///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: src/mac/carbon/filedlg.cpp // Purpose: wxFileDialog // Author: Stefan Csomor // Modified by: // Created: 1998-01-01 // RCS-ID: $Id: filedlg.cpp 62110 2009-09-25 07:52:08Z JS $ // Copyright: (c) Stefan Csomor // Licence: wxWindows licence ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "wx/wxprec.h" #if wxUSE_FILEDLG #include "wx/filedlg.h" #ifndef WX_PRECOMP #include "wx/intl.h" #include "wx/app.h" #include "wx/utils.h" #include "wx/dialog.h" #endif #include "wx/tokenzr.h" #include "wx/filename.h" #include "wx/mac/private.h" #ifndef __DARWIN__ #include #include "PLStringFuncs.h" #endif IMPLEMENT_CLASS(wxFileDialog, wxFileDialogBase) // the data we need to pass to our standard file hook routine // includes a pointer to the dialog, a pointer to the standard // file reply record (so we can inspect the current selection) // and a copy of the "previous" file spec of the reply record // so we can see if the selection has changed struct OpenUserDataRec { int currentfilter ; bool saveMode ; wxArrayString name ; wxArrayString extensions ; wxArrayLong filtermactypes ; wxString defaultLocation; CFArrayRef menuitems ; }; typedef struct OpenUserDataRec OpenUserDataRec, *OpenUserDataRecPtr; static pascal void NavEventProc( NavEventCallbackMessage inSelector, NavCBRecPtr ioParams, NavCallBackUserData ioUserData ); static NavEventUPP sStandardNavEventFilter = NewNavEventUPP(NavEventProc); static pascal void NavEventProc( NavEventCallbackMessage inSelector, NavCBRecPtr ioParams, NavCallBackUserData ioUserData ) { OpenUserDataRec * data = ( OpenUserDataRec *) ioUserData ; if (inSelector == kNavCBEvent) { } else if ( inSelector == kNavCBStart ) { if (data && !(data->defaultLocation).empty()) { // Set default location for the modern Navigation APIs // Apple Technical Q&A 1151 FSRef theFile; wxMacPathToFSRef(data->defaultLocation, &theFile); AEDesc theLocation = { typeNull, NULL }; if (noErr == ::AECreateDesc(typeFSRef, &theFile, sizeof(FSRef), &theLocation)) ::NavCustomControl(ioParams->context, kNavCtlSetLocation, (void *) &theLocation); } if( data->extensions.GetCount() > 0 ) { NavMenuItemSpec menuItem; memset( &menuItem, 0, sizeof(menuItem) ); menuItem.version = kNavMenuItemSpecVersion; menuItem.menuType = data->currentfilter; ::NavCustomControl(ioParams->context, kNavCtlSelectCustomType, &menuItem); } } else if ( inSelector == kNavCBPopupMenuSelect ) { NavMenuItemSpec * menu = (NavMenuItemSpec *) ioParams->eventData.eventDataParms.param ; const size_t numFilters = data->extensions.GetCount(); if ( menu->menuType < numFilters ) { data->currentfilter = menu->menuType ; if ( data->saveMode ) { int i = menu->menuType ; wxString extension = data->extensions[i].AfterLast('.') ; wxString sfilename ; wxMacCFStringHolder cfString( NavDialogGetSaveFileName( ioParams->context ) , false ); sfilename = cfString.AsString() ; int pos = sfilename.Find('.', true) ; if ( pos != wxNOT_FOUND && extension != wxT("*") ) { sfilename = sfilename.Left(pos+1)+extension ; cfString.Assign( sfilename , wxFONTENCODING_DEFAULT ) ; NavDialogSetSaveFileName( ioParams->context , cfString ) ; } } } } } void MakeUserDataRec(OpenUserDataRec *myData , const wxString& filter ) { myData->menuitems = NULL ; myData->currentfilter = 0 ; myData->saveMode = false ; if ( filter && filter[0] ) { wxString filter2(filter) ; int filterIndex = 0; bool isName = true ; wxString current ; for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < filter2.length() ; i++ ) { if ( filter2.GetChar(i) == wxT('|') ) { if ( isName ) { myData->name.Add( current ) ; } else { myData->extensions.Add( current ) ; ++filterIndex ; } isName = !isName ; current = wxEmptyString ; } else { current += filter2.GetChar(i) ; } } // we allow for compatibility reason to have a single filter expression (like *.*) without // an explanatory text, in that case the first part is name and extension at the same time wxASSERT_MSG( filterIndex == 0 || !isName , wxT("incorrect format of format string") ) ; if ( current.empty() ) myData->extensions.Add( myData->name[filterIndex] ) ; else myData->extensions.Add( current ) ; if ( filterIndex == 0 || isName ) myData->name.Add( current ) ; ++filterIndex ; const size_t extCount = myData->extensions.GetCount(); for ( size_t i = 0 ; i < extCount; i++ ) { wxUint32 fileType, creator; wxString extension = myData->extensions[i]; // Remove leading '*' if (extension.length() && (extension.GetChar(0) == '*')) extension = extension.Mid( 1 ); // Remove leading '.' if (extension.length() && (extension.GetChar(0) == '.')) extension = extension.Mid( 1 ); if (wxFileName::MacFindDefaultTypeAndCreator( extension, &fileType, &creator )) myData->filtermactypes.Add( (OSType)fileType ); else myData->filtermactypes.Add( '****' ); // We'll fail safe if it's not recognized } } } static Boolean CheckFile( const wxString &filename , OSType type , OpenUserDataRecPtr data) { wxString file(filename) ; file.MakeUpper() ; if ( data->extensions.GetCount() > 0 ) { //for ( int i = 0 ; i < data->numfilters ; ++i ) int i = data->currentfilter ; if ( data->extensions[i].Right(2) == wxT(".*") ) return true ; { if ( type == (OSType)data->filtermactypes[i] ) return true ; wxStringTokenizer tokenizer( data->extensions[i] , wxT(";") ) ; while ( tokenizer.HasMoreTokens() ) { wxString extension = tokenizer.GetNextToken() ; if ( extension.GetChar(0) == '*' ) extension = extension.Mid(1) ; extension.MakeUpper(); if ( file.length() >= extension.length() && extension == file.Right(extension.length() ) ) return true ; } } return false ; } return true ; } // end wxmac wxFileDialog::wxFileDialog( wxWindow *parent, const wxString& message, const wxString& defaultDir, const wxString& defaultFileName, const wxString& wildCard, long style, const wxPoint& pos, const wxSize& sz, const wxString& name) : wxFileDialogBase(parent, message, defaultDir, defaultFileName, wildCard, style, pos, sz, name) { wxASSERT_MSG( NavServicesAvailable() , wxT("Navigation Services are not running") ) ; } pascal Boolean CrossPlatformFilterCallback( AEDesc *theItem, void *info, void *callBackUD, NavFilterModes filterMode ) { bool display = true; OpenUserDataRecPtr data = (OpenUserDataRecPtr) callBackUD ; if (filterMode == kNavFilteringBrowserList) { NavFileOrFolderInfo* theInfo = (NavFileOrFolderInfo*) info ; if ( !theInfo->isFolder ) { AECoerceDesc (theItem, typeFSRef, theItem); FSRef fsref ; if ( AEGetDescData (theItem, &fsref, sizeof (FSRef)) == noErr ) { #if 1 memcpy( &fsref , *theItem->dataHandle , sizeof(FSRef) ) ; wxString file = wxMacFSRefToPath( &fsref ) ; display = CheckFile( file , theInfo->fileAndFolder.fileInfo.finderInfo.fdType , data ) ; #else CFStringRef itemUTI = NULL; OSStatus status = LSCopyItemAttribute (&fsref, kLSRolesAll, kLSItemContentType, (CFTypeRef*)&itemUTI); if (status == noErr) { display = UTTypeConformsTo (itemUTI, CFSTR("public.text") ); CFRelease (itemUTI); } #endif } } } return display; } int wxFileDialog::ShowModal() { m_paths.Empty(); m_fileNames.Empty(); OSErr err; NavDialogCreationOptions dialogCreateOptions; // set default options ::NavGetDefaultDialogCreationOptions(&dialogCreateOptions); // this was always unset in the old code dialogCreateOptions.optionFlags &= ~kNavSelectDefaultLocation; wxMacCFStringHolder message(m_message, GetFont().GetEncoding()); dialogCreateOptions.windowTitle = message; wxMacCFStringHolder defaultFileName(m_fileName, GetFont().GetEncoding()); dialogCreateOptions.saveFileName = defaultFileName; NavDialogRef dialog; NavObjectFilterUPP navFilterUPP = NULL; OpenUserDataRec myData; myData.defaultLocation = m_dir; MakeUserDataRec(&myData , m_wildCard); myData.currentfilter = m_filterIndex; size_t numFilters = myData.extensions.GetCount(); if (numFilters) { CFMutableArrayRef popup = CFArrayCreateMutable( kCFAllocatorDefault , numFilters , &kCFTypeArrayCallBacks ) ; dialogCreateOptions.popupExtension = popup ; myData.menuitems = dialogCreateOptions.popupExtension ; for ( size_t i = 0 ; i < numFilters ; ++i ) { CFArrayAppendValue( popup , (CFStringRef) wxMacCFStringHolder( myData.name[i] , GetFont().GetEncoding() ) ) ; } } if (HasFdFlag(wxFD_SAVE)) { myData.saveMode = true; dialogCreateOptions.optionFlags |= kNavDontAutoTranslate; dialogCreateOptions.optionFlags |= kNavDontAddTranslateItems; if (!numFilters) dialogCreateOptions.optionFlags |= kNavNoTypePopup; #if TARGET_API_MAC_OSX if (!(m_windowStyle & wxFD_OVERWRITE_PROMPT)) dialogCreateOptions.optionFlags |= kNavDontConfirmReplacement; #endif err = ::NavCreatePutFileDialog( &dialogCreateOptions, kNavGenericSignature, // Suppresses the 'Default' (top) menu item kNavGenericSignature, sStandardNavEventFilter, &myData, // for defaultLocation &dialog ); } else { // let the user select bundles/programs in dialogs dialogCreateOptions.optionFlags |= kNavSupportPackages; navFilterUPP = NewNavObjectFilterUPP(CrossPlatformFilterCallback); err = ::NavCreateGetFileDialog( &dialogCreateOptions, NULL, // NavTypeListHandle sStandardNavEventFilter, NULL, // NavPreviewUPP navFilterUPP, (void *) &myData, // inClientData &dialog ); } if (err == noErr) err = ::NavDialogRun(dialog); // clean up filter related data, etc. if (navFilterUPP) ::DisposeNavObjectFilterUPP(navFilterUPP); if (err != noErr) { ::NavDialogDispose(dialog); return wxID_CANCEL; } NavReplyRecord navReply; err = ::NavDialogGetReply(dialog, &navReply); if (err == noErr && navReply.validRecord) { AEKeyword theKeyword; DescType actualType; Size actualSize; FSRef theFSRef; wxString thePath ; long count; m_filterIndex = myData.currentfilter; ::AECountItems( &navReply.selection, &count ); for (long i = 1; i <= count; ++i) { err = ::AEGetNthPtr( &(navReply.selection), i, typeFSRef, &theKeyword, &actualType, &theFSRef, sizeof(theFSRef), &actualSize ); if (err != noErr) break; if (HasFdFlag(wxFD_SAVE)) thePath = wxMacFSRefToPath( &theFSRef, navReply.saveFileName ); else thePath = wxMacFSRefToPath( &theFSRef ); if (!thePath) { ::NavDisposeReply(&navReply); ::NavDialogDispose(dialog); return wxID_CANCEL; } m_path = thePath; m_paths.Add(m_path); m_fileName = wxFileNameFromPath(m_path); m_fileNames.Add(m_fileName); } // set these to the first hit m_path = m_paths[0]; m_fileName = wxFileNameFromPath(m_path); m_dir = wxPathOnly(m_path); } ::NavDisposeReply(&navReply); ::NavDialogDispose(dialog); return (err == noErr) ? wxID_OK : wxID_CANCEL; } #endif // wxUSE_FILEDLG