///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: src/mac/carbon/mdi.cpp // Purpose: MDI classes // Author: Stefan Csomor // Modified by: // Created: 1998-01-01 // RCS-ID: $Id: mdi.cpp 53039 2008-04-06 09:31:01Z CE $ // Copyright: (c) Stefan Csomor // Licence: wxWindows licence ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "wx/wxprec.h" #if wxUSE_MDI #include "wx/mdi.h" #ifndef WX_PRECOMP #include "wx/log.h" #include "wx/menu.h" #include "wx/settings.h" #include "wx/statusbr.h" #endif #include "wx/mac/private.h" #include "wx/mac/uma.h" extern wxWindowList wxModelessWindows; IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS(wxMDIParentFrame, wxFrame) IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS(wxMDIChildFrame, wxFrame) IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS(wxMDIClientWindow, wxWindow) BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(wxMDIParentFrame, wxFrame) EVT_ACTIVATE(wxMDIParentFrame::OnActivate) EVT_SYS_COLOUR_CHANGED(wxMDIParentFrame::OnSysColourChanged) END_EVENT_TABLE() BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(wxMDIClientWindow, wxWindow) EVT_SCROLL(wxMDIClientWindow::OnScroll) END_EVENT_TABLE() static const wxChar *TRACE_MDI = _T("mdi"); static const int IDM_WINDOWTILEHOR = 4001; static const int IDM_WINDOWCASCADE = 4002; static const int IDM_WINDOWICONS = 4003; static const int IDM_WINDOWNEXT = 4004; static const int IDM_WINDOWTILEVERT = 4005; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Parent frame // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void wxMDIParentFrame::Init() { m_clientWindow = NULL; m_currentChild = NULL; m_windowMenu = (wxMenu*) NULL; m_parentFrameActive = true; m_shouldBeShown = false; } bool wxMDIParentFrame::Create(wxWindow *parent, wxWindowID id, const wxString& title, const wxPoint& pos, const wxSize& size, long style, const wxString& name) { // this style can be used to prevent a window from having the standard MDI // "Window" menu if ( style & wxFRAME_NO_WINDOW_MENU ) { m_windowMenu = (wxMenu *)NULL; style -= wxFRAME_NO_WINDOW_MENU ; } else // normal case: we have the window menu, so construct it { m_windowMenu = new wxMenu; m_windowMenu->Append(IDM_WINDOWCASCADE, wxT("&Cascade")); m_windowMenu->Append(IDM_WINDOWTILEHOR, wxT("Tile &Horizontally")); m_windowMenu->Append(IDM_WINDOWTILEVERT, wxT("Tile &Vertically")); m_windowMenu->AppendSeparator(); m_windowMenu->Append(IDM_WINDOWICONS, wxT("&Arrange Icons")); m_windowMenu->Append(IDM_WINDOWNEXT, wxT("&Next")); } wxFrame::Create( parent , id , title , pos , size , style , name ) ; m_parentFrameActive = true; OnCreateClient(); return true; } wxMDIParentFrame::~wxMDIParentFrame() { DestroyChildren(); // already deleted by DestroyChildren() m_clientWindow = NULL ; delete m_windowMenu; } void wxMDIParentFrame::SetMenuBar(wxMenuBar *menu_bar) { wxFrame::SetMenuBar( menu_bar ) ; } void wxMDIParentFrame::GetRectForTopLevelChildren(int *x, int *y, int *w, int *h) { if (x) *x = 0; if (y) *y = 0; wxDisplaySize(w, h); } void wxMDIParentFrame::AddChild(wxWindowBase *child) { // moved this to front, so that we don't run into unset m_parent problems later wxFrame::AddChild(child); if ( !m_currentChild ) { m_currentChild = wxDynamicCast(child, wxMDIChildFrame); if ( m_currentChild && IsShown() && !ShouldBeVisible() ) { // we shouldn't remain visible any more wxFrame::Show(false); m_shouldBeShown = true; } } } void wxMDIParentFrame::RemoveChild(wxWindowBase *child) { if ( child == m_currentChild ) { // the current child isn't active any more, try to find another one m_currentChild = NULL; for ( wxWindowList::compatibility_iterator node = GetChildren().GetFirst(); node; node = node->GetNext() ) { wxMDIChildFrame * childCur = wxDynamicCast(node->GetData(), wxMDIChildFrame); if ( childCur != child ) { m_currentChild = childCur; break; } } } wxFrame::RemoveChild(child); // if there are no more children left we need to show the frame if we // hadn't shown it before because there were active children and it was // useless (note that we have to do it after fully removing the child, i.e. // after calling the base class RemoveChild() as otherwise we risk to touch // pointer to the child being deleted) if ( !m_currentChild && m_shouldBeShown && !IsShown() ) { // we have to show it, but at least move it out of sight and make it of // smallest possible size (unfortunately (0, 0) doesn't work so that it // doesn't appear in expose SetSize(-10000, -10000, 1, 1); Show(); } } void wxMDIParentFrame::MacActivate(long timestamp, bool activating) { wxLogTrace(TRACE_MDI, wxT("MDI PARENT=%p MacActivate(0x%08lx,%s)"), this, timestamp, activating ? wxT("ACTIV") : wxT("deact")); if (activating) { if (s_macDeactivateWindow && s_macDeactivateWindow->GetParent() == this) { wxLogTrace(TRACE_MDI, wxT("child had been scheduled for deactivation, rehighlighting")); UMAHighlightAndActivateWindow((WindowRef)s_macDeactivateWindow->MacGetWindowRef(), true); wxLogTrace(TRACE_MDI, wxT("finished highliting child")); s_macDeactivateWindow = NULL; } else if (s_macDeactivateWindow == this) { wxLogTrace(TRACE_MDI, wxT("Avoided deactivation/activation of this=%p"), this); s_macDeactivateWindow = NULL; } else // window to deactivate is NULL or is not us or one of our kids { // activate kid instead if (m_currentChild) m_currentChild->MacActivate(timestamp, activating); else wxFrame::MacActivate(timestamp, activating); } } else { // We were scheduled for deactivation, and now we do it. if (s_macDeactivateWindow == this) { s_macDeactivateWindow = NULL; if (m_currentChild) m_currentChild->MacActivate(timestamp, activating); wxFrame::MacActivate(timestamp, activating); } else // schedule ourselves for deactivation { if (s_macDeactivateWindow) wxLogTrace(TRACE_MDI, wxT("window=%p SHOULD have been deactivated, oh well!"), s_macDeactivateWindow); wxLogTrace(TRACE_MDI, wxT("Scheduling delayed MDI Parent deactivation")); s_macDeactivateWindow = this; } } } void wxMDIParentFrame::OnActivate(wxActivateEvent& event) { event.Skip(); } // Returns the active MDI child window wxMDIChildFrame *wxMDIParentFrame::GetActiveChild() const { return m_currentChild ; } // Create the client window class (don't Create the window, // just return a new class) wxMDIClientWindow *wxMDIParentFrame::OnCreateClient() { m_clientWindow = new wxMDIClientWindow( this ); return m_clientWindow; } // Responds to colour changes, and passes event on to children. void wxMDIParentFrame::OnSysColourChanged(wxSysColourChangedEvent& event) { // TODO // Propagate the event to the non-top-level children wxFrame::OnSysColourChanged(event); } // MDI operations void wxMDIParentFrame::Cascade() { // TODO } void wxMDIParentFrame::Tile(wxOrientation WXUNUSED(orient)) { // TODO } void wxMDIParentFrame::ArrangeIcons() { // TODO } void wxMDIParentFrame::ActivateNext() { // TODO } void wxMDIParentFrame::ActivatePrevious() { // TODO } bool wxMDIParentFrame::ShouldBeVisible() const { for ( wxWindowList::compatibility_iterator node = GetChildren().GetFirst(); node; node = node->GetNext() ) { wxWindow *win = node->GetData(); if ( win->IsShown() && !wxDynamicCast(win, wxMDIChildFrame) #if wxUSE_STATUSBAR && win != (wxWindow*) GetStatusBar() #endif && win != GetClientWindow() ) { // if we have a non-MDI child, do remain visible so that it could // be used return true; } } return false; } bool wxMDIParentFrame::Show( bool show ) { m_shouldBeShown = false; // don't really show the MDI frame unless it has any children other than // MDI children as it is pretty useless in this case if ( show ) { if ( !ShouldBeVisible() && m_currentChild ) { // don't make the window visible now but remember that we should // have had done it m_shouldBeShown = true; return false; } } return wxFrame::Show(show); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Child frame // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- wxMDIChildFrame::wxMDIChildFrame() { Init() ; } void wxMDIChildFrame::Init() { } bool wxMDIChildFrame::Create(wxMDIParentFrame *parent, wxWindowID id, const wxString& title, const wxPoint& pos, const wxSize& size, long style, const wxString& name) { SetName(name); if ( id == wxID_ANY ) m_windowId = (int)NewControlId(); else m_windowId = id; if (parent) parent->AddChild(this); MacCreateRealWindow( title, pos , size , MacRemoveBordersFromStyle(style) , name ) ; SetBackgroundColour(wxSystemSettings::GetColour(wxSYS_COLOUR_APPWORKSPACE)); wxModelessWindows.Append(this); return true; } wxMDIChildFrame::~wxMDIChildFrame() { DestroyChildren(); } void wxMDIChildFrame::SetMenuBar(wxMenuBar *menu_bar) { return wxFrame::SetMenuBar( menu_bar ) ; } void wxMDIChildFrame::MacActivate(long timestamp, bool activating) { wxLogTrace(TRACE_MDI, wxT("MDI child=%p MacActivate(0x%08lx,%s)"),this, timestamp, activating ? wxT("ACTIV") : wxT("deact")); wxMDIParentFrame *mdiparent = wxDynamicCast(m_parent, wxMDIParentFrame); wxASSERT(mdiparent); if (activating) { if (s_macDeactivateWindow == m_parent) { wxLogTrace(TRACE_MDI, wxT("parent had been scheduled for deactivation, rehighlighting")); UMAHighlightAndActivateWindow((WindowRef)s_macDeactivateWindow->MacGetWindowRef(), true); wxLogTrace(TRACE_MDI, wxT("finished highliting parent")); s_macDeactivateWindow = NULL; } else if ((mdiparent->m_currentChild == this) || !s_macDeactivateWindow) mdiparent->wxFrame::MacActivate(timestamp, activating); if (mdiparent->m_currentChild && mdiparent->m_currentChild != this) mdiparent->m_currentChild->wxFrame::MacActivate(timestamp, false); mdiparent->m_currentChild = this; if (s_macDeactivateWindow == this) { wxLogTrace(TRACE_MDI, wxT("Avoided deactivation/activation of this=%p"), this); s_macDeactivateWindow = NULL; } else wxFrame::MacActivate(timestamp, activating); } else { // We were scheduled for deactivation, and now we do it. if (s_macDeactivateWindow == this) { s_macDeactivateWindow = NULL; wxFrame::MacActivate(timestamp, activating); if (mdiparent->m_currentChild == this) mdiparent->wxFrame::MacActivate(timestamp, activating); } else // schedule ourselves for deactivation { if (s_macDeactivateWindow) wxLogTrace(TRACE_MDI, wxT("window=%p SHOULD have been deactivated, oh well!"), s_macDeactivateWindow); wxLogTrace(TRACE_MDI, wxT("Scheduling delayed deactivation")); s_macDeactivateWindow = this; } } } // MDI operations void wxMDIChildFrame::Maximize() { wxFrame::Maximize() ; } void wxMDIChildFrame::Restore() { wxFrame::Restore() ; } void wxMDIChildFrame::Activate() { Raise(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // wxMDIClientWindow //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- wxMDIClientWindow::wxMDIClientWindow() { } wxMDIClientWindow::~wxMDIClientWindow() { DestroyChildren(); } bool wxMDIClientWindow::CreateClient(wxMDIParentFrame *parent, long style) { if ( !wxWindow::Create(parent, wxID_ANY, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, style) ) return false; wxModelessWindows.Append(this); return true; } // Get size *available for subwindows* i.e. excluding menu bar. void wxMDIClientWindow::DoGetClientSize(int *x, int *y) const { wxDisplaySize( x , y ) ; } // Explicitly call default scroll behaviour void wxMDIClientWindow::OnScroll(wxScrollEvent& event) { } #endif // wxUSE_MDI