/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: src/os2/iniconf.cpp // Purpose: implementation of wxIniConfig class // Author: David Webster // Modified by: // Created: 10/09/99 // RCS-ID: $Id: iniconf.cpp 38920 2006-04-26 08:21:31Z ABX $ // Copyright: David Webster // Licence: wxWindows licence /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // For compilers that support precompilation, includes "wx.h". #include "wx/wxprec.h" #if wxUSE_CONFIG #ifndef WX_PRECOMP #include "wx/dynarray.h" #include "wx/string.h" #include "wx/intl.h" #include "wx/event.h" #include "wx/app.h" #include "wx/utils.h" #include "wx/log.h" #endif //WX_PRECOMP #include "wx/config.h" #include "wx/os2/iniconf.h" #define INCL_PM #include // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // constants // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // we replace all path separators with this character #define PATH_SEP_REPLACE '_' // ============================================================================ // implementation // ============================================================================ // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ctor & dtor // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- wxIniConfig::wxIniConfig(const wxString& strAppName, const wxString& strVendor, const wxString& localFilename, const wxString& globalFilename, long style) : wxConfigBase(!strAppName && wxTheApp ? wxTheApp->GetAppName() : strAppName, !strVendor ? (wxTheApp ? wxTheApp->GetVendorName() : strAppName) : strVendor, localFilename, globalFilename, style) { m_strLocalFilename = localFilename; if (m_strLocalFilename.empty()) { m_strLocalFilename = GetAppName() + wxT(".ini"); } // append the extension if none given and it's not an absolute file name // (otherwise we assume that they know what they're doing) if ( !wxIsPathSeparator(m_strLocalFilename[(size_t) 0]) && m_strLocalFilename.Find('.') == wxNOT_FOUND ) { m_strLocalFilename << wxT(".ini"); } // set root path SetPath(wxEmptyString); } wxIniConfig::~wxIniConfig() { } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // path management // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void wxIniConfig::SetPath(const wxString& strPath) { wxArrayString aParts; if ( strPath.empty() ) { // nothing } else if ( strPath[(size_t) 0] == wxCONFIG_PATH_SEPARATOR ) { // absolute path wxSplitPath(aParts, strPath); } else { // relative path, combine with current one wxString strFullPath = GetPath(); strFullPath << wxCONFIG_PATH_SEPARATOR << strPath; wxSplitPath(aParts, strFullPath); } size_t nPartsCount = aParts.Count(); m_strPath.Empty(); if ( nPartsCount == 0 ) { // go to the root m_strGroup = (wxChar*)PATH_SEP_REPLACE; } else { // translate m_strGroup = aParts[(size_t) 0]; for ( size_t nPart = 1; nPart < nPartsCount; nPart++ ) { if ( nPart > 1 ) m_strPath << PATH_SEP_REPLACE; m_strPath << aParts[nPart]; } } // other functions assume that all this is true, i.e. there are no trailing // underscores at the end except if the group is the root one wxASSERT( (m_strPath.empty() || m_strPath.Last() != PATH_SEP_REPLACE) && (m_strGroup == wxString((wxChar)PATH_SEP_REPLACE) || m_strGroup.Last() != PATH_SEP_REPLACE) ); } const wxString& wxIniConfig::GetPath() const { static wxString s_str; // always return abs path s_str = wxCONFIG_PATH_SEPARATOR; if ( m_strGroup == wxString((wxChar)PATH_SEP_REPLACE) ) { // we're at the root level, nothing to do } else { s_str << m_strGroup; if ( !m_strPath.empty() ) s_str << wxCONFIG_PATH_SEPARATOR; for ( const wxChar *p = m_strPath; *p != '\0'; p++ ) { s_str << (*p == PATH_SEP_REPLACE ? wxCONFIG_PATH_SEPARATOR : *p); } } return s_str; } wxString wxIniConfig::GetPrivateKeyName(const wxString& szKey) const { wxString strKey; if ( !m_strPath.empty() ) strKey << m_strPath << PATH_SEP_REPLACE; strKey << szKey; return strKey; } wxString wxIniConfig::GetKeyName(const wxString& szKey) const { wxString strKey; if (m_strGroup != wxString((wxChar)PATH_SEP_REPLACE)) strKey << m_strGroup << PATH_SEP_REPLACE; if ( !m_strPath.empty() ) strKey << m_strPath << PATH_SEP_REPLACE; strKey << szKey; return strKey; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // enumeration // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // not implemented bool wxIniConfig::GetFirstGroup(wxString& WXUNUSED(str), long& WXUNUSED(lIndex)) const { wxFAIL_MSG(wxT("not implemeted")); return false; } bool wxIniConfig::GetNextGroup(wxString& WXUNUSED(str), long& WXUNUSED(lIndex)) const { wxFAIL_MSG(wxT("not implemeted")); return false; } bool wxIniConfig::GetFirstEntry(wxString& WXUNUSED(str), long& WXUNUSED(lIndex)) const { wxFAIL_MSG(wxT("not implemeted")); return false; } bool wxIniConfig::GetNextEntry(wxString& WXUNUSED(str), long& WXUNUSED(lIndex)) const { wxFAIL_MSG(wxT("not implemeted")); return false; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // misc info // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // not implemented size_t wxIniConfig::GetNumberOfEntries(bool WXUNUSED(bRecursive)) const { wxFAIL_MSG(wxT("not implemeted")); return (size_t)-1; } size_t wxIniConfig::GetNumberOfGroups(bool WXUNUSED(bRecursive)) const { wxFAIL_MSG(wxT("not implemeted")); return (size_t)-1; } bool wxIniConfig::HasGroup(const wxString& WXUNUSED(strName)) const { wxFAIL_MSG(wxT("not implemeted")); return false; } bool wxIniConfig::HasEntry(const wxString& WXUNUSED(strName)) const { wxFAIL_MSG(wxT("not implemeted")); return false; } // is current group empty? bool wxIniConfig::IsEmpty() const { char szBuf[1024]; // GetPrivateProfileString(m_strGroup, NULL, "", // szBuf, WXSIZEOF(szBuf), m_strLocalFilename); if ( !::IsEmpty(szBuf) ) return false; // GetProfileString(m_strGroup, NULL, "", szBuf, WXSIZEOF(szBuf)); // if ( !::IsEmpty(szBuf) ) // return false; return true; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // read/write // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool wxIniConfig::Read(const wxString& szKey, wxString *pstr) const { wxConfigPathChanger path(this, szKey); wxString strKey = GetPrivateKeyName(path.Name()); wxChar szBuf[1024]; // @@ should dynamically allocate memory... // first look in the private INI file // NB: the lpDefault param to GetPrivateProfileString can't be NULL // GetPrivateProfileString(m_strGroup, strKey, "", // szBuf, WXSIZEOF(szBuf), m_strLocalFilename); if ( ::IsEmpty((PSZ)szBuf) ) { // now look in win.ini wxString strKey = GetKeyName(path.Name()); // GetProfileString(m_strGroup, strKey, "", szBuf, WXSIZEOF(szBuf)); } if ( ::IsEmpty((PSZ)szBuf) ) { return false; } *pstr = szBuf ; return true; } bool wxIniConfig::Read(const wxString& szKey, wxString *pstr, const wxString& szDefault) const { wxConfigPathChanger path(this, szKey); wxString strKey = GetPrivateKeyName(path.Name()); wxChar szBuf[1024]; // @@ should dynamically allocate memory... // first look in the private INI file // NB: the lpDefault param to GetPrivateProfileString can't be NULL // GetPrivateProfileString(m_strGroup, strKey, "", // szBuf, WXSIZEOF(szBuf), m_strLocalFilename); if ( ::IsEmpty((PSZ)szBuf) ) { // now look in win.ini wxString strKey = GetKeyName(path.Name()); // GetProfileString(m_strGroup, strKey, "", szBuf, WXSIZEOF(szBuf)); } if ( ::IsEmpty((PSZ)szBuf) ) { *pstr = szDefault; return false; } else { *pstr = szBuf ; return true; } } bool wxIniConfig::Read(const wxString& szKey, long *pl) const { wxConfigPathChanger path(this, szKey); wxString strKey = GetPrivateKeyName(path.Name()); // hack: we have no mean to know if it really found the default value or // didn't find anything, so we call it twice static const int nMagic = 17; // 17 is some "rare" number static const int nMagic2 = 28; // arbitrary number != nMagic long lVal = 0; // = GetPrivateProfileInt(m_strGroup, strKey, nMagic, m_strLocalFilename); if ( lVal != nMagic ) { // the value was read from the file *pl = lVal; return true; } // is it really nMagic? // lVal = GetPrivateProfileInt(m_strGroup, strKey, nMagic2, m_strLocalFilename); if ( lVal == nMagic2 ) { // the nMagic it returned was indeed read from the file *pl = lVal; return true; } // no, it was just returning the default value, so now look in win.ini // *pl = GetProfileInt(GetVendorName(), GetKeyName(szKey), *pl); return true; } bool wxIniConfig::Write(const wxString& szKey, const wxString& WXUNUSED(szValue)) { wxConfigPathChanger path(this, szKey); wxString strKey = GetPrivateKeyName(path.Name()); bool bOk = false; // = WritePrivateProfileString(m_strGroup, strKey, // szValue, m_strLocalFilename) != 0; if ( !bOk ) wxLogLastError(wxT("WritePrivateProfileString")); return bOk; } bool wxIniConfig::Write(const wxString& szKey, long lValue) { // ltoa() is not ANSI :-( wxChar szBuf[40]; // should be good for sizeof(long) <= 16 (128 bits) wxSprintf(szBuf, wxT("%ld"), lValue); return Write(szKey, szBuf); } bool wxIniConfig::Flush(bool /* bCurrentOnly */) { // this is just the way it works // return WritePrivateProfileString(NULL, NULL, NULL, m_strLocalFilename) != 0; return false; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // delete // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool wxIniConfig::DeleteEntry(const wxString& szKey, bool bGroupIfEmptyAlso) { // passing NULL as value to WritePrivateProfileString deletes the key // if ( !Write(szKey, (const char *)NULL) ) // return false; wxConfigPathChanger path(this, szKey); wxString strKey = GetPrivateKeyName(path.Name()); // if (WritePrivateProfileString(m_strGroup, szKey, // (const char*) NULL, m_strLocalFilename) == 0) // return false; if ( !bGroupIfEmptyAlso || !IsEmpty() ) return true; // delete the current group too bool bOk = false; // = WritePrivateProfileString(m_strGroup, NULL, // NULL, m_strLocalFilename) != 0; if ( !bOk ) wxLogLastError(wxT("WritePrivateProfileString")); return bOk; } bool wxIniConfig::DeleteGroup(const wxString& szKey) { wxConfigPathChanger path(this, szKey); // passing NULL as section name to WritePrivateProfileString deletes the // whole section according to the docs bool bOk = false; // = WritePrivateProfileString(path.Name(), NULL, // NULL, m_strLocalFilename) != 0; if ( !bOk ) wxLogLastError(wxT("WritePrivateProfileString")); return bOk; } #ifndef MAX_PATH #define MAX_PATH 256 #endif bool wxIniConfig::DeleteAll() { // first delete our group in win.ini // WriteProfileString(GetVendorName(), NULL, NULL); // then delete our own ini file wxChar szBuf[MAX_PATH]; size_t nRc = 0; // = GetWindowsDirectory(szBuf, WXSIZEOF(szBuf)); if ( nRc == 0 ) { wxLogLastError(wxT("GetWindowsDirectory")); } else if ( nRc > WXSIZEOF(szBuf) ) { wxFAIL_MSG(_("buffer is too small for Windows directory.")); } wxString strFile = szBuf; strFile << wxT('\\') << m_strLocalFilename; if ( !wxRemoveFile(strFile) ) { wxLogSysError(_("Can't delete the INI file '%s'"), strFile.c_str()); return false; } return true; } bool wxIniConfig::RenameEntry(const wxString& WXUNUSED(oldName), const wxString& WXUNUSED(newName)) { // Not implemented return false; } bool wxIniConfig::RenameGroup(const wxString& WXUNUSED(oldName), const wxString& WXUNUSED(newName)) { // Not implemented return false; } #endif //wxUSE_CONFIG