///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: src/msw/wince/tbarwce.cpp // Purpose: wxToolBar for Windows CE // Author: Julian Smart // Modified by: // Created: 2003-07-12 // RCS-ID: $Id: tbarwce.cpp 61236 2009-06-28 17:01:27Z JS $ // Copyright: (c) Julian Smart // Licence: wxWindows licence ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ============================================================================ // declarations // ============================================================================ // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // headers // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // For compilers that support precompilation, includes "wx.h". #include "wx/wxprec.h" #ifdef __BORLANDC__ #pragma hdrstop #endif // Use the WinCE-specific toolbar only if we're either compiling // with a WinCE earlier than 4, or we wish to emulate a PocketPC-style UI #if wxUSE_TOOLBAR && wxUSE_TOOLBAR_NATIVE && (_WIN32_WCE < 400 || defined(__POCKETPC__) || defined(__SMARTPHONE__)) #include "wx/toolbar.h" #ifndef WX_PRECOMP #include "wx/msw/wrapcctl.h" // include "properly" #include "wx/dynarray.h" #include "wx/frame.h" #include "wx/log.h" #include "wx/intl.h" #include "wx/settings.h" #include "wx/bitmap.h" #include "wx/dcmemory.h" #include "wx/control.h" #endif #if !defined(__GNUWIN32__) && !defined(__SALFORDC__) #include "malloc.h" #endif #include "wx/msw/private.h" #include #include #include #include #include #if defined(WINCE_WITHOUT_COMMANDBAR) #include #endif #include "wx/msw/wince/missing.h" #include "wx/msw/winundef.h" #if !defined(__SMARTPHONE__) ///////////// This implementation is for PocketPC. ///////////// See later for the Smartphone dummy toolbar class. // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Event table // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS(wxToolMenuBar, wxToolBar) BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(wxToolMenuBar, wxToolBar) END_EVENT_TABLE() // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // private classes // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- class wxToolMenuBarTool : public wxToolBarToolBase { public: wxToolMenuBarTool(wxToolBar *tbar, int id, const wxString& label, const wxBitmap& bmpNormal, const wxBitmap& bmpDisabled, wxItemKind kind, wxObject *clientData, const wxString& shortHelp, const wxString& longHelp) : wxToolBarToolBase(tbar, id, label, bmpNormal, bmpDisabled, kind, clientData, shortHelp, longHelp) { m_nSepCount = 0; m_bitmapIndex = -1; } wxToolMenuBarTool(wxToolBar *tbar, wxControl *control) : wxToolBarToolBase(tbar, control) { m_nSepCount = 1; m_bitmapIndex = -1; } virtual void SetLabel(const wxString& label) { if ( label == m_label ) return; wxToolBarToolBase::SetLabel(label); // we need to update the label shown in the toolbar because it has a // pointer to the internal buffer of the old label // // TODO: use TB_SETBUTTONINFO } // set/get the number of separators which we use to cover the space used by // a control in the toolbar void SetSeparatorsCount(size_t count) { m_nSepCount = count; } size_t GetSeparatorsCount() const { return m_nSepCount; } void SetBitmapIndex(int idx) { m_bitmapIndex = idx; } int GetBitmapIndex() const { return m_bitmapIndex; } private: size_t m_nSepCount; int m_bitmapIndex; }; // ============================================================================ // implementation // ============================================================================ // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // wxToolBarTool // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- wxToolBarToolBase *wxToolMenuBar::CreateTool(int id, const wxString& label, const wxBitmap& bmpNormal, const wxBitmap& bmpDisabled, wxItemKind kind, wxObject *clientData, const wxString& shortHelp, const wxString& longHelp) { return new wxToolMenuBarTool(this, id, label, bmpNormal, bmpDisabled, kind, clientData, shortHelp, longHelp); } wxToolBarToolBase *wxToolMenuBar::CreateTool(wxControl *control) { return new wxToolMenuBarTool(this, control); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // wxToolBar construction // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void wxToolMenuBar::Init() { wxToolBar::Init(); m_nButtons = 0; m_menuBar = NULL; } bool wxToolMenuBar::Create(wxWindow *parent, wxWindowID id, const wxPoint& pos, const wxSize& size, long style, const wxString& name, wxMenuBar* menuBar) { // common initialisation if ( !CreateControl(parent, id, pos, size, style, wxDefaultValidator, name) ) return false; // MSW-specific initialisation if ( !MSWCreateToolbar(pos, size, menuBar) ) return false; // set up the colors and fonts SetBackgroundColour(wxSystemSettings::GetColour(wxSYS_COLOUR_MENUBAR)); SetFont(wxSystemSettings::GetFont(wxSYS_DEFAULT_GUI_FONT)); return true; } bool wxToolMenuBar::MSWCreateToolbar(const wxPoint& WXUNUSED(pos), const wxSize& WXUNUSED(size), wxMenuBar* menuBar) { SetMenuBar(menuBar); if (m_menuBar) m_menuBar->SetToolBar(this); #if defined(WINCE_WITHOUT_COMMANDBAR) // Create the menubar. SHMENUBARINFO mbi; memset (&mbi, 0, sizeof (SHMENUBARINFO)); mbi.cbSize = sizeof (SHMENUBARINFO); mbi.hwndParent = (HWND) GetParent()->GetHWND(); #ifdef __SMARTPHONE__ mbi.nToolBarId = 5002; #else mbi.nToolBarId = 5000; #endif mbi.nBmpId = 0; mbi.cBmpImages = 0; mbi.dwFlags = 0 ; // SHCMBF_EMPTYBAR; mbi.hInstRes = wxGetInstance(); if (!SHCreateMenuBar(&mbi)) { wxFAIL_MSG( _T("SHCreateMenuBar failed") ); return false; } SetHWND((WXHWND) mbi.hwndMB); #else HWND hWnd = CommandBar_Create(wxGetInstance(), (HWND) GetParent()->GetHWND(), GetId()); SetHWND((WXHWND) hWnd); #endif // install wxWidgets window proc for this window SubclassWin(m_hWnd); if (menuBar) menuBar->Create(); return true; } void wxToolMenuBar::Recreate() { // TODO } wxToolMenuBar::~wxToolMenuBar() { if (GetMenuBar()) GetMenuBar()->SetToolBar(NULL); } // Return HMENU for the menu associated with the commandbar WXHMENU wxToolMenuBar::GetHMenu() { #if defined(__HANDHELDPC__) return 0; #else if (GetHWND()) { return (WXHMENU) (HMENU)::SendMessage((HWND) GetHWND(), SHCMBM_GETMENU, (WPARAM)0, (LPARAM)0); } else return 0; #endif } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // adding/removing tools // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool wxToolMenuBar::DoInsertTool(size_t WXUNUSED(pos), wxToolBarToolBase *tool) { // nothing special to do here - we really create the toolbar buttons in // Realize() later tool->Attach(this); return true; } bool wxToolMenuBar::DoDeleteTool(size_t pos, wxToolBarToolBase *tool) { // Skip over the menus if (GetMenuBar()) pos += GetMenuBar()->GetMenuCount(); // the main difficulty we have here is with the controls in the toolbars: // as we (sometimes) use several separators to cover up the space used by // them, the indices are not the same for us and the toolbar // first determine the position of the first button to delete: it may be // different from pos if we use several separators to cover the space used // by a control wxToolBarToolsList::compatibility_iterator node; for ( node = m_tools.GetFirst(); node; node = node->GetNext() ) { wxToolBarToolBase *tool2 = node->GetData(); if ( tool2 == tool ) { // let node point to the next node in the list node = node->GetNext(); break; } if ( tool2->IsControl() ) { pos += ((wxToolMenuBarTool *)tool2)->GetSeparatorsCount() - 1; } } // now determine the number of buttons to delete and the area taken by them size_t nButtonsToDelete = 1; // get the size of the button we're going to delete RECT r; if ( !::SendMessage(GetHwnd(), TB_GETITEMRECT, pos, (LPARAM)&r) ) { wxLogLastError(_T("TB_GETITEMRECT")); } int width = r.right - r.left; if ( tool->IsControl() ) { nButtonsToDelete = ((wxToolMenuBarTool *)tool)->GetSeparatorsCount(); width *= nButtonsToDelete; } // do delete all buttons m_nButtons -= nButtonsToDelete; while ( nButtonsToDelete-- > 0 ) { if ( !::SendMessage(GetHwnd(), TB_DELETEBUTTON, pos, 0) ) { wxLogLastError(wxT("TB_DELETEBUTTON")); return false; } } tool->Detach(); // and finally reposition all the controls after this button (the toolbar // takes care of all normal items) for ( /* node -> first after deleted */ ; node; node = node->GetNext() ) { wxToolBarToolBase *tool2 = node->GetData(); if ( tool2->IsControl() ) { int x; wxControl *control = tool2->GetControl(); control->GetPosition(&x, NULL); control->Move(x - width, wxDefaultCoord); } } return true; } bool wxToolMenuBar::Realize() { const size_t nTools = GetToolsCount(); if ( nTools == 0 ) { // nothing to do return true; } #if 0 // delete all old buttons, if any for ( size_t pos = 0; pos < m_nButtons; pos++ ) { if ( !::SendMessage(GetHwnd(), TB_DELETEBUTTON, 0, 0) ) { wxLogDebug(wxT("TB_DELETEBUTTON failed")); } } #endif // 0 bool lastWasRadio = false; wxToolBarToolsList::Node* node; for ( node = m_tools.GetFirst(); node; node = node->GetNext() ) { wxToolMenuBarTool *tool = (wxToolMenuBarTool*) node->GetData(); TBBUTTON buttons[1] ; TBBUTTON& button = buttons[0]; wxZeroMemory(button); bool isRadio = false; switch ( tool->GetStyle() ) { case wxTOOL_STYLE_CONTROL: button.idCommand = tool->GetId(); // fall through: create just a separator too // TODO: controls are not yet supported on wxToolMenuBar. case wxTOOL_STYLE_SEPARATOR: button.fsState = TBSTATE_ENABLED; button.fsStyle = TBSTYLE_SEP; break; case wxTOOL_STYLE_BUTTON: if ( HasFlag(wxTB_TEXT) ) { const wxString& label = tool->GetLabel(); if ( !label.empty() ) { button.iString = (int)label.c_str(); } } const wxBitmap& bmp = tool->GetNormalBitmap(); wxBitmap bmpToUse = bmp; if (bmp.GetWidth() < 16 || bmp.GetHeight() < 16 || bmp.GetMask() != NULL) { wxMemoryDC memDC; wxBitmap b(16,16); memDC.SelectObject(b); wxColour col = wxColour(192,192,192); memDC.SetBackground(wxBrush(col)); memDC.Clear(); int x = (16 - bmp.GetWidth())/2; int y = (16 - bmp.GetHeight())/2; memDC.DrawBitmap(bmp, x, y, true); memDC.SelectObject(wxNullBitmap); bmpToUse = b; tool->SetNormalBitmap(b); } int n = 0; if ( bmpToUse.Ok() ) { n = ::CommandBar_AddBitmap( (HWND) GetHWND(), NULL, (int) (HBITMAP) bmpToUse.GetHBITMAP(), 1, 16, 16 ); } button.idCommand = tool->GetId(); button.iBitmap = n; if ( tool->IsEnabled() ) button.fsState |= TBSTATE_ENABLED; if ( tool->IsToggled() ) button.fsState |= TBSTATE_CHECKED; switch ( tool->GetKind() ) { case wxITEM_RADIO: button.fsStyle = TBSTYLE_CHECKGROUP; if ( !lastWasRadio ) { // the first item in the radio group is checked by // default to be consistent with wxGTK and the menu // radio items button.fsState |= TBSTATE_CHECKED; tool->Toggle(true); } isRadio = true; break; case wxITEM_CHECK: button.fsStyle = TBSTYLE_CHECK; break; default: wxFAIL_MSG( _T("unexpected toolbar button kind") ); // fall through case wxITEM_NORMAL: button.fsStyle = TBSTYLE_BUTTON; } break; } if ( !::CommandBar_AddButtons( (HWND) GetHWND(), 1, buttons ) ) { wxFAIL_MSG( wxT("Could not add toolbar button.")); } lastWasRadio = isRadio; } return true; } bool wxToolMenuBar::MSWCommand(WXUINT WXUNUSED(cmd), WXWORD id) { wxToolBarToolBase *tool = FindById((int)id); if ( !tool ) { bool checked = false; if ( m_menuBar ) { wxMenuItem *item = m_menuBar->FindItem(id); if ( item && item->IsCheckable() ) { item->Toggle(); checked = item->IsChecked(); } } wxCommandEvent event(wxEVT_COMMAND_MENU_SELECTED); event.SetEventObject(this); event.SetId(id); event.SetInt(checked); return GetEventHandler()->ProcessEvent(event); } if ( tool->CanBeToggled() ) { LRESULT state = ::SendMessage(GetHwnd(), TB_GETSTATE, id, 0); tool->Toggle((state & TBSTATE_CHECKED) != 0); } bool toggled = tool->IsToggled(); // avoid sending the event when a radio button is released, this is not // interesting if ( !tool->CanBeToggled() || tool->GetKind() != wxITEM_RADIO || toggled ) { // OnLeftClick() can veto the button state change - for buttons which // may be toggled only, of couse if ( !OnLeftClick((int)id, toggled) && tool->CanBeToggled() ) { // revert back toggled = !toggled; tool->SetToggle(toggled); ::SendMessage(GetHwnd(), TB_CHECKBUTTON, id, MAKELONG(toggled, 0)); } } return true; } WXLRESULT wxToolMenuBar::MSWWindowProc(WXUINT nMsg, WXWPARAM wParam, WXLPARAM lParam) { switch ( nMsg ) { case WM_SIZE: break; case WM_MOUSEMOVE: // we don't handle mouse moves, so always pass the message to // wxControl::MSWWindowProc HandleMouseMove(wParam, lParam); break; case WM_PAINT: break; } return MSWDefWindowProc(nMsg, wParam, lParam); } #else ////////////// For Smartphone // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Event table // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS(wxToolBar, wxToolBarBase) BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(wxToolBar, wxToolBarBase) END_EVENT_TABLE() wxToolBarToolBase *wxToolBar::CreateTool(int id, const wxString& label, const wxBitmap& bmpNormal, const wxBitmap& bmpDisabled, wxItemKind kind, wxObject *clientData, const wxString& shortHelp, const wxString& longHelp) { return new wxToolBarToolBase(this, id, label, bmpNormal, bmpDisabled, kind, clientData, shortHelp, longHelp); } wxToolBarToolBase *wxToolBar::CreateTool(wxControl *control) { return new wxToolBarToolBase(this, control); } bool wxToolBar::Create(wxWindow *parent, wxWindowID WXUNUSED(id), const wxPoint& WXUNUSED(pos), const wxSize& WXUNUSED(size), long style, const wxString& name) { // TODO: we may need to make this a dummy hidden window to // satisfy other parts of wxWidgets. parent->AddChild(this); SetWindowStyle(style); SetName(name); return true; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // adding/removing tools // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool wxToolBar::DoInsertTool(size_t WXUNUSED(pos), wxToolBarToolBase *tool) { tool->Attach(this); return true; } bool wxToolBar::DoDeleteTool(size_t WXUNUSED(pos), wxToolBarToolBase *tool) { tool->Detach(); return true; } wxToolBarToolBase *wxToolBar::FindToolForPosition(wxCoord WXUNUSED(x), wxCoord WXUNUSED(y)) const { return NULL; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // tool state // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void wxToolBar::DoEnableTool(wxToolBarToolBase *WXUNUSED(tool), bool WXUNUSED(enable)) { } void wxToolBar::DoToggleTool(wxToolBarToolBase *WXUNUSED(tool), bool WXUNUSED(toggle)) { } void wxToolBar::DoSetToggle(wxToolBarToolBase *WXUNUSED(tool), bool WXUNUSED(toggle)) { wxFAIL_MSG( _T("not implemented") ); } #endif // !__SMARTPHONE__ #endif // wxUSE_TOOLBAR