///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: src/mac/carbon/dirdlg.cpp // Purpose: wxDirDialog // Author: Stefan Csomor // Modified by: // Created: 1998-01-01 // RCS-ID: $Id: dirdlg.cpp 57849 2009-01-06 09:36:54Z SC $ // Copyright: (c) Stefan Csomor // Licence: wxWindows licence ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "wx/wxprec.h" #if wxUSE_DIRDLG #include "wx/dirdlg.h" #ifndef WX_PRECOMP #include "wx/utils.h" #include "wx/dialog.h" #include "wx/cmndata.h" #endif // WX_PRECOMP #include "wx/filename.h" #include "wx/mac/private.h" #ifdef __DARWIN__ #include #else #include #endif IMPLEMENT_CLASS(wxDirDialog, wxDialog) static pascal void NavEventProc( NavEventCallbackMessage inSelector, NavCBRecPtr ioParams, NavCallBackUserData ioUserData ); static NavEventUPP sStandardNavEventFilter = NewNavEventUPP(NavEventProc); static pascal void NavEventProc( NavEventCallbackMessage inSelector, NavCBRecPtr ioParams, NavCallBackUserData ioUserData ) { wxDirDialog * data = ( wxDirDialog *) ioUserData ; if ( inSelector == kNavCBStart ) { if (data && !data->GetPath().empty() ) { // Set default location for the modern Navigation APIs // Apple Technical Q&A 1151 FSRef theFile; wxMacPathToFSRef(data->GetPath(), &theFile); AEDesc theLocation = { typeNull, NULL }; if (noErr == ::AECreateDesc(typeFSRef, &theFile, sizeof(FSRef), &theLocation)) ::NavCustomControl(ioParams->context, kNavCtlSetLocation, (void *) &theLocation); } } } wxDirDialog::wxDirDialog(wxWindow *parent, const wxString& message, const wxString& defaultPath, long style, const wxPoint& WXUNUSED(pos), const wxSize& WXUNUSED(size), const wxString& WXUNUSED(name)) { wxASSERT_MSG( NavServicesAvailable() , wxT("Navigation Services are not running") ) ; m_message = message; m_parent = parent; m_path = defaultPath; } int wxDirDialog::ShowModal() { NavDialogRef dialog = NULL; NavDialogCreationOptions options; NavReplyRecord reply ; bool disposeReply = false ; OSStatus err = noErr; err = NavGetDefaultDialogCreationOptions(&options); options.optionFlags &= ~kNavAllowMultipleFiles; if (err == noErr) { wxMacCFStringHolder message(m_message, GetFont().GetEncoding()); options.message = message; err = NavCreateChooseFolderDialog(&options, sStandardNavEventFilter , NULL, this , &dialog); if (err == noErr) { err = NavDialogRun(dialog); if ( err == noErr ) { err = NavDialogGetReply(dialog, &reply); disposeReply = true ; } } } if ( err == noErr ) { if ( reply.validRecord ) { FSRef folderInfo; AEDesc specDesc ; OSErr err = ::AECoerceDesc( &reply.selection , typeFSRef, &specDesc); if ( err != noErr ) { m_path = wxEmptyString ; } else { folderInfo = **(FSRef**) specDesc.dataHandle; m_path = wxMacFSRefToPath( &folderInfo ) ; if (specDesc.dataHandle != nil) { ::AEDisposeDesc(&specDesc); } } } else { err = paramErr ; // could be any error, only used for giving back wxID_CANCEL } } if ( disposeReply ) ::NavDisposeReply(&reply); // apparently cancelling shouldn't change m_path if ( err != noErr && err != userCanceledErr ) m_path = wxEmptyString ; if ( dialog ) ::NavDialogDispose(dialog); return (err == noErr) ? wxID_OK : wxID_CANCEL ; } #endif