/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: src/os2/checklst.cpp // Purpose: implementation of wxCheckListBox class // Author: David Webster // Modified by: // Created: 10/13/99 // RCS-ID: $Id: checklst.cpp 39734 2006-06-14 19:51:14Z ABX $ // Copyright: (c) David Webster // Licence: wxWindows licence /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ============================================================================ // headers & declarations // ============================================================================ // For compilers that support precompilation, includes "wx.h". #include "wx/wxprec.h" #if wxUSE_CHECKLISTBOX && wxUSE_OWNER_DRAWN #include "wx/checklst.h" #ifndef WX_PRECOMP #include "wx/object.h" #include "wx/log.h" #include "wx/window.h" #include "wx/dcmemory.h" #include "wx/dcscreen.h" #include "wx/settings.h" #include "wx/listbox.h" #include "wx/bitmap.h" #include "wx/colour.h" #include "wx/font.h" #endif #include "wx/ownerdrw.h" #define INCL_PM #include // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // private functions // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // get item (converted to right type) #define GetItem(n) ((wxCheckListBoxItem *)(GetItem(n))) // ============================================================================ // implementation // ============================================================================ IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS(wxCheckListBox, wxListBox) // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // declaration and implementation of wxCheckListBoxItem class // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- class wxCheckListBoxItem : public wxOwnerDrawn { friend class wxCheckListBox; public: // // ctor // wxCheckListBoxItem(wxCheckListBox* pParent, size_t nIndex); // // Drawing functions // virtual bool OnDrawItem( wxDC& rDc, const wxRect& rRect, wxODAction eAct, wxODStatus eStat ); // // Simple accessors // bool IsChecked(void) const { return m_bChecked; } void Check(bool bCheck); void Toggle(void) { Check(!IsChecked()); } private: bool m_bChecked; wxCheckListBox* m_pParent; size_t m_nIndex; }; // end of CLASS wxCheckListBoxItem wxCheckListBoxItem::wxCheckListBoxItem(wxCheckListBox* pParent, size_t nIndex) :wxOwnerDrawn( wxEmptyString, true /* checkable */ ) { m_bChecked = false; m_pParent = pParent; m_nIndex = nIndex; // // We don't initialize m_nCheckHeight/Width vars because it's // done in OnMeasure while they are used only in OnDraw and we // know that there will always be OnMeasure before OnDraw // SetMarginWidth(GetDefaultMarginWidth()); } // end of wxCheckListBoxItem::wxCheckListBoxItem bool wxCheckListBoxItem::OnDrawItem ( wxDC& rDc, const wxRect& rRect, wxODAction eAct, wxODStatus eStat ) { wxRect vRect = rRect; ::WinQueryWindowRect( m_pParent->GetHWND(), &rDc.m_vRclPaint ); if (IsChecked()) eStat = (wxOwnerDrawn::wxODStatus)(eStat | wxOwnerDrawn::wxODChecked); // // Unfortunately PM doesn't quite get the text position exact. We need to alter // it down and to the right, just a little bit. The coords in rRect are OS/2 // coords not wxWidgets coords. // vRect.x += 5; vRect.y -= 3; if (wxOwnerDrawn::OnDrawItem( rDc, vRect, eAct, eStat)) { size_t nCheckWidth = GetDefaultMarginWidth(); size_t nCheckHeight = m_pParent->GetItemHeight(); int nParentHeight; int nX = rRect.GetX(); int nY = rRect.GetY(); int nOldY = nY; wxColour vColour(wxSystemSettings::GetColour(wxSYS_COLOUR_WINDOW)); wxPen vPenBack; wxPen vPenPrev; m_pParent->GetSize( NULL, &nParentHeight); nY = nParentHeight - nY - nCheckHeight; vPenBack = wxPen(vColour, 1, wxSOLID); // // Erase the 1-pixel border // rDc.SetPen(vPenBack); rDc.DrawRectangle( nX, nY, nCheckWidth, nCheckHeight ); // // Now we draw the smaller rectangle // nY++; nCheckWidth -= 2; nCheckHeight -= 2; // // Draw hollow gray rectangle // rDc.SetPen(*wxGREY_PEN); rDc.DrawRectangle( nX, nY, nCheckWidth, nCheckHeight ); nX++; if (IsChecked()) { // // Draw the check by loading the sys standard bitmap and drawing it // HBITMAP hChkBmp = ::WinGetSysBitmap( HWND_DESKTOP, SBMP_MENUCHECK ); POINTL vPoint = {nX, nOldY + 3}; ::WinDrawBitmap( rDc.GetHPS(), hChkBmp, NULL, &vPoint, NULL, NULL, DBM_NORMAL ); } return true; } return false; } // end of wxCheckListBoxItem::OnDrawItem // // Change the state of the item and redraw it // void wxCheckListBoxItem::Check( bool bCheck ) { m_bChecked = bCheck; // // Index may be chanegd because new items were added/deleted // if (m_pParent->GetItemIndex(this) != (int)m_nIndex) { // // Update it // int nIndex = m_pParent->GetItemIndex(this); wxASSERT_MSG(nIndex != wxNOT_FOUND, wxT("what does this item do here?")); m_nIndex = (size_t)nIndex; } wxCommandEvent vEvent( wxEVT_COMMAND_CHECKLISTBOX_TOGGLED,m_pParent->GetId()); vEvent.SetInt(m_nIndex); vEvent.SetEventObject(m_pParent); m_pParent->ProcessCommand(vEvent); } // end of wxCheckListBoxItem::Check // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // implementation of wxCheckListBox class // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // define event table // ------------------ BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(wxCheckListBox, wxListBox) EVT_CHAR(wxCheckListBox::OnChar) EVT_LEFT_DOWN(wxCheckListBox::OnLeftClick) END_EVENT_TABLE() // // Control creation // ---------------- // // // Default ctor: use Create() to really create the control // wxCheckListBox::wxCheckListBox() :wxCheckListBoxBase() { } // end of wxCheckListBox::wxCheckListBox // // Ctor which creates the associated control // wxCheckListBox::wxCheckListBox ( wxWindow* pParent, wxWindowID vId, const wxPoint& rPos, const wxSize& rSize, int nStrings, const wxString asChoices[], long lStyle, const wxValidator& rVal, const wxString& rsName) :wxCheckListBoxBase() { Create( pParent, vId, rPos, rSize, nStrings, asChoices, lStyle | wxLB_OWNERDRAW, rVal, rsName ); } // end of wxCheckListBox::wxCheckListBox wxCheckListBox::wxCheckListBox ( wxWindow* pParent, wxWindowID vId, const wxPoint& rPos, const wxSize& rSize, const wxArrayString& asChoices, long lStyle, const wxValidator& rVal, const wxString& rsName ) :wxCheckListBoxBase() { wxCArrayString chs(asChoices); Create( pParent, vId, rPos, rSize, chs.GetCount(), chs.GetStrings(), lStyle | wxLB_OWNERDRAW, rVal, rsName ); } // end of wxCheckListBox::wxCheckListBox void wxCheckListBox::Delete(unsigned int n) { wxCHECK_RET( IsValid(n), wxT("invalid index in wxCheckListBox::Delete") ); wxListBox::Delete(n); // // Free memory // delete m_aItems[n]; m_aItems.RemoveAt(n); } // end of wxCheckListBox::Delete void wxCheckListBox::DoInsertItems(const wxArrayString& items, unsigned int pos) { // pos is validated in wxListBox wxListBox::DoInsertItems( items, pos ); unsigned int n = items.GetCount(); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < n; i++) { wxOwnerDrawn* pNewItem = CreateItem((size_t)(pos + i)); pNewItem->SetName(items[i]); m_aItems.Insert(pNewItem, (size_t)(pos + i)); ::WinSendMsg( (HWND)GetHWND(), LM_SETITEMHANDLE, (MPARAM)(i + pos), MPFROMP(pNewItem) ); } } // end of wxCheckListBox::InsertItems bool wxCheckListBox::SetFont ( const wxFont& rFont ) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_aItems.GetCount(); i++) m_aItems[i]->SetFont(rFont); wxListBox::SetFont(rFont); return true; } // end of wxCheckListBox::SetFont // // Create/retrieve item // -------------------- // // // Create a check list box item // wxOwnerDrawn* wxCheckListBox::CreateItem(size_t nIndex) { wxCheckListBoxItem* pItem = new wxCheckListBoxItem( this, nIndex ); return pItem; } // end of wxCheckListBox::CreateItem // // Return item size // ---------------- // long wxCheckListBox::OS2OnMeasure ( WXMEASUREITEMSTRUCT* pItem ) { if (!pItem) pItem = (WXMEASUREITEMSTRUCT*)new OWNERITEM; if (wxListBox::OS2OnMeasure(pItem)) { POWNERITEM pStruct = (POWNERITEM)pItem; // // Save item height // m_nItemHeight = pStruct->rclItem.yTop - pStruct->rclItem.yBottom; // // Add place for the check mark // pStruct->rclItem.xRight += wxOwnerDrawn::GetDefaultMarginWidth(); return long(MRFROM2SHORT((USHORT)m_nItemHeight, (USHORT)(pStruct->rclItem.xRight - pStruct->rclItem.xLeft))); } return 0L; } // end of wxCheckListBox::CreateItem // // Check items // ----------- // bool wxCheckListBox::IsChecked(unsigned int uiIndex) const { return GetItem(uiIndex)->IsChecked(); } // end of wxCheckListBox::IsChecked void wxCheckListBox::Check(unsigned int uiIndex, bool bCheck) { GetItem(uiIndex)->Check(bCheck); } // end of wxCheckListBox::Check // // Process events // -------------- // void wxCheckListBox::OnChar ( wxKeyEvent& rEvent ) { if (rEvent.GetKeyCode() == WXK_SPACE) GetItem(GetSelection())->Toggle(); else rEvent.Skip(); } // end of wxCheckListBox::OnChar void wxCheckListBox::OnLeftClick ( wxMouseEvent& rEvent ) { // // Clicking on the item selects it, clicking on the checkmark toggles // if (rEvent.GetX() <= wxOwnerDrawn::GetDefaultMarginWidth()) { int nParentHeight; wxScreenDC vDc; wxCoord vHeight; GetSize( NULL, &nParentHeight ); vDc.SetFont(GetFont()); vHeight = (wxCoord)(vDc.GetCharHeight() * 2.5); // // This, of course, will not work if the LB is scrolled // int nY = rEvent.GetY(); nY = nParentHeight - (nY + vHeight); size_t nItem = (size_t)(nY / vHeight); if (nItem < m_nNumItems) GetItem(nItem)->Toggle(); // // else: it's not an error, just click outside of client zone // } else { // // Implement default behaviour: clicking on the item selects it // rEvent.Skip(); } } // end of wxCheckListBox::OnLeftClick #endif // wxUSE_CHECKLISTBOX && wxUSE_OWNER_DRAWN