/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: src/mac/classic/toplevel.cpp // Purpose: implements wxTopLevelWindow for Mac // Author: Stefan Csomor // Modified by: // Created: 24.09.01 // RCS-ID: $Id: toplevel.cpp 39701 2006-06-13 20:44:51Z ABX $ // Copyright: (c) 2001-2004 Stefan Csomor // License: wxWindows licence /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ============================================================================ // declarations // ============================================================================ // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // headers // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // For compilers that support precompilation, includes "wx.h". #include "wx/wxprec.h" #ifdef __BORLANDC__ #pragma hdrstop #endif #include "wx/toplevel.h" #ifndef WX_PRECOMP #include "wx/app.h" #include "wx/frame.h" #include "wx/string.h" #include "wx/log.h" #include "wx/intl.h" #endif //WX_PRECOMP #include "wx/mac/uma.h" #include "wx/mac/aga.h" #include "wx/tooltip.h" #include "wx/dnd.h" #if wxUSE_SYSTEM_OPTIONS #include "wx/sysopt.h" #endif #include #define wxMAC_DEBUG_REDRAW 0 #ifndef wxMAC_DEBUG_REDRAW #define wxMAC_DEBUG_REDRAW 0 #endif // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // globals // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // list of all frames and modeless dialogs wxWindowList wxModelessWindows; // double click testing static Point gs_lastWhere; static long gs_lastWhen = 0; #if TARGET_CARBON static pascal long wxShapedMacWindowDef(short varCode, WindowRef window, SInt16 message, SInt32 param); #endif // ============================================================================ // wxTopLevelWindowMac implementation // ============================================================================ // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Carbon Events // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #if TARGET_CARBON extern long wxMacTranslateKey(unsigned char key, unsigned char code) ; static const EventTypeSpec eventList[] = { { kEventClassTextInput, kEventTextInputUnicodeForKeyEvent } , { kEventClassKeyboard, kEventRawKeyDown } , { kEventClassKeyboard, kEventRawKeyRepeat } , { kEventClassKeyboard, kEventRawKeyUp } , { kEventClassKeyboard, kEventRawKeyModifiersChanged } , { kEventClassWindow , kEventWindowShown } , { kEventClassWindow , kEventWindowUpdate } , { kEventClassWindow , kEventWindowActivated } , { kEventClassWindow , kEventWindowDeactivated } , { kEventClassWindow , kEventWindowBoundsChanging } , { kEventClassWindow , kEventWindowBoundsChanged } , { kEventClassWindow , kEventWindowClose } , { kEventClassMouse , kEventMouseDown } , { kEventClassMouse , kEventMouseUp } , { kEventClassMouse , kEventMouseWheelMoved } , { kEventClassMouse , kEventMouseMoved } , { kEventClassMouse , kEventMouseDragged } , } ; static pascal OSStatus TextInputEventHandler( EventHandlerCallRef handler , EventRef event , void *data ) { OSStatus result = eventNotHandledErr ; wxWindow* focus = wxWindow::FindFocus() ; char charCode ; UInt32 keyCode ; UInt32 modifiers ; Point point ; EventRef rawEvent ; GetEventParameter( event , kEventParamTextInputSendKeyboardEvent ,typeEventRef,NULL,sizeof(rawEvent),NULL,&rawEvent ) ; GetEventParameter( rawEvent, kEventParamKeyMacCharCodes, typeChar, NULL,sizeof(char), NULL,&charCode ); GetEventParameter( rawEvent, kEventParamKeyCode, typeUInt32, NULL, sizeof(UInt32), NULL, &keyCode ); GetEventParameter( rawEvent, kEventParamKeyModifiers, typeUInt32, NULL, sizeof(UInt32), NULL, &modifiers); GetEventParameter( rawEvent, kEventParamMouseLocation, typeQDPoint, NULL, sizeof( Point ), NULL, &point ); switch ( GetEventKind( event ) ) { case kEventTextInputUnicodeForKeyEvent : // this is only called when no default handler has jumped in, eg a wxControl on a floater window does not // get its own kEventTextInputUnicodeForKeyEvent, so we route back the wxControl* control = wxDynamicCast( focus , wxControl ) ; if ( control ) { ControlHandle macControl = (ControlHandle) control->GetMacControl() ; if ( macControl ) { ::HandleControlKey( macControl , keyCode , charCode , modifiers ) ; result = noErr ; } } /* // this may lead to double events sent to a window in case all handlers have skipped the key down event UInt32 when = EventTimeToTicks( GetEventTime( event ) ) ; UInt32 message = (keyCode << 8) + charCode; if ( (focus != NULL) && wxTheApp->MacSendKeyDownEvent( focus , message , modifiers , when , point.h , point.v ) ) { result = noErr ; } */ break ; } return result ; } static pascal OSStatus KeyboardEventHandler( EventHandlerCallRef handler , EventRef event , void *data ) { OSStatus result = eventNotHandledErr ; wxWindow* focus = wxWindow::FindFocus() ; char charCode ; UInt32 keyCode ; UInt32 modifiers ; Point point ; UInt32 when = EventTimeToTicks( GetEventTime( event ) ) ; GetEventParameter( event, kEventParamKeyMacCharCodes, typeChar, NULL,sizeof(char), NULL,&charCode ); GetEventParameter( event, kEventParamKeyCode, typeUInt32, NULL, sizeof(UInt32), NULL, &keyCode ); GetEventParameter(event, kEventParamKeyModifiers, typeUInt32, NULL, sizeof(UInt32), NULL, &modifiers); GetEventParameter( event, kEventParamMouseLocation, typeQDPoint, NULL, sizeof( Point ), NULL, &point ); UInt32 message = (keyCode << 8) + charCode; switch( GetEventKind( event ) ) { case kEventRawKeyRepeat : case kEventRawKeyDown : { WXEVENTREF formerEvent = wxTheApp->MacGetCurrentEvent() ; WXEVENTHANDLERCALLREF formerHandler = wxTheApp->MacGetCurrentEventHandlerCallRef() ; wxTheApp->MacSetCurrentEvent( event , handler ) ; if ( (focus != NULL) && wxTheApp->MacSendKeyDownEvent( focus , message , modifiers , when , point.h , point.v ) ) { result = noErr ; } wxTheApp->MacSetCurrentEvent( formerEvent , formerHandler ) ; } break ; case kEventRawKeyUp : if ( (focus != NULL) && wxTheApp->MacSendKeyUpEvent( focus , message , modifiers , when , point.h , point.v ) ) { result = noErr ; } break ; case kEventRawKeyModifiersChanged : { wxKeyEvent event(wxEVT_KEY_DOWN); event.m_shiftDown = modifiers & shiftKey; event.m_controlDown = modifiers & controlKey; event.m_altDown = modifiers & optionKey; event.m_metaDown = modifiers & cmdKey; event.m_x = point.h; event.m_y = point.v; event.SetTimestamp(when); wxWindow* focus = wxWindow::FindFocus() ; event.SetEventObject(focus); if ( focus && (modifiers ^ wxTheApp->s_lastModifiers ) & controlKey ) { event.m_keyCode = WXK_CONTROL ; event.SetEventType( ( modifiers & controlKey ) ? wxEVT_KEY_DOWN : wxEVT_KEY_UP ) ; focus->GetEventHandler()->ProcessEvent( event ) ; } if ( focus && (modifiers ^ wxTheApp->s_lastModifiers ) & shiftKey ) { event.m_keyCode = WXK_SHIFT ; event.SetEventType( ( modifiers & shiftKey ) ? wxEVT_KEY_DOWN : wxEVT_KEY_UP ) ; focus->GetEventHandler()->ProcessEvent( event ) ; } if ( focus && (modifiers ^ wxTheApp->s_lastModifiers ) & optionKey ) { event.m_keyCode = WXK_ALT ; event.SetEventType( ( modifiers & optionKey ) ? wxEVT_KEY_DOWN : wxEVT_KEY_UP ) ; focus->GetEventHandler()->ProcessEvent( event ) ; } if ( focus && (modifiers ^ wxTheApp->s_lastModifiers ) & cmdKey ) { event.m_keyCode = WXK_COMMAND ; event.SetEventType( ( modifiers & cmdKey ) ? wxEVT_KEY_DOWN : wxEVT_KEY_UP ) ; focus->GetEventHandler()->ProcessEvent( event ) ; } wxTheApp->s_lastModifiers = modifiers ; } break ; } return result ; } pascal OSStatus MouseEventHandler( EventHandlerCallRef handler , EventRef event , void *data ) { OSStatus result = eventNotHandledErr ; wxTopLevelWindowMac* toplevelWindow = (wxTopLevelWindowMac*) data ; Point point ; UInt32 modifiers = 0; EventMouseButton button = 0 ; UInt32 click = 0 ; GetEventParameter( event, kEventParamMouseLocation, typeQDPoint, NULL, sizeof( Point ), NULL, &point ); GetEventParameter( event, kEventParamKeyModifiers, typeUInt32, NULL, sizeof( UInt32 ), NULL, &modifiers ); GetEventParameter( event, kEventParamMouseButton, typeMouseButton, NULL, sizeof( EventMouseButton ), NULL, &button ); GetEventParameter( event, kEventParamClickCount, typeUInt32, NULL, sizeof( UInt32 ), NULL, &click ); if ( button == 0 || GetEventKind( event ) == kEventMouseUp ) modifiers += btnState ; // temporary hack to support true two button mouse if ( button == kEventMouseButtonSecondary ) { modifiers |= controlKey ; } WindowRef window ; short windowPart = ::FindWindow(point, &window); // either we really are active or we are capturing mouse events if ( (IsWindowActive(window) && windowPart == inContent) || (wxTheApp->s_captureWindow && wxTheApp->s_captureWindow->MacGetTopLevelWindow() == toplevelWindow) ) { switch ( GetEventKind( event ) ) { case kEventMouseDown : toplevelWindow->MacFireMouseEvent( mouseDown , point.h , point.v , modifiers , EventTimeToTicks( GetEventTime( event ) ) ) ; result = noErr ; break ; case kEventMouseUp : toplevelWindow->MacFireMouseEvent( mouseUp , point.h , point.v , modifiers , EventTimeToTicks( GetEventTime( event ) ) ) ; result = noErr ; break ; case kEventMouseMoved : wxTheApp->MacHandleMouseMovedEvent( point.h , point.v , modifiers , EventTimeToTicks( GetEventTime( event ) ) ) ; result = noErr ; break ; case kEventMouseDragged : toplevelWindow->MacFireMouseEvent( nullEvent , point.h , point.v , modifiers , EventTimeToTicks( GetEventTime( event ) ) ) ; result = noErr ; break ; case kEventMouseWheelMoved : { //bClearTooltip = false; EventMouseWheelAxis axis = kEventMouseWheelAxisY; SInt32 delta = 0; Point mouseLoc = {0, 0}; if (::GetEventParameter(event, kEventParamMouseWheelAxis, typeMouseWheelAxis, NULL, sizeof(EventMouseWheelAxis), NULL, &axis) == noErr && ::GetEventParameter(event, kEventParamMouseWheelDelta, typeLongInteger, NULL, sizeof(SInt32), NULL, &delta) == noErr && ::GetEventParameter(event, kEventParamMouseLocation, typeQDPoint, NULL, sizeof(Point), NULL, &mouseLoc) == noErr) { wxMouseEvent wheelEvent(wxEVT_MOUSEWHEEL); wheelEvent.m_x = mouseLoc.h; wheelEvent.m_y = mouseLoc.v; wheelEvent.m_wheelRotation = delta; wheelEvent.m_wheelDelta = 1; wheelEvent.m_linesPerAction = 1; wxWindow* currentMouseWindow = NULL; wxWindow::MacGetWindowFromPoint(wxPoint(mouseLoc.h, mouseLoc.v), ¤tMouseWindow); if (currentMouseWindow) { currentMouseWindow->GetEventHandler()->ProcessEvent(wheelEvent); result = noErr; } } } break ; default : break ; } } return result ; } static pascal OSStatus WindowEventHandler( EventHandlerCallRef handler , EventRef event , void *data ) { OSStatus result = eventNotHandledErr ; OSStatus err = noErr ; UInt32 attributes; WindowRef windowRef ; wxTopLevelWindowMac* toplevelWindow = (wxTopLevelWindowMac*) data ; GetEventParameter( event, kEventParamDirectObject, typeWindowRef, NULL, sizeof( WindowRef ), NULL, &windowRef ); switch( GetEventKind( event ) ) { case kEventWindowUpdate : if ( !wxPendingDelete.Member(toplevelWindow) ) toplevelWindow->MacUpdate( EventTimeToTicks( GetEventTime( event ) ) ) ; result = noErr ; break ; case kEventWindowActivated : toplevelWindow->MacActivate( EventTimeToTicks( GetEventTime( event ) ) , true) ; result = noErr ; break ; case kEventWindowDeactivated : toplevelWindow->MacActivate( EventTimeToTicks( GetEventTime( event ) ) , false) ; result = noErr ; break ; case kEventWindowShown : toplevelWindow->Refresh() ; result = noErr ; break ; case kEventWindowClose : toplevelWindow->Close() ; result = noErr ; break ; case kEventWindowBoundsChanged : err = GetEventParameter( event, kEventParamAttributes, typeUInt32, NULL, sizeof( UInt32 ), NULL, &attributes ); if ( err == noErr ) { Rect newContentRect ; GetEventParameter( event, kEventParamCurrentBounds, typeQDRectangle, NULL, sizeof( newContentRect ), NULL, &newContentRect ); toplevelWindow->SetSize( newContentRect.left , newContentRect.top , newContentRect.right - newContentRect.left , newContentRect.bottom - newContentRect.top, wxSIZE_USE_EXISTING); result = noErr; } break ; case kEventWindowBoundsChanging : err = GetEventParameter( event, kEventParamAttributes, typeUInt32, NULL, sizeof( UInt32 ), NULL, &attributes ); if ( err == noErr ) { Rect newContentRect ; GetEventParameter( event, kEventParamCurrentBounds, typeQDRectangle, NULL, sizeof( newContentRect ), NULL, &newContentRect ); wxSize formerSize = toplevelWindow->GetSize() ; if ( (attributes & kWindowBoundsChangeSizeChanged ) || ( attributes & kWindowBoundsChangeOriginChanged ) ) toplevelWindow->SetSize( newContentRect.left , newContentRect.top , newContentRect.right - newContentRect.left , newContentRect.bottom - newContentRect.top, wxSIZE_USE_EXISTING); int x , y , w , h ; toplevelWindow->GetPosition( &x , &y ) ; toplevelWindow->GetSize( &w , &h ) ; Rect adjustedRect = { y , x , y + h , x + w } ; if ( !EqualRect( &newContentRect , &adjustedRect ) ) { SetEventParameter( event , kEventParamCurrentBounds , typeQDRectangle, sizeof( adjustedRect ) , &adjustedRect ) ; } if ( toplevelWindow->GetSize() != formerSize ) toplevelWindow->Update() ; result = noErr ; } break ; default : break ; } return result ; } pascal OSStatus wxMacWindowEventHandler( EventHandlerCallRef handler , EventRef event , void *data ) { OSStatus result = eventNotHandledErr ; switch ( GetEventClass( event ) ) { case kEventClassKeyboard : result = KeyboardEventHandler( handler, event , data ) ; break ; case kEventClassTextInput : result = TextInputEventHandler( handler, event , data ) ; break ; case kEventClassWindow : result = WindowEventHandler( handler, event , data ) ; break ; case kEventClassMouse : result = MouseEventHandler( handler, event , data ) ; break ; default : break ; } return result ; } DEFINE_ONE_SHOT_HANDLER_GETTER( wxMacWindowEventHandler ) #endif // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // wxWindowMac utility functions // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Find an item given the Macintosh Window Reference wxList *wxWinMacWindowList = NULL; wxTopLevelWindowMac *wxFindWinFromMacWindow(WXWindow inWindowRef) { if ( wxWinMacWindowList == NULL ) return NULL ; wxNode *node = wxWinMacWindowList->Find((long)inWindowRef); if (!node) return NULL; return (wxTopLevelWindowMac *)node->GetData(); } void wxAssociateWinWithMacWindow(WindowRef inWindowRef, wxTopLevelWindowMac *win); void wxAssociateWinWithMacWindow(WindowRef inWindowRef, wxTopLevelWindowMac *win) { // adding NULL WindowRef is (first) surely a result of an error and // (secondly) breaks menu command processing wxCHECK_RET( inWindowRef != (WindowRef) NULL, wxT("attempt to add a NULL WindowRef to window list") ); if ( !wxWinMacWindowList->Find((long)inWindowRef) ) wxWinMacWindowList->Append((long)inWindowRef, win); } void wxRemoveMacWindowAssociation(wxTopLevelWindowMac *win) { wxWinMacWindowList->DeleteObject(win); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // wxTopLevelWindowMac creation // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- WXWindow wxTopLevelWindowMac::s_macWindowInUpdate = NULL; wxTopLevelWindowMac *wxTopLevelWindowMac::s_macDeactivateWindow = NULL; bool wxTopLevelWindowMac::s_macWindowCompositing = false; void wxTopLevelWindowMac::Init() { m_iconized = m_maximizeOnShow = false; m_macNoEraseUpdateRgn = NewRgn() ; m_macNeedsErasing = false ; m_macWindow = NULL ; m_macUsesCompositing = false ; #if TARGET_CARBON m_macEventHandler = NULL ; #endif } class wxMacDeferredWindowDeleter : public wxObject { public : wxMacDeferredWindowDeleter( WindowRef windowRef ) { m_macWindow = windowRef ; } virtual ~wxMacDeferredWindowDeleter() { UMADisposeWindow( (WindowRef) m_macWindow ) ; } protected : WindowRef m_macWindow ; } ; bool wxTopLevelWindowMac::Create(wxWindow *parent, wxWindowID id, const wxString& title, const wxPoint& pos, const wxSize& size, long style, const wxString& name) { // init our fields Init(); m_windowStyle = style; SetName(name); m_windowId = id == -1 ? NewControlId() : id; wxTopLevelWindows.Append(this); if ( parent ) parent->AddChild(this); return true; } wxTopLevelWindowMac::~wxTopLevelWindowMac() { if ( m_macWindow ) { wxToolTip::NotifyWindowDelete(m_macWindow) ; wxPendingDelete.Append( new wxMacDeferredWindowDeleter( (WindowRef) m_macWindow ) ) ; } #if TARGET_CARBON if ( m_macEventHandler ) { ::RemoveEventHandler((EventHandlerRef) m_macEventHandler); m_macEventHandler = NULL ; } #endif wxRemoveMacWindowAssociation( this ) ; if ( wxModelessWindows.Find(this) ) wxModelessWindows.DeleteObject(this); DisposeRgn( (RgnHandle) m_macNoEraseUpdateRgn ) ; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // wxTopLevelWindowMac maximize/minimize // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void wxTopLevelWindowMac::Maximize(bool maximize) { wxMacPortStateHelper help( (GrafPtr) GetWindowPort( (WindowRef) m_macWindow) ) ; wxMacWindowClipper clip (this); ZoomWindow( (WindowRef)m_macWindow , maximize ? inZoomOut : inZoomIn , false ) ; Rect tempRect ; GrafPtr port ; GetPort( &port ) ; Point pt = { 0, 0 } ; SetPortWindowPort((WindowRef)m_macWindow) ; LocalToGlobal( &pt ) ; SetPort( port ) ; GetWindowPortBounds((WindowRef)m_macWindow, &tempRect ) ; SetSize( pt.h , pt.v , tempRect.right-tempRect.left , tempRect.bottom-tempRect.top, wxSIZE_USE_EXISTING); } bool wxTopLevelWindowMac::IsMaximized() const { return IsWindowInStandardState( (WindowRef)m_macWindow , NULL , NULL ) ; } void wxTopLevelWindowMac::Iconize(bool iconize) { if ( IsWindowCollapsable((WindowRef)m_macWindow) ) CollapseWindow((WindowRef)m_macWindow , iconize ) ; } bool wxTopLevelWindowMac::IsIconized() const { return IsWindowCollapsed((WindowRef)m_macWindow ) ; } void wxTopLevelWindowMac::Restore() { // not available on mac } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // wxTopLevelWindowMac misc // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void wxTopLevelWindowMac::SetIcon(const wxIcon& icon) { // this sets m_icon wxTopLevelWindowBase::SetIcon(icon); } void wxTopLevelWindowMac::MacCreateRealWindow( const wxString& title, const wxPoint& pos, const wxSize& size, long style, const wxString& name ) { OSStatus err = noErr ; SetName(name); m_windowStyle = style; m_isShown = false; // create frame. Rect theBoundsRect; m_x = (int)pos.x; m_y = (int)pos.y; if ( m_y < 50 ) m_y = 50 ; if ( m_x < 20 ) m_x = 20 ; m_width = WidthDefault(size.x); m_height = HeightDefault(size.y); ::SetRect(&theBoundsRect, m_x, m_y , m_x + m_width, m_y + m_height); // translate the window attributes in the appropriate window class and attributes WindowClass wclass = 0; WindowAttributes attr = kWindowNoAttributes ; if ( HasFlag( wxFRAME_TOOL_WINDOW) ) { if ( HasFlag( wxMINIMIZE_BOX ) || HasFlag( wxMAXIMIZE_BOX ) || HasFlag( wxSYSTEM_MENU ) || HasFlag( wxCAPTION ) || HasFlag(wxTINY_CAPTION_HORIZ) || HasFlag(wxTINY_CAPTION_VERT) ) { wclass = kFloatingWindowClass ; if ( HasFlag(wxTINY_CAPTION_VERT) ) { attr |= kWindowSideTitlebarAttribute ; } } else { #if TARGET_CARBON wclass = kPlainWindowClass ; #else wclass = kFloatingWindowClass ; #endif } } else if ( HasFlag( wxCAPTION ) ) { wclass = kDocumentWindowClass ; } else { if ( HasFlag( wxMINIMIZE_BOX ) || HasFlag( wxMAXIMIZE_BOX ) || HasFlag( wxCLOSE_BOX ) || HasFlag( wxSYSTEM_MENU ) ) { wclass = kDocumentWindowClass ; } else { #if TARGET_CARBON wclass = kPlainWindowClass ; #else wclass = kModalWindowClass ; #endif } } if ( HasFlag( wxMINIMIZE_BOX ) ) { attr |= kWindowCollapseBoxAttribute ; } if ( HasFlag( wxMAXIMIZE_BOX ) ) { attr |= kWindowFullZoomAttribute ; } if ( HasFlag( wxRESIZE_BORDER ) ) { attr |= kWindowResizableAttribute ; } if ( HasFlag( wxCLOSE_BOX) ) { attr |= kWindowCloseBoxAttribute ; } if (UMAGetSystemVersion() >= 0x1000) { //turn on live resizing (OS X only) attr |= kWindowLiveResizeAttribute; } #if TARGET_CARBON #if 0 // having problems right now with that if (HasFlag(wxSTAY_ON_TOP)) wclass = kUtilityWindowClass; #endif #endif //this setup lets us have compositing and non-compositing //windows in the same application. #if UNIVERSAL_INTERFACES_VERSION >= 0x0400 if ( wxTopLevelWindowMac::s_macWindowCompositing ) { attr |= kWindowCompositingAttribute; m_macUsesCompositing = true; } else #endif { m_macUsesCompositing = false; } #if TARGET_CARBON if ( HasFlag(wxFRAME_SHAPED) ) { WindowDefSpec customWindowDefSpec; customWindowDefSpec.defType = kWindowDefProcPtr; customWindowDefSpec.u.defProc = NewWindowDefUPP(wxShapedMacWindowDef); err = ::CreateCustomWindow( &customWindowDefSpec, wclass, attr, &theBoundsRect, (WindowRef*) &m_macWindow); } else #endif { err = ::CreateNewWindow( wclass , attr , &theBoundsRect , (WindowRef*)&m_macWindow ) ; } wxCHECK_RET( err == noErr, wxT("Mac OS error when trying to create new window") ); wxAssociateWinWithMacWindow( (WindowRef) m_macWindow , this ) ; UMASetWTitle( (WindowRef)m_macWindow , title , m_font.GetEncoding() ) ; if ( wxTopLevelWindowMac::s_macWindowCompositing ) { ::GetRootControl( (WindowRef)m_macWindow, (ControlHandle*)&m_macRootControl ) ; } else { ::CreateRootControl( (WindowRef)m_macWindow , (ControlHandle*)&m_macRootControl ) ; } #if TARGET_CARBON InstallStandardEventHandler( GetWindowEventTarget(MAC_WXHWND(m_macWindow)) ) ; InstallWindowEventHandler(MAC_WXHWND(m_macWindow), GetwxMacWindowEventHandlerUPP(), GetEventTypeCount(eventList), eventList, this, (EventHandlerRef *)&m_macEventHandler); #endif m_macFocus = NULL ; #if TARGET_CARBON if ( HasFlag(wxFRAME_SHAPED) ) { // default shape matches the window size wxRegion rgn(0, 0, m_width, m_height); SetShape(rgn); } #endif wxWindowCreateEvent event(this); GetEventHandler()->ProcessEvent(event); } bool wxTopLevelWindowMac::MacEnableCompositing( bool useCompositing ) { bool oldval = s_macWindowCompositing; s_macWindowCompositing = useCompositing; return oldval; } void wxTopLevelWindowMac::MacGetPortParams(WXPOINTPTR localOrigin, WXRECTPTR clipRect, WXWindow *window , wxWindowMac** rootwin) { ((Point*)localOrigin)->h = 0; ((Point*)localOrigin)->v = 0; ((Rect*)clipRect)->left = 0; ((Rect*)clipRect)->top = 0; ((Rect*)clipRect)->right = m_width; ((Rect*)clipRect)->bottom = m_height; *window = m_macWindow ; *rootwin = this ; } void wxTopLevelWindowMac::ClearBackground() { wxWindow::ClearBackground() ; } WXWidget wxTopLevelWindowMac::MacGetContainerForEmbedding() { return m_macRootControl ; } void wxTopLevelWindowMac::MacUpdate( long timestamp) { wxMacPortStateHelper help( (GrafPtr) GetWindowPort( (WindowRef) m_macWindow) ) ; RgnHandle visRgn = NewRgn() ; GetPortVisibleRegion( GetWindowPort( (WindowRef)m_macWindow ), visRgn ); BeginUpdate( (WindowRef)m_macWindow ) ; RgnHandle updateRgn = NewRgn(); RgnHandle diffRgn = NewRgn() ; if ( updateRgn && diffRgn ) { #if 1 // macos internal control redraws clean up areas we'd like to redraw ourselves // therefore we pick the boundary rect and make sure we can redraw it // this has to be intersected by the visRgn in order to avoid drawing over its own // boundaries RgnHandle trueUpdateRgn = NewRgn() ; Rect trueUpdateRgnBoundary ; GetPortVisibleRegion( GetWindowPort( (WindowRef)m_macWindow ), trueUpdateRgn ); GetRegionBounds( trueUpdateRgn , &trueUpdateRgnBoundary ) ; RectRgn( updateRgn , &trueUpdateRgnBoundary ) ; SectRgn( updateRgn , visRgn , updateRgn ) ; if ( trueUpdateRgn ) DisposeRgn( trueUpdateRgn ) ; SetPortVisibleRegion( GetWindowPort( (WindowRef)m_macWindow ), updateRgn ) ; #else GetPortVisibleRegion( GetWindowPort( (WindowRef)m_macWindow ), updateRgn ); #endif DiffRgn( updateRgn , (RgnHandle) m_macNoEraseUpdateRgn , diffRgn ) ; if ( !EmptyRgn( updateRgn ) ) { MacRedraw( updateRgn , timestamp , m_macNeedsErasing || !EmptyRgn( diffRgn ) ) ; } } if ( updateRgn ) DisposeRgn( updateRgn ); if ( diffRgn ) DisposeRgn( diffRgn ); if ( visRgn ) DisposeRgn( visRgn ) ; EndUpdate( (WindowRef)m_macWindow ) ; SetEmptyRgn( (RgnHandle) m_macNoEraseUpdateRgn ) ; m_macNeedsErasing = false ; } // Raise the window to the top of the Z order void wxTopLevelWindowMac::Raise() { ::SelectWindow( (WindowRef)m_macWindow ) ; } // Lower the window to the bottom of the Z order void wxTopLevelWindowMac::Lower() { ::SendBehind( (WindowRef)m_macWindow , NULL ) ; } void wxTopLevelWindowMac::MacFireMouseEvent( wxUint16 kind , wxInt32 x , wxInt32 y ,wxUint32 modifiers , long timestamp ) { wxMouseEvent event(wxEVT_LEFT_DOWN); bool isDown = !(modifiers & btnState) ; // 1 is for up bool controlDown = modifiers & controlKey ; // for simulating right mouse event.m_leftDown = isDown && !controlDown; event.m_middleDown = false; event.m_rightDown = isDown && controlDown; if ( kind == mouseDown ) { if ( controlDown ) event.SetEventType(wxEVT_RIGHT_DOWN ) ; else event.SetEventType(wxEVT_LEFT_DOWN ) ; } else if ( kind == mouseUp ) { if ( controlDown ) event.SetEventType(wxEVT_RIGHT_UP ) ; else event.SetEventType(wxEVT_LEFT_UP ) ; } else { event.SetEventType(wxEVT_MOTION ) ; } event.m_shiftDown = modifiers & shiftKey; event.m_controlDown = modifiers & controlKey; event.m_altDown = modifiers & optionKey; event.m_metaDown = modifiers & cmdKey; Point localwhere ; localwhere.h = x ; localwhere.v = y ; GrafPtr port ; ::GetPort( &port ) ; ::SetPort( UMAGetWindowPort( (WindowRef)m_macWindow ) ) ; ::GlobalToLocal( &localwhere ) ; ::SetPort( port ) ; if ( kind == mouseDown ) { if ( timestamp - gs_lastWhen <= (long) GetDblTime() ) { if ( abs( localwhere.h - gs_lastWhere.h ) < 3 && abs( localwhere.v - gs_lastWhere.v ) < 3 ) { // This is not right if the second mouse down // event occurred in a different window. We // correct this in MacDispatchMouseEvent. if ( controlDown ) event.SetEventType(wxEVT_RIGHT_DCLICK ) ; else event.SetEventType(wxEVT_LEFT_DCLICK ) ; } gs_lastWhen = 0 ; } else { gs_lastWhen = timestamp ; } gs_lastWhere = localwhere ; } event.m_x = localwhere.h; event.m_y = localwhere.v; event.m_x += m_x; event.m_y += m_y; event.SetTimestamp(timestamp); event.SetEventObject(this); if ( wxTheApp->s_captureWindow ) { int x = event.m_x ; int y = event.m_y ; wxTheApp->s_captureWindow->ScreenToClient( &x , &y ) ; event.m_x = x ; event.m_y = y ; event.SetEventObject( wxTheApp->s_captureWindow ) ; wxTheApp->s_captureWindow->GetEventHandler()->ProcessEvent( event ) ; if ( kind == mouseUp ) { wxTheApp->s_captureWindow = NULL ; if ( !wxIsBusy() ) { m_cursor.MacInstall() ; } } } else { MacDispatchMouseEvent( event ) ; } } #if !TARGET_CARBON void wxTopLevelWindowMac::MacMouseDown( WXEVENTREF ev , short part) { MacFireMouseEvent( mouseDown , ((EventRecord*)ev)->where.h , ((EventRecord*)ev)->where.v , ((EventRecord*)ev)->modifiers , ((EventRecord*)ev)->when ) ; } void wxTopLevelWindowMac::MacMouseUp( WXEVENTREF ev , short part) { switch (part) { case inContent: { MacFireMouseEvent( mouseUp , ((EventRecord*)ev)->where.h , ((EventRecord*)ev)->where.v , ((EventRecord*)ev)->modifiers , ((EventRecord*)ev)->when ) ; } break ; } } void wxTopLevelWindowMac::MacMouseMoved( WXEVENTREF ev , short part) { switch (part) { case inContent: { MacFireMouseEvent( nullEvent /*moved*/ , ((EventRecord*)ev)->where.h , ((EventRecord*)ev)->where.v , ((EventRecord*)ev)->modifiers , ((EventRecord*)ev)->when ) ; } break ; } } #endif void wxTopLevelWindowMac::MacDelayedDeactivation(long timestamp) { if(s_macDeactivateWindow) { wxLogDebug(wxT("Doing delayed deactivation of %p"),s_macDeactivateWindow); s_macDeactivateWindow->MacActivate(timestamp, false); } } void wxTopLevelWindowMac::MacActivate( long timestamp , bool inIsActivating ) { // wxLogDebug(wxT("TopLevel=%p::MacActivate"),this); if(s_macDeactivateWindow==this) s_macDeactivateWindow=NULL; MacDelayedDeactivation(timestamp); wxActivateEvent event(wxEVT_ACTIVATE, inIsActivating , m_windowId); event.SetTimestamp(timestamp); event.SetEventObject(this); GetEventHandler()->ProcessEvent(event); UMAHighlightAndActivateWindow( (WindowRef)m_macWindow , inIsActivating ) ; // Early versions of MacOS X don't refresh backgrounds properly, // so refresh the whole window on activation and deactivation. long osVersion = UMAGetSystemVersion(); if (osVersion >= 0x1000 && osVersion < 0x1020 ) { Refresh(true); } else { // for the moment we have to resolve some redrawing issues like this // the OS is stealing some redrawing areas as soon as it draws a control Refresh(true); } } #if !TARGET_CARBON void wxTopLevelWindowMac::MacKeyDown( WXEVENTREF ev ) { } #endif void wxTopLevelWindowMac::SetTitle(const wxString& title) { wxWindow::SetLabel( title ) ; UMASetWTitle( (WindowRef)m_macWindow , title , m_font.GetEncoding() ) ; } wxString wxTopLevelWindowMac::GetTitle() const { return wxWindow::GetLabel(); } bool wxTopLevelWindowMac::Show(bool show) { if ( !wxWindow::Show(show) ) return false; if (show) { #if wxUSE_SYSTEM_OPTIONS //code contributed by Ryan Wilcox December 18, 2003 if ( (wxSystemOptions::HasOption(wxMAC_WINDOW_PLAIN_TRANSITION) ) && ( wxSystemOptions::GetOptionInt( wxMAC_WINDOW_PLAIN_TRANSITION ) == 1) ) { ::ShowWindow( (WindowRef)m_macWindow ); } else #endif { ::TransitionWindow((WindowRef)m_macWindow,kWindowZoomTransitionEffect,kWindowShowTransitionAction,nil); } ::SelectWindow( (WindowRef)m_macWindow ) ; // no need to generate events here, they will get them triggered by macos // actually they should be , but apparently they are not wxSize size(m_width, m_height); wxSizeEvent event(size, m_windowId); event.SetEventObject(this); GetEventHandler()->ProcessEvent(event); } else { #if wxUSE_SYSTEM_OPTIONS if ( (wxSystemOptions::HasOption(wxMAC_WINDOW_PLAIN_TRANSITION) ) && ( wxSystemOptions::GetOptionInt( wxMAC_WINDOW_PLAIN_TRANSITION ) == 1) ) { ::HideWindow((WindowRef) m_macWindow ); } else #endif { ::TransitionWindow((WindowRef)m_macWindow,kWindowZoomTransitionEffect,kWindowHideTransitionAction,nil); } } if ( !show ) { } else { Refresh() ; } return true; } void wxTopLevelWindowMac::DoMoveWindow(int x, int y, int width, int height) { wxMacPortStateHelper help( (GrafPtr) GetWindowPort( (WindowRef) m_macWindow) ) ; wxMacWindowClipper clip (this); int former_x = m_x ; int former_y = m_y ; int former_w = m_width ; int former_h = m_height ; int actualWidth = width; int actualHeight = height; int actualX = x; int actualY = y; if ((m_minWidth != -1) && (actualWidth < m_minWidth)) actualWidth = m_minWidth; if ((m_minHeight != -1) && (actualHeight < m_minHeight)) actualHeight = m_minHeight; if ((m_maxWidth != -1) && (actualWidth > m_maxWidth)) actualWidth = m_maxWidth; if ((m_maxHeight != -1) && (actualHeight > m_maxHeight)) actualHeight = m_maxHeight; bool doMove = false ; bool doResize = false ; if ( actualX != former_x || actualY != former_y ) { doMove = true ; } if ( actualWidth != former_w || actualHeight != former_h ) { doResize = true ; } if ( doMove || doResize ) { m_x = actualX ; m_y = actualY ; if ( doMove ) ::MoveWindow((WindowRef)m_macWindow, m_x, m_y , false); // don't make frontmost m_width = actualWidth ; m_height = actualHeight ; if ( doResize ) ::SizeWindow((WindowRef)m_macWindow, m_width, m_height , true); // the OS takes care of invalidating and erasing the new area so we only have to // take care of refreshing for full repaints if ( doResize && HasFlag(wxFULL_REPAINT_ON_RESIZE) ) Refresh() ; if ( IsKindOf( CLASSINFO( wxFrame ) ) ) { wxFrame* frame = (wxFrame*) this ; #if wxUSE_STATUSBAR frame->PositionStatusBar(); #endif #if wxUSE_TOOLBAR frame->PositionToolBar(); #endif } if ( doMove ) wxWindowMac::MacTopLevelWindowChangedPosition() ; // like this only children will be notified MacRepositionScrollBars() ; if ( doMove ) { wxPoint point(m_x, m_y); wxMoveEvent event(point, m_windowId); event.SetEventObject(this); GetEventHandler()->ProcessEvent(event) ; } if ( doResize ) { MacRepositionScrollBars() ; wxSize size(m_width, m_height); wxSizeEvent event(size, m_windowId); event.SetEventObject(this); GetEventHandler()->ProcessEvent(event); } } } /* * Invalidation Mechanism * * The update mechanism reflects exactely the windows mechanism * the rect gets added to the window invalidate region, if the eraseBackground flag * has been true for any part of the update rgn the background is erased in the entire region * not just in the specified rect. * * In order to achive this, we also have an internal m_macNoEraseUpdateRgn, all rects that have * the eraseBackground flag set to false are also added to this rgn. upon receiving an update event * the update rgn is compared to the m_macNoEraseUpdateRgn and in case they differ, every window * will get the eraseBackground event first */ void wxTopLevelWindowMac::MacInvalidate( const WXRECTPTR rect, bool eraseBackground ) { GrafPtr formerPort ; GetPort( &formerPort ) ; SetPortWindowPort( (WindowRef)m_macWindow ) ; m_macNeedsErasing |= eraseBackground ; // if we already know that we will have to erase, there's no need to track the rest if ( !m_macNeedsErasing) { // we end only here if eraseBackground is false // if we already have a difference between m_macNoEraseUpdateRgn and UpdateRgn // we will have to erase anyway RgnHandle updateRgn = NewRgn(); RgnHandle diffRgn = NewRgn() ; if ( updateRgn && diffRgn ) { GetWindowUpdateRgn( (WindowRef)m_macWindow , updateRgn ); Point pt = {0,0} ; LocalToGlobal( &pt ) ; OffsetRgn( updateRgn , -pt.h , -pt.v ) ; DiffRgn( updateRgn , (RgnHandle) m_macNoEraseUpdateRgn , diffRgn ) ; if ( !EmptyRgn( diffRgn ) ) { m_macNeedsErasing = true ; } } if ( updateRgn ) DisposeRgn( updateRgn ); if ( diffRgn ) DisposeRgn( diffRgn ); if ( !m_macNeedsErasing ) { RgnHandle rectRgn = NewRgn() ; SetRectRgn( rectRgn , ((Rect*)rect)->left , ((Rect*)rect)->top , ((Rect*)rect)->right , ((Rect*)rect)->bottom ) ; UnionRgn( (RgnHandle) m_macNoEraseUpdateRgn , rectRgn , (RgnHandle) m_macNoEraseUpdateRgn ) ; DisposeRgn( rectRgn ) ; } } InvalWindowRect( (WindowRef)m_macWindow , (Rect*)rect ) ; // turn this on to debug the refreshing cycle #if wxMAC_DEBUG_REDRAW PaintRect( rect ) ; #endif SetPort( formerPort ) ; } bool wxTopLevelWindowMac::SetShape(const wxRegion& region) { wxCHECK_MSG( HasFlag(wxFRAME_SHAPED), false, _T("Shaped windows must be created with the wxFRAME_SHAPED style.")); #if TARGET_CARBON // The empty region signifies that the shape should be removed from the // window. if ( region.IsEmpty() ) { wxSize sz = GetClientSize(); wxRegion rgn(0, 0, sz.x, sz.y); return SetShape(rgn); } // Make a copy of the region RgnHandle shapeRegion = NewRgn(); CopyRgn( (RgnHandle)region.GetWXHRGN(), shapeRegion ); // Dispose of any shape region we may already have RgnHandle oldRgn = (RgnHandle)GetWRefCon( (WindowRef)MacGetWindowRef() ); if ( oldRgn ) DisposeRgn(oldRgn); // Save the region so we can use it later SetWRefCon((WindowRef)MacGetWindowRef(), (SInt32)shapeRegion); // Tell the window manager that the window has changed shape ReshapeCustomWindow((WindowRef)MacGetWindowRef()); return true; #else return false; #endif } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Support functions for shaped windows, based on Apple's CustomWindow sample at // http://developer.apple.com/samplecode/Sample_Code/Human_Interface_Toolbox/Mac_OS_High_Level_Toolbox/CustomWindow.htm // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #if TARGET_CARBON static void wxShapedMacWindowGetPos(WindowRef window, Rect* inRect) { GetWindowPortBounds(window, inRect); Point pt = {inRect->left, inRect->top}; SetPort((GrafPtr) GetWindowPort(window)); LocalToGlobal(&pt); inRect->top = pt.v; inRect->left = pt.h; inRect->bottom += pt.v; inRect->right += pt.h; } static SInt32 wxShapedMacWindowGetFeatures(WindowRef window, SInt32 param) { /*------------------------------------------------------ Define which options your custom window supports. --------------------------------------------------------*/ //just enable everything for our demo *(OptionBits*)param=//kWindowCanGrow| //kWindowCanZoom| //kWindowCanCollapse| //kWindowCanGetWindowRegion| //kWindowHasTitleBar| //kWindowSupportsDragHilite| kWindowCanDrawInCurrentPort| //kWindowCanMeasureTitle| kWindowWantsDisposeAtProcessDeath| kWindowSupportsSetGrowImageRegion| kWindowDefSupportsColorGrafPort; return 1; } // The content region is left as a rectangle matching the window size, this is // so the origin in the paint event, and etc. still matches what the // programmer expects. static void wxShapedMacWindowContentRegion(WindowRef window, RgnHandle rgn) { SetEmptyRgn(rgn); wxTopLevelWindowMac* win = wxFindWinFromMacWindow(window); if (win) { wxRect r = win->GetRect(); SetRectRgn(rgn, r.GetLeft(), r.GetTop(), r.GetRight(), r.GetBottom()); } } // The structure region is set to the shape given to the SetShape method. static void wxShapedMacWindowStructureRegion(WindowRef window, RgnHandle rgn) { RgnHandle cachedRegion = (RgnHandle) GetWRefCon(window); SetEmptyRgn(rgn); if (cachedRegion) { Rect windowRect; wxShapedMacWindowGetPos(window, &windowRect); //how big is the window CopyRgn(cachedRegion, rgn); //make a copy of our cached region OffsetRgn(rgn, windowRect.left, windowRect.top); // position it over window //MapRgn(rgn, &mMaskSize, &windowRect); //scale it to our actual window size } } static SInt32 wxShapedMacWindowGetRegion(WindowRef window, SInt32 param) { GetWindowRegionPtr rgnRec=(GetWindowRegionPtr)param; switch(rgnRec->regionCode) { case kWindowStructureRgn: wxShapedMacWindowStructureRegion(window, rgnRec->winRgn); break; case kWindowContentRgn: wxShapedMacWindowContentRegion(window, rgnRec->winRgn); break; default: SetEmptyRgn(rgnRec->winRgn); } //switch return noErr; } static SInt32 wxShapedMacWindowHitTest(WindowRef window,SInt32 param) { /*------------------------------------------------------ Determine the region of the window which was hit --------------------------------------------------------*/ Point hitPoint; static RgnHandle tempRgn=nil; if(!tempRgn) tempRgn=NewRgn(); SetPt(&hitPoint,LoWord(param),HiWord(param));//get the point clicked //Mac OS 8.5 or later wxShapedMacWindowStructureRegion(window, tempRgn); if (PtInRgn(hitPoint, tempRgn)) //in window content region? return wInContent; return wNoHit;//no significant area was hit. } static pascal long wxShapedMacWindowDef(short varCode, WindowRef window, SInt16 message, SInt32 param) { switch(message) { case kWindowMsgHitTest: return wxShapedMacWindowHitTest(window,param); case kWindowMsgGetFeatures: return wxShapedMacWindowGetFeatures(window,param); // kWindowMsgGetRegion is sent during CreateCustomWindow and ReshapeCustomWindow case kWindowMsgGetRegion: return wxShapedMacWindowGetRegion(window,param); } return 0; } #endif // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------