///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: src/motif/app.cpp // Purpose: wxApp // Author: Julian Smart // Modified by: // Created: 17/09/98 // RCS-ID: $Id: app.cpp 53607 2008-05-16 15:21:40Z SN $ // Copyright: (c) Julian Smart // Licence: wxWindows licence ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // For compilers that support precompilation, includes "wx.h". #include "wx/wxprec.h" #include "wx/app.h" #ifndef WX_PRECOMP #include "wx/hash.h" #include "wx/intl.h" #include "wx/log.h" #include "wx/utils.h" #include "wx/memory.h" #include "wx/font.h" #endif #include "wx/evtloop.h" #if wxUSE_THREADS #include "wx/thread.h" #endif #ifdef __VMS__ #pragma message disable nosimpint #endif #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef __VMS__ #pragma message enable nosimpint #endif #include "wx/motif/private.h" #include struct wxPerDisplayData { wxPerDisplayData() { m_visualInfo = NULL; m_topLevelWidget = NULL; m_topLevelRealizedWidget = NULL; } wxXVisualInfo* m_visualInfo; Widget m_topLevelWidget, m_topLevelRealizedWidget; }; static void wxTLWidgetDestroyCallback(Widget w, XtPointer clientData, XtPointer ptr); static WXWidget wxCreateTopLevelWidget( WXDisplay* display ); extern bool wxAddIdleCallback(); wxHashTable *wxWidgetHashTable = NULL; IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS(wxApp, wxEvtHandler) BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(wxApp, wxEvtHandler) EVT_IDLE(wxAppBase::OnIdle) END_EVENT_TABLE() #ifdef __WXDEBUG__ extern "C" { typedef int (*XErrorHandlerFunc)(Display *, XErrorEvent *); } XErrorHandlerFunc gs_pfnXErrorHandler = 0; extern "C" { static int wxXErrorHandler(Display *dpy, XErrorEvent *xevent) { // just forward to the default handler for now return gs_pfnXErrorHandler(dpy, xevent); } } #endif // __WXDEBUG__ bool wxApp::Initialize(int& argcOrig, wxChar **argvOrig) { if ( !wxAppBase::Initialize(argcOrig, argvOrig) ) return false; wxWidgetHashTable = new wxHashTable(wxKEY_INTEGER); #if wxUSE_INTL wxFont::SetDefaultEncoding(wxLocale::GetSystemEncoding()); #endif return true; } void wxApp::CleanUp() { wxAppBase::CleanUp(); delete wxWidgetHashTable; wxWidgetHashTable = NULL; delete m_mainLoop; for( wxPerDisplayDataMap::iterator it = m_perDisplayData->begin(), end = m_perDisplayData->end(); it != end; ++it ) { delete it->second->m_visualInfo; // On Solaris 10 calling XtDestroyWidget on the top level widget // dumps core if the locale is set to something other than "C" #ifndef __SUN__ XtDestroyWidget( it->second->m_topLevelWidget ); #endif delete it->second; } delete m_perDisplayData; } void wxApp::Exit() { wxApp::CleanUp(); wxAppConsole::Exit(); } // ============================================================================ // wxApp // ============================================================================ wxApp::wxApp() { argc = 0; argv = NULL; m_mainLoop = new wxEventLoop; m_mainColormap = (WXColormap) NULL; m_appContext = (WXAppContext) NULL; m_initialDisplay = (WXDisplay*) 0; m_perDisplayData = new wxPerDisplayDataMap; } wxApp::~wxApp() { wxApp::SetInstance(NULL); } int wxApp::MainLoop() { /* * Sit around forever waiting to process X-events. Property Change * event are handled special, because they have to refer to * the root window rather than to a widget. therefore we can't * use an Xt-eventhandler. */ XSelectInput(XtDisplay((Widget) wxTheApp->GetTopLevelWidget()), XDefaultRootWindow(XtDisplay((Widget) wxTheApp->GetTopLevelWidget())), PropertyChangeMask); m_mainLoop->Run(); return 0; } // This should be redefined in a derived class for // handling property change events for XAtom IPC. void wxApp::HandlePropertyChange(WXEvent *event) { // by default do nothing special XtDispatchEvent((XEvent*) event); /* let Motif do the work */ } static char *fallbackResources[] = { // better defaults for CDE under Irix // // TODO: do something similar for the other systems, the hardcoded defaults // below are ugly #ifdef __SGI__ wxMOTIF_STR("*sgiMode: True"), wxMOTIF_STR("*useSchemes: all"), #else // !__SGI__ wxMOTIF_STR("*menuBar.marginHeight: 0"), wxMOTIF_STR("*menuBar.shadowThickness: 1"), wxMOTIF_STR("*background: #c0c0c0"), wxMOTIF_STR("*foreground: black"), #endif // __SGI__/!__SGI__ NULL }; // Create an application context bool wxApp::OnInitGui() { if( !wxAppBase::OnInitGui() ) return false; #ifdef __HPUX__ // under HP-UX creating XmFontSet fails when the system locale is C and // we're using a remote DISPLAY, presumably because HP-UX uses its own // names for C and ISO locales (roman8 and iso8859n respectively) and so // its Motif libraries have troubles with non-HP X server // // whatever the reason, the fact is that without this hack any wxMotif // program crashes on startup because it can't create any font (HP programs // still work but they do spit out messages about failing to create font // sets and failing back on "fixed" font too) // // notice that calling setlocale() here is not enough because X(m) init // functions call setlocale() later so we really have to change environment bool fixAll = false; // tweak LC_ALL (or just LC_CTYPE)? const char *loc = getenv("LC_CTYPE"); if ( !loc ) { loc = getenv("LC_ALL"); if ( loc ) fixAll = true; } if ( !loc || (loc[0] == 'C' && loc[1] == '\0') || strcmp(loc, "POSIX") == 0 ) { // we're using C locale, "fix" it wxLogDebug(_T("HP-UX fontset hack: forcing locale to en_US.iso88591")); putenv(fixAll ? "LC_ALL=en_US.iso88591" : "LC_CTYPE=en_US.iso88591"); } #endif // __HPUX__ XtSetLanguageProc(NULL, NULL, NULL); XtToolkitInitialize() ; wxTheApp->m_appContext = (WXAppContext) XtCreateApplicationContext(); XtAppSetFallbackResources((XtAppContext) wxTheApp->m_appContext, fallbackResources); // we shouldn't pass empty application/class name as it results in // immediate crash inside XOpenIM() (if XIM is used) under IRIX wxString appname = wxTheApp->GetAppName(); if ( appname.empty() ) appname = _T("wxapp"); wxString clsname = wxTheApp->GetClassName(); if ( clsname.empty() ) clsname = _T("wx"); Display *dpy = XtOpenDisplay((XtAppContext) wxTheApp->m_appContext, (String)NULL, appname.c_str(), clsname.c_str(), NULL, 0, // no options # if XtSpecificationRelease < 5 (Cardinal*) &argc, # else &argc, # endif argv); if (!dpy) { // if you don't log to stderr, nothing will be shown... delete wxLog::SetActiveTarget(new wxLogStderr); wxString className(wxTheApp->GetClassName()); wxLogError(_("wxWidgets could not open display for '%s': exiting."), className.c_str()); exit(-1); } m_initialDisplay = (WXDisplay*) dpy; #ifdef __WXDEBUG__ // install the X error handler gs_pfnXErrorHandler = XSetErrorHandler(wxXErrorHandler); #endif // __WXDEBUG__ // Add general resize proc XtActionsRec rec; rec.string = wxMOTIF_STR("resize"); rec.proc = (XtActionProc)wxWidgetResizeProc; XtAppAddActions((XtAppContext) wxTheApp->m_appContext, &rec, 1); GetMainColormap(dpy); wxAddIdleCallback(); return true; } WXColormap wxApp::GetMainColormap(WXDisplay* display) { if (!display) /* Must be called first with non-NULL display */ return m_mainColormap; int defaultScreen = DefaultScreen((Display*) display); Screen* screen = XScreenOfDisplay((Display*) display, defaultScreen); Colormap c = DefaultColormapOfScreen(screen); if (!m_mainColormap) m_mainColormap = (WXColormap) c; return (WXColormap) c; } static inline wxPerDisplayData& GetOrCreatePerDisplayData ( wxPerDisplayDataMap& m, WXDisplay* display ) { wxPerDisplayDataMap::iterator it = m.find( display ); if( it != m.end() && it->second != NULL ) return *(it->second); wxPerDisplayData* nData = new wxPerDisplayData(); m[display] = nData; return *nData; } wxXVisualInfo* wxApp::GetVisualInfo( WXDisplay* display ) { wxPerDisplayData& data = GetOrCreatePerDisplayData( *m_perDisplayData, display ); if( data.m_visualInfo ) return data.m_visualInfo; wxXVisualInfo* vi = new wxXVisualInfo; wxFillXVisualInfo( vi, (Display*)display ); data.m_visualInfo = vi; return vi; } static void wxTLWidgetDestroyCallback(Widget w, XtPointer WXUNUSED(clientData), XtPointer WXUNUSED(ptr)) { if( wxTheApp ) { wxTheApp->SetTopLevelWidget( (WXDisplay*)XtDisplay(w), (WXWidget)NULL ); wxTheApp->SetTopLevelRealizedWidget( (WXDisplay*)XtDisplay(w), (WXWidget)NULL ); } } WXWidget wxCreateTopLevelWidget( WXDisplay* display ) { Widget tlw = XtAppCreateShell( (String)NULL, wxTheApp->GetClassName().c_str(), applicationShellWidgetClass, (Display*)display, NULL, 0 ); XtVaSetValues( tlw, XmNoverrideRedirect, True, NULL ); XtAddCallback( tlw, XmNdestroyCallback, (XtCallbackProc)wxTLWidgetDestroyCallback, (XtPointer)NULL ); return (WXWidget)tlw; } WXWidget wxCreateTopLevelRealizedWidget( WXDisplay* WXUNUSED(display) ) { Widget rTlw = XtVaCreateWidget( "dummy_widget", topLevelShellWidgetClass, (Widget)wxTheApp->GetTopLevelWidget(), NULL ); XtSetMappedWhenManaged( rTlw, False ); XtRealizeWidget( rTlw ); return (WXWidget)rTlw; } WXWidget wxApp::GetTopLevelWidget() { WXDisplay* display = wxGetDisplay(); wxPerDisplayData& data = GetOrCreatePerDisplayData( *m_perDisplayData, display ); if( data.m_topLevelWidget ) return (WXWidget)data.m_topLevelWidget; WXWidget tlw = wxCreateTopLevelWidget( display ); SetTopLevelWidget( display, tlw ); return tlw; } WXWidget wxApp::GetTopLevelRealizedWidget() { WXDisplay* display = wxGetDisplay(); wxPerDisplayDataMap::iterator it = m_perDisplayData->find( display ); if( it != m_perDisplayData->end() && it->second->m_topLevelRealizedWidget ) return (WXWidget)it->second->m_topLevelRealizedWidget; WXWidget rTlw = wxCreateTopLevelRealizedWidget( display ); SetTopLevelRealizedWidget( display, rTlw ); return rTlw; } void wxApp::SetTopLevelWidget(WXDisplay* display, WXWidget widget) { GetOrCreatePerDisplayData( *m_perDisplayData, display ) .m_topLevelWidget = (Widget)widget; } void wxApp::SetTopLevelRealizedWidget(WXDisplay* display, WXWidget widget) { GetOrCreatePerDisplayData( *m_perDisplayData, display ) .m_topLevelRealizedWidget = (Widget)widget; } // Yield to other processes bool wxApp::Yield(bool onlyIfNeeded) { static bool s_inYield = false; if ( s_inYield ) { if ( !onlyIfNeeded ) { wxFAIL_MSG( wxT("wxYield called recursively" ) ); } return false; } s_inYield = true; wxEventLoopGuarantor dummyLoopIfNeeded; while (wxTheApp && wxTheApp->Pending()) wxTheApp->Dispatch(); s_inYield = false; return true; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // accessors for C modules // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- extern "C" XtAppContext wxGetAppContext() { return (XtAppContext)wxTheApp->GetAppContext(); }