/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: src/mac/popupwin.cpp // Purpose: implements wxPopupWindow for wxMac // Author: Stefan Csomor // Modified by: // Created: // RCS-ID: $Id: popupwin.cpp 46459 2007-06-13 22:55:58Z SC $ // Copyright: (c) 2006 Stefan Csomor // License: wxWindows licence /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ============================================================================ // declarations // ============================================================================ // CAUTION : This is only experimental stuff right now // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // headers // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // For compilers that support precompilation, includes "wx.h". #include "wx/wxprec.h" #ifdef __BORLANDC__ #pragma hdrstop #endif #if wxUSE_POPUPWIN #ifndef WX_PRECOMP #endif //WX_PRECOMP #include "wx/popupwin.h" #include "wx/tooltip.h" #include "wx/mac/private.h" // ============================================================================ // implementation // ============================================================================ wxPopupWindow::~wxPopupWindow() { if ( m_popupWindowRef ) { #if wxUSE_TOOLTIPS wxToolTip::NotifyWindowDelete(m_popupWindowRef) ; #endif wxPendingDelete.Append( new wxMacDeferredWindowDeleter( (WindowRef) m_popupWindowRef ) ) ; } } bool wxPopupWindow::Create(wxWindow *parent, int flags) { m_macIsUserPane = false ; // popup windows are created hidden by default Hide(); if ( ! wxPopupWindowBase::Create(parent) ) return false; WindowClass wclass = kHelpWindowClass; WindowAttributes attr = kWindowCompositingAttribute ; WindowRef parentWindow =(WindowRef) parent->MacGetTopLevelWindowRef(); Rect bounds = { 0,0,0,0 }; OSStatus err = ::CreateNewWindow( wclass , attr , &bounds , (WindowRef*)&m_popupWindowRef ) ; if ( err == noErr ) { // SetWindowGroup( (WindowRef) m_popupWindowRef, GetWindowGroup(parentWindow)); // Put them in the same group so that their window layers are consistent } m_peer = new wxMacControl(this , true /*isRootControl*/) ; HIViewFindByID( HIViewGetRoot( (WindowRef) m_popupWindowRef ) , kHIViewWindowContentID , m_peer->GetControlRefAddr() ) ; if ( !m_peer->Ok() ) { // compatibility mode fallback GetRootControl( (WindowRef) m_popupWindowRef , m_peer->GetControlRefAddr() ) ; if ( !m_peer->Ok() ) CreateRootControl( (WindowRef) m_popupWindowRef , m_peer->GetControlRefAddr() ) ; } // the root control level handler MacInstallEventHandler( (WXWidget) m_peer->GetControlRef() ) ; // the frame window event handler InstallStandardEventHandler( GetWindowEventTarget(MAC_WXHWND(m_popupWindowRef)) ) ; // MacInstallTopLevelWindowEventHandler() ; if ( parent ) parent->AddChild(this); return true; } void wxPopupWindow::DoMoveWindow(int x, int y, int width, int height) { Rect bounds = { y , x , y + height , x + width } ; verify_noerr(SetWindowBounds( (WindowRef) m_popupWindowRef, kWindowStructureRgn , &bounds )) ; wxWindowMac::MacSuperChangedPosition() ; // like this only children will be notified } void wxPopupWindow::DoGetPosition( int *x, int *y ) const { Rect bounds ; verify_noerr(GetWindowBounds((WindowRef) m_popupWindowRef, kWindowStructureRgn , &bounds )) ; if (x) *x = bounds.left ; if (y) *y = bounds.top ; } void wxPopupWindow::DoGetSize( int *width, int *height ) const { Rect bounds ; verify_noerr(GetWindowBounds((WindowRef) m_popupWindowRef, kWindowStructureRgn , &bounds )) ; if (width) *width = bounds.right - bounds.left ; if (height) *height = bounds.bottom - bounds.top ; } void wxPopupWindow::DoGetClientSize( int *width, int *height ) const { Rect bounds ; verify_noerr(GetWindowBounds((WindowRef) m_popupWindowRef, kWindowContentRgn , &bounds )) ; if (width) *width = bounds.right - bounds.left ; if (height) *height = bounds.bottom - bounds.top ; } bool wxPopupWindow::Show(bool show) { if ( !wxWindowMac::Show(show) ) return false; if (show) { ::ShowWindow( (WindowRef)m_popupWindowRef ); ::SelectWindow( (WindowRef)m_popupWindowRef ) ; // because apps expect a size event to occur at this moment wxSizeEvent event(GetSize() , m_windowId); event.SetEventObject(this); GetEventHandler()->ProcessEvent(event); } else { ::HideWindow( (WindowRef)m_popupWindowRef ); } return true; } WXWindow wxPopupWindow::MacGetPopupWindowRef() const { return m_popupWindowRef; } #endif // #if wxUSE_POPUPWIN