/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: src/mac/classic/dnd.cpp // Purpose: wxDropTarget, wxDropSource, wxDataObject implementation // Author: Stefan Csomor // Modified by: // Created: 1998-01-01 // RCS-ID: $Id: dnd.cpp 39797 2006-06-19 20:18:46Z ABX $ // Copyright: (c) 1998 Stefan Csomor // Licence: wxWindows licence /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "wx/wxprec.h" #ifdef __BORLANDC__ #pragma hdrstop #endif #if wxUSE_DRAG_AND_DROP #include "wx/dnd.h" #ifndef WX_PRECOMP #include "wx/app.h" #include "wx/window.h" #include "wx/toplevel.h" #include "wx/gdicmn.h" #endif // WX_PRECOMP #include "wx/mac/private.h" // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // global // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void wxMacEnsureTrackingHandlersInstalled() ; typedef struct { wxWindow* m_currentTargetWindow ; wxDropTarget* m_currentTarget ; wxDropSource* m_currentSource ; } MacTrackingGlobals ; MacTrackingGlobals gTrackingGlobals ; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // wxDropTarget //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- wxDropTarget::wxDropTarget( wxDataObject *data ) : wxDropTargetBase( data ) { wxMacEnsureTrackingHandlersInstalled() ; } wxDragResult wxDropTarget::OnDragOver( wxCoord WXUNUSED(x), wxCoord WXUNUSED(y), wxDragResult def ) { return CurrentDragHasSupportedFormat() ? def : wxDragNone; } bool wxDropTarget::OnDrop( wxCoord WXUNUSED(x), wxCoord WXUNUSED(y) ) { if (!m_dataObject) return false; return CurrentDragHasSupportedFormat() ; } wxDragResult wxDropTarget::OnData( wxCoord WXUNUSED(x), wxCoord WXUNUSED(y), wxDragResult def ) { if (!m_dataObject) return wxDragNone; if (!CurrentDragHasSupportedFormat()) return wxDragNone; return GetData() ? def : wxDragNone; } bool wxDropTarget::CurrentDragHasSupportedFormat() { bool supported = false ; if ( gTrackingGlobals.m_currentSource != NULL ) { wxDataObject* data = gTrackingGlobals.m_currentSource->GetDataObject() ; if ( data ) { size_t formatcount = data->GetFormatCount() ; wxDataFormat *array = new wxDataFormat[ formatcount ]; data->GetAllFormats( array ); for (size_t i = 0; !supported && i < formatcount ; i++) { wxDataFormat format = array[i] ; if ( m_dataObject->IsSupported( format ) ) { supported = true ; break ; } } delete[] array ; } } if ( !supported ) { UInt16 items ; OSErr result; CountDragItems((DragReference)m_currentDrag, &items); for (UInt16 index = 1; index <= items && supported == false ; ++index) { ItemReference theItem; FlavorType theType ; UInt16 flavors = 0 ; GetDragItemReferenceNumber((DragReference)m_currentDrag, index, &theItem); CountDragItemFlavors( (DragReference)m_currentDrag, theItem , &flavors ) ; for ( UInt16 flavor = 1 ; flavor <= flavors ; ++flavor ) { result = GetFlavorType((DragReference)m_currentDrag, theItem, flavor , &theType); if ( m_dataObject->IsSupportedFormat( wxDataFormat( theType ) ) ) { supported = true ; break ; } } } } return supported ; } bool wxDropTarget::GetData() { if (!m_dataObject) return false; if ( !CurrentDragHasSupportedFormat() ) return false ; bool transferred = false ; if ( gTrackingGlobals.m_currentSource != NULL ) { wxDataObject* data = gTrackingGlobals.m_currentSource->GetDataObject() ; if ( data ) { size_t formatcount = data->GetFormatCount() ; wxDataFormat *array = new wxDataFormat[ formatcount ]; data->GetAllFormats( array ); for (size_t i = 0; !transferred && i < formatcount ; i++) { wxDataFormat format = array[i] ; if ( m_dataObject->IsSupported( format ) ) { int size = data->GetDataSize( format ); transferred = true ; if (size == 0) { m_dataObject->SetData(format , 0 , 0 ) ; } else { char *d = new char[size]; data->GetDataHere( format , (void*) d ); m_dataObject->SetData( format , size , d ) ; delete[] d ; } } } delete[] array ; } } if ( !transferred ) { UInt16 items ; OSErr result; bool firstFileAdded = false ; CountDragItems((DragReference)m_currentDrag, &items); for (UInt16 index = 1; index <= items; ++index) { ItemReference theItem; FlavorType theType ; UInt16 flavors = 0 ; GetDragItemReferenceNumber((DragReference)m_currentDrag, index, &theItem); CountDragItemFlavors( (DragReference)m_currentDrag, theItem , &flavors ) ; for ( UInt16 flavor = 1 ; flavor <= flavors ; ++flavor ) { result = GetFlavorType((DragReference)m_currentDrag, theItem, flavor , &theType); wxDataFormat format(theType) ; if ( m_dataObject->IsSupportedFormat( format ) ) { FlavorFlags theFlags; result = GetFlavorFlags((DragReference)m_currentDrag, theItem, theType, &theFlags); if (result == noErr) { Size dataSize ; Ptr theData ; GetFlavorDataSize((DragReference)m_currentDrag, theItem, theType, &dataSize); if ( theType == 'TEXT' ) { // this increment is only valid for allocating, on the next GetFlavorData // call it is reset again to the original value dataSize++ ; } theData = new char[dataSize]; GetFlavorData((DragReference)m_currentDrag, theItem, theType, (void*) theData, &dataSize, 0L); if( theType == 'TEXT' ) { theData[dataSize]=0 ; wxString convert( theData , wxConvLocal ) ; m_dataObject->SetData( format, convert.length() * sizeof(wxChar), (const wxChar*) convert ); } else if ( theType == kDragFlavorTypeHFS ) { HFSFlavor* theFile = (HFSFlavor*) theData ; wxString name = wxMacFSSpec2MacFilename( &theFile->fileSpec ) ; if ( firstFileAdded ) ((wxFileDataObject*)m_dataObject)->AddFile( name ) ; else { ((wxFileDataObject*)m_dataObject)->SetData( 0 , name.c_str() ) ; firstFileAdded = true ; } } else { m_dataObject->SetData( format, dataSize, theData ); } delete[] theData; } break ; } } } } return true ; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // wxDropSource //------------------------------------------------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // drag request wxDropSource::wxDropSource(wxWindow *win, const wxCursor &cursorCopy, const wxCursor &cursorMove, const wxCursor &cursorStop) : wxDropSourceBase(cursorCopy, cursorMove, cursorStop) { wxMacEnsureTrackingHandlersInstalled() ; m_window = win; } wxDropSource::wxDropSource(wxDataObject& data, wxWindow *win, const wxCursor &cursorCopy, const wxCursor &cursorMove, const wxCursor &cursorStop) : wxDropSourceBase(cursorCopy, cursorMove, cursorStop) { wxMacEnsureTrackingHandlersInstalled() ; SetData( data ); m_window = win; } wxDropSource::~wxDropSource() { } wxDragResult wxDropSource::DoDragDrop(int WXUNUSED(flags)) { wxASSERT_MSG( m_data, wxT("Drop source: no data") ); if (!m_data) return (wxDragResult) wxDragNone; if (m_data->GetFormatCount() == 0) return (wxDragResult) wxDragNone; OSErr result; DragReference theDrag; RgnHandle dragRegion; if ((result = NewDrag(&theDrag))) { return wxDragNone ; } // add data to drag size_t formatCount = m_data->GetFormatCount() ; wxDataFormat *formats = new wxDataFormat[formatCount] ; m_data->GetAllFormats( formats ) ; ItemReference theItem = 1 ; for ( size_t i = 0 ; i < formatCount ; ++i ) { size_t dataSize = m_data->GetDataSize( formats[i] ) ; Ptr dataPtr = new char[dataSize] ; m_data->GetDataHere( formats[i] , dataPtr ) ; OSType type = formats[i].GetFormatId() ; if ( type == 'TEXT' ) { dataSize-- ; dataPtr[ dataSize ] = 0 ; wxString st( (wxChar*) dataPtr ) ; wxCharBuffer buf = st.mb_str( wxConvLocal) ; AddDragItemFlavor(theDrag, theItem, type , buf.data(), strlen(buf), 0); } else if (type == kDragFlavorTypeHFS ) { HFSFlavor theFlavor ; OSErr err = noErr; CInfoPBRec cat; wxMacFilename2FSSpec( dataPtr , &theFlavor.fileSpec ) ; cat.hFileInfo.ioNamePtr = theFlavor.fileSpec.name; cat.hFileInfo.ioVRefNum = theFlavor.fileSpec.vRefNum; cat.hFileInfo.ioDirID = theFlavor.fileSpec.parID; cat.hFileInfo.ioFDirIndex = 0; err = PBGetCatInfoSync(&cat); if (err == noErr ) { theFlavor.fdFlags = cat.hFileInfo.ioFlFndrInfo.fdFlags; if (theFlavor.fileSpec.parID == fsRtParID) { theFlavor.fileCreator = 'MACS'; theFlavor.fileType = 'disk'; } else if ((cat.hFileInfo.ioFlAttrib & ioDirMask) != 0) { theFlavor.fileCreator = 'MACS'; theFlavor.fileType = 'fold'; } else { theFlavor.fileCreator = cat.hFileInfo.ioFlFndrInfo.fdCreator; theFlavor.fileType = cat.hFileInfo.ioFlFndrInfo.fdType; } AddDragItemFlavor(theDrag, theItem, type , &theFlavor, sizeof(theFlavor), 0); } } else { AddDragItemFlavor(theDrag, theItem, type , dataPtr, dataSize, 0); } delete[] dataPtr ; } delete[] formats ; dragRegion = NewRgn(); RgnHandle tempRgn = NewRgn() ; EventRecord* ev = NULL ; #if !TARGET_CARBON // TODO ev = (EventRecord*) wxTheApp->MacGetCurrentEvent() ; #else EventRecord rec ; ev = &rec ; wxMacConvertEventToRecord( (EventRef) wxTheApp->MacGetCurrentEvent() , &rec ) ; #endif const short dragRegionOuterBoundary = 10 ; const short dragRegionInnerBoundary = 9 ; SetRectRgn( dragRegion , ev->where.h - dragRegionOuterBoundary , ev->where.v - dragRegionOuterBoundary , ev->where.h + dragRegionOuterBoundary , ev->where.v + dragRegionOuterBoundary ) ; SetRectRgn( tempRgn , ev->where.h - dragRegionInnerBoundary , ev->where.v - dragRegionInnerBoundary , ev->where.h + dragRegionInnerBoundary , ev->where.v + dragRegionInnerBoundary ) ; DiffRgn( dragRegion , tempRgn , dragRegion ) ; DisposeRgn( tempRgn ) ; // TODO:work with promises in order to return data only when drag // was successfully completed gTrackingGlobals.m_currentSource = this ; result = TrackDrag(theDrag, ev , dragRegion); DisposeRgn(dragRegion); DisposeDrag(theDrag); gTrackingGlobals.m_currentSource = NULL ; KeyMap keymap; GetKeys(keymap); bool optionDown = keymap[1] & 4; wxDragResult dndresult = optionDown ? wxDragCopy : wxDragMove; return dndresult; } bool wxDropSource::MacInstallDefaultCursor(wxDragResult effect) { const wxCursor& cursor = GetCursor(effect); if ( cursor.Ok() ) { cursor.MacInstall() ; return true; } else { return false; } } bool gTrackingGlobalsInstalled = false ; // passing the globals via refcon is not needed by the CFM and later architectures anymore // but I'll leave it in there, just in case... pascal OSErr wxMacWindowDragTrackingHandler(DragTrackingMessage theMessage, WindowPtr theWindow, void *handlerRefCon, DragReference theDrag) ; pascal OSErr wxMacWindowDragReceiveHandler(WindowPtr theWindow, void *handlerRefCon, DragReference theDrag) ; void wxMacEnsureTrackingHandlersInstalled() { if( !gTrackingGlobalsInstalled ) { OSErr result; result = InstallTrackingHandler(NewDragTrackingHandlerUPP(wxMacWindowDragTrackingHandler), 0L,&gTrackingGlobals); wxASSERT( result == noErr ) ; result = InstallReceiveHandler(NewDragReceiveHandlerUPP(wxMacWindowDragReceiveHandler), 0L, &gTrackingGlobals); wxASSERT( result == noErr ) ; gTrackingGlobalsInstalled = true ; } } pascal OSErr wxMacWindowDragTrackingHandler(DragTrackingMessage theMessage, WindowPtr theWindow, void *handlerRefCon, DragReference theDrag) { MacTrackingGlobals* trackingGlobals = (MacTrackingGlobals*) handlerRefCon; Point mouse, localMouse; DragAttributes attributes; GetDragAttributes(theDrag, &attributes); wxTopLevelWindowMac* toplevel = wxFindWinFromMacWindow( (WXWindow) theWindow ) ; KeyMap keymap; GetKeys(keymap); bool optionDown = keymap[1] & 4; wxDragResult result = optionDown ? wxDragCopy : wxDragMove; switch(theMessage) { case kDragTrackingEnterHandler: break; case kDragTrackingLeaveHandler: break; case kDragTrackingEnterWindow: trackingGlobals->m_currentTargetWindow = NULL ; trackingGlobals->m_currentTarget = NULL ; break; case kDragTrackingInWindow: if (toplevel == NULL) break; GetDragMouse(theDrag, &mouse, 0L); localMouse = mouse; GlobalToLocal(&localMouse); // if (attributes & kDragHasLeftSenderWindow) { wxPoint point(localMouse.h , localMouse.v) ; wxWindow *win = NULL ; toplevel->MacGetWindowFromPointSub( point , &win ) ; int localx , localy ; localx = localMouse.h ; localy = localMouse.v ; //TODO : should we use client coordinates if ( win ) win->MacRootWindowToWindow( &localx , &localy ) ; if ( win != trackingGlobals->m_currentTargetWindow ) { if ( trackingGlobals->m_currentTargetWindow ) { // this window is left if ( trackingGlobals->m_currentTarget ) { HideDragHilite(theDrag); trackingGlobals->m_currentTarget->SetCurrentDrag( theDrag ) ; trackingGlobals->m_currentTarget->OnLeave() ; trackingGlobals->m_currentTarget = NULL; trackingGlobals->m_currentTargetWindow = NULL ; } } if ( win ) { // this window is entered trackingGlobals->m_currentTargetWindow = win ; trackingGlobals->m_currentTarget = win->GetDropTarget() ; { if ( trackingGlobals->m_currentTarget ) { trackingGlobals->m_currentTarget->SetCurrentDrag( theDrag ) ; result = trackingGlobals->m_currentTarget->OnEnter( localx , localy , result ) ; } if ( result != wxDragNone ) { int x , y ; x = y = 0 ; win->MacWindowToRootWindow( &x , &y ) ; RgnHandle hiliteRgn = NewRgn() ; SetRectRgn( hiliteRgn , x , y , x+win->GetSize().x ,y+win->GetSize().y) ; ShowDragHilite(theDrag, hiliteRgn, true); DisposeRgn( hiliteRgn ) ; } } } } else { if( trackingGlobals->m_currentTarget ) { trackingGlobals->m_currentTarget->SetCurrentDrag( theDrag ) ; trackingGlobals->m_currentTarget->OnDragOver( localx , localy , result ) ; } } // set cursor for OnEnter and OnDragOver if ( trackingGlobals->m_currentSource && trackingGlobals->m_currentSource->GiveFeedback( result ) == FALSE ) { if ( trackingGlobals->m_currentSource->MacInstallDefaultCursor( result ) == FALSE ) { switch( result ) { case wxDragCopy : { wxCursor cursor(wxCURSOR_COPY_ARROW) ; cursor.MacInstall() ; } break ; case wxDragMove : { wxCursor cursor(wxCURSOR_ARROW) ; cursor.MacInstall() ; } break ; case wxDragNone : { wxCursor cursor(wxCURSOR_NO_ENTRY) ; cursor.MacInstall() ; } break ; case wxDragError: case wxDragLink: case wxDragCancel: // put these here to make gcc happy ; } } } } // MyTrackItemUnderMouse(localMouse, theWindow); break; case kDragTrackingLeaveWindow: if (trackingGlobals->m_currentTarget) { trackingGlobals->m_currentTarget->SetCurrentDrag( theDrag ) ; trackingGlobals->m_currentTarget->OnLeave() ; HideDragHilite(theDrag); trackingGlobals->m_currentTarget = NULL ; } trackingGlobals->m_currentTargetWindow = NULL ; break; } return(noErr); } pascal OSErr wxMacWindowDragReceiveHandler(WindowPtr theWindow, void *handlerRefCon, DragReference theDrag) { MacTrackingGlobals* trackingGlobals = (MacTrackingGlobals*) handlerRefCon; if ( trackingGlobals->m_currentTarget ) { Point mouse,localMouse ; int localx,localy ; trackingGlobals->m_currentTarget->SetCurrentDrag( theDrag ) ; GetDragMouse(theDrag, &mouse, 0L); localMouse = mouse; GlobalToLocal(&localMouse); localx = localMouse.h ; localy = localMouse.v ; //TODO : should we use client coordinates if ( trackingGlobals->m_currentTargetWindow ) trackingGlobals->m_currentTargetWindow->MacRootWindowToWindow( &localx , &localy ) ; if ( trackingGlobals->m_currentTarget->OnDrop( localx , localy ) ) { KeyMap keymap; GetKeys(keymap); bool optionDown = keymap[1] & 4; wxDragResult result = optionDown ? wxDragCopy : wxDragMove; trackingGlobals->m_currentTarget->OnData( localx , localy , result ) ; } } return(noErr); } #endif