/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: src/mac/classic/dataobj.cpp // Purpose: implementation of wxDataObject class // Author: Stefan Csomor // Modified by: // Created: 10/21/99 // RCS-ID: $Id: dataobj.cpp 40345 2006-07-27 12:57:16Z ABX $ // Copyright: (c) 1999 Stefan Csomor // Licence: wxWindows licence /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "wx/wxprec.h" #ifdef __BORLANDC__ #pragma hdrstop #endif // ============================================================================ // declarations // ============================================================================ // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // headers // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "wx/dataobj.h" #ifndef WX_PRECOMP #include "wx/intl.h" #include "wx/log.h" #include "wx/image.h" #endif #include "wx/mstream.h" #include "wx/mac/private.h" #include // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // functions // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // wxDataFormat // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- wxDataFormat::wxDataFormat() { m_type = wxDF_INVALID; m_format = 0; } wxDataFormat::wxDataFormat( wxDataFormatId vType ) { SetType(vType); } wxDataFormat::wxDataFormat( const wxChar* zId) { SetId(zId); } wxDataFormat::wxDataFormat( const wxString& rId) { SetId(rId); } wxDataFormat::wxDataFormat( NativeFormat vFormat) { SetId(vFormat); } void wxDataFormat::SetType( wxDataFormatId Type ) { m_type = Type; if (m_type == wxDF_TEXT ) m_format = kScrapFlavorTypeText; else if (m_type == wxDF_UNICODETEXT ) m_format = kScrapFlavorTypeUnicode ; else if (m_type == wxDF_BITMAP || m_type == wxDF_METAFILE ) m_format = kScrapFlavorTypePicture; else if (m_type == wxDF_FILENAME) m_format = kDragFlavorTypeHFS ; else { wxFAIL_MSG( wxT("invalid dataformat") ); // this is '????' but it can't be used in the code because ??' is // parsed as a trigraph! m_format = 0x3f3f3f3f; } } wxString wxDataFormat::GetId() const { // note that m_format is not a pointer to string, it *is* itself a 4 // character string char text[5] ; strncpy( text , (char*) &m_format , 4 ) ; text[4] = 0 ; return wxString::FromAscii( text ) ; } void wxDataFormat::SetId( NativeFormat format ) { m_format = format; if (m_format == kScrapFlavorTypeText) m_type = wxDF_TEXT; else if (m_format == kScrapFlavorTypeUnicode ) m_type = wxDF_UNICODETEXT; else if (m_format == kScrapFlavorTypePicture) m_type = wxDF_BITMAP; else if (m_format == kDragFlavorTypeHFS ) m_type = wxDF_FILENAME; else m_type = wxDF_PRIVATE; } void wxDataFormat::SetId( const wxChar* zId ) { m_type = wxDF_PRIVATE; m_format = 0;// TODO: get the format gdk_atom_intern( wxMBSTRINGCAST tmp.mbc_str(), FALSE ); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // wxDataObject //------------------------------------------------------------------------- wxDataObject::wxDataObject() { } bool wxDataObject::IsSupportedFormat( const wxDataFormat& rFormat , Direction vDir ) const { size_t nFormatCount = GetFormatCount(vDir); if (nFormatCount == 1) { return rFormat == GetPreferredFormat(); } else { wxDataFormat* pFormats = new wxDataFormat[nFormatCount]; GetAllFormats( pFormats ,vDir ); size_t n; for (n = 0; n < nFormatCount; n++) { if (pFormats[n] == rFormat) break; } delete [] pFormats; // found? return n < nFormatCount; } } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // wxFileDataObject // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool wxFileDataObject::GetDataHere( void* pBuf ) const { wxString sFilenames; for (size_t i = 0; i < m_filenames.GetCount(); i++) { sFilenames += m_filenames[i]; sFilenames += (wxChar)0; } memcpy(pBuf, sFilenames.mbc_str(), sFilenames.length() + 1); return true; } size_t wxFileDataObject::GetDataSize() const { size_t nRes = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < m_filenames.GetCount(); i++) { nRes += m_filenames[i].length(); nRes += 1; } return nRes + 1; } bool wxFileDataObject::SetData( size_t WXUNUSED(nSize) , const void* pBuf ) { m_filenames.Empty(); AddFile(wxString::FromAscii((char*)pBuf)); return true; } void wxFileDataObject::AddFile( const wxString& rFilename ) { m_filenames.Add(rFilename); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // wxBitmapDataObject // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- wxBitmapDataObject::wxBitmapDataObject() { Init(); } wxBitmapDataObject::wxBitmapDataObject( const wxBitmap& rBitmap ) : wxBitmapDataObjectBase(rBitmap) { Init(); if ( m_bitmap.Ok() ) { m_pictHandle = m_bitmap.GetPict( &m_pictCreated ) ; } } wxBitmapDataObject::~wxBitmapDataObject() { Clear(); } void wxBitmapDataObject::SetBitmap( const wxBitmap& rBitmap ) { Clear(); wxBitmapDataObjectBase::SetBitmap(rBitmap); if ( m_bitmap.Ok() ) { m_pictHandle = m_bitmap.GetPict( &m_pictCreated ) ; } } void wxBitmapDataObject::Init() { m_pictHandle = NULL ; m_pictCreated = false ; } void wxBitmapDataObject::Clear() { if ( m_pictCreated && m_pictHandle ) { KillPicture( (PicHandle) m_pictHandle ) ; } m_pictHandle = NULL ; } bool wxBitmapDataObject::GetDataHere( void* pBuf ) const { if (!m_pictHandle) { wxFAIL_MSG(wxT("attempt to copy empty bitmap failed")); return false; } memcpy(pBuf, *(Handle)m_pictHandle, GetHandleSize((Handle)m_pictHandle)); return true; } size_t wxBitmapDataObject::GetDataSize() const { return GetHandleSize((Handle)m_pictHandle) ; } bool wxBitmapDataObject::SetData( size_t nSize , const void* pBuf ) { Clear(); PicHandle picHandle = (PicHandle) NewHandle( nSize ) ; memcpy( *picHandle , pBuf , nSize ) ; m_pictHandle = picHandle ; m_pictCreated = false ; Rect frame = (**picHandle).picFrame ; m_bitmap.SetPict( picHandle ) ; m_bitmap.SetWidth( frame.right - frame.left ) ; m_bitmap.SetHeight( frame.bottom - frame.top ) ; return m_bitmap.Ok(); }