///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: src/mgl/brush.cpp // Purpose: // Author: Vaclav Slavik // Id: $Id: brush.cpp 42989 2006-11-03 19:45:17Z VZ $ // Copyright: (c) 2001-2002 SciTech Software, Inc. (www.scitechsoft.com) // Licence: wxWindows licence ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // For compilers that support precompilation, includes "wx.h". #include "wx/wxprec.h" #ifdef __BORLANDC__ #pragma hdrstop #endif #include "wx/brush.h" #include "wx/mgl/private.h" #include "wx/dcmemory.h" // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // helper functions // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // This function converts wxBitmap into pixpattern24_t representation // (used by wxBrush and wxPen) void wxBitmapToPixPattern(const wxBitmap& bitmap, pixpattern24_t *pix, pattern_t *mask) { wxMemoryDC mem; MGLDevCtx *dc; int x, y; if ( pix != NULL ) { mem.SelectObjectAsSource(bitmap); dc = mem.GetMGLDC(); wxCurrentDCSwitcher curDC(dc); dc->beginPixel(); for (y = 0; y < 8; y++) for (x = 0; x < 8; x++) dc->unpackColorFast(dc->getPixelFast(x, y), pix->p[y][x][2], pix->p[y][x][1], pix->p[y][x][0]); dc->endPixel(); } if ( mask && bitmap.GetMask() ) { mem.SelectObjectAsSource(bitmap.GetMask()->GetBitmap()); dc = mem.GetMGLDC(); wxCurrentDCSwitcher curDC(dc); dc->beginPixel(); for (y = 0; y < 8; y++) { mask->p[y] = 0; for (x = 0; x < 8; x++) if ( dc->getPixelFast(x, y) != 0 ) mask->p[y] = (uchar)(mask->p[y] | (1 << (7 - x))); } dc->endPixel(); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // wxBrush //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- class wxBrushRefData: public wxObjectRefData { public: wxBrushRefData(); wxBrushRefData(const wxBrushRefData& data); bool operator == (const wxBrushRefData& data) const { return (m_style == data.m_style && m_stipple.IsSameAs(data.m_stipple) && m_colour == data.m_colour); } int m_style; wxColour m_colour; wxBitmap m_stipple; pixpattern24_t m_pixPattern; pattern_t m_maskPattern; }; wxBrushRefData::wxBrushRefData() { m_style = 0; int x, y, c; for (y = 0; y < 8; y++) for (x = 0; x < 8; x++) for (c = 0; c < 3; c++) m_pixPattern.p[y][x][c] = 0; for (y = 0; y < 8; y++) m_maskPattern.p[y] = 0; } wxBrushRefData::wxBrushRefData(const wxBrushRefData& data) { m_style = data.m_style; m_stipple = data.m_stipple; m_colour = data.m_colour; int x, y, c; for (y = 0; y < 8; y++) for (x = 0; x < 8; x++) for (c = 0; c < 3; c++) m_pixPattern.p[y][x][c] = data.m_pixPattern.p[y][x][c]; for (y = 0; y < 8; y++) m_maskPattern.p[y] = data.m_maskPattern.p[y]; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #define M_BRUSHDATA ((wxBrushRefData *)m_refData) IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS(wxBrush,wxGDIObject) wxBrush::wxBrush(const wxColour &colour, int style) { m_refData = new wxBrushRefData(); M_BRUSHDATA->m_style = style; M_BRUSHDATA->m_colour = colour; } wxBrush::wxBrush(const wxBitmap &stippleBitmap) { wxCHECK_RET( stippleBitmap.Ok(), _T("invalid bitmap") ); wxCHECK_RET( stippleBitmap.GetWidth() == 8 && stippleBitmap.GetHeight() == 8, _T("stipple bitmap must be 8x8") ); m_refData = new wxBrushRefData(); M_BRUSHDATA->m_colour = *wxBLACK; M_BRUSHDATA->m_stipple = stippleBitmap; wxBitmapToPixPattern(stippleBitmap, &(M_BRUSHDATA->m_pixPattern), &(M_BRUSHDATA->m_maskPattern)); if (M_BRUSHDATA->m_stipple.GetMask()) M_BRUSHDATA->m_style = wxSTIPPLE_MASK_OPAQUE; else M_BRUSHDATA->m_style = wxSTIPPLE; } bool wxBrush::operator == (const wxBrush& brush) const { if (m_refData == brush.m_refData) return true; if (!m_refData || !brush.m_refData) return false; return *(wxBrushRefData*)m_refData == *(wxBrushRefData*)brush.m_refData; } bool wxBrush::operator != (const wxBrush& brush) const { return m_refData != brush.m_refData; } bool wxBrush::IsOk() const { return ((m_refData) && M_BRUSHDATA->m_colour.Ok()); } int wxBrush::GetStyle() const { if (m_refData == NULL) { wxFAIL_MSG( wxT("invalid brush") ); return 0; } return M_BRUSHDATA->m_style; } wxColour &wxBrush::GetColour() const { if (m_refData == NULL) { wxFAIL_MSG( wxT("invalid brush") ); return wxNullColour; } return M_BRUSHDATA->m_colour; } wxBitmap *wxBrush::GetStipple() const { if (m_refData == NULL) { wxFAIL_MSG( wxT("invalid brush") ); return &wxNullBitmap; } return &M_BRUSHDATA->m_stipple; } void* wxBrush::GetMaskPattern() const { wxCHECK_MSG( Ok(), NULL, wxT("invalid brush") ); return (void*)&(M_BRUSHDATA->m_maskPattern); } void* wxBrush::GetPixPattern() const { wxCHECK_MSG( Ok(), NULL, wxT("invalid brush") ); return (void*)&(M_BRUSHDATA->m_pixPattern); } void wxBrush::SetColour(const wxColour& col) { AllocExclusive(); M_BRUSHDATA->m_colour = col; } void wxBrush::SetColour(unsigned char r, unsigned char g, unsigned char b) { AllocExclusive(); M_BRUSHDATA->m_colour.Set(r, g, b); } void wxBrush::SetStyle( int style ) { AllocExclusive(); M_BRUSHDATA->m_style = style; } void wxBrush::SetStipple(const wxBitmap& stipple) { AllocExclusive(); wxCHECK_RET( stipple.Ok(), _T("invalid bitmap") ); wxCHECK_RET( stipple.GetWidth() == 8 && stipple.GetHeight() == 8, _T("stipple bitmap must be 8x8") ); M_BRUSHDATA->m_stipple = stipple; wxBitmapToPixPattern(stipple, &(M_BRUSHDATA->m_pixPattern), &(M_BRUSHDATA->m_maskPattern)); if (M_BRUSHDATA->m_stipple.GetMask()) M_BRUSHDATA->m_style = wxSTIPPLE_MASK_OPAQUE; else M_BRUSHDATA->m_style = wxSTIPPLE; } wxObjectRefData *wxBrush::CreateRefData() const { return new wxBrushRefData; } wxObjectRefData *wxBrush::CloneRefData(const wxObjectRefData *data) const { return new wxBrushRefData(*(wxBrushRefData *)data); }