///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: src/mac/carbon/spinbutt.cpp // Purpose: wxSpinCtrl // Author: Robert // Modified by: Mark Newsam (Based on GTK file) // RCS-ID: $Id: spinctrl.cpp 62128 2009-09-25 15:24:54Z JS $ // Copyright: (c) Robert Roebling // Licence: wxWindows licence ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "wx/wxprec.h" #if wxUSE_SPINCTRL #include "wx/spinctrl.h" #ifndef WX_PRECOMP #include "wx/textctrl.h" #include "wx/containr.h" #endif #include "wx/spinbutt.h" // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // constants // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // the focus rect around a text may have 4 pixels in each direction // we handle these problems right now in an extended vis region of a window static const wxCoord TEXTBORDER = 4 ; // the margin between the text control and the spin static const wxCoord MARGIN = 8 - TEXTBORDER; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // wxSpinCtrlText: text control used by spin control // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- class wxSpinCtrlText : public wxTextCtrl { public: wxSpinCtrlText(wxSpinCtrl *spin, const wxString& value) : wxTextCtrl(spin , wxID_ANY, value, wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(40, wxDefaultCoord)) { m_spin = spin; // remove the default minsize, the spinctrl will have one instead SetMinSize(wxDefaultSize); } bool ProcessEvent(wxEvent &event) { // Hand button down events to wxSpinCtrl. Doesn't work. if (event.GetEventType() == wxEVT_LEFT_DOWN && m_spin->ProcessEvent( event )) return true; return wxTextCtrl::ProcessEvent( event ); } protected: void OnKillFocus(wxFocusEvent &event) { long l; if ( !GetValue().ToLong(&l) ) { // not a number at all return; } // is within range if (l < m_spin->GetMin()) l = m_spin->GetMin(); if (l > m_spin->GetMax()) l = m_spin->GetMax(); // Update text control wxString str; str.Printf( wxT("%d"), (int)l ); if (str != GetValue()) SetValue( str ); if (l != m_spin->m_oldValue) { // set value in spin button // does that trigger an event? m_spin->m_btn->SetValue( l ); // if not wxCommandEvent event(wxEVT_COMMAND_SPINCTRL_UPDATED, m_spin->GetId()); event.SetEventObject(m_spin); event.SetInt(l); m_spin->GetEventHandler()->ProcessEvent(event); m_spin->m_oldValue = l; } } void OnTextChange(wxCommandEvent& event) { int val; if ( m_spin->GetTextValue(&val) ) { m_spin->GetSpinButton()->SetValue(val); // If we're already processing a text update from m_spin, // don't send it again, since we could end up recursing // infinitely. if (event.GetId() == m_spin->GetId()) { event.Skip(); return; } // Send event that the text was manually changed wxCommandEvent event(wxEVT_COMMAND_TEXT_UPDATED, m_spin->GetId()); event.SetEventObject(m_spin); event.SetString(m_spin->GetText()->GetValue()); event.SetInt(val); m_spin->GetEventHandler()->ProcessEvent(event); } event.Skip(); } private: wxSpinCtrl *m_spin; DECLARE_EVENT_TABLE() }; BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(wxSpinCtrlText, wxTextCtrl) EVT_TEXT(wxID_ANY, wxSpinCtrlText::OnTextChange) EVT_KILL_FOCUS( wxSpinCtrlText::OnKillFocus) END_EVENT_TABLE() // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // wxSpinCtrlButton: spin button used by spin control // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- class wxSpinCtrlButton : public wxSpinButton { public: wxSpinCtrlButton(wxSpinCtrl *spin, int style) : wxSpinButton(spin ) { m_spin = spin; SetWindowStyle(style | wxSP_VERTICAL); // TODO: The spin button gets truncated a little bit due to size // differences so change it's default size a bit. SMALL still gets a // bit truncated, but MINI seems to be too small... Readdress this // when the textctrl issues are all sorted out. //SetWindowVariant(wxWINDOW_VARIANT_SMALL); // remove the default minsize, the spinctrl will have one instead SetMinSize(wxDefaultSize); } protected: void OnSpinButton(wxSpinEvent& eventSpin) { int pos = eventSpin.GetPosition(); m_spin->SetTextValue(pos); wxCommandEvent event(wxEVT_COMMAND_SPINCTRL_UPDATED, m_spin->GetId()); event.SetEventObject(m_spin); event.SetInt(pos); m_spin->GetEventHandler()->ProcessEvent(event); m_spin->m_oldValue = pos; } private: wxSpinCtrl *m_spin; DECLARE_EVENT_TABLE() }; BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(wxSpinCtrlButton, wxSpinButton) EVT_SPIN(wxID_ANY, wxSpinCtrlButton::OnSpinButton) END_EVENT_TABLE() IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS(wxSpinCtrl, wxControl) BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(wxSpinCtrl, wxControl) WX_EVENT_TABLE_CONTROL_CONTAINER(wxSpinCtrl) END_EVENT_TABLE() WX_DELEGATE_TO_CONTROL_CONTAINER(wxSpinCtrl, wxControl) // ============================================================================ // implementation // ============================================================================ // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // wxSpinCtrl creation // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void wxSpinCtrl::Init() { m_text = NULL; m_btn = NULL; m_container.SetContainerWindow(this); } bool wxSpinCtrl::Create(wxWindow *parent, wxWindowID id, const wxString& value, const wxPoint& pos, const wxSize& size, long style, int min, int max, int initial, const wxString& name) { m_macIsUserPane = true; if ( !wxControl::Create(parent, id, pos, size, style, wxDefaultValidator, name) ) { return false; } // the string value overrides the numeric one (for backwards compatibility // reasons and also because it is simpler to satisfy the string value which // comes much sooner in the list of arguments and leave the initial // parameter unspecified) if ( !value.empty() ) { long l; if ( value.ToLong(&l) ) initial = l; } wxSize csize = size ; m_text = new wxSpinCtrlText(this, value); m_btn = new wxSpinCtrlButton(this, style); m_btn->SetRange(min, max); m_btn->SetValue(initial); // make it different m_oldValue = GetMin()-1; if ( size.x == wxDefaultCoord ){ csize.x = m_text->GetSize().x + MARGIN + m_btn->GetSize().x ; } if ( size.y == wxDefaultCoord ) { csize.y = m_text->GetSize().y + 2 * TEXTBORDER ; //allow for text border highlights if ( m_btn->GetSize().y > csize.y ) csize.y = m_btn->GetSize().y ; } //SetSize(csize); //MacPostControlCreate(pos, csize); SetInitialSize(csize); return true; } wxSpinCtrl::~wxSpinCtrl() { // delete the controls now, don't leave them alive even though they would // still be eventually deleted by our parent - but it will be too late, the // user code expects them to be gone now delete m_text; m_text = NULL ; delete m_btn; m_btn = NULL ; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // geometry // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- wxSize wxSpinCtrl::DoGetBestSize() const { if (!m_btn || !m_text) return GetSize(); wxSize sizeBtn = m_btn->GetBestSize(), sizeText = m_text->GetBestSize(); sizeText.y += 2 * TEXTBORDER ; sizeText.x += 2 * TEXTBORDER ; int height; if (sizeText.y > sizeBtn.y) height = sizeText.y; else height = sizeBtn.y; return wxSize(sizeBtn.x + sizeText.x + MARGIN, height ); } void wxSpinCtrl::DoMoveWindow(int x, int y, int width, int height) { // position the subcontrols inside the client area wxSize sizeBtn = m_btn->GetSize(); wxSize sizeText = m_text->GetSize(); wxControl::DoMoveWindow(x, y, width, height); wxCoord wText = width - sizeBtn.x - MARGIN - 2 * TEXTBORDER; m_text->SetSize(TEXTBORDER, (height - sizeText.y) / 2, wText, -1); m_btn->SetSize(0 + wText + MARGIN + 2 * TEXTBORDER , (height - sizeBtn.y) / 2 , -1, -1 ); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // operations forwarded to the subcontrols // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool wxSpinCtrl::Enable(bool enable) { if ( !wxControl::Enable(enable) ) return false; return true; } bool wxSpinCtrl::Show(bool show) { if ( !wxControl::Show(show) ) return false; return true; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // value and range access // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool wxSpinCtrl::GetTextValue(int *val) const { long l; if ( !m_text->GetValue().ToLong(&l) ) { // not a number at all return false; } if ( l < GetMin() || l > GetMax() ) { // out of range return false; } *val = l; return true; } int wxSpinCtrl::GetValue() const { return m_btn ? m_btn->GetValue() : 0; } int wxSpinCtrl::GetMin() const { return m_btn ? m_btn->GetMin() : 0; } int wxSpinCtrl::GetMax() const { return m_btn ? m_btn->GetMax() : 0; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // changing value and range // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void wxSpinCtrl::SetTextValue(int val) { wxCHECK_RET( m_text, _T("invalid call to wxSpinCtrl::SetTextValue") ); m_text->SetValue(wxString::Format(_T("%d"), val)); // select all text m_text->SetSelection(0, -1); m_text->SetInsertionPointEnd(); // and give focus to the control! // m_text->SetFocus(); Why???? TODO. } void wxSpinCtrl::SetValue(int val) { wxCHECK_RET( m_btn, _T("invalid call to wxSpinCtrl::SetValue") ); SetTextValue(val); m_btn->SetValue(val); m_oldValue = val; } void wxSpinCtrl::SetValue(const wxString& text) { wxCHECK_RET( m_text, _T("invalid call to wxSpinCtrl::SetValue") ); long val; if ( text.ToLong(&val) && ((val > INT_MIN) && (val < INT_MAX)) ) { SetValue((int)val); } else // not a number at all or out of range { m_text->SetValue(text); m_text->SetSelection(0, -1); } } void wxSpinCtrl::SetRange(int min, int max) { wxCHECK_RET( m_btn, _T("invalid call to wxSpinCtrl::SetRange") ); m_btn->SetRange(min, max); } void wxSpinCtrl::SetSelection(long from, long to) { // if from and to are both -1, it means (in wxWidgets) that all text should // be selected if ( (from == -1) && (to == -1) ) { from = 0; } m_text->SetSelection(from, to); } #endif // wxUSE_SPINCTRL