///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: src/mac/carbon/utils.cpp // Purpose: Various utilities // Author: Stefan Csomor // Modified by: // Created: 1998-01-01 // RCS-ID: $Id: utils.cpp 62113 2009-09-25 09:06:07Z JS $ // Copyright: (c) Stefan Csomor // Licence: wxWindows licence ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "wx/wxprec.h" #include "wx/utils.h" #ifndef WX_PRECOMP #include "wx/intl.h" #include "wx/app.h" #if wxUSE_GUI #include "wx/toplevel.h" #include "wx/font.h" #endif #endif #include "wx/apptrait.h" #if wxUSE_GUI #include "wx/mac/uma.h" #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include "MoreFilesX.h" #ifndef __DARWIN__ #include #include #endif #if wxUSE_GUI #if TARGET_API_MAC_OSX #include #else #include #include #endif #ifdef __DARWIN__ #include #else #include #include #include #endif #endif // wxUSE_GUI #include "wx/mac/private.h" #if defined(__MWERKS__) && wxUSE_UNICODE #if __MWERKS__ < 0x4100 || !defined(__DARWIN__) #include #endif #endif #if wxUSE_BASE // our OS version is the same in non GUI and GUI cases wxOperatingSystemId wxGetOsVersion(int *majorVsn, int *minorVsn) { SInt32 theSystem; Gestalt(gestaltSystemVersion, &theSystem); if ( majorVsn != NULL ) *majorVsn = (theSystem >> 8); if ( minorVsn != NULL ) *minorVsn = (theSystem & 0xFF); #if defined( __DARWIN__ ) return wxOS_MAC_OSX_DARWIN; #else return wxOS_MAC_OS; #endif } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // debugging support // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #if defined(__WXDEBUG__) && defined(__WXMAC__) && !defined(__DARWIN__) && defined(__MWERKS__) && (__MWERKS__ >= 0x2400) // MetroNub stuff doesn't seem to work in CodeWarrior 5.3 Carbon builds... #ifndef __MetroNubUtils__ #include "MetroNubUtils.h" #endif #ifndef __GESTALT__ #include #endif #if TARGET_API_MAC_CARBON #include extern "C" long CallUniversalProc(UniversalProcPtr theProcPtr, ProcInfoType procInfo, ...); ProcPtr gCallUniversalProc_Proc = NULL; #endif static MetroNubUserEntryBlock* gMetroNubEntry = NULL; static long fRunOnce = false; Boolean IsMetroNubInstalled() { if (!fRunOnce) { long result, value; fRunOnce = true; gMetroNubEntry = NULL; if (Gestalt(gestaltSystemVersion, &value) == noErr && value < 0x1000) { // look for MetroNub's Gestalt selector if (Gestalt(kMetroNubUserSignature, &result) == noErr) { #if TARGET_API_MAC_CARBON if (gCallUniversalProc_Proc == NULL) { CFragConnectionID connectionID; Ptr mainAddress; Str255 errorString; ProcPtr symbolAddress; OSErr err; CFragSymbolClass symbolClass; symbolAddress = NULL; err = GetSharedLibrary("\pInterfaceLib", kPowerPCCFragArch, kFindCFrag, &connectionID, &mainAddress, errorString); if (err != noErr) { gCallUniversalProc_Proc = NULL; goto end; } err = FindSymbol(connectionID, "\pCallUniversalProc", (Ptr *) &gCallUniversalProc_Proc, &symbolClass); if (err != noErr) { gCallUniversalProc_Proc = NULL; goto end; } } #endif { MetroNubUserEntryBlock* block = (MetroNubUserEntryBlock *)result; // make sure the version of the API is compatible if (block->apiLowVersion <= kMetroNubUserAPIVersion && kMetroNubUserAPIVersion <= block->apiHiVersion) { // success! gMetroNubEntry = block; } } } } } end: #if TARGET_API_MAC_CARBON return (gMetroNubEntry != NULL && gCallUniversalProc_Proc != NULL); #else return (gMetroNubEntry != NULL); #endif } Boolean IsMWDebuggerRunning() { if (IsMetroNubInstalled()) return CallIsDebuggerRunningProc(gMetroNubEntry->isDebuggerRunning); return false; } Boolean AmIBeingMWDebugged() { if (IsMetroNubInstalled()) return CallAmIBeingDebuggedProc(gMetroNubEntry->amIBeingDebugged); return false; } extern bool WXDLLEXPORT wxIsDebuggerRunning() { return IsMWDebuggerRunning() && AmIBeingMWDebugged(); } #else extern bool WXDLLEXPORT wxIsDebuggerRunning() { return false; } #endif // defined(__WXMAC__) && !defined(__DARWIN__) && (__MWERKS__ >= 0x2400) #ifndef __DARWIN__ // defined in unix/utilsunx.cpp for Mac OS X // get full hostname (with domain name if possible) bool wxGetFullHostName(wxChar *buf, int maxSize) { return wxGetHostName(buf, maxSize); } // Get user ID e.g. jacs bool wxGetUserId(wxChar *buf, int maxSize) { return wxGetUserName( buf , maxSize ); } const wxChar* wxGetHomeDir(wxString *pstr) { *pstr = wxMacFindFolder( (short) kOnSystemDisk, kPreferencesFolderType, kDontCreateFolder ); return pstr->c_str(); } // Get hostname only (without domain name) bool wxGetHostName(wxChar *buf, int maxSize) { // Gets Chooser name of user by examining a System resource. buf[0] = 0; const short kComputerNameID = -16413; short oldResFile = CurResFile(); UseResFile(0); StringHandle chooserName = (StringHandle)::GetString(kComputerNameID); UseResFile(oldResFile); if (chooserName && *chooserName) { HLock( (Handle) chooserName ); wxString name = wxMacMakeStringFromPascal( *chooserName ); HUnlock( (Handle) chooserName ); ReleaseResource( (Handle) chooserName ); wxStrncpy( buf , name , maxSize - 1 ); } return true; } // Get user name e.g. Stefan Csomor bool wxGetUserName(wxChar *buf, int maxSize) { // Gets Chooser name of user by examining a System resource. buf[0] = 0; const short kChooserNameID = -16096; short oldResFile = CurResFile(); UseResFile(0); StringHandle chooserName = (StringHandle)::GetString(kChooserNameID); UseResFile(oldResFile); if (chooserName && *chooserName) { HLock( (Handle) chooserName ); wxString name = wxMacMakeStringFromPascal( *chooserName ); HUnlock( (Handle) chooserName ); ReleaseResource( (Handle) chooserName ); wxStrncpy( buf , name , maxSize - 1 ); } return true; } int wxKill(long pid, wxSignal sig , wxKillError *rc, int flags) { // TODO return 0; } WXDLLEXPORT bool wxGetEnv(const wxString& var, wxString *value) { // TODO : under classic there is no environement support, under X yes return false; } // set the env var name to the given value, return true on success WXDLLEXPORT bool wxSetEnv(const wxString& var, const wxChar *value) { // TODO : under classic there is no environement support, under X yes return false; } // Execute a program in an Interactive Shell bool wxShell(const wxString& command) { // TODO return false; } // Shutdown or reboot the PC bool wxShutdown(wxShutdownFlags wFlags) { // TODO return false; } // Get free memory in bytes, or -1 if cannot determine amount (e.g. on UNIX) wxMemorySize wxGetFreeMemory() { return (wxMemorySize)FreeMem(); } #ifndef __DARWIN__ void wxMicroSleep(unsigned long microseconds) { AbsoluteTime wakeup = AddDurationToAbsolute( microseconds * durationMicrosecond , UpTime()); MPDelayUntil( & wakeup); } void wxMilliSleep(unsigned long milliseconds) { AbsoluteTime wakeup = AddDurationToAbsolute( milliseconds, UpTime()); MPDelayUntil( & wakeup); } void wxSleep(int nSecs) { wxMilliSleep(1000*nSecs); } #endif // Consume all events until no more left void wxFlushEvents() { } #endif // !__DARWIN__ // Emit a beeeeeep void wxBell() { #ifndef __LP64__ SysBeep(30); #endif } #endif // wxUSE_BASE #if wxUSE_GUI wxPortId wxGUIAppTraits::GetToolkitVersion(int *verMaj, int *verMin) const { // We suppose that toolkit version is the same as OS version under Mac wxGetOsVersion(verMaj, verMin); return wxPORT_MAC; } // Reading and writing resources (eg WIN.INI, .Xdefaults) #if wxUSE_RESOURCES bool wxWriteResource(const wxString& section, const wxString& entry, const wxString& value, const wxString& file) { // TODO return false; } bool wxWriteResource(const wxString& section, const wxString& entry, float value, const wxString& file) { wxString buf; buf.Printf(wxT("%.4f"), value); return wxWriteResource(section, entry, buf, file); } bool wxWriteResource(const wxString& section, const wxString& entry, long value, const wxString& file) { wxString buf; buf.Printf(wxT("%ld"), value); return wxWriteResource(section, entry, buf, file); } bool wxWriteResource(const wxString& section, const wxString& entry, int value, const wxString& file) { wxString buf; buf.Printf(wxT("%d"), value); return wxWriteResource(section, entry, buf, file); } bool wxGetResource(const wxString& section, const wxString& entry, char **value, const wxString& file) { // TODO return false; } bool wxGetResource(const wxString& section, const wxString& entry, float *value, const wxString& file) { char *s = NULL; bool succ = wxGetResource(section, entry, (char **)&s, file); if (succ) { *value = (float)strtod(s, NULL); delete[] s; } return succ; } bool wxGetResource(const wxString& section, const wxString& entry, long *value, const wxString& file) { char *s = NULL; bool succ = wxGetResource(section, entry, (char **)&s, file); if (succ) { *value = strtol(s, NULL, 10); delete[] s; } return succ; } bool wxGetResource(const wxString& section, const wxString& entry, int *value, const wxString& file) { char *s = NULL; bool succ = wxGetResource(section, entry, (char **)&s, file); if (succ) { *value = (int)strtol(s, NULL, 10); delete[] s; } return succ; } #endif // wxUSE_RESOURCES int gs_wxBusyCursorCount = 0; extern wxCursor gMacCurrentCursor; wxCursor gMacStoredActiveCursor; // Set the cursor to the busy cursor for all windows void wxBeginBusyCursor(const wxCursor *cursor) { if (gs_wxBusyCursorCount++ == 0) { gMacStoredActiveCursor = gMacCurrentCursor; cursor->MacInstall(); wxSetCursor(*cursor); } //else: nothing to do, already set } // Restore cursor to normal void wxEndBusyCursor() { wxCHECK_RET( gs_wxBusyCursorCount > 0, wxT("no matching wxBeginBusyCursor() for wxEndBusyCursor()") ); if (--gs_wxBusyCursorCount == 0) { gMacStoredActiveCursor.MacInstall(); gMacStoredActiveCursor = wxNullCursor; wxSetCursor(wxNullCursor); } } // true if we're between the above two calls bool wxIsBusy() { return (gs_wxBusyCursorCount > 0); } #endif // wxUSE_GUI #if wxUSE_BASE wxString wxMacFindFolderNoSeparator( short vol, OSType folderType, Boolean createFolder) { FSRef fsRef; wxString strDir; if ( FSFindFolder( vol, folderType, createFolder, &fsRef) == noErr) { strDir = wxMacFSRefToPath( &fsRef ); } return strDir; } wxString wxMacFindFolder( short vol, OSType folderType, Boolean createFolder) { return wxMacFindFolderNoSeparator(vol, folderType, createFolder) + wxFILE_SEP_PATH; } #endif // wxUSE_BASE #if wxUSE_GUI // Check whether this window wants to process messages, e.g. Stop button // in long calculations. bool wxCheckForInterrupt(wxWindow *wnd) { // TODO return false; } void wxGetMousePosition( int* x, int* y ) { Point pt; #if wxMAC_USE_CORE_GRAPHICS GetGlobalMouse(&pt); #else GetMouse( &pt ); LocalToGlobal( &pt ); #endif *x = pt.h; *y = pt.v; }; // Return true if we have a colour display bool wxColourDisplay() { return true; } // Returns depth of screen int wxDisplayDepth() { int theDepth = 8; #if wxMAC_USE_CORE_GRAPHICS theDepth = (int) CGDisplayBitsPerPixel(CGMainDisplayID()); #else Rect globRect; SetRect(&globRect, -32760, -32760, 32760, 32760); GDHandle theMaxDevice; theMaxDevice = GetMaxDevice(&globRect); if (theMaxDevice != NULL) theDepth = (**(**theMaxDevice).gdPMap).pixelSize; #endif return theDepth; } // Get size of display void wxDisplaySize(int *width, int *height) { #if wxMAC_USE_CORE_GRAPHICS // TODO adapt for multi-displays CGRect bounds = CGDisplayBounds(CGMainDisplayID()); if ( width ) *width = (int)bounds.size.width ; if ( height ) *height = (int)bounds.size.height; #else BitMap screenBits; GetQDGlobalsScreenBits( &screenBits ); if (width != NULL) *width = screenBits.bounds.right - screenBits.bounds.left; if (height != NULL) *height = screenBits.bounds.bottom - screenBits.bounds.top; #endif } void wxDisplaySizeMM(int *width, int *height) { wxDisplaySize(width, height); // on mac 72 is fixed (at least now;-) float cvPt2Mm = 25.4 / 72; if (width != NULL) *width = int( *width * cvPt2Mm ); if (height != NULL) *height = int( *height * cvPt2Mm ); } void wxClientDisplayRect(int *x, int *y, int *width, int *height) { #if MAC_OS_X_VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED >= MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_5 HIRect bounds ; HIWindowGetAvailablePositioningBounds(kCGNullDirectDisplay,kHICoordSpace72DPIGlobal, &bounds); if ( x ) *x = bounds.origin.x; if ( y ) *y = bounds.origin.y; if ( width ) *width = bounds.size.width; if ( height ) *height = bounds.size.height; #else Rect r; GetAvailableWindowPositioningBounds( GetMainDevice() , &r ); if ( x ) *x = r.left; if ( y ) *y = r.top; if ( width ) *width = r.right - r.left; if ( height ) *height = r.bottom - r.top; #endif } wxWindow* wxFindWindowAtPoint(const wxPoint& pt) { return wxGenericFindWindowAtPoint(pt); } #endif // wxUSE_GUI #if wxUSE_BASE #ifdef __DARWIN__ #include #endif wxString wxGetOsDescription() { #ifdef __DARWIN__ struct utsname name; uname(&name); return wxString::Format(_T("Mac OS X (%s %s %s)"), wxString::FromAscii(name.sysname).c_str(), wxString::FromAscii(name.release).c_str(), wxString::FromAscii(name.machine).c_str()); #else #ifdef WXWIN_OS_DESCRIPTION // use configure generated description if available return wxString(wxT("MacOS (")) + wxT(WXWIN_OS_DESCRIPTION) + wxString(wxT(")")); #else return wxT("MacOS"); //TODO:define further #endif #endif } #ifndef __DARWIN__ wxChar *wxGetUserHome (const wxString& user) { // TODO return NULL; } bool wxGetDiskSpace(const wxString& path, wxDiskspaceSize_t *pTotal, wxDiskspaceSize_t *pFree) { if ( path.empty() ) return false; wxString p = path; if (p[0u] == ':' ) p = wxGetCwd() + p; int pos = p.Find(':'); if ( pos != wxNOT_FOUND ) p = p.Mid(1,pos); p = p + wxT(":"); OSErr err = noErr; FSRef fsRef; err = wxMacPathToFSRef( p , &fsRef ); if ( noErr == err ) { FSVolumeRefNum vRefNum; err = FSGetVRefNum( &fsRef , &vRefNum ); if ( noErr == err ) { UInt64 freeBytes , totalBytes; err = FSGetVInfo( vRefNum , NULL , &freeBytes , &totalBytes ); if ( noErr == err ) { if ( pTotal ) *pTotal = wxDiskspaceSize_t( totalBytes ); if ( pFree ) *pFree = wxDiskspaceSize_t( freeBytes ); } } } return err == noErr; } #endif // !__DARWIN__ //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // wxMac Specific utility functions //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void wxMacStringToPascal( const wxString&from , StringPtr to ) { wxCharBuffer buf = from.mb_str( wxConvLocal ); int len = strlen(buf); if ( len > 255 ) len = 255; to[0] = len; memcpy( (char*) &to[1] , buf , len ); } wxString wxMacMakeStringFromPascal( ConstStringPtr from ) { return wxString( (char*) &from[1] , wxConvLocal , from[0] ); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Common Event Support // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- extern ProcessSerialNumber gAppProcess; void wxMacWakeUp() { ProcessSerialNumber psn; Boolean isSame; psn.highLongOfPSN = 0; psn.lowLongOfPSN = kCurrentProcess; SameProcess( &gAppProcess , &psn , &isSame ); if ( isSame ) { #if TARGET_CARBON OSStatus err = noErr; #if 0 // lead sometimes to race conditions, although all calls used should be thread safe ... static wxMacCarbonEvent s_wakeupEvent; if ( !s_wakeupEvent.IsValid() ) { err = s_wakeupEvent.Create( 'WXMC', 'WXMC', GetCurrentEventTime(), kEventAttributeNone ); } if ( err == noErr ) { if ( IsEventInQueue( GetMainEventQueue() , s_wakeupEvent ) ) return; s_wakeupEvent.SetCurrentTime(); err = PostEventToQueue(GetMainEventQueue(), s_wakeupEvent, kEventPriorityHigh ); } #else wxMacCarbonEvent wakeupEvent; wakeupEvent.Create( 'WXMC', 'WXMC', GetCurrentEventTime(), kEventAttributeNone ); err = PostEventToQueue(GetMainEventQueue(), wakeupEvent, kEventPriorityHigh ); #endif #else PostEvent( nullEvent , 0 ); #endif } else { WakeUpProcess( &gAppProcess ); } } #endif // wxUSE_BASE #if wxUSE_GUI // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Native Struct Conversions // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void wxMacRectToNative( const wxRect *wx , Rect *n ) { n->left = wx->x; n->top = wx->y; n->right = wx->x + wx->width; n->bottom = wx->y + wx->height; } void wxMacNativeToRect( const Rect *n , wxRect* wx ) { wx->x = n->left; wx->y = n->top; wx->width = n->right - n->left; wx->height = n->bottom - n->top; } void wxMacPointToNative( const wxPoint* wx , Point *n ) { n->h = wx->x; n->v = wx->y; } void wxMacNativeToPoint( const Point *n , wxPoint* wx ) { wx->x = n->h; wx->y = n->v; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Carbon Event Support // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- OSStatus wxMacCarbonEvent::GetParameter(EventParamName inName, EventParamType inDesiredType, UInt32 inBufferSize, void * outData) { return ::GetEventParameter( m_eventRef , inName , inDesiredType , NULL , inBufferSize , NULL , outData ); } OSStatus wxMacCarbonEvent::SetParameter(EventParamName inName, EventParamType inType, UInt32 inBufferSize, const void * inData) { return ::SetEventParameter( m_eventRef , inName , inType , inBufferSize , inData ); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Control Access Support // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS( wxMacControl , wxObject ) wxMacControl::wxMacControl() { Init(); } wxMacControl::wxMacControl(wxWindow* peer , bool isRootControl ) { Init(); m_peer = peer; m_isRootControl = isRootControl; } wxMacControl::wxMacControl( wxWindow* peer , ControlRef control ) { Init(); m_peer = peer; m_controlRef = control; } wxMacControl::wxMacControl( wxWindow* peer , WXWidget control ) { Init(); m_peer = peer; m_controlRef = (ControlRef) control; } wxMacControl::~wxMacControl() { } void wxMacControl::Init() { m_peer = NULL; m_controlRef = NULL; m_needsFocusRect = false; m_isRootControl = false; } void wxMacControl::Dispose() { wxASSERT_MSG( m_controlRef != NULL , wxT("Control Handle already NULL, Dispose called twice ?") ); wxASSERT_MSG( IsValidControlHandle(m_controlRef) , wxT("Invalid Control Handle (maybe already released) in Dispose") ); // we cannot check the ref count here anymore, as autorelease objects might delete their refs later // we can have situations when being embedded, where the control gets deleted behind our back, so only // CFRelease if we are safe if ( IsValidControlHandle(m_controlRef) ) CFRelease(m_controlRef); m_controlRef = NULL; } void wxMacControl::SetReference( URefCon data ) { SetControlReference( m_controlRef , data ); } OSStatus wxMacControl::GetData(ControlPartCode inPartCode , ResType inTag , Size inBufferSize , void * inOutBuffer , Size * outActualSize ) const { return ::GetControlData( m_controlRef , inPartCode , inTag , inBufferSize , inOutBuffer , outActualSize ); } OSStatus wxMacControl::GetDataSize(ControlPartCode inPartCode , ResType inTag , Size * outActualSize ) const { return ::GetControlDataSize( m_controlRef , inPartCode , inTag , outActualSize ); } OSStatus wxMacControl::SetData(ControlPartCode inPartCode , ResType inTag , Size inSize , const void * inData) { return ::SetControlData( m_controlRef , inPartCode , inTag , inSize , inData ); } OSStatus wxMacControl::SendEvent( EventRef event , OptionBits inOptions ) { #if TARGET_API_MAC_OSX return SendEventToEventTargetWithOptions( event, HIObjectGetEventTarget( (HIObjectRef) m_controlRef ), inOptions ); #else #pragma unused(inOptions) return SendEventToEventTarget(event,GetControlEventTarget( m_controlRef ) ); #endif } OSStatus wxMacControl::SendHICommand( HICommand &command , OptionBits inOptions ) { wxMacCarbonEvent event( kEventClassCommand , kEventCommandProcess ); event.SetParameter(kEventParamDirectObject,command); return SendEvent( event , inOptions ); } OSStatus wxMacControl::SendHICommand( UInt32 commandID , OptionBits inOptions ) { HICommand command; memset( &command, 0 , sizeof(command) ); command.commandID = commandID; return SendHICommand( command , inOptions ); } void wxMacControl::Flash( ControlPartCode part , UInt32 ticks ) { unsigned long finalTicks; HiliteControl( m_controlRef , part ); Delay( ticks , &finalTicks ); HiliteControl( m_controlRef , kControlNoPart ); } SInt32 wxMacControl::GetValue() const { return ::GetControl32BitValue( m_controlRef ); } SInt32 wxMacControl::GetMaximum() const { return ::GetControl32BitMaximum( m_controlRef ); } SInt32 wxMacControl::GetMinimum() const { return ::GetControl32BitMinimum( m_controlRef ); } void wxMacControl::SetValue( SInt32 v ) { ::SetControl32BitValue( m_controlRef , v ); } void wxMacControl::SetMinimum( SInt32 v ) { ::SetControl32BitMinimum( m_controlRef , v ); } void wxMacControl::SetMaximum( SInt32 v ) { ::SetControl32BitMaximum( m_controlRef , v ); } void wxMacControl::SetValueAndRange( SInt32 value , SInt32 minimum , SInt32 maximum ) { ::SetControl32BitMinimum( m_controlRef , minimum ); ::SetControl32BitMaximum( m_controlRef , maximum ); ::SetControl32BitValue( m_controlRef , value ); } OSStatus wxMacControl::SetFocus( ControlFocusPart focusPart ) { return SetKeyboardFocus( GetControlOwner( m_controlRef ), m_controlRef, focusPart ); } bool wxMacControl::HasFocus() const { ControlRef control; GetKeyboardFocus( GetUserFocusWindow() , &control ); return control == m_controlRef; } void wxMacControl::SetNeedsFocusRect( bool needs ) { m_needsFocusRect = needs; } bool wxMacControl::NeedsFocusRect() const { return m_needsFocusRect; } void wxMacControl::VisibilityChanged(bool shown) { } void wxMacControl::SuperChangedPosition() { } void wxMacControl::SetFont( const wxFont & font , const wxColour& foreground , long windowStyle ) { m_font = font; #ifndef __LP64__ ControlFontStyleRec fontStyle; if ( font.MacGetThemeFontID() != kThemeCurrentPortFont ) { switch ( font.MacGetThemeFontID() ) { case kThemeSmallSystemFont : fontStyle.font = kControlFontSmallSystemFont; break; case 109 : // mini font fontStyle.font = -5; break; case kThemeSystemFont : fontStyle.font = kControlFontBigSystemFont; break; default : fontStyle.font = kControlFontBigSystemFont; break; } fontStyle.flags = kControlUseFontMask; } else { fontStyle.font = font.MacGetFontNum(); fontStyle.style = font.MacGetFontStyle(); fontStyle.size = font.MacGetFontSize(); fontStyle.flags = kControlUseFontMask | kControlUseFaceMask | kControlUseSizeMask; } fontStyle.just = teJustLeft; fontStyle.flags |= kControlUseJustMask; if ( ( windowStyle & wxALIGN_MASK ) & wxALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL ) fontStyle.just = teJustCenter; else if ( ( windowStyle & wxALIGN_MASK ) & wxALIGN_RIGHT ) fontStyle.just = teJustRight; // we only should do this in case of a non-standard color, as otherwise 'disabled' controls // won't get grayed out by the system anymore if ( foreground != *wxBLACK ) { fontStyle.foreColor = MAC_WXCOLORREF( foreground.GetPixel() ); fontStyle.flags |= kControlUseForeColorMask; } ::SetControlFontStyle( m_controlRef , &fontStyle ); #endif } void wxMacControl::SetBackground( const wxBrush &WXUNUSED(brush) ) { // TODO // setting up a color proc is not recommended anymore } void wxMacControl::SetRange( SInt32 minimum , SInt32 maximum ) { ::SetControl32BitMinimum( m_controlRef , minimum ); ::SetControl32BitMaximum( m_controlRef , maximum ); } short wxMacControl::HandleKey( SInt16 keyCode, SInt16 charCode, EventModifiers modifiers ) { #ifndef __LP64__ return HandleControlKey( m_controlRef , keyCode , charCode , modifiers ); #else return 0; #endif } void wxMacControl::SetActionProc( ControlActionUPP actionProc ) { SetControlAction( m_controlRef , actionProc ); } void wxMacControl::SetViewSize( SInt32 viewSize ) { SetControlViewSize(m_controlRef , viewSize ); } SInt32 wxMacControl::GetViewSize() const { return GetControlViewSize( m_controlRef ); } bool wxMacControl::IsVisible() const { return IsControlVisible( m_controlRef ); } void wxMacControl::SetVisibility( bool visible , bool redraw ) { SetControlVisibility( m_controlRef , visible , redraw ); } bool wxMacControl::IsEnabled() const { #if TARGET_API_MAC_OSX return IsControlEnabled( m_controlRef ); #else return IsControlActive( m_controlRef ); #endif } bool wxMacControl::IsActive() const { return IsControlActive( m_controlRef ); } void wxMacControl::Enable( bool enable ) { if ( enable ) EnableControl( m_controlRef ); else DisableControl( m_controlRef ); } void wxMacControl::SetDrawingEnabled( bool enable ) { HIViewSetDrawingEnabled( m_controlRef , enable ); } bool wxMacControl::GetNeedsDisplay() const { return HIViewGetNeedsDisplay( m_controlRef ); } void wxMacControl::SetNeedsDisplay( RgnHandle where ) { if ( !IsVisible() ) return; HIViewSetNeedsDisplayInRegion( m_controlRef , where , true ); } void wxMacControl::SetNeedsDisplay( Rect* where ) { if ( !IsVisible() ) return; if ( where != NULL ) { RgnHandle update = NewRgn(); RectRgn( update , where ); HIViewSetNeedsDisplayInRegion( m_controlRef , update , true ); DisposeRgn( update ); } else HIViewSetNeedsDisplay( m_controlRef , true ); } void wxMacControl::Convert( wxPoint *pt , wxMacControl *from , wxMacControl *to ) { HIPoint hiPoint; hiPoint.x = pt->x; hiPoint.y = pt->y; HIViewConvertPoint( &hiPoint , from->m_controlRef , to->m_controlRef ); pt->x = (int)hiPoint.x; pt->y = (int)hiPoint.y; } void wxMacControl::SetRect( Rect *r ) { //A HIRect is actually a CGRect on OSX - which consists of two structures - //CGPoint and CGSize, which have two floats each HIRect hir = { { r->left , r->top }, { r->right - r->left , r->bottom - r->top } }; HIViewSetFrame ( m_controlRef , &hir ); // eventuall we might have to do a SetVisibility( false , true ); // before and a SetVisibility( true , true ); after } void wxMacControl::GetRect( Rect *r ) { GetControlBounds( m_controlRef , r ); } void wxMacControl::GetRectInWindowCoords( Rect *r ) { UMAGetControlBoundsInWindowCoords( m_controlRef , r ); } void wxMacControl::GetBestRect( Rect *r ) { short baselineoffset; GetBestControlRect( m_controlRef , r , &baselineoffset ); } void wxMacControl::SetLabel( const wxString &title ) { wxFontEncoding encoding; if ( m_font.Ok() ) encoding = m_font.GetEncoding(); else encoding = wxFont::GetDefaultEncoding(); UMASetControlTitle( m_controlRef , title , encoding ); } void wxMacControl::GetFeatures( UInt32 * features ) { GetControlFeatures( m_controlRef , features ); } OSStatus wxMacControl::GetRegion( ControlPartCode partCode , RgnHandle region ) { OSStatus err = GetControlRegion( m_controlRef , partCode , region ); return err; } OSStatus wxMacControl::SetZOrder( bool above , wxMacControl* other ) { #if TARGET_API_MAC_OSX return HIViewSetZOrder( m_controlRef,above ? kHIViewZOrderAbove : kHIViewZOrderBelow, (other != NULL) ? other->m_controlRef : NULL); #else return 0; #endif } #if TARGET_API_MAC_OSX // SetNeedsDisplay would not invalidate the children static void InvalidateControlAndChildren( HIViewRef control ) { HIViewSetNeedsDisplay( control , true ); UInt16 childrenCount = 0; OSStatus err = CountSubControls( control , &childrenCount ); if ( err == errControlIsNotEmbedder ) return; wxASSERT_MSG( err == noErr , wxT("Unexpected error when accessing subcontrols") ); for ( UInt16 i = childrenCount; i >=1; --i ) { HIViewRef child; err = GetIndexedSubControl( control , i , & child ); if ( err == errControlIsNotEmbedder ) return; InvalidateControlAndChildren( child ); } } #endif void wxMacControl::InvalidateWithChildren() { #if TARGET_API_MAC_OSX InvalidateControlAndChildren( m_controlRef ); #endif } void wxMacControl::ScrollRect( wxRect *r , int dx , int dy ) { wxASSERT( r != NULL ); HIRect scrollarea = CGRectMake( r->x , r->y , r->width , r->height); HIViewScrollRect ( m_controlRef , &scrollarea , dx ,dy ); } OSType wxMacCreator = 'WXMC'; OSType wxMacControlProperty = 'MCCT'; void wxMacControl::SetReferenceInNativeControl() { void * data = this; verify_noerr( SetControlProperty ( m_controlRef , wxMacCreator,wxMacControlProperty, sizeof(data), &data ) ); } wxMacControl* wxMacControl::GetReferenceFromNativeControl(ControlRef control) { wxMacControl* ctl = NULL; ByteCount actualSize; if ( GetControlProperty( control ,wxMacCreator,wxMacControlProperty, sizeof(ctl) , &actualSize , &ctl ) == noErr ) { return ctl; } return NULL; } // ============================================================================ // DataBrowser Wrapper // ============================================================================ // // basing on DataBrowserItemIDs // IMPLEMENT_ABSTRACT_CLASS( wxMacDataBrowserControl , wxMacControl ) pascal void wxMacDataBrowserControl::DataBrowserItemNotificationProc( ControlRef browser, DataBrowserItemID itemID, DataBrowserItemNotification message, DataBrowserItemDataRef itemData ) { wxMacDataBrowserControl* ctl = wxDynamicCast(wxMacControl::GetReferenceFromNativeControl( browser ), wxMacDataBrowserControl); if ( ctl != 0 ) { ctl->ItemNotification(itemID, message, itemData); } } pascal OSStatus wxMacDataBrowserControl::DataBrowserGetSetItemDataProc( ControlRef browser, DataBrowserItemID itemID, DataBrowserPropertyID property, DataBrowserItemDataRef itemData, Boolean changeValue ) { OSStatus err = errDataBrowserPropertyNotSupported; wxMacDataBrowserControl* ctl = wxDynamicCast(wxMacControl::GetReferenceFromNativeControl( browser ), wxMacDataBrowserControl); if ( ctl != 0 ) { err = ctl->GetSetItemData(itemID, property, itemData, changeValue); } return err; } pascal Boolean wxMacDataBrowserControl::DataBrowserCompareProc( ControlRef browser, DataBrowserItemID itemOneID, DataBrowserItemID itemTwoID, DataBrowserPropertyID sortProperty) { wxMacDataBrowserControl* ctl = wxDynamicCast(wxMacControl::GetReferenceFromNativeControl( browser ), wxMacDataBrowserControl); if ( ctl != 0 ) { return ctl->CompareItems(itemOneID, itemTwoID, sortProperty); } return false; } DataBrowserItemDataUPP gDataBrowserItemDataUPP = NULL; DataBrowserItemNotificationUPP gDataBrowserItemNotificationUPP = NULL; DataBrowserItemCompareUPP gDataBrowserItemCompareUPP = NULL; wxMacDataBrowserControl::wxMacDataBrowserControl( wxWindow* peer, const wxPoint& pos, const wxSize& size, long style) : wxMacControl( peer ) { Rect bounds = wxMacGetBoundsForControl( peer, pos, size ); OSStatus err = ::CreateDataBrowserControl( MAC_WXHWND(peer->MacGetTopLevelWindowRef()), &bounds, kDataBrowserListView, &m_controlRef ); SetReferenceInNativeControl(); verify_noerr( err ); if ( gDataBrowserItemCompareUPP == NULL ) gDataBrowserItemCompareUPP = NewDataBrowserItemCompareUPP(DataBrowserCompareProc); if ( gDataBrowserItemDataUPP == NULL ) gDataBrowserItemDataUPP = NewDataBrowserItemDataUPP(DataBrowserGetSetItemDataProc); if ( gDataBrowserItemNotificationUPP == NULL ) { gDataBrowserItemNotificationUPP = #if TARGET_API_MAC_OSX (DataBrowserItemNotificationUPP) NewDataBrowserItemNotificationWithItemUPP(DataBrowserItemNotificationProc); #else NewDataBrowserItemNotificationUPP(DataBrowserItemNotificationProc); #endif } DataBrowserCallbacks callbacks; InitializeDataBrowserCallbacks( &callbacks, kDataBrowserLatestCallbacks ); callbacks.u.v1.itemDataCallback = gDataBrowserItemDataUPP; callbacks.u.v1.itemCompareCallback = gDataBrowserItemCompareUPP; callbacks.u.v1.itemNotificationCallback = gDataBrowserItemNotificationUPP; SetCallbacks( &callbacks ); } OSStatus wxMacDataBrowserControl::GetItemCount( DataBrowserItemID container, Boolean recurse, DataBrowserItemState state, ItemCount *numItems) const { return GetDataBrowserItemCount( m_controlRef, container, recurse, state, numItems ); } OSStatus wxMacDataBrowserControl::GetItems( DataBrowserItemID container, Boolean recurse, DataBrowserItemState state, Handle items) const { return GetDataBrowserItems( m_controlRef, container, recurse, state, items ); } OSStatus wxMacDataBrowserControl::SetSelectionFlags( DataBrowserSelectionFlags options ) { return SetDataBrowserSelectionFlags( m_controlRef, options ); } OSStatus wxMacDataBrowserControl::AddColumn( DataBrowserListViewColumnDesc *columnDesc, DataBrowserTableViewColumnIndex position ) { return AddDataBrowserListViewColumn( m_controlRef, columnDesc, position ); } OSStatus wxMacDataBrowserControl::GetColumnIDFromIndex( DataBrowserTableViewColumnIndex position, DataBrowserTableViewColumnID* id ){ return GetDataBrowserTableViewColumnProperty( m_controlRef, position, id ); } OSStatus wxMacDataBrowserControl::RemoveColumn( DataBrowserTableViewColumnIndex position ) { DataBrowserTableViewColumnID id; GetColumnIDFromIndex( position, &id ); return RemoveDataBrowserTableViewColumn( m_controlRef, id ); } OSStatus wxMacDataBrowserControl::AutoSizeColumns() { return AutoSizeDataBrowserListViewColumns(m_controlRef); } OSStatus wxMacDataBrowserControl::SetHasScrollBars( bool horiz, bool vert ) { return SetDataBrowserHasScrollBars( m_controlRef, horiz, vert ); } OSStatus wxMacDataBrowserControl::SetHiliteStyle( DataBrowserTableViewHiliteStyle hiliteStyle ) { return SetDataBrowserTableViewHiliteStyle( m_controlRef, hiliteStyle ); } OSStatus wxMacDataBrowserControl::SetHeaderButtonHeight(UInt16 height) { return SetDataBrowserListViewHeaderBtnHeight( m_controlRef, height ); } OSStatus wxMacDataBrowserControl::GetHeaderButtonHeight(UInt16 *height) { return GetDataBrowserListViewHeaderBtnHeight( m_controlRef, height ); } OSStatus wxMacDataBrowserControl::SetCallbacks(const DataBrowserCallbacks *callbacks) { return SetDataBrowserCallbacks( m_controlRef, callbacks ); } OSStatus wxMacDataBrowserControl::UpdateItems( DataBrowserItemID container, UInt32 numItems, const DataBrowserItemID *items, DataBrowserPropertyID preSortProperty, DataBrowserPropertyID propertyID ) const { return UpdateDataBrowserItems( m_controlRef, container, numItems, items, preSortProperty, propertyID ); } bool wxMacDataBrowserControl::IsItemSelected( DataBrowserItemID item ) const { return IsDataBrowserItemSelected( m_controlRef, item ); } OSStatus wxMacDataBrowserControl::AddItems( DataBrowserItemID container, UInt32 numItems, const DataBrowserItemID *items, DataBrowserPropertyID preSortProperty ) { return AddDataBrowserItems( m_controlRef, container, numItems, items, preSortProperty ); } OSStatus wxMacDataBrowserControl::RemoveItems( DataBrowserItemID container, UInt32 numItems, const DataBrowserItemID *items, DataBrowserPropertyID preSortProperty ) { return RemoveDataBrowserItems( m_controlRef, container, numItems, items, preSortProperty ); } OSStatus wxMacDataBrowserControl::RevealItem( DataBrowserItemID item, DataBrowserPropertyID propertyID, DataBrowserRevealOptions options ) const { return RevealDataBrowserItem( m_controlRef, item, propertyID, options ); } OSStatus wxMacDataBrowserControl::SetSelectedItems( UInt32 numItems, const DataBrowserItemID *items, DataBrowserSetOption operation ) { return SetDataBrowserSelectedItems( m_controlRef, numItems, items, operation ); } OSStatus wxMacDataBrowserControl::GetSelectionAnchor( DataBrowserItemID *first, DataBrowserItemID *last ) const { return GetDataBrowserSelectionAnchor( m_controlRef, first, last ); } OSStatus wxMacDataBrowserControl::GetItemID( DataBrowserTableViewRowIndex row, DataBrowserItemID * item ) const { return GetDataBrowserTableViewItemID( m_controlRef, row, item ); } OSStatus wxMacDataBrowserControl::GetItemRow( DataBrowserItemID item, DataBrowserTableViewRowIndex * row ) const { return GetDataBrowserTableViewItemRow( m_controlRef, item, row ); } OSStatus wxMacDataBrowserControl::SetDefaultRowHeight( UInt16 height ) { return SetDataBrowserTableViewRowHeight( m_controlRef , height ); } OSStatus wxMacDataBrowserControl::GetDefaultRowHeight( UInt16 * height ) const { return GetDataBrowserTableViewRowHeight( m_controlRef, height ); } OSStatus wxMacDataBrowserControl::SetRowHeight( DataBrowserItemID item , UInt16 height) { return SetDataBrowserTableViewItemRowHeight( m_controlRef, item , height ); } OSStatus wxMacDataBrowserControl::GetRowHeight( DataBrowserItemID item , UInt16 *height) const { return GetDataBrowserTableViewItemRowHeight( m_controlRef, item , height); } OSStatus wxMacDataBrowserControl::GetColumnWidth( DataBrowserPropertyID column , UInt16 *width ) const { return GetDataBrowserTableViewNamedColumnWidth( m_controlRef , column , width ); } OSStatus wxMacDataBrowserControl::SetColumnWidth( DataBrowserPropertyID column , UInt16 width ) { return SetDataBrowserTableViewNamedColumnWidth( m_controlRef , column , width ); } OSStatus wxMacDataBrowserControl::GetDefaultColumnWidth( UInt16 *width ) const { return GetDataBrowserTableViewColumnWidth( m_controlRef , width ); } OSStatus wxMacDataBrowserControl::SetDefaultColumnWidth( UInt16 width ) { return SetDataBrowserTableViewColumnWidth( m_controlRef , width ); } OSStatus wxMacDataBrowserControl::GetColumnCount(UInt32* numColumns) const { return GetDataBrowserTableViewColumnCount( m_controlRef, numColumns); } OSStatus wxMacDataBrowserControl::GetColumnPosition( DataBrowserPropertyID column, DataBrowserTableViewColumnIndex *position) const { return GetDataBrowserTableViewColumnPosition( m_controlRef , column , position); } OSStatus wxMacDataBrowserControl::SetColumnPosition( DataBrowserPropertyID column, DataBrowserTableViewColumnIndex position) { return SetDataBrowserTableViewColumnPosition( m_controlRef , column , position); } OSStatus wxMacDataBrowserControl::GetScrollPosition( UInt32 *top , UInt32 *left ) const { return GetDataBrowserScrollPosition( m_controlRef , top , left ); } OSStatus wxMacDataBrowserControl::SetScrollPosition( UInt32 top , UInt32 left ) { return SetDataBrowserScrollPosition( m_controlRef , top , left ); } OSStatus wxMacDataBrowserControl::GetSortProperty( DataBrowserPropertyID *column ) const { return GetDataBrowserSortProperty( m_controlRef , column ); } OSStatus wxMacDataBrowserControl::SetSortProperty( DataBrowserPropertyID column ) { return SetDataBrowserSortProperty( m_controlRef , column ); } OSStatus wxMacDataBrowserControl::GetSortOrder( DataBrowserSortOrder *order ) const { return GetDataBrowserSortOrder( m_controlRef , order ); } OSStatus wxMacDataBrowserControl::SetSortOrder( DataBrowserSortOrder order ) { return SetDataBrowserSortOrder( m_controlRef , order ); } OSStatus wxMacDataBrowserControl::GetPropertyFlags( DataBrowserPropertyID property, DataBrowserPropertyFlags *flags ) const { return GetDataBrowserPropertyFlags( m_controlRef , property , flags ); } OSStatus wxMacDataBrowserControl::SetPropertyFlags( DataBrowserPropertyID property, DataBrowserPropertyFlags flags ) { return SetDataBrowserPropertyFlags( m_controlRef , property , flags ); } OSStatus wxMacDataBrowserControl::GetHeaderDesc( DataBrowserPropertyID property, DataBrowserListViewHeaderDesc *desc ) const { return GetDataBrowserListViewHeaderDesc( m_controlRef , property , desc ); } OSStatus wxMacDataBrowserControl::SetHeaderDesc( DataBrowserPropertyID property, DataBrowserListViewHeaderDesc *desc ) { return SetDataBrowserListViewHeaderDesc( m_controlRef , property , desc ); } OSStatus wxMacDataBrowserControl::SetDisclosureColumn( DataBrowserPropertyID property , Boolean expandableRows ) { return SetDataBrowserListViewDisclosureColumn( m_controlRef, property, expandableRows); } OSStatus wxMacDataBrowserControl::GetItemPartBounds( DataBrowserItemID item, DataBrowserPropertyID property, DataBrowserPropertyPart part, Rect * bounds ) { return GetDataBrowserItemPartBounds( m_controlRef, item, property, part, bounds); } // ============================================================================ // Higher-level Databrowser // ============================================================================ // // basing on data item objects // wxMacDataItem::wxMacDataItem() { m_data = NULL; m_order = 0; m_colId = kTextColumnId; // for compat with existing wx*ListBox impls. } wxMacDataItem::~wxMacDataItem() { } void wxMacDataItem::SetOrder( SInt32 order ) { m_order = order; } SInt32 wxMacDataItem::GetOrder() const { return m_order; } void wxMacDataItem::SetData( void* data) { m_data = data; } void* wxMacDataItem::GetData() const { return m_data; } short wxMacDataItem::GetColumn() { return m_colId; } void wxMacDataItem::SetColumn( short col ) { m_colId = col; } void wxMacDataItem::SetLabel( const wxString& str) { m_label = str; m_cfLabel.Assign( str , wxLocale::GetSystemEncoding()); } const wxString& wxMacDataItem::GetLabel() const { return m_label; } bool wxMacDataItem::IsLessThan(wxMacDataItemBrowserControl *owner , const wxMacDataItem* rhs, DataBrowserPropertyID sortProperty) const { const wxMacDataItem* otherItem = wx_const_cast(wxMacDataItem*,rhs); bool retval = false; if ( sortProperty == m_colId ){ retval = m_label.CmpNoCase( otherItem->m_label) < 0; } else if ( sortProperty == kNumericOrderColumnId ) retval = m_order < otherItem->m_order; return retval; } OSStatus wxMacDataItem::GetSetData( wxMacDataItemBrowserControl *owner , DataBrowserPropertyID property, DataBrowserItemDataRef itemData, bool changeValue ) { OSStatus err = errDataBrowserPropertyNotSupported; if ( !changeValue ) { if ( property == m_colId ){ err = ::SetDataBrowserItemDataText( itemData, m_cfLabel ); err = noErr; } else if ( property == kNumericOrderColumnId ){ err = ::SetDataBrowserItemDataValue( itemData, m_order ); err = noErr; } else{ } } else { switch (property) { // no editable props here default: break; } } return err; } void wxMacDataItem::Notification(wxMacDataItemBrowserControl *owner , DataBrowserItemNotification message, DataBrowserItemDataRef itemData ) const { } IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS( wxMacDataItemBrowserControl , wxMacDataBrowserControl ) wxMacDataItemBrowserControl::wxMacDataItemBrowserControl( wxWindow* peer , const wxPoint& pos, const wxSize& size, long style) : wxMacDataBrowserControl( peer, pos, size, style ) { m_suppressSelection = false; m_sortOrder = SortOrder_None; m_clientDataItemsType = wxClientData_None; } wxMacDataItem* wxMacDataItemBrowserControl::CreateItem() { return new wxMacDataItem(); } wxMacDataItemBrowserSelectionSuppressor::wxMacDataItemBrowserSelectionSuppressor(wxMacDataItemBrowserControl *browser) { m_former = browser->SuppressSelection(true); m_browser = browser; } wxMacDataItemBrowserSelectionSuppressor::~wxMacDataItemBrowserSelectionSuppressor() { m_browser->SuppressSelection(m_former); } bool wxMacDataItemBrowserControl::SuppressSelection( bool suppress ) { bool former = m_suppressSelection; m_suppressSelection = suppress; return former; } Boolean wxMacDataItemBrowserControl::CompareItems(DataBrowserItemID itemOneID, DataBrowserItemID itemTwoID, DataBrowserPropertyID sortProperty) { wxMacDataItem* itemOne = (wxMacDataItem*) itemOneID; wxMacDataItem* itemTwo = (wxMacDataItem*) itemTwoID; return CompareItems( itemOne , itemTwo , sortProperty ); } Boolean wxMacDataItemBrowserControl::CompareItems(const wxMacDataItem* itemOne, const wxMacDataItem* itemTwo, DataBrowserPropertyID sortProperty) { Boolean retval = false; if ( itemOne != NULL ) retval = itemOne->IsLessThan( this , itemTwo , sortProperty); return retval; } OSStatus wxMacDataItemBrowserControl::GetSetItemData( DataBrowserItemID itemID, DataBrowserPropertyID property, DataBrowserItemDataRef itemData, Boolean changeValue ) { wxMacDataItem* item = (wxMacDataItem*) itemID; return GetSetItemData(item, property, itemData , changeValue ); } OSStatus wxMacDataItemBrowserControl::GetSetItemData( wxMacDataItem* item, DataBrowserPropertyID property, DataBrowserItemDataRef itemData, Boolean changeValue ) { OSStatus err = errDataBrowserPropertyNotSupported; switch( property ) { case kDataBrowserContainerIsClosableProperty : case kDataBrowserContainerIsSortableProperty : case kDataBrowserContainerIsOpenableProperty : // right now default behaviour on these break; default : if ( item != NULL ){ err = item->GetSetData( this, property , itemData , changeValue ); } break; } return err; } void wxMacDataItemBrowserControl::ItemNotification( DataBrowserItemID itemID, DataBrowserItemNotification message, DataBrowserItemDataRef itemData) { wxMacDataItem* item = (wxMacDataItem*) itemID; ItemNotification( item , message, itemData); } void wxMacDataItemBrowserControl::ItemNotification( const wxMacDataItem* item, DataBrowserItemNotification message, DataBrowserItemDataRef itemData) { if (item != NULL) item->Notification( this, message, itemData); } unsigned int wxMacDataItemBrowserControl::GetItemCount(const wxMacDataItem* container, bool recurse , DataBrowserItemState state) const { ItemCount numItems = 0; verify_noerr( wxMacDataBrowserControl::GetItemCount( (DataBrowserItemID)container, recurse, state, &numItems ) ); return numItems; } unsigned int wxMacDataItemBrowserControl::GetSelectedItemCount( const wxMacDataItem* container, bool recurse ) const { return GetItemCount( container, recurse, kDataBrowserItemIsSelected ); } void wxMacDataItemBrowserControl::GetItems(const wxMacDataItem* container, bool recurse , DataBrowserItemState state, wxArrayMacDataItemPtr &items) const { Handle handle = NewHandle(0); verify_noerr( wxMacDataBrowserControl::GetItems( (DataBrowserItemID)container , recurse , state, handle) ); int itemCount = GetHandleSize(handle)/sizeof(DataBrowserItemID); HLock( handle ); wxMacDataItemPtr* itemsArray = (wxMacDataItemPtr*) *handle; for ( int i = 0; i < itemCount; ++i) { items.Add(itemsArray[i]); } HUnlock( handle ); DisposeHandle( handle ); } unsigned int wxMacDataItemBrowserControl::GetLineFromItem(const wxMacDataItem* item) const { DataBrowserTableViewRowIndex row; OSStatus err = GetItemRow( (DataBrowserItemID) item , &row); wxASSERT( err == noErr); return row; } wxMacDataItem* wxMacDataItemBrowserControl::GetItemFromLine(unsigned int n) const { DataBrowserItemID id = 0; OSStatus err = GetItemID( (DataBrowserTableViewRowIndex) n , &id); if ( err ) { unsigned int count = MacGetCount(); if ( n >= count ) { wxASSERT_MSG( n < count, wxString::Format(wxT("wxMacDataItemBrowserControl::GetItemFromLine: line index %d (zero based) out of bounds [0,%d]"), n, count-1 ) ); } else { wxASSERT_MSG( err == noErr, wxString::Format(wxT("wxMacDataItemBrowserControl::GetItemFromLine GetItemId returned %d"), err )); } } return (wxMacDataItem*) id; } void wxMacDataItemBrowserControl::UpdateItem(const wxMacDataItem *container, const wxMacDataItem *item , DataBrowserPropertyID property) const { verify_noerr( wxMacDataBrowserControl::UpdateItems((DataBrowserItemID)container, 1, (DataBrowserItemID*) &item, kDataBrowserItemNoProperty /* notSorted */, property ) ); } void wxMacDataItemBrowserControl::UpdateItems(const wxMacDataItem *container, wxArrayMacDataItemPtr &itemArray , DataBrowserPropertyID property) const { unsigned int noItems = itemArray.GetCount(); DataBrowserItemID *items = new DataBrowserItemID[noItems]; for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < noItems; ++i ) items[i] = (DataBrowserItemID) itemArray[i]; verify_noerr( wxMacDataBrowserControl::UpdateItems((DataBrowserItemID)container, noItems, items, kDataBrowserItemNoProperty /* notSorted */, property ) ); delete [] items; } void wxMacDataItemBrowserControl::InsertColumn(int colId, DataBrowserPropertyType colType, const wxString& title, SInt16 just, int defaultWidth) { DataBrowserListViewColumnDesc columnDesc; columnDesc.headerBtnDesc.titleOffset = 0; columnDesc.headerBtnDesc.version = kDataBrowserListViewLatestHeaderDesc; columnDesc.headerBtnDesc.btnFontStyle.flags = kControlUseFontMask | kControlUseJustMask; columnDesc.headerBtnDesc.btnContentInfo.contentType = kControlContentTextOnly; columnDesc.headerBtnDesc.btnFontStyle.just = just; columnDesc.headerBtnDesc.btnFontStyle.font = kControlFontViewSystemFont; columnDesc.headerBtnDesc.btnFontStyle.style = normal; // TODO: Why is m_font not defined when we enter wxLC_LIST mode, but is // defined for other modes? wxFontEncoding enc; if ( m_font.Ok() ) enc = m_font.GetEncoding(); else enc = wxLocale::GetSystemEncoding(); wxMacCFStringHolder cfTitle; cfTitle.Assign( title, enc ); columnDesc.headerBtnDesc.titleString = cfTitle; columnDesc.headerBtnDesc.minimumWidth = 0; columnDesc.headerBtnDesc.maximumWidth = 30000; columnDesc.propertyDesc.propertyID = (kMinColumnId + colId); columnDesc.propertyDesc.propertyType = colType; columnDesc.propertyDesc.propertyFlags = kDataBrowserListViewSortableColumn; #if MAC_OS_X_VERSION_MAX_ALLOWED > MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_2 columnDesc.propertyDesc.propertyFlags |= kDataBrowserListViewTypeSelectColumn; #endif #if MAC_OS_X_VERSION_MAX_ALLOWED >= MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_4 columnDesc.propertyDesc.propertyFlags |= kDataBrowserListViewNoGapForIconInHeaderButton; #endif verify_noerr( AddColumn( &columnDesc, kDataBrowserListViewAppendColumn ) ); if (defaultWidth > 0){ SetColumnWidth(colId, defaultWidth); } } void wxMacDataItemBrowserControl::SetColumnWidth(int colId, int width) { DataBrowserPropertyID id; GetColumnIDFromIndex(colId, &id); verify_noerr( wxMacDataBrowserControl::SetColumnWidth(id, width)); } int wxMacDataItemBrowserControl::GetColumnWidth(int colId) { DataBrowserPropertyID id; GetColumnIDFromIndex(colId, &id); UInt16 result; verify_noerr( wxMacDataBrowserControl::GetColumnWidth(id, &result)); return result; } void wxMacDataItemBrowserControl::AddItem(wxMacDataItem *container, wxMacDataItem *item) { verify_noerr( wxMacDataBrowserControl::AddItems( (DataBrowserItemID)container, 1, (DataBrowserItemID*) &item, kDataBrowserItemNoProperty ) ); } void wxMacDataItemBrowserControl::AddItems(wxMacDataItem *container, wxArrayMacDataItemPtr &itemArray ) { unsigned int noItems = itemArray.GetCount(); DataBrowserItemID *items = new DataBrowserItemID[noItems]; for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < noItems; ++i ) items[i] = (DataBrowserItemID) itemArray[i]; verify_noerr( wxMacDataBrowserControl::AddItems( (DataBrowserItemID)container, noItems, (DataBrowserItemID*) items, kDataBrowserItemNoProperty ) ); delete [] items; } void wxMacDataItemBrowserControl::RemoveItem(wxMacDataItem *container, wxMacDataItem* item) { OSStatus err = wxMacDataBrowserControl::RemoveItems( (DataBrowserItemID)container, 1, (DataBrowserItemID*) &item, kDataBrowserItemNoProperty ); verify_noerr( err ); } void wxMacDataItemBrowserControl::RemoveItems(wxMacDataItem *container, wxArrayMacDataItemPtr &itemArray) { unsigned int noItems = itemArray.GetCount(); DataBrowserItemID *items = new DataBrowserItemID[noItems]; for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < noItems; ++i ) items[i] = (DataBrowserItemID) itemArray[i]; OSStatus err = wxMacDataBrowserControl::RemoveItems( (DataBrowserItemID)container, noItems, (DataBrowserItemID*) items, kDataBrowserItemNoProperty ); verify_noerr( err ); delete [] items; } void wxMacDataItemBrowserControl::RemoveAllItems(wxMacDataItem *container) { SetScrollPosition(0, 0); OSStatus err = wxMacDataBrowserControl::RemoveItems( (DataBrowserItemID)container, 0 , NULL , kDataBrowserItemNoProperty ); verify_noerr( err ); } void wxMacDataItemBrowserControl::SetSelectedItem(wxMacDataItem* item , DataBrowserSetOption option) { verify_noerr(wxMacDataBrowserControl::SetSelectedItems( 1, (DataBrowserItemID*) &item, option )); } void wxMacDataItemBrowserControl::SetSelectedAllItems(DataBrowserSetOption option) { verify_noerr(wxMacDataBrowserControl::SetSelectedItems( 0 , NULL , option )); } void wxMacDataItemBrowserControl::SetSelectedItems(wxArrayMacDataItemPtr &itemArray , DataBrowserSetOption option) { unsigned int noItems = itemArray.GetCount(); DataBrowserItemID *items = new DataBrowserItemID[noItems]; for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < noItems; ++i ) items[i] = (DataBrowserItemID) itemArray[i]; verify_noerr(wxMacDataBrowserControl::SetSelectedItems( noItems, (DataBrowserItemID*) items, option )); delete [] items; } Boolean wxMacDataItemBrowserControl::IsItemSelected( const wxMacDataItem* item) const { return wxMacDataBrowserControl::IsItemSelected( (DataBrowserItemID) item); } void wxMacDataItemBrowserControl::RevealItem( wxMacDataItem* item, DataBrowserRevealOptions options) { verify_noerr(wxMacDataBrowserControl::RevealItem( (DataBrowserItemID) item, kDataBrowserNoItem , options ) ); } void wxMacDataItemBrowserControl::GetSelectionAnchor( wxMacDataItemPtr* first , wxMacDataItemPtr* last) const { verify_noerr(wxMacDataBrowserControl::GetSelectionAnchor( (DataBrowserItemID*) first, (DataBrowserItemID*) last) ); } wxClientDataType wxMacDataItemBrowserControl::GetClientDataType() const { return m_clientDataItemsType; } void wxMacDataItemBrowserControl::SetClientDataType(wxClientDataType clientDataItemsType) { m_clientDataItemsType = clientDataItemsType; } unsigned int wxMacDataItemBrowserControl::MacGetCount() const { return GetItemCount(wxMacDataBrowserRootContainer,false,kDataBrowserItemAnyState); } void wxMacDataItemBrowserControl::MacDelete( unsigned int n ) { wxMacDataItem* item = (wxMacDataItem*)GetItemFromLine( n ); RemoveItem( wxMacDataBrowserRootContainer, item ); } void wxMacDataItemBrowserControl::MacInsert( unsigned int n, const wxString& text, int column ) { wxMacDataItem* newItem = CreateItem(); newItem->SetLabel( text ); if ( column != -1 ) newItem->SetColumn( kMinColumnId + column ); if ( m_sortOrder == SortOrder_None ) { // increase the order of the lines to be shifted unsigned int lines = MacGetCount(); for ( unsigned int i = n; i < lines; ++i) { wxMacDataItem* iter = (wxMacDataItem*) GetItemFromLine(i); iter->SetOrder( iter->GetOrder() + 1 ); } SInt32 frontLineOrder = 0; if ( n > 0 ) { wxMacDataItem* iter = (wxMacDataItem*) GetItemFromLine(n-1); frontLineOrder = iter->GetOrder(); } newItem->SetOrder( frontLineOrder + 1 ); } AddItem( wxMacDataBrowserRootContainer, newItem ); } void wxMacDataItemBrowserControl::MacInsert( unsigned int n, const wxArrayString& items, int column ) { size_t itemsCount = items.GetCount(); if ( itemsCount == 0 ) return; SInt32 frontLineOrder = 0; if ( m_sortOrder == SortOrder_None ) { // increase the order of the lines to be shifted unsigned int lines = MacGetCount(); for ( unsigned int i = n; i < lines; ++i) { wxMacDataItem* iter = (wxMacDataItem*) GetItemFromLine(i); iter->SetOrder( iter->GetOrder() + itemsCount ); } if ( n > 0 ) { wxMacDataItem* iter = (wxMacDataItem*) GetItemFromLine(n-1); frontLineOrder = iter->GetOrder(); } } wxArrayMacDataItemPtr ids; ids.SetCount( itemsCount ); for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < itemsCount; ++i ) { wxMacDataItem* item = CreateItem(); item->SetLabel( items[i]); if ( column != -1 ) item->SetColumn( kMinColumnId + column ); if ( m_sortOrder == SortOrder_None ) item->SetOrder( frontLineOrder + 1 + i ); ids[i] = item; } AddItems( wxMacDataBrowserRootContainer, ids ); } int wxMacDataItemBrowserControl::MacAppend( const wxString& text) { wxMacDataItem* item = CreateItem(); item->SetLabel( text ); if ( m_sortOrder == SortOrder_None ) { unsigned int lines = MacGetCount(); if ( lines == 0 ) item->SetOrder( 1 ); else { wxMacDataItem* frontItem = (wxMacDataItem*) GetItemFromLine(lines-1); item->SetOrder( frontItem->GetOrder() + 1 ); } } AddItem( wxMacDataBrowserRootContainer, item ); return GetLineFromItem(item); } void wxMacDataItemBrowserControl::MacClear() { wxMacDataItemBrowserSelectionSuppressor suppressor(this); RemoveAllItems(wxMacDataBrowserRootContainer); } void wxMacDataItemBrowserControl::MacDeselectAll() { wxMacDataItemBrowserSelectionSuppressor suppressor(this); SetSelectedAllItems( kDataBrowserItemsRemove ); } void wxMacDataItemBrowserControl::MacSetSelection( unsigned int n, bool select, bool multi ) { wxMacDataItem* item = (wxMacDataItem*) GetItemFromLine(n); wxMacDataItemBrowserSelectionSuppressor suppressor(this); if ( IsItemSelected( item ) != select ) { if ( select ) SetSelectedItem( item, multi ? kDataBrowserItemsAdd : kDataBrowserItemsAssign ); else SetSelectedItem( item, kDataBrowserItemsRemove ); } MacScrollTo( n ); } bool wxMacDataItemBrowserControl::MacIsSelected( unsigned int n ) const { wxMacDataItem* item = (wxMacDataItem*) GetItemFromLine(n); return IsItemSelected( item ); } int wxMacDataItemBrowserControl::MacGetSelection() const { wxMacDataItemPtr first, last; GetSelectionAnchor( &first, &last ); if ( first != NULL ) { return GetLineFromItem( first ); } return -1; } int wxMacDataItemBrowserControl::MacGetSelections( wxArrayInt& aSelections ) const { aSelections.Empty(); wxArrayMacDataItemPtr selectedItems; GetItems( wxMacDataBrowserRootContainer, false , kDataBrowserItemIsSelected, selectedItems); int count = selectedItems.GetCount(); for ( int i = 0; i < count; ++i) { aSelections.Add(GetLineFromItem(selectedItems[i])); } return count; } void wxMacDataItemBrowserControl::MacSetString( unsigned int n, const wxString& text ) { // as we don't store the strings we only have to issue a redraw wxMacDataItem* item = (wxMacDataItem*) GetItemFromLine( n); item->SetLabel( text ); UpdateItem( wxMacDataBrowserRootContainer, item , kTextColumnId ); } wxString wxMacDataItemBrowserControl::MacGetString( unsigned int n ) const { wxMacDataItem * item = (wxMacDataItem*) GetItemFromLine( n ); return item->GetLabel(); } void wxMacDataItemBrowserControl::MacSetClientData( unsigned int n, void * data) { wxMacDataItem* item = (wxMacDataItem*) GetItemFromLine( n); item->SetData( data ); // not displayed, therefore no Update infos to DataBrowser } void * wxMacDataItemBrowserControl::MacGetClientData( unsigned int n) const { wxMacDataItem * item = (wxMacDataItem*) GetItemFromLine( n ); return item->GetData(); } void wxMacDataItemBrowserControl::MacScrollTo( unsigned int n ) { UInt32 top , left ; GetScrollPosition( &top , &left ) ; wxMacDataItem * item = (wxMacDataItem*) GetItemFromLine( n ); // there is a bug in RevealItem that leads to situations // in large lists, where the item does not get scrolled // into sight, so we do a pre-scroll if necessary UInt16 height ; GetRowHeight( (DataBrowserItemID) item , &height ) ; UInt32 linetop = n * ((UInt32) height ); UInt32 linebottom = linetop + height; Rect rect ; GetRect( &rect ); if ( linetop < top || linebottom > (top + rect.bottom - rect.top ) ) SetScrollPosition( wxMax( n-2, 0 ) * ((UInt32)height) , left ) ; RevealItem( item , kDataBrowserRevealWithoutSelecting ); } // // Tab Control // OSStatus wxMacControl::SetTabEnabled( SInt16 tabNo , bool enable ) { return ::SetTabEnabled( m_controlRef , tabNo , enable ); } // // Quartz Support // #ifdef __WXMAC_OSX__ // snippets from Sketch Sample from Apple : #define kGenericRGBProfilePathStr "/System/Library/ColorSync/Profiles/Generic RGB Profile.icc" /* This function locates, opens, and returns the profile reference for the calibrated Generic RGB color space. It is up to the caller to call CMCloseProfile when done with the profile reference this function returns. */ CMProfileRef wxMacOpenGenericProfile() { static CMProfileRef cachedRGBProfileRef = NULL; // we only create the profile reference once if (cachedRGBProfileRef == NULL) { CMProfileLocation loc; loc.locType = cmPathBasedProfile; strcpy(loc.u.pathLoc.path, kGenericRGBProfilePathStr); verify_noerr( CMOpenProfile(&cachedRGBProfileRef, &loc) ); } // clone the profile reference so that the caller has their own reference, not our cached one if (cachedRGBProfileRef) CMCloneProfileRef(cachedRGBProfileRef); return cachedRGBProfileRef; } /* Return the generic RGB color space. This is a 'get' function and the caller should not release the returned value unless the caller retains it first. Usually callers of this routine will immediately use the returned colorspace with CoreGraphics so they typically do not need to retain it themselves. This function creates the generic RGB color space once and hangs onto it so it can return it whenever this function is called. */ CGColorSpaceRef wxMacGetGenericRGBColorSpace() { static wxMacCFRefHolder genericRGBColorSpace; if (genericRGBColorSpace == NULL) { if ( UMAGetSystemVersion() >= 0x1040 ) { genericRGBColorSpace.Set( CGColorSpaceCreateWithName( CFSTR("kCGColorSpaceGenericRGB") ) ); } else { CMProfileRef genericRGBProfile = wxMacOpenGenericProfile(); if (genericRGBProfile) { genericRGBColorSpace.Set( CGColorSpaceCreateWithPlatformColorSpace(genericRGBProfile) ); wxASSERT_MSG( genericRGBColorSpace != NULL, wxT("couldn't create the generic RGB color space") ); // we opened the profile so it is up to us to close it CMCloseProfile(genericRGBProfile); } } } return genericRGBColorSpace; } #endif #ifndef __LP64__ wxMacPortSaver::wxMacPortSaver( GrafPtr port ) { ::GetPort( &m_port ); ::SetPort( port ); } wxMacPortSaver::~wxMacPortSaver() { ::SetPort( m_port ); } #endif void wxMacGlobalToLocal( WindowRef window , Point*pt ) { #if MAC_OS_X_VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED >= MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_4 HIPoint p = CGPointMake( pt->h, pt->v ); HIViewRef contentView ; // TODO check toolbar offset HIViewFindByID( HIViewGetRoot( window ), kHIViewWindowContentID , &contentView) ; HIPointConvert( &p, kHICoordSpace72DPIGlobal, NULL, kHICoordSpaceView, contentView ); pt->h = p.x; pt->v = p.y; #else QDGlobalToLocalPoint( GetWindowPort(window), pt ) ; #endif } void wxMacLocalToGlobal( WindowRef window , Point*pt ) { #if MAC_OS_X_VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED >= MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_4 HIPoint p = CGPointMake( pt->h, pt->v ); HIViewRef contentView ; // TODO check toolbar offset HIViewFindByID( HIViewGetRoot( window ), kHIViewWindowContentID , &contentView) ; HIPointConvert( &p, kHICoordSpaceView, contentView, kHICoordSpace72DPIGlobal, NULL ); pt->h = p.x; pt->v = p.y; #else QDLocalToGlobalPoint( GetWindowPort(window), pt ) ; #endif } #endif // wxUSE_GUI