///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: src/mac/carbon/dccg.cpp // Purpose: wxDC class // Author: Stefan Csomor // Modified by: // Created: 01/02/97 // RCS-ID: $Id: dccg.cpp 55129 2008-08-19 04:50:45Z SC $ // Copyright: (c) Stefan Csomor // Licence: wxWindows licence ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "wx/wxprec.h" #include "wx/dc.h" #if wxMAC_USE_CORE_GRAPHICS #ifndef WX_PRECOMP #include "wx/log.h" #include "wx/dcmemory.h" #include "wx/region.h" #endif #include "wx/mac/uma.h" #ifdef __MSL__ #if __MSL__ >= 0x6000 #include "math.h" // in case our functions were defined outside std, we make it known all the same namespace std { } using namespace std ; #endif #endif #include "wx/mac/private.h" #if MAC_OS_X_VERSION_MAX_ALLOWED <= MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_4 typedef float CGFloat ; #endif #ifndef wxMAC_USE_CORE_GRAPHICS_BLEND_MODES #if MAC_OS_X_VERSION_MAX_ALLOWED >= MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_4 #define wxMAC_USE_CORE_GRAPHICS_BLEND_MODES 1 #else #define wxMAC_USE_CORE_GRAPHICS_BLEND_MODES 0 #endif #endif //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // constants //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #if !defined( __DARWIN__ ) || defined(__MWERKS__) #ifndef M_PI const double M_PI = 3.14159265358979 ; #endif #endif static const double RAD2DEG = 180.0 / M_PI; #ifndef __LP64__ // TODO: update // The textctrl implementation still needs that (needs what?) for the non-HIView implementation // wxMacWindowClipper::wxMacWindowClipper( const wxWindow* win ) : wxMacPortSaver( (GrafPtr) GetWindowPort( (WindowRef) win->MacGetTopLevelWindowRef() ) ) { m_newPort = (GrafPtr) GetWindowPort( (WindowRef) win->MacGetTopLevelWindowRef() ) ; m_formerClip = NewRgn() ; m_newClip = NewRgn() ; GetClip( m_formerClip ) ; if ( win ) { // guard against half constructed objects, this just leads to a empty clip if ( win->GetPeer() ) { int x = 0 , y = 0; win->MacWindowToRootWindow( &x, &y ) ; // get area including focus rect CopyRgn( (RgnHandle) ((wxWindow*)win)->MacGetVisibleRegion(true).GetWXHRGN() , m_newClip ) ; if ( !EmptyRgn( m_newClip ) ) OffsetRgn( m_newClip , x , y ) ; } SetClip( m_newClip ) ; } } wxMacWindowClipper::~wxMacWindowClipper() { SetPort( m_newPort ) ; SetClip( m_formerClip ) ; DisposeRgn( m_newClip ) ; DisposeRgn( m_formerClip ) ; } wxMacWindowStateSaver::wxMacWindowStateSaver( const wxWindow* win ) : wxMacWindowClipper( win ) { // the port is already set at this point m_newPort = (GrafPtr) GetWindowPort( (WindowRef) win->MacGetTopLevelWindowRef() ) ; GetThemeDrawingState( &m_themeDrawingState ) ; } wxMacWindowStateSaver::~wxMacWindowStateSaver() { SetPort( m_newPort ) ; SetThemeDrawingState( m_themeDrawingState , true ) ; } // minimal implementation only used for appearance drawing < 10.3 #ifndef wxMAC_USE_CORE_GRAPHICS wxMacPortSetter::wxMacPortSetter( const wxDC* dc ) : m_ph( (GrafPtr) dc->m_macPort ) { wxASSERT( dc->Ok() ) ; m_dc = dc ; // dc->MacSetupPort(&m_ph) ; } wxMacPortSetter::~wxMacPortSetter() { // m_dc->MacCleanupPort(&m_ph) ; } #endif #endif //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Local functions //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- static inline double DegToRad(double deg) { return (deg * M_PI) / 180.0; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // device context implementation // // more and more of the dc functionality should be implemented by calling // the appropricate wxMacCGContext, but we will have to do that step by step // also coordinate conversions should be moved to native matrix ops //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // we always stock two context states, one at entry, to be able to preserve the // state we were called with, the other one after changing to HI Graphics orientation // (this one is used for getting back clippings etc) //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // wxGraphicPath implementation //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #if !wxUSE_GRAPHICS_CONTEXT IMPLEMENT_ABSTRACT_CLASS(wxDC, wxObject) wxMacCGPath::wxMacCGPath() { m_path = CGPathCreateMutable() ; } wxMacCGPath::~wxMacCGPath() { CGPathRelease( m_path ) ; } // opens (starts) a new subpath void wxMacCGPath::MoveToPoint( wxCoord x1 , wxCoord y1 ) { CGPathMoveToPoint( m_path , NULL , x1 , y1 ) ; } void wxMacCGPath::AddLineToPoint( wxCoord x1 , wxCoord y1 ) { CGPathAddLineToPoint( m_path , NULL , x1 , y1 ) ; } void wxMacCGPath::AddQuadCurveToPoint( wxCoord cx1, wxCoord cy1, wxCoord x1, wxCoord y1 ) { CGPathAddQuadCurveToPoint( m_path , NULL , cx1 , cy1 , x1 , y1 ); } void wxMacCGPath::AddRectangle( wxCoord x, wxCoord y, wxCoord w, wxCoord h ) { CGRect cgRect = { { x , y } , { w , h } } ; CGPathAddRect( m_path , NULL , cgRect ) ; } void wxMacCGPath::AddCircle( wxCoord x, wxCoord y , wxCoord r ) { CGPathAddArc( m_path , NULL , x , y , r , 0.0 , 2 * M_PI , true ) ; } // closes the current subpath void wxMacCGPath::CloseSubpath() { CGPathCloseSubpath( m_path ) ; } CGPathRef wxMacCGPath::GetPath() const { return m_path ; } void wxMacCGPath::AddArcToPoint( wxCoord x1, wxCoord y1 , wxCoord x2, wxCoord y2, wxCoord r ) { CGPathAddArcToPoint( m_path, NULL , x1, y1, x2, y2, r); } void wxMacCGPath::AddArc( wxCoord x, wxCoord y, wxCoord r, double startAngle, double endAngle, bool clockwise ) { CGPathAddArc( m_path, NULL , x, y, r, startAngle, endAngle, clockwise); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // wxGraphicContext implementation //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- wxMacCGContext::wxMacCGContext( CGrafPtr port ) { m_qdPort = port ; m_cgContext = NULL ; m_mode = kCGPathFill; m_macATSUIStyle = NULL ; } wxMacCGContext::wxMacCGContext( CGContextRef cgcontext ) { m_qdPort = NULL ; m_cgContext = cgcontext ; m_mode = kCGPathFill; m_macATSUIStyle = NULL ; CGContextSaveGState( m_cgContext ) ; CGContextSaveGState( m_cgContext ) ; } wxMacCGContext::wxMacCGContext() { m_qdPort = NULL ; m_cgContext = NULL ; m_mode = kCGPathFill; m_macATSUIStyle = NULL ; } wxMacCGContext::~wxMacCGContext() { if ( m_cgContext ) { CGContextSynchronize( m_cgContext ) ; CGContextRestoreGState( m_cgContext ) ; CGContextRestoreGState( m_cgContext ) ; } #ifndef __LP64__ if ( m_qdPort ) QDEndCGContext( m_qdPort, &m_cgContext ) ; #endif } void wxMacCGContext::Clip( const wxRegion ®ion ) { // ClipCGContextToRegion ( m_cgContext, &bounds , (RgnHandle) dc->m_macCurrentClipRgn ) ; } void wxMacCGContext::StrokePath( const wxGraphicPath *p ) { const wxMacCGPath* path = dynamic_cast< const wxMacCGPath*>( p ) ; int width = m_pen.GetWidth(); if ( width == 0 ) width = 1 ; if ( m_pen.GetStyle() == wxTRANSPARENT ) width = 0 ; bool offset = ( width % 2 ) == 1 ; if ( offset ) CGContextTranslateCTM( m_cgContext, 0.5, 0.5 ); CGContextAddPath( m_cgContext , path->GetPath() ) ; CGContextStrokePath( m_cgContext ) ; if ( offset ) CGContextTranslateCTM( m_cgContext, -0.5, -0.5 ); } void wxMacCGContext::DrawPath( const wxGraphicPath *p , int fillStyle ) { const wxMacCGPath* path = dynamic_cast< const wxMacCGPath*>( p ) ; CGPathDrawingMode mode = m_mode ; if ( fillStyle == wxODDEVEN_RULE ) { if ( mode == kCGPathFill ) mode = kCGPathEOFill ; else if ( mode == kCGPathFillStroke ) mode = kCGPathEOFillStroke ; } int width = m_pen.GetWidth(); if ( width == 0 ) width = 1 ; if ( m_pen.GetStyle() == wxTRANSPARENT ) width = 0 ; bool offset = ( width % 2 ) == 1 ; if ( offset ) CGContextTranslateCTM( m_cgContext, 0.5, 0.5 ); CGContextAddPath( m_cgContext , path->GetPath() ) ; CGContextDrawPath( m_cgContext , mode ) ; if ( offset ) CGContextTranslateCTM( m_cgContext, -0.5, -0.5 ); } void wxMacCGContext::FillPath( const wxGraphicPath *p , const wxColor &fillColor , int fillStyle ) { const wxMacCGPath* path = dynamic_cast< const wxMacCGPath*>( p ) ; CGContextSaveGState( m_cgContext ) ; RGBColor col = MAC_WXCOLORREF( fillColor.GetPixel() ) ; CGContextSetRGBFillColor( m_cgContext , col.red / 65536.0 , col.green / 65536.0 , col.blue / 65536.0 , 1.0 ) ; CGPathDrawingMode mode = kCGPathFill ; if ( fillStyle == wxODDEVEN_RULE ) mode = kCGPathEOFill ; CGContextBeginPath( m_cgContext ) ; CGContextAddPath( m_cgContext , path->GetPath() ) ; CGContextClosePath( m_cgContext ) ; CGContextDrawPath( m_cgContext , mode ) ; CGContextRestoreGState( m_cgContext ) ; } wxGraphicPath* wxMacCGContext::CreatePath() { // make sure that we now have a real cgref, before doing // anything with paths CGContextRef cg = GetNativeContext() ; cg = NULL ; return new wxMacCGPath() ; } // in case we only got a QDPort only create a cgref now CGContextRef wxMacCGContext::GetNativeContext() { if ( m_cgContext == NULL ) { Rect bounds ; OSStatus status = noErr; #ifndef __LP64__ GetPortBounds( (CGrafPtr) m_qdPort , &bounds ) ; status = QDBeginCGContext((CGrafPtr) m_qdPort , &m_cgContext) ; #endif CGContextSaveGState( m_cgContext ) ; wxASSERT_MSG( status == noErr , wxT("Cannot nest wxDCs on the same window") ) ; CGContextTranslateCTM( m_cgContext , 0 , bounds.bottom - bounds.top ) ; CGContextScaleCTM( m_cgContext , 1 , -1 ) ; CGContextSaveGState( m_cgContext ) ; SetPen( m_pen ) ; SetBrush( m_brush ) ; } return m_cgContext ; } void wxMacCGContext::SetNativeContext( CGContextRef cg ) { // we allow either setting or clearing but not replacing wxASSERT( m_cgContext == NULL || cg == NULL ) ; if ( cg ) CGContextSaveGState( cg ) ; m_cgContext = cg ; } void wxMacCGContext::Translate( wxCoord dx , wxCoord dy ) { CGContextTranslateCTM( m_cgContext, dx, dy ); } void wxMacCGContext::Scale( wxCoord xScale , wxCoord yScale ) { CGContextScaleCTM( m_cgContext , xScale , yScale ) ; } void wxMacCGContext::DrawBitmap( const wxBitmap &bmp, wxCoord x, wxCoord y, wxCoord w, wxCoord h ) { CGImageRef image = (CGImageRef)( bmp.CGImageCreate() ) ; HIRect r = CGRectMake( 0 , 0 , w , h ); CGContextSaveGState( m_cgContext ); CGContextTranslateCTM( m_cgContext, x , y + h ); CGContextScaleCTM( m_cgContext, 1, -1 ); // in case image is a mask, set the foreground color CGContextSetRGBFillColor( m_cgContext , m_textForegroundColor.Red() / 255.0 , m_textForegroundColor.Green() / 255.0 , m_textForegroundColor.Blue() / 255.0 , m_textForegroundColor.Alpha() / 255.0 ) ; CGContextDrawImage( m_cgContext, r, image ); CGContextRestoreGState( m_cgContext ); CGImageRelease( image ) ; } void wxMacCGContext::DrawIcon( const wxIcon &icon, wxCoord x, wxCoord y, wxCoord w, wxCoord h ) { CGRect r = CGRectMake( 0 , 0 , w , h ) ; CGContextSaveGState( m_cgContext ); CGContextTranslateCTM( m_cgContext, x , y + h ); CGContextScaleCTM( m_cgContext, 1, -1 ); PlotIconRefInContext( m_cgContext , &r , kAlignNone , kTransformNone , NULL , kPlotIconRefNormalFlags , MAC_WXHICON( icon.GetHICON() ) ) ; CGContextRestoreGState( m_cgContext ) ; } void wxMacCGContext::PushState() { CGContextSaveGState( m_cgContext ); } void wxMacCGContext::PopState() { CGContextRestoreGState( m_cgContext ); } void wxMacCGContext::SetTextColor( const wxColour &col ) { m_textForegroundColor = col ; } #pragma mark - #pragma mark wxMacCGPattern, ImagePattern, HatchPattern classes // CGPattern wrapper class: always allocate on heap, never call destructor class wxMacCGPattern { public : wxMacCGPattern() {} // is guaranteed to be called only with a non-Null CGContextRef virtual void Render( CGContextRef ctxRef ) = 0 ; operator CGPatternRef() const { return m_patternRef ; } protected : virtual ~wxMacCGPattern() { // as this is called only when the m_patternRef is been released; // don't release it again } static void _Render( void *info, CGContextRef ctxRef ) { wxMacCGPattern* self = (wxMacCGPattern*) info ; if ( self && ctxRef ) self->Render( ctxRef ) ; } static void _Dispose( void *info ) { wxMacCGPattern* self = (wxMacCGPattern*) info ; delete self ; } CGPatternRef m_patternRef ; static const CGPatternCallbacks ms_Callbacks ; } ; const CGPatternCallbacks wxMacCGPattern::ms_Callbacks = { 0, &wxMacCGPattern::_Render, &wxMacCGPattern::_Dispose }; class ImagePattern : public wxMacCGPattern { public : ImagePattern( const wxBitmap* bmp , const CGAffineTransform& transform ) { wxASSERT( bmp && bmp->Ok() ) ; Init( (CGImageRef) bmp->CGImageCreate() , transform ) ; } // ImagePattern takes ownership of CGImageRef passed in ImagePattern( CGImageRef image , const CGAffineTransform& transform ) { if ( image ) CFRetain( image ) ; Init( image , transform ) ; } virtual void Render( CGContextRef ctxRef ) { if (m_image != NULL) HIViewDrawCGImage( ctxRef, &m_imageBounds, m_image ); } protected : void Init( CGImageRef image, const CGAffineTransform& transform ) { m_image = image ; if ( m_image ) { m_imageBounds = CGRectMake( 0.0, 0.0, (CGFloat)CGImageGetWidth( m_image ), (CGFloat)CGImageGetHeight( m_image ) ) ; m_patternRef = CGPatternCreate( this , m_imageBounds, transform , m_imageBounds.size.width, m_imageBounds.size.height, kCGPatternTilingNoDistortion, true , &wxMacCGPattern::ms_Callbacks ) ; } } virtual ~ImagePattern() { if ( m_image ) CGImageRelease( m_image ) ; } CGImageRef m_image ; CGRect m_imageBounds ; } ; class HatchPattern : public wxMacCGPattern { public : HatchPattern( int hatchstyle, const CGAffineTransform& transform ) { m_hatch = hatchstyle ; m_imageBounds = CGRectMake( 0.0, 0.0, 8.0 , 8.0 ) ; m_patternRef = CGPatternCreate( this , m_imageBounds, transform , m_imageBounds.size.width, m_imageBounds.size.height, kCGPatternTilingNoDistortion, false , &wxMacCGPattern::ms_Callbacks ) ; } void StrokeLineSegments( CGContextRef ctxRef , const CGPoint pts[] , size_t count ) { #if MAC_OS_X_VERSION_MAX_ALLOWED >= MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_4 if ( UMAGetSystemVersion() >= 0x1040 ) { CGContextStrokeLineSegments( ctxRef , pts , count ) ; } else #endif { CGContextBeginPath( ctxRef ); for (size_t i = 0; i < count; i += 2) { CGContextMoveToPoint(ctxRef, pts[i].x, pts[i].y); CGContextAddLineToPoint(ctxRef, pts[i+1].x, pts[i+1].y); } CGContextStrokePath(ctxRef); } } virtual void Render( CGContextRef ctxRef ) { switch ( m_hatch ) { case wxBDIAGONAL_HATCH : { CGPoint pts[] = { { 8.0 , 0.0 } , { 0.0 , 8.0 } }; StrokeLineSegments( ctxRef , pts , 2 ) ; } break ; case wxCROSSDIAG_HATCH : { CGPoint pts[] = { { 0.0 , 0.0 } , { 8.0 , 8.0 } , { 8.0 , 0.0 } , { 0.0 , 8.0 } }; StrokeLineSegments( ctxRef , pts , 4 ) ; } break ; case wxFDIAGONAL_HATCH : { CGPoint pts[] = { { 0.0 , 0.0 } , { 8.0 , 8.0 } }; StrokeLineSegments( ctxRef , pts , 2 ) ; } break ; case wxCROSS_HATCH : { CGPoint pts[] = { { 0.0 , 4.0 } , { 8.0 , 4.0 } , { 4.0 , 0.0 } , { 4.0 , 8.0 } , }; StrokeLineSegments( ctxRef , pts , 4 ) ; } break ; case wxHORIZONTAL_HATCH : { CGPoint pts[] = { { 0.0 , 4.0 } , { 8.0 , 4.0 } , }; StrokeLineSegments( ctxRef , pts , 2 ) ; } break ; case wxVERTICAL_HATCH : { CGPoint pts[] = { { 4.0 , 0.0 } , { 4.0 , 8.0 } , }; StrokeLineSegments( ctxRef , pts , 2 ) ; } break ; default: break; } } protected : virtual ~HatchPattern() {} CGRect m_imageBounds ; int m_hatch ; }; #pragma mark - void wxMacCGContext::SetPen( const wxPen &pen ) { m_pen = pen ; if ( m_cgContext == NULL ) return ; bool fill = m_brush.GetStyle() != wxTRANSPARENT ; bool stroke = pen.GetStyle() != wxTRANSPARENT ; #if 0 // we can benchmark performance; should go into a setting eventually CGContextSetShouldAntialias( m_cgContext , false ) ; #endif if ( fill || stroke ) { // set up brushes m_mode = kCGPathFill ; // just a default if ( stroke ) { CGContextSetRGBStrokeColor( m_cgContext , pen.GetColour().Red() / 255.0 , pen.GetColour().Green() / 255.0 , pen.GetColour().Blue() / 255.0 , pen.GetColour().Alpha() / 255.0 ) ; // TODO: * m_dc->m_scaleX CGFloat penWidth = pen.GetWidth(); if (penWidth <= 0.0) penWidth = 0.1; CGContextSetLineWidth( m_cgContext , penWidth ) ; CGLineCap cap ; switch ( pen.GetCap() ) { case wxCAP_ROUND : cap = kCGLineCapRound ; break ; case wxCAP_PROJECTING : cap = kCGLineCapSquare ; break ; case wxCAP_BUTT : cap = kCGLineCapButt ; break ; default : cap = kCGLineCapButt ; break ; } CGLineJoin join ; switch ( pen.GetJoin() ) { case wxJOIN_BEVEL : join = kCGLineJoinBevel ; break ; case wxJOIN_MITER : join = kCGLineJoinMiter ; break ; case wxJOIN_ROUND : join = kCGLineJoinRound ; break ; default : join = kCGLineJoinMiter ; break; } m_mode = kCGPathStroke ; int count = 0 ; const CGFloat *lengths = NULL ; CGFloat *userLengths = NULL ; const CGFloat dashUnit = penWidth < 1.0 ? 1.0 : penWidth; const CGFloat dotted[] = { dashUnit , dashUnit + 2.0 }; const CGFloat short_dashed[] = { 9.0 , 6.0 }; const CGFloat dashed[] = { 19.0 , 9.0 }; const CGFloat dotted_dashed[] = { 9.0 , 6.0 , 3.0 , 3.0 }; switch ( pen.GetStyle() ) { case wxSOLID : break ; case wxDOT : lengths = dotted ; count = WXSIZEOF(dotted); break ; case wxLONG_DASH : lengths = dashed ; count = WXSIZEOF(dashed) ; break ; case wxSHORT_DASH : lengths = short_dashed ; count = WXSIZEOF(short_dashed) ; break ; case wxDOT_DASH : lengths = dotted_dashed ; count = WXSIZEOF(dotted_dashed); break ; case wxUSER_DASH : wxDash *dashes ; count = pen.GetDashes( &dashes ) ; if ((dashes != NULL) && (count > 0)) { userLengths = new CGFloat[count] ; for ( int i = 0 ; i < count ; ++i ) { userLengths[i] = dashes[i] * dashUnit ; if ( i % 2 == 1 && userLengths[i] < dashUnit + 2.0 ) userLengths[i] = dashUnit + 2.0 ; else if ( i % 2 == 0 && userLengths[i] < dashUnit ) userLengths[i] = dashUnit ; } } lengths = userLengths ; break ; case wxSTIPPLE : { CGFloat alphaArray[1] = { 1.0 } ; wxBitmap* bmp = pen.GetStipple() ; if ( bmp && bmp->Ok() ) { wxMacCFRefHolder patternSpace( CGColorSpaceCreatePattern( NULL ) ) ; CGContextSetStrokeColorSpace( m_cgContext , patternSpace ) ; wxMacCFRefHolder pattern( *( new ImagePattern( bmp , CGContextGetCTM( m_cgContext ) ) ) ); CGContextSetStrokePattern( m_cgContext, pattern , alphaArray ) ; } } break ; default : { wxMacCFRefHolder patternSpace( CGColorSpaceCreatePattern( wxMacGetGenericRGBColorSpace() ) ) ; CGContextSetStrokeColorSpace( m_cgContext , patternSpace ) ; wxMacCFRefHolder pattern( *( new HatchPattern( pen.GetStyle() , CGContextGetCTM( m_cgContext ) ) ) ); CGFloat colorArray[4] = { pen.GetColour().Red() / 255.0 , pen.GetColour().Green() / 255.0 , pen.GetColour().Blue() / 255.0 , pen.GetColour().Alpha() / 255.0 } ; CGContextSetStrokePattern( m_cgContext, pattern , colorArray ) ; } break ; } if ((lengths != NULL) && (count > 0)) { CGContextSetLineDash( m_cgContext , 0 , lengths , count ) ; // force the line cap, otherwise we get artifacts (overlaps) and just solid lines cap = kCGLineCapButt ; } else { CGContextSetLineDash( m_cgContext , 0 , NULL , 0 ) ; } CGContextSetLineCap( m_cgContext , cap ) ; CGContextSetLineJoin( m_cgContext , join ) ; delete[] userLengths ; } if ( fill && stroke ) m_mode = kCGPathFillStroke ; } } void wxMacCGContext::SetBrush( const wxBrush &brush ) { m_brush = brush ; if ( m_cgContext == NULL ) return ; bool fill = brush.GetStyle() != wxTRANSPARENT ; bool stroke = m_pen.GetStyle() != wxTRANSPARENT ; #if 0 // we can benchmark performance, should go into a setting later CGContextSetShouldAntialias( m_cgContext , false ) ; #endif if ( fill || stroke ) { // setup brushes m_mode = kCGPathFill ; // just a default if ( fill ) { if ( brush.GetStyle() == wxSOLID ) { CGContextSetRGBFillColor( m_cgContext , brush.GetColour().Red() / 255.0 , brush.GetColour().Green() / 255.0 , brush.GetColour().Blue() / 255.0 , brush.GetColour().Alpha() / 255.0 ) ; } else if ( brush.IsHatch() ) { wxMacCFRefHolder patternSpace( CGColorSpaceCreatePattern( wxMacGetGenericRGBColorSpace() ) ) ; CGContextSetFillColorSpace( m_cgContext , patternSpace ) ; wxMacCFRefHolder pattern( *( new HatchPattern( brush.GetStyle() , CGContextGetCTM( m_cgContext ) ) ) ); CGFloat colorArray[4] = { brush.GetColour().Red() / 255.0 , brush.GetColour().Green() / 255.0 , brush.GetColour().Blue() / 255.0 , brush.GetColour().Alpha() / 255.0 } ; CGContextSetFillPattern( m_cgContext, pattern , colorArray ) ; } else { // now brush is a bitmap CGFloat alphaArray[1] = { 1.0 } ; wxBitmap* bmp = brush.GetStipple() ; if ( bmp && bmp->Ok() ) { wxMacCFRefHolder patternSpace( CGColorSpaceCreatePattern( NULL ) ) ; CGContextSetFillColorSpace( m_cgContext , patternSpace ) ; wxMacCFRefHolder pattern( *( new ImagePattern( bmp , CGContextGetCTM( m_cgContext ) ) ) ); CGContextSetFillPattern( m_cgContext, pattern , alphaArray ) ; } } m_mode = kCGPathFill ; } if ( fill && stroke ) m_mode = kCGPathFillStroke ; else if ( stroke ) m_mode = kCGPathStroke ; } } void wxMacCGContext::DrawText( const wxString &str, wxCoord x, wxCoord y, double angle ) { OSStatus status = noErr ; ATSUTextLayout atsuLayout ; UniCharCount chars = str.length() ; UniChar* ubuf = NULL ; #if SIZEOF_WCHAR_T == 4 wxMBConvUTF16 converter ; #if wxUSE_UNICODE size_t unicharlen = converter.WC2MB( NULL , str.wc_str() , 0 ) ; ubuf = (UniChar*) malloc( unicharlen + 2 ) ; converter.WC2MB( (char*) ubuf , str.wc_str(), unicharlen + 2 ) ; #else const wxWCharBuffer wchar = str.wc_str( wxConvLocal ) ; size_t unicharlen = converter.WC2MB( NULL , wchar.data() , 0 ) ; ubuf = (UniChar*) malloc( unicharlen + 2 ) ; converter.WC2MB( (char*) ubuf , wchar.data() , unicharlen + 2 ) ; #endif chars = unicharlen / 2 ; #else #if wxUSE_UNICODE ubuf = (UniChar*) str.wc_str() ; #else wxWCharBuffer wchar = str.wc_str( wxConvLocal ) ; chars = wxWcslen( wchar.data() ) ; ubuf = (UniChar*) wchar.data() ; #endif #endif status = ::ATSUCreateTextLayoutWithTextPtr( (UniCharArrayPtr) ubuf , 0 , chars , chars , 1 , &chars , (ATSUStyle*) &m_macATSUIStyle , &atsuLayout ) ; wxASSERT_MSG( status == noErr , wxT("couldn't create the layout of the rotated text") ); status = ::ATSUSetTransientFontMatching( atsuLayout , true ) ; wxASSERT_MSG( status == noErr , wxT("couldn't setup transient font matching") ); int iAngle = int( angle ); if ( abs(iAngle) > 0 ) { Fixed atsuAngle = IntToFixed( iAngle ) ; ATSUAttributeTag atsuTags[] = { kATSULineRotationTag , } ; ByteCount atsuSizes[sizeof(atsuTags) / sizeof(ATSUAttributeTag)] = { sizeof( Fixed ) , } ; ATSUAttributeValuePtr atsuValues[sizeof(atsuTags) / sizeof(ATSUAttributeTag)] = { &atsuAngle , } ; status = ::ATSUSetLayoutControls(atsuLayout , sizeof(atsuTags) / sizeof(ATSUAttributeTag), atsuTags, atsuSizes, atsuValues ) ; } { ATSUAttributeTag atsuTags[] = { kATSUCGContextTag , } ; ByteCount atsuSizes[sizeof(atsuTags) / sizeof(ATSUAttributeTag)] = { sizeof( CGContextRef ) , } ; ATSUAttributeValuePtr atsuValues[sizeof(atsuTags) / sizeof(ATSUAttributeTag)] = { &m_cgContext , } ; status = ::ATSUSetLayoutControls(atsuLayout , sizeof(atsuTags) / sizeof(ATSUAttributeTag), atsuTags, atsuSizes, atsuValues ) ; } ATSUTextMeasurement textBefore, textAfter ; ATSUTextMeasurement ascent, descent ; status = ::ATSUGetUnjustifiedBounds( atsuLayout, kATSUFromTextBeginning, kATSUToTextEnd, &textBefore , &textAfter, &ascent , &descent ); wxASSERT_MSG( status == noErr , wxT("couldn't measure the rotated text") ); Rect rect ; /* // TODO if ( m_backgroundMode == wxSOLID ) { wxGraphicPath* path = m_graphicContext->CreatePath() ; path->MoveToPoint( drawX , drawY ) ; path->AddLineToPoint( (int) (drawX + sin(angle / RAD2DEG) * FixedToInt(ascent + descent)) , (int) (drawY + cos(angle / RAD2DEG) * FixedToInt(ascent + descent)) ) ; path->AddLineToPoint( (int) (drawX + sin(angle / RAD2DEG) * FixedToInt(ascent + descent ) + cos(angle / RAD2DEG) * FixedToInt(textAfter)) , (int) (drawY + cos(angle / RAD2DEG) * FixedToInt(ascent + descent) - sin(angle / RAD2DEG) * FixedToInt(textAfter)) ) ; path->AddLineToPoint( (int) (drawX + cos(angle / RAD2DEG) * FixedToInt(textAfter)) , (int) (drawY - sin(angle / RAD2DEG) * FixedToInt(textAfter)) ) ; m_graphicContext->FillPath( path , m_textBackgroundColour ) ; delete path ; } */ x += (int)(sin(angle / RAD2DEG) * FixedToInt(ascent)); y += (int)(cos(angle / RAD2DEG) * FixedToInt(ascent)); status = ::ATSUMeasureTextImage( atsuLayout, kATSUFromTextBeginning, kATSUToTextEnd, IntToFixed(x) , IntToFixed(y) , &rect ); wxASSERT_MSG( status == noErr , wxT("couldn't measure the rotated text") ); CGContextSaveGState(m_cgContext); CGContextTranslateCTM(m_cgContext, x, y); CGContextScaleCTM(m_cgContext, 1, -1); status = ::ATSUDrawText( atsuLayout, kATSUFromTextBeginning, kATSUToTextEnd, IntToFixed(0) , IntToFixed(0) ); wxASSERT_MSG( status == noErr , wxT("couldn't draw the rotated text") ); CGContextRestoreGState(m_cgContext) ; ::ATSUDisposeTextLayout(atsuLayout); #if SIZEOF_WCHAR_T == 4 free( ubuf ) ; #endif } void wxMacCGContext::GetTextExtent( const wxString &str, wxCoord *width, wxCoord *height, wxCoord *descent, wxCoord *externalLeading ) const { wxCHECK_RET( m_macATSUIStyle != NULL, wxT("wxDC(cg)::DoGetTextExtent - no valid font set") ) ; OSStatus status = noErr ; ATSUTextLayout atsuLayout ; UniCharCount chars = str.length() ; UniChar* ubuf = NULL ; #if SIZEOF_WCHAR_T == 4 wxMBConvUTF16 converter ; #if wxUSE_UNICODE size_t unicharlen = converter.WC2MB( NULL , str.wc_str() , 0 ) ; ubuf = (UniChar*) malloc( unicharlen + 2 ) ; converter.WC2MB( (char*) ubuf , str.wc_str(), unicharlen + 2 ) ; #else const wxWCharBuffer wchar = str.wc_str( wxConvLocal ) ; size_t unicharlen = converter.WC2MB( NULL , wchar.data() , 0 ) ; ubuf = (UniChar*) malloc( unicharlen + 2 ) ; converter.WC2MB( (char*) ubuf , wchar.data() , unicharlen + 2 ) ; #endif chars = unicharlen / 2 ; #else #if wxUSE_UNICODE ubuf = (UniChar*) str.wc_str() ; #else wxWCharBuffer wchar = str.wc_str( wxConvLocal ) ; chars = wxWcslen( wchar.data() ) ; ubuf = (UniChar*) wchar.data() ; #endif #endif status = ::ATSUCreateTextLayoutWithTextPtr( (UniCharArrayPtr) ubuf , 0 , chars , chars , 1 , &chars , (ATSUStyle*) &m_macATSUIStyle , &atsuLayout ) ; wxASSERT_MSG( status == noErr , wxT("couldn't create the layout of the text") ); ATSUTextMeasurement textBefore, textAfter ; ATSUTextMeasurement textAscent, textDescent ; status = ::ATSUGetUnjustifiedBounds( atsuLayout, kATSUFromTextBeginning, kATSUToTextEnd, &textBefore , &textAfter, &textAscent , &textDescent ); if ( height ) *height = FixedToInt(textAscent + textDescent) ; if ( descent ) *descent = FixedToInt(textDescent) ; if ( externalLeading ) *externalLeading = 0 ; if ( width ) *width = FixedToInt(textAfter - textBefore) ; ::ATSUDisposeTextLayout(atsuLayout); #if SIZEOF_WCHAR_T == 4 free( ubuf ) ; #endif } void wxMacCGContext::GetPartialTextExtents(const wxString& text, wxArrayInt& widths) const { widths.Empty(); widths.Add(0, text.length()); if (text.empty()) return ; ATSUTextLayout atsuLayout ; UniCharCount chars = text.length() ; UniChar* ubuf = NULL ; #if SIZEOF_WCHAR_T == 4 wxMBConvUTF16 converter ; #if wxUSE_UNICODE size_t unicharlen = converter.WC2MB( NULL , text.wc_str() , 0 ) ; ubuf = (UniChar*) malloc( unicharlen + 2 ) ; converter.WC2MB( (char*) ubuf , text.wc_str(), unicharlen + 2 ) ; #else const wxWCharBuffer wchar = text.wc_str( wxConvLocal ) ; size_t unicharlen = converter.WC2MB( NULL , wchar.data() , 0 ) ; ubuf = (UniChar*) malloc( unicharlen + 2 ) ; converter.WC2MB( (char*) ubuf , wchar.data() , unicharlen + 2 ) ; #endif chars = unicharlen / 2 ; #else #if wxUSE_UNICODE ubuf = (UniChar*) text.wc_str() ; #else wxWCharBuffer wchar = text.wc_str( wxConvLocal ) ; chars = wxWcslen( wchar.data() ) ; ubuf = (UniChar*) wchar.data() ; #endif #endif ::ATSUCreateTextLayoutWithTextPtr( (UniCharArrayPtr) ubuf , 0 , chars , chars , 1 , &chars , (ATSUStyle*) &m_macATSUIStyle , &atsuLayout ) ; for ( int pos = 0; pos < (int)chars; pos ++ ) { unsigned long actualNumberOfBounds = 0; ATSTrapezoid glyphBounds; // We get a single bound, since the text should only require one. If it requires more, there is an issue OSStatus result; result = ATSUGetGlyphBounds( atsuLayout, 0, 0, kATSUFromTextBeginning, pos + 1, kATSUseDeviceOrigins, 1, &glyphBounds, &actualNumberOfBounds ); if (result != noErr || actualNumberOfBounds != 1 ) return ; widths[pos] = FixedToInt( glyphBounds.upperRight.x - glyphBounds.upperLeft.x ); //unsigned char uch = s[i]; } ::ATSUDisposeTextLayout(atsuLayout); #if SIZEOF_WCHAR_T == 4 free( ubuf ) ; #endif } void wxMacCGContext::SetFont( const wxFont &font ) { if ( m_macATSUIStyle ) { ::ATSUDisposeStyle((ATSUStyle)m_macATSUIStyle); m_macATSUIStyle = NULL ; } if ( font.Ok() ) { OSStatus status ; status = ATSUCreateAndCopyStyle( (ATSUStyle) font.MacGetATSUStyle() , (ATSUStyle*) &m_macATSUIStyle ) ; wxASSERT_MSG( status == noErr, wxT("couldn't create ATSU style") ) ; // we need the scale here ... Fixed atsuSize = IntToFixed( int( /*m_scaleY*/ 1 * font.MacGetFontSize()) ) ; RGBColor atsuColor = MAC_WXCOLORREF( m_textForegroundColor.GetPixel() ) ; ATSUAttributeTag atsuTags[] = { kATSUSizeTag , kATSUColorTag , } ; ByteCount atsuSizes[sizeof(atsuTags) / sizeof(ATSUAttributeTag)] = { sizeof( Fixed ) , sizeof( RGBColor ) , } ; ATSUAttributeValuePtr atsuValues[sizeof(atsuTags) / sizeof(ATSUAttributeTag)] = { &atsuSize , &atsuColor , } ; status = ::ATSUSetAttributes( (ATSUStyle)m_macATSUIStyle, sizeof(atsuTags) / sizeof(ATSUAttributeTag) , atsuTags, atsuSizes, atsuValues); wxASSERT_MSG( status == noErr , wxT("couldn't modify ATSU style") ) ; } } #pragma mark - wxDC::wxDC() { m_ok = false ; m_colour = true; m_mm_to_pix_x = mm2pt; m_mm_to_pix_y = mm2pt; m_externalDeviceOriginX = 0; m_externalDeviceOriginY = 0; m_logicalScaleX = 1.0; m_logicalScaleY = 1.0; m_userScaleX = 1.0; m_userScaleY = 1.0; m_scaleX = 1.0; m_scaleY = 1.0; m_needComputeScaleX = m_needComputeScaleY = false; m_macPort = 0 ; m_macLocalOrigin.x = m_macLocalOrigin.y = 0 ; m_pen = *wxBLACK_PEN; m_font = *wxNORMAL_FONT; m_brush = *wxWHITE_BRUSH; m_macATSUIStyle = NULL ; m_graphicContext = NULL ; } wxDC::~wxDC() { if ( m_macATSUIStyle ) { ::ATSUDisposeStyle((ATSUStyle)m_macATSUIStyle); m_macATSUIStyle = NULL ; } delete m_graphicContext ; } void wxDC::DoDrawBitmap( const wxBitmap &bmp, wxCoord x, wxCoord y, bool useMask ) { wxCHECK_RET( Ok(), wxT("wxDC(cg)::DoDrawBitmap - invalid DC") ); wxCHECK_RET( bmp.Ok(), wxT("wxDC(cg)::DoDrawBitmap - invalid bitmap") ); wxCoord xx = XLOG2DEVMAC(x); wxCoord yy = YLOG2DEVMAC(y); wxCoord w = bmp.GetWidth(); wxCoord h = bmp.GetHeight(); wxCoord ww = XLOG2DEVREL(w); wxCoord hh = YLOG2DEVREL(h); if ( bmp.GetDepth()==1 ) { wxGraphicPath* path = m_graphicContext->CreatePath() ; path->AddRectangle( xx , yy , ww , hh ) ; m_graphicContext->FillPath( path , m_textBackgroundColour, wxODDEVEN_RULE) ; delete path; m_graphicContext->DrawBitmap( bmp, xx , yy , ww , hh ) ; } else { m_graphicContext->DrawBitmap( bmp, xx , yy , ww , hh ) ; } } void wxDC::DoDrawIcon( const wxIcon &icon, wxCoord x, wxCoord y ) { wxCHECK_RET( Ok(), wxT("wxDC(cg)::DoDrawIcon - invalid DC") ); wxCHECK_RET( icon.Ok(), wxT("wxDC(cg)::DoDrawIcon - invalid icon") ); wxCoord xx = XLOG2DEVMAC(x); wxCoord yy = YLOG2DEVMAC(y); wxCoord w = icon.GetWidth(); wxCoord h = icon.GetHeight(); wxCoord ww = XLOG2DEVREL(w); wxCoord hh = YLOG2DEVREL(h); m_graphicContext->DrawIcon( icon , xx, yy, ww, hh ) ; } void wxDC::DoSetClippingRegion( wxCoord x, wxCoord y, wxCoord width, wxCoord height ) { wxCHECK_RET( Ok(), wxT("wxDC(cg)::DoSetClippingRegion - invalid DC") ); wxCoord xx, yy, ww, hh; xx = XLOG2DEVMAC(x); yy = YLOG2DEVMAC(y); ww = XLOG2DEVREL(width); hh = YLOG2DEVREL(height); CGContextRef cgContext = ((wxMacCGContext*)(m_graphicContext))->GetNativeContext() ; CGRect clipRect = CGRectMake( xx , yy , ww, hh ) ; CGContextClipToRect( cgContext , clipRect ) ; // SetRectRgn( (RgnHandle) m_macCurrentClipRgn , xx , yy , xx + ww , yy + hh ) ; // SectRgn( (RgnHandle) m_macCurrentClipRgn , (RgnHandle) m_macBoundaryClipRgn , (RgnHandle) m_macCurrentClipRgn ) ; if ( m_clipping ) { m_clipX1 = wxMax( m_clipX1, xx ); m_clipY1 = wxMax( m_clipY1, yy ); m_clipX2 = wxMin( m_clipX2, (xx + ww) ); m_clipY2 = wxMin( m_clipY2, (yy + hh) ); } else { m_clipping = true; m_clipX1 = xx; m_clipY1 = yy; m_clipX2 = xx + ww; m_clipY2 = yy + hh; } // TODO: as soon as we don't reset the context for each operation anymore // we have to update the context as well } void wxDC::DoSetClippingRegionAsRegion( const wxRegion ®ion ) { wxCHECK_RET( Ok(), wxT("wxDC(cg)::DoSetClippingRegionAsRegion - invalid DC") ); if (region.Empty()) { DestroyClippingRegion(); return; } wxCoord x, y, w, h; region.GetBox( x, y, w, h ); wxCoord xx, yy, ww, hh; xx = XLOG2DEVMAC(x); yy = YLOG2DEVMAC(y); ww = XLOG2DEVREL(w); hh = YLOG2DEVREL(h); // if we have a scaling that we cannot map onto native regions // we must use the box if ( ww != w || hh != h ) { wxDC::DoSetClippingRegion( x, y, w, h ); } else { if ( m_clipping ) { m_clipX1 = wxMax( m_clipX1, xx ); m_clipY1 = wxMax( m_clipY1, yy ); m_clipX2 = wxMin( m_clipX2, (xx + ww) ); m_clipY2 = wxMin( m_clipY2, (yy + hh) ); } else { m_clipping = true; m_clipX1 = xx; m_clipY1 = yy; m_clipX2 = xx + ww; m_clipY2 = yy + hh; } } } void wxDC::DestroyClippingRegion() { CGContextRef cgContext = ((wxMacCGContext*)(m_graphicContext))->GetNativeContext() ; CGContextRestoreGState( cgContext ); CGContextSaveGState( cgContext ); m_graphicContext->SetPen( m_pen ) ; m_graphicContext->SetBrush( m_brush ) ; m_clipping = false; } void wxDC::DoGetSizeMM( int* width, int* height ) const { int w = 0, h = 0; GetSize( &w, &h ); if (width) *width = long( double(w) / (m_scaleX * m_mm_to_pix_x) ); if (height) *height = long( double(h) / (m_scaleY * m_mm_to_pix_y) ); } void wxDC::SetTextForeground( const wxColour &col ) { wxCHECK_RET( Ok(), wxT("wxDC(cg)::SetTextForeground - invalid DC") ); if ( col != m_textForegroundColour ) { m_textForegroundColour = col; m_graphicContext->SetTextColor( col ); // in the current implementation the font contains the text color m_graphicContext->SetFont(m_font); } } void wxDC::SetTextBackground( const wxColour &col ) { wxCHECK_RET( Ok(), wxT("wxDC(cg)::SetTextBackground - invalid DC") ); m_textBackgroundColour = col; } void wxDC::SetMapMode( int mode ) { switch (mode) { case wxMM_TWIPS: SetLogicalScale( twips2mm * m_mm_to_pix_x, twips2mm * m_mm_to_pix_y ); break; case wxMM_POINTS: SetLogicalScale( pt2mm * m_mm_to_pix_x, pt2mm * m_mm_to_pix_y ); break; case wxMM_METRIC: SetLogicalScale( m_mm_to_pix_x, m_mm_to_pix_y ); break; case wxMM_LOMETRIC: SetLogicalScale( m_mm_to_pix_x / 10.0, m_mm_to_pix_y / 10.0 ); break; case wxMM_TEXT: default: SetLogicalScale( 1.0, 1.0 ); break; } if (mode != wxMM_TEXT) { m_needComputeScaleX = m_needComputeScaleY = true; } } void wxDC::SetUserScale( double x, double y ) { // allow negative ? -> no m_userScaleX = x; m_userScaleY = y; ComputeScaleAndOrigin(); } void wxDC::SetLogicalScale( double x, double y ) { // allow negative ? m_logicalScaleX = x; m_logicalScaleY = y; ComputeScaleAndOrigin(); } void wxDC::SetLogicalOrigin( wxCoord x, wxCoord y ) { m_logicalOriginX = x * m_signX; // is this still correct ? m_logicalOriginY = y * m_signY; ComputeScaleAndOrigin(); } void wxDC::SetDeviceOrigin( wxCoord x, wxCoord y ) { m_externalDeviceOriginX = x; m_externalDeviceOriginY = y; ComputeScaleAndOrigin(); } void wxDC::SetAxisOrientation( bool xLeftRight, bool yBottomUp ) { m_signX = (xLeftRight ? 1 : -1); m_signY = (yBottomUp ? -1 : 1); ComputeScaleAndOrigin(); } wxSize wxDC::GetPPI() const { return wxSize(72, 72); } int wxDC::GetDepth() const { return 32; } void wxDC::ComputeScaleAndOrigin() { // CMB: copy scale to see if it changes double origScaleX = m_scaleX; double origScaleY = m_scaleY; m_scaleX = m_logicalScaleX * m_userScaleX; m_scaleY = m_logicalScaleY * m_userScaleY; m_deviceOriginX = m_externalDeviceOriginX; m_deviceOriginY = m_externalDeviceOriginY; // CMB: if scale has changed call SetPen to recalulate the line width if (m_scaleX != origScaleX || m_scaleY != origScaleY) { // this is a bit artificial, but we need to force wxDC to think // the pen has changed wxPen pen( GetPen() ); m_pen = wxNullPen; SetPen( pen ); } } void wxDC::SetPalette( const wxPalette& palette ) { } void wxDC::SetBackgroundMode( int mode ) { m_backgroundMode = mode ; } void wxDC::SetFont( const wxFont &font ) { m_font = font; if ( m_graphicContext ) m_graphicContext->SetFont( font ) ; } void wxDC::SetPen( const wxPen &pen ) { if ( m_pen == pen ) return ; m_pen = pen; if ( m_graphicContext ) { if ( m_pen.GetStyle() == wxSOLID || m_pen.GetStyle() == wxTRANSPARENT ) { m_graphicContext->SetPen( m_pen ) ; } else { // we have to compensate for moved device origins etc. otherwise patterned pens are standing still // eg when using a wxScrollWindow and scrolling around int origX = XLOG2DEVMAC( 0 ) ; int origY = YLOG2DEVMAC( 0 ) ; m_graphicContext->Translate( origX , origY ) ; m_graphicContext->SetPen( m_pen ) ; m_graphicContext->Translate( -origX , -origY ) ; } } } void wxDC::SetBrush( const wxBrush &brush ) { if (m_brush == brush) return; m_brush = brush; if ( m_graphicContext ) { if ( brush.GetStyle() == wxSOLID || brush.GetStyle() == wxTRANSPARENT ) { m_graphicContext->SetBrush( m_brush ) ; } else { // we have to compensate for moved device origins etc. otherwise patterned brushes are standing still // eg when using a wxScrollWindow and scrolling around int origX = XLOG2DEVMAC(0) ; int origY = YLOG2DEVMAC(0) ; m_graphicContext->Translate( origX , origY ) ; m_graphicContext->SetBrush( m_brush ) ; m_graphicContext->Translate( -origX , -origY ) ; } } } void wxDC::SetBackground( const wxBrush &brush ) { if (m_backgroundBrush == brush) return; m_backgroundBrush = brush; if (!m_backgroundBrush.Ok()) return; } void wxDC::SetLogicalFunction( int function ) { if (m_logicalFunction == function) return; m_logicalFunction = function ; #if wxMAC_USE_CORE_GRAPHICS_BLEND_MODES if ( CGContextSetBlendMode != 0 ) { CGContextRef cgContext = ((wxMacCGContext*)(m_graphicContext))->GetNativeContext() ; if ( m_logicalFunction == wxCOPY ) CGContextSetBlendMode( cgContext, kCGBlendModeNormal ) ; else if ( m_logicalFunction == wxINVERT || m_logicalFunction == wxXOR ) CGContextSetBlendMode( cgContext, kCGBlendModeExclusion ) ; else CGContextSetBlendMode( cgContext, kCGBlendModeNormal ) ; } #endif } extern bool wxDoFloodFill(wxDC *dc, wxCoord x, wxCoord y, const wxColour & col, int style); bool wxDC::DoFloodFill(wxCoord x, wxCoord y, const wxColour& col, int style) { return wxDoFloodFill(this, x, y, col, style); } bool wxDC::DoGetPixel( wxCoord x, wxCoord y, wxColour *col ) const { wxCHECK_MSG( Ok(), false, wxT("wxDC(cg)::DoGetPixel - invalid DC") ); RGBColor colour; #ifndef __LP64__ wxMacPortSaver helper((CGrafPtr)m_macPort) ; // NB: GetCPixel is a deprecated QD call, and a slow one at that GetCPixel( XLOG2DEVMAC(x) + m_macLocalOriginInPort.x - m_macLocalOrigin.x, YLOG2DEVMAC(y) + m_macLocalOriginInPort.y - m_macLocalOrigin.y, &colour ); #endif // convert from Mac colour to wx col->Set( colour.red >> 8, colour.green >> 8, colour.blue >> 8 ); return true ; } void wxDC::DoDrawLine( wxCoord x1, wxCoord y1, wxCoord x2, wxCoord y2 ) { wxCHECK_RET( Ok(), wxT("wxDC(cg)::DoDrawLine - invalid DC") ); #if !wxMAC_USE_CORE_GRAPHICS_BLEND_MODES if ( m_logicalFunction != wxCOPY ) return ; #endif wxCoord xx1 = XLOG2DEVMAC(x1) ; wxCoord yy1 = YLOG2DEVMAC(y1) ; wxCoord xx2 = XLOG2DEVMAC(x2) ; wxCoord yy2 = YLOG2DEVMAC(y2) ; wxGraphicPath* path = m_graphicContext->CreatePath() ; path->MoveToPoint( xx1, yy1 ) ; path->AddLineToPoint( xx2 , yy2 ) ; path->CloseSubpath() ; m_graphicContext->StrokePath( path ) ; delete path ; CalcBoundingBox(x1, y1); CalcBoundingBox(x2, y2); } void wxDC::DoCrossHair( wxCoord x, wxCoord y ) { wxCHECK_RET( Ok(), wxT("wxDC(cg)::DoCrossHair - invalid DC") ); if ( m_logicalFunction != wxCOPY ) return ; int w = 0, h = 0; GetSize( &w, &h ); wxCoord xx = XLOG2DEVMAC(x); wxCoord yy = YLOG2DEVMAC(y); wxGraphicPath* path = m_graphicContext->CreatePath() ; path->MoveToPoint( XLOG2DEVMAC(0), yy ) ; path->AddLineToPoint( XLOG2DEVMAC(w), yy ) ; path->CloseSubpath() ; path->MoveToPoint( xx, YLOG2DEVMAC(0) ) ; path->AddLineToPoint( xx, YLOG2DEVMAC(h) ) ; path->CloseSubpath() ; m_graphicContext->StrokePath( path ) ; delete path ; CalcBoundingBox(x, y); CalcBoundingBox(x + w, y + h); } void wxDC::DoDrawArc( wxCoord x1, wxCoord y1, wxCoord x2, wxCoord y2, wxCoord xc, wxCoord yc ) { wxCHECK_RET( Ok(), wxT("wxDC(cg)::DoDrawArc - invalid DC") ); if ( m_logicalFunction != wxCOPY ) return ; wxCoord xx1 = XLOG2DEVMAC(x1); wxCoord yy1 = YLOG2DEVMAC(y1); wxCoord xx2 = XLOG2DEVMAC(x2); wxCoord yy2 = YLOG2DEVMAC(y2); wxCoord xxc = XLOG2DEVMAC(xc); wxCoord yyc = YLOG2DEVMAC(yc); double dx = xx1 - xxc; double dy = yy1 - yyc; double radius = sqrt((double)(dx * dx + dy * dy)); wxCoord rad = (wxCoord)radius; double sa, ea; if (xx1 == xx2 && yy1 == yy2) { sa = 0.0; ea = 360.0; } else if (radius == 0.0) { sa = ea = 0.0; } else { sa = (xx1 - xxc == 0) ? (yy1 - yyc < 0) ? 90.0 : -90.0 : -atan2(double(yy1 - yyc), double(xx1 - xxc)) * RAD2DEG; ea = (xx2 - xxc == 0) ? (yy2 - yyc < 0) ? 90.0 : -90.0 : -atan2(double(yy2 - yyc), double(xx2 - xxc)) * RAD2DEG; } bool fill = m_brush.GetStyle() != wxTRANSPARENT ; wxGraphicPath* path = m_graphicContext->CreatePath() ; m_graphicContext->PushState() ; m_graphicContext->Translate( xxc, yyc ) ; m_graphicContext->Scale( 1, -1 ) ; if ( fill ) path->MoveToPoint( 0, 0 ) ; path->AddArc( 0, 0, rad , DegToRad(sa) , DegToRad(ea), false ) ; if ( fill ) path->AddLineToPoint( 0, 0 ) ; m_graphicContext->DrawPath( path ) ; m_graphicContext->PopState() ; delete path ; } void wxDC::DoDrawEllipticArc( wxCoord x, wxCoord y, wxCoord w, wxCoord h, double sa, double ea ) { wxCHECK_RET( Ok(), wxT("wxDC(cg)::DoDrawEllipticArc - invalid DC") ); if ( m_logicalFunction != wxCOPY ) return ; wxCoord xx = XLOG2DEVMAC(x); wxCoord yy = YLOG2DEVMAC(y); wxCoord ww = m_signX * XLOG2DEVREL(w); wxCoord hh = m_signY * YLOG2DEVREL(h); // handle -ve width and/or height if (ww < 0) { ww = -ww; xx = xx - ww; } if (hh < 0) { hh = -hh; yy = yy - hh; } bool fill = m_brush.GetStyle() != wxTRANSPARENT ; wxGraphicPath* path = m_graphicContext->CreatePath() ; m_graphicContext->PushState() ; m_graphicContext->Translate( xx + ww / 2, yy + hh / 2 ) ; m_graphicContext->Scale( 1 * ww / 2 , -1 * hh / 2 ) ; if ( fill ) path->MoveToPoint( 0, 0 ) ; path->AddArc( 0, 0, 1 , DegToRad(sa) , DegToRad(ea), false ) ; if ( fill ) path->AddLineToPoint( 0, 0 ) ; m_graphicContext->DrawPath( path ) ; m_graphicContext->PopState() ; delete path ; } void wxDC::DoDrawPoint( wxCoord x, wxCoord y ) { wxCHECK_RET( Ok(), wxT("wxDC(cg)::DoDrawPoint - invalid DC") ); DoDrawLine( x , y , x + 1 , y + 1 ) ; } void wxDC::DoDrawLines(int n, wxPoint points[], wxCoord xoffset, wxCoord yoffset) { wxCHECK_RET( Ok(), wxT("wxDC(cg)::DoDrawLines - invalid DC") ); #if !wxMAC_USE_CORE_GRAPHICS_BLEND_MODES if ( m_logicalFunction != wxCOPY ) return ; #endif wxCoord x1, x2 , y1 , y2 ; x1 = XLOG2DEVMAC(points[0].x + xoffset); y1 = YLOG2DEVMAC(points[0].y + yoffset); wxGraphicPath* path = m_graphicContext->CreatePath() ; path->MoveToPoint( x1 , y1 ) ; for (int i = 1; i < n; i++) { x2 = XLOG2DEVMAC(points[i].x + xoffset); y2 = YLOG2DEVMAC(points[i].y + yoffset); path->AddLineToPoint( x2 , y2 ) ; } m_graphicContext->StrokePath( path ) ; delete path ; } #if wxUSE_SPLINES void wxDC::DoDrawSpline(wxList *points) { wxCHECK_RET( Ok(), wxT("wxDC(cg)::DoDrawSpline - invalid DC") ); if ( m_logicalFunction != wxCOPY ) return ; wxGraphicPath* path = m_graphicContext->CreatePath() ; wxList::compatibility_iterator node = points->GetFirst(); if (node == wxList::compatibility_iterator()) // empty list return; wxPoint *p = (wxPoint *)node->GetData(); wxCoord x1 = p->x; wxCoord y1 = p->y; node = node->GetNext(); p = (wxPoint *)node->GetData(); wxCoord x2 = p->x; wxCoord y2 = p->y; wxCoord cx1 = ( x1 + x2 ) / 2; wxCoord cy1 = ( y1 + y2 ) / 2; path->MoveToPoint( XLOG2DEVMAC( x1 ) , YLOG2DEVMAC( y1 ) ) ; path->AddLineToPoint( XLOG2DEVMAC( cx1 ) , YLOG2DEVMAC( cy1 ) ) ; #if !wxUSE_STL while ((node = node->GetNext()) != NULL) #else while ((node = node->GetNext())) #endif // !wxUSE_STL { p = (wxPoint *)node->GetData(); x1 = x2; y1 = y2; x2 = p->x; y2 = p->y; wxCoord cx4 = (x1 + x2) / 2; wxCoord cy4 = (y1 + y2) / 2; path->AddQuadCurveToPoint( XLOG2DEVMAC( x1 ) , YLOG2DEVMAC( y1 ) , XLOG2DEVMAC( cx4 ) , YLOG2DEVMAC( cy4 ) ) ; cx1 = cx4; cy1 = cy4; } path->AddLineToPoint( XLOG2DEVMAC( x2 ) , YLOG2DEVMAC( y2 ) ) ; m_graphicContext->StrokePath( path ) ; delete path ; } #endif void wxDC::DoDrawPolygon( int n, wxPoint points[], wxCoord xoffset, wxCoord yoffset, int fillStyle ) { wxCHECK_RET( Ok(), wxT("wxDC(cg)::DoDrawPolygon - invalid DC") ); if ( n <= 0 || (m_brush.GetStyle() == wxTRANSPARENT && m_pen.GetStyle() == wxTRANSPARENT ) ) return ; if ( m_logicalFunction != wxCOPY ) return ; wxCoord x1, x2 , y1 , y2 ; x2 = x1 = XLOG2DEVMAC(points[0].x + xoffset); y2 = y1 = YLOG2DEVMAC(points[0].y + yoffset); wxGraphicPath* path = m_graphicContext->CreatePath() ; path->MoveToPoint( x1 , y1 ) ; for (int i = 1; i < n; i++) { x2 = XLOG2DEVMAC(points[i].x + xoffset); y2 = YLOG2DEVMAC(points[i].y + yoffset); path->AddLineToPoint( x2 , y2 ) ; } if ( x1 != x2 || y1 != y2 ) path->AddLineToPoint( x1, y1 ) ; path->CloseSubpath() ; m_graphicContext->DrawPath( path , fillStyle ) ; delete path ; } void wxDC::DoDrawRectangle(wxCoord x, wxCoord y, wxCoord width, wxCoord height) { wxCHECK_RET( Ok(), wxT("wxDC(cg)::DoDrawRectangle - invalid DC") ); if ( m_logicalFunction != wxCOPY ) return ; wxCoord xx = XLOG2DEVMAC(x); wxCoord yy = YLOG2DEVMAC(y); wxCoord ww = m_signX * XLOG2DEVREL(width); wxCoord hh = m_signY * YLOG2DEVREL(height); // CMB: draw nothing if transformed w or h is 0 if (ww == 0 || hh == 0) return; // CMB: handle -ve width and/or height if (ww < 0) { ww = -ww; xx = xx - ww; } if (hh < 0) { hh = -hh; yy = yy - hh; } int penwidth = m_pen.GetWidth(); if ( penwidth == 0 ) penwidth = 1 ; if ( m_pen.GetStyle() == wxTRANSPARENT ) penwidth = 0 ; bool offset = ( penwidth % 2 ) == 1 ; wxGraphicPath* path = m_graphicContext->CreatePath() ; // if we are offsetting the entire rectangle is moved 0.5, so the border line gets off by 1 if ( offset ) path->AddRectangle( xx , yy , ww-1 , hh-1 ) ; else path->AddRectangle( xx , yy , ww , hh ) ; m_graphicContext->DrawPath( path ) ; delete path ; } void wxDC::DoDrawRoundedRectangle(wxCoord x, wxCoord y, wxCoord width, wxCoord height, double radius) { wxCHECK_RET( Ok(), wxT("wxDC(cg)::DoDrawRoundedRectangle - invalid DC") ); if ( m_logicalFunction != wxCOPY ) return ; if (radius < 0.0) radius = - radius * ((width < height) ? width : height); wxCoord xx = XLOG2DEVMAC(x); wxCoord yy = YLOG2DEVMAC(y); wxCoord ww = m_signX * XLOG2DEVREL(width); wxCoord hh = m_signY * YLOG2DEVREL(height); // CMB: draw nothing if transformed w or h is 0 if (ww == 0 || hh == 0) return; // CMB: handle -ve width and/or height if (ww < 0) { ww = -ww; xx = xx - ww; } if (hh < 0) { hh = -hh; yy = yy - hh; } wxGraphicPath* path = m_graphicContext->CreatePath() ; if ( radius == 0) { path->AddRectangle( xx , yy , ww , hh ) ; m_graphicContext->DrawPath( path ) ; } else { path->MoveToPoint( xx + ww, yy + hh / 2); path->AddArcToPoint(xx + ww, yy + hh, xx + ww / 2,yy + hh, radius); path->AddArcToPoint(xx , yy + hh, xx , yy + hh / 2, radius); path->AddArcToPoint(xx , yy , xx + ww / 2, yy , radius); path->AddArcToPoint(xx + ww, yy , xx + ww, yy + hh / 2, radius); path->CloseSubpath(); m_graphicContext->DrawPath( path ) ; } delete path ; } void wxDC::DoDrawEllipse(wxCoord x, wxCoord y, wxCoord width, wxCoord height) { wxCHECK_RET( Ok(), wxT("wxDC(cg)::DoDrawEllipse - invalid DC") ); if ( m_logicalFunction != wxCOPY ) return ; wxCoord xx = XLOG2DEVMAC(x); wxCoord yy = YLOG2DEVMAC(y); wxCoord ww = m_signX * XLOG2DEVREL(width); wxCoord hh = m_signY * YLOG2DEVREL(height); // CMB: draw nothing if transformed w or h is 0 if (ww == 0 || hh == 0) return; // CMB: handle -ve width and/or height if (ww < 0) { ww = -ww; xx = xx - ww; } if (hh < 0) { hh = -hh; yy = yy - hh; } wxGraphicPath* path = m_graphicContext->CreatePath() ; m_graphicContext->PushState() ; m_graphicContext->Translate(xx + ww / 2, yy + hh / 2); m_graphicContext->Scale(ww / 2 , hh / 2); path->AddArc( 0, 0, 1, 0 , 2 * M_PI , false ) ; m_graphicContext->DrawPath( path ) ; m_graphicContext->PopState() ; delete path ; } bool wxDC::CanDrawBitmap() const { return true ; } bool wxDC::DoBlit( wxCoord xdest, wxCoord ydest, wxCoord width, wxCoord height, wxDC *source, wxCoord xsrc, wxCoord ysrc, int logical_func , bool useMask, wxCoord xsrcMask, wxCoord ysrcMask ) { wxCHECK_MSG( Ok(), false, wxT("wxDC(cg)::DoBlit - invalid DC") ); wxCHECK_MSG( source->Ok(), false, wxT("wxDC(cg)::DoBlit - invalid source DC") ); if ( logical_func == wxNO_OP ) return true ; if (xsrcMask == -1 && ysrcMask == -1) { xsrcMask = xsrc; ysrcMask = ysrc; } wxCoord yysrc = source->YLOG2DEVMAC(ysrc) ; wxCoord xxsrc = source->XLOG2DEVMAC(xsrc) ; wxCoord wwsrc = source->XLOG2DEVREL(width) ; wxCoord hhsrc = source->YLOG2DEVREL(height) ; wxCoord yydest = YLOG2DEVMAC(ydest) ; wxCoord xxdest = XLOG2DEVMAC(xdest) ; wxCoord wwdest = XLOG2DEVREL(width) ; wxCoord hhdest = YLOG2DEVREL(height) ; wxMemoryDC* memdc = dynamic_cast(source) ; if ( memdc && logical_func == wxCOPY ) { wxBitmap blit = memdc->GetSelectedObject() ; wxASSERT_MSG( blit.Ok() , wxT("Invalid bitmap for blitting") ) ; wxCoord bmpwidth = blit.GetWidth(); wxCoord bmpheight = blit.GetHeight(); if ( xxsrc != 0 || yysrc != 0 || bmpwidth != wwsrc || bmpheight != hhsrc ) { wwsrc = wxMin( wwsrc , bmpwidth - xxsrc ) ; hhsrc = wxMin( hhsrc , bmpheight - yysrc ) ; if ( wwsrc > 0 && hhsrc > 0 ) { if ( xxsrc >= 0 && yysrc >= 0 ) { wxRect subrect( xxsrc, yysrc, wwsrc , hhsrc ) ; // TODO we perhaps could add a DrawSubBitmap call to dc for performance reasons blit = blit.GetSubBitmap( subrect ) ; } else { // in this case we'd probably have to adjust the different coordinates, but // we have to find out proper contract first blit = wxNullBitmap ; } } else { blit = wxNullBitmap ; } } if ( blit.Ok() ) { m_graphicContext->DrawBitmap( blit, xxdest , yydest , wwdest , hhdest ) ; } } else { wxFAIL_MSG( wxT("Blitting is only supported from bitmap contexts, and only with wxCOPY logical operation.") ) ; return false ; } return true; } void wxDC::DoDrawRotatedText(const wxString& str, wxCoord x, wxCoord y, double angle) { wxCHECK_RET( Ok(), wxT("wxDC(cg)::DoDrawRotatedText - invalid DC") ); // wxCHECK_RET( m_macATSUIStyle != NULL, wxT("wxDC(cg)::DoDrawRotatedText - no valid font set") ); if ( str.length() == 0 ) return ; if ( m_logicalFunction != wxCOPY ) return ; int drawX = XLOG2DEVMAC(x) ; int drawY = YLOG2DEVMAC(y) ; m_graphicContext->DrawText( str, drawX ,drawY , angle ) ; } void wxDC::DoDrawText(const wxString& strtext, wxCoord x, wxCoord y) { wxCHECK_RET( Ok(), wxT("wxDC(cg)::DoDrawText - invalid DC") ); DoDrawRotatedText( strtext , x , y , 0.0 ) ; } bool wxDC::CanGetTextExtent() const { wxCHECK_MSG( Ok(), false, wxT("wxDC(cg)::CanGetTextExtent - invalid DC") ); return true ; } void wxDC::DoGetTextExtent( const wxString &str, wxCoord *width, wxCoord *height, wxCoord *descent, wxCoord *externalLeading , wxFont *theFont ) const { wxCHECK_RET( Ok(), wxT("wxDC(cg)::DoGetTextExtent - invalid DC") ); if ( theFont ) { m_graphicContext->SetFont( *theFont ) ; } wxCoord h , d , e , w ; m_graphicContext->GetTextExtent( str, &w, &h, &d, &e ) ; if ( height ) *height = YDEV2LOGREL( h ) ; if ( descent ) *descent =YDEV2LOGREL( d); if ( externalLeading ) *externalLeading = YDEV2LOGREL( e); if ( width ) *width = XDEV2LOGREL( w ) ; if ( theFont ) { m_graphicContext->SetFont( m_font ) ; } } bool wxDC::DoGetPartialTextExtents(const wxString& text, wxArrayInt& widths) const { wxCHECK_MSG( Ok(), false, wxT("wxDC(cg)::DoGetPartialTextExtents - invalid DC") ); m_graphicContext->GetPartialTextExtents( text, widths ) ; for ( size_t i = 0 ; i < widths.GetCount() ; ++i ) widths[i] = XDEV2LOGREL( widths[i] ); return true; } wxCoord wxDC::GetCharWidth(void) const { wxCoord width ; DoGetTextExtent( wxT("g") , &width , NULL , NULL , NULL , NULL ) ; return width ; } wxCoord wxDC::GetCharHeight(void) const { wxCoord height ; DoGetTextExtent( wxT("g") , NULL , &height , NULL , NULL , NULL ) ; return height ; } void wxDC::Clear(void) { wxCHECK_RET( Ok(), wxT("wxDC(cg)::Clear - invalid DC") ); if (m_backgroundBrush.Ok() && m_backgroundBrush.GetStyle() != wxTRANSPARENT) { HIRect rect = CGRectMake( -10000 , -10000 , 20000 , 20000 ) ; CGContextRef cg = ((wxMacCGContext*)(m_graphicContext))->GetNativeContext() ; switch ( m_backgroundBrush.MacGetBrushKind() ) { case kwxMacBrushTheme : { #if MAC_OS_X_VERSION_MAX_ALLOWED >= MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_4 if ( HIThemeSetFill != 0 ) { HIThemeSetFill( m_backgroundBrush.MacGetTheme(), NULL, cg, kHIThemeOrientationNormal ); CGContextFillRect(cg, rect); } else #endif { RGBColor color; GetThemeBrushAsColor( m_backgroundBrush.MacGetTheme(), 32, true, &color ); CGContextSetRGBFillColor( cg, (CGFloat) color.red / 65536, (CGFloat) color.green / 65536, (CGFloat) color.blue / 65536, 1 ); CGContextFillRect( cg, rect ); } // reset to normal value RGBColor col = MAC_WXCOLORREF( GetBrush().GetColour().GetPixel() ) ; CGContextSetRGBFillColor( cg, col.red / 65536.0, col.green / 65536.0, col.blue / 65536.0, 1.0 ); } break ; case kwxMacBrushThemeBackground : { wxFAIL_MSG( wxT("There shouldn't be theme backgrounds under Quartz") ) ; #if MAC_OS_X_VERSION_MAX_ALLOWED >= MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_3 if ( UMAGetSystemVersion() >= 0x1030 ) { HIThemeBackgroundDrawInfo drawInfo ; drawInfo.version = 0 ; drawInfo.state = kThemeStateActive ; drawInfo.kind = m_backgroundBrush.MacGetThemeBackground( NULL ) ; if ( drawInfo.kind == kThemeBackgroundMetal ) { HIThemeDrawBackground( &rect, &drawInfo, cg, kHIThemeOrientationNormal ) ; HIThemeApplyBackground( &rect, &drawInfo, cg, kHIThemeOrientationNormal ) ; } } #endif } break ; case kwxMacBrushColour : { // FIXME: doesn't correctly render stippled brushes !! // FIXME: should this be replaced by ::SetBrush() ?? RGBColor col = MAC_WXCOLORREF( m_backgroundBrush.GetColour().GetPixel()) ; CGContextSetRGBFillColor( cg , col.red / 65536.0 , col.green / 65536.0 , col.blue / 65536.0 , 1.0 ) ; CGContextFillRect(cg, rect); // reset to normal value col = MAC_WXCOLORREF( GetBrush().GetColour().GetPixel() ) ; CGContextSetRGBFillColor( cg , col.red / 65536.0 , col.green / 65536.0 , col.blue / 65536.0 , 1.0 ) ; } break ; default : wxFAIL_MSG( wxT("unknown brush kind") ) ; break ; } } } #endif #pragma mark - // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // coordinates transformations // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* wxCoord XLOG2DEVMAC(wxCoord x) const { long new_x = x - m_logicalOriginX; if (new_x > 0) return (wxCoord)((double)new_x * m_scaleX + 0.5) * m_signX + m_deviceOriginX + m_macLocalOrigin.x; else return (wxCoord)((double)new_x * m_scaleX - 0.5) * m_signX + m_deviceOriginX + m_macLocalOrigin.x; } wxCoord YLOG2DEVMAC(wxCoord y) const { long new_y = y - m_logicalOriginY; if (new_y > 0) return (wxCoord)((double)new_y * m_scaleY + 0.5) * m_signY + m_deviceOriginY + m_macLocalOrigin.y; else return (wxCoord)((double)new_y * m_scaleY - 0.5) * m_signY + m_deviceOriginY + m_macLocalOrigin.y; } */ // TODO wxCoord wxDCBase::DeviceToLogicalX(wxCoord x) const { return wxRound((double)(x - m_deviceOriginX) / m_scaleX) * m_signX + m_logicalOriginX; } wxCoord wxDCBase::DeviceToLogicalY(wxCoord y) const { return wxRound((double)(y - m_deviceOriginY) / m_scaleY) * m_signY + m_logicalOriginY; } wxCoord wxDCBase::DeviceToLogicalXRel(wxCoord x) const { return wxRound((double)(x) / m_scaleX); } wxCoord wxDCBase::DeviceToLogicalYRel(wxCoord y) const { return wxRound((double)(y) / m_scaleY); } wxCoord wxDCBase::LogicalToDeviceX(wxCoord x) const { return wxRound((double)(x - m_logicalOriginX) * m_scaleX) * m_signX + m_deviceOriginX; } wxCoord wxDCBase::LogicalToDeviceY(wxCoord y) const { return wxRound((double)(y - m_logicalOriginY) * m_scaleY) * m_signY + m_deviceOriginY; } wxCoord wxDCBase::LogicalToDeviceXRel(wxCoord x) const { return wxRound((double)(x) * m_scaleX); } wxCoord wxDCBase::LogicalToDeviceYRel(wxCoord y) const { return wxRound((double)(y) * m_scaleY); } #endif // wxMAC_USE_CORE_GRAPHICS