///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: src/mac/classic/window.cpp // Purpose: wxWindowMac // Author: Stefan Csomor // Modified by: // Created: 1998-01-01 // RCS-ID: $Id: window.cpp 39787 2006-06-19 07:12:50Z ABX $ // Copyright: (c) Stefan Csomor // Licence: wxWindows licence ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "wx/wxprec.h" #include "wx/window.h" #ifndef WX_PRECOMP #include "wx/log.h" #include "wx/app.h" #include "wx/utils.h" #include "wx/panel.h" #include "wx/frame.h" #include "wx/dc.h" #include "wx/dcclient.h" #include "wx/button.h" #include "wx/menu.h" #include "wx/dialog.h" #include "wx/settings.h" #include "wx/msgdlg.h" #include "wx/scrolbar.h" #include "wx/statbox.h" #include "wx/listbox.h" #include "wx/layout.h" #include "wx/statusbr.h" #include "wx/menuitem.h" #endif #include "wx/notebook.h" #include "wx/tabctrl.h" #include "wx/tooltip.h" #include "wx/spinctrl.h" #include "wx/geometry.h" #if wxUSE_CARET #include "wx/caret.h" #endif // wxUSE_CARET #define wxWINDOW_HSCROLL 5998 #define wxWINDOW_VSCROLL 5997 #define MAC_SCROLLBAR_SIZE 16 #include "wx/mac/uma.h" #ifndef __DARWIN__ #include #include #endif #if wxUSE_DRAG_AND_DROP #include "wx/dnd.h" #endif #include wxWindowMac* gFocusWindow = NULL ; #ifdef __WXUNIVERSAL__ IMPLEMENT_ABSTRACT_CLASS(wxWindowMac, wxWindowBase) #else // __WXMAC__ IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS(wxWindow, wxWindowBase) #endif // __WXUNIVERSAL__/__WXMAC__ BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(wxWindowMac, wxWindowBase) EVT_NC_PAINT(wxWindowMac::OnNcPaint) EVT_ERASE_BACKGROUND(wxWindowMac::OnEraseBackground) EVT_SET_FOCUS(wxWindowMac::OnSetFocus) EVT_MOUSE_EVENTS(wxWindowMac::OnMouseEvent) END_EVENT_TABLE() #define wxMAC_DEBUG_REDRAW 0 #ifndef wxMAC_DEBUG_REDRAW #define wxMAC_DEBUG_REDRAW 0 #endif #define wxMAC_USE_THEME_BORDER 0 // =========================================================================== // implementation // =========================================================================== // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // constructors and such // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void wxWindowMac::Init() { m_backgroundTransparent = false; // as all windows are created with WS_VISIBLE style... m_isShown = true; m_x = 0; m_y = 0 ; m_width = 0 ; m_height = 0 ; m_hScrollBar = NULL ; m_vScrollBar = NULL ; } // Destructor wxWindowMac::~wxWindowMac() { SendDestroyEvent(); // deleting a window while it is shown invalidates the region if ( IsShown() ) { wxWindowMac* iter = this ; while( iter ) { if ( iter->IsTopLevel() ) { Refresh() ; break ; } iter = iter->GetParent() ; } } m_isBeingDeleted = true; #ifndef __WXUNIVERSAL__ // VS: make sure there's no wxFrame with last focus set to us: for ( wxWindow *win = GetParent(); win; win = win->GetParent() ) { wxFrame *frame = wxDynamicCast(win, wxFrame); if ( frame ) { if ( frame->GetLastFocus() == this ) { frame->SetLastFocus((wxWindow*)NULL); } break; } } #endif // __WXUNIVERSAL__ if ( s_lastMouseWindow == this ) { s_lastMouseWindow = NULL ; } wxFrame* frame = wxDynamicCast( wxGetTopLevelParent( this ) , wxFrame ) ; if ( frame ) { if ( frame->GetLastFocus() == this ) frame->SetLastFocus( NULL ) ; } if ( gFocusWindow == this ) { gFocusWindow = NULL ; } DestroyChildren(); // delete our drop target if we've got one #if wxUSE_DRAG_AND_DROP if ( m_dropTarget != NULL ) { delete m_dropTarget; m_dropTarget = NULL; } #endif // wxUSE_DRAG_AND_DROP } // Constructor bool wxWindowMac::Create(wxWindowMac *parent, wxWindowID id, const wxPoint& pos, const wxSize& size, long style, const wxString& name) { wxCHECK_MSG( parent, false, wxT("can't create wxWindowMac without parent") ); #if wxUSE_STATBOX // wxGTK doesn't allow to create controls with static box as the parent so // this will result in a crash when the program is ported to wxGTK - warn // about it // // the correct solution is to create the controls as siblings of the // static box wxASSERT_MSG( !wxDynamicCast(parent, wxStaticBox), _T("wxStaticBox can't be used as a window parent!") ); #endif // wxUSE_STATBOX if ( !CreateBase(parent, id, pos, size, style, wxDefaultValidator, name) ) return false; parent->AddChild(this); m_x = (int)pos.x; m_y = (int)pos.y; AdjustForParentClientOrigin(m_x, m_y, wxSIZE_USE_EXISTING); m_width = WidthDefault( size.x ); m_height = HeightDefault( size.y ) ; #ifndef __WXUNIVERSAL__ // Don't give scrollbars to wxControls unless they ask for them if ( (! IsKindOf(CLASSINFO(wxControl)) && ! IsKindOf(CLASSINFO(wxStatusBar))) || (IsKindOf(CLASSINFO(wxControl)) && ( style & wxHSCROLL || style & wxVSCROLL))) { MacCreateScrollBars( style ) ; } #endif wxWindowCreateEvent event(this); GetEventHandler()->AddPendingEvent(event); return true; } void wxWindowMac::SetFocus() { if ( gFocusWindow == this ) return ; if ( AcceptsFocus() ) { if (gFocusWindow ) { #if wxUSE_CARET // Deal with caret if ( gFocusWindow->m_caret ) { gFocusWindow->m_caret->OnKillFocus(); } #endif // wxUSE_CARET #ifndef __WXUNIVERSAL__ wxControl* control = wxDynamicCast( gFocusWindow , wxControl ) ; if ( control && control->GetMacControl() ) { UMASetKeyboardFocus( (WindowRef) gFocusWindow->MacGetRootWindow() , (ControlHandle) control->GetMacControl() , kControlFocusNoPart ) ; control->MacRedrawControl() ; } #endif // Without testing the window id, for some reason // a kill focus event can still be sent to // the control just being focussed. int thisId = this->m_windowId; int gFocusWindowId = gFocusWindow->m_windowId; if (gFocusWindowId != thisId) { wxFocusEvent event(wxEVT_KILL_FOCUS, gFocusWindow->m_windowId); event.SetEventObject(gFocusWindow); gFocusWindow->GetEventHandler()->ProcessEvent(event) ; } } gFocusWindow = this ; { #if wxUSE_CARET // Deal with caret if ( m_caret ) { m_caret->OnSetFocus(); } #endif // wxUSE_CARET // panel wants to track the window which was the last to have focus in it wxChildFocusEvent eventFocus(this); GetEventHandler()->ProcessEvent(eventFocus); #ifndef __WXUNIVERSAL__ wxControl* control = wxDynamicCast( gFocusWindow , wxControl ) ; if ( control && control->GetMacControl() ) { UMASetKeyboardFocus( (WindowRef) gFocusWindow->MacGetRootWindow() , (ControlHandle) control->GetMacControl() , kControlFocusNextPart ) ; } #endif wxFocusEvent event(wxEVT_SET_FOCUS, m_windowId); event.SetEventObject(this); GetEventHandler()->ProcessEvent(event) ; } } } bool wxWindowMac::Enable(bool enable) { if ( !wxWindowBase::Enable(enable) ) return false; MacSuperEnabled( enable ) ; return true; } void wxWindowMac::DoCaptureMouse() { wxTheApp->s_captureWindow = this ; } wxWindow* wxWindowBase::GetCapture() { return wxTheApp->s_captureWindow ; } void wxWindowMac::DoReleaseMouse() { wxTheApp->s_captureWindow = NULL ; } #if wxUSE_DRAG_AND_DROP void wxWindowMac::SetDropTarget(wxDropTarget *pDropTarget) { if ( m_dropTarget != 0 ) { delete m_dropTarget; } m_dropTarget = pDropTarget; if ( m_dropTarget != 0 ) { // TODO } } #endif // Old style file-manager drag&drop void wxWindowMac::DragAcceptFiles(bool accept) { // TODO } // Get total size void wxWindowMac::DoGetSize(int *x, int *y) const { if(x) *x = m_width ; if(y) *y = m_height ; } void wxWindowMac::DoGetPosition(int *x, int *y) const { int xx,yy; xx = m_x ; yy = m_y ; if ( !IsTopLevel() && GetParent()) { wxPoint pt(GetParent()->GetClientAreaOrigin()); xx -= pt.x; yy -= pt.y; } if(x) *x = xx; if(y) *y = yy; } #if wxUSE_MENUS bool wxWindowMac::DoPopupMenu(wxMenu *menu, int x, int y) { menu->SetInvokingWindow(this); menu->UpdateUI(); if ( x == -1 && y == -1 ) { wxPoint mouse = wxGetMousePosition(); x = mouse.x; y = mouse.y; } else { ClientToScreen( &x , &y ) ; } menu->MacBeforeDisplay( true ) ; long menuResult = ::PopUpMenuSelect((MenuHandle) menu->GetHMenu() ,y,x, 0) ; if ( HiWord(menuResult) != 0 ) { MenuCommand id ; GetMenuItemCommandID( GetMenuHandle(HiWord(menuResult)) , LoWord(menuResult) , &id ) ; wxMenuItem* item = NULL ; wxMenu* realmenu ; item = menu->FindItem(id, &realmenu) ; if (item->IsCheckable()) { item->Check( !item->IsChecked() ) ; } menu->SendEvent( id , item->IsCheckable() ? item->IsChecked() : -1 ) ; } menu->MacAfterDisplay( true ) ; menu->SetInvokingWindow(NULL); return true; } #endif void wxWindowMac::DoScreenToClient(int *x, int *y) const { WindowRef window = (WindowRef) MacGetRootWindow() ; Point localwhere = {0,0} ; if(x) localwhere.h = * x ; if(y) localwhere.v = * y ; GrafPtr port ; ::GetPort( &port ) ; ::SetPort( UMAGetWindowPort( window ) ) ; ::GlobalToLocal( &localwhere ) ; ::SetPort( port ) ; if(x) *x = localwhere.h ; if(y) *y = localwhere.v ; MacRootWindowToWindow( x , y ) ; if ( x ) *x -= MacGetLeftBorderSize() ; if ( y ) *y -= MacGetTopBorderSize() ; } void wxWindowMac::DoClientToScreen(int *x, int *y) const { WindowRef window = (WindowRef) MacGetRootWindow() ; if ( x ) *x += MacGetLeftBorderSize() ; if ( y ) *y += MacGetTopBorderSize() ; MacWindowToRootWindow( x , y ) ; Point localwhere = { 0,0 }; if(x) localwhere.h = * x ; if(y) localwhere.v = * y ; GrafPtr port ; ::GetPort( &port ) ; ::SetPort( UMAGetWindowPort( window ) ) ; ::LocalToGlobal( &localwhere ) ; ::SetPort( port ) ; if(x) *x = localwhere.h ; if(y) *y = localwhere.v ; } void wxWindowMac::MacClientToRootWindow( int *x , int *y ) const { wxPoint origin = GetClientAreaOrigin() ; if(x) *x += origin.x ; if(y) *y += origin.y ; MacWindowToRootWindow( x , y ) ; } void wxWindowMac::MacRootWindowToClient( int *x , int *y ) const { wxPoint origin = GetClientAreaOrigin() ; MacRootWindowToWindow( x , y ) ; if(x) *x -= origin.x ; if(y) *y -= origin.y ; } void wxWindowMac::MacWindowToRootWindow( int *x , int *y ) const { if ( !IsTopLevel() ) { if(x) *x += m_x ; if(y) *y += m_y ; GetParent()->MacWindowToRootWindow( x , y ) ; } } void wxWindowMac::MacRootWindowToWindow( int *x , int *y ) const { if ( !IsTopLevel() ) { if(x) *x -= m_x ; if(y) *y -= m_y ; GetParent()->MacRootWindowToWindow( x , y ) ; } } bool wxWindowMac::SetCursor(const wxCursor& cursor) { if (m_cursor == cursor) return false; if (wxNullCursor == cursor) { if ( ! wxWindowBase::SetCursor( *wxSTANDARD_CURSOR ) ) return false ; } else { if ( ! wxWindowBase::SetCursor( cursor ) ) return false ; } wxASSERT_MSG( m_cursor.Ok(), wxT("cursor must be valid after call to the base version")); Point pt ; wxWindowMac *mouseWin ; GetMouse( &pt ) ; // Change the cursor NOW if we're within the correct window if ( MacGetWindowFromPoint( wxPoint( pt.h , pt.v ) , &mouseWin ) ) { if ( mouseWin == this && !wxIsBusy() ) { m_cursor.MacInstall() ; } } return true ; } // Get size *available for subwindows* i.e. excluding menu bar etc. void wxWindowMac::DoGetClientSize(int *x, int *y) const { int ww, hh; ww = m_width ; hh = m_height ; ww -= MacGetLeftBorderSize( ) + MacGetRightBorderSize( ) ; hh -= MacGetTopBorderSize( ) + MacGetBottomBorderSize( ); if ( (m_vScrollBar && m_vScrollBar->IsShown()) || (m_hScrollBar && m_hScrollBar->IsShown()) ) { int x1 = 0 ; int y1 = 0 ; int w = m_width ; int h = m_height ; MacClientToRootWindow( &x1 , &y1 ) ; MacClientToRootWindow( &w , &h ) ; wxWindowMac *iter = (wxWindowMac*)this ; int totW = 10000 , totH = 10000; while( iter ) { if ( iter->IsTopLevel() ) { totW = iter->m_width ; totH = iter->m_height ; break ; } iter = iter->GetParent() ; } if (m_hScrollBar && m_hScrollBar->IsShown() ) { hh -= MAC_SCROLLBAR_SIZE; if ( h-y1 >= totH ) { hh += 1 ; } } if (m_vScrollBar && m_vScrollBar->IsShown() ) { ww -= MAC_SCROLLBAR_SIZE; if ( w-x1 >= totW ) { ww += 1 ; } } } if(x) *x = ww; if(y) *y = hh; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // tooltips // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #if wxUSE_TOOLTIPS void wxWindowMac::DoSetToolTip(wxToolTip *tooltip) { wxWindowBase::DoSetToolTip(tooltip); if ( m_tooltip ) m_tooltip->SetWindow(this); } #endif // wxUSE_TOOLTIPS void wxWindowMac::DoMoveWindow(int x, int y, int width, int height) { int former_x = m_x ; int former_y = m_y ; int former_w = m_width ; int former_h = m_height ; int actualWidth = width; int actualHeight = height; int actualX = x; int actualY = y; if ((m_minWidth != -1) && (actualWidth < m_minWidth)) actualWidth = m_minWidth; if ((m_minHeight != -1) && (actualHeight < m_minHeight)) actualHeight = m_minHeight; if ((m_maxWidth != -1) && (actualWidth > m_maxWidth)) actualWidth = m_maxWidth; if ((m_maxHeight != -1) && (actualHeight > m_maxHeight)) actualHeight = m_maxHeight; bool doMove = false ; bool doResize = false ; if ( actualX != former_x || actualY != former_y ) { doMove = true ; } if ( actualWidth != former_w || actualHeight != former_h ) { doResize = true ; } if ( doMove || doResize ) { // erase former position bool partialRepaint = false ; if ( !HasFlag(wxFULL_REPAINT_ON_RESIZE) ) { wxPoint oldPos( m_x , m_y ) ; wxPoint newPos( actualX , actualY ) ; MacWindowToRootWindow( &oldPos.x , &oldPos.y ) ; MacWindowToRootWindow( &newPos.x , &newPos.y ) ; if ( oldPos == newPos ) { partialRepaint = true ; RgnHandle oldRgn,newRgn,diffRgn ; oldRgn = NewRgn() ; newRgn = NewRgn() ; diffRgn = NewRgn() ; // invalidate the differences between the old and the new area SetRectRgn(oldRgn , oldPos.x , oldPos.y , oldPos.x + m_width , oldPos.y + m_height ) ; SetRectRgn(newRgn , newPos.x , newPos.y , newPos.x + actualWidth , newPos.y + actualHeight ) ; DiffRgn( newRgn , oldRgn , diffRgn ) ; InvalWindowRgn( (WindowRef) MacGetRootWindow() , diffRgn ) ; DiffRgn( oldRgn , newRgn , diffRgn ) ; InvalWindowRgn( (WindowRef) MacGetRootWindow() , diffRgn ) ; // we also must invalidate the border areas, someone might optimize this one day to invalidate only the really // changing pixels... if ( MacGetLeftBorderSize() != 0 || MacGetRightBorderSize() != 0 || MacGetTopBorderSize() != 0 || MacGetBottomBorderSize() != 0 ) { RgnHandle innerOldRgn, innerNewRgn ; innerOldRgn = NewRgn() ; innerNewRgn = NewRgn() ; SetRectRgn(innerOldRgn , oldPos.x + MacGetLeftBorderSize() , oldPos.y + MacGetTopBorderSize() , oldPos.x + m_width - MacGetRightBorderSize() , oldPos.y + m_height - MacGetBottomBorderSize() ) ; DiffRgn( oldRgn , innerOldRgn , diffRgn ) ; InvalWindowRgn( (WindowRef) MacGetRootWindow() , diffRgn ) ; SetRectRgn(innerNewRgn , newPos.x + MacGetLeftBorderSize() , newPos.y + MacGetTopBorderSize() , newPos.x + actualWidth - MacGetRightBorderSize() , newPos.y + actualHeight - MacGetBottomBorderSize() ) ; DiffRgn( newRgn , innerNewRgn , diffRgn ) ; InvalWindowRgn( (WindowRef) MacGetRootWindow() , diffRgn ) ; DisposeRgn( innerOldRgn ) ; DisposeRgn( innerNewRgn ) ; } DisposeRgn(oldRgn) ; DisposeRgn(newRgn) ; DisposeRgn(diffRgn) ; } } if ( !partialRepaint ) Refresh() ; m_x = actualX ; m_y = actualY ; m_width = actualWidth ; m_height = actualHeight ; // update any low-level frame-relative positions MacUpdateDimensions() ; // erase new position if ( !partialRepaint ) Refresh() ; if ( doMove ) wxWindowMac::MacSuperChangedPosition() ; // like this only children will be notified MacRepositionScrollBars() ; if ( doMove ) { wxPoint point(m_x, m_y); wxMoveEvent event(point, m_windowId); event.SetEventObject(this); GetEventHandler()->ProcessEvent(event) ; } if ( doResize ) { MacRepositionScrollBars() ; wxSize size(m_width, m_height); wxSizeEvent event(size, m_windowId); event.SetEventObject(this); GetEventHandler()->ProcessEvent(event); } } } // set the size of the window: if the dimensions are positive, just use them, // but if any of them is equal to -1, it means that we must find the value for // it ourselves (unless sizeFlags contains wxSIZE_ALLOW_MINUS_ONE flag, in // which case -1 is a valid value for x and y) // // If sizeFlags contains wxSIZE_AUTO_WIDTH/HEIGHT flags (default), we calculate // the width/height to best suit our contents, otherwise we reuse the current // width/height void wxWindowMac::DoSetSize(int x, int y, int width, int height, int sizeFlags) { // get the current size and position... int currentX, currentY; GetPosition(¤tX, ¤tY); int currentW,currentH; GetSize(¤tW, ¤tH); // ... and don't do anything (avoiding flicker) if it's already ok if ( x == currentX && y == currentY && width == currentW && height == currentH ) { MacRepositionScrollBars() ; // we might have a real position shift return; } if ( x == -1 && !(sizeFlags & wxSIZE_ALLOW_MINUS_ONE) ) x = currentX; if ( y == -1 && !(sizeFlags & wxSIZE_ALLOW_MINUS_ONE) ) y = currentY; AdjustForParentClientOrigin(x, y, sizeFlags); wxSize size(-1, -1); if ( width == -1 ) { if ( sizeFlags & wxSIZE_AUTO_WIDTH ) { size = DoGetBestSize(); width = size.x; } else { // just take the current one width = currentW; } } if ( height == -1 ) { if ( sizeFlags & wxSIZE_AUTO_HEIGHT ) { if ( size.x == -1 ) { size = DoGetBestSize(); } //else: already called DoGetBestSize() above height = size.y; } else { // just take the current one height = currentH; } } DoMoveWindow(x, y, width, height); } // For implementation purposes - sometimes decorations make the client area // smaller wxPoint wxWindowMac::GetClientAreaOrigin() const { return wxPoint(MacGetLeftBorderSize( ) , MacGetTopBorderSize( ) ); } void wxWindowMac::SetLabel(const wxString& label) { m_label = label ; } wxString wxWindowMac::GetLabel() const { return m_label ; } bool wxWindowMac::Show(bool show) { if ( !wxWindowBase::Show(show) ) return false; MacSuperShown( show ) ; Refresh() ; return true; } void wxWindowMac::MacSuperShown( bool show ) { wxWindowListNode *node = GetChildren().GetFirst(); while ( node ) { wxWindowMac *child = node->GetData(); if ( child->m_isShown ) child->MacSuperShown( show ) ; node = node->GetNext(); } } void wxWindowMac::MacSuperEnabled( bool enabled ) { if ( !IsTopLevel() ) { // to be absolutely correct we'd have to invalidate (with eraseBkground // because unter MacOSX the frames are drawn with an addXXX mode) // the borders area } wxWindowListNode *node = GetChildren().GetFirst(); while ( node ) { wxWindowMac *child = (wxWindowMac *)node->GetData(); if ( child->m_isShown ) child->MacSuperEnabled( enabled ) ; node = node->GetNext(); } } bool wxWindowMac::MacIsReallyShown() const { if ( m_isShown && (m_parent != NULL && !IsTopLevel() ) ) { return m_parent->MacIsReallyShown(); } return m_isShown; /* bool status = m_isShown ; wxWindowMac * win = this ; while ( status && win->m_parent != NULL ) { win = win->m_parent ; status = win->m_isShown ; } return status ; */ } int wxWindowMac::GetCharHeight() const { wxClientDC dc ( (wxWindowMac*)this ) ; return dc.GetCharHeight() ; } int wxWindowMac::GetCharWidth() const { wxClientDC dc ( (wxWindowMac*)this ) ; return dc.GetCharWidth() ; } void wxWindowMac::GetTextExtent(const wxString& string, int *x, int *y, int *descent, int *externalLeading, const wxFont *theFont ) const { const wxFont *fontToUse = theFont; if ( !fontToUse ) fontToUse = &m_font; wxClientDC dc( (wxWindowMac*) this ) ; long lx,ly,ld,le ; dc.GetTextExtent( string , &lx , &ly , &ld, &le, (wxFont *)fontToUse ) ; if ( externalLeading ) *externalLeading = le ; if ( descent ) *descent = ld ; if ( x ) *x = lx ; if ( y ) *y = ly ; } /* * Rect is given in client coordinates, for further reading, read wxTopLevelWindowMac::InvalidateRect * we always intersect with the entire window, not only with the client area */ void wxWindowMac::Refresh(bool eraseBack, const wxRect *rect) { if ( MacGetTopLevelWindow() == NULL ) return ; if ( !MacIsReallyShown() ) return ; wxPoint client = GetClientAreaOrigin(); int x1 = -client.x; int y1 = -client.y; int x2 = m_width - client.x; int y2 = m_height - client.y; if (IsKindOf( CLASSINFO(wxButton))) { // buttons have an "aura" y1 -= 5; x1 -= 5; y2 += 5; x2 += 5; } Rect clientrect = { y1, x1, y2, x2 }; if ( rect ) { Rect r = { rect->y , rect->x , rect->y + rect->height , rect->x + rect->width } ; SectRect( &clientrect , &r , &clientrect ) ; } if ( !EmptyRect( &clientrect ) ) { int top = 0 , left = 0 ; MacClientToRootWindow( &left , &top ) ; OffsetRect( &clientrect , left , top ) ; MacGetTopLevelWindow()->MacInvalidate( &clientrect , eraseBack ) ; } } wxWindowMac *wxGetActiveWindow() { // actually this is a windows-only concept return NULL; } // Coordinates relative to the window void wxWindowMac::WarpPointer (int x_pos, int y_pos) { // We really don't move the mouse programmatically under Mac. } const wxBrush& wxWindowMac::MacGetBackgroundBrush() { if ( m_backgroundColour == wxSystemSettings::GetColour(wxSYS_COLOUR_APPWORKSPACE) ) { m_macBackgroundBrush.SetMacTheme( kThemeBrushDocumentWindowBackground ) ; } else if ( m_backgroundColour == wxSystemSettings::GetColour(wxSYS_COLOUR_3DFACE ) ) { // on mac we have the difficult situation, that 3dface gray can be different colours, depending whether // it is on a notebook panel or not, in order to take care of that we walk up the hierarchy until we have // either a non gray background color or a non control window WindowRef window = (WindowRef) MacGetRootWindow() ; wxWindowMac* parent = GetParent() ; while( parent ) { if ( parent->MacGetRootWindow() != (WXWindow) window ) { // we are in a different window on the mac system parent = NULL ; break ; } { if ( parent->m_backgroundColour != wxSystemSettings::GetColour(wxSYS_COLOUR_3DFACE ) && parent->m_backgroundColour != wxSystemSettings::GetColour(wxSYS_COLOUR_APPWORKSPACE) ) { // if we have any other colours in the hierarchy m_macBackgroundBrush.SetColour( parent->m_backgroundColour ) ; break ; } // if we have the normal colours in the hierarchy but another control etc. -> use it's background if ( parent->IsKindOf( CLASSINFO( wxNotebook ) ) || parent->IsKindOf( CLASSINFO( wxTabCtrl ) )) { Rect extent = { 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 } ; int x , y ; x = y = 0 ; wxSize size = parent->GetSize() ; parent->MacClientToRootWindow( &x , &y ) ; extent.left = x ; extent.top = y ; extent.top-- ; extent.right = x + size.x ; extent.bottom = y + size.y ; m_macBackgroundBrush.SetMacThemeBackground( kThemeBackgroundTabPane , (WXRECTPTR) &extent ) ; // todo eventually change for inactive break ; } } parent = parent->GetParent() ; } if ( !parent ) { m_macBackgroundBrush.SetMacTheme( kThemeBrushDialogBackgroundActive ) ; // todo eventually change for inactive } } else { m_macBackgroundBrush.SetColour( m_backgroundColour ) ; } return m_macBackgroundBrush ; } void wxWindowMac::OnEraseBackground(wxEraseEvent& event) { event.GetDC()->Clear() ; } void wxWindowMac::OnNcPaint( wxNcPaintEvent& event ) { wxWindowDC dc(this) ; wxMacPortSetter helper(&dc) ; MacPaintBorders( dc.m_macLocalOrigin.x , dc.m_macLocalOrigin.y) ; } int wxWindowMac::GetScrollPos(int orient) const { if ( orient == wxHORIZONTAL ) { if ( m_hScrollBar ) return m_hScrollBar->GetThumbPosition() ; } else { if ( m_vScrollBar ) return m_vScrollBar->GetThumbPosition() ; } return 0; } // This now returns the whole range, not just the number // of positions that we can scroll. int wxWindowMac::GetScrollRange(int orient) const { if ( orient == wxHORIZONTAL ) { if ( m_hScrollBar ) return m_hScrollBar->GetRange() ; } else { if ( m_vScrollBar ) return m_vScrollBar->GetRange() ; } return 0; } int wxWindowMac::GetScrollThumb(int orient) const { if ( orient == wxHORIZONTAL ) { if ( m_hScrollBar ) return m_hScrollBar->GetThumbSize() ; } else { if ( m_vScrollBar ) return m_vScrollBar->GetThumbSize() ; } return 0; } void wxWindowMac::SetScrollPos(int orient, int pos, bool refresh) { if ( orient == wxHORIZONTAL ) { if ( m_hScrollBar ) m_hScrollBar->SetThumbPosition( pos ) ; } else { if ( m_vScrollBar ) m_vScrollBar->SetThumbPosition( pos ) ; } } void wxWindowMac::MacPaintBorders( int left , int top ) { if( IsTopLevel() ) return ; int major,minor; wxGetOsVersion( &major, &minor ); RGBColor white = { 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF , 0xFFFF } ; RGBColor face = { 0xDDDD, 0xDDDD , 0xDDDD } ; RGBColor darkShadow = { 0x0000, 0x0000 , 0x0000 } ; RGBColor lightShadow = { 0x4444, 0x4444 , 0x4444 } ; // OS X has lighter border edges than classic: if (major >= 10) { darkShadow.red = 0x8E8E; darkShadow.green = 0x8E8E; darkShadow.blue = 0x8E8E; lightShadow.red = 0xBDBD; lightShadow.green = 0xBDBD; lightShadow.blue = 0xBDBD; } PenNormal() ; if (HasFlag(wxRAISED_BORDER) || HasFlag( wxSUNKEN_BORDER) || HasFlag(wxDOUBLE_BORDER) ) { #if wxMAC_USE_THEME_BORDER Rect rect = { top , left , m_height + top , m_width + left } ; SInt32 border = 0 ; /* GetThemeMetric( kThemeMetricListBoxFrameOutset , &border ) ; InsetRect( &rect , border , border ); DrawThemeListBoxFrame(&rect,IsEnabled() ? kThemeStateActive : kThemeStateInactive) ; */ DrawThemePrimaryGroup(&rect ,IsEnabled() ? kThemeStateActive : kThemeStateInactive) ; #else bool sunken = HasFlag( wxSUNKEN_BORDER ) ; RGBForeColor( &face ); MoveTo( left + 0 , top + m_height - 2 ); LineTo( left + 0 , top + 0 ); LineTo( left + m_width - 2 , top + 0 ); MoveTo( left + 2 , top + m_height - 3 ); LineTo( left + m_width - 3 , top + m_height - 3 ); LineTo( left + m_width - 3 , top + 2 ); RGBForeColor( sunken ? &face : &darkShadow ); MoveTo( left + 0 , top + m_height - 1 ); LineTo( left + m_width - 1 , top + m_height - 1 ); LineTo( left + m_width - 1 , top + 0 ); RGBForeColor( sunken ? &lightShadow : &white ); MoveTo( left + 1 , top + m_height - 3 ); LineTo( left + 1, top + 1 ); LineTo( left + m_width - 3 , top + 1 ); RGBForeColor( sunken ? &white : &lightShadow ); MoveTo( left + 1 , top + m_height - 2 ); LineTo( left + m_width - 2 , top + m_height - 2 ); LineTo( left + m_width - 2 , top + 1 ); RGBForeColor( sunken ? &darkShadow : &face ); MoveTo( left + 2 , top + m_height - 4 ); LineTo( left + 2 , top + 2 ); LineTo( left + m_width - 4 , top + 2 ); #endif } else if (HasFlag(wxSIMPLE_BORDER)) { Rect rect = { top , left , m_height + top , m_width + left } ; RGBForeColor( &darkShadow ) ; FrameRect( &rect ) ; } } void wxWindowMac::RemoveChild( wxWindowBase *child ) { if ( child == m_hScrollBar ) m_hScrollBar = NULL ; if ( child == m_vScrollBar ) m_vScrollBar = NULL ; wxWindowBase::RemoveChild( child ) ; } // New function that will replace some of the above. void wxWindowMac::SetScrollbar(int orient, int pos, int thumbVisible, int range, bool refresh) { if ( orient == wxHORIZONTAL ) { if ( m_hScrollBar ) { if ( range == 0 || thumbVisible >= range ) { if ( m_hScrollBar->IsShown() ) m_hScrollBar->Show(false) ; } else { if ( !m_hScrollBar->IsShown() ) m_hScrollBar->Show(true) ; m_hScrollBar->SetScrollbar( pos , thumbVisible , range , thumbVisible , refresh ) ; } } } else { if ( m_vScrollBar ) { if ( range == 0 || thumbVisible >= range ) { if ( m_vScrollBar->IsShown() ) m_vScrollBar->Show(false) ; } else { if ( !m_vScrollBar->IsShown() ) m_vScrollBar->Show(true) ; m_vScrollBar->SetScrollbar( pos , thumbVisible , range , thumbVisible , refresh ) ; } } } MacRepositionScrollBars() ; } // Does a physical scroll void wxWindowMac::ScrollWindow(int dx, int dy, const wxRect *rect) { if( dx == 0 && dy ==0 ) return ; { wxClientDC dc(this) ; wxMacPortSetter helper(&dc) ; int width , height ; GetClientSize( &width , &height ) ; Rect scrollrect = { dc.YLOG2DEVMAC(0) , dc.XLOG2DEVMAC(0) , dc.YLOG2DEVMAC(height) , dc.XLOG2DEVMAC(width) } ; RgnHandle updateRgn = NewRgn() ; ClipRect( &scrollrect ) ; if ( rect ) { Rect r = { dc.YLOG2DEVMAC(rect->y) , dc.XLOG2DEVMAC(rect->x) , dc.YLOG2DEVMAC(rect->y + rect->height) , dc.XLOG2DEVMAC(rect->x + rect->width) } ; SectRect( &scrollrect , &r , &scrollrect ) ; } ScrollRect( &scrollrect , dx , dy , updateRgn ) ; // we also have to scroll the update rgn in this rectangle // in order not to loose updates WindowRef rootWindow = (WindowRef) MacGetRootWindow() ; RgnHandle formerUpdateRgn = NewRgn() ; RgnHandle scrollRgn = NewRgn() ; RectRgn( scrollRgn , &scrollrect ) ; GetWindowUpdateRgn( rootWindow , formerUpdateRgn ) ; Point pt = {0,0} ; LocalToGlobal( &pt ) ; OffsetRgn( formerUpdateRgn , -pt.h , -pt.v ) ; SectRgn( formerUpdateRgn , scrollRgn , formerUpdateRgn ) ; if ( !EmptyRgn( formerUpdateRgn ) ) { MacOffsetRgn( formerUpdateRgn , dx , dy ) ; SectRgn( formerUpdateRgn , scrollRgn , formerUpdateRgn ) ; InvalWindowRgn(rootWindow , formerUpdateRgn ) ; } InvalWindowRgn(rootWindow , updateRgn ) ; DisposeRgn( updateRgn ) ; DisposeRgn( formerUpdateRgn ) ; DisposeRgn( scrollRgn ) ; } for (wxWindowListNode *node = GetChildren().GetFirst(); node; node = node->GetNext()) { wxWindowMac *child = node->GetData(); if (child == m_vScrollBar) continue; if (child == m_hScrollBar) continue; if (child->IsTopLevel()) continue; int x,y; child->GetPosition( &x, &y ); int w,h; child->GetSize( &w, &h ); if (rect) { wxRect rc(x,y,w,h); if (rect->Intersects(rc)) child->SetSize( x+dx, y+dy, w, h ); } else { child->SetSize( x+dx, y+dy, w, h ); } } Update() ; } void wxWindowMac::MacOnScroll(wxScrollEvent &event ) { if ( event.GetEventObject() == m_vScrollBar || event.GetEventObject() == m_hScrollBar ) { wxScrollWinEvent wevent; wevent.SetPosition(event.GetPosition()); wevent.SetOrientation(event.GetOrientation()); wevent.SetEventObject(this); if (event.GetEventType() == wxEVT_SCROLL_TOP) wevent.SetEventType( wxEVT_SCROLLWIN_TOP ); else if (event.GetEventType() == wxEVT_SCROLL_BOTTOM) wevent.SetEventType( wxEVT_SCROLLWIN_BOTTOM ); else if (event.GetEventType() == wxEVT_SCROLL_LINEUP) wevent.SetEventType( wxEVT_SCROLLWIN_LINEUP ); else if (event.GetEventType() == wxEVT_SCROLL_LINEDOWN) wevent.SetEventType( wxEVT_SCROLLWIN_LINEDOWN ); else if (event.GetEventType() == wxEVT_SCROLL_PAGEUP) wevent.SetEventType( wxEVT_SCROLLWIN_PAGEUP ); else if (event.GetEventType() == wxEVT_SCROLL_PAGEDOWN) wevent.SetEventType( wxEVT_SCROLLWIN_PAGEDOWN ); else if (event.GetEventType() == wxEVT_SCROLL_THUMBTRACK) wevent.SetEventType( wxEVT_SCROLLWIN_THUMBTRACK ); else if (event.GetEventType() == wxEVT_SCROLL_THUMBRELEASE) wevent.SetEventType( wxEVT_SCROLLWIN_THUMBRELEASE ); GetEventHandler()->ProcessEvent(wevent); } } // Get the window with the focus wxWindowMac *wxWindowBase::DoFindFocus() { return gFocusWindow ; } void wxWindowMac::OnSetFocus(wxFocusEvent& event) { // panel wants to track the window which was the last to have focus in it, // so we want to set ourselves as the window which last had focus // // notice that it's also important to do it upwards the tree becaus // otherwise when the top level panel gets focus, it won't set it back to // us, but to some other sibling // CS:don't know if this is still needed: //wxChildFocusEvent eventFocus(this); //(void)GetEventHandler()->ProcessEvent(eventFocus); event.Skip(); } // Setup background and foreground colours correctly void wxWindowMac::SetupColours() { if ( GetParent() ) SetBackgroundColour(GetParent()->GetBackgroundColour()); } void wxWindowMac::OnInternalIdle() { // This calls the UI-update mechanism (querying windows for // menu/toolbar/control state information) if (wxUpdateUIEvent::CanUpdate(this)) UpdateWindowUI(wxUPDATE_UI_FROMIDLE); } // Raise the window to the top of the Z order void wxWindowMac::Raise() { } // Lower the window to the bottom of the Z order void wxWindowMac::Lower() { } void wxWindowMac::DoSetClientSize(int width, int height) { if ( width != -1 || height != -1 ) { if ( width != -1 && m_vScrollBar ) width += MAC_SCROLLBAR_SIZE ; if ( height != -1 && m_vScrollBar ) height += MAC_SCROLLBAR_SIZE ; width += MacGetLeftBorderSize( ) + MacGetRightBorderSize( ) ; height += MacGetTopBorderSize( ) + MacGetBottomBorderSize( ) ; DoSetSize( -1 , -1 , width , height ) ; } } wxWindowMac* wxWindowMac::s_lastMouseWindow = NULL ; bool wxWindowMac::MacGetWindowFromPointSub( const wxPoint &point , wxWindowMac** outWin ) { if ( IsTopLevel() ) { if ((point.x < 0) || (point.y < 0) || (point.x > (m_width)) || (point.y > (m_height))) return false; } else { if ((point.x < m_x) || (point.y < m_y) || (point.x > (m_x + m_width)) || (point.y > (m_y + m_height))) return false; } WindowRef window = (WindowRef) MacGetRootWindow() ; wxPoint newPoint( point ) ; if ( !IsTopLevel() ) { newPoint.x -= m_x; newPoint.y -= m_y; } for (wxWindowListNode *node = GetChildren().GetFirst(); node; node = node->GetNext()) { wxWindowMac *child = node->GetData(); // added the m_isShown test --dmazzoni if ( child->MacGetRootWindow() == (WXWindow) window && child->m_isShown ) { if (child->MacGetWindowFromPointSub(newPoint , outWin )) return true; } } *outWin = this ; return true; } bool wxWindowMac::MacGetWindowFromPoint( const wxPoint &screenpoint , wxWindowMac** outWin ) { WindowRef window ; Point pt = { screenpoint.y , screenpoint.x } ; if ( ::FindWindow( pt , &window ) == 3 ) { wxWindowMac* win = wxFindWinFromMacWindow( (WXWindow) window ) ; if ( win ) { // No, this yields the CLIENT are, we need the whole frame. RR. // point = win->ScreenToClient( point ) ; GrafPtr port; ::GetPort( &port ) ; ::SetPort( UMAGetWindowPort( window ) ) ; ::GlobalToLocal( &pt ) ; ::SetPort( port ) ; wxPoint point( pt.h, pt.v ) ; return win->MacGetWindowFromPointSub( point , outWin ) ; } } return false ; } static wxWindow *gs_lastWhich = NULL; bool wxWindowMac::MacSetupCursor( const wxPoint& pt) { // first trigger a set cursor event wxPoint clientorigin = GetClientAreaOrigin() ; wxSize clientsize = GetClientSize() ; wxCursor cursor ; if ( wxRect2DInt( clientorigin.x , clientorigin.y , clientsize.x , clientsize.y ).Contains( wxPoint2DInt( pt ) ) ) { wxSetCursorEvent event( pt.x , pt.y ); bool processedEvtSetCursor = GetEventHandler()->ProcessEvent(event); if ( processedEvtSetCursor && event.HasCursor() ) { cursor = event.GetCursor() ; } else { // the test for processedEvtSetCursor is here to prevent using m_cursor // if the user code caught EVT_SET_CURSOR() and returned nothing from // it - this is a way to say that our cursor shouldn't be used for this // point if ( !processedEvtSetCursor && m_cursor.Ok() ) { cursor = m_cursor ; } if ( wxIsBusy() ) { } else { if ( !GetParent() ) cursor = *wxSTANDARD_CURSOR ; } } if ( cursor.Ok() ) cursor.MacInstall() ; } return cursor.Ok() ; } bool wxWindowMac::MacDispatchMouseEvent(wxMouseEvent& event) { if ((event.m_x < m_x) || (event.m_y < m_y) || (event.m_x > (m_x + m_width)) || (event.m_y > (m_y + m_height))) return false; if ( IsKindOf( CLASSINFO ( wxStaticBox ) ) /* || IsKindOf( CLASSINFO( wxSpinCtrl ) ) */) return false ; WindowRef window = (WindowRef) MacGetRootWindow() ; event.m_x -= m_x; event.m_y -= m_y; int x = event.m_x ; int y = event.m_y ; for (wxWindowListNode *node = GetChildren().GetFirst(); node; node = node->GetNext()) { wxWindowMac *child = node->GetData(); if ( child->MacGetRootWindow() == (WXWindow) window && child->IsShown() && child->IsEnabled() ) { if (child->MacDispatchMouseEvent(event)) return true; } } wxWindow* cursorTarget = this ; wxPoint cursorPoint( x , y ) ; while( cursorTarget && !cursorTarget->MacSetupCursor( cursorPoint ) ) { cursorTarget = cursorTarget->GetParent() ; if ( cursorTarget ) cursorPoint += cursorTarget->GetPosition() ; } event.m_x = x ; event.m_y = y ; event.SetEventObject( this ) ; if ( event.GetEventType() == wxEVT_LEFT_DOWN ) { // set focus to this window if (AcceptsFocus() && FindFocus()!=this) SetFocus(); } #if wxUSE_TOOLTIPS if ( event.GetEventType() == wxEVT_MOTION || event.GetEventType() == wxEVT_ENTER_WINDOW || event.GetEventType() == wxEVT_LEAVE_WINDOW ) wxToolTip::RelayEvent( this , event); #endif // wxUSE_TOOLTIPS if (gs_lastWhich != this) { gs_lastWhich = this; // Double clicks must always occur on the same window if (event.GetEventType() == wxEVT_LEFT_DCLICK) event.SetEventType( wxEVT_LEFT_DOWN ); if (event.GetEventType() == wxEVT_RIGHT_DCLICK) event.SetEventType( wxEVT_RIGHT_DOWN ); // Same for mouse up events if (event.GetEventType() == wxEVT_LEFT_UP) return true; if (event.GetEventType() == wxEVT_RIGHT_UP) return true; } GetEventHandler()->ProcessEvent( event ) ; return true; } wxString wxWindowMac::MacGetToolTipString( wxPoint &pt ) { if ( m_tooltip ) { return m_tooltip->GetTip() ; } return wxEmptyString ; } void wxWindowMac::Update() { wxRegion visRgn = MacGetVisibleRegion( false ) ; int top = 0 , left = 0 ; MacWindowToRootWindow( &left , &top ) ; WindowRef rootWindow = (WindowRef) MacGetRootWindow() ; RgnHandle updateRgn = NewRgn() ; // getting the update region in macos local coordinates GetWindowUpdateRgn( rootWindow , updateRgn ) ; GrafPtr port ; ::GetPort( &port ) ; ::SetPort( UMAGetWindowPort( rootWindow ) ) ; Point pt = {0,0} ; LocalToGlobal( &pt ) ; ::SetPort( port ) ; OffsetRgn( updateRgn , -pt.h , -pt.v ) ; // translate to window local coordinates OffsetRgn( updateRgn , -left , -top ) ; SectRgn( updateRgn , (RgnHandle) visRgn.GetWXHRGN() , updateRgn ) ; MacRedraw( updateRgn , 0 , true ) ; // for flushing and validating we need macos-local coordinates again OffsetRgn( updateRgn , left , top ) ; #if TARGET_API_MAC_CARBON if ( QDIsPortBuffered( GetWindowPort( rootWindow ) ) ) { QDFlushPortBuffer( GetWindowPort( rootWindow ) , updateRgn ) ; } #endif ValidWindowRgn( rootWindow , updateRgn ) ; DisposeRgn( updateRgn ) ; } wxTopLevelWindowMac* wxWindowMac::MacGetTopLevelWindow() const { wxTopLevelWindowMac* win = NULL ; WindowRef window = (WindowRef) MacGetRootWindow() ; if ( window ) { win = wxFindWinFromMacWindow( (WXWindow) window ) ; } return win ; } const wxRegion& wxWindowMac::MacGetVisibleRegion( bool respectChildrenAndSiblings ) { RgnHandle visRgn = NewRgn() ; RgnHandle tempRgn = NewRgn() ; RgnHandle tempStaticBoxRgn = NewRgn() ; if ( MacIsReallyShown() ) { SetRectRgn( visRgn , 0 , 0 , m_width , m_height ) ; //TODO : as soon as the new scheme has proven to work correctly, move this to wxStaticBox if ( IsKindOf( CLASSINFO( wxStaticBox ) ) ) { int borderTop = 14 ; int borderOther = 4 ; if ( UMAGetSystemVersion() >= 0x1030 ) borderTop += 2 ; SetRectRgn( tempStaticBoxRgn , borderOther , borderTop , m_width - borderOther , m_height - borderOther ) ; DiffRgn( visRgn , tempStaticBoxRgn , visRgn ) ; } if ( !IsTopLevel() ) { wxWindow* parent = GetParent() ; while( parent ) { wxSize size = parent->GetSize() ; int x , y ; x = y = 0 ; parent->MacWindowToRootWindow( &x, &y ) ; MacRootWindowToWindow( &x , &y ) ; SetRectRgn( tempRgn , x + parent->MacGetLeftBorderSize() , y + parent->MacGetTopBorderSize() , x + size.x - parent->MacGetRightBorderSize(), y + size.y - parent->MacGetBottomBorderSize()) ; SectRgn( visRgn , tempRgn , visRgn ) ; if ( parent->IsTopLevel() ) break ; parent = parent->GetParent() ; } } if ( respectChildrenAndSiblings ) { if ( GetWindowStyle() & wxCLIP_CHILDREN ) { for (wxWindowListNode *node = GetChildren().GetFirst(); node; node = node->GetNext()) { wxWindowMac *child = node->GetData(); if ( !child->IsTopLevel() && child->IsShown() ) { SetRectRgn( tempRgn , child->m_x , child->m_y , child->m_x + child->m_width , child->m_y + child->m_height ) ; if ( child->IsKindOf( CLASSINFO( wxStaticBox ) ) ) { int borderTop = 14 ; int borderOther = 4 ; if ( UMAGetSystemVersion() >= 0x1030 ) borderTop += 2 ; SetRectRgn( tempStaticBoxRgn , child->m_x + borderOther , child->m_y + borderTop , child->m_x + child->m_width - borderOther , child->m_y + child->m_height - borderOther ) ; DiffRgn( tempRgn , tempStaticBoxRgn , tempRgn ) ; } DiffRgn( visRgn , tempRgn , visRgn ) ; } } } if ( (GetWindowStyle() & wxCLIP_SIBLINGS) && GetParent() ) { bool thisWindowThrough = false ; for (wxWindowListNode *node = GetParent()->GetChildren().GetFirst(); node; node = node->GetNext()) { wxWindowMac *sibling = node->GetData(); if ( sibling == this ) { thisWindowThrough = true ; continue ; } if( !thisWindowThrough ) { continue ; } if ( !sibling->IsTopLevel() && sibling->IsShown() ) { SetRectRgn( tempRgn , sibling->m_x - m_x , sibling->m_y - m_y , sibling->m_x + sibling->m_width - m_x , sibling->m_y + sibling->m_height - m_y ) ; if ( sibling->IsKindOf( CLASSINFO( wxStaticBox ) ) ) { int borderTop = 14 ; int borderOther = 4 ; if ( UMAGetSystemVersion() >= 0x1030 ) borderTop += 2 ; SetRectRgn( tempStaticBoxRgn , sibling->m_x - m_x + borderOther , sibling->m_y - m_y + borderTop , sibling->m_x + sibling->m_width - m_x - borderOther , sibling->m_y + sibling->m_height - m_y - borderOther ) ; DiffRgn( tempRgn , tempStaticBoxRgn , tempRgn ) ; } DiffRgn( visRgn , tempRgn , visRgn ) ; } } } } } m_macVisibleRegion = visRgn ; DisposeRgn( visRgn ) ; DisposeRgn( tempRgn ) ; DisposeRgn( tempStaticBoxRgn ) ; return m_macVisibleRegion ; } void wxWindowMac::MacRedraw( WXHRGN updatergnr , long time, bool erase) { RgnHandle updatergn = (RgnHandle) updatergnr ; // updatergn is always already clipped to our boundaries // it is in window coordinates, not in client coordinates WindowRef window = (WindowRef) MacGetRootWindow() ; { // ownUpdateRgn is the area that this window has to repaint, it is in window coordinates RgnHandle ownUpdateRgn = NewRgn() ; CopyRgn( updatergn , ownUpdateRgn ) ; SectRgn( ownUpdateRgn , (RgnHandle) MacGetVisibleRegion().GetWXHRGN() , ownUpdateRgn ) ; // newupdate is the update region in client coordinates RgnHandle newupdate = NewRgn() ; wxSize point = GetClientSize() ; wxPoint origin = GetClientAreaOrigin() ; SetRectRgn( newupdate , origin.x , origin.y , origin.x + point.x , origin.y+point.y ) ; SectRgn( newupdate , ownUpdateRgn , newupdate ) ; OffsetRgn( newupdate , -origin.x , -origin.y ) ; m_updateRegion = newupdate ; DisposeRgn( newupdate ) ; // it's been cloned to m_updateRegion if ( erase && !EmptyRgn(ownUpdateRgn) ) { wxWindowDC dc(this); if (!EmptyRgn(ownUpdateRgn)) dc.SetClippingRegion(wxRegion(ownUpdateRgn)); wxEraseEvent eevent( GetId(), &dc ); eevent.SetEventObject( this ); GetEventHandler()->ProcessEvent( eevent ); wxNcPaintEvent eventNc( GetId() ); eventNc.SetEventObject( this ); GetEventHandler()->ProcessEvent( eventNc ); } DisposeRgn( ownUpdateRgn ) ; if ( !m_updateRegion.Empty() ) { wxWindowList hiddenWindows ; for (wxWindowListNode *node = GetChildren().GetFirst(); node; node = node->GetNext()) { wxControl *child = wxDynamicCast( ( wxWindow*)node->GetData() , wxControl ) ; if ( child && child->MacGetRootWindow() == (WXWindow) window && child->IsShown() && child->GetMacControl() ) { SetControlVisibility( (ControlHandle) child->GetMacControl() , false , false ) ; hiddenWindows.Append( child ) ; } } wxPaintEvent event; event.SetTimestamp(time); event.SetEventObject(this); GetEventHandler()->ProcessEvent(event); for (wxWindowListNode *node = hiddenWindows.GetFirst(); node; node = node->GetNext()) { wxControl *child = wxDynamicCast( ( wxWindow*)node->GetData() , wxControl ) ; if ( child && child->GetMacControl() ) { SetControlVisibility( (ControlHandle) child->GetMacControl() , true , false ) ; } } } } // now intersect for each of the children their rect with the updateRgn and call MacRedraw recursively RgnHandle childupdate = NewRgn() ; for (wxWindowListNode *node = GetChildren().GetFirst(); node; node = node->GetNext()) { // calculate the update region for the child windows by intersecting the window rectangle with our own // passed in update region and then offset it to be client-wise window coordinates again wxWindowMac *child = node->GetData(); SetRectRgn( childupdate , child->m_x , child->m_y , child->m_x + child->m_width , child->m_y + child->m_height ) ; SectRgn( childupdate , updatergn , childupdate ) ; OffsetRgn( childupdate , -child->m_x , -child->m_y ) ; if ( child->MacGetRootWindow() == (WXWindow) window && child->IsShown() && !EmptyRgn( childupdate ) ) { // because dialogs may also be children child->MacRedraw( childupdate , time , erase ) ; } } DisposeRgn( childupdate ) ; // eventually a draw grow box here } WXWindow wxWindowMac::MacGetRootWindow() const { wxWindowMac *iter = (wxWindowMac*)this ; while( iter ) { if ( iter->IsTopLevel() ) return ((wxTopLevelWindow*)iter)->MacGetWindowRef() ; iter = iter->GetParent() ; } wxASSERT_MSG( 1 , wxT("No valid mac root window") ) ; return NULL ; } void wxWindowMac::MacCreateScrollBars( long style ) { wxASSERT_MSG( m_vScrollBar == NULL && m_hScrollBar == NULL , wxT("attempt to create window twice") ) ; bool hasBoth = ( style & wxVSCROLL ) && ( style & wxHSCROLL ) ; int adjust = hasBoth ? MAC_SCROLLBAR_SIZE - 1: 0 ; int width, height ; GetClientSize( &width , &height ) ; wxPoint vPoint(width-MAC_SCROLLBAR_SIZE, 0) ; wxSize vSize(MAC_SCROLLBAR_SIZE, height - adjust) ; wxPoint hPoint(0 , height-MAC_SCROLLBAR_SIZE ) ; wxSize hSize( width - adjust, MAC_SCROLLBAR_SIZE) ; m_vScrollBar = new wxScrollBar(this, wxWINDOW_VSCROLL, vPoint, vSize , wxVERTICAL); if ( style & wxVSCROLL ) { } else { m_vScrollBar->Show(false) ; } m_hScrollBar = new wxScrollBar(this, wxWINDOW_HSCROLL, hPoint, hSize , wxHORIZONTAL); if ( style & wxHSCROLL ) { } else { m_hScrollBar->Show(false) ; } // because the create does not take into account the client area origin MacRepositionScrollBars() ; // we might have a real position shift } void wxWindowMac::MacRepositionScrollBars() { bool hasBoth = ( m_hScrollBar && m_hScrollBar->IsShown()) && ( m_vScrollBar && m_vScrollBar->IsShown()) ; int adjust = hasBoth ? MAC_SCROLLBAR_SIZE - 1 : 0 ; // get real client area int width = m_width ; int height = m_height ; width -= MacGetLeftBorderSize() + MacGetRightBorderSize(); height -= MacGetTopBorderSize() + MacGetBottomBorderSize(); wxPoint vPoint(width-MAC_SCROLLBAR_SIZE, 0) ; wxSize vSize(MAC_SCROLLBAR_SIZE, height - adjust) ; wxPoint hPoint(0 , height-MAC_SCROLLBAR_SIZE ) ; wxSize hSize( width - adjust, MAC_SCROLLBAR_SIZE) ; int x = 0 ; int y = 0 ; int w = m_width ; int h = m_height ; MacClientToRootWindow( &x , &y ) ; MacClientToRootWindow( &w , &h ) ; wxWindowMac *iter = (wxWindowMac*)this ; int totW = 10000 , totH = 10000; while( iter ) { if ( iter->IsTopLevel() ) { totW = iter->m_width ; totH = iter->m_height ; break ; } iter = iter->GetParent() ; } if ( x == 0 ) { hPoint.x = -1 ; hSize.x += 1 ; } if ( y == 0 ) { vPoint.y = -1 ; vSize.y += 1 ; } if ( w-x >= totW ) { hSize.x += 1 ; vPoint.x += 1 ; } if ( h-y >= totH ) { vSize.y += 1 ; hPoint.y += 1 ; } if ( m_vScrollBar ) { m_vScrollBar->SetSize( vPoint.x , vPoint.y, vSize.x, vSize.y , wxSIZE_ALLOW_MINUS_ONE); } if ( m_hScrollBar ) { m_hScrollBar->SetSize( hPoint.x , hPoint.y, hSize.x, hSize.y, wxSIZE_ALLOW_MINUS_ONE); } } bool wxWindowMac::AcceptsFocus() const { return MacCanFocus() && wxWindowBase::AcceptsFocus(); } WXWidget wxWindowMac::MacGetContainerForEmbedding() { return GetParent()->MacGetContainerForEmbedding() ; } void wxWindowMac::MacSuperChangedPosition() { // only window-absolute structures have to be moved i.e. controls wxWindowListNode *node = GetChildren().GetFirst(); while ( node ) { wxWindowMac *child = node->GetData(); child->MacSuperChangedPosition() ; node = node->GetNext(); } } void wxWindowMac::MacTopLevelWindowChangedPosition() { // only screen-absolute structures have to be moved i.e. glcanvas wxWindowListNode *node = GetChildren().GetFirst(); while ( node ) { wxWindowMac *child = node->GetData(); child->MacTopLevelWindowChangedPosition() ; node = node->GetNext(); } } long wxWindowMac::MacGetLeftBorderSize( ) const { if( IsTopLevel() ) return 0 ; if (m_windowStyle & wxRAISED_BORDER || m_windowStyle & wxSUNKEN_BORDER ) { SInt32 border = 3 ; #if wxMAC_USE_THEME_BORDER #if TARGET_CARBON GetThemeMetric( kThemeMetricListBoxFrameOutset , &border ) ; #endif #endif return border ; } else if ( m_windowStyle &wxDOUBLE_BORDER) { SInt32 border = 3 ; #if wxMAC_USE_THEME_BORDER #if TARGET_CARBON GetThemeMetric( kThemeMetricListBoxFrameOutset , &border ) ; #endif #endif return border ; } else if (m_windowStyle &wxSIMPLE_BORDER) { return 1 ; } return 0 ; } long wxWindowMac::MacGetRightBorderSize( ) const { // they are all symmetric in mac themes return MacGetLeftBorderSize() ; } long wxWindowMac::MacGetTopBorderSize( ) const { // they are all symmetric in mac themes return MacGetLeftBorderSize() ; } long wxWindowMac::MacGetBottomBorderSize( ) const { // they are all symmetric in mac themes return MacGetLeftBorderSize() ; } long wxWindowMac::MacRemoveBordersFromStyle( long style ) { return style & ~( wxDOUBLE_BORDER | wxSUNKEN_BORDER | wxRAISED_BORDER | wxBORDER | wxSTATIC_BORDER ) ; } // Find the wxWindowMac at the current mouse position, returning the mouse // position. wxWindowMac* wxFindWindowAtPointer(wxPoint& pt) { pt = wxGetMousePosition(); wxWindowMac* found = wxFindWindowAtPoint(pt); return found; } // Get the current mouse position. wxPoint wxGetMousePosition() { int x, y; wxGetMousePosition(& x, & y); return wxPoint(x, y); } void wxWindowMac::OnMouseEvent( wxMouseEvent &event ) { if ( event.GetEventType() == wxEVT_RIGHT_DOWN ) { // copied from wxGTK : CS // generate a "context menu" event: this is similar to wxEVT_RIGHT_DOWN // except that: // // (a) it's a command event and so is propagated to the parent // (b) under MSW it can be generated from kbd too // (c) it uses screen coords (because of (a)) wxContextMenuEvent evtCtx(wxEVT_CONTEXT_MENU, this->GetId(), this->ClientToScreen(event.GetPosition())); if ( ! GetEventHandler()->ProcessEvent(evtCtx) ) event.Skip() ; } else { event.Skip() ; } }