///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: src/motif/dcclient.cpp // Purpose: wxClientDC class // Author: Julian Smart // Modified by: // Created: 01/02/97 // RCS-ID: $Id: dcclient.cpp 42787 2006-10-30 22:58:02Z VZ $ // Copyright: (c) Julian Smart // Licence: wxWindows licence ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /* About pens, brushes, and the m_autoSetting flag: Under X, pens and brushes control some of the same X drawing parameters. Therefore, it is impossible to independently maintain the current pen and the current brush. Also, some settings depend on the current logical function. The m_currentFill, etc. instance variables remember state across the brush and pen. Since pens are used more than brushes, the m_autoSetting flag is used to indicate that a brush was recently used, and SetPen must be called to reinstall the current pen's parameters. If m_autoSetting includes 0x2, then the pens color may need to be set based on XOR. There is, unfortunately, some confusion between setting the current pen/brush and actually installing the brush/pen parameters. Both functionalies are perform by SetPen and SetBrush. C'est la vie. */ // ============================================================================ // declarations // ============================================================================ // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // headers // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // For compilers that support precompilation, includes "wx.h". #include "wx/wxprec.h" #include "wx/dcclient.h" #ifndef WX_PRECOMP #include "wx/log.h" #include "wx/app.h" #include "wx/window.h" #include "wx/dcmemory.h" #include "wx/math.h" #include "wx/image.h" #endif #ifdef __VMS__ #pragma message disable nosimpint #endif #include #ifdef __VMS__ #pragma message enable nosimpint #endif #include "wx/motif/private.h" #ifdef __EMX__ #include // for M_PI #endif // __EMX__ #include "bdiag.xbm" #include "fdiag.xbm" #include "cdiag.xbm" #include "horiz.xbm" #include "verti.xbm" #include "cross.xbm" static Pixmap bdiag, cdiag, fdiag, cross, horiz, verti; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // constants // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Fudge factor (VZ: what??) #define WX_GC_CF 1 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // macros // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS(wxClientDC, wxWindowDC) IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS(wxPaintDC, wxWindowDC) IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS(wxWindowDC, wxDC) #ifndef IS_HATCH // IS_HATCH exists for WXWIN_COMPATIBILITY_2_4 only // but wxMotif needs it for its internals here #define IS_HATCH(s) ((s)>=wxFIRST_HATCH && (s)<=wxLAST_HATCH) #endif // FIXME: left over after removal of wxDC::GetOptimization() #define GET_OPTIMIZATION false // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // prototypes // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- static void XCopyRemote(Display *src_display, Display *dest_display, Drawable src, Drawable dest, GC destgc, int srcx, int srcy, unsigned int w, unsigned int h, int destx, int desty, bool more, XImage **cache); // ============================================================================ // implementation // ============================================================================ /* * compare two doubles and return the larger rounded * to the nearest int */ static int roundmax(double a, double b) { return (int)((a > b ? a : b) + 0.5); } /* * compare two doubles and return the smaller rounded * to the nearest int */ static int roundmin(double a, double b) { return (int)((a < b ? a : b) - 0.5); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // wxWindowDC // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void wxWindowDC::Init() { m_gc = (WXGC) 0; m_gcBacking = (WXGC) 0; m_window = NULL; m_backgroundPixel = -1; m_currentPenWidth = 1; m_currentPenJoin = -1; m_currentPenDashCount = -1; m_currentPenDash = (wxX11Dash*) NULL; m_currentStyle = -1; m_currentFill = -1; m_colour = wxColourDisplay(); m_display = (WXDisplay*) NULL; m_pixmap = (WXPixmap) 0; m_autoSetting = 0; m_ok = false; m_clipRegion = (WXRegion) 0; } wxWindowDC::wxWindowDC() { Init(); } wxWindowDC::wxWindowDC( wxWindow *window ) { wxASSERT_MSG( (window != (wxWindow*) NULL), "You must pass a valid wxWindow to wxWindowDC/wxClientDC/wxPaintDC constructor." ); Init(); m_window = window; m_font = window->GetFont(); m_ok = true; m_display = window->GetXDisplay(); m_pixmap = window->GetXWindow(); Display* display = (Display*) m_display; XSetWindowColormap (display, (Pixmap) m_pixmap, (Colormap) wxTheApp->GetMainColormap(m_display)); XGCValues gcvalues; gcvalues.foreground = BlackPixel (display, DefaultScreen (display)); gcvalues.background = WhitePixel (display, DefaultScreen (display)); gcvalues.graphics_exposures = False; gcvalues.subwindow_mode = IncludeInferiors; gcvalues.line_width = 1; m_gc = (WXGC) XCreateGC (display, RootWindow (display, DefaultScreen (display)), GCForeground | GCBackground | GCGraphicsExposures | GCLineWidth | GCSubwindowMode, &gcvalues); if (m_window->GetBackingPixmap()) { m_gcBacking = (WXGC) XCreateGC (display, RootWindow (display, DefaultScreen (display)), GCForeground | GCBackground | GCGraphicsExposures | GCLineWidth | GCSubwindowMode, &gcvalues); } m_backgroundPixel = gcvalues.background; SetBackground(wxBrush(m_window->GetBackgroundColour(), wxSOLID)); } wxWindowDC::~wxWindowDC() { if (m_gc) XFreeGC ((Display*) m_display, (GC) m_gc); m_gc = (WXGC) 0; if (m_gcBacking) XFreeGC ((Display*) m_display, (GC) m_gcBacking); m_gcBacking = (WXGC) 0; if (m_clipRegion) XDestroyRegion ((Region) m_clipRegion); m_clipRegion = (WXRegion) 0; } extern bool wxDoFloodFill(wxDC *dc, wxCoord x, wxCoord y, const wxColour & col, int style); bool wxWindowDC::DoFloodFill(wxCoord x, wxCoord y, const wxColour& col, int style) { return wxDoFloodFill(this, x, y, col, style); } bool wxWindowDC::DoGetPixel( wxCoord x1, wxCoord y1, wxColour *col ) const { // Generic (and therefore rather inefficient) method. // Could be improved. wxMemoryDC memdc; wxBitmap bitmap(1, 1); memdc.SelectObject(bitmap); memdc.Blit(0, 0, 1, 1, (wxDC*) this, x1, y1); memdc.SelectObject(wxNullBitmap); wxImage image = bitmap.ConvertToImage(); col->Set(image.GetRed(0, 0), image.GetGreen(0, 0), image.GetBlue(0, 0)); return true; } void wxWindowDC::DoDrawLine( wxCoord x1, wxCoord y1, wxCoord x2, wxCoord y2 ) { wxCHECK_RET( Ok(), "invalid dc" ); int x1d, y1d, x2d, y2d; x1d = XLOG2DEV(x1); y1d = YLOG2DEV(y1); x2d = XLOG2DEV(x2); y2d = YLOG2DEV(y2); if (m_autoSetting) SetPen (m_pen); XDrawLine ((Display*) m_display, (Pixmap) m_pixmap, (GC) m_gc, x1d, y1d, x2d, y2d); if (m_window && m_window->GetBackingPixmap()) XDrawLine ((Display*) m_display, (Pixmap) m_window->GetBackingPixmap(), (GC) m_gcBacking, XLOG2DEV_2(x1), YLOG2DEV_2(y1), XLOG2DEV_2(x2), YLOG2DEV_2(y2)); CalcBoundingBox(x1, y1); CalcBoundingBox(x2, y2); } void wxWindowDC::DoCrossHair( wxCoord x, wxCoord y ) { wxCHECK_RET( Ok(), "invalid dc" ); if (m_autoSetting) SetPen (m_pen); int xx = XLOG2DEV (x); int yy = YLOG2DEV (y); int ww, hh; wxDisplaySize (&ww, &hh); XDrawLine ((Display*) m_display, (Pixmap) m_pixmap, (GC) m_gc, 0, yy, ww, yy); XDrawLine ((Display*) m_display, (Pixmap) m_pixmap, (GC) m_gc, xx, 0, xx, hh); if (m_window && m_window->GetBackingPixmap()) { xx = XLOG2DEV_2 (x); yy = YLOG2DEV_2 (y); XDrawLine ((Display*) m_display, (Pixmap) m_window->GetBackingPixmap(), (GC) m_gcBacking, 0, yy, ww, yy); XDrawLine ((Display*) m_display, (Pixmap) m_window->GetBackingPixmap(), (GC) m_gcBacking, xx, 0, xx, hh); } } void wxWindowDC::DoDrawArc( wxCoord x1, wxCoord y1, wxCoord x2, wxCoord y2, wxCoord xc, wxCoord yc ) { wxCHECK_RET( Ok(), "invalid dc" ); int xx1 = XLOG2DEV (x1); int yy1 = YLOG2DEV (y1); int xx2 = XLOG2DEV (x2); int yy2 = YLOG2DEV (y2); int xxc = XLOG2DEV (xc); int yyc = YLOG2DEV (yc); int xxc_2 = XLOG2DEV_2 (xc); int yyc_2 = YLOG2DEV_2 (yc); wxCoord dx = xx1 - xxc; wxCoord dy = yy1 - yyc; double radius = sqrt ((double)(dx * dx + dy * dy)); wxCoord r = (wxCoord) radius; double radius1, radius2; if (xx1 == xx2 && yy1 == yy2) { radius1 = 0.0; radius2 = 360.0; } else if (radius == 0.0) radius1 = radius2 = 0.0; else { if (xx1 - xxc == 0) if (yy1 - yyc < 0) radius1 = 90.0; else radius1 = -90.0; else radius1 = -atan2 ((double) (yy1 - yyc), (double) (xx1 - xxc)) * 360.0 / (2 * M_PI); if (xx2 - xxc == 0) if (yy2 - yyc < 0) radius2 = 90.0; else radius2 = -90.0; else radius2 = -atan2 ((double) (yy2 - yyc), (double) (xx2 - xxc)) * 360.0 / (2 * M_PI); } radius1 *= 64.0; radius2 *= 64.0; int alpha1 = (int) radius1; int alpha2 = (int) (radius2 - radius1); while (alpha2 <= 0) alpha2 += 360 * 64; while (alpha2 > 360 * 64) alpha2 -= 360 * 64; if (m_brush.Ok() && m_brush.GetStyle () != wxTRANSPARENT) { SetBrush (m_brush); XFillArc ((Display*) m_display, (Pixmap) m_pixmap, (GC) (GC) m_gc, xxc - r, yyc - r, 2 * r, 2 * r, alpha1, alpha2); if (m_window && m_window->GetBackingPixmap()) XFillArc ((Display*) m_display, (Pixmap) m_window->GetBackingPixmap(), (GC) m_gcBacking, xxc_2 - r, yyc_2 - r, 2 * r, 2 * r, alpha1, alpha2); } if (m_pen.Ok() && m_pen.GetStyle () != wxTRANSPARENT) { if (m_autoSetting) SetPen (m_pen); XDrawArc ((Display*) m_display, (Pixmap) m_pixmap, (GC) m_gc, xxc - r, yyc - r, 2 * r, 2 * r, alpha1, alpha2); if (m_window && m_window->GetBackingPixmap()) XDrawArc ((Display*) m_display, (Pixmap) m_window->GetBackingPixmap(), (GC) m_gcBacking, xxc_2 - r, yyc_2 - r, 2 * r, 2 * r, alpha1, alpha2); } CalcBoundingBox (x1, y1); CalcBoundingBox (x2, y2); } void wxWindowDC::DoDrawEllipticArc( wxCoord x, wxCoord y, wxCoord width, wxCoord height, double sa, double ea ) { wxCHECK_RET( Ok(), "invalid dc" ); int xd, yd, wd, hd; xd = XLOG2DEV(x); yd = YLOG2DEV(y); wd = XLOG2DEVREL(width); hd = YLOG2DEVREL(height); if (sa>=360 || sa<=-360) sa=sa-int(sa/360)*360; if (ea>=360 || ea<=-360) ea=ea-int(ea/360)*360; int start = int(sa*64); int end = int(ea*64); if (start<0) start+=360*64; if (end <0) end +=360*64; if (end>start) end-=start; else end+=360*64-start; if (m_brush.Ok() && m_brush.GetStyle () != wxTRANSPARENT) { m_autoSetting = true; // must be reset SetBrush (m_brush); XFillArc ((Display*) m_display, (Pixmap) m_pixmap, (GC) m_gc, xd, yd, wd, hd, start, end); if (m_window && m_window->GetBackingPixmap()) XFillArc ((Display*) m_display, (Pixmap) m_window->GetBackingPixmap(), (GC) m_gcBacking, XLOG2DEV_2 (x), YLOG2DEV_2 (y),wd,hd,start,end); } if (m_pen.Ok() && m_pen.GetStyle () != wxTRANSPARENT) { if (m_autoSetting) SetPen (m_pen); XDrawArc ((Display*) m_display, (Pixmap) m_pixmap, (GC) m_gc, xd, yd, wd, hd, start,end); if (m_window && m_window->GetBackingPixmap()) XDrawArc ((Display*) m_display, (Pixmap) m_window->GetBackingPixmap(), (GC) m_gcBacking, XLOG2DEV_2 (x), YLOG2DEV_2 (y),wd,hd,start,end); } CalcBoundingBox (x, y); CalcBoundingBox (x + width, y + height); } void wxWindowDC::DoDrawPoint( wxCoord x, wxCoord y ) { wxCHECK_RET( Ok(), "invalid dc" ); if (m_pen.Ok() && m_autoSetting) SetPen (m_pen); XDrawPoint ((Display*) m_display, (Pixmap) m_pixmap, (GC) m_gc, XLOG2DEV (x), YLOG2DEV (y)); if (m_window && m_window->GetBackingPixmap()) XDrawPoint ((Display*) m_display, (Pixmap) m_window->GetBackingPixmap(),(GC) m_gcBacking, XLOG2DEV_2 (x), YLOG2DEV_2 (y)); CalcBoundingBox (x, y); } void wxWindowDC::DoDrawLines( int n, wxPoint points[], wxCoord xoffset, wxCoord yoffset ) { wxCHECK_RET( Ok(), "invalid dc" ); if (m_pen.Ok() && m_pen.GetStyle () != wxTRANSPARENT) { if (m_autoSetting) SetPen (m_pen); XPoint *xpoints = new XPoint[n]; int i; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { xpoints[i].x = (short)XLOG2DEV (points[i].x + xoffset); xpoints[i].y = (short)YLOG2DEV (points[i].y + yoffset); } XDrawLines ((Display*) m_display, (Pixmap) m_pixmap, (GC) m_gc, xpoints, n, 0); if (m_window && m_window->GetBackingPixmap()) { for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { xpoints[i].x = (short)XLOG2DEV_2 (points[i].x + xoffset); xpoints[i].y = (short)YLOG2DEV_2 (points[i].y + yoffset); } XDrawLines ((Display*) m_display, (Pixmap) m_window->GetBackingPixmap(),(GC) m_gcBacking, xpoints, n, 0); } delete[]xpoints; } } void wxWindowDC::DoDrawPolygon( int n, wxPoint points[], wxCoord xoffset, wxCoord yoffset, int fillStyle ) { wxCHECK_RET( Ok(), "invalid dc" ); XPoint *xpoints1 = new XPoint[n + 1]; XPoint *xpoints2 = new XPoint[n + 1]; int i; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { xpoints1[i].x = (short)XLOG2DEV (points[i].x + xoffset); xpoints1[i].y = (short)YLOG2DEV (points[i].y + yoffset); xpoints2[i].x = (short)XLOG2DEV_2 (points[i].x + xoffset); xpoints2[i].y = (short)YLOG2DEV_2 (points[i].y + yoffset); CalcBoundingBox (points[i].x + xoffset, points[i].y + yoffset); } // Close figure for XDrawLines (not needed for XFillPolygon) xpoints1[i].x = xpoints1[0].x; xpoints1[i].y = xpoints1[0].y; xpoints2[i].x = xpoints2[0].x; xpoints2[i].y = xpoints2[0].y; if (m_brush.Ok() && m_brush.GetStyle () != wxTRANSPARENT) { SetBrush (m_brush); XSetFillRule ((Display*) m_display, (GC) m_gc, fillStyle == wxODDEVEN_RULE ? EvenOddRule : WindingRule); XFillPolygon ((Display*) m_display, (Pixmap) m_pixmap, (GC) m_gc, xpoints1, n, Complex, 0); XSetFillRule ((Display*) m_display, (GC) m_gc, EvenOddRule); // default mode if (m_window && m_window->GetBackingPixmap()) { XSetFillRule ((Display*) m_display,(GC) m_gcBacking, fillStyle == wxODDEVEN_RULE ? EvenOddRule : WindingRule); XFillPolygon ((Display*) m_display, (Pixmap) m_window->GetBackingPixmap(),(GC) m_gcBacking, xpoints2, n, Complex, 0); XSetFillRule ((Display*) m_display,(GC) m_gcBacking, EvenOddRule); // default mode } } if (m_pen.Ok() && m_pen.GetStyle () != wxTRANSPARENT) { if (m_autoSetting) SetPen (m_pen); XDrawLines ((Display*) m_display, (Pixmap) m_pixmap, (GC) m_gc, xpoints1, n + 1, 0); if (m_window && m_window->GetBackingPixmap()) XDrawLines ((Display*) m_display, (Pixmap) m_window->GetBackingPixmap(),(GC) m_gcBacking, xpoints2, n + 1, 0); } delete[]xpoints1; delete[]xpoints2; } void wxWindowDC::DoDrawRectangle( wxCoord x, wxCoord y, wxCoord width, wxCoord height ) { wxCHECK_RET( Ok(), "invalid dc" ); int xd, yd, wfd, hfd, wd, hd; xd = XLOG2DEV(x); yd = YLOG2DEV(y); wfd = XLOG2DEVREL(width); wd = wfd - WX_GC_CF; hfd = YLOG2DEVREL(height); hd = hfd - WX_GC_CF; if (wfd == 0 || hfd == 0) return; if (wd < 0) { wd = - wd; xd = xd - wd; } if (hd < 0) { hd = - hd; yd = yd - hd; } if (m_brush.Ok() && m_brush.GetStyle () != wxTRANSPARENT) { SetBrush (m_brush); XFillRectangle ((Display*) m_display, (Pixmap) m_pixmap, (GC) m_gc, xd, yd, wfd, hfd); if (m_window && m_window->GetBackingPixmap()) XFillRectangle ((Display*) m_display, (Pixmap) m_window->GetBackingPixmap(),(GC) m_gcBacking, XLOG2DEV_2 (x), YLOG2DEV_2 (y), wfd, hfd); } if (m_pen.Ok() && m_pen.GetStyle () != wxTRANSPARENT) { if (m_autoSetting) SetPen (m_pen); XDrawRectangle ((Display*) m_display, (Pixmap) m_pixmap, (GC) m_gc, xd, yd, wd, hd); if (m_window && m_window->GetBackingPixmap()) XDrawRectangle ((Display*) m_display, (Pixmap) m_window->GetBackingPixmap(),(GC) m_gcBacking, XLOG2DEV_2 (x), YLOG2DEV_2 (y), wd, hd); } CalcBoundingBox (x, y); CalcBoundingBox (x + width, y + height); } void wxWindowDC::DoDrawRoundedRectangle( wxCoord x, wxCoord y, wxCoord width, wxCoord height, double radius ) { wxCHECK_RET( Ok(), "invalid dc" ); // If radius is negative, it's a proportion of the smaller dimension. if (radius < 0.0) radius = - radius * ((width < height) ? width : height); int xd = XLOG2DEV (x); int yd = YLOG2DEV (y); int rd = XLOG2DEVREL ((long) radius); int wd = XLOG2DEVREL (width) - WX_GC_CF; int hd = YLOG2DEVREL (height) - WX_GC_CF; int rw_d = rd * 2; int rh_d = rw_d; // If radius is zero use DrawRectangle() instead to avoid // X drawing errors with small radii if (rd == 0) { DrawRectangle( x, y, width, height ); return; } // Draw nothing if transformed w or h is 0 if (wd == 0 || hd == 0) return; // CMB: adjust size if outline is drawn otherwise the result is // 1 pixel too wide and high if (m_pen.GetStyle() != wxTRANSPARENT) { wd--; hd--; } // CMB: ensure dd is not larger than rectangle otherwise we // get an hour glass shape if (rw_d > wd) rw_d = wd; if (rw_d > hd) rw_d = hd; rd = rw_d / 2; // For backing pixmap int xd2 = XLOG2DEV_2 (x); int yd2 = YLOG2DEV_2 (y); int rd2 = XLOG2DEVREL ((long) radius); int wd2 = XLOG2DEVREL (width) ; int hd2 = YLOG2DEVREL (height) ; int rw_d2 = rd2 * 2; int rh_d2 = rw_d2; if (m_brush.Ok() && m_brush.GetStyle () != wxTRANSPARENT) { SetBrush (m_brush); XFillRectangle ((Display*) m_display, (Pixmap) m_pixmap, (GC) m_gc, xd + rd, yd, wd - rw_d, hd); XFillRectangle ((Display*) m_display, (Pixmap) m_pixmap, (GC) m_gc, xd, yd + rd, wd, hd - rh_d); // Arcs start from 3 o'clock, positive angles anticlockwise // Top-left XFillArc ((Display*) m_display, (Pixmap) m_pixmap, (GC) m_gc, xd, yd, rw_d, rh_d, 90 * 64, 90 * 64); // Top-right XFillArc ((Display*) m_display, (Pixmap) m_pixmap, (GC) m_gc, xd + wd - rw_d, yd, // rw_d, rh_d, 0, 90 * 64); rw_d, rh_d, 0, 91 * 64); // Bottom-right XFillArc ((Display*) m_display, (Pixmap) m_pixmap, (GC) m_gc, xd + wd - rw_d, yd + hd - rh_d, // rw_d, rh_d, 270 * 64, 90 * 64); rw_d, rh_d, 269 * 64, 92 * 64); // Bottom-left XFillArc ((Display*) m_display, (Pixmap) m_pixmap, (GC) m_gc, xd, yd + hd - rh_d, rw_d, rh_d, 180 * 64, 90 * 64); if (m_window && m_window->GetBackingPixmap()) { XFillRectangle ((Display*) m_display, (Pixmap) m_window->GetBackingPixmap(),(GC) m_gcBacking, xd2 + rd2, yd2, wd2 - rw_d2, hd2); XFillRectangle ((Display*) m_display, (Pixmap) m_window->GetBackingPixmap(),(GC) m_gcBacking, xd2, yd2 + rd2, wd2, hd2 - rh_d2); XFillArc ((Display*) m_display, (Pixmap) m_window->GetBackingPixmap(),(GC) m_gcBacking, xd2, yd2, rw_d2, rh_d2, 90 * 64, 90 * 64); XFillArc ((Display*) m_display, (Pixmap) m_window->GetBackingPixmap(),(GC) m_gcBacking, xd2 + wd2 - rw_d2, yd2, // rw_d2, rh_d2, 0, 90 * 64); rw_d2, rh_d2, 0, 91 * 64); XFillArc ((Display*) m_display, (Pixmap) m_window->GetBackingPixmap(),(GC) m_gcBacking, xd2 + wd2 - rw_d2, yd2 + hd2 - rh_d2, // rw_d2, rh_d2, 270 * 64, 90 * 64); rw_d2, rh_d2, 269 * 64, 92 * 64); XFillArc ((Display*) m_display, (Pixmap) m_window->GetBackingPixmap(),(GC) m_gcBacking, xd2, yd2 + hd2 - rh_d2, rw_d2, rh_d2, 180 * 64, 90 * 64); } } if (m_pen.Ok() && m_pen.GetStyle () != wxTRANSPARENT) { SetPen (m_pen); XDrawLine ((Display*) m_display, (Pixmap) m_pixmap, (GC) m_gc, xd + rd, yd, xd + wd - rd + 1, yd); XDrawLine ((Display*) m_display, (Pixmap) m_pixmap, (GC) m_gc, xd + rd, yd + hd, xd + wd - rd, yd + hd); XDrawLine ((Display*) m_display, (Pixmap) m_pixmap, (GC) m_gc, xd, yd + rd, xd, yd + hd - rd); XDrawLine ((Display*) m_display, (Pixmap) m_pixmap, (GC) m_gc, xd + wd, yd + rd, xd + wd, yd + hd - rd + 1); XDrawArc ((Display*) m_display, (Pixmap) m_pixmap, (GC) m_gc, xd, yd, rw_d, rh_d, 90 * 64, 90 * 64); XDrawArc ((Display*) m_display, (Pixmap) m_pixmap, (GC) m_gc, xd + wd - rw_d, yd, // rw_d, rh_d, 0, 90 * 64); rw_d, rh_d, 0, 91 * 64); XDrawArc ((Display*) m_display, (Pixmap) m_pixmap, (GC) m_gc, xd + wd - rw_d, yd + hd - rh_d, rw_d, rh_d, 269 * 64, 92 * 64); XDrawArc ((Display*) m_display, (Pixmap) m_pixmap, (GC) m_gc, xd, yd + hd - rh_d, rw_d, rh_d, 180 * 64, 90 * 64); if (m_window && m_window->GetBackingPixmap()) { XDrawLine ((Display*) m_display, (Pixmap) m_window->GetBackingPixmap(),(GC) m_gcBacking, xd2 + rd2, yd2, xd2 + wd2 - rd2 + 1, yd2); XDrawLine ((Display*) m_display, (Pixmap) m_window->GetBackingPixmap(),(GC) m_gcBacking, xd2 + rd2, yd2 + hd2, xd2 + wd2 - rd2, yd2 + hd2); XDrawLine ((Display*) m_display, (Pixmap) m_window->GetBackingPixmap(),(GC) m_gcBacking, xd2, yd2 + rd2, xd2, yd2 + hd2 - rd2); XDrawLine ((Display*) m_display, (Pixmap) m_window->GetBackingPixmap(),(GC) m_gcBacking, xd2 + wd2, yd2 + rd2, xd2 + wd2, yd2 + hd2 - rd2 + 1); XDrawArc ((Display*) m_display, (Pixmap) m_window->GetBackingPixmap(),(GC) m_gcBacking, xd2, yd2, rw_d2, rh_d2, 90 * 64, 90 * 64); XDrawArc ((Display*) m_display, (Pixmap) m_window->GetBackingPixmap(),(GC) m_gcBacking, xd2 + wd2 - rw_d2, yd2, // rw_d2, rh_d2, 0, 90 * 64); rw_d2, rh_d2, 0, 91 * 64); XDrawArc ((Display*) m_display, (Pixmap) m_window->GetBackingPixmap(),(GC) m_gcBacking, xd2 + wd2 - rw_d2, yd2 + hd2 - rh_d2, rw_d2, rh_d2, 269 * 64, 92 * 64); XDrawArc ((Display*) m_display, (Pixmap) m_window->GetBackingPixmap(),(GC) m_gcBacking, xd2, yd2 + hd2 - rh_d2, rw_d2, rh_d2, 180 * 64, 90 * 64); } } CalcBoundingBox (x, y); CalcBoundingBox (x + width, y + height); } void wxWindowDC::DoDrawEllipse( wxCoord x, wxCoord y, wxCoord width, wxCoord height ) { wxCHECK_RET( Ok(), "invalid dc" ); // Check for negative width and height if (height < 0) { y = y + height; height = - height ; } if (width < 0) { x = x + width; width = - width ; } static const int angle = 23040; int xd, yd, wd, hd; xd = XLOG2DEV(x); yd = YLOG2DEV(y); wd = XLOG2DEVREL(width) ; hd = YLOG2DEVREL(height) ; if (m_brush.Ok() && m_brush.GetStyle () != wxTRANSPARENT) { SetBrush (m_brush); XFillArc ((Display*) m_display, (Pixmap) m_pixmap, (GC) m_gc, xd, yd, wd, hd, 0, angle); if (m_window && m_window->GetBackingPixmap()) XFillArc ((Display*) m_display, (Pixmap) m_window->GetBackingPixmap(),(GC) m_gcBacking, XLOG2DEV_2 (x), YLOG2DEV_2 (y), XLOG2DEVREL (width) - WX_GC_CF, YLOG2DEVREL (height) - WX_GC_CF, 0, angle); } if (m_pen.Ok() && m_pen.GetStyle () != wxTRANSPARENT) { if (m_autoSetting) SetPen (m_pen); XDrawArc ((Display*) m_display, (Pixmap) m_pixmap, (GC) m_gc, xd, yd, wd, hd, 0, angle); if (m_window && m_window->GetBackingPixmap()) XDrawArc ((Display*) m_display, (Pixmap) m_window->GetBackingPixmap(),(GC) m_gcBacking, XLOG2DEV_2 (x), YLOG2DEV_2 (y), XLOG2DEVREL (width) - WX_GC_CF, YLOG2DEVREL (height) - WX_GC_CF, 0, angle); } CalcBoundingBox (x, y); CalcBoundingBox (x + width, y + height); } bool wxWindowDC::CanDrawBitmap() const { wxCHECK_MSG( Ok(), false, "invalid dc" ); return true; } // TODO: use scaled Blit e.g. as per John Price's implementation // in Contrib/Utilities bool wxWindowDC::DoBlit( wxCoord xdest, wxCoord ydest, wxCoord width, wxCoord height, wxDC *source, wxCoord xsrc, wxCoord ysrc, int rop, bool useMask, wxCoord xsrcMask, wxCoord ysrcMask ) { wxCHECK_MSG( Ok(), false, "invalid dc" ); wxWindowDC* sourceDC = wxDynamicCast(source, wxWindowDC); wxASSERT_MSG( sourceDC, "Blit source DC must be wxWindowDC or derived class." ); // Be sure that foreground pixels (1) of the Icon will be painted with // foreground colour. [m_textForegroundColour] Background pixels (0) // will be painted with backgound colour (m_textBackgroundColour) // Using ::SetPen is horribly slow, so avoid doing it WXPixel oldBackgroundPixel = -1; WXPixel oldForegroundPixel = -1; if (m_textBackgroundColour.Ok()) { oldBackgroundPixel = m_backgroundPixel; WXPixel pixel = m_textBackgroundColour.AllocColour(m_display); XSetBackground ((Display*) m_display, (GC) m_gc, pixel); if (m_window && m_window->GetBackingPixmap()) XSetBackground ((Display*) m_display,(GC) m_gcBacking, pixel); } if (m_textForegroundColour.Ok()) { oldForegroundPixel = m_currentColour.GetPixel(); if( m_textForegroundColour.GetPixel() <= -1 ) CalculatePixel( m_textForegroundColour, m_textForegroundColour, true); WXPixel pixel = m_textForegroundColour.GetPixel(); if (pixel > -1) SetForegroundPixelWithLogicalFunction(pixel); } // Do bitmap scaling if necessary wxBitmap *scaledBitmap = (wxBitmap*) NULL; Pixmap sourcePixmap = (Pixmap) NULL; double scaleX, scaleY; GetUserScale(& scaleX, & scaleY); bool retVal = false; /* TODO: use the mask origin when drawing transparently */ if (xsrcMask == -1 && ysrcMask == -1) { xsrcMask = xsrc; ysrcMask = ysrc; } // Sorry, can't scale masks just yet if (!useMask && (scaleX != 1.0 || scaleY != 1.0) && sourceDC->IsKindOf(CLASSINFO(wxMemoryDC))) { wxMemoryDC* memDC = (wxMemoryDC*) sourceDC; wxBitmap& bitmap = memDC->GetBitmap(); wxASSERT_MSG( (bitmap.Ok()), "Bad source bitmap in wxWindowDC::Blit"); wxImage image = bitmap.ConvertToImage(); if (!image.Ok()) { sourcePixmap = (Pixmap) bitmap.GetDrawable(); } else { int scaledW = (int) (bitmap.GetWidth() * scaleX); int scaledH = (int) (bitmap.GetHeight() * scaleY); image = image.Scale(scaledW, scaledH); scaledBitmap = new wxBitmap(image); sourcePixmap = (Pixmap) scaledBitmap->GetDrawable(); } } else sourcePixmap = (Pixmap) sourceDC->m_pixmap; if (m_pixmap && sourcePixmap) { /* MATTHEW: [9] */ int orig = m_logicalFunction; SetLogicalFunction (rop); if (m_display != sourceDC->m_display) { XImage *cache = NULL; if (m_window && m_window->GetBackingPixmap()) XCopyRemote((Display*) sourceDC->m_display, (Display*) m_display, (Pixmap) sourcePixmap, (Pixmap) m_window->GetBackingPixmap(), (GC) m_gcBacking, source->LogicalToDeviceX (xsrc), source->LogicalToDeviceY (ysrc), source->LogicalToDeviceXRel(width), source->LogicalToDeviceYRel(height), XLOG2DEV_2 (xdest), YLOG2DEV_2 (ydest), True, &cache); if ( useMask && source->IsKindOf(CLASSINFO(wxMemoryDC)) ) { wxMemoryDC *memDC = (wxMemoryDC *)source; wxBitmap& sel = memDC->GetBitmap(); if ( sel.Ok() && sel.GetMask() && sel.GetMask()->GetBitmap() ) { XSetClipMask ((Display*) m_display, (GC) m_gc, (Pixmap) sel.GetMask()->GetBitmap()); XSetClipOrigin ((Display*) m_display, (GC) m_gc, XLOG2DEV (xdest), YLOG2DEV (ydest)); } } XCopyRemote((Display*) sourceDC->m_display, (Display*) m_display, (Pixmap) sourcePixmap, (Pixmap) m_pixmap, (GC) m_gc, source->LogicalToDeviceX (xsrc), source->LogicalToDeviceY (ysrc), source->LogicalToDeviceXRel(width), source->LogicalToDeviceYRel(height), XLOG2DEV (xdest), YLOG2DEV (ydest), False, &cache); if ( useMask ) { if ( m_clipRegion ) XSetRegion ((Display*) m_display, (GC) m_gc, (Region) m_clipRegion); else XSetClipMask ((Display*) m_display, (GC) m_gc, None); XSetClipOrigin ((Display*) m_display, (GC) m_gc, 0, 0); } } else { //XGCValues values; //XGetGCValues((Display*)m_display, (GC)m_gc, GCForeground, &values); if (m_window && m_window->GetBackingPixmap()) { // +++ MARKUS (mho@comnets.rwth-aachen): error on blitting bitmaps with depth 1 if (source->IsKindOf(CLASSINFO(wxMemoryDC)) && ((wxMemoryDC*) source)->GetBitmap().GetDepth() == 1) { XCopyPlane ((Display*) m_display, (Pixmap) sourcePixmap, (Pixmap) m_window->GetBackingPixmap(),(GC) m_gcBacking, source->LogicalToDeviceX (xsrc), source->LogicalToDeviceY (ysrc), source->LogicalToDeviceXRel(width), source->LogicalToDeviceYRel(height), XLOG2DEV_2 (xdest), YLOG2DEV_2 (ydest), 1); } else { XCopyArea ((Display*) m_display, (Pixmap) sourcePixmap, (Pixmap) m_window->GetBackingPixmap(),(GC) m_gcBacking, source->LogicalToDeviceX (xsrc), source->LogicalToDeviceY (ysrc), source->LogicalToDeviceXRel(width), source->LogicalToDeviceYRel(height), XLOG2DEV_2 (xdest), YLOG2DEV_2 (ydest)); } } if ( useMask && source->IsKindOf(CLASSINFO(wxMemoryDC)) ) { wxMemoryDC *memDC = (wxMemoryDC *)source; wxBitmap& sel = memDC->GetBitmap(); if ( sel.Ok() && sel.GetMask() && sel.GetMask()->GetBitmap() ) { XSetClipMask ((Display*) m_display, (GC) m_gc, (Pixmap) sel.GetMask()->GetBitmap()); XSetClipOrigin ((Display*) m_display, (GC) m_gc, XLOG2DEV (xdest), YLOG2DEV (ydest)); } } // Check if we're copying from a mono bitmap if (source->IsKindOf(CLASSINFO(wxMemoryDC)) && ((wxMemoryDC*)source)->GetBitmap().Ok() && (((wxMemoryDC*)source)->GetBitmap().GetDepth () == 1)) { XCopyPlane ((Display*) m_display, (Pixmap) sourcePixmap, (Pixmap) m_pixmap, (GC) m_gc, source->LogicalToDeviceX (xsrc), source->LogicalToDeviceY (ysrc), source->LogicalToDeviceXRel(width), source->LogicalToDeviceYRel(height), XLOG2DEV (xdest), YLOG2DEV (ydest), 1); } else { XCopyArea ((Display*) m_display, (Pixmap) sourcePixmap, (Pixmap) m_pixmap, (GC) m_gc, source->LogicalToDeviceX (xsrc), source->LogicalToDeviceY (ysrc), source->LogicalToDeviceXRel(width), source->LogicalToDeviceYRel(height), XLOG2DEV (xdest), YLOG2DEV (ydest)); } if ( useMask ) { if ( m_clipRegion ) XSetRegion ((Display*) m_display, (GC) m_gc, (Region) m_clipRegion); else XSetClipMask ((Display*) m_display, (GC) m_gc, None); XSetClipOrigin ((Display*) m_display, (GC) m_gc, 0, 0); } } /* Remote/local (Display*) m_display */ CalcBoundingBox (xdest, ydest); CalcBoundingBox (xdest + width, ydest + height); SetLogicalFunction(orig); retVal = true; } if (scaledBitmap) delete scaledBitmap; if (oldBackgroundPixel > -1) { XSetBackground ((Display*) m_display, (GC) m_gc, oldBackgroundPixel); if (m_window && m_window->GetBackingPixmap()) XSetBackground ((Display*) m_display,(GC) m_gcBacking, oldBackgroundPixel); } if (oldForegroundPixel > -1) { XSetForeground ((Display*) m_display, (GC) m_gc, oldForegroundPixel); if (m_window && m_window->GetBackingPixmap()) XSetForeground ((Display*) m_display,(GC) m_gcBacking, oldForegroundPixel); } return retVal; } void wxWindowDC::DoDrawText( const wxString &text, wxCoord x, wxCoord y ) { wxCHECK_RET( Ok(), "invalid dc" ); // Since X draws from the baseline of the text, must add the text height int cx = 0; int cy = 0; int ascent = 0; int slen = text.length(); // Set FillStyle, otherwise X will use current stipple! XGCValues gcV, gcBackingV; XGetGCValues ((Display*) m_display, (GC)m_gc, GCFillStyle, &gcV); XSetFillStyle ((Display*) m_display, (GC) m_gc, FillSolid); if (m_window && m_window->GetBackingPixmap()) { XGetGCValues ((Display*) m_display, (GC)m_gcBacking, GCFillStyle, &gcBackingV ); XSetFillStyle ((Display*) m_display, (GC) m_gcBacking, FillSolid); } if (m_font.Ok()) wxGetTextExtent (m_display, m_font, m_userScaleY * m_logicalScaleY, text, &cx, &cy, &ascent, NULL); // First draw a rectangle representing the text background, if a text // background is specified if (m_textBackgroundColour.Ok () && (m_backgroundMode != wxTRANSPARENT)) { wxColour oldPenColour = m_currentColour; m_currentColour = m_textBackgroundColour; bool sameColour = (oldPenColour.Ok () && m_textBackgroundColour.Ok () && (oldPenColour.Red () == m_textBackgroundColour.Red ()) && (oldPenColour.Blue () == m_textBackgroundColour.Blue ()) && (oldPenColour.Green () == m_textBackgroundColour.Green ())); // This separation of the big && test required for gcc2.7/HP UX 9.02 // or pixel value can be corrupted! sameColour = (sameColour && (oldPenColour.GetPixel() == m_textBackgroundColour.GetPixel())); if (!sameColour || !GET_OPTIMIZATION) { WXPixel pixel = m_textBackgroundColour.AllocColour(m_display); m_currentColour = m_textBackgroundColour; // Set the GC to the required colour if (pixel > -1) { XSetForeground ((Display*) m_display, (GC) m_gc, pixel); if (m_window && m_window->GetBackingPixmap()) XSetForeground ((Display*) m_display,(GC) m_gcBacking, pixel); } } else m_textBackgroundColour = oldPenColour ; XFillRectangle ((Display*) m_display, (Pixmap) m_pixmap, (GC) m_gc, XLOG2DEV (x), YLOG2DEV (y), cx, cy); if (m_window && m_window->GetBackingPixmap()) XFillRectangle ((Display*) m_display, (Pixmap) m_window->GetBackingPixmap(),(GC) m_gcBacking, XLOG2DEV_2 (x), YLOG2DEV_2 (y), cx, cy); } // Now set the text foreground and draw the text if (m_textForegroundColour.Ok ()) { wxColour oldPenColour = m_currentColour; m_currentColour = m_textForegroundColour; bool sameColour = (oldPenColour.Ok () && m_currentColour.Ok () && (oldPenColour.Red () == m_currentColour.Red ()) && (oldPenColour.Blue () == m_currentColour.Blue ()) && (oldPenColour.Green () == m_currentColour.Green ()) && (oldPenColour.GetPixel() == m_currentColour.GetPixel())); if (!sameColour || !GET_OPTIMIZATION) { WXPixel pixel = CalculatePixel(m_textForegroundColour, m_currentColour, false); // Set the GC to the required colour if (pixel > -1) { XSetForeground ((Display*) m_display, (GC) m_gc, pixel); if (m_window && m_window->GetBackingPixmap()) XSetForeground ((Display*) m_display,(GC) m_gcBacking, pixel); } } else m_textForegroundColour = oldPenColour; } // We need to add the ascent, not the whole height, since X draws at the // point above the descender. #if 0 if (use16) XDrawString16((Display*) m_display, (Pixmap) m_pixmap, (GC) m_gc, XLOG2DEV (x), YLOG2DEV (y) + ascent, (XChar2b *)(char*) (const char*) text, slen); else #endif // 0 #if wxMOTIF_NEW_FONT_HANDLING XFontSet fset = (XFontSet) m_font.GetFontSet (m_userScaleY * m_logicalScaleY, m_display); XmbDrawString((Display*) m_display, (Pixmap) m_pixmap, fset, (GC) m_gc, XLOG2DEV (x), YLOG2DEV (y) + ascent, text, slen); #else XDrawString((Display*) m_display, (Pixmap) m_pixmap, (GC) m_gc, XLOG2DEV (x), YLOG2DEV (y) + ascent, text, slen); #endif if (m_window && m_window->GetBackingPixmap()) { #if 0 if (use16) XDrawString16((Display*) m_display, (Pixmap) m_window->GetBackingPixmap(), (GC) m_gcBacking, XLOG2DEV_2 (x), YLOG2DEV_2 (y) + ascent, (XChar2b *)(char*) (const char*) text, slen); else #endif // 0 #if wxMOTIF_NEW_FONT_HANDLING XmbDrawString((Display*) m_display, (Pixmap) m_window->GetBackingPixmap(), fset, (GC) m_gcBacking, XLOG2DEV_2 (x), YLOG2DEV_2 (y) + ascent, wxConstCast(text.c_str(), char), slen); #else XDrawString((Display*) m_display, (Pixmap) m_window->GetBackingPixmap(), (GC) m_gcBacking, XLOG2DEV_2 (x), YLOG2DEV_2 (y) + ascent, wxConstCast(text.c_str(), char), slen); #endif } // restore fill style XSetFillStyle ((Display*) m_display, (GC) m_gc, gcV.fill_style); if (m_window && m_window->GetBackingPixmap()) XSetFillStyle ((Display*) m_display, (GC) m_gcBacking, gcBackingV.fill_style); wxCoord w, h; GetTextExtent (text, &w, &h); CalcBoundingBox (x + w, y + h); CalcBoundingBox (x, y); } void wxWindowDC::DoDrawRotatedText( const wxString &text, wxCoord x, wxCoord y, double angle ) { if (angle == 0.0) { DrawText(text, x, y); return; } wxCHECK_RET( Ok(), "invalid dc" ); WXPixel oldBackgroundPixel = -1; WXPixel oldForegroundPixel = -1; WXPixel foregroundPixel = -1; WXPixel backgroundPixel = -1; if (m_textBackgroundColour.Ok()) { oldBackgroundPixel = m_backgroundPixel; backgroundPixel = m_textBackgroundColour.AllocColour(m_display); } if (m_textForegroundColour.Ok()) { oldForegroundPixel = m_currentColour.GetPixel(); if( m_textForegroundColour.GetPixel() <= -1 ) CalculatePixel( m_textForegroundColour, m_textForegroundColour, true); foregroundPixel = m_textForegroundColour.GetPixel(); } // Since X draws from the baseline of the text, must add the text height int cx = 0; int cy = 0; int ascent = 0; if (m_font.Ok()) wxGetTextExtent (m_display, m_font, m_userScaleY * m_logicalScaleY, text, &cx, &cy, &ascent, NULL); wxBitmap src(cx, cy); wxMemoryDC dc; dc.SelectObject(src); dc.SetFont(GetFont()); dc.SetBackground(*wxWHITE_BRUSH); dc.SetBrush(*wxBLACK_BRUSH); dc.Clear(); dc.DrawText(text, 0, 0); dc.SetFont(wxNullFont); // Calculate the size of the rotated bounding box. double dx = cos(angle / 180.0 * M_PI); double dy = sin(angle / 180.0 * M_PI); double x4 = cy * dy; double y4 = cy * dx; double x3 = cx * dx; double y3 = -cx * dy; double x2 = x3 + x4; double y2 = y3 + y4; double x1 = x; double y1 = y; // Create image from the source bitmap after writing the text into it. wxImage image = src.ConvertToImage(); int minx = roundmin(0, roundmin(x4, roundmin(x2, x3))); int miny = roundmin(0, roundmin(y4, roundmin(y2, y3))); int maxx = roundmax(0, roundmax(x4, roundmax(x2, x3))); int maxy = roundmax(0, roundmax(y4, roundmax(y2, y3))); bool lastFore = false, lastBack = false; // This rotates counterclockwise around the top left corner. for (int rx = minx; rx < maxx; rx++) { for (int ry = miny; ry < maxy; ry++) { // transform dest coords to source coords int sx = (int) (rx * dx - ry * dy + 0.5); int sy = - (int) (-ry * dx - rx * dy + 0.5); if (sx >= 0 && sx < cx && sy >= 0 && sy < cy) { bool textPixel = image.GetRed(sx, sy) == 0; if (!textPixel && m_backgroundMode != wxSOLID) continue; wxCoord ox = (wxCoord) (x1 + rx), oy = (wxCoord) (y1 + ry); // draw black pixels, ignore white ones (i.e. transparent b/g) if (textPixel && !lastFore) { XSetForeground ((Display*) m_display, (GC) m_gc, foregroundPixel); lastFore = true; lastBack = false; } else if (!textPixel && !lastBack) { XSetForeground ((Display*) m_display, (GC) m_gc, backgroundPixel); lastFore = false; lastBack = true; } XDrawPoint ((Display*) m_display, (Pixmap) m_pixmap, (GC) m_gc, XLOG2DEV (ox), YLOG2DEV (oy)); if (m_window && m_window->GetBackingPixmap()) XDrawPoint ((Display*) m_display, (Pixmap) m_window->GetBackingPixmap(), (GC) m_gcBacking, XLOG2DEV_2 (ox), YLOG2DEV_2 (oy)); } } } if (oldBackgroundPixel > -1) { XSetBackground ((Display*) m_display, (GC) m_gc, oldBackgroundPixel); if (m_window && m_window->GetBackingPixmap()) XSetBackground ((Display*) m_display,(GC) m_gcBacking, oldBackgroundPixel); } if (oldForegroundPixel > -1) { XSetForeground ((Display*) m_display, (GC) m_gc, oldForegroundPixel); if (m_window && m_window->GetBackingPixmap()) XSetForeground ((Display*) m_display,(GC) m_gcBacking, oldForegroundPixel); } CalcBoundingBox (minx, miny); CalcBoundingBox (maxx, maxy); } bool wxWindowDC::CanGetTextExtent() const { return true; } void wxWindowDC::DoGetTextExtent( const wxString &string, wxCoord *width, wxCoord *height, wxCoord *descent, wxCoord *externalLeading, wxFont *font ) const { wxCHECK_RET( Ok(), "invalid dc" ); const wxFont* theFont = font ? font : &m_font; if (!theFont->Ok()) { // TODO: this should be an error log function wxFAIL_MSG("set a valid font before calling GetTextExtent!"); if (width) *width = -1; if (height) *height = -1; return; } wxGetTextExtent(m_display, *theFont, m_userScaleY * m_logicalScaleY, string, width, height, NULL, descent); if (width) *width = XDEV2LOGREL (*width); if (height) *height = YDEV2LOGREL (*height); if (externalLeading) *externalLeading = 0; } wxCoord wxWindowDC::GetCharWidth() const { wxCHECK_MSG( Ok(), 0, "invalid dc" ); wxCHECK_MSG( m_font.Ok(), 0, "invalid font" ); int width; wxGetTextExtent (m_display, m_font, m_userScaleY * m_logicalScaleY, "x", &width, NULL, NULL, NULL); return XDEV2LOGREL(width); } wxCoord wxWindowDC::GetCharHeight() const { wxCHECK_MSG( Ok(), 0, "invalid dc" ); wxCHECK_MSG( m_font.Ok(), 0, "invalid font" ); int height; wxGetTextExtent (m_display, m_font, m_userScaleY * m_logicalScaleY, "x", NULL, &height, NULL, NULL); return XDEV2LOGREL(height); } void wxWindowDC::DoGetSize( int *width, int *height ) const { int w = 0, h = 0; if( m_window ) { if( m_window->GetBackingPixmap() ) { w = m_window->GetPixmapWidth(); h = m_window->GetPixmapHeight(); } else m_window->GetSize( &w, &h ); } if( width ) *width = w; if( height ) *height = h; } void wxWindowDC::Clear() { wxCHECK_RET( Ok(), "invalid dc" ); wxRect rect( GetSize() ); Clear( rect ); } void wxWindowDC::Clear(const wxRect& rect) { wxCHECK_RET( Ok(), "invalid dc" ); int x = rect.x; int y = rect.y; int w = rect.width; int h = rect.height; wxBrush saveBrush = m_brush; SetBrush (m_backgroundBrush); XFillRectangle ((Display*) m_display, (Pixmap) m_pixmap, (GC) m_gc, x, y, w, h); if (m_window && m_window->GetBackingPixmap()) XFillRectangle ((Display*) m_display, (Pixmap) m_window->GetBackingPixmap(),(GC) m_gcBacking, x, y, w, h); m_brush = saveBrush; } void wxWindowDC::SetFont( const wxFont &font ) { wxCHECK_RET( Ok(), "invalid dc" ); m_font = font; if (!m_font.Ok()) { return; } #if !wxMOTIF_NEW_FONT_HANDLING WXFontStructPtr pFontStruct = m_font.GetFontStruct(m_userScaleY*m_logicalScaleY, m_display); Font fontId = ((XFontStruct*)pFontStruct)->fid; XSetFont ((Display*) m_display, (GC) m_gc, fontId); if (m_window && m_window->GetBackingPixmap()) XSetFont ((Display*) m_display,(GC) m_gcBacking, fontId); #endif } void wxWindowDC::SetForegroundPixelWithLogicalFunction(WXPixel pixel) { if (m_logicalFunction == wxXOR) { XGCValues values; XGetGCValues ((Display*) m_display, (GC) m_gc, GCBackground, &values); XSetForeground ((Display*) m_display, (GC) m_gc, pixel ^ values.background); if (m_window && m_window->GetBackingPixmap()) XSetForeground ((Display*) m_display,(GC) m_gcBacking, pixel ^ values.background); } else { XSetForeground ((Display*) m_display, (GC) m_gc, pixel); if (m_window && m_window->GetBackingPixmap()) XSetForeground ((Display*) m_display,(GC) m_gcBacking, pixel); } } WXPixel wxWindowDC::CalculatePixel(wxColour& colour, wxColour& curCol, bool roundToWhite) const { const unsigned char wp = (unsigned char)255; WXPixel pixel = -1; if(!m_colour) // Mono display { unsigned char red = colour.Red (); unsigned char blue = colour.Blue (); unsigned char green = colour.Green (); // white if((red == wp && blue == wp && green == wp) || // not black and roundToWhite was specified ((red != 0 || blue != 0 || green != 0) && roundToWhite)) { curCol = *wxWHITE; pixel = WhitePixel((Display*) m_display, DefaultScreen((Display*) m_display)); curCol.SetPixel(pixel); colour.SetPixel(pixel); } else { curCol = *wxBLACK; pixel = BlackPixel((Display*) m_display, DefaultScreen((Display*) m_display)); curCol.SetPixel(pixel); colour.SetPixel(pixel); } } else { curCol = colour; pixel = colour.AllocColour((Display*) m_display); curCol.SetPixel(pixel); } return pixel; } void wxWindowDC::SetPen( const wxPen &pen ) { wxCHECK_RET( Ok(), "invalid dc" ); m_pen = pen; if (!m_pen.Ok()) return; wxBitmap oldStipple = m_currentStipple; int oldStyle = m_currentStyle; int oldFill = m_currentFill; int old_pen_width = m_currentPenWidth; int old_pen_join = m_currentPenJoin; int old_pen_cap = m_currentPenCap; int old_pen_nb_dash = m_currentPenDashCount; wxX11Dash *old_pen_dash = m_currentPenDash; wxColour oldPenColour = m_currentColour; m_currentColour = m_pen.GetColour (); m_currentStyle = m_pen.GetStyle (); m_currentFill = m_pen.GetStyle (); // TODO? m_currentPenWidth = m_pen.GetWidth (); m_currentPenJoin = m_pen.GetJoin (); m_currentPenCap = m_pen.GetCap (); m_currentPenDashCount = m_pen.GetDashCount(); m_currentPenDash = (wxX11Dash*)m_pen.GetDash(); if (m_currentStyle == wxSTIPPLE) m_currentStipple = * m_pen.GetStipple (); bool sameStyle = (oldStyle == m_currentStyle && oldFill == m_currentFill && old_pen_join == m_currentPenJoin && old_pen_cap == m_currentPenCap && old_pen_nb_dash == m_currentPenDashCount && old_pen_dash == m_currentPenDash && old_pen_width == m_currentPenWidth); bool sameColour = (oldPenColour.Ok () && (oldPenColour.Red () == m_currentColour.Red ()) && (oldPenColour.Blue () == m_currentColour.Blue ()) && (oldPenColour.Green () == m_currentColour.Green ()) && (oldPenColour.GetPixel() == m_currentColour.GetPixel())); if (!sameStyle || !GET_OPTIMIZATION) { int scaled_width = (int) XLOG2DEVREL (m_pen.GetWidth ()); if (scaled_width < 0) scaled_width = 0; int style; int join; int cap; static const wxX11Dash dotted[] = {2, 5}; static const wxX11Dash short_dashed[] = {4, 4}; static const wxX11Dash long_dashed[] = {4, 8}; static const wxX11Dash dotted_dashed[] = {6, 6, 2, 6}; // We express dash pattern in pen width unit, so we are // independent of zoom factor and so on... int req_nb_dash; const wxX11Dash *req_dash; switch (m_pen.GetStyle ()) { case wxUSER_DASH: req_nb_dash = m_currentPenDashCount; req_dash = m_currentPenDash; style = LineOnOffDash; break; case wxDOT: req_nb_dash = 2; req_dash = dotted; style = LineOnOffDash; break; case wxSHORT_DASH: req_nb_dash = 2; req_dash = short_dashed; style = LineOnOffDash; break; case wxLONG_DASH: req_nb_dash = 2; req_dash = long_dashed; style = LineOnOffDash; break; case wxDOT_DASH: req_nb_dash = 4; req_dash = dotted_dashed; style = LineOnOffDash; break; case wxSTIPPLE: case wxSOLID: case wxTRANSPARENT: default: style = LineSolid; req_dash = (wxX11Dash*)NULL; req_nb_dash = 0; } if (req_dash && req_nb_dash) { wxX11Dash *real_req_dash = new wxX11Dash[req_nb_dash]; if (real_req_dash) { int factor = scaled_width == 0 ? 1 : scaled_width; for (int i = 0; i < req_nb_dash; i++) real_req_dash[i] = (wxX11Dash)(req_dash[i] * factor); XSetDashes ((Display*) m_display, (GC) m_gc, 0, real_req_dash, req_nb_dash); if (m_window && m_window->GetBackingPixmap()) XSetDashes ((Display*) m_display,(GC) m_gcBacking, 0, real_req_dash, req_nb_dash); delete[]real_req_dash; } else { // No Memory. We use non-scaled dash pattern... XSetDashes ((Display*) m_display, (GC) m_gc, 0, req_dash, req_nb_dash); if (m_window && m_window->GetBackingPixmap()) XSetDashes ((Display*) m_display,(GC) m_gcBacking, 0, req_dash, req_nb_dash); } } switch (m_pen.GetCap ()) { case wxCAP_PROJECTING: cap = CapProjecting; break; case wxCAP_BUTT: cap = CapButt; break; case wxCAP_ROUND: default: cap = (scaled_width <= 1) ? CapNotLast : CapRound; break; } switch (m_pen.GetJoin ()) { case wxJOIN_BEVEL: join = JoinBevel; break; case wxJOIN_MITER: join = JoinMiter; break; case wxJOIN_ROUND: default: join = JoinRound; break; } XSetLineAttributes ((Display*) m_display, (GC) m_gc, scaled_width, style, cap, join); if (m_window && m_window->GetBackingPixmap()) XSetLineAttributes ((Display*) m_display,(GC) m_gcBacking, scaled_width, style, cap, join); } if (IS_HATCH(m_currentFill) && ((m_currentFill != oldFill) || !GET_OPTIMIZATION)) { Pixmap myStipple; oldStipple = wxNullBitmap; // For later reset!! switch (m_currentFill) { case wxBDIAGONAL_HATCH: if (bdiag == (Pixmap) 0) bdiag = XCreateBitmapFromData ((Display*) m_display, RootWindow ((Display*) m_display, DefaultScreen ((Display*) m_display)), bdiag_bits, bdiag_width, bdiag_height); myStipple = bdiag; break; case wxFDIAGONAL_HATCH: if (fdiag == (Pixmap) 0) fdiag = XCreateBitmapFromData ((Display*) m_display, RootWindow ((Display*) m_display, DefaultScreen ((Display*) m_display)), fdiag_bits, fdiag_width, fdiag_height); myStipple = fdiag; break; case wxCROSS_HATCH: if (cross == (Pixmap) 0) cross = XCreateBitmapFromData ((Display*) m_display, RootWindow ((Display*) m_display, DefaultScreen ((Display*) m_display)), cross_bits, cross_width, cross_height); myStipple = cross; break; case wxHORIZONTAL_HATCH: if (horiz == (Pixmap) 0) horiz = XCreateBitmapFromData ((Display*) m_display, RootWindow ((Display*) m_display, DefaultScreen ((Display*) m_display)), horiz_bits, horiz_width, horiz_height); myStipple = horiz; break; case wxVERTICAL_HATCH: if (verti == (Pixmap) 0) verti = XCreateBitmapFromData ((Display*) m_display, RootWindow ((Display*) m_display, DefaultScreen ((Display*) m_display)), verti_bits, verti_width, verti_height); myStipple = verti; break; case wxCROSSDIAG_HATCH: default: if (cdiag == (Pixmap) 0) cdiag = XCreateBitmapFromData ((Display*) m_display, RootWindow ((Display*) m_display, DefaultScreen ((Display*) m_display)), cdiag_bits, cdiag_width, cdiag_height); myStipple = cdiag; break; } XSetStipple ((Display*) m_display, (GC) m_gc, myStipple); if (m_window && m_window->GetBackingPixmap()) XSetStipple ((Display*) m_display,(GC) m_gcBacking, myStipple); } else if (m_currentStipple.Ok() && ((!m_currentStipple.IsSameAs(oldStipple)) || !GET_OPTIMIZATION)) { XSetStipple ((Display*) m_display, (GC) m_gc, (Pixmap) m_currentStipple.GetDrawable()); if (m_window && m_window->GetBackingPixmap()) XSetStipple ((Display*) m_display,(GC) m_gcBacking, (Pixmap) m_currentStipple.GetDrawable()); } if ((m_currentFill != oldFill) || !GET_OPTIMIZATION) { int fill_style; if (m_currentFill == wxSTIPPLE) fill_style = FillStippled; else if (IS_HATCH (m_currentFill)) fill_style = FillStippled; else fill_style = FillSolid; XSetFillStyle ((Display*) m_display, (GC) m_gc, fill_style); if (m_window && m_window->GetBackingPixmap()) XSetFillStyle ((Display*) m_display,(GC) m_gcBacking, fill_style); } // must test m_logicalFunction, because it involves background! if (!sameColour || !GET_OPTIMIZATION || ((m_logicalFunction == wxXOR) || (m_autoSetting & 0x2))) { WXPixel pixel = -1; if (m_pen.GetStyle () == wxTRANSPARENT) pixel = m_backgroundPixel; else { pixel = CalculatePixel(m_pen.GetColour(), m_currentColour, false); } // Finally, set the GC to the required colour if (pixel > -1) SetForegroundPixelWithLogicalFunction(pixel); } else m_pen.GetColour().SetPixel(oldPenColour.GetPixel()); m_autoSetting = 0; } void wxWindowDC::SetBrush( const wxBrush &brush ) { wxCHECK_RET( Ok(), "invalid dc" ); m_brush = brush; if (!m_brush.Ok() || m_brush.GetStyle () == wxTRANSPARENT) return; int oldFill = m_currentFill; wxBitmap oldStipple = m_currentStipple; m_autoSetting |= 0x1; m_currentFill = m_brush.GetStyle (); if (m_currentFill == wxSTIPPLE) m_currentStipple = * m_brush.GetStipple (); wxColour oldBrushColour(m_currentColour); m_currentColour = m_brush.GetColour (); bool sameColour = (oldBrushColour.Ok () && (oldBrushColour.Red () == m_currentColour.Red ()) && (oldBrushColour.Blue () == m_currentColour.Blue ()) && (oldBrushColour.Green () == m_currentColour.Green ()) && (oldBrushColour.GetPixel() == m_currentColour.GetPixel())); int stippleDepth = -1; if ((oldFill != m_brush.GetStyle ()) || !GET_OPTIMIZATION) { switch (brush.GetStyle ()) { case wxTRANSPARENT: break; case wxSTIPPLE: stippleDepth = m_currentStipple.GetDepth(); // fall through! case wxBDIAGONAL_HATCH: case wxCROSSDIAG_HATCH: case wxFDIAGONAL_HATCH: case wxCROSS_HATCH: case wxHORIZONTAL_HATCH: case wxVERTICAL_HATCH: { if (stippleDepth == -1) stippleDepth = 1; // Chris Breeze 23/07/97: use background mode to // determine whether fill style should be solid or // transparent int style = stippleDepth == 1 ? (m_backgroundMode == wxSOLID ? FillOpaqueStippled : FillStippled) : FillTiled; XSetFillStyle ((Display*) m_display, (GC) m_gc, style); if (m_window && m_window->GetBackingPixmap()) XSetFillStyle ((Display*) m_display,(GC) m_gcBacking, style); } break; case wxSOLID: default: XSetFillStyle ((Display*) m_display, (GC) m_gc, FillSolid); if (m_window && m_window->GetBackingPixmap()) XSetFillStyle ((Display*) m_display,(GC) m_gcBacking, FillSolid); } } if (IS_HATCH(m_currentFill) && ((m_currentFill != oldFill) || !GET_OPTIMIZATION)) { Pixmap myStipple; switch (m_currentFill) { case wxBDIAGONAL_HATCH: if (bdiag == (Pixmap) 0) bdiag = XCreateBitmapFromData ((Display*) m_display, RootWindow ((Display*) m_display, DefaultScreen ((Display*) m_display)), bdiag_bits, bdiag_width, bdiag_height); myStipple = bdiag; break; case wxFDIAGONAL_HATCH: if (fdiag == (Pixmap) 0) fdiag = XCreateBitmapFromData ((Display*) m_display, RootWindow ((Display*) m_display, DefaultScreen ((Display*) m_display)), fdiag_bits, fdiag_width, fdiag_height); myStipple = fdiag; break; case wxCROSS_HATCH: if (cross == (Pixmap) 0) cross = XCreateBitmapFromData ((Display*) m_display, RootWindow ((Display*) m_display, DefaultScreen ((Display*) m_display)), cross_bits, cross_width, cross_height); myStipple = cross; break; case wxHORIZONTAL_HATCH: if (horiz == (Pixmap) 0) horiz = XCreateBitmapFromData ((Display*) m_display, RootWindow ((Display*) m_display, DefaultScreen ((Display*) m_display)), horiz_bits, horiz_width, horiz_height); myStipple = horiz; break; case wxVERTICAL_HATCH: if (verti == (Pixmap) 0) verti = XCreateBitmapFromData ((Display*) m_display, RootWindow ((Display*) m_display, DefaultScreen ((Display*) m_display)), verti_bits, verti_width, verti_height); myStipple = verti; break; case wxCROSSDIAG_HATCH: default: if (cdiag == (Pixmap) 0) cdiag = XCreateBitmapFromData ((Display*) m_display, RootWindow ((Display*) m_display, DefaultScreen ((Display*) m_display)), cdiag_bits, cdiag_width, cdiag_height); myStipple = cdiag; break; } XSetStipple ((Display*) m_display, (GC) m_gc, myStipple); if (m_window && m_window->GetBackingPixmap()) XSetStipple ((Display*) m_display,(GC) m_gcBacking, myStipple); } // X can forget the stipple value when resizing a window (apparently) // so always set the stipple. else if (m_currentFill != wxSOLID && m_currentFill != wxTRANSPARENT && m_currentStipple.Ok()) // && m_currentStipple != oldStipple) { if (m_currentStipple.GetDepth() == 1) { XSetStipple ((Display*) m_display, (GC) m_gc, (Pixmap) m_currentStipple.GetDrawable()); if (m_window && m_window->GetBackingPixmap()) XSetStipple ((Display*) m_display,(GC) m_gcBacking, (Pixmap) m_currentStipple.GetDrawable()); } else { XSetTile ((Display*) m_display, (GC) m_gc, (Pixmap) m_currentStipple.GetDrawable()); if (m_window && m_window->GetBackingPixmap()) XSetTile ((Display*) m_display,(GC) m_gcBacking, (Pixmap) m_currentStipple.GetDrawable()); } } // must test m_logicalFunction, because it involves background! if (!sameColour || !GET_OPTIMIZATION || m_logicalFunction == wxXOR) { WXPixel pixel = CalculatePixel(m_brush.GetColour(), m_currentColour, true); if (pixel > -1) SetForegroundPixelWithLogicalFunction(pixel); } else m_brush.GetColour().SetPixel(oldBrushColour.GetPixel()); } void wxWindowDC::SetBackground( const wxBrush &brush ) { wxCHECK_RET( Ok(), "invalid dc" ); m_backgroundBrush = brush; if (!m_backgroundBrush.Ok()) return; m_backgroundPixel = m_backgroundBrush.GetColour().AllocColour(m_display); // Necessary for ::DrawIcon, which use fg/bg pixel or the GC. // And Blit,... (Any fct that use XCopyPlane, in fact.) XSetBackground ((Display*) m_display, (GC) m_gc, m_backgroundPixel); if (m_window && m_window->GetBackingPixmap()) XSetBackground ((Display*) m_display,(GC) m_gcBacking, m_backgroundPixel); } void wxWindowDC::SetLogicalFunction( int function ) { wxCHECK_RET( Ok(), "invalid dc" ); int x_function; /* MATTHEW: [9] */ if (m_logicalFunction == function) return; switch (function) { case wxCLEAR: x_function = GXclear; break; case wxXOR: x_function = GXxor; break; case wxINVERT: x_function = GXinvert; break; case wxOR_REVERSE: x_function = GXorReverse; break; case wxAND_REVERSE: x_function = GXandReverse; break; case wxAND: x_function = GXand; break; case wxOR: x_function = GXor; break; case wxAND_INVERT: x_function = GXandInverted; break; case wxNO_OP: x_function = GXnoop; break; case wxNOR: x_function = GXnor; break; case wxEQUIV: x_function = GXequiv; break; case wxSRC_INVERT: x_function = GXcopyInverted; break; case wxOR_INVERT: x_function = GXorInverted; break; case wxNAND: x_function = GXnand; break; case wxSET: x_function = GXset; break; case wxCOPY: default: x_function = GXcopy; break; } XSetFunction((Display*) m_display, (GC) m_gc, x_function); if (m_window && m_window->GetBackingPixmap()) XSetFunction((Display*) m_display, (GC) m_gcBacking, x_function); if ((m_logicalFunction == wxXOR) != (function == wxXOR)) /* MATTHEW: [9] Need to redo pen simply */ m_autoSetting |= 0x2; m_logicalFunction = function; } void wxWindowDC::SetTextForeground( const wxColour &col ) { wxCHECK_RET( Ok(), "invalid dc" ); m_textForegroundColour = col; } void wxWindowDC::SetTextBackground( const wxColour &col ) { wxCHECK_RET( Ok(), "invalid dc" ); m_textBackgroundColour = col; } void wxWindowDC::SetBackgroundMode( int mode ) { m_backgroundMode = mode; } void wxWindowDC::SetPalette( const wxPalette& palette ) { if (m_window) { if (palette.Ok()) /* Use GetXColormap */ XSetWindowColormap ((Display*) m_display, (Window) m_window->GetXWindow(), (Colormap) palette.GetXColormap()); else /* Use wxGetMainColormap */ XSetWindowColormap ((Display*) m_display, (Window) m_window->GetXWindow(), (Colormap) wxTheApp->GetMainColormap(m_display)); } } static void wxCopyRegion( WXRegion src, WXRegion& dst ) { if( !dst ) dst = XCreateRegion(); XUnionRegion( (Region)src, (Region)src, (Region)dst ); } // Helper function; userRegion is the region set by calling SetClippingRegion void wxWindowDC::SetDCClipping( WXRegion userRegion ) { bool hasUpdateRegion = m_window && m_window->GetUpdateRegion().Ok(); // this means that we should start the clip region from scratch, // or from the update region, if any if( !userRegion ) { if( m_clipRegion ) XDestroyRegion( (Region)m_clipRegion ); m_clipRegion = (WXRegion)NULL; if( hasUpdateRegion ) wxCopyRegion( m_window->GetUpdateRegion().GetX11Region(), m_clipRegion ); } // intersect the user region, if any, with the // exisiting clip region else // if( userRegion ) { if( !m_clipRegion ) wxCopyRegion( userRegion, m_clipRegion ); else XIntersectRegion( (Region)m_clipRegion, (Region)userRegion, (Region)m_clipRegion ); } if( m_clipRegion ) XSetRegion( (Display*)m_display, (GC)m_gc, (Region)m_clipRegion ); else XSetClipMask( (Display*)m_display, (GC)m_gc, None ); } void wxWindowDC::DoSetClippingRegion( wxCoord x, wxCoord y, wxCoord width, wxCoord height ) { wxDC::DoSetClippingRegion( x, y, width, height ); wxRegion temp(XLOG2DEV(x), YLOG2DEV(y), XLOG2DEVREL(width), YLOG2DEVREL(height)); SetDCClipping(temp.GetX11Region()); // Needs to work differently for Pixmap: without this, // there's a nasty (Display*) m_display bug. 8/12/94 if (m_window && m_window->GetBackingPixmap()) { XRectangle rects[1]; rects[0].x = (short)XLOG2DEV_2(x); rects[0].y = (short)YLOG2DEV_2(y); rects[0].width = (unsigned short)XLOG2DEVREL(width); rects[0].height = (unsigned short)YLOG2DEVREL(height); XSetClipRectangles((Display*) m_display, (GC) m_gcBacking, 0, 0, rects, 1, Unsorted); } } void wxWindowDC::DoSetClippingRegionAsRegion( const wxRegion& region ) { SetDCClipping(region.GetX11Region()); // Needs to work differently for Pixmap: without this, // there's a nasty (Display*) m_display bug. 8/12/94 if (m_window && m_window->GetBackingPixmap()) { wxRect box = region.GetBox(); XRectangle rects[1]; rects[0].x = (short)XLOG2DEV_2(box.x); rects[0].y = (short)YLOG2DEV_2(box.y); rects[0].width = (unsigned short)XLOG2DEVREL(box.width); rects[0].height = (unsigned short)YLOG2DEVREL(box.height); XSetClipRectangles((Display*) m_display, (GC) m_gcBacking, 0, 0, rects, 1, Unsorted); } } void wxWindowDC::DestroyClippingRegion() { wxDC::DestroyClippingRegion(); SetDCClipping(NULL); if (m_window && m_window->GetBackingPixmap()) XSetClipMask ((Display*) m_display, (GC) m_gcBacking, None); } // Resolution in pixels per logical inch wxSize wxWindowDC::GetPPI() const { // TODO return wxSize(100, 100); } int wxWindowDC::GetDepth() const { // TODO return 24; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // wxPaintDC // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- wxPaintDC::wxPaintDC(wxWindow* win) : wxWindowDC(win) { // Set the clipping region.to the update region SetDCClipping((WXRegion)NULL); } wxPaintDC::~wxPaintDC() { if (m_window) m_window->ClearUpdateRegion(); SetDCClipping((WXRegion)NULL); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // private functions // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* Used when copying between drawables on different (Display*) m_displays. Not very fast, but better than giving up. */ static void XCopyRemote(Display *src_display, Display *dest_display, Drawable src, Drawable dest, GC destgc, int srcx, int srcy, unsigned int w, unsigned int h, int destx, int desty, bool more, XImage **cache) { XImage *image, *destimage; Colormap destcm, srccm; static const int CACHE_SIZE = 256; unsigned int i, j; Pixel cachesrc[CACHE_SIZE], cachedest[CACHE_SIZE]; int k, cache_pos, all_cache; if (!cache || !*cache) image = XGetImage(src_display, src, srcx, srcy, w, h, AllPlanes, ZPixmap); else image = *cache; destimage = XGetImage(dest_display, dest, destx, desty, w, h, AllPlanes, ZPixmap); srccm = (Colormap) wxTheApp->GetMainColormap((WXDisplay*) src_display); destcm = (Colormap) wxTheApp->GetMainColormap((WXDisplay*) dest_display); cache_pos = 0; all_cache = False; for (i = 0; i < w; i++) for (j = 0; j < h; j++) { Pixel pixel; XColor xcol; pixel = XGetPixel(image, i, j); for (k = cache_pos; k--; ) if (cachesrc[k] == pixel) { pixel = cachedest[k]; goto install; } if (all_cache) for (k = CACHE_SIZE; k-- > cache_pos; ) if (cachesrc[k] == pixel) { pixel = cachedest[k]; goto install; } cachesrc[cache_pos] = xcol.pixel = pixel; XQueryColor(src_display, srccm, &xcol); if (!XAllocColor(dest_display, destcm, &xcol)) xcol.pixel = 0; cachedest[cache_pos] = pixel = xcol.pixel; if (++cache_pos >= CACHE_SIZE) { cache_pos = 0; all_cache = true; } install: XPutPixel(destimage, i, j, pixel); } XPutImage(dest_display, dest, destgc, destimage, 0, 0, destx, desty, w, h); XDestroyImage(destimage); if (more) *cache = image; else XDestroyImage(image); } #if 0 /* Helper function for 16-bit fonts */ static int str16len(const char *s) { int count = 0; while (s[0] && s[1]) { count++; s += 2; } return count; } #endif // 0