///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: src/os2/metafile.cpp // Purpose: wxMetaFile, wxMetaFileDC etc. These classes are optional. // Author: David Webster // Modified by: // Created: 10/10/99 // RCS-ID: $Id: metafile.cpp 38945 2006-04-28 12:44:37Z ABX $ // Copyright: (c) David Webster // Licence: wxWindows licence ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // For compilers that support precompilation, includes "wx.h". #include "wx/wxprec.h" #if wxUSE_METAFILE #ifndef WX_PRECOMP #include "wx/utils.h" #include "wx/app.h" #endif #include "wx/metafile.h" #include "wx/clipbrd.h" #include "wx/os2/private.h" #include #include extern bool wxClipboardIsOpen; IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS(wxMetafile, wxObject) IMPLEMENT_ABSTRACT_CLASS(wxMetafileDC, wxDC) /* * Metafiles * Currently, the only purpose for making a metafile is to put * it on the clipboard. */ wxMetafileRefData::wxMetafileRefData(void) { m_metafile = 0; m_windowsMappingMode = wxMM_ANISOTROPIC; } wxMetafileRefData::~wxMetafileRefData(void) { if (m_metafile) { // TODO: DeleteMetaFile((HMETAFILE) m_metafile); m_metafile = 0; } } wxMetafile::wxMetafile(const wxString& file) { m_refData = new wxMetafileRefData; M_METAFILEDATA->m_windowsMappingMode = wxMM_ANISOTROPIC; M_METAFILEDATA->m_metafile = 0; if (!file.empty()) M_METAFILEDATA->m_metafile = (WXHANDLE)0; // TODO: GetMetaFile(file); } wxMetafile::~wxMetafile(void) { } bool wxMetafile::SetClipboard(int width, int height) { #if !wxUSE_CLIPBOARD wxUnusedVar(width); wxUnusedVar(height); return false; #else if (!m_refData) return false; bool alreadyOpen=wxClipboardOpen(); if (!alreadyOpen) { wxOpenClipboard(); if (!wxEmptyClipboard()) return false; } bool success = wxSetClipboardData(wxDF_METAFILE, this, width,height); if (!alreadyOpen) wxCloseClipboard(); return (bool) success; #endif } bool wxMetafile::Play(wxDC *dc) { if (!m_refData) return false; // if (dc->GetHDC() && M_METAFILEDATA->m_metafile) // PlayMetaFile((HDC) dc->GetHDC(), (HMETAFILE) M_METAFILEDATA->m_metafile); return true; } void wxMetafile::SetHMETAFILE(WXHANDLE mf) { if (m_refData) m_refData = new wxMetafileRefData; M_METAFILEDATA->m_metafile = mf; } void wxMetafile::SetWindowsMappingMode(int mm) { if (m_refData) m_refData = new wxMetafileRefData; M_METAFILEDATA->m_windowsMappingMode = mm; } /* * Metafile device context * */ // Original constructor that does not takes origin and extent. If you use this, // *DO* give origin/extent arguments to wxMakeMetafilePlaceable. wxMetafileDC::wxMetafileDC(const wxString& file) { m_metaFile = NULL; m_minX = 10000; m_minY = 10000; m_maxX = -10000; m_maxY = -10000; // m_title = NULL; if (!file.IsNull() && wxFileExists(file)) wxRemoveFile(file); // TODO /* if (!file.empty()) m_hDC = (WXHDC) CreateMetaFile(file); else m_hDC = (WXHDC) CreateMetaFile(NULL); */ m_ok = (m_hDC != (WXHDC) 0) ; // Actual Windows mapping mode, for future reference. m_windowsMappingMode = wxMM_TEXT; SetMapMode(wxMM_TEXT); // NOTE: does not set HDC mapmode (this is correct) } // New constructor that takes origin and extent. If you use this, don't // give origin/extent arguments to wxMakeMetafilePlaceable. wxMetafileDC::wxMetafileDC( const wxString& file, int WXUNUSED(xext), int WXUNUSED(yext), int WXUNUSED(xorg), int WXUNUSED(yorg) ) { m_minX = 10000; m_minY = 10000; m_maxX = -10000; m_maxY = -10000; if (!file.empty() && wxFileExists(file)) wxRemoveFile(file); // m_hDC = (WXHDC) CreateMetaFile(file); m_ok = true; // ::SetWindowOrgEx((HDC) m_hDC,xorg,yorg, NULL); // ::SetWindowExtEx((HDC) m_hDC,xext,yext, NULL); // Actual Windows mapping mode, for future reference. m_windowsMappingMode = wxMM_ANISOTROPIC; SetMapMode(wxMM_TEXT); // NOTE: does not set HDC mapmode (this is correct) } wxMetafileDC::~wxMetafileDC(void) { m_hDC = 0; } void wxMetafileDC::GetTextExtent(const wxString& WXUNUSED(string), long *WXUNUSED(x), long *WXUNUSED(y), long *WXUNUSED(descent), long *WXUNUSED(externalLeading), wxFont *theFont, bool WXUNUSED(use16bit) ) const { wxFont *fontToUse = theFont; if (!fontToUse) fontToUse = (wxFont*) &m_font; // TODO: /* HDC dc = GetDC(NULL); SIZE sizeRect; TEXTMETRIC tm; GetTextExtentPoint(dc, WXSTRINGCAST string, wxStrlen(WXSTRINGCAST string), &sizeRect); GetTextMetrics(dc, &tm); ReleaseDC(NULL, dc); if ( x ) *x = sizeRect.cx; if ( y ) *y = sizeRect.cy; if ( descent ) *descent = tm.tmDescent; if ( externalLeading ) *externalLeading = tm.tmExternalLeading; */ } wxMetafile *wxMetafileDC::Close(void) { SelectOldObjects(m_hDC); HANDLE mf = 0; // TODO: CloseMetaFile((HDC) m_hDC); m_hDC = 0; if (mf) { wxMetafile *wx_mf = new wxMetafile; wx_mf->SetHMETAFILE((WXHANDLE) mf); wx_mf->SetWindowsMappingMode(m_windowsMappingMode); return wx_mf; } return NULL; } void wxMetafileDC::SetMapMode(int mode) { m_mappingMode = mode; // int pixel_width = 0; // int pixel_height = 0; // int mm_width = 0; // int mm_height = 0; float mm2pixelsX = 10.0; float mm2pixelsY = 10.0; switch (mode) { case wxMM_TWIPS: { m_logicalScaleX = (float)(twips2mm * mm2pixelsX); m_logicalScaleY = (float)(twips2mm * mm2pixelsY); break; } case wxMM_POINTS: { m_logicalScaleX = (float)(pt2mm * mm2pixelsX); m_logicalScaleY = (float)(pt2mm * mm2pixelsY); break; } case wxMM_METRIC: { m_logicalScaleX = mm2pixelsX; m_logicalScaleY = mm2pixelsY; break; } case wxMM_LOMETRIC: { m_logicalScaleX = (float)(mm2pixelsX/10.0); m_logicalScaleY = (float)(mm2pixelsY/10.0); break; } default: case wxMM_TEXT: { m_logicalScaleX = 1.0; m_logicalScaleY = 1.0; break; } } m_nWindowExtX = 100; m_nWindowExtY = 100; } #ifdef __WIN32__ struct RECT32 { short left; short top; short right; short bottom; }; struct mfPLACEABLEHEADER { DWORD key; short hmf; RECT32 bbox; WORD inch; DWORD reserved; WORD checksum; }; #else struct mfPLACEABLEHEADER { DWORD key; HANDLE hmf; RECT bbox; WORD inch; DWORD reserved; WORD checksum; }; #endif /* * Pass filename of existing non-placeable metafile, and bounding box. * Adds a placeable metafile header, sets the mapping mode to anisotropic, * and sets the window origin and extent to mimic the wxMM_TEXT mapping mode. * */ bool wxMakeMetafilePlaceable(const wxString& filename, float scale) { return wxMakeMetafilePlaceable(filename, 0, 0, 0, 0, scale, FALSE); } bool wxMakeMetafilePlaceable(const wxString& WXUNUSED(filename), int WXUNUSED(x1), int WXUNUSED(y1), int WXUNUSED(x2), int WXUNUSED(y2), float WXUNUSED(scale), bool WXUNUSED(useOriginAndExtent)) { // TODO: the OS/2 PM/MM way to do this /* // I'm not sure if this is the correct way of suggesting a scale // to the client application, but it's the only way I can find. int unitsPerInch = (int)(576/scale); mfPLACEABLEHEADER header; header.key = 0x9AC6CDD7L; header.hmf = 0; header.bbox.xLeft = (int)(x1); header.bbox.yTop = (int)(y1); header.bbox.xRight = (int)(x2); header.bbox.yBottom = (int)(y2); header.inch = unitsPerInch; header.reserved = 0; // Calculate checksum WORD *p; mfPLACEABLEHEADER *pMFHead = &header; for (p =(WORD *)pMFHead,pMFHead -> checksum = 0; p < (WORD *)&pMFHead ->checksum; ++p) pMFHead ->checksum ^= *p; FILE *fd = fopen(filename.fn_str(), "rb"); if (!fd) return false; wxChar tempFileBuf[256]; wxGetTempFileName(wxT("mf"), tempFileBuf); FILE *fHandle = fopen(wxConvFile.cWX2MB(tempFileBuf), "wb"); if (!fHandle) return false; fwrite((void *)&header, sizeof(unsigned char), sizeof(mfPLACEABLEHEADER), fHandle); // Calculate origin and extent int originX = x1; int originY = y1; int extentX = x2 - x1; int extentY = (y2 - y1); // Read metafile header and write METAHEADER metaHeader; fread((void *)&metaHeader, sizeof(unsigned char), sizeof(metaHeader), fd); if (useOriginAndExtent) metaHeader.mtSize += 15; else metaHeader.mtSize += 5; fwrite((void *)&metaHeader, sizeof(unsigned char), sizeof(metaHeader), fHandle); // Write SetMapMode, SetWindowOrigin and SetWindowExt records char modeBuffer[8]; char originBuffer[10]; char extentBuffer[10]; METARECORD *modeRecord = (METARECORD *)&modeBuffer; METARECORD *originRecord = (METARECORD *)&originBuffer; METARECORD *extentRecord = (METARECORD *)&extentBuffer; modeRecord->rdSize = 4; modeRecord->rdFunction = META_SETMAPMODE; modeRecord->rdParm[0] = MM_ANISOTROPIC; originRecord->rdSize = 5; originRecord->rdFunction = META_SETWINDOWORG; originRecord->rdParm[0] = originY; originRecord->rdParm[1] = originX; extentRecord->rdSize = 5; extentRecord->rdFunction = META_SETWINDOWEXT; extentRecord->rdParm[0] = extentY; extentRecord->rdParm[1] = extentX; fwrite((void *)modeBuffer, sizeof(char), 8, fHandle); if (useOriginAndExtent) { fwrite((void *)originBuffer, sizeof(char), 10, fHandle); fwrite((void *)extentBuffer, sizeof(char), 10, fHandle); } int ch = -2; while (ch != EOF) { ch = getc(fd); if (ch != EOF) { putc(ch, fHandle); } } fclose(fHandle); fclose(fd); wxRemoveFile(filename); wxCopyFile(tempFileBuf, filename); wxRemoveFile(tempFileBuf); */ return true; } #endif // wxUSE_METAFILE