///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: src/motif/combobox_native.cpp // Purpose: wxComboBox class // Author: Julian Smart, Ian Brown // Modified by: // Created: 01/02/03 // RCS-ID: $Id: combobox_native.cpp 39694 2006-06-13 11:30:40Z ABX $ // Copyright: (c) Julian Smart // Licence: wxWindows licence ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // For compilers that support precompilation, includes "wx.h". #include "wx/wxprec.h" #if wxUSE_COMBOBOX #include "wx/combobox.h" #ifndef WX_PRECOMP #include "wx/arrstr.h" #endif #ifdef __VMS__ #pragma message disable nosimpint #endif #include #ifdef __VMS__ #pragma message enable nosimpint #endif // use the new, shiny combobox for Motif 2.x #if (XmVersion >= 2000) #ifdef __VMS__ #pragma message disable nosimpint #endif #include #include #include #ifdef __VMS__ #pragma message enable nosimpint #endif #include "wx/motif/private.h" // utility static Widget GetXmList( const wxComboBox* cb ) { Widget ret; XtVaGetValues( (Widget)cb->GetMainWidget(), XmNlist, &ret, NULL ); return ret; } static Widget GetXmText( const wxComboBox* cb ) { Widget ret; XtVaGetValues( (Widget)cb->GetMainWidget(), XmNtextField, &ret, NULL ); return ret; } void wxComboBoxCallback (Widget w, XtPointer clientData, XmComboBoxCallbackStruct * cbs); IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS(wxComboBox, wxControl) bool wxComboBox::Create(wxWindow *parent, wxWindowID id, const wxString& value, const wxPoint& pos, const wxSize& size, int n, const wxString choices[], long style, const wxValidator& validator, const wxString& name) { if( !CreateControl( parent, id, pos, size, style, validator, name ) ) return false; Widget parentWidget = (Widget) parent->GetClientWidget(); int cb_type = ( style & wxCB_SIMPLE ) ? XmCOMBO_BOX : ( style & wxCB_READONLY ) ? XmDROP_DOWN_LIST : ( style & wxCB_DROPDOWN ) ? XmDROP_DOWN_COMBO_BOX : // default to wxCB_DROPDOWN XmDROP_DOWN_COMBO_BOX; if( cb_type == XmDROP_DOWN_COMBO_BOX ) SetWindowStyle( style | wxCB_DROPDOWN ); Widget buttonWidget= XtVaCreateManagedWidget(name.c_str(), xmComboBoxWidgetClass, parentWidget, XmNcomboBoxType, cb_type, NULL); m_mainWidget = (Widget) buttonWidget; int i; for ( i = 0; i < n; ++i) Append( choices[i] ); XtManageChild (buttonWidget); SetValue(value); ChangeFont(false); XtAddCallback (buttonWidget, XmNselectionCallback, (XtCallbackProc) wxComboBoxCallback, (XtPointer) this); XtAddCallback (GetXmText(this), XmNvalueChangedCallback, (XtCallbackProc) wxComboBoxCallback, (XtPointer) this); wxSize best = GetBestSize(); if( size.x != wxDefaultCoord ) best.x = size.x; if( size.y != wxDefaultCoord ) best.y = size.y; AttachWidget (parent, m_mainWidget, (WXWidget) NULL, pos.x, pos.y, best.x, best.y); ChangeBackgroundColour(); return true; } bool wxComboBox::Create(wxWindow *parent, wxWindowID id, const wxString& value, const wxPoint& pos, const wxSize& size, const wxArrayString& choices, long style, const wxValidator& validator, const wxString& name) { wxCArrayString chs(choices); return Create(parent, id, value, pos, size, chs.GetCount(), chs.GetStrings(), style, validator, name); } void wxComboBox::AdjustDropDownListSize() { int newListCount = -1, itemCount = GetCount(); const int MAX = 12; if( !itemCount ) newListCount = 1; else if( itemCount < MAX ) newListCount = itemCount; else newListCount = MAX; XtVaSetValues( GetXmList(this), XmNvisibleItemCount, newListCount, NULL ); } wxComboBox::~wxComboBox() { DetachWidget((Widget) m_mainWidget); // Removes event handlers XtDestroyWidget((Widget) m_mainWidget); m_mainWidget = (WXWidget) 0; if ( HasClientObjectData() ) m_clientDataDict.DestroyData(); } void wxComboBox::DoSetSize(int x, int y, int width, int WXUNUSED(height), int sizeFlags) { // Necessary so it doesn't call wxChoice::SetSize wxWindow::DoSetSize(x, y, width, DoGetBestSize().y, sizeFlags); } wxString wxComboBox::GetValue() const { char* s = XmTextGetString (GetXmText (this)); wxString str(s); if (s) XtFree (s); return str; } void wxComboBox::SetString(unsigned int n, const wxString& s) { wxXmString text(s); Widget listBox = GetXmList(this); // delete the item and add it again. // FIXME isn't there a way to change it in place? XmListDeletePos (listBox, n+1); XmListAddItem (listBox, text(), n+1); } void wxComboBox::SetValue(const wxString& value) { m_inSetValue = true; // Fix crash; probably an OpenMotif bug const char* val = value.c_str() ? value.c_str() : ""; XtVaSetValues( GetXmText(this), XmNvalue, wxConstCast(val, char), NULL); m_inSetValue = false; } int wxComboBox::DoAppend(const wxString& item) { wxXmString str( item.c_str() ); XmComboBoxAddItem((Widget) m_mainWidget, str(), 0, False); m_noStrings ++; AdjustDropDownListSize(); return GetCount() - 1; } int wxComboBox::DoInsert(const wxString& item, unsigned int pos) { wxCHECK_MSG(!(GetWindowStyle() & wxCB_SORT), -1, wxT("can't insert into sorted list")); wxCHECK_MSG(IsValidInsert(pos), -1, wxT("invalid index")); if (pos == GetCount()) return DoAppend(item); wxXmString str( item.c_str() ); XmComboBoxAddItem((Widget) m_mainWidget, str(), pos+1, False); m_noStrings ++; AdjustDropDownListSize(); return GetCount() - 1; } void wxComboBox::Delete(unsigned int n) { #ifdef LESSTIF_VERSION XmListDeletePos (GetXmList(this), n + 1); #else XmComboBoxDeletePos((Widget) m_mainWidget, n+1); #endif m_clientDataDict.Delete(n, HasClientObjectData()); m_noStrings--; AdjustDropDownListSize(); } void wxComboBox::Clear() { #ifdef LESSTIF_VERSION XmListDeleteAllItems (GetXmList(this)); #else while(m_noStrings > 0) { XmComboBoxDeletePos((Widget) m_mainWidget, m_noStrings--); } #endif if ( HasClientObjectData() ) m_clientDataDict.DestroyData(); m_noStrings = 0; AdjustDropDownListSize(); } void wxComboBox::SetSelection (int n) { m_inSetSelection = true; #if wxCHECK_LESSTIF() XmListSelectPos (GetXmList(this), n + 1, false); SetValue(GetString(n)); #else #if 0 wxXmString str(GetString(n).c_str()); XmComboBoxSelectItem((Widget) m_mainWidget, str()); #endif XtVaSetValues( (Widget)m_mainWidget, XmNselectedPosition, n, NULL ); #endif m_inSetSelection = false; } int wxComboBox::GetSelection (void) const { return wxDoGetSelectionInList( GetXmList( this ) ); } wxString wxComboBox::GetString(unsigned int n) const { return wxDoGetStringInList( GetXmList(this), n ); } int wxComboBox::FindString(const wxString& s, bool WXUNUSED(bCase)) const { // FIXME: back to base class for not supported value of bCase return wxDoFindStringInList( GetXmList( this ), s ); } // Clipboard operations void wxComboBox::Copy() { XmTextCopy( GetXmText(this), CurrentTime ); } void wxComboBox::Cut() { XmTextCut( GetXmText(this), CurrentTime ); } void wxComboBox::Paste() { XmTextPaste( GetXmText(this) ); } void wxComboBox::SetEditable(bool WXUNUSED(editable)) { // TODO } void wxComboBox::SetInsertionPoint(long pos) { XmTextSetInsertionPosition( GetXmText(this), (XmTextPosition)pos ); } void wxComboBox::SetInsertionPointEnd() { SetInsertionPoint( GetLastPosition() ); } long wxComboBox::GetInsertionPoint() const { return (long)XmTextGetInsertionPosition( GetXmText(this) ); } wxTextPos wxComboBox::GetLastPosition() const { XmTextPosition pos = XmTextGetLastPosition( GetXmText(this) ); return (long)pos; } void wxComboBox::Replace(long from, long to, const wxString& value) { XmTextReplace( GetXmText(this), (XmTextPosition)from, (XmTextPosition)to, wxConstCast(value.c_str(), char) ); } void wxComboBox::Remove(long from, long to) { SetSelection( from, to ); XmTextRemove( GetXmText(this) ); } void wxComboBox::SetSelection(long from, long to) { if( to == -1 ) to = GetLastPosition(); XmTextSetSelection( GetXmText(this), (XmTextPosition)from, (XmTextPosition)to, (Time)0 ); } void wxComboBoxCallback (Widget WXUNUSED(w), XtPointer clientData, XmComboBoxCallbackStruct * cbs) { wxComboBox *item = (wxComboBox *) clientData; if( item->m_inSetSelection ) return; switch (cbs->reason) { case XmCR_SELECT: #if 0 case XmCR_SINGLE_SELECT: case XmCR_BROWSE_SELECT: #endif { wxCommandEvent event (wxEVT_COMMAND_COMBOBOX_SELECTED, item->GetId()); int idx = cbs->item_position; event.SetInt(idx); event.SetString( item->GetString (idx) ); if ( item->HasClientObjectData() ) event.SetClientObject( item->GetClientObject(idx) ); else if ( item->HasClientUntypedData() ) event.SetClientData( item->GetClientData(idx) ); event.SetExtraLong(true); event.SetEventObject(item); item->GetEventHandler()->ProcessEvent(event); break; } case XmCR_VALUE_CHANGED: { wxCommandEvent event (wxEVT_COMMAND_TEXT_UPDATED, item->GetId()); event.SetInt(-1); event.SetString( item->GetValue() ); event.SetExtraLong(true); event.SetEventObject(item); item->GetEventHandler()->ProcessEvent(event); break; } default: break; } } void wxComboBox::ChangeFont(bool keepOriginalSize) { if( m_font.Ok() ) { wxDoChangeFont( GetXmText(this), m_font ); wxDoChangeFont( GetXmList(this), m_font ); } // Don't use the base class wxChoice's ChangeFont wxWindow::ChangeFont(keepOriginalSize); } void wxComboBox::ChangeBackgroundColour() { wxWindow::ChangeBackgroundColour(); } void wxComboBox::ChangeForegroundColour() { wxWindow::ChangeForegroundColour(); } wxSize wxComboBox::DoGetBestSize() const { if( (GetWindowStyle() & wxCB_DROPDOWN) == wxCB_DROPDOWN || (GetWindowStyle() & wxCB_READONLY) == wxCB_READONLY ) { Dimension arrowW, arrowS, highlight, xmargin, ymargin, shadow; XtVaGetValues( (Widget)m_mainWidget, XmNarrowSize, &arrowW, XmNarrowSpacing, &arrowS, XmNhighlightThickness, &highlight, XmNmarginWidth, &xmargin, XmNmarginHeight, &ymargin, XmNshadowThickness, &shadow, NULL ); wxSize listSize = wxDoGetListBoxBestSize( GetXmList(this), this ); wxSize textSize = wxDoGetSingleTextCtrlBestSize( GetXmText(this), this ); // FIXME arbitrary constants return wxSize( listSize.x + arrowW + arrowS + 2 * highlight + 2 * shadow + 2 * xmargin , textSize.y + 2 * highlight + 2 * ymargin + 2 * shadow ); } else return wxWindow::DoGetBestSize(); } #endif // XmVersion >= 2000 #endif // wxUSE_COMBOBOX