///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: src/msw/dragimag.cpp // Purpose: wxDragImage // Author: Julian Smart // Modified by: // Created: 08/04/99 // RCS-ID: $Id: dragimag.cpp 43883 2006-12-09 19:49:02Z PC $ // Copyright: (c) Julian Smart // Licence: wxWindows licence ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ============================================================================ // declarations // ============================================================================ // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // headers // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // For compilers that support precompilation, includes "wx.h". #include "wx/wxprec.h" #ifdef __BORLANDC__ #pragma hdrstop #endif #if wxUSE_DRAGIMAGE #ifndef WX_PRECOMP #include "wx/msw/wrapcctl.h" // include "properly" #include #include "wx/window.h" #include "wx/dcclient.h" #include "wx/dcscreen.h" #include "wx/dcmemory.h" #include "wx/settings.h" #include "wx/intl.h" #include "wx/log.h" #include "wx/frame.h" #include "wx/image.h" #endif #include "wx/msw/private.h" #include "wx/msw/dragimag.h" #include "wx/msw/private.h" #ifdef __WXWINCE__ // for SM_CXCURSOR and SM_CYCURSOR #include "wx/msw/wince/missing.h" #endif // __WXWINCE__ // Wine doesn't have this yet #ifndef ListView_CreateDragImage #define ListView_CreateDragImage(hwnd, i, lpptUpLeft) \ (HIMAGELIST)SNDMSG((hwnd), LVM_CREATEDRAGIMAGE, (WPARAM)(int)(i), (LPARAM)(LPPOINT)(lpptUpLeft)) #endif // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // macros // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS(wxDragImage, wxObject) #define GetHimageList() ((HIMAGELIST) m_hImageList) // ============================================================================ // implementation // ============================================================================ // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // wxDragImage ctors/dtor // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- wxDragImage::wxDragImage() { Init(); } wxDragImage::~wxDragImage() { if ( m_hImageList ) ImageList_Destroy(GetHimageList()); #if !wxUSE_SIMPLER_DRAGIMAGE if ( m_hCursorImageList ) ImageList_Destroy((HIMAGELIST) m_hCursorImageList); #endif } void wxDragImage::Init() { m_hImageList = 0; #if !wxUSE_SIMPLER_DRAGIMAGE m_hCursorImageList = 0; #endif m_window = (wxWindow*) NULL; m_fullScreen = false; } // Attributes //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Operations //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Create a drag image from a bitmap and optional cursor bool wxDragImage::Create(const wxBitmap& image, const wxCursor& cursor) { if ( m_hImageList ) ImageList_Destroy(GetHimageList()); m_hImageList = 0; #ifdef __WXWINCE__ UINT flags = ILC_COLOR; #else UINT flags wxDUMMY_INITIALIZE(0) ; if (image.GetDepth() <= 4) flags = ILC_COLOR4; else if (image.GetDepth() <= 8) flags = ILC_COLOR8; else if (image.GetDepth() <= 16) flags = ILC_COLOR16; else if (image.GetDepth() <= 24) flags = ILC_COLOR24; else flags = ILC_COLOR32; #endif bool mask = (image.GetMask() != 0); // Curiously, even if the image doesn't have a mask, // we still have to use ILC_MASK or the image won't show // up when dragged. // if ( mask ) flags |= ILC_MASK; m_hImageList = (WXHIMAGELIST) ImageList_Create(image.GetWidth(), image.GetHeight(), flags, 1, 1); int index; if (!mask) { HBITMAP hBitmap1 = (HBITMAP) image.GetHBITMAP(); index = ImageList_Add(GetHimageList(), hBitmap1, 0); } else { HBITMAP hBitmap1 = (HBITMAP) image.GetHBITMAP(); HBITMAP hBitmap2 = (HBITMAP) image.GetMask()->GetMaskBitmap(); HBITMAP hbmpMask = wxInvertMask(hBitmap2); index = ImageList_Add(GetHimageList(), hBitmap1, hbmpMask); ::DeleteObject(hbmpMask); } if ( index == -1 ) { wxLogError(_("Couldn't add an image to the image list.")); } m_cursor = cursor; // Can only combine with drag image after calling BeginDrag. return (index != -1) ; } // Create a drag image from an icon and optional cursor bool wxDragImage::Create(const wxIcon& image, const wxCursor& cursor) { if ( m_hImageList ) ImageList_Destroy(GetHimageList()); m_hImageList = 0; #ifdef __WXWINCE__ UINT flags = ILC_COLOR; #else UINT flags wxDUMMY_INITIALIZE(0) ; if (image.GetDepth() <= 4) flags = ILC_COLOR4; else if (image.GetDepth() <= 8) flags = ILC_COLOR8; else if (image.GetDepth() <= 16) flags = ILC_COLOR16; else if (image.GetDepth() <= 24) flags = ILC_COLOR24; else flags = ILC_COLOR32; #endif flags |= ILC_MASK; m_hImageList = (WXHIMAGELIST) ImageList_Create(image.GetWidth(), image.GetHeight(), flags, 1, 1); HICON hIcon = (HICON) image.GetHICON(); int index = ImageList_AddIcon(GetHimageList(), hIcon); if ( index == -1 ) { wxLogError(_("Couldn't add an image to the image list.")); } m_cursor = cursor; // Can only combine with drag image after calling BeginDrag. return (index != -1) ; } // Create a drag image from a string and optional cursor bool wxDragImage::Create(const wxString& str, const wxCursor& cursor) { wxFont font(wxSystemSettings::GetFont(wxSYS_DEFAULT_GUI_FONT)); long w = 0, h = 0; wxScreenDC dc; dc.SetFont(font); dc.GetTextExtent(str, & w, & h); dc.SetFont(wxNullFont); wxMemoryDC dc2; dc2.SetFont(font); wxBitmap bitmap((int) w+2, (int) h+2); dc2.SelectObject(bitmap); dc2.SetBackground(* wxWHITE_BRUSH); dc2.Clear(); dc2.SetBackgroundMode(wxTRANSPARENT); dc2.SetTextForeground(* wxLIGHT_GREY); dc2.DrawText(str, 0, 0); dc2.DrawText(str, 1, 0); dc2.DrawText(str, 2, 0); dc2.DrawText(str, 1, 1); dc2.DrawText(str, 2, 1); dc2.DrawText(str, 1, 2); dc2.DrawText(str, 2, 2); dc2.SetTextForeground(* wxBLACK); dc2.DrawText(str, 1, 1); dc2.SelectObject(wxNullBitmap); #if wxUSE_WXDIB // Make the bitmap masked wxImage image = bitmap.ConvertToImage(); image.SetMaskColour(255, 255, 255); return Create(wxBitmap(image), cursor); #else return false; #endif } #if wxUSE_TREECTRL // Create a drag image for the given tree control item bool wxDragImage::Create(const wxTreeCtrl& treeCtrl, wxTreeItemId& id) { if ( m_hImageList ) ImageList_Destroy(GetHimageList()); m_hImageList = (WXHIMAGELIST) TreeView_CreateDragImage(GetHwndOf(&treeCtrl), (HTREEITEM) id.m_pItem); return m_hImageList != 0; } #endif #if wxUSE_LISTCTRL // Create a drag image for the given list control item bool wxDragImage::Create(const wxListCtrl& listCtrl, long id) { if ( m_hImageList ) ImageList_Destroy(GetHimageList()); POINT pt; pt.x = 0; pt.y = 0; m_hImageList = (WXHIMAGELIST) ListView_CreateDragImage((HWND) listCtrl.GetHWND(), id, & pt); return true; } #endif // Begin drag bool wxDragImage::BeginDrag(const wxPoint& hotspot, wxWindow* window, bool fullScreen, wxRect* rect) { wxASSERT_MSG( (m_hImageList != 0), wxT("Image list must not be null in BeginDrag.")); wxASSERT_MSG( (window != 0), wxT("Window must not be null in BeginDrag.")); m_fullScreen = fullScreen; if (rect) m_boundingRect = * rect; bool ret = (ImageList_BeginDrag(GetHimageList(), 0, hotspot.x, hotspot.y) != 0); if (!ret) { wxFAIL_MSG( _T("BeginDrag failed.") ); return false; } if (m_cursor.Ok()) { #if wxUSE_SIMPLER_DRAGIMAGE m_oldCursor = window->GetCursor(); window->SetCursor(m_cursor); #else if (!m_hCursorImageList) { #ifndef SM_CXCURSOR // Smartphone may not have these metric symbol int cxCursor = 16; int cyCursor = 16; #else int cxCursor = ::GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXCURSOR); int cyCursor = ::GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYCURSOR); #endif m_hCursorImageList = (WXHIMAGELIST) ImageList_Create(cxCursor, cyCursor, ILC_MASK, 1, 1); } // See if we can find the cursor hotspot wxPoint curHotSpot(hotspot); // Although it seems to produce the right position, when the hotspot goeos // negative it has strange effects on the image. // How do we stop the cursor jumping right and below of where it should be? #if 0 ICONINFO iconInfo; if (::GetIconInfo((HICON) (HCURSOR) m_cursor.GetHCURSOR(), & iconInfo) != 0) { curHotSpot.x -= iconInfo.xHotspot; curHotSpot.y -= iconInfo.yHotspot; } #endif //wxString msg; //msg.Printf("Hotspot = %d, %d", curHotSpot.x, curHotSpot.y); //wxLogDebug(msg); // First add the cursor to the image list HCURSOR hCursor = (HCURSOR) m_cursor.GetHCURSOR(); int cursorIndex = ImageList_AddIcon((HIMAGELIST) m_hCursorImageList, (HICON) hCursor); wxASSERT_MSG( (cursorIndex != -1), wxT("ImageList_AddIcon failed in BeginDrag.")); if (cursorIndex != -1) { ImageList_SetDragCursorImage((HIMAGELIST) m_hCursorImageList, cursorIndex, curHotSpot.x, curHotSpot.y); } #endif } #if !wxUSE_SIMPLER_DRAGIMAGE if (m_cursor.Ok()) ::ShowCursor(FALSE); #endif m_window = window; ::SetCapture(GetHwndOf(window)); return true; } // Begin drag. hotspot is the location of the drag position relative to the upper-left // corner of the image. This is full screen only. fullScreenRect gives the // position of the window on the screen, to restrict the drag to. bool wxDragImage::BeginDrag(const wxPoint& hotspot, wxWindow* window, wxWindow* fullScreenRect) { wxRect rect; int x = fullScreenRect->GetPosition().x; int y = fullScreenRect->GetPosition().y; wxSize sz = fullScreenRect->GetSize(); if (fullScreenRect->GetParent() && !fullScreenRect->IsKindOf(CLASSINFO(wxFrame))) fullScreenRect->GetParent()->ClientToScreen(& x, & y); rect.x = x; rect.y = y; rect.width = sz.x; rect.height = sz.y; return BeginDrag(hotspot, window, true, & rect); } // End drag bool wxDragImage::EndDrag() { wxASSERT_MSG( (m_hImageList != 0), wxT("Image list must not be null in EndDrag.")); ImageList_EndDrag(); if ( !::ReleaseCapture() ) { wxLogLastError(wxT("ReleaseCapture")); } #if wxUSE_SIMPLER_DRAGIMAGE if (m_cursor.Ok() && m_oldCursor.Ok()) m_window->SetCursor(m_oldCursor); #else ::ShowCursor(TRUE); #endif m_window = (wxWindow*) NULL; return true; } // Move the image: call from OnMouseMove. Pt is in window client coordinates if window // is non-NULL, or in screen coordinates if NULL. bool wxDragImage::Move(const wxPoint& pt) { wxASSERT_MSG( (m_hImageList != 0), wxT("Image list must not be null in Move.")); // These are in window, not client coordinates. // So need to convert to client coordinates. wxPoint pt2(pt); if (m_window && !m_fullScreen) { RECT rect; rect.left = 0; rect.top = 0; rect.right = 0; rect.bottom = 0; DWORD style = ::GetWindowLong((HWND) m_window->GetHWND(), GWL_STYLE); #ifdef __WIN32__ DWORD exStyle = ::GetWindowLong((HWND) m_window->GetHWND(), GWL_EXSTYLE); ::AdjustWindowRectEx(& rect, style, FALSE, exStyle); #else ::AdjustWindowRect(& rect, style, FALSE); #endif // Subtract the (negative) values, i.e. add a small increment pt2.x -= rect.left; pt2.y -= rect.top; } else if (m_window && m_fullScreen) { pt2 = m_window->ClientToScreen(pt2); } bool ret = (ImageList_DragMove( pt2.x, pt2.y ) != 0); m_position = pt2; return ret; } bool wxDragImage::Show() { wxASSERT_MSG( (m_hImageList != 0), wxT("Image list must not be null in Show.")); HWND hWnd = 0; if (m_window && !m_fullScreen) hWnd = (HWND) m_window->GetHWND(); bool ret = (ImageList_DragEnter( hWnd, m_position.x, m_position.y ) != 0); return ret; } bool wxDragImage::Hide() { wxASSERT_MSG( (m_hImageList != 0), wxT("Image list must not be null in Hide.")); HWND hWnd = 0; if (m_window && !m_fullScreen) hWnd = (HWND) m_window->GetHWND(); bool ret = (ImageList_DragLeave( hWnd ) != 0); return ret; } #endif // wxUSE_DRAGIMAGE