd = pChildWin->FindItem(lId); if (pWnd) return pWnd; current = current->GetNext(); } return(NULL); } // end of wxWindowOS2::FindItem // // Find an item given the PM Window handle // wxWindow* wxWindowOS2::FindItemByHWND( WXHWND hWnd , bool bControlOnly ) const { wxWindowList::compatibility_iterator current = GetChildren().GetFirst(); while (current) { wxWindow* pParent = current->GetData(); // // Do a recursive search. // wxWindow* pWnd = pParent->FindItemByHWND(hWnd); if (pWnd) return(pWnd); if (!bControlOnly #if wxUSE_CONTROLS || pParent->IsKindOf(CLASSINFO(wxControl)) #endif // wxUSE_CONTROLS ) { wxWindow* pItem = current->GetData(); if (pItem->GetHWND() == hWnd) return(pItem); else { if (pItem->ContainsHWND(hWnd)) return(pItem); } } current = current->GetNext(); } return(NULL); } // end of wxWindowOS2::FindItemByHWND // // Default command handler // bool wxWindowOS2::OS2Command( WXUINT WXUNUSED(uParam), WXWORD WXUNUSED(uId) ) { return false; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // constructors and such // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void wxWindowOS2::Init() { // // PM specific // m_bWinCaptured = false; m_fnOldWndProc = NULL; m_bUseCtl3D = false; m_bMouseInWindow = false; m_bLastKeydownProcessed = false; m_pChildrenDisabled = NULL; // // wxWnd // m_hMenu = 0L; m_hWnd = 0L; m_hWndScrollBarHorz = 0L; m_hWndScrollBarVert = 0L; memset(&m_vWinSwp, '\0', sizeof (SWP)); // // Pass WM_GETDLGCODE to DefWindowProc() // m_lDlgCode = 0; m_nXThumbSize = 0; m_nYThumbSize = 0; m_bBackgroundTransparent = false; // // As all windows are created with WS_VISIBLE style... // m_isShown = true; #if wxUSE_MOUSEEVENT_HACK m_lLastMouseX = m_lLastMouseY = -1; m_nLastMouseEvent = -1; #endif // wxUSE_MOUSEEVENT_HACK } // wxWindowOS2::Init // // Destructor // wxWindowOS2::~wxWindowOS2() { m_isBeingDeleted = true; for (wxWindow* pWin = GetParent(); pWin; pWin = pWin->GetParent()) { wxTopLevelWindow* pFrame = wxDynamicCast(pWin, wxTopLevelWindow); if (pFrame) { if (pFrame->GetLastFocus() == this) pFrame->SetLastFocus(NULL); } } DestroyChildren(); if (m_hWnd) { if(!::WinDestroyWindow(GetHWND())) wxLogLastError(wxT("DestroyWindow")); // // remove hWnd <-> wxWindow association // wxRemoveHandleAssociation(this); } delete m_pChildrenDisabled; } // end of wxWindowOS2::~wxWindowOS2 // real construction (Init() must have been called before!) bool wxWindowOS2::Create( wxWindow* pParent, wxWindowID vId, const wxPoint& rPos, const wxSize& rSize, long lStyle, const wxString& rName ) { HWND hParent = NULLHANDLE; ULONG ulCreateFlags = 0; WXDWORD dwExStyle = 0; wxCHECK_MSG(pParent, false, wxT("can't create wxWindow without parent")); #if wxUSE_STATBOX // // wxGTK doesn't allow to create controls with static box as the parent so // this will result in a crash when the program is ported to wxGTK - warn // about it // // the correct solution is to create the controls as siblings of the // static box // wxASSERT_MSG( !wxDynamicCast(pParent, wxStaticBox), _T("wxStaticBox can't be used as a window parent!") ); #endif // wxUSE_STATBOX // Ensure groupbox backgrounds are painted if (IsKindOf(CLASSINFO(wxPanel))) lStyle &= ~wxCLIP_CHILDREN; if ( !CreateBase( pParent ,vId ,rPos ,rSize ,lStyle ,wxDefaultValidator ,rName )) return false; if (pParent) { pParent->AddChild(this); hParent = GetWinHwnd(pParent); if (pParent->IsKindOf(CLASSINFO(wxScrolledWindow))) ulCreateFlags |= WS_CLIPSIBLINGS; } // // Most wxSTYLES are really PM Class specific styles and will be // set in those class create procs. PM's basic windows styles are // very limited. // ulCreateFlags |= OS2GetCreateWindowFlags(&dwExStyle); #ifdef __WXUNIVERSAL__ // no 3d effects, we draw them ourselves WXDWORD exStyle = 0; #endif // !wxUniversal if (lStyle & wxPOPUP_WINDOW) { ulCreateFlags &= ~WS_VISIBLE; m_isShown = false; } else { ulCreateFlags |= WS_VISIBLE; } // // Generic OS/2 Windows have no Control Data but other classes // that call OS2Create may have some. // return(OS2Create( (PSZ)wxCanvasClassName ,rName.c_str() ,ulCreateFlags ,rPos ,rSize ,NULL // Control Data ,dwExStyle ,true // Child )); } // end of wxWindowOS2::Create // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // basic operations // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- void wxWindowOS2::SetFocus() { HWND hWnd = GetHwnd(); wxCHECK_RET( hWnd, _T("can't set focus to invalid window") ); if (hWnd) ::WinSetFocus(HWND_DESKTOP, hWnd); } // end of wxWindowOS2::SetFocus void wxWindowOS2::SetFocusFromKbd() { // // Nothing else to do under OS/2 // wxWindowBase::SetFocusFromKbd(); } // end of wxWindowOS2::SetFocus wxWindow* wxWindowBase::DoFindFocus() { HWND hWnd = ::WinQueryFocus(HWND_DESKTOP); if (hWnd) { return wxFindWinFromHandle((WXHWND)hWnd); } return NULL; } // wxWindowBase::DoFindFocus bool wxWindowOS2::Enable( bool bEnable ) { if (!wxWindowBase::Enable(bEnable)) return false; HWND hWnd = GetHwnd(); if ( hWnd ) ::WinEnableWindow(hWnd, (BOOL)bEnable); // // The logic below doesn't apply to the top level windows -- otherwise // showing a modal dialog would result in total greying out (and ungreying // out later) of everything which would be really ugly // if (IsTopLevel()) return true; wxWindowList::compatibility_iterator node = GetChildren().GetFirst(); while (node) { wxWindow* pChild = node->GetData(); if (bEnable) { // // Enable the child back unless it had been disabled before us // if (!m_pChildrenDisabled || !m_pChildrenDisabled->Find(pChild)) pChild->Enable(); } else // we're being disabled { if (pChild->IsEnabled()) { // // Disable it as children shouldn't stay enabled while the // parent is not // pChild->Disable(); } else // child already disabled, remember it { // // Have we created the list of disabled children already? // if (!m_pChildrenDisabled) m_pChildrenDisabled = new wxWindowList; m_pChildrenDisabled->Append(pChild); } } node = node->GetNext(); } if (bEnable && m_pChildrenDisabled) { // // We don't need this list any more, don't keep unused memory // delete m_pChildrenDisabled; m_pChildrenDisabled = NULL; } return true; } // end of wxWindowOS2::Enable bool wxWindowOS2::Show( bool bShow ) { if (!wxWindowBase::Show(bShow)) return false; HWND hWnd = GetHwnd(); ::WinShowWindow(hWnd, bShow); if (bShow) { ::WinSetWindowPos(hWnd, HWND_TOP, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_ACTIVATE | SWP_ZORDER); } return true; } // end of wxWindowOS2::Show void wxWindowOS2::Raise() { ::WinSetWindowPos(GetHwnd(), HWND_TOP, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_ZORDER | SWP_ACTIVATE); } // end of wxWindowOS2::Raise void wxWindowOS2::Lower() { ::WinSetWindowPos(GetHwnd(), HWND_BOTTOM, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_ZORDER | SWP_DEACTIVATE); } // end of wxWindowOS2::Lower void wxWindowOS2::SetLabel( const wxString& label ) { ::WinSetWindowText(GetHwnd(), (PSZ)label.c_str()); } // end of wxWindowOS2::SetLabel wxString wxWindowOS2::GetLabel() const { return wxGetWindowText(GetHWND()); } // end of wxWindowOS2::GetLabel void wxWindowOS2::DoCaptureMouse() { HWND hWnd = GetHwnd(); if (hWnd && !m_bWinCaptured) { ::WinSetCapture(HWND_DESKTOP, hWnd); m_bWinCaptured = true; } } // end of wxWindowOS2::DoCaptureMouse void wxWindowOS2::DoReleaseMouse() { if (m_bWinCaptured) { ::WinSetCapture(HWND_DESKTOP, NULLHANDLE); m_bWinCaptured = false; } } // end of wxWindowOS2::ReleaseMouse /* static */ wxWindow* wxWindowBase::GetCapture() { HWND hwnd = ::WinQueryCapture(HWND_DESKTOP); return hwnd ? wxFindWinFromHandle((WXHWND)hwnd) : (wxWindow *)NULL; } // end of wxWindowBase::GetCapture bool wxWindowOS2::SetFont( const wxFont& rFont ) { if (!wxWindowBase::SetFont(rFont)) { // nothing to do return false; } HWND hWnd = GetHwnd(); wxOS2SetFont( hWnd, rFont ); return true; } // end of wxWindowOS2::SetFont // check if base implementation is OK bool wxWindowOS2::SetCursor( const wxCursor& rCursor) { if ( !wxWindowBase::SetCursor(rCursor)) { // no change return false; } if ( m_cursor.Ok() ) { HWND hWnd = GetHwnd(); POINTL vPoint; RECTL vRect; ::WinQueryPointerPos(HWND_DESKTOP, &vPoint); ::WinQueryWindowRect(hWnd, &vRect); if (::WinPtInRect(vHabmain, &vRect, &vPoint) && !wxIsBusy()) { ::WinSetPointer(HWND_DESKTOP, (HPOINTER)m_cursor.GetHCURSOR()); } } return true; } // end of wxWindowOS2::SetCursor void wxWindowOS2::WarpPointer( int nXPos , int nYPos ) { int nX = nXPos; int nY = nYPos; RECTL vRect; ::WinQueryWindowRect(GetHwnd(), &vRect); nX += vRect.xLeft; nY += vRect.yBottom; ::WinSetPointerPos(HWND_DESKTOP, (LONG)nX, (LONG)(nY)); } // end of wxWindowOS2::WarpPointer // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // scrolling stuff // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- int wxWindowOS2::GetScrollPos( int nOrient ) const { if (nOrient == wxHORIZONTAL) return((int)::WinSendMsg(m_hWndScrollBarHorz, SBM_QUERYPOS, (MPARAM)NULL, (MPARAM)NULL)); else return((int)::WinSendMsg(m_hWndScrollBarVert, SBM_QUERYPOS, (MPARAM)NULL, (MPARAM)NULL)); } // end of wxWindowOS2::GetScrollPos int wxWindowOS2::GetScrollRange( int nOrient ) const { MRESULT mr; if (nOrient == wxHORIZONTAL) mr = ::WinSendMsg(m_hWndScrollBarHorz, SBM_QUERYRANGE, (MPARAM)NULL, (MPARAM)NULL); else mr = ::WinSendMsg(m_hWndScrollBarVert, SBM_QUERYRANGE, (MPARAM)NULL, (MPARAM)NULL); return((int)SHORT2FROMMR(mr)); } // end of wxWindowOS2::GetScrollRange int wxWindowOS2::GetScrollThumb( int nOrient ) const { if (nOrient == wxHORIZONTAL ) return m_nXThumbSize; else return m_nYThumbSize; } // end of wxWindowOS2::GetScrollThumb void wxWindowOS2::SetScrollPos( int nOrient , int nPos , bool WXUNUSED(bRefresh) ) { if (nOrient == wxHORIZONTAL ) ::WinSendMsg(m_hWndScrollBarHorz, SBM_SETPOS, (MPARAM)nPos, (MPARAM)NULL); else ::WinSendMsg(m_hWndScrollBarVert, SBM_SETPOS, (MPARAM)nPos, (MPARAM)NULL); } // end of wxWindowOS2::SetScrollPos void wxWindowOS2::SetScrollbar( int nOrient, int nPos, int nThumbVisible, int nRange, bool WXUNUSED(bRefresh) ) { HWND hWnd = GetHwnd(); int nOldRange = nRange - nThumbVisible; int nRange1 = nOldRange; int nPageSize = nThumbVisible; int nVSBWidth = wxSystemSettingsNative::GetMetric(wxSYS_VSCROLL_X, this); int nHSBHeight = wxSystemSettingsNative::GetMetric(wxSYS_HSCROLL_Y, this); SBCDATA vInfo; ULONG ulStyle = WS_VISIBLE | WS_SYNCPAINT; SWP vSwp; SWP vSwpOwner; HWND hWndParent; HWND hWndClient; wxWindow* pParent = GetParent(); if (pParent && pParent->IsKindOf(CLASSINFO(wxFrame))) { wxFrame* pFrame; pFrame = wxDynamicCast(pParent, wxFrame); hWndParent = pFrame->GetFrame(); hWndClient = GetHwndOf(pParent); } else { if (pParent) hWndParent = GetHwndOf(pParent); else hWndParent = GetHwnd(); hWndClient = hWndParent; } ::WinQueryWindowPos(hWndClient, &vSwp); ::WinQueryWindowPos(hWnd, &vSwpOwner); if (nPageSize > 1 && nRange > 0) { nRange1 += (nPageSize - 1); } vInfo.cb = sizeof(SBCDATA); vInfo.posFirst = 0; vInfo.posLast = (SHORT)nRange1; vInfo.posThumb = (SHORT)nPos; if (nOrient == wxHORIZONTAL ) { ulStyle |= SBS_HORZ; if (m_hWndScrollBarHorz == 0L) { // // Since the scrollbars are usually created before the owner is // sized either via an OnSize event directly or via sizers or // layout constraints, we will initially just use the coords of // the parent window (this is usually a frame client window). But // the bars themselves, are children of the parent frame (i.e // siblings of the frame client. The owner, however is the actual // window being scrolled (or at least the one responsible for // handling the scroll events). The owner will be resized later, // as it is usually a child of a top level window, and when that // is done its scrollbars will be resized and repositioned as well. // m_hWndScrollBarHorz = ::WinCreateWindow( hWndParent ,WC_SCROLLBAR ,(PSZ)NULL ,ulStyle ,vSwp.x ,vSwp.y ,vSwp.cx - nVSBWidth ,nHSBHeight ,hWnd ,HWND_TOP ,60000 ,&vInfo ,NULL ); } else { // // The owner (the scrolled window) is a child of the Frame's // client window, usually. The scrollbars are children of the // frame, itself, and thus are positioned relative to the frame's // origin, not the frame's client window origin. // The starting x position is the same as the starting x position // of the owner, but in terms of the parent frame. // The starting y position is wxSYS_HSCROLL_Y pels below the // origin of the owner in terms of the parent frame. // The horz bar is the same width as the owner and wxSYS_HSCROLL_Y // pels high. // if (nRange1 >= nThumbVisible) { ::WinSetWindowPos( m_hWndScrollBarHorz ,HWND_TOP ,vSwp.x + vSwpOwner.x ,(vSwp.y + vSwpOwner.y) - nHSBHeight ,vSwpOwner.cx ,nHSBHeight ,SWP_MOVE | SWP_SIZE | SWP_SHOW | SWP_ACTIVATE | SWP_ZORDER ); ::WinSendMsg( m_hWndScrollBarHorz ,SBM_SETSCROLLBAR ,(MPARAM)nPos ,MPFROM2SHORT(0, (SHORT)nRange1) ); ::WinSendMsg( m_hWndScrollBarHorz ,SBM_SETTHUMBSIZE ,MPFROM2SHORT( (SHORT)nThumbVisible ,(SHORT)nRange1 ) ,(MPARAM)0 ); } else ::WinShowWindow(m_hWndScrollBarHorz, FALSE); } } else { ulStyle |= SBS_VERT; if (m_hWndScrollBarVert == 0L) { // // Since the scrollbars are usually created before the owner is // sized either via an OnSize event directly or via sizers or // layout constraints, we will initially just use the coords of // the parent window (this is usually a frame client window). But // the bars themselves, are children of the parent frame (i.e // siblings of the frame client. The owner, however is the actual // window being scrolled (or at least the one responsible for // handling the scroll events). The owner will be resized later, // as it is usually a child of a top level window, and when that // is done its scrollbars will be resized and repositioned as well. // m_hWndScrollBarVert = ::WinCreateWindow( hWndParent ,WC_SCROLLBAR ,(PSZ)NULL ,ulStyle ,vSwp.x + vSwp.cx - nVSBWidth ,vSwp.y + nHSBHeight ,nVSBWidth ,vSwp.cy - nHSBHeight ,hWnd ,HWND_TOP ,60001 ,&vInfo ,NULL ); } else { // // The owner (the scrolled window) is a child of the Frame's // client window, usually. The scrollbars are children of the // frame, itself and thus are positioned relative to the frame's // origin, not the frame's client window's origin. // Thus, the x position will be frame client's x (usually a few // pels inside the parent frame, plus the width of the owner. // Since we may be using sizers or layout constraints for multiple // child scrolled windows, the y position will be the frame client's // y pos plus the scrolled windows y position, yielding the y // position of the scrollbar relative to the parent frame (the vert // scrollbar is on the right and starts at the bottom of the // owner window). // It is wxSYS_VSCROLL_X pels wide and the same height as the owner. // if (nRange1 >= nThumbVisible) { ::WinSetWindowPos( m_hWndScrollBarVert ,HWND_TOP ,vSwp.x + vSwpOwner.x + vSwpOwner.cx ,vSwp.y + vSwpOwner.y ,nVSBWidth ,vSwpOwner.cy ,SWP_ACTIVATE | SWP_MOVE | SWP_SIZE | SWP_SHOW ); ::WinSendMsg( m_hWndScrollBarVert ,SBM_SETSCROLLBAR ,(MPARAM)nPos ,MPFROM2SHORT(0, (SHORT)nRange1) ); ::WinSendMsg( m_hWndScrollBarVert ,SBM_SETTHUMBSIZE ,MPFROM2SHORT( (SHORT)nThumbVisible ,(SHORT)nRange1 ) ,(MPARAM)0 ); } else ::WinShowWindow(m_hWndScrollBarVert, FALSE); } m_nYThumbSize = nThumbVisible; } } // end of wxWindowOS2::SetScrollbar void wxWindowOS2::ScrollWindow( int nDx, int nDy, const wxRect* pRect ) { RECTL vRect; ::WinQueryWindowRect(GetHwnd(), &vRect); int height = vRect.yTop; if (pRect) { vRect.xLeft = pRect->x; vRect.yTop = height - pRect->y; vRect.xRight = pRect->x + pRect->width; vRect.yBottom = vRect.yTop - pRect->height; } nDy *= -1; // flip the sign of Dy as OS/2 is opposite Windows. ::WinScrollWindow( GetHwnd() ,(LONG)nDx ,(LONG)nDy ,&vRect ,&vRect ,NULL ,NULL ,SW_SCROLLCHILDREN | SW_INVALIDATERGN ); } // end of wxWindowOS2::ScrollWindow // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // subclassing // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- void wxWindowOS2::SubclassWin( WXHWND hWnd ) { HWND hwnd = (HWND)hWnd; wxCHECK_RET(::WinIsWindow(vHabmain, hwnd), wxT("invalid HWND in SubclassWin") ); wxAssociateWinWithHandle( hWnd ,(wxWindow*)this ); if (!wxCheckWindowWndProc( hWnd ,(WXFARPROC)wxWndProc )) { m_fnOldWndProc = (WXFARPROC) ::WinSubclassWindow(hwnd, (PFNWP)wxWndProc); } else { m_fnOldWndProc = (WXFARPROC)NULL; } } // end of wxWindowOS2::SubclassWin void wxWindowOS2::UnsubclassWin() { // // Restore old Window proc // HWND hwnd = GetHWND(); if (m_hWnd) { wxCHECK_RET( ::WinIsWindow(vHabmain, hwnd), wxT("invalid HWND in UnsubclassWin") ); PFNWP fnProc = (PFNWP)::WinQueryWindowPtr(hwnd, QWP_PFNWP); if ( (m_fnOldWndProc != 0) && (fnProc != (PFNWP) m_fnOldWndProc)) { WinSubclassWindow(hwnd, (PFNWP)m_fnOldWndProc); m_fnOldWndProc = 0; } } } // end of wxWindowOS2::UnsubclassWin bool wxCheckWindowWndProc( WXHWND hWnd , WXFARPROC fnWndProc ) { static char zBuffer[512]; CLASSINFO vCls; ::WinQueryClassName((HWND)hWnd, (LONG)512, (PCH)zBuffer); ::WinQueryClassInfo(wxGetInstance(), (PSZ)zBuffer, &vCls); return(fnWndProc == (WXFARPROC)vCls.pfnWindowProc); } // end of WinGuiBase_CheckWindowWndProc void wxWindowOS2::SetWindowStyleFlag( long lFlags ) { long lFlagsOld = GetWindowStyleFlag(); if (lFlags == lFlagsOld) return; // // Update the internal variable // wxWindowBase::SetWindowStyleFlag(lFlags); // // Now update the Windows style as well if needed - and if the window had // been already created // if (!GetHwnd()) return; WXDWORD dwExstyle; WXDWORD dwExstyleOld; long lStyle = OS2GetStyle( lFlags ,&dwExstyle ); long lStyleOld = OS2GetStyle( lFlagsOld ,&dwExstyleOld ); if (lStyle != lStyleOld) { // // Some flags (e.g. WS_VISIBLE or WS_DISABLED) should not be changed by // this function so instead of simply setting the style to the new // value we clear the bits which were set in styleOld but are set in // the new one and set the ones which were not set before // long lStyleReal = ::WinQueryWindowULong(GetHwnd(), QWL_STYLE); lStyleReal &= ~lStyleOld; lStyleReal |= lStyle; ::WinSetWindowULong(GetHwnd(), QWL_STYLE, lStyleReal); } } // end of wxWindowOS2::SetWindowStyleFlag WXDWORD wxWindowOS2::OS2GetStyle( long lFlags, WXDWORD* WXUNUSED(pdwExstyle) ) const { WXDWORD dwStyle = 0L; if (lFlags & wxCLIP_CHILDREN ) dwStyle |= WS_CLIPCHILDREN; if (lFlags & wxCLIP_SIBLINGS ) dwStyle |= WS_CLIPSIBLINGS; return dwStyle; } // end of wxWindowOS2::OS2GetStyle // // Make a Windows extended style from the given wxWidgets window style // WXDWORD wxWindowOS2::MakeExtendedStyle( long lStyle , bool bEliminateBorders ) { // // Simply fill out with wxWindow extended styles. We'll conjure // something up in OS2Create and all window redrawing pieces later // WXDWORD dwStyle = 0; if (lStyle & wxTRANSPARENT_WINDOW ) dwStyle |= wxTRANSPARENT_WINDOW; if (!bEliminateBorders) { if (lStyle & wxSUNKEN_BORDER) dwStyle |= wxSUNKEN_BORDER; if (lStyle & wxDOUBLE_BORDER) dwStyle |= wxDOUBLE_BORDER; if (lStyle & wxRAISED_BORDER ) dwStyle |= wxRAISED_BORDER; if (lStyle & wxSTATIC_BORDER) dwStyle |= wxSTATIC_BORDER; } return dwStyle; } // end of wxWindowOS2::MakeExtendedStyle // // Setup background and foreground colours correctly // void wxWindowOS2::SetupColours() { if ( GetParent() ) SetBackgroundColour(GetParent()->GetBackgroundColour()); } // end of wxWindowOS2::SetupColours void wxWindowOS2::OnIdle( wxIdleEvent& WXUNUSED(rEvent) ) { // // Check if we need to send a LEAVE event // if (m_bMouseInWindow) { POINTL vPoint; ::WinQueryPointerPos(HWND_DESKTOP, &vPoint); if (::WinWindowFromPoint(HWND_DESKTOP, &vPoint, FALSE) != (HWND)GetHwnd()) { // // Generate a LEAVE event // m_bMouseInWindow = false; // // Unfortunately the mouse button and keyboard state may have changed // by the time the OnIdle function is called, so 'state' may be // meaningless. // int nState = 0; if (IsShiftDown()) nState |= KC_SHIFT; if (IsCtrlDown()) nState |= KC_CTRL; wxMouseEvent rEvent(wxEVT_LEAVE_WINDOW); InitMouseEvent( rEvent ,vPoint.x ,vPoint.y ,nState ); (void)GetEventHandler()->ProcessEvent(rEvent); } } if (wxUpdateUIEvent::CanUpdate(this)) UpdateWindowUI(wxUPDATE_UI_FROMIDLE); } // end of wxWindowOS2::OnIdle // // Set this window to be the child of 'parent'. // bool wxWindowOS2::Reparent( wxWindow* pParent) { if (!wxWindowBase::Reparent(pParent)) return false; HWND hWndChild = GetHwnd(); HWND hWndParent = GetParent() ? GetWinHwnd(GetParent()) : (HWND)0; ::WinSetParent(hWndChild, hWndParent, TRUE); return true; } // end of wxWindowOS2::Reparent void wxWindowOS2::Update() { ::WinUpdateWindow(GetHwnd()); } // end of wxWindowOS2::Update void wxWindowOS2::Freeze() { ::WinSendMsg(GetHwnd(), WM_VRNDISABLED, (MPARAM)0, (MPARAM)0); } // end of wxWindowOS2::Freeze void wxWindowOS2::Thaw() { ::WinSendMsg(GetHwnd(), WM_VRNENABLED, (MPARAM)TRUE, (MPARAM)0); // // We need to refresh everything or otherwise he invalidated area is not // repainted. // Refresh(); } // end of wxWindowOS2::Thaw void wxWindowOS2::Refresh( bool bEraseBack, const wxRect* pRect ) { HWND hWnd = GetHwnd(); if (hWnd) { if (pRect) { RECTL vOs2Rect; int height; ::WinQueryWindowRect(GetHwnd(), &vOs2Rect); height = vOs2Rect.yTop; vOs2Rect.xLeft = pRect->x; vOs2Rect.yTop = height - pRect->y; vOs2Rect.xRight = pRect->x + pRect->width; vOs2Rect.yBottom = vOs2Rect.yTop - pRect->height; ::WinInvalidateRect(hWnd, &vOs2Rect, bEraseBack); } else ::WinInvalidateRect(hWnd, NULL, bEraseBack); if (m_hWndScrollBarHorz != NULLHANDLE) ::WinInvalidateRect(m_hWndScrollBarHorz, NULL, TRUE); if (m_hWndScrollBarVert != NULLHANDLE) ::WinInvalidateRect(m_hWndScrollBarVert, NULL, TRUE); } } // end of wxWindowOS2::Refresh // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // drag and drop // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #if wxUSE_DRAG_AND_DROP void wxWindowOS2::SetDropTarget( wxDropTarget* pDropTarget ) { m_dropTarget = pDropTarget; } // end of wxWindowOS2::SetDropTarget #endif // // old style file-manager drag&drop support: we retain the old-style // DragAcceptFiles in parallel with SetDropTarget. // void wxWindowOS2::DragAcceptFiles( bool bAccept ) { HWND hWnd = GetHwnd(); if (hWnd && bAccept) ::DrgAcceptDroppedFiles(hWnd, NULL, NULL, DO_COPY, 0L); } // end of wxWindowOS2::DragAcceptFiles // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // tooltips // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #if wxUSE_TOOLTIPS void wxWindowOS2::DoSetToolTip( wxToolTip* pTooltip ) { wxWindowBase::DoSetToolTip(pTooltip); if (m_tooltip) m_tooltip->SetWindow(this); } // end of wxWindowOS2::DoSetToolTip #endif // wxUSE_TOOLTIPS // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // moving and resizing // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Get total size void wxWindowOS2::DoGetSize( int* pWidth , int* pHeight ) const { HWND hWnd; RECTL vRect; if (IsKindOf(CLASSINFO(wxFrame))) { wxFrame* pFrame = wxDynamicCast(this, wxFrame); hWnd = pFrame->GetFrame(); } else hWnd = GetHwnd(); ::WinQueryWindowRect(hWnd, &vRect); if (pWidth) *pWidth = vRect.xRight - vRect.xLeft; if (pHeight ) // OS/2 PM is backwards from windows *pHeight = vRect.yTop - vRect.yBottom; } // end of wxWindowOS2::DoGetSize void wxWindowOS2::DoGetPosition( int* pX , int* pY ) const { // // Return parameters assume wxWidgets coordinate system // HWND hWnd; SWP vSwp; POINTL vPoint; wxWindow* pParent = GetParent(); // // It would seem that WinQueryWindowRect would be the correlary to // the WIN32 WinGetRect, but unlike WinGetRect which returns the window // origin position in screen coordinates, WinQueryWindowRect returns it // relative to itself, i.e. (0,0). To get the same under PM we must // use WinQueryWindowPos. This call, unlike the WIN32 call, however, // returns a position relative to it's parent, so no parent adujstments // are needed under OS/2. Also, windows should be created using // wxWindow coordinates, i.e 0,0 is the TOP left. // if (IsKindOf(CLASSINFO(wxFrame))) { wxFrame* pFrame = wxDynamicCast(this, wxFrame); hWnd = pFrame->GetFrame(); } else hWnd = GetHwnd(); ::WinQueryWindowPos(hWnd, &vSwp); vPoint.x = vSwp.x; vPoint.y = vSwp.y; // We need to convert to wxWidgets coordinates int vHeight; DoGetSize(NULL,&vHeight); wxWindow* pWindow = wxDynamicCast(this,wxWindow); vPoint.y = pWindow->GetOS2ParentHeight(pParent) - vPoint.y - vHeight; // // We may be faking the client origin. So a window that's really at (0, // 30) may appear (to wxWin apps) to be at (0, 0). // if (pParent) { wxPoint vPt(pParent->GetClientAreaOrigin()); vPoint.x -= vPt.x; vPoint.y -= vPt.y; } if (pX) *pX = vPoint.x; if (pY) *pY = vPoint.y; } // end of wxWindowOS2::DoGetPosition void wxWindowOS2::DoScreenToClient( int* pX , int* pY ) const { HWND hWnd = GetHwnd(); SWP vSwp; ::WinQueryWindowPos(hWnd, &vSwp); if (pX) *pX += vSwp.x; if (pY) *pY += vSwp.y; } // end of wxWindowOS2::DoScreenToClient void wxWindowOS2::DoClientToScreen( int* pX , int* pY ) const { HWND hWnd = GetHwnd(); SWP vSwp; ::WinQueryWindowPos(hWnd, &vSwp); if (pX) *pX += vSwp.x; if (pY) *pY += vSwp.y; } // end of wxWindowOS2::DoClientToScreen // // Get size *available for subwindows* i.e. excluding menu bar etc. // Must be a frame type window // void wxWindowOS2::DoGetClientSize( int* pWidth , int* pHeight ) const { HWND hWnd = GetHwnd(); RECTL vRect; ::WinQueryWindowRect(hWnd, &vRect); if (IsKindOf(CLASSINFO(wxDialog))) { RECTL vTitle; HWND hWndTitle; // // For a Dialog we have to explicitly request the client portion. // For a Frame the hWnd IS the client window // hWndTitle = ::WinWindowFromID(hWnd, FID_TITLEBAR); if (::WinQueryWindowRect(hWndTitle, &vTitle)) { if (vTitle.yTop - vTitle.yBottom == 0) { // // Dialog has not been created yet, use a default // vTitle.yTop = 20; } vRect.yTop -= (vTitle.yTop - vTitle.yBottom); } ULONG uStyle = ::WinQueryWindowULong(hWnd, QWL_STYLE); // // Deal with borders // if (uStyle & FCF_DLGBORDER) { vRect.xLeft += 4; vRect.xRight -= 4; vRect.yTop -= 4; vRect.yBottom += 4; } else if (uStyle & FCF_SIZEBORDER) { vRect.xLeft += 4; vRect.xRight -= 4; vRect.yTop -= 4; vRect.yBottom += 4; } else if (uStyle & FCF_BORDER) { vRect.xLeft += 2; vRect.xRight -= 2; vRect.yTop -= 2; vRect.yBottom += 2; } else // make some kind of adjustment or top sizers ram into the titlebar! { vRect.xLeft += 3; vRect.xRight -= 3; vRect.yTop -= 3; vRect.yBottom += 3; } } if (pWidth) *pWidth = vRect.xRight - vRect.xLeft; if (pHeight) *pHeight = vRect.yTop - vRect.yBottom; } // end of wxWindowOS2::DoGetClientSize void wxWindowOS2::DoMoveWindow( int nX , int nY , int nWidth , int nHeight ) { // // Input parameters assume wxWidgets coordinate system // RECTL vRect; wxWindow* pParent = GetParent(); HWND hWnd = GetHwnd(); if (pParent && !IsKindOf(CLASSINFO(wxDialog))) { int nOS2Height = GetOS2ParentHeight(pParent); nY = nOS2Height - (nY + nHeight); } else { RECTL vRect; ::WinQueryWindowRect(HWND_DESKTOP, &vRect); nY = vRect.yTop - (nY + nHeight); } // // In the case of a frame whose client is sized, the client cannot be // large than its parent frame minus its borders! This usually happens // when using an autosizer to size a frame to precisely hold client // controls as in the notebook sample. // // In this case, we may need to resize both a frame and its client so we // need a quick calc of the frame border size, then if the frame // (less its borders) is smaller than the client, size the frame to // encompass the client with the appropriate border size. // if (IsKindOf(CLASSINFO(wxFrame))) { RECTL vFRect; int nWidthFrameDelta = 0; int nHeightFrameDelta = 0; wxFrame* pFrame; pFrame = wxDynamicCast(this, wxFrame); hWnd = pFrame->GetFrame(); ::WinQueryWindowRect(hWnd, &vRect); ::WinMapWindowPoints(hWnd, HWND_DESKTOP, (PPOINTL)&vRect, 2); vFRect = vRect; ::WinCalcFrameRect(hWnd, &vRect, TRUE); nWidthFrameDelta = ((vRect.xLeft - vFRect.xLeft) + (vFRect.xRight - vRect.xRight)); nHeightFrameDelta = ((vRect.yBottom - vFRect.yBottom) + (vFRect.yTop - vRect.yTop)); // Input values refer to the window position relative to its parent // which may be the Desktop so we need to calculate // the new frame values to keep the wxWidgets frame origin constant nY -= nHeightFrameDelta; nWidth += nWidthFrameDelta; nHeight += nHeightFrameDelta; } ::WinSetWindowPos( hWnd ,HWND_TOP ,(LONG)nX ,(LONG)nY ,(LONG)nWidth ,(LONG)nHeight ,SWP_SIZE | SWP_MOVE ); if (m_vWinSwp.cx == 0 && m_vWinSwp.cy == 0 && m_vWinSwp.fl == 0) // // Uninitialized // ::WinQueryWindowPos(hWnd, &m_vWinSwp); else { // // Handle resizing of scrolled windows. The target or window to // be scrolled is the owner (gets the scroll notifications). The // parent is usually the parent frame of the scrolled panel window. // In order to show the scrollbars the target window will be shrunk // by the size of the scroll bar widths and moved in the X and Y // directon. That value will be computed as part of the diff for // moving the children. Everytime the window is sized the // toplevel OnSize is going to resize the panel to fit the client // or the whole sizer and will need to me resized. This will send // a WM_SIZE out which will be intercepted by the ScrollHelper // which will cause the scrollbars to be displayed via the SetScrollbar // call in CWindow. // if (IsKindOf(CLASSINFO(wxScrolledWindow))) { int nAdjustWidth = 0; int nAdjustHeight = 0; int nHSBHeight = wxSystemSettingsNative::GetMetric(wxSYS_HSCROLL_Y, this); int nVSBWidth = wxSystemSettingsNative::GetMetric(wxSYS_VSCROLL_X, this); SWP vSwpScroll; if (GetScrollBarHorz() == NULLHANDLE || !WinIsWindowShowing(GetScrollBarHorz())) nAdjustHeight = 0L; else nAdjustHeight = nHSBHeight; if (GetScrollBarVert() == NULLHANDLE || !WinIsWindowShowing(GetScrollBarVert())) nAdjustWidth = 0L; else nAdjustWidth = nVSBWidth; ::WinQueryWindowPos(hWnd, &vSwpScroll); ::WinSetWindowPos( hWnd ,HWND_TOP ,vSwpScroll.x ,vSwpScroll.y + nAdjustHeight ,vSwpScroll.cx - nAdjustWidth ,vSwpScroll.cy - nAdjustHeight ,SWP_MOVE | SWP_SIZE ); } ::WinQueryWindowPos(hWnd, &m_vWinSwp); } } // end of wxWindowOS2::DoMoveWindow // // Set the size of the window: if the dimensions are positive, just use them, // but if any of them is equal to -1, it means that we must find the value for // it ourselves (unless sizeFlags contains wxSIZE_ALLOW_MINUS_ONE flag, in // which case -1 is a valid value for x and y) // // If sizeFlags contains wxSIZE_AUTO_WIDTH/HEIGHT flags (default), we calculate // the width/height to best suit our contents, otherwise we reuse the current // width/height // void wxWindowOS2::DoSetSize( int nX, int nY, int nWidth, int nHeight, int nSizeFlags ) { // // Input & output parameters assume wxWidgets coordinate system // // // Get the current size and position... // int nCurrentX; int nCurrentY; int nCurrentWidth; int nCurrentHeight; wxSize vSize = wxDefaultSize; GetPosition(&nCurrentX, &nCurrentY); GetSize(&nCurrentWidth, &nCurrentHeight); // // ... and don't do anything (avoiding flicker) if it's already ok // if (nX == nCurrentX && nY == nCurrentY && nWidth == nCurrentWidth && nHeight == nCurrentHeight) { return; } if (nX == wxDefaultCoord && !(nSizeFlags & wxSIZE_ALLOW_MINUS_ONE)) nX = nCurrentX; if (nY == wxDefaultCoord && !(nSizeFlags & wxSIZE_ALLOW_MINUS_ONE)) nY = nCurrentY; AdjustForParentClientOrigin(nX, nY, nSizeFlags); if (nWidth == wxDefaultCoord) { if (nSizeFlags & wxSIZE_AUTO_WIDTH) { vSize = DoGetBestSize(); nWidth = vSize.x; } else { // // Just take the current one // nWidth = nCurrentWidth; } } if (nHeight == wxDefaultCoord) { if (nSizeFlags & wxSIZE_AUTO_HEIGHT) { if (vSize.x == wxDefaultCoord) { vSize = DoGetBestSize(); } nHeight = vSize.y; } else { // just take the current one nHeight = nCurrentHeight; } } DoMoveWindow( nX, nY, nWidth, nHeight ); } // end of wxWindowOS2::DoSetSize void wxWindowOS2::DoSetClientSize( int nWidth, int nHeight ) { // // nX & nY assume wxWidgets coordinate system // int nX; int nY; GetPosition(&nX, &nY); DoMoveWindow( nX, nY, nWidth, nHeight ); wxSize size( nWidth, nHeight ); wxSizeEvent vEvent( size, m_windowId ); vEvent.SetEventObject(this); GetEventHandler()->ProcessEvent(vEvent); } // end of wxWindowOS2::DoSetClientSize // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // text metrics // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- int wxWindowOS2::GetCharHeight() const { HPS hPs; FONTMETRICS vFontMetrics; hPs = ::WinGetPS(GetHwnd()); if(!GpiQueryFontMetrics(hPs, sizeof(FONTMETRICS), &vFontMetrics)) { ::WinReleasePS(hPs); return (0); } ::WinReleasePS(hPs); return(vFontMetrics.lMaxAscender + vFontMetrics.lMaxDescender); } // end of wxWindowOS2::GetCharHeight int wxWindowOS2::GetCharWidth() const { HPS hPs; FONTMETRICS vFontMetrics; hPs = ::WinGetPS(GetHwnd()); if(!GpiQueryFontMetrics(hPs, sizeof(FONTMETRICS), &vFontMetrics)) { ::WinReleasePS(hPs); return (0); } ::WinReleasePS(hPs); return(vFontMetrics.lAveCharWidth); } // end of wxWindowOS2::GetCharWidth void wxWindowOS2::GetTextExtent( const wxString& rString, int* pX, int* pY, int* pDescent, int* pExternalLeading, const wxFont* WXUNUSED(pTheFont) ) const { POINTL avPoint[TXTBOX_COUNT]; POINTL vPtMin; POINTL vPtMax; int i; int l; FONTMETRICS vFM; // metrics structure BOOL bRc = FALSE; char* pStr; HPS hPS; hPS = ::WinGetPS(GetHwnd()); l = rString.length(); if (l > 0L) { pStr = (PCH)rString.c_str(); // // In world coordinates. // bRc = ::GpiQueryTextBox( hPS, l, pStr, TXTBOX_COUNT,// return maximum information avPoint // array of coordinates points ); if (bRc) { vPtMin.x = avPoint[0].x; vPtMax.x = avPoint[0].x; vPtMin.y = avPoint[0].y; vPtMax.y = avPoint[0].y; for (i = 1; i < 4; i++) { if(vPtMin.x > avPoint[i].x) vPtMin.x = avPoint[i].x; if(vPtMin.y > avPoint[i].y) vPtMin.y = avPoint[i].y; if(vPtMax.x < avPoint[i].x) vPtMax.x = avPoint[i].x; if(vPtMax.y < avPoint[i].y) vPtMax.y = avPoint[i].y; } bRc = ::GpiQueryFontMetrics( hPS ,sizeof(FONTMETRICS) ,&vFM ); if (!bRc) { vPtMin.x = 0; vPtMin.y = 0; vPtMax.x = 0; vPtMax.y = 0; } } else { vPtMin.x = 0; vPtMin.y = 0; vPtMax.x = 0; vPtMax.y = 0; } } else { vPtMin.x = 0; vPtMin.y = 0; vPtMax.x = 0; vPtMax.y = 0; } if (pX) *pX = (vPtMax.x - vPtMin.x + 1); if (pY) *pY = (vPtMax.y - vPtMin.y + 1); if (pDescent) { if (bRc) *pDescent = vFM.lMaxDescender; else *pDescent = 0; } if (pExternalLeading) { if (bRc) *pExternalLeading = vFM.lExternalLeading; else *pExternalLeading = 0; } ::WinReleasePS(hPS); } // end of wxWindow::GetTextExtent bool wxWindowOS2::IsMouseInWindow() const { // // Get the mouse position POINTL vPt; ::WinQueryPointerPos(HWND_DESKTOP, &vPt); // // Find the window which currently has the cursor and go up the window // chain until we find this window - or exhaust it // HWND hWnd = ::WinWindowFromPoint(HWND_DESKTOP, &vPt, TRUE); while (hWnd && (hWnd != GetHwnd())) hWnd = ::WinQueryWindow(hWnd, QW_PARENT); return hWnd != NULL; } // end of wxWindowOS2::IsMouseInWindow // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // popup menu // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // #if wxUSE_MENUS_NATIVE bool wxWindowOS2::DoPopupMenu( wxMenu* pMenu, int nX, int nY ) { HWND hWndOwner = GetHwnd(); HWND hWndParent = GetHwnd(); HWND hMenu = GetHmenuOf(pMenu); bool bIsWaiting = true; int nHeight; // Protect against recursion if (wxCurrentPopupMenu) return false; pMenu->SetInvokingWindow(this); pMenu->UpdateUI(); if ( nX == -1 && nY == -1 ) { wxPoint mouse = wxGetMousePosition(); nX = mouse.x; nY = mouse.y; } else { DoClientToScreen( &nX ,&nY ); DoGetSize(0,&nHeight); nY = nHeight - nY; } wxCurrentPopupMenu = pMenu; ::WinPopupMenu( hWndParent ,hWndOwner ,hMenu ,nX ,nY ,0L ,PU_HCONSTRAIN | PU_VCONSTRAIN | PU_MOUSEBUTTON1 | PU_KEYBOARD ); while(bIsWaiting) { QMSG vMsg; ::WinGetMsg(vHabmain,&vMsg, (HWND)0, 0, 0); if (vMsg.msg == WM_COMMAND) bIsWaiting = false; ::WinDispatchMsg(vHabmain, (PQMSG)&vMsg); } wxCurrentPopupMenu = NULL; pMenu->SetInvokingWindow(NULL); return true; } // end of wxWindowOS2::DoPopupMenu #endif // wxUSE_MENUS_NATIVE // =========================================================================== // pre/post message processing // =========================================================================== MRESULT wxWindowOS2::OS2DefWindowProc( WXUINT uMsg, WXWPARAM wParam, WXLPARAM lParam ) { if (m_fnOldWndProc) return (MRESULT)m_fnOldWndProc(GetHWND(), uMsg, (MPARAM)wParam, (MPARAM)lParam); else return ::WinDefWindowProc(GetHWND(), uMsg, (MPARAM)wParam, (MPARAM)lParam); } // end of wxWindowOS2::OS2DefWindowProc bool wxWindowOS2::OS2ProcessMessage( WXMSG* pMsg ) { // wxUniversal implements tab traversal itself #ifndef __WXUNIVERSAL__ QMSG* pQMsg = (QMSG*)pMsg; if (m_hWnd != 0 && (GetWindowStyleFlag() & wxTAB_TRAVERSAL)) { // // Intercept dialog navigation keys // bool bProcess = true; USHORT uKeyFlags = SHORT1FROMMP(pQMsg->mp1); if (uKeyFlags & KC_KEYUP) bProcess = false; if (uKeyFlags & KC_ALT) bProcess = false; if (!(uKeyFlags & KC_VIRTUALKEY)) bProcess = false; if (bProcess) { bool bCtrlDown = IsCtrlDown(); bool bShiftDown = IsShiftDown(); // // WM_QUERYDLGCODE: ask the control if it wants the key for itself, // don't process it if it's the case (except for Ctrl-Tab/Enter // combinations which are always processed) // ULONG ulDlgCode = 0; if (!bCtrlDown) { ulDlgCode = (ULONG)::WinSendMsg(pQMsg->hwnd, WM_QUERYDLGCODE, pQMsg, 0); } bool bForward = true; bool bWindowChange = false; switch (SHORT2FROMMP(pQMsg->mp2)) { // // Going to make certain assumptions about specific types of controls // here, so we may have to alter some things later if they prove invalid // case VK_TAB: // // Shift tabl will always be a nav-key but tabs may be wanted // if (!bShiftDown) { bProcess = false; } else { // // Entry Fields want tabs for themselve usually // switch (ulDlgCode) { case DLGC_ENTRYFIELD: case DLGC_MLE: bProcess = true; break; default: bProcess = false; } // // Ctrl-Tab cycles thru notebook pages // bWindowChange = bCtrlDown; bForward = !bShiftDown; } break; case VK_UP: case VK_LEFT: if (bCtrlDown) bProcess = false; else bForward = false; break; case VK_DOWN: case VK_RIGHT: if (bCtrlDown) bProcess = false; break; case VK_ENTER: { if (bCtrlDown) { // // ctrl-enter is not processed // return false; } else if (ulDlgCode & DLGC_BUTTON) { // // buttons want process Enter themselevs // bProcess = false; } else { wxTopLevelWindow *tlw = wxDynamicCast(wxGetTopLevelParent(this), wxTopLevelWindow); wxButton* pBtn = NULL; if (tlw) { pBtn = wxDynamicCast(tlw->GetDefaultItem(), wxButton); } if (pBtn && pBtn->IsEnabled()) { // // If we do have a default button, do press it // pBtn->OS2Command(BN_CLICKED, 0 /* unused */); return true; } else if (!IsTopLevel()) { // // if not a top level window, let parent // handle it // return false; } // else: but if it does not it makes sense to make // it work like a TAB - and that's what we do. // Note that Ctrl-Enter always works this way. } } break; default: bProcess = false; } if (bProcess) { wxNavigationKeyEvent vEvent; vEvent.SetDirection(bForward); vEvent.SetWindowChange(bWindowChange); vEvent.SetEventObject(this); if (GetEventHandler()->ProcessEvent(vEvent)) { wxButton* pBtn = wxDynamicCast(FindFocus(), wxButton); if (pBtn) { // // The button which has focus should be default // pBtn->SetDefault(); } return true; } } } // // Let Dialogs process // if (::WinSendMsg(pQMsg->hwnd, WM_QUERYDLGCODE, pQMsg, 0)); return true; } #else pMsg = pMsg; // just shut up the compiler #endif // __WXUNIVERSAL__ return false; } // end of wxWindowOS2::OS2ProcessMessage bool wxWindowOS2::OS2TranslateMessage( WXMSG* pMsg ) { #if wxUSE_ACCEL && !defined(__WXUNIVERSAL__) return m_acceleratorTable.Translate(m_hWnd, pMsg); #else pMsg = pMsg; return false; #endif //wxUSE_ACCEL } // end of wxWindowOS2::OS2TranslateMessage bool wxWindowOS2::OS2ShouldPreProcessMessage( WXMSG* WXUNUSED(pMsg) ) { // preprocess all messages by default return true; } // end of wxWindowOS2::OS2ShouldPreProcessMessage // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // message params unpackers // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- void wxWindowOS2::UnpackCommand( WXWPARAM wParam , WXLPARAM lParam , WORD* pId , WXHWND* phWnd , WORD* pCmd ) { *pId = LOWORD(wParam); *phWnd = NULL; // or may be GetHWND() ? *pCmd = LOWORD(lParam); } // end of wxWindowOS2::UnpackCommand void wxWindowOS2::UnpackActivate( WXWPARAM wParam , WXLPARAM lParam , WXWORD* pState , WXHWND* phWnd ) { *pState = LOWORD(wParam); *phWnd = (WXHWND)lParam; } // end of wxWindowOS2::UnpackActivate void wxWindowOS2::UnpackScroll( WXWPARAM wParam , WXLPARAM lParam , WXWORD* pCode , WXWORD* pPos , WXHWND* phWnd ) { ULONG ulId; HWND hWnd; ulId = (ULONG)LONGFROMMP(wParam); hWnd = ::WinWindowFromID(GetHwnd(), ulId); if (hWnd == m_hWndScrollBarHorz || hWnd == m_hWndScrollBarVert) *phWnd = NULLHANDLE; else *phWnd = hWnd; *pPos = SHORT1FROMMP(lParam); *pCode = SHORT2FROMMP(lParam); } // end of wxWindowOS2::UnpackScroll void wxWindowOS2::UnpackMenuSelect( WXWPARAM wParam , WXLPARAM lParam , WXWORD* pItem , WXWORD* pFlags , WXHMENU* phMenu ) { *pItem = (WXWORD)LOWORD(wParam); *pFlags = HIWORD(wParam); *phMenu = (WXHMENU)lParam; } // end of wxWindowOS2::UnpackMenuSelect // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Main wxWidgets window proc and the window proc for wxWindow // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Hook for new window just as it's being created, when the window isn't yet // associated with the handle // wxWindowOS2* wxWndHook = NULL; // // Main window proc // MRESULT EXPENTRY wxWndProc( HWND hWnd , ULONG ulMsg , MPARAM wParam , MPARAM lParam ) { wxWindowOS2* pWnd = wxFindWinFromHandle((WXHWND)hWnd); // // When we get the first message for the HWND we just created, we associate // it with wxWindow stored in wxWndHook // if (!pWnd && wxWndHook) { wxAssociateWinWithHandle(hWnd, wxWndHook); pWnd = wxWndHook; wxWndHook = NULL; pWnd->SetHWND((WXHWND)hWnd); } MRESULT rc = (MRESULT)0; // // Stop right here if we don't have a valid handle in our wxWindow object. // if (pWnd && !pWnd->GetHWND()) { pWnd->SetHWND((WXHWND) hWnd); rc = pWnd->OS2DefWindowProc(ulMsg, wParam, lParam ); pWnd->SetHWND(0); } else { if (pWnd) { rc = pWnd->OS2WindowProc(ulMsg, wParam, lParam); if ( (pWnd->GetScrollBarHorz() != NULLHANDLE || pWnd->GetScrollBarVert() != NULLHANDLE) && ulMsg == WM_PAINT) { if (pWnd->GetScrollBarHorz() != NULLHANDLE) ::WinInvalidateRect(pWnd->GetScrollBarHorz(), NULL, TRUE); if (pWnd->GetScrollBarVert() != NULLHANDLE) ::WinInvalidateRect(pWnd->GetScrollBarVert(), NULL, TRUE); } } else rc = ::WinDefWindowProc(hWnd, ulMsg, wParam, lParam); } return rc; } // end of wxWndProc // // We will add (or delete) messages we need to handle at this default // level as we go // MRESULT wxWindowOS2::OS2WindowProc( WXUINT uMsg, WXWPARAM wParam, WXLPARAM lParam ) { // // Did we process the uMsg? // bool bProcessed = false; MRESULT mResult; // // For most messages we should return 0 when we do process the message // mResult = (MRESULT)0; switch (uMsg) { case WM_CREATE: { bool bMayCreate; bProcessed = HandleCreate( (WXLPCREATESTRUCT)lParam ,&bMayCreate ); if (bProcessed) { // // Return 0 to bAllow window creation // mResult = (MRESULT)(bMayCreate ? 0 : -1); } } break; case WM_DESTROY: HandleDestroy(); bProcessed = true; break; case WM_MOVE: bProcessed = HandleMove( LOWORD(lParam) ,HIWORD(lParam) ); break; case WM_SIZE: bProcessed = HandleSize( LOWORD(lParam) ,HIWORD(lParam) ,(WXUINT)wParam ); break; case WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGED: // // Dialogs under OS/2 do not get WM_SIZE events at all. // Instead they get this, which can function much like WM_SIZE // PSWP contains the new sizes and positioning, PSWP+1 the old // We use this because ADJUSTWINDOWPOS comes BEFORE the new // position is added and our auto layout does a WinQueryWindowRect // to get the CURRENT client size. That is the size used to position // child controls, so we need to already be sized // in order to get the child controls positoned properly. // if (IsKindOf(CLASSINFO(wxDialog)) || IsKindOf(CLASSINFO(wxFrame))) { PSWP pSwp = (PSWP)PVOIDFROMMP(wParam); PSWP pSwp2 = pSwp++; if (!(pSwp->cx == pSwp2->cx && pSwp->cy == pSwp2->cy)) bProcessed = HandleSize( pSwp->cx ,pSwp->cy ,(WXUINT)lParam ); if (IsKindOf(CLASSINFO(wxFrame))) { wxFrame* pFrame = wxDynamicCast(this, wxFrame); if (pFrame) { if (pFrame->GetStatusBar()) pFrame->PositionStatusBar(); if (pFrame->GetToolBar()) pFrame->PositionToolBar(); } } } break; case WM_ACTIVATE: { WXWORD wState; WXHWND hWnd; UnpackActivate( wParam ,lParam ,&wState ,&hWnd ); bProcessed = HandleActivate( wState ,(WXHWND)hWnd ); bProcessed = false; } break; case WM_SETFOCUS: if (SHORT1FROMMP((MPARAM)lParam) == TRUE) bProcessed = HandleSetFocus((WXHWND)(HWND)wParam); else bProcessed = HandleKillFocus((WXHWND)(HWND)wParam); break; case WM_PAINT: bProcessed = HandlePaint(); break; case WM_CLOSE: // // Don't let the DefWindowProc() destroy our window - we'll do it // ourselves in ~wxWindow // bProcessed = true; mResult = (MRESULT)TRUE; break; case WM_SHOW: bProcessed = HandleShow(wParam != 0, (int)lParam); break; // // Under OS2 PM Joysticks are treated just like mouse events // The "Motion" events will be prevelent in joysticks // case WM_MOUSEMOVE: case WM_BUTTON1DOWN: case WM_BUTTON1UP: case WM_BUTTON1DBLCLK: case WM_BUTTON1MOTIONEND: case WM_BUTTON1MOTIONSTART: case WM_BUTTON2DOWN: case WM_BUTTON2UP: case WM_BUTTON2DBLCLK: case WM_BUTTON2MOTIONEND: case WM_BUTTON2MOTIONSTART: case WM_BUTTON3DOWN: case WM_BUTTON3UP: case WM_BUTTON3DBLCLK: case WM_BUTTON3MOTIONEND: case WM_BUTTON3MOTIONSTART: { short nX = LOWORD(wParam); short nY = HIWORD(wParam); // // Redirect the event to a static control if necessary // if (this == GetCapture()) { bProcessed = HandleMouseEvent( uMsg ,nX ,nY ,(WXUINT)SHORT2FROMMP(lParam) ); } else { wxWindow* pWin = FindWindowForMouseEvent( this ,&nX ,&nY ); if (!pWin->IsOfStandardClass()) { if (uMsg == WM_BUTTON1DOWN && pWin->AcceptsFocus() ) pWin->SetFocus(); } bProcessed = pWin->HandleMouseEvent( uMsg ,nX ,nY ,(WXUINT)SHORT2FROMMP(lParam) ); } } break; case WM_SYSCOMMAND: bProcessed = HandleSysCommand(wParam, lParam); break; case WM_COMMAND: { WORD id, cmd; WXHWND hwnd; UnpackCommand(wParam, lParam, &id, &hwnd, &cmd); bProcessed = HandleCommand(id, cmd, hwnd); } break; // // For these messages we must return TRUE if process the message // case WM_DRAWITEM: case WM_MEASUREITEM: { int nIdCtrl = (UINT)wParam; if ( uMsg == WM_DRAWITEM ) { bProcessed = OS2OnDrawItem(nIdCtrl, (WXDRAWITEMSTRUCT *)lParam); } else { return MRFROMLONG(OS2OnMeasureItem( nIdCtrl ,(WXMEASUREITEMSTRUCT *)lParam )); } if ( bProcessed ) mResult = (MRESULT)TRUE; } break; case WM_QUERYDLGCODE: if (!IsOfStandardClass()) { if ( m_lDlgCode ) { mResult = (MRESULT)m_lDlgCode; bProcessed = true; } } // //else: get the dlg code from the DefWindowProc() // break; // // In OS/2 PM all keyboard events are of the WM_CHAR type. Virtual key and key-up // and key-down events are obtained from the WM_CHAR params. // case WM_CHAR: { USHORT uKeyFlags = SHORT1FROMMP((MPARAM)wParam); if (uKeyFlags & KC_KEYUP) { //TODO: check if the cast to WXWORD isn't causing trouble bProcessed = HandleKeyUp(wParam, lParam); break; } else // keydown event { m_bLastKeydownProcessed = false; // // If this has been processed by an event handler, // return 0 now (we've handled it). DON't RETURN // we still need to process further // m_bLastKeydownProcessed = HandleKeyDown(wParam, lParam); if (uKeyFlags & KC_VIRTUALKEY) { USHORT uVk = SHORT2FROMMP((MPARAM)lParam); // // We consider these message "not interesting" to OnChar // switch(uVk) { case VK_SHIFT: case VK_CTRL: case VK_MENU: case VK_CAPSLOCK: case VK_NUMLOCK: case VK_SCRLLOCK: bProcessed = true; break; // Avoid duplicate messages to OnChar for these ASCII keys: they // will be translated by TranslateMessage() and received in WM_CHAR case VK_ESC: case VK_ENTER: case VK_BACKSPACE: case VK_TAB: // But set processed to false, not true to still pass them to // the control's default window proc - otherwise built-in // keyboard handling won't work bProcessed = false; break; default: bProcessed = HandleChar(wParam, lParam); } break; } else // WM_CHAR -- Always an ASCII character { if (m_bLastKeydownProcessed) { // // The key was handled in the EVT_KEY_DOWN and handling // a key in an EVT_KEY_DOWN handler is meant, by // design, to prevent EVT_CHARs from happening // m_bLastKeydownProcessed = false; bProcessed = true; } else // do generate a CHAR event { bProcessed = HandleChar(wParam, lParam, true); break; } } } } case WM_HSCROLL: case WM_VSCROLL: { WXWORD wCode; WXWORD wPos; WXHWND hWnd; UnpackScroll( wParam ,lParam ,&wCode ,&wPos ,&hWnd ); bProcessed = OS2OnScroll( uMsg == WM_HSCROLL ? wxHORIZONTAL : wxVERTICAL ,wCode ,wPos ,hWnd ); } break; case WM_CONTROL: switch(SHORT2FROMMP(wParam)) { case BN_PAINT: { HWND hWnd = ::WinWindowFromID((HWND)GetHwnd(), SHORT1FROMMP(wParam)); wxWindowOS2* pWin = wxFindWinFromHandle(hWnd); if (!pWin) { bProcessed = false; break; } if (pWin->IsKindOf(CLASSINFO(wxBitmapButton))) { wxBitmapButton* pBitmapButton = wxDynamicCast(pWin, wxBitmapButton); pBitmapButton->OS2OnDraw((WXDRAWITEMSTRUCT *)lParam); } return 0; } // break; case BKN_PAGESELECTEDPENDING: { PPAGESELECTNOTIFY pPage = (PPAGESELECTNOTIFY)lParam; if ((pPage->ulPageIdNew != pPage->ulPageIdCur) && (pPage->ulPageIdNew > 0L && pPage->ulPageIdCur > 0L)) { wxWindowOS2* pWin = wxFindWinFromHandle(pPage->hwndBook); wxNotebookEvent vEvent( wxEVT_COMMAND_NOTEBOOK_PAGE_CHANGED ,(int)SHORT1FROMMP(wParam) ,(int)pPage->ulPageIdNew ,(int)pPage->ulPageIdCur ); if (!pWin) { bProcessed = false; break; } if (pWin->IsKindOf(CLASSINFO(wxNotebook))) { wxNotebook* pNotebook = wxDynamicCast(pWin, wxNotebook); vEvent.SetEventObject(pWin); pNotebook->OnSelChange(vEvent); bProcessed = true; } else bProcessed = false; } else bProcessed = false; } break; case CBN_LBSELECT: case BN_CLICKED: // Dups as LN_SELECT and CBN_LBSELECT { HWND hWnd = ::WinWindowFromID((HWND)GetHwnd(), SHORT1FROMMP(wParam)); wxWindowOS2* pWin = wxFindWinFromHandle(hWnd); if (!pWin) { bProcessed = false; break; } // // Simulate a WM_COMMAND here, as wxWidgets expects all control // button clicks to generate WM_COMMAND msgs, not WM_CONTROL // if (pWin->IsKindOf(CLASSINFO(wxRadioBox))) { wxRadioBox* pRadioBox = wxDynamicCast(pWin, wxRadioBox); pRadioBox->OS2Command( (WXUINT)SHORT2FROMMP(wParam) ,(WXWORD)SHORT1FROMMP(wParam) ); } if (pWin->IsKindOf(CLASSINFO(wxRadioButton))) { wxRadioButton* pRadioButton = wxDynamicCast(pWin, wxRadioButton); pRadioButton->OS2Command( (WXUINT)SHORT2FROMMP(wParam) ,(WXWORD)SHORT1FROMMP(wParam) ); } if (pWin->IsKindOf(CLASSINFO(wxCheckBox))) { wxCheckBox* pCheckBox = wxDynamicCast(pWin, wxCheckBox); pCheckBox->OS2Command( (WXUINT)SHORT2FROMMP(wParam) ,(WXWORD)SHORT1FROMMP(wParam) ); } if (pWin->IsKindOf(CLASSINFO(wxListBox))) { wxListBox* pListBox = wxDynamicCast(pWin, wxListBox); pListBox->OS2Command( (WXUINT)SHORT2FROMMP(wParam) ,(WXWORD)SHORT1FROMMP(wParam) ); if (pListBox->GetWindowStyle() & wxLB_OWNERDRAW) Refresh(); } if (pWin->IsKindOf(CLASSINFO(wxComboBox))) { wxComboBox* pComboBox = wxDynamicCast(pWin, wxComboBox); pComboBox->OS2Command( (WXUINT)SHORT2FROMMP(wParam) ,(WXWORD)SHORT1FROMMP(wParam) ); } if (pWin->IsKindOf(CLASSINFO(wxChoice))) { wxChoice* pChoice = wxDynamicCast(pWin, wxChoice); pChoice->OS2Command( (WXUINT)SHORT2FROMMP(wParam) ,(WXWORD)SHORT1FROMMP(wParam) ); } return 0; } // break; case LN_ENTER: { HWND hWnd = HWNDFROMMP(lParam); wxWindowOS2* pWin = wxFindWinFromHandle(hWnd); if (!pWin) { bProcessed = false; break; } // // Simulate a WM_COMMAND here, as wxWidgets expects all control // button clicks to generate WM_COMMAND msgs, not WM_CONTROL // if (pWin->IsKindOf(CLASSINFO(wxListBox))) { wxListBox* pListBox = wxDynamicCast(pWin, wxListBox); pListBox->OS2Command( (WXUINT)SHORT2FROMMP(wParam) ,(WXWORD)SHORT1FROMMP(wParam) ); if (pListBox->GetWindowStyle() & wxLB_OWNERDRAW) Refresh(); } if (pWin->IsKindOf(CLASSINFO(wxComboBox))) { wxComboBox* pComboBox = wxDynamicCast(pWin, wxComboBox); pComboBox->OS2Command( (WXUINT)SHORT2FROMMP(wParam) ,(WXWORD)SHORT1FROMMP(wParam) ); } return 0; } // break; case SPBN_UPARROW: case SPBN_DOWNARROW: case SPBN_CHANGE: { char zVal[10]; long lVal; ::WinSendMsg( HWNDFROMMP(lParam) ,SPBM_QUERYVALUE ,&zVal[0] ,MPFROM2SHORT( (USHORT)10 ,(USHORT)SPBQ_UPDATEIFVALID ) ); lVal = atol(zVal); bProcessed = OS2OnScroll( wxVERTICAL ,(WXWORD)SHORT2FROMMP(wParam) ,(WXWORD)lVal ,HWNDFROMMP(lParam) ); } break; case SLN_SLIDERTRACK: { HWND hWnd = ::WinWindowFromID(GetHWND(), SHORT1FROMMP(wParam)); wxWindowOS2* pChild = wxFindWinFromHandle(hWnd); if (!pChild) { bProcessed = false; break; } if (pChild->IsKindOf(CLASSINFO(wxSlider))) bProcessed = OS2OnScroll( wxVERTICAL ,(WXWORD)SHORT2FROMMP(wParam) ,(WXWORD)LONGFROMMP(lParam) ,hWnd ); } break; } break; #if defined(__VISAGECPP__) && (__IBMCPP__ >= 400) case WM_CTLCOLORCHANGE: { bProcessed = HandleCtlColor(&hBrush); } break; #endif case WM_ERASEBACKGROUND: // // Returning TRUE to requestw PM to paint the window background // in SYSCLR_WINDOW. We don't really want that // bProcessed = HandleEraseBkgnd((WXHDC)(HPS)wParam); mResult = (MRESULT)(FALSE); break; // the return value for this message is ignored case WM_SYSCOLORCHANGE: bProcessed = HandleSysColorChange(); break; case WM_REALIZEPALETTE: bProcessed = HandlePaletteChanged(); break; // move all drag and drops to wxDrg case WM_ENDDRAG: bProcessed = HandleEndDrag(wParam); break; case WM_INITDLG: bProcessed = HandleInitDialog((WXHWND)(HWND)wParam); if ( bProcessed ) { // we never set focus from here mResult = (MRESULT)FALSE; } break; // wxFrame specific message case WM_MINMAXFRAME: bProcessed = HandleGetMinMaxInfo((PSWP)wParam); break; case WM_SYSVALUECHANGED: // TODO: do something mResult = (MRESULT)TRUE; break; // // Comparable to WM_SETPOINTER for windows, only for just controls // case WM_CONTROLPOINTER: bProcessed = HandleSetCursor( SHORT1FROMMP(wParam) // Control ID ,(HWND)lParam // Cursor Handle ); if (bProcessed ) { // // Returning TRUE stops the DefWindowProc() from further // processing this message - exactly what we need because we've // just set the cursor. // mResult = (MRESULT)TRUE; } break; #if wxUSE_MENUS_NATIVE case WM_MENUEND: if (wxCurrentPopupMenu) { if (GetHmenuOf(wxCurrentPopupMenu) == (HWND)lParam) { // Break out of msg loop in DoPopupMenu ::WinPostMsg((HWND)lParam,WM_COMMAND,wParam,0); } } break; #endif // wxUSE_MENUS_NATIVE } if (!bProcessed) { #ifdef __WXDEBUG__ wxLogTrace(wxTraceMessages, wxT("Forwarding %s to DefWindowProc."), wxGetMessageName(uMsg)); #endif // __WXDEBUG__ if (IsKindOf(CLASSINFO(wxFrame))) mResult = ::WinDefWindowProc(m_hWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam); else if (IsKindOf(CLASSINFO(wxDialog))) mResult = ::WinDefDlgProc( m_hWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam); else mResult = OS2DefWindowProc(uMsg, wParam, lParam); } return mResult; } // end of wxWindowOS2::OS2WindowProc // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // wxWindow <-> HWND map // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- wxWinHashTable *wxWinHandleHash = NULL; wxWindow* wxFindWinFromHandle( WXHWND hWnd ) { return (wxWindow *)wxWinHandleHash->Get((long)hWnd); } // end of wxFindWinFromHandle void wxAssociateWinWithHandle( HWND hWnd , wxWindowOS2* pWin ) { // // Adding NULL hWnd is (first) surely a result of an error and // (secondly) breaks menu command processing // wxCHECK_RET( hWnd != (HWND)NULL, wxT("attempt to add a NULL hWnd to window list ignored") ); wxWindow* pOldWin = wxFindWinFromHandle((WXHWND) hWnd); if (pOldWin && (pOldWin != pWin)) { wxString Newstr(pWin->GetClassInfo()->GetClassName()); wxString Oldstr(pOldWin->GetClassInfo()->GetClassName()); wxLogError( _T("Bug! New window of class %s has same HWND %X as old window of class %s"), Newstr.c_str(), (int)hWnd, Oldstr.c_str() ); } else if (!pOldWin) { wxWinHandleHash->Put( (long)hWnd ,(wxWindow *)pWin ); } } // end of wxAssociateWinWithHandle void wxRemoveHandleAssociation( wxWindowOS2* pWin ) { wxWinHandleHash->Delete((long)pWin->GetHWND()); } // end of wxRemoveHandleAssociation // // Default destroyer - override if you destroy it in some other way // (e.g. with MDI child windows) // void wxWindowOS2::OS2DestroyWindow() { } bool wxWindowOS2::OS2GetCreateWindowCoords( const wxPoint& rPos, const wxSize& rSize, int& rnX, int& rnY, int& rnWidth, int& rnHeight ) const { bool bNonDefault = false; static const int DEFAULT_Y = 200; static const int DEFAULT_H = 250; if (rPos.x == wxDefaultCoord) { rnX = rnY = CW_USEDEFAULT; } else { rnX = rPos.x; rnY = rPos.y == wxDefaultCoord ? DEFAULT_Y : rPos.y; bNonDefault = true; } if (rSize.x == wxDefaultCoord) { rnWidth = rnHeight = CW_USEDEFAULT; } else { rnWidth = rSize.x; rnHeight = rSize.y == wxDefaultCoord ? DEFAULT_H : rSize.y; bNonDefault = true; } return bNonDefault; } // end of wxWindowOS2::OS2GetCreateWindowCoords WXHWND wxWindowOS2::OS2GetParent() const { return m_parent ? m_parent->GetHWND() : NULL; } bool wxWindowOS2::OS2Create( PSZ zClass, const wxChar* zTitle, WXDWORD dwStyle, const wxPoint& rPos, const wxSize& rSize, void* pCtlData, WXDWORD WXUNUSED(dwExStyle), bool bIsChild ) { ERRORID vError; wxString sError; int nX = 0L; int nY = 0L; int nWidth = 0L; int nHeight = 0L; long lControlId = 0L; wxWindowCreationHook vHook(this); wxString sClassName((wxChar*)zClass); OS2GetCreateWindowCoords( rPos ,rSize ,nX ,nY ,nWidth ,nHeight ); if (bIsChild) { lControlId = GetId(); if (GetWindowStyleFlag() & wxCLIP_SIBLINGS) { dwStyle |= WS_CLIPSIBLINGS; } } // // For each class "Foo" we have we also have "FooNR" ("no repaint") class // which is the same but without CS_[HV]REDRAW class styles so using it // ensures that the window is not fully repainted on each resize // if (!HasFlag(wxFULL_REPAINT_ON_RESIZE)) { sClassName += wxT("NR"); } m_hWnd = (WXHWND)::WinCreateWindow( (HWND)OS2GetParent() ,(PSZ)sClassName.c_str() ,(PSZ)(zTitle ? zTitle : wxEmptyString) ,(ULONG)dwStyle ,(LONG)0L ,(LONG)0L ,(LONG)0L ,(LONG)0L ,NULLHANDLE ,HWND_TOP ,(ULONG)lControlId ,pCtlData ,NULL ); if (!m_hWnd) { vError = ::WinGetLastError(wxGetInstance()); sError = wxPMErrorToStr(vError); return false; } SubclassWin(m_hWnd); SetFont(wxSystemSettings::GetFont(wxSYS_DEFAULT_GUI_FONT)); SetBackgroundColour(wxSystemSettings::GetColour(wxSYS_COLOUR_APPWORKSPACE)); LONG lColor = (LONG)m_backgroundColour.GetPixel(); if (!::WinSetPresParam( m_hWnd ,PP_BACKGROUNDCOLOR ,sizeof(LONG) ,(PVOID)&lColor )) { vError = ::WinGetLastError(vHabmain); sError = wxPMErrorToStr(vError); wxLogError(_T("Error creating frame. Error: %s\n"), sError.c_str()); return false; } SetSize( nX ,nY ,nWidth ,nHeight ); return true; } // end of wxWindowOS2::OS2Create // =========================================================================== // OS2 PM message handlers // =========================================================================== // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // window creation/destruction // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool wxWindowOS2::HandleCreate( WXLPCREATESTRUCT WXUNUSED(vCs), bool* pbMayCreate ) { wxWindowCreateEvent vEvent((wxWindow*)this); (void)GetEventHandler()->ProcessEvent(vEvent); *pbMayCreate = true; return true; } // end of wxWindowOS2::HandleCreate bool wxWindowOS2::HandleDestroy() { wxWindowDestroyEvent vEvent((wxWindow*)this); vEvent.SetId(GetId()); (void)GetEventHandler()->ProcessEvent(vEvent); // // Delete our drop target if we've got one // #if wxUSE_DRAG_AND_DROP if (m_dropTarget != NULL) { delete m_dropTarget; m_dropTarget = NULL; } #endif // wxUSE_DRAG_AND_DROP // // WM_DESTROY handled // return true; } // end of wxWindowOS2::HandleDestroy // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // activation/focus // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- void wxWindowOS2::OnSetFocus( wxFocusEvent& rEvent ) { rEvent.Skip(); } // end of wxWindowOS2::OnSetFocus bool wxWindowOS2::HandleActivate( int nState , WXHWND WXUNUSED(hActivate) ) { wxActivateEvent vEvent( wxEVT_ACTIVATE ,(bool)nState ,m_windowId ); vEvent.SetEventObject(this); return GetEventHandler()->ProcessEvent(vEvent); } // end of wxWindowOS2::HandleActivate bool wxWindowOS2::HandleSetFocus( WXHWND WXUNUSED(hWnd) ) { // // Notify the parent keeping track of focus for the kbd navigation // purposes that we got it // wxChildFocusEvent vEventFocus((wxWindow *)this); (void)GetEventHandler()->ProcessEvent(vEventFocus); #if wxUSE_CARET // // Deal with caret // if (m_caret) { m_caret->OnSetFocus(); } #endif // wxUSE_CARET #if wxUSE_TEXTCTRL // If it's a wxTextCtrl don't send the event as it will be done // after the control gets to process it from EN_FOCUS handler if ( wxDynamicCastThis(wxTextCtrl) ) { return false; } #endif // wxUSE_TEXTCTRL wxFocusEvent vEvent(wxEVT_SET_FOCUS, m_windowId); vEvent.SetEventObject(this); return GetEventHandler()->ProcessEvent(vEvent); } // end of wxWindowOS2::HandleSetFocus bool wxWindowOS2::HandleKillFocus( WXHWND hWnd ) { #if wxUSE_CARET // // Deal with caret // if (m_caret) { m_caret->OnKillFocus(); } #endif // wxUSE_CARET #if wxUSE_TEXTCTRL // // If it's a wxTextCtrl don't send the event as it will be done // after the control gets to process it. // wxTextCtrl* pCtrl = wxDynamicCastThis(wxTextCtrl); if (pCtrl) { return false; } #endif // // Don't send the event when in the process of being deleted. This can // only cause problems if the event handler tries to access the object. // if ( m_isBeingDeleted ) { return false; } wxFocusEvent vEvent( wxEVT_KILL_FOCUS ,m_windowId ); vEvent.SetEventObject(this); // // wxFindWinFromHandle() may return NULL, it is ok // vEvent.SetWindow(wxFindWinFromHandle(hWnd)); return GetEventHandler()->ProcessEvent(vEvent); } // end of wxWindowOS2::HandleKillFocus // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // miscellaneous // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool wxWindowOS2::HandleShow( bool bShow , int WXUNUSED(nStatus) ) { wxShowEvent vEvent(GetId(), bShow); vEvent.SetEventObject(this); return GetEventHandler()->ProcessEvent(vEvent); } // end of wxWindowOS2::HandleShow bool wxWindowOS2::HandleInitDialog( WXHWND WXUNUSED(hWndFocus) ) { wxInitDialogEvent vEvent(GetId()); vEvent.SetEventObject(this); return GetEventHandler()->ProcessEvent(vEvent); } // end of wxWindowOS2::HandleInitDialog bool wxWindowOS2::HandleEndDrag(WXWPARAM WXUNUSED(wParam)) { // TODO: We'll handle drag and drop later return false; } bool wxWindowOS2::HandleSetCursor( USHORT WXUNUSED(vId), WXHWND hPointer ) { // // Under OS/2 PM this allows the pointer to be changed // as it passes over a control // ::WinSetPointer(HWND_DESKTOP, (HPOINTER)hPointer); return true; } // end of wxWindowOS2::HandleSetCursor // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // owner drawn stuff // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool wxWindowOS2::OS2OnDrawItem( int vId, WXDRAWITEMSTRUCT* pItemStruct ) { #if wxUSE_OWNER_DRAWN wxDC vDc; #if wxUSE_MENUS_NATIVE // // Is it a menu item? // if (vId == 0) { ERRORID vError; wxString sError; POWNERITEM pMeasureStruct = (POWNERITEM)pItemStruct; wxFrame* pFrame = (wxFrame*)this; wxMenuItem* pMenuItem = pFrame->GetMenuBar()->FindItem(pMeasureStruct->idItem, pMeasureStruct->hItem); HDC hDC = ::GpiQueryDevice(pMeasureStruct->hps); wxRect vRect( pMeasureStruct->rclItem.xLeft ,pMeasureStruct->rclItem.yBottom ,pMeasureStruct->rclItem.xRight - pMeasureStruct->rclItem.xLeft ,pMeasureStruct->rclItem.yTop - pMeasureStruct->rclItem.yBottom ); vDc.SetHDC( hDC, false ); vDc.SetHPS( pMeasureStruct->hps ); // // Load the wxWidgets Pallete and set to RGB mode // if (!::GpiCreateLogColorTable( pMeasureStruct->hps ,0L ,LCOLF_CONSECRGB ,0L ,(LONG)wxTheColourDatabase->m_nSize ,(PLONG)wxTheColourDatabase->m_palTable )) { vError = ::WinGetLastError(vHabmain); sError = wxPMErrorToStr(vError); wxLogError(_T("Unable to set current color table (1). Error: %s\n"), sError.c_str()); } // // Set the color table to RGB mode // if (!::GpiCreateLogColorTable( pMeasureStruct->hps ,0L ,LCOLF_RGB ,0L ,0L ,NULL )) { vError = ::WinGetLastError(vHabmain); sError = wxPMErrorToStr(vError); wxLogError(_T("Unable to set current color table (2). Error: %s\n"), sError.c_str()); } wxCHECK( pMenuItem->IsKindOf(CLASSINFO(wxMenuItem)), FALSE ); int eAction = 0; int eStatus = 0; if (pMeasureStruct->fsAttribute == pMeasureStruct->fsAttributeOld) { // // Entire Item needs to be redrawn (either it has reappeared from // behind another window or is being displayed for the first time // eAction = wxOwnerDrawn::wxODDrawAll; if (pMeasureStruct->fsAttribute & MIA_HILITED) { // // If it is currently selected we let the system handle it // eStatus |= wxOwnerDrawn::wxODSelected; } if (pMeasureStruct->fsAttribute & MIA_CHECKED) { // // If it is currently checked we draw our own // eStatus |= wxOwnerDrawn::wxODChecked; pMeasureStruct->fsAttributeOld = pMeasureStruct->fsAttribute &= ~MIA_CHECKED; } if (pMeasureStruct->fsAttribute & MIA_DISABLED) { // // If it is currently disabled we let the system handle it // eStatus |= wxOwnerDrawn::wxODDisabled; } // // Don't really care about framed (indicationg focus) or NoDismiss // } else { if (pMeasureStruct->fsAttribute & MIA_HILITED) { eAction = wxOwnerDrawn::wxODDrawAll; eStatus |= wxOwnerDrawn::wxODSelected; // // Keep the system from trying to highlight with its bogus colors // pMeasureStruct->fsAttributeOld = pMeasureStruct->fsAttribute &= ~MIA_HILITED; } else if (!(pMeasureStruct->fsAttribute & MIA_HILITED)) { eAction = wxOwnerDrawn::wxODDrawAll; eStatus = 0; // // Keep the system from trying to highlight with its bogus colors // pMeasureStruct->fsAttribute = pMeasureStruct->fsAttributeOld &= ~MIA_HILITED; } else { // // For now we don't care about anything else // just ignore the entire message! // return true; } } // // Now redraw the item // return(pMenuItem->OnDrawItem( vDc ,vRect ,(wxOwnerDrawn::wxODAction)eAction ,(wxOwnerDrawn::wxODStatus)eStatus )); // // leave the fsAttribute and fsOldAttribute unchanged. If different, // the system will do the highlight or fraeming or disabling for us, // otherwise, we'd have to do it ourselves. // } #endif // wxUSE_MENUS_NATIVE wxWindow* pItem = FindItem(vId); if (pItem && pItem->IsKindOf(CLASSINFO(wxControl))) { return ((wxControl *)pItem)->OS2OnDraw(pItemStruct); } #else vId = vId; pItemStruct = pItemStruct; #endif return false; } // end of wxWindowOS2::OS2OnDrawItem long wxWindowOS2::OS2OnMeasureItem( int lId, WXMEASUREITEMSTRUCT* pItemStruct ) { #if wxUSE_OWNER_DRAWN // // Is it a menu item? // if (lId == 65536) // I really don't like this...has to be a better indicator { if (IsKindOf(CLASSINFO(wxFrame))) // we'll assume if Frame then a menu { size_t nWidth; size_t nHeight; POWNERITEM pMeasureStruct = (POWNERITEM)pItemStruct; wxFrame* pFrame = (wxFrame*)this; wxMenuItem* pMenuItem = pFrame->GetMenuBar()->FindItem(pMeasureStruct->idItem, pMeasureStruct->hItem); wxCHECK( pMenuItem->IsKindOf(CLASSINFO(wxMenuItem)), FALSE ); nWidth = 0L; nHeight = 0L; if (pMenuItem->OnMeasureItem( &nWidth ,&nHeight )) { MRESULT mRc; pMeasureStruct->rclItem.xRight = nWidth; pMeasureStruct->rclItem.xLeft = 0L; pMeasureStruct->rclItem.yTop = nHeight; pMeasureStruct->rclItem.yBottom = 0L; mRc = MRFROM2SHORT(nHeight, nWidth); return LONGFROMMR(mRc); } return 0L; } } wxWindow* pItem = FindItem(lId); if (pItem && pItem->IsKindOf(CLASSINFO(wxControl))) { OWNERITEM vItem; vItem.idItem = (LONG)pItemStruct; return ((wxControl *)pItem)->OS2OnMeasure((WXMEASUREITEMSTRUCT*)&vItem); } #else lId = lId; pItemStruct = pItemStruct; #endif // wxUSE_OWNER_DRAWN return FALSE; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // colours and palettes // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool wxWindowOS2::HandleSysColorChange() { wxSysColourChangedEvent vEvent; vEvent.SetEventObject(this); return GetEventHandler()->ProcessEvent(vEvent); } // end of wxWindowOS2::HandleSysColorChange bool wxWindowOS2::HandleCtlColor( WXHBRUSH* WXUNUSED(phBrush) ) { // // Not much provided with message. So not sure I can do anything with it // return true; } // end of wxWindowOS2::HandleCtlColor // Define for each class of dialog and control WXHBRUSH wxWindowOS2::OnCtlColor(WXHDC WXUNUSED(hDC), WXHWND WXUNUSED(hWnd), WXUINT WXUNUSED(nCtlColor), WXUINT WXUNUSED(message), WXWPARAM WXUNUSED(wParam), WXLPARAM WXUNUSED(lParam)) { return (WXHBRUSH)0; } bool wxWindowOS2::HandlePaletteChanged() { // need to set this to something first WXHWND hWndPalChange = NULLHANDLE; wxPaletteChangedEvent vEvent(GetId()); vEvent.SetEventObject(this); vEvent.SetChangedWindow(wxFindWinFromHandle(hWndPalChange)); return GetEventHandler()->ProcessEvent(vEvent); } // end of wxWindowOS2::HandlePaletteChanged // // Responds to colour changes: passes event on to children. // void wxWindowOS2::OnSysColourChanged( wxSysColourChangedEvent& rEvent ) { wxWindowList::compatibility_iterator node = GetChildren().GetFirst(); while (node) { // // Only propagate to non-top-level windows // wxWindow* pWin = (wxWindow *)node->GetData(); if (pWin->GetParent()) { wxSysColourChangedEvent vEvent; rEvent.SetEventObject(pWin); pWin->GetEventHandler()->ProcessEvent(vEvent); } node = node->GetNext(); } } // end of wxWindowOS2::OnSysColourChanged // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // painting // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- void wxWindow::OnPaint ( wxPaintEvent& rEvent ) { HDC hDC = (HDC)wxPaintDC::FindDCInCache((wxWindow*) rEvent.GetEventObject()); if (hDC != 0) { OS2DefWindowProc( (WXUINT)WM_PAINT ,(WXWPARAM)hDC ,(WXLPARAM)0 ); } } // end of wxWindow::OnPaint bool wxWindowOS2::HandlePaint() { HRGN hRgn; wxPaintEvent vEvent(m_windowId); HPS hPS; bool bProcessed; // Create empty region // TODO: get HPS somewhere else if possible hPS = ::WinGetPS(GetHwnd()); hRgn = ::GpiCreateRegion(hPS, 0, NULL); if (::WinQueryUpdateRegion(GetHwnd(), hRgn) == RGN_ERROR) { wxLogLastError(wxT("CreateRectRgn")); return false; } // Get all the rectangles from the region, convert the individual // rectangles to "the other" coordinate system and reassemble a // region from the rectangles, to be feed into m_updateRegion. // RGNRECT vRgnData; PRECTL pUpdateRects = NULL; vRgnData.ulDirection = RECTDIR_LFRT_TOPBOT; if (::GpiQueryRegionRects( hPS // Pres space ,hRgn // Handle of region to query ,NULL // Return all RECTs ,&vRgnData // Will contain number or RECTs in region ,NULL // NULL to return number of RECTs )) { pUpdateRects = new RECTL[vRgnData.crcReturned]; vRgnData.crc = vRgnData.crcReturned; vRgnData.ircStart = 1; if (::GpiQueryRegionRects( hPS // Pres space of source ,hRgn // Handle of source region ,NULL // Return all RECTs ,&vRgnData // Operations set to return rects ,pUpdateRects // Will contain the actual RECTS )) { int height; RECT vRect; ::WinQueryWindowRect(GetHwnd(), &vRect); height = vRect.yTop; for(size_t i = 0; i < vRgnData.crc; i++) { int rectHeight; rectHeight = pUpdateRects[i].yTop - pUpdateRects[i].yBottom; pUpdateRects[i].yBottom = height - pUpdateRects[i].yTop; pUpdateRects[i].yTop = pUpdateRects[i].yBottom + rectHeight; } ::GpiSetRegion(hPS, hRgn, vRgnData.crc, pUpdateRects); delete [] pUpdateRects; } } m_updateRegion = wxRegion(hRgn, hPS); vEvent.SetEventObject(this); bProcessed = GetEventHandler()->ProcessEvent(vEvent); if (!bProcessed && IsKindOf(CLASSINFO(wxPanel)) && GetChildren().GetCount() == 0 ) { // // OS/2 needs to process this right here, not by the default proc // Window's default proc correctly paints everything, OS/2 does not. // For decorative panels that typically have no children, we draw // borders. // HPS hPS; RECTL vRect; hPS = ::WinBeginPaint( GetHwnd() ,NULLHANDLE ,&vRect ); if(hPS) { ::GpiCreateLogColorTable( hPS ,0L ,LCOLF_CONSECRGB ,0L ,(LONG)wxTheColourDatabase->m_nSize ,(PLONG)wxTheColourDatabase->m_palTable ); ::GpiCreateLogColorTable( hPS ,0L ,LCOLF_RGB ,0L ,0L ,NULL ); if (::WinIsWindowVisible(GetHWND())) ::WinFillRect(hPS, &vRect, GetBackgroundColour().GetPixel()); if (m_dwExStyle) { LINEBUNDLE vLineBundle; vLineBundle.lColor = 0x00000000; // Black vLineBundle.usMixMode = FM_OVERPAINT; vLineBundle.fxWidth = 1; vLineBundle.lGeomWidth = 1; vLineBundle.usType = LINETYPE_SOLID; vLineBundle.usEnd = 0; vLineBundle.usJoin = 0; ::GpiSetAttrs( hPS ,PRIM_LINE ,LBB_COLOR | LBB_MIX_MODE | LBB_WIDTH | LBB_GEOM_WIDTH | LBB_TYPE ,0L ,&vLineBundle ); ::WinQueryWindowRect(GetHwnd(), &vRect); wxDrawBorder( hPS ,vRect ,m_dwExStyle ); } } ::WinEndPaint(hPS); bProcessed = true; } else if (!bProcessed && IsKindOf(CLASSINFO(wxPanel)) ) { // // Panel with children, usually fills a frame client so no borders. // HPS hPS; RECTL vRect; hPS = ::WinBeginPaint( GetHwnd() ,NULLHANDLE ,&vRect ); if(hPS) { ::GpiCreateLogColorTable( hPS ,0L ,LCOLF_CONSECRGB ,0L ,(LONG)wxTheColourDatabase->m_nSize ,(PLONG)wxTheColourDatabase->m_palTable ); ::GpiCreateLogColorTable( hPS ,0L ,LCOLF_RGB ,0L ,0L ,NULL ); if (::WinIsWindowVisible(GetHWND())) ::WinFillRect(hPS, &vRect, GetBackgroundColour().GetPixel()); } ::WinEndPaint(hPS); bProcessed = true; } return bProcessed; } // end of wxWindowOS2::HandlePaint bool wxWindowOS2::HandleEraseBkgnd( WXHDC hDC ) { SWP vSwp; bool rc; ::WinQueryWindowPos(GetHwnd(), &vSwp); if (vSwp.fl & SWP_MINIMIZE) return true; wxDC vDC; vDC.m_hPS = (HPS)hDC; // this is really a PS vDC.SetWindow((wxWindow*)this); wxEraseEvent vEvent(m_windowId, &vDC); vEvent.SetEventObject(this); rc = GetEventHandler()->ProcessEvent(vEvent); vDC.m_hPS = NULLHANDLE; return true; } // end of wxWindowOS2::HandleEraseBkgnd void wxWindowOS2::OnEraseBackground(wxEraseEvent& rEvent) { RECTL vRect; HPS hPS = rEvent.GetDC()->GetHPS(); APIRET rc; LONG lColor = m_backgroundColour.GetPixel(); rc = ::WinQueryWindowRect(GetHwnd(), &vRect); rc = ::WinFillRect(hPS, &vRect, lColor); } // end of wxWindowOS2::OnEraseBackground // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // moving and resizing // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool wxWindowOS2::HandleMinimize() { wxIconizeEvent vEvent(m_windowId); vEvent.SetEventObject(this); return GetEventHandler()->ProcessEvent(vEvent); } // end of wxWindowOS2::HandleMinimize bool wxWindowOS2::HandleMaximize() { wxMaximizeEvent vEvent(m_windowId); vEvent.SetEventObject(this); return GetEventHandler()->ProcessEvent(vEvent); } // end of wxWindowOS2::HandleMaximize bool wxWindowOS2::HandleMove( int nX, int nY ) { wxPoint pt(nX, nY); wxMoveEvent vEvent(pt, m_windowId); vEvent.SetEventObject(this); return GetEventHandler()->ProcessEvent(vEvent); } // end of wxWindowOS2::HandleMove bool wxWindowOS2::HandleSize( int nWidth, int nHeight, WXUINT WXUNUSED(nFlag) ) { wxSize sz(nWidth, nHeight); wxSizeEvent vEvent(sz, m_windowId); vEvent.SetEventObject(this); return GetEventHandler()->ProcessEvent(vEvent); } // end of wxWindowOS2::HandleSize bool wxWindowOS2::HandleGetMinMaxInfo( PSWP pSwp ) { POINTL vPoint; switch(pSwp->fl) { case SWP_MAXIMIZE: ::WinGetMaxPosition(GetHwnd(), pSwp); m_maxWidth = pSwp->cx; m_maxHeight = pSwp->cy; break; case SWP_MINIMIZE: ::WinGetMinPosition(GetHwnd(), pSwp, &vPoint); m_minWidth = pSwp->cx; m_minHeight = pSwp->cy; break; default: return false; } return true; } // end of wxWindowOS2::HandleGetMinMaxInfo // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // command messages // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool wxWindowOS2::HandleCommand( WXWORD wId, WXWORD wCmd, WXHWND hControl ) { #if wxUSE_MENUS_NATIVE if (wxCurrentPopupMenu) { wxMenu* pPopupMenu = wxCurrentPopupMenu; wxCurrentPopupMenu = NULL; return pPopupMenu->OS2Command(wCmd, wId); } #endif // wxUSE_MENUS_NATIVE wxWindow* pWin = FindItem(wId); if (!pWin) { pWin = wxFindWinFromHandle(hControl); } if (pWin) return pWin->OS2Command(wCmd, wId); return false; } // end of wxWindowOS2::HandleCommand bool wxWindowOS2::HandleSysCommand( WXWPARAM wParam, WXLPARAM WXUNUSED(lParam) ) { // // 4 bits are reserved // switch (SHORT1FROMMP(wParam)) { case SC_MAXIMIZE: return HandleMaximize(); case SC_MINIMIZE: return HandleMinimize(); } return false; } // end of wxWindowOS2::HandleSysCommand // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // mouse events // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- //TODO: check against MSW void wxWindowOS2::InitMouseEvent( wxMouseEvent& rEvent , int nX , int nY , WXUINT uFlags ) { int nHeight; DoGetSize(0, &nHeight); rEvent.m_x = nX; // Convert to wxWidgets standard coordinate system! rEvent.m_y = nHeight - nY; rEvent.m_shiftDown = ((uFlags & KC_SHIFT) != 0); rEvent.m_controlDown = ((uFlags & KC_CTRL) != 0); rEvent.m_altDown = ((uFlags & KC_ALT) != 0); rEvent.m_leftDown = IsKeyDown(VK_BUTTON1); rEvent.m_middleDown = IsKeyDown(VK_BUTTON3); rEvent.m_rightDown = IsKeyDown(VK_BUTTON2); rEvent.SetTimestamp(s_currentMsg.time); rEvent.SetEventObject(this); rEvent.SetId(GetId()); #if wxUSE_MOUSEEVENT_HACK m_lastMouseX = nX; m_lastMouseY = nY; m_lastMouseEvent = rEvent.GetEventType(); #endif // wxUSE_MOUSEEVENT_HACK } // end of wxWindowOS2::InitMouseEvent bool wxWindowOS2::HandleMouseEvent( WXUINT uMsg, int nX, int nY, WXUINT uFlags ) { bool bProcessed = false; // // The mouse events take consecutive IDs from WM_MOUSEFIRST to // WM_MOUSELAST, so it's enough to subtract WM_MOUSEMOVE == WM_MOUSEFIRST // from the message id and take the value in the table to get wxWin event // id // static const wxEventType eventsMouse[] = { wxEVT_MOTION, wxEVT_LEFT_DOWN, wxEVT_LEFT_UP, wxEVT_LEFT_DCLICK, wxEVT_RIGHT_DOWN, wxEVT_RIGHT_UP, wxEVT_RIGHT_DCLICK, wxEVT_MIDDLE_DOWN, wxEVT_MIDDLE_UP, wxEVT_MIDDLE_DCLICK }; // Bounds check if ((uMsg >= WM_MOUSEMOVE) && (uMsg <= WM_BUTTON3DBLCLK)) { wxMouseEvent vEvent(eventsMouse[uMsg - WM_MOUSEMOVE]); InitMouseEvent( vEvent ,nX ,nY ,uFlags ); bProcessed = GetEventHandler()->ProcessEvent(vEvent); if (!bProcessed) { HPOINTER hCursor = (HPOINTER)GetCursor().GetHCURSOR(); if (hCursor != NULLHANDLE) { ::WinSetPointer(HWND_DESKTOP, hCursor); bProcessed = true; } } } return bProcessed; } // end of wxWindowOS2::HandleMouseEvent bool wxWindowOS2::HandleMouseMove( int nX, int nY, WXUINT uFlags ) { if (!m_bMouseInWindow) { // // Generate an ENTER event // m_bMouseInWindow = true; wxMouseEvent vEvent(wxEVT_ENTER_WINDOW); InitMouseEvent( vEvent ,nX ,nY ,uFlags ); (void)GetEventHandler()->ProcessEvent(vEvent); } return HandleMouseEvent( WM_MOUSEMOVE ,nX ,nY ,uFlags ); } // end of wxWindowOS2::HandleMouseMove // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // keyboard handling // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Create the key event of the given type for the given key - used by // HandleChar and HandleKeyDown/Up // wxKeyEvent wxWindowOS2::CreateKeyEvent( wxEventType eType , int nId , WXLPARAM lParam , WXWPARAM wParam ) const { wxKeyEvent vEvent(eType); vEvent.SetId(GetId()); vEvent.m_shiftDown = IsShiftDown(); vEvent.m_controlDown = IsCtrlDown(); vEvent.m_altDown = (HIWORD(lParam) & KC_ALT) == KC_ALT; vEvent.SetEventObject((wxWindow *)this); // const_cast vEvent.m_keyCode = nId; vEvent.m_rawCode = (wxUint32)wParam; vEvent.m_rawFlags = (wxUint32)lParam; vEvent.SetTimestamp(s_currentMsg.time); // // Translate the position to client coords // POINTL vPoint; RECTL vRect; ::WinQueryPointerPos(HWND_DESKTOP, &vPoint); ::WinQueryWindowRect( GetHwnd() ,&vRect ); vPoint.x -= vRect.xLeft; vPoint.y -= vRect.yBottom; vEvent.m_x = vPoint.x; vEvent.m_y = vPoint.y; return vEvent; } // end of wxWindowOS2::CreateKeyEvent // // isASCII is true only when we're called from WM_CHAR handler and not from // WM_KEYDOWN one // bool wxWindowOS2::HandleChar( WXWPARAM WXUNUSED(wParam), WXLPARAM lParam, bool isASCII ) { bool bCtrlDown = false; int vId; if (m_bLastKeydownProcessed) { // // The key was handled in the EVT_KEY_DOWN. Handling a key in an // EVT_KEY_DOWN handler is meant, by design, to prevent EVT_CHARs // from happening, so just bail out at this point. // m_bLastKeydownProcessed = false; return true; } if (isASCII) { // // If 1 -> 26, translate to either special keycode or just set // ctrlDown. IOW, Ctrl-C should result in keycode == 3 and // ControlDown() == true. // vId = SHORT1FROMMP(lParam); if ((vId > 0) && (vId < 27)) { switch (vId) { case 13: vId = WXK_RETURN; break; case 8: vId = WXK_BACK; break; case 9: vId = WXK_TAB; break; default: bCtrlDown = true; break; } } } else // we're called from WM_KEYDOWN { vId = wxCharCodeOS2ToWX((int)SHORT2FROMMP(lParam)); if (vId == 0) return false; } wxKeyEvent vEvent(CreateKeyEvent( wxEVT_CHAR, vId, lParam )); if (bCtrlDown) { vEvent.m_controlDown = true; } return (GetEventHandler()->ProcessEvent(vEvent)); } bool wxWindowOS2::HandleKeyDown( WXWPARAM wParam, WXLPARAM lParam ) { int nId = wxCharCodeOS2ToWX((int)SHORT2FROMMP(lParam)); if (!nId) { // // Normal ASCII char // nId = SHORT1FROMMP(lParam); } if (nId != -1) { wxKeyEvent vEvent(CreateKeyEvent( wxEVT_KEY_DOWN ,nId ,(MPARAM)lParam ,(MPARAM)wParam )); if (GetEventHandler()->ProcessEvent(vEvent)) { return true; } } return false; } // end of wxWindowOS2::HandleKeyDown bool wxWindowOS2::HandleKeyUp( WXWPARAM wParam, WXLPARAM lParam ) { int nId = wxCharCodeOS2ToWX((int)SHORT2FROMMP(lParam)); if (!nId) { // // Normal ASCII char // nId = CHAR1FROMMP(lParam); } if (nId != -1) { wxKeyEvent vEvent(CreateKeyEvent( wxEVT_KEY_UP ,nId ,(MPARAM)lParam ,(MPARAM)wParam )); if (GetEventHandler()->ProcessEvent(vEvent)) return true; } return false; } // end of wxWindowOS2::HandleKeyUp // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // joystick // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // scrolling // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool wxWindowOS2::OS2OnScroll( int nOrientation, WXWORD wParam, WXWORD wPos, WXHWND hControl ) { if (hControl) { wxWindow* pChild = wxFindWinFromHandle(hControl); if (pChild ) return pChild->OS2OnScroll( nOrientation ,wParam ,wPos ,hControl ); } wxScrollWinEvent vEvent; vEvent.SetPosition(wPos); vEvent.SetOrientation(nOrientation); vEvent.SetEventObject(this); switch (wParam) { case SB_LINEUP: vEvent.SetEventType(wxEVT_SCROLLWIN_LINEUP); break; case SB_LINEDOWN: vEvent.SetEventType(wxEVT_SCROLLWIN_LINEDOWN); break; case SB_PAGEUP: vEvent.SetEventType(wxEVT_SCROLLWIN_PAGEUP); break; case SB_PAGEDOWN: vEvent.SetEventType(wxEVT_SCROLLWIN_PAGEDOWN); break; case SB_SLIDERPOSITION: vEvent.SetEventType(wxEVT_SCROLLWIN_THUMBRELEASE); break; case SB_SLIDERTRACK: vEvent.SetEventType(wxEVT_SCROLLWIN_THUMBTRACK); break; default: return false; } return GetEventHandler()->ProcessEvent(vEvent); } // end of wxWindowOS2::OS2OnScroll // // Getting the Y position for a window, like a control, is a real // pain. There are three situations we must deal with in determining // the OS2 to wxWidgets Y coordinate. // // 1) The controls are created in a dialog. // This is the easiest since a dialog is created with its original // size so the standard: Y = ParentHeight - (Y + ControlHeight); // // 2) The controls are direct children of a frame // In this instance the controls are actually children of the Frame's // client. During creation the frame's client resizes several times // during creation of the status bar and toolbars. The CFrame class // will take care of this using its AlterChildPos proc. // // 3) The controls are children of a panel, which in turn is a child of // a frame. // The panel may be one of many, in which case the same treatment // as 1 applies. It may be the only child, though. // This is the nastiest case. A panel is created as the only child of // the frame and as such, when a frame has only one child, the child is // expanded to fit the entire client area of the frame. Because the // controls are created BEFORE this occurs their positions are totally // whacked and any call to WinQueryWindowPos will return invalid // coordinates. So for this situation we have to compare the size of // the panel at control creation time with that of the frame client. If // they are the same we can use the standard Y position equation. If // not, then we must use the Frame Client's dimensions to position them // as that will be the eventual size of the panel after the frame resizes // it! // int wxWindowOS2::GetOS2ParentHeight( wxWindowOS2* pParent ) { if (pParent) { // // Case 1 // if (pParent->IsKindOf(CLASSINFO(wxDialog))) return(pParent->GetClientSize().y); // // Case 2 -- if we are one of the separately built standard Frame // children, like a statusbar, menubar, or toolbar we want to // use the frame, itself, for positioning. Otherwise we are // child window and want to use the Frame's client. // else if (pParent->IsKindOf(CLASSINFO(wxFrame))) { if (IsKindOf(CLASSINFO(wxStatusBar)) || IsKindOf(CLASSINFO(wxMenuBar)) || IsKindOf(CLASSINFO(wxToolBar)) ) { if (IsKindOf(CLASSINFO(wxToolBar))) { wxFrame* pFrame = wxDynamicCast(GetParent(), wxFrame); if (pFrame->GetToolBar() == this) return(pParent->GetSize().y); else return(pParent->GetClientSize().y); } else return(pParent->GetSize().y); } else return(pParent->GetClientSize().y); } // // Case -- this is for any window that is the sole child of a Frame. // The grandparent must exist and it must be of type CFrame // and it's height must be different. Otherwise the standard // applies. // else return(pParent->GetClientSize().y); } else // We must be a child of the screen { int nHeight; wxDisplaySize(NULL,&nHeight); return(nHeight); } } // end of wxWindowOS2::GetOS2ParentHeight // // OS/2 needs a lot extra manipulation to deal with layouts // for canvas windows, particularly scrolled ones. // wxWindowCreationHook::wxWindowCreationHook( wxWindow* pWinBeingCreated ) { gpWinBeingCreated = pWinBeingCreated; } // end of wxWindowCreationHook::wxWindowCreationHook wxWindowCreationHook::~wxWindowCreationHook() { gpWinBeingCreated = NULL; } // end of wxWindowCreationHook::~wxWindowCreationHook // =========================================================================== // global functions // =========================================================================== void wxGetCharSize( WXHWND hWnd , int* pX , int* pY ,wxFont* WXUNUSED(pTheFont) ) { FONTMETRICS vFM; HPS hPS; BOOL rc; hPS =::WinGetPS(hWnd); rc = ::GpiQueryFontMetrics(hPS, sizeof(FONTMETRICS), &vFM); if (rc) { if (pX) *pX = vFM.lAveCharWidth; if (pY) *pY = vFM.lEmHeight + vFM.lExternalLeading; } else { if (pX) *pX = 10; if (pY) *pY = 15; } ::WinReleasePS(hPS); } // end of wxGetCharSize // // Returns 0 if was a normal ASCII value, not a special key. This indicates that // the key should be ignored by WM_KEYDOWN and processed by WM_CHAR instead. // int wxCharCodeOS2ToWX( int nKeySym ) { int nId = 0; switch (nKeySym) { case VK_BACKTAB: nId = WXK_BACK; break; case VK_TAB: nId = WXK_TAB; break; case VK_CLEAR: nId = WXK_CLEAR; break; case VK_ENTER: nId = WXK_RETURN; break; case VK_SHIFT: nId = WXK_SHIFT; break; case VK_CTRL: nId = WXK_CONTROL; break; case VK_PAUSE: nId = WXK_PAUSE; break; case VK_SPACE: nId = WXK_SPACE; break; case VK_PAGEUP: nId = WXK_PAGEUP; break; case VK_PAGEDOWN: nId = WXK_PAGEDOWN; break; case VK_ESC: nId = WXK_ESCAPE; break; case VK_END: nId = WXK_END; break; case VK_HOME : nId = WXK_HOME; break; case VK_LEFT : nId = WXK_LEFT; break; case VK_UP: nId = WXK_UP; break; case VK_RIGHT: nId = WXK_RIGHT; break; case VK_DOWN : nId = WXK_DOWN; break; case VK_PRINTSCRN: nId = WXK_PRINT; break; case VK_INSERT: nId = WXK_INSERT; break; case VK_DELETE: nId = WXK_DELETE; break; case VK_CAPSLOCK: nId = WXK_CAPITAL; break; case VK_F1: nId = WXK_F1; break; case VK_F2: nId = WXK_F2; break; case VK_F3: nId = WXK_F3; break; case VK_F4: nId = WXK_F4; break; case VK_F5: nId = WXK_F5; break; case VK_F6: nId = WXK_F6; break; case VK_F7: nId = WXK_F7; break; case VK_F8: nId = WXK_F8; break; case VK_F9: nId = WXK_F9; break; case VK_F10: nId = WXK_F10; break; case VK_F11: nId = WXK_F11; break; case VK_F12: nId = WXK_F12; break; case VK_F13: nId = WXK_F13; break; case VK_F14: nId = WXK_F14; break; case VK_F15: nId = WXK_F15; break; case VK_F16: nId = WXK_F16; break; case VK_F17: nId = WXK_F17; break; case VK_F18: nId = WXK_F18; break; case VK_F19: nId = WXK_F19; break; case VK_F20: nId = WXK_F20; break; case VK_F21: nId = WXK_F21; break; case VK_F22: nId = WXK_F22; break; case VK_F23: nId = WXK_F23; break; case VK_F24: nId = WXK_F24; break; case VK_OEM_1: nId = ';'; break; case VK_OEM_PLUS: nId = '+'; break; case VK_OEM_COMMA: nId = ','; break; case VK_OEM_MINUS: nId = '-'; break; case VK_OEM_PERIOD: nId = '.'; break; case VK_OEM_2: nId = '/'; break; case VK_OEM_3: nId = '~'; break; case VK_OEM_4: nId = '['; break; case VK_OEM_5: nId = '\\'; break; case VK_OEM_6: nId = ']'; break; case VK_OEM_7: nId = '\''; break; case VK_NUMLOCK: nId = WXK_NUMLOCK; break; case VK_SCRLLOCK: nId = WXK_SCROLL; break; default: { return 0; } } return nId; } // end of wxCharCodeOS2ToWX int wxCharCodeWXToOS2( int nId, bool* bIsVirtual) { int nKeySym = 0; if ( bIsVirtual ) *bIsVirtual = true; switch (nId) { case WXK_CLEAR: nKeySym = VK_CLEAR; break; case WXK_SHIFT: nKeySym = VK_SHIFT; break; case WXK_CONTROL: nKeySym = VK_CTRL; break; case WXK_PAUSE: nKeySym = VK_PAUSE; break; case WXK_PAGEUP: nKeySym = VK_PAGEUP; break; case WXK_PAGEDOWN: nKeySym = VK_PAGEDOWN; break; case WXK_END: nKeySym = VK_END; break; case WXK_HOME : nKeySym = VK_HOME; break; case WXK_LEFT : nKeySym = VK_LEFT; break; case WXK_UP: nKeySym = VK_UP; break; case WXK_RIGHT: nKeySym = VK_RIGHT; break; case WXK_DOWN : nKeySym = VK_DOWN; break; case WXK_PRINT: nKeySym = VK_PRINTSCRN; break; case WXK_INSERT: nKeySym = VK_INSERT; break; case WXK_DELETE: nKeySym = VK_DELETE; break; case WXK_F1: nKeySym = VK_F1; break; case WXK_F2: nKeySym = VK_F2; break; case WXK_F3: nKeySym = VK_F3; break; case WXK_F4: nKeySym = VK_F4; break; case WXK_F5: nKeySym = VK_F5; break; case WXK_F6: nKeySym = VK_F6; break; case WXK_F7: nKeySym = VK_F7; break; case WXK_F8: nKeySym = VK_F8; break; case WXK_F9: nKeySym = VK_F9; break; case WXK_F10: nKeySym = VK_F10; break; case WXK_F11: nKeySym = VK_F11; break; case WXK_F12: nKeySym = VK_F12; break; case WXK_F13: nKeySym = VK_F13; break; case WXK_F14: nKeySym = VK_F14; break; case WXK_F15: nKeySym = VK_F15; break; case WXK_F16: nKeySym = VK_F16; break; case WXK_F17: nKeySym = VK_F17; break; case WXK_F18: nKeySym = VK_F18; break; case WXK_F19: nKeySym = VK_F19; break; case WXK_F20: nKeySym = VK_F20; break; case WXK_F21: nKeySym = VK_F21; break; case WXK_F22: nKeySym = VK_F22; break; case WXK_F23: nKeySym = VK_F23; break; case WXK_F24: nKeySym = VK_F24; break; case WXK_NUMLOCK: nKeySym = VK_NUMLOCK; break; case WXK_SCROLL: nKeySym = VK_SCRLLOCK; break; default: { if ( bIsVirtual ) *bIsVirtual = false; nKeySym = nId; break; } } return nKeySym; } // end of wxCharCodeWXToOS2 bool wxGetKeyState(wxKeyCode key) { wxASSERT_MSG(key != WXK_LBUTTON && key != WXK_RBUTTON && key != WXK_MBUTTON, wxT("can't use wxGetKeyState() for mouse buttons")); const LONG vk = wxCharCodeWXToOS2(key); // if the requested key is a LED key, return true if the led is pressed if ( key == WXK_NUMLOCK || key == WXK_CAPITAL || key == WXK_SCROLL ) { // low order bit means LED is highlighted and high order one means the // key is down; for compatibility with the other ports return true if // either one is set return ::WinGetKeyState(HWND_DESKTOP, vk) != 0; } else // normal key { return IsKeyDown(vk); } } wxWindow* wxGetActiveWindow() { HWND hWnd = ::WinQueryActiveWindow(HWND_DESKTOP); if (hWnd != 0) { return wxFindWinFromHandle((WXHWND)hWnd); } return NULL; } // end of wxGetActiveWindow #ifdef __WXDEBUG__ const wxChar* wxGetMessageName( int nMessage ) { switch (nMessage) { case 0x0000: return wxT("WM_NULL"); case 0x0001: return wxT("WM_CREATE"); case 0x0002: return wxT("WM_DESTROY"); case 0x0004: return wxT("WM_ENABLE"); case 0x0005: return wxT("WM_SHOW"); case 0x0006: return wxT("WM_MOVE"); case 0x0007: return wxT("WM_SIZE"); case 0x0008: return wxT("WM_ADJUSTWINDOWPOS"); case 0x0009: return wxT("WM_CALCVALIDRECTS"); case 0x000A: return wxT("WM_SETWINDOWPARAMS"); case 0x000B: return wxT("WM_QUERYWINDOWPARAMS"); case 0x000C: return wxT("WM_HITTEST"); case 0x000D: return wxT("WM_ACTIVATE"); case 0x000F: return wxT("WM_SETFOCUS"); case 0x0010: return wxT("WM_SETSELECTION"); case 0x0011: return wxT("WM_PPAINT"); case 0x0012: return wxT("WM_PSETFOCUS"); case 0x0013: return wxT("WM_PSYSCOLORCHANGE"); case 0x0014: return wxT("WM_PSIZE"); case 0x0015: return wxT("WM_PACTIVATE"); case 0x0016: return wxT("WM_PCONTROL"); case 0x0020: return wxT("WM_COMMAND"); case 0x0021: return wxT("WM_SYSCOMMAND"); case 0x0022: return wxT("WM_HELP"); case 0x0023: return wxT("WM_PAINT"); case 0x0024: return wxT("WM_TIMER"); case 0x0025: return wxT("WM_SEM1"); case 0x0026: return wxT("WM_SEM2"); case 0x0027: return wxT("WM_SEM3"); case 0x0028: return wxT("WM_SEM4"); case 0x0029: return wxT("WM_CLOSE"); case 0x002A: return wxT("WM_QUIT"); case 0x002B: return wxT("WM_SYSCOLORCHANGE"); case 0x002D: return wxT("WM_SYSVALUECHANGE"); case 0x002E: return wxT("WM_APPTERMINATENOTIFY"); case 0x002F: return wxT("WM_PRESPARAMCHANGED"); // Control notification messages case 0x0030: return wxT("WM_CONTROL"); case 0x0031: return wxT("WM_VSCROLL"); case 0x0032: return wxT("WM_HSCROLL"); case 0x0033: return wxT("WM_INITMENU"); case 0x0034: return wxT("WM_MENUSELECT"); case 0x0035: return wxT("WM_MENUSEND"); case 0x0036: return wxT("WM_DRAWITEM"); case 0x0037: return wxT("WM_MEASUREITEM"); case 0x0038: return wxT("WM_CONTROLPOINTER"); case 0x003A: return wxT("WM_QUERYDLGCODE"); case 0x003B: return wxT("WM_INITDLG"); case 0x003C: return wxT("WM_SUBSTITUTESTRING"); case 0x003D: return wxT("WM_MATCHMNEMONIC"); case 0x003E: return wxT("WM_SAVEAPPLICATION"); case 0x0129: return wxT("WM_CTLCOLORCHANGE"); case 0x0130: return wxT("WM_QUERYCTLTYPE"); // Frame messages case 0x0040: return wxT("WM_FLASHWINDOW"); case 0x0041: return wxT("WM_FORMATFRAME"); case 0x0042: return wxT("WM_UPDATEFRAME"); case 0x0043: return wxT("WM_FOCUSCHANGE"); case 0x0044: return wxT("WM_SETBORDERSIZE"); case 0x0045: return wxT("WM_TRACKFRAME"); case 0x0046: return wxT("WM_MINMAXFRAME"); case 0x0047: return wxT("WM_SETICON"); case 0x0048: return wxT("WM_QUERYICON"); case 0x0049: return wxT("WM_SETACCELTABLE"); case 0x004A: return wxT("WM_QUERYACCELTABLE"); case 0x004B: return wxT("WM_TRANSLATEACCEL"); case 0x004C: return wxT("WM_QUERYTRACKINFO"); case 0x004D: return wxT("WM_QUERYBORDERSIZE"); case 0x004E: return wxT("WM_NEXTMENU"); case 0x004F: return wxT("WM_ERASEBACKGROUND"); case 0x0050: return wxT("WM_QUERYFRAMEINFO"); case 0x0051: return wxT("WM_QUERYFOCUSCHAIN"); case 0x0052: return wxT("WM_OWNERPOSCHANGE"); case 0x0053: return wxT("WM_CACLFRAMERECT"); case 0x0055: return wxT("WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGED"); case 0x0056: return wxT("WM_ADJUSTFRAMEPOS"); case 0x0059: return wxT("WM_QUERYFRAMECTLCOUNT"); case 0x005B: return wxT("WM_QUERYHELPINFO"); case 0x005C: return wxT("WM_SETHELPINFO"); case 0x005D: return wxT("WM_ERROR"); case 0x005E: return wxT("WM_REALIZEPALETTE"); // Clipboard messages case 0x0060: return wxT("WM_RENDERFMT"); case 0x0061: return wxT("WM_RENDERALLFMTS"); case 0x0062: return wxT("WM_DESTROYCLIPBOARD"); case 0x0063: return wxT("WM_PAINTCLIPBOARD"); case 0x0064: return wxT("WM_SIZECLIPBOARD"); case 0x0065: return wxT("WM_HSCROLLCLIPBOARD"); case 0x0066: return wxT("WM_VSCROLLCLIPBOARD"); case 0x0067: return wxT("WM_DRAWCLIPBOARD"); // mouse messages case 0x0070: return wxT("WM_MOUSEMOVE"); case 0x0071: return wxT("WM_BUTTON1DOWN"); case 0x0072: return wxT("WM_BUTTON1UP"); case 0x0073: return wxT("WM_BUTTON1DBLCLK"); case 0x0074: return wxT("WM_BUTTON2DOWN"); case 0x0075: return wxT("WM_BUTTON2UP"); case 0x0076: return wxT("WM_BUTTON2DBLCLK"); case 0x0077: return wxT("WM_BUTTON3DOWN"); case 0x0078: return wxT("WM_BUTTON3UP"); case 0x0079: return wxT("WM_BUTTON3DBLCLK"); case 0x007D: return wxT("WM_MOUSEMAP"); case 0x007E: return wxT("WM_VRNDISABLED"); case 0x007F: return wxT("WM_VRNENABLED"); case 0x0410: return wxT("WM_CHORD"); case 0x0411: return wxT("WM_BUTTON1MOTIONSTART"); case 0x0412: return wxT("WM_BUTTON1MOTIONEND"); case 0x0413: return wxT("WM_BUTTON1CLICK"); case 0x0414: return wxT("WM_BUTTON2MOTIONSTART"); case 0x0415: return wxT("WM_BUTTON2MOTIONEND"); case 0x0416: return wxT("WM_BUTTON2CLICK"); case 0x0417: return wxT("WM_BUTTON3MOTIONSTART"); case 0x0418: return wxT("WM_BUTTON3MOTIONEND"); case 0x0419: return wxT("WM_BUTTON3CLICK"); case 0x0420: return wxT("WM_BEGINDRAG"); case 0x0421: return wxT("WM_ENDDRAG"); case 0x0422: return wxT("WM_SINGLESELECT"); case 0x0423: return wxT("WM_OPEN"); case 0x0424: return wxT("WM_CONTEXTMENU"); case 0x0425: return wxT("WM_CONTEXTHELP"); case 0x0426: return wxT("WM_TEXTEDIT"); case 0x0427: return wxT("WM_BEGINSELECT"); case 0x0228: return wxT("WM_ENDSELECT"); case 0x0429: return wxT("WM_PICKUP"); case 0x04C0: return wxT("WM_PENFIRST"); case 0x04FF: return wxT("WM_PENLAST"); case 0x0500: return wxT("WM_MMPMFIRST"); case 0x05FF: return wxT("WM_MMPMLAST"); case 0x0600: return wxT("WM_STDDLGFIRST"); case 0x06FF: return wxT("WM_STDDLGLAST"); case 0x0BD0: return wxT("WM_BIDI_FIRST"); case 0x0BFF: return wxT("WM_BIDI_LAST"); // keyboard input case 0x007A: return wxT("WM_CHAR"); case 0x007B: return wxT("WM_VIOCHAR"); // DDE messages case 0x00A0: return wxT("WM_DDE_INITIATE"); case 0x00A1: return wxT("WM_DDE_REQUEST"); case 0x00A2: return wxT("WM_DDE_ACK"); case 0x00A3: return wxT("WM_DDE_DATA"); case 0x00A4: return wxT("WM_DDE_ADVISE"); case 0x00A5: return wxT("WM_DDE_UNADVISE"); case 0x00A6: return wxT("WM_DDE_POKE"); case 0x00A7: return wxT("WM_DDE_EXECUTE"); case 0x00A8: return wxT("WM_DDE_TERMINATE"); case 0x00A9: return wxT("WM_DDE_INITIATEACK"); case 0x00AF: return wxT("WM_DDE_LAST"); // Buttons case 0x0120: return wxT("BM_CLICK"); case 0x0121: return wxT("BM_QUERYCHECKINDEX"); case 0x0122: return wxT("BM_QUERYHILITE"); case 0x0123: return wxT("BM_SETHILITE"); case 0x0124: return wxT("BM_QUERYCHECK"); case 0x0125: return wxT("BM_SETCHECK"); case 0x0126: return wxT("BM_SETDEFAULT"); case 0x0128: return wxT("BM_AUTOSIZE"); // Combo boxes case 0x029A: return wxT("CBID_LIST"); case 0x029B: return wxT("CBID_EDIT"); case 0x0170: return wxT("CBM_SHOWLIST"); case 0x0171: return wxT("CBM_HILITE"); case 0x0172: return wxT("CBM_ISLISTSHOWING"); // Edit fields case 0x0140: return wxT("EM_QUERYCHANGED"); case 0x0141: return wxT("EM_QUERYSEL"); case 0x0142: return wxT("EM_SETSEL"); case 0x0143: return wxT("EM_SETTEXTLIMIT"); case 0x0144: return wxT("EM_CUT"); case 0x0145: return wxT("EM_COPY"); case 0x0146: return wxT("EM_CLEAR"); case 0x0147: return wxT("EM_PASTE"); case 0x0148: return wxT("EM_QUERYFIRSTCHAR"); case 0x0149: return wxT("EM_SETFIRSTCHAR"); case 0x014A: return wxT("EM_QUERYREADONLY"); case 0x014B: return wxT("EM_SETREADONLY"); case 0x014C: return wxT("EM_SETINSERTMODE"); // Listboxes case 0x0160: return wxT("LM_QUERYITEMCOUNT"); case 0x0161: return wxT("LM_INSERTITEM"); case 0x0162: return wxT("LM_SETOPENINDEX"); case 0x0163: return wxT("LM_DELETEITEM"); case 0x0164: return wxT("LM_SELECTITEM"); case 0x0165: return wxT("LM_QUERYSELECTION"); case 0x0166: return wxT("LM_SETITEMTEXT"); case 0x0167: return wxT("LM_QUERYITEMTEXTLENGTH"); case 0x0168: return wxT("LM_QUERYITEMTEXT"); case 0x0169: return wxT("LM_SETITEMHANDLE"); case 0x016A: return wxT("LM_QUERYITEMHANDLE"); case 0x016B: return wxT("LM_SEARCHSTRING"); case 0x016C: return wxT("LM_SETITEMHEIGHT"); case 0x016D: return wxT("LM_QUERYTOPINDEX"); case 0x016E: return wxT("LM_DELETEALL"); case 0x016F: return wxT("LM_INSERTMULITEMS"); case 0x0660: return wxT("LM_SETITEMWIDTH"); // Menus case 0x0180: return wxT("MM_INSERTITEM"); case 0x0181: return wxT("MM_DELETEITEM"); case 0x0182: return wxT("MM_QUERYITEM"); case 0x0183: return wxT("MM_SETITEM"); case 0x0184: return wxT("MM_QUERYITEMCOUNT"); case 0x0185: return wxT("MM_STARTMENUMODE"); case 0x0186: return wxT("MM_ENDMENUMODE"); case 0x0188: return wxT("MM_REMOVEITEM"); case 0x0189: return wxT("MM_SELECTITEM"); case 0x018A: return wxT("MM_QUERYSELITEMID"); case 0x018B: return wxT("MM_QUERYITEMTEXT"); case 0x018C: return wxT("MM_QUERYITEMTEXTLENGTH"); case 0x018D: return wxT("MM_SETITEMHANDLE"); case 0x018E: return wxT("MM_SETITEMTEXT"); case 0x018F: return wxT("MM_ITEMPOSITIONFROMID"); case 0x0190: return wxT("MM_ITEMIDFROMPOSITION"); case 0x0191: return wxT("MM_QUERYITEMATTR"); case 0x0192: return wxT("MM_SETITEMATTR"); case 0x0193: return wxT("MM_ISITEMVALID"); case 0x0194: return wxT("MM_QUERYITEMRECT"); case 0x0431: return wxT("MM_QUERYDEFAULTITEMID"); case 0x0432: return wxT("MM_SETDEFAULTITEMID"); // Scrollbars case 0x01A0: return wxT("SBM_SETSCROLLBAR"); case 0x01A1: return wxT("SBM_SETPOS"); case 0x01A2: return wxT("SBM_QUERYPOS"); case 0x01A3: return wxT("SBM_QUERYRANGE"); case 0x01A6: return wxT("SBM_SETTHUMBSIZE"); // Help messages case 0x0F00: return wxT("WM_HELPBASE"); case 0x0FFF: return wxT("WM_HELPTOP"); // Beginning of user defined messages case 0x1000: return wxT("WM_USER"); // wxWidgets user defined types // listview // case 0x1000 + 0: return wxT("LVM_GETBKCOLOR"); case 0x1000 + 1: return wxT("LVM_SETBKCOLOR"); case 0x1000 + 2: return wxT("LVM_GETIMAGELIST"); case 0x1000 + 3: return wxT("LVM_SETIMAGELIST"); case 0x1000 + 4: return wxT("LVM_GETITEMCOUNT"); case 0x1000 + 5: return wxT("LVM_GETITEMA"); case 0x1000 + 75: return wxT("LVM_GETITEMW"); case 0x1000 + 6: return wxT("LVM_SETITEMA"); case 0x1000 + 76: return wxT("LVM_SETITEMW"); case 0x1000 + 7: return wxT("LVM_INSERTITEMA"); case 0x1000 + 77: return wxT("LVM_INSERTITEMW"); case 0x1000 + 8: return wxT("LVM_DELETEITEM"); case 0x1000 + 9: return wxT("LVM_DELETEALLITEMS"); case 0x1000 + 10: return wxT("LVM_GETCALLBACKMASK"); case 0x1000 + 11: return wxT("LVM_SETCALLBACKMASK"); case 0x1000 + 12: return wxT("LVM_GETNEXTITEM"); case 0x1000 + 13: return wxT("LVM_FINDITEMA"); case 0x1000 + 83: return wxT("LVM_FINDITEMW"); case 0x1000 + 14: return wxT("LVM_GETITEMRECT"); case 0x1000 + 15: return wxT("LVM_SETITEMPOSITION"); case 0x1000 + 16: return wxT("LVM_GETITEMPOSITION"); case 0x1000 + 17: return wxT("LVM_GETSTRINGWIDTHA"); case 0x1000 + 87: return wxT("LVM_GETSTRINGWIDTHW"); case 0x1000 + 18: return wxT("LVM_HITTEST"); case 0x1000 + 19: return wxT("LVM_ENSUREVISIBLE"); case 0x1000 + 20: return wxT("LVM_SCROLL"); case 0x1000 + 21: return wxT("LVM_REDRAWITEMS"); case 0x1000 + 22: return wxT("LVM_ARRANGE"); case 0x1000 + 23: return wxT("LVM_EDITLABELA"); case 0x1000 + 118: return wxT("LVM_EDITLABELW"); case 0x1000 + 24: return wxT("LVM_GETEDITCONTROL"); case 0x1000 + 25: return wxT("LVM_GETCOLUMNA"); case 0x1000 + 95: return wxT("LVM_GETCOLUMNW"); case 0x1000 + 26: return wxT("LVM_SETCOLUMNA"); case 0x1000 + 96: return wxT("LVM_SETCOLUMNW"); case 0x1000 + 27: return wxT("LVM_INSERTCOLUMNA"); case 0x1000 + 97: return wxT("LVM_INSERTCOLUMNW"); case 0x1000 + 28: return wxT("LVM_DELETECOLUMN"); case 0x1000 + 29: return wxT("LVM_GETCOLUMNWIDTH"); case 0x1000 + 30: return wxT("LVM_SETCOLUMNWIDTH"); case 0x1000 + 31: return wxT("LVM_GETHEADER"); case 0x1000 + 33: return wxT("LVM_CREATEDRAGIMAGE"); case 0x1000 + 34: return wxT("LVM_GETVIEWRECT"); case 0x1000 + 35: return wxT("LVM_GETTEXTCOLOR"); case 0x1000 + 36: return wxT("LVM_SETTEXTCOLOR"); case 0x1000 + 37: return wxT("LVM_GETTEXTBKCOLOR"); case 0x1000 + 38: return wxT("LVM_SETTEXTBKCOLOR"); case 0x1000 + 39: return wxT("LVM_GETTOPINDEX"); case 0x1000 + 40: return wxT("LVM_GETCOUNTPERPAGE"); case 0x1000 + 41: return wxT("LVM_GETORIGIN"); case 0x1000 + 42: return wxT("LVM_UPDATE"); case 0x1000 + 43: return wxT("LVM_SETITEMSTATE"); case 0x1000 + 44: return wxT("LVM_GETITEMSTATE"); case 0x1000 + 45: return wxT("LVM_GETITEMTEXTA"); case 0x1000 + 115: return wxT("LVM_GETITEMTEXTW"); case 0x1000 + 46: return wxT("LVM_SETITEMTEXTA"); case 0x1000 + 116: return wxT("LVM_SETITEMTEXTW"); case 0x1000 + 47: return wxT("LVM_SETITEMCOUNT"); case 0x1000 + 48: return wxT("LVM_SORTITEMS"); case 0x1000 + 49: return wxT("LVM_SETITEMPOSITION32"); case 0x1000 + 50: return wxT("LVM_GETSELECTEDCOUNT"); case 0x1000 + 51: return wxT("LVM_GETITEMSPACING"); case 0x1000 + 52: return wxT("LVM_GETISEARCHSTRINGA"); case 0x1000 + 117: return wxT("LVM_GETISEARCHSTRINGW"); case 0x1000 + 53: return wxT("LVM_SETICONSPACING"); case 0x1000 + 54: return wxT("LVM_SETEXTENDEDLISTVIEWSTYLE"); case 0x1000 + 55: return wxT("LVM_GETEXTENDEDLISTVIEWSTYLE"); case 0x1000 + 56: return wxT("LVM_GETSUBITEMRECT"); case 0x1000 + 57: return wxT("LVM_SUBITEMHITTEST"); case 0x1000 + 58: return wxT("LVM_SETCOLUMNORDERARRAY"); case 0x1000 + 59: return wxT("LVM_GETCOLUMNORDERARRAY"); case 0x1000 + 60: return wxT("LVM_SETHOTITEM"); case 0x1000 + 61: return wxT("LVM_GETHOTITEM"); case 0x1000 + 62: return wxT("LVM_SETHOTCURSOR"); case 0x1000 + 63: return wxT("LVM_GETHOTCURSOR"); case 0x1000 + 64: return wxT("LVM_APPROXIMATEVIEWRECT"); case 0x1000 + 65: return wxT("LVM_SETWORKAREA"); // tree view case 0x1100 + 0: return wxT("TVM_INSERTITEMA"); case 0x1100 + 50: return wxT("TVM_INSERTITEMW"); case 0x1100 + 1: return wxT("TVM_DELETEITEM"); case 0x1100 + 2: return wxT("TVM_EXPAND"); case 0x1100 + 4: return wxT("TVM_GETITEMRECT"); case 0x1100 + 5: return wxT("TVM_GETCOUNT"); case 0x1100 + 6: return wxT("TVM_GETINDENT"); case 0x1100 + 7: return wxT("TVM_SETINDENT"); case 0x1100 + 8: return wxT("TVM_GETIMAGELIST"); case 0x1100 + 9: return wxT("TVM_SETIMAGELIST"); case 0x1100 + 10: return wxT("TVM_GETNEXTITEM"); case 0x1100 + 11: return wxT("TVM_SELECTITEM"); case 0x1100 + 12: return wxT("TVM_GETITEMA"); case 0x1100 + 62: return wxT("TVM_GETITEMW"); case 0x1100 + 13: return wxT("TVM_SETITEMA"); case 0x1100 + 63: return wxT("TVM_SETITEMW"); case 0x1100 + 14: return wxT("TVM_EDITLABELA"); case 0x1100 + 65: return wxT("TVM_EDITLABELW"); case 0x1100 + 15: return wxT("TVM_GETEDITCONTROL"); case 0x1100 + 16: return wxT("TVM_GETVISIBLECOUNT"); case 0x1100 + 17: return wxT("TVM_HITTEST"); case 0x1100 + 18: return wxT("TVM_CREATEDRAGIMAGE"); case 0x1100 + 19: return wxT("TVM_SORTCHILDREN"); case 0x1100 + 20: return wxT("TVM_ENSUREVISIBLE"); case 0x1100 + 21: return wxT("TVM_SORTCHILDRENCB"); case 0x1100 + 22: return wxT("TVM_ENDEDITLABELNOW"); case 0x1100 + 23: return wxT("TVM_GETISEARCHSTRINGA"); case 0x1100 + 64: return wxT("TVM_GETISEARCHSTRINGW"); case 0x1100 + 24: return wxT("TVM_SETTOOLTIPS"); case 0x1100 + 25: return wxT("TVM_GETTOOLTIPS"); // header case 0x1200 + 0: return wxT("HDM_GETITEMCOUNT"); case 0x1200 + 1: return wxT("HDM_INSERTITEMA"); case 0x1200 + 10: return wxT("HDM_INSERTITEMW"); case 0x1200 + 2: return wxT("HDM_DELETEITEM"); case 0x1200 + 3: return wxT("HDM_GETITEMA"); case 0x1200 + 11: return wxT("HDM_GETITEMW"); case 0x1200 + 4: return wxT("HDM_SETITEMA"); case 0x1200 + 12: return wxT("HDM_SETITEMW"); case 0x1200 + 5: return wxT("HDM_LAYOUT"); case 0x1200 + 6: return wxT("HDM_HITTEST"); case 0x1200 + 7: return wxT("HDM_GETITEMRECT"); case 0x1200 + 8: return wxT("HDM_SETIMAGELIST"); case 0x1200 + 9: return wxT("HDM_GETIMAGELIST"); case 0x1200 + 15: return wxT("HDM_ORDERTOINDEX"); case 0x1200 + 16: return wxT("HDM_CREATEDRAGIMAGE"); case 0x1200 + 17: return wxT("HDM_GETORDERARRAY"); case 0x1200 + 18: return wxT("HDM_SETORDERARRAY"); case 0x1200 + 19: return wxT("HDM_SETHOTDIVIDER"); // tab control case 0x1300 + 2: return wxT("TCM_GETIMAGELIST"); case 0x1300 + 3: return wxT("TCM_SETIMAGELIST"); case 0x1300 + 4: return wxT("TCM_GETITEMCOUNT"); case 0x1300 + 5: return wxT("TCM_GETITEMA"); case 0x1300 + 60: return wxT("TCM_GETITEMW"); case 0x1300 + 6: return wxT("TCM_SETITEMA"); case 0x1300 + 61: return wxT("TCM_SETITEMW"); case 0x1300 + 7: return wxT("TCM_INSERTITEMA"); case 0x1300 + 62: return wxT("TCM_INSERTITEMW"); case 0x1300 + 8: return wxT("TCM_DELETEITEM"); case 0x1300 + 9: return wxT("TCM_DELETEALLITEMS"); case 0x1300 + 10: return wxT("TCM_GETITEMRECT"); case 0x1300 + 11: return wxT("TCM_GETCURSEL"); case 0x1300 + 12: return wxT("TCM_SETCURSEL"); case 0x1300 + 13: return wxT("TCM_HITTEST"); case 0x1300 + 14: return wxT("TCM_SETITEMEXTRA"); case 0x1300 + 40: return wxT("TCM_ADJUSTRECT"); case 0x1300 + 41: return wxT("TCM_SETITEMSIZE"); case 0x1300 + 42: return wxT("TCM_REMOVEIMAGE"); case 0x1300 + 43: return wxT("TCM_SETPADDING"); case 0x1300 + 44: return wxT("TCM_GETROWCOUNT"); case 0x1300 + 45: return wxT("TCM_GETTOOLTIPS"); case 0x1300 + 46: return wxT("TCM_SETTOOLTIPS"); case 0x1300 + 47: return wxT("TCM_GETCURFOCUS"); case 0x1300 + 48: return wxT("TCM_SETCURFOCUS"); case 0x1300 + 49: return wxT("TCM_SETMINTABWIDTH"); case 0x1300 + 50: return wxT("TCM_DESELECTALL"); // toolbar case WM_USER+1000+1: return wxT("TB_ENABLEBUTTON"); case WM_USER+1000+2: return wxT("TB_CHECKBUTTON"); case WM_USER+1000+3: return wxT("TB_PRESSBUTTON"); case WM_USER+1000+4: return wxT("TB_HIDEBUTTON"); case WM_USER+1000+5: return wxT("TB_INDETERMINATE"); case WM_USER+1000+9: return wxT("TB_ISBUTTONENABLED"); case WM_USER+1000+10: return wxT("TB_ISBUTTONCHECKED"); case WM_USER+1000+11: return wxT("TB_ISBUTTONPRESSED"); case WM_USER+1000+12: return wxT("TB_ISBUTTONHIDDEN"); case WM_USER+1000+13: return wxT("TB_ISBUTTONINDETERMINATE"); case WM_USER+1000+17: return wxT("TB_SETSTATE"); case WM_USER+1000+18: return wxT("TB_GETSTATE"); case WM_USER+1000+19: return wxT("TB_ADDBITMAP"); case WM_USER+1000+20: return wxT("TB_ADDBUTTONS"); case WM_USER+1000+21: return wxT("TB_INSERTBUTTON"); case WM_USER+1000+22: return wxT("TB_DELETEBUTTON"); case WM_USER+1000+23: return wxT("TB_GETBUTTON"); case WM_USER+1000+24: return wxT("TB_BUTTONCOUNT"); case WM_USER+1000+25: return wxT("TB_COMMANDTOINDEX"); case WM_USER+1000+26: return wxT("TB_SAVERESTOREA"); case WM_USER+1000+76: return wxT("TB_SAVERESTOREW"); case WM_USER+1000+27: return wxT("TB_CUSTOMIZE"); case WM_USER+1000+28: return wxT("TB_ADDSTRINGA"); case WM_USER+1000+77: return wxT("TB_ADDSTRINGW"); case WM_USER+1000+29: return wxT("TB_GETITEMRECT"); case WM_USER+1000+30: return wxT("TB_BUTTONSTRUCTSIZE"); case WM_USER+1000+31: return wxT("TB_SETBUTTONSIZE"); case WM_USER+1000+32: return wxT("TB_SETBITMAPSIZE"); case WM_USER+1000+33: return wxT("TB_AUTOSIZE"); case WM_USER+1000+35: return wxT("TB_GETTOOLTIPS"); case WM_USER+1000+36: return wxT("TB_SETTOOLTIPS"); case WM_USER+1000+37: return wxT("TB_SETPARENT"); case WM_USER+1000+39: return wxT("TB_SETROWS"); case WM_USER+1000+40: return wxT("TB_GETROWS"); case WM_USER+1000+42: return wxT("TB_SETCMDID"); case WM_USER+1000+43: return wxT("TB_CHANGEBITMAP"); case WM_USER+1000+44: return wxT("TB_GETBITMAP"); case WM_USER+1000+45: return wxT("TB_GETBUTTONTEXTA"); case WM_USER+1000+75: return wxT("TB_GETBUTTONTEXTW"); case WM_USER+1000+46: return wxT("TB_REPLACEBITMAP"); case WM_USER+1000+47: return wxT("TB_SETINDENT"); case WM_USER+1000+48: return wxT("TB_SETIMAGELIST"); case WM_USER+1000+49: return wxT("TB_GETIMAGELIST"); case WM_USER+1000+50: return wxT("TB_LOADIMAGES"); case WM_USER+1000+51: return wxT("TB_GETRECT"); case WM_USER+1000+52: return wxT("TB_SETHOTIMAGELIST"); case WM_USER+1000+53: return wxT("TB_GETHOTIMAGELIST"); case WM_USER+1000+54: return wxT("TB_SETDISABLEDIMAGELIST"); case WM_USER+1000+55: return wxT("TB_GETDISABLEDIMAGELIST"); case WM_USER+1000+56: return wxT("TB_SETSTYLE"); case WM_USER+1000+57: return wxT("TB_GETSTYLE"); case WM_USER+1000+58: return wxT("TB_GETBUTTONSIZE"); case WM_USER+1000+59: return wxT("TB_SETBUTTONWIDTH"); case WM_USER+1000+60: return wxT("TB_SETMAXTEXTROWS"); case WM_USER+1000+61: return wxT("TB_GETTEXTROWS"); case WM_USER+1000+41: return wxT("TB_GETBITMAPFLAGS"); } static wxString s_szBuf; s_szBuf.Printf(wxT(""), nMessage); return s_szBuf.c_str(); } // end of wxGetMessageName #endif // __WXDEBUG__ // Unused? #if 0 static void TranslateKbdEventToMouse( wxWindow* pWin , int* pX , int* pY , ULONG* pFlags ) { // // Construct the key mask ULONG& fwKeys = *pFlags; fwKeys = VK_BUTTON2; if ((::WinGetKeyState(HWND_DESKTOP, VK_CTRL) & 0x100) != 0) fwKeys |= VK_CTRL; if ((::WinGetKeyState(HWND_DESKTOP, VK_SHIFT) & 0x100) != 0) fwKeys |= VK_SHIFT; // // Simulate right mouse button click // POINTL vPoint; ::WinQueryMsgPos(vHabmain, &vPoint); *pX = vPoint.x; *pY = vPoint.y; pWin->ScreenToClient(pX, pY); } // end of TranslateKbdEventToMouse #endif // Find the wxWindow at the current mouse position, returning the mouse // position. wxWindow* wxFindWindowAtPointer(wxPoint& WXUNUSED(rPt)) { return wxFindWindowAtPoint(wxGetMousePosition()); } wxWindow* wxFindWindowAtPoint(const wxPoint& rPt) { POINTL vPt2; vPt2.x = rPt.x; vPt2.y = rPt.y; HWND hWndHit = ::WinWindowFromPoint(HWND_DESKTOP, &vPt2, FALSE); wxWindow* pWin = wxFindWinFromHandle((WXHWND)hWndHit) ; HWND hWnd = hWndHit; // // Try to find a window with a wxWindow associated with it // while (!pWin && (hWnd != 0)) { hWnd = ::WinQueryWindow(hWnd, QW_PARENT); pWin = wxFindWinFromHandle((WXHWND)hWnd) ; } return pWin; } // Get the current mouse position. wxPoint wxGetMousePosition() { POINTL vPt; ::WinQueryPointerPos(HWND_DESKTOP, &vPt); return wxPoint(vPt.x, vPt.y); } wxMouseState wxGetMouseState() { wxMouseState ms; wxPoint pt = wxGetMousePosition(); ms.SetX(pt.x); ms.SetY(pt.y); ms.SetLeftDown(IsKeyDown(VK_BUTTON1)); ms.SetMiddleDown(IsKeyDown(VK_BUTTON3)); ms.SetRightDown(IsKeyDown(VK_BUTTON2)); ms.SetControlDown(IsCtrlDown()); ms.SetShiftDown(IsShiftDown()); ms.SetAltDown(IsKeyDown(VK_ALT)|IsKeyDown(VK_ALTGRAF)); ms.SetMetaDown(IsKeyDown(VK_ALTGRAF)); return ms; } wxWindowOS2* FindWindowForMouseEvent( wxWindow* pWin, short* WXUNUSED(pnX), short* WXUNUSED(pnY) ) { HWND hWnd = GetHwndOf(pWin); HWND hWndUnderMouse; POINTL vPoint; BOOL rcEnabled = FALSE; BOOL rcVisible = FALSE; ::WinQueryPointerPos(HWND_DESKTOP, &vPoint); hWndUnderMouse = ::WinWindowFromPoint(HWND_DESKTOP, &vPoint, TRUE); if (hWndUnderMouse != HWND_DESKTOP) { wxWindow* pWinUnderMouse = wxFindWinFromHandle((WXHWND)hWndUnderMouse); if (pWinUnderMouse) { wxWindowList::compatibility_iterator current = pWinUnderMouse->GetChildren().GetFirst(); wxWindow* pGrandChild = NULL; RECTL vRect; POINTL vPoint2; ::WinMapWindowPoints(HWND_DESKTOP, hWndUnderMouse, &vPoint, 1); // // Find a child window mouse might be under // while (current) { wxWindow* pChild = current->GetData(); vPoint2.x = vPoint.x; vPoint2.y = vPoint.y; ::WinMapWindowPoints(hWndUnderMouse, pChild->GetHWND(), &vPoint2, 1); ::WinQueryWindowRect(pChild->GetHWND(), &vRect); if (::WinPtInRect(vHabmain, &vRect, &vPoint2)) { if (pChild->IsTopLevel()) { POINTL vPoint3; wxWindowList::compatibility_iterator current2 =pChild->GetChildren().GetFirst(); while (current2) { wxWindow* pGrandChild = current2->GetData(); vPoint3.x = vPoint2.x; vPoint3.y = vPoint2.y; ::WinMapWindowPoints( pChild->GetHWND() ,pGrandChild->GetHWND() ,&vPoint3 ,1 ); ::WinQueryWindowRect(pGrandChild->GetHWND(), &vRect); if (::WinPtInRect(vHabmain, &vRect, &vPoint3)) { hWndUnderMouse = GetHwndOf(pGrandChild); pWinUnderMouse = pGrandChild; break; } current2 = current2->GetNext(); } if (pGrandChild) break; } hWndUnderMouse = GetHwndOf(pChild); pWinUnderMouse = pChild; rcVisible = ::WinIsWindowVisible(hWndUnderMouse); rcEnabled = ::WinIsWindowEnabled(hWndUnderMouse); if (rcVisible && rcEnabled) break; } current = current->GetNext(); } } } rcVisible = ::WinIsWindowVisible(hWndUnderMouse); rcEnabled = ::WinIsWindowEnabled(hWndUnderMouse); // // Check that we have a child window which is susceptible to receive mouse // events: for this it must be shown and enabled // if ( hWndUnderMouse && hWndUnderMouse != hWnd && rcVisible && rcEnabled) { wxWindow* pWinUnderMouse = wxFindWinFromHandle((WXHWND)hWndUnderMouse); if (pWinUnderMouse) { // // Translate the mouse coords to the other window coords // pWin = pWinUnderMouse; } } return pWin; } // end of FindWindowForMouseEvent