///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: src/html/htmprint.cpp // Purpose: html printing classes // Author: Vaclav Slavik // Created: 25/09/99 // RCS-ID: $Id: htmprint.cpp 55069 2008-08-12 16:02:31Z VS $ // Copyright: (c) Vaclav Slavik, 1999 // Licence: wxWindows licence ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // For compilers that support precompilation, includes "wx/wx.h". #include "wx/wxprec.h" #ifdef __BORLANDC__ #pragma hdrstop #endif #if wxUSE_HTML && wxUSE_PRINTING_ARCHITECTURE && wxUSE_STREAMS #ifndef WX_PRECOMP #include "wx/log.h" #include "wx/intl.h" #include "wx/dc.h" #include "wx/settings.h" #include "wx/msgdlg.h" #include "wx/module.h" #endif #include "wx/print.h" #include "wx/printdlg.h" #include "wx/html/htmprint.h" #include "wx/wxhtml.h" #include "wx/wfstream.h" // default font size of normal text (HTML font size 0) for printing, in points: #define DEFAULT_PRINT_FONT_SIZE 12 //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // wxHtmlDCRenderer //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- wxHtmlDCRenderer::wxHtmlDCRenderer() : wxObject() { m_DC = NULL; m_Width = m_Height = 0; m_Cells = NULL; m_Parser = new wxHtmlWinParser(); m_FS = new wxFileSystem(); m_Parser->SetFS(m_FS); SetStandardFonts(DEFAULT_PRINT_FONT_SIZE); } wxHtmlDCRenderer::~wxHtmlDCRenderer() { if (m_Cells) delete m_Cells; if (m_Parser) delete m_Parser; if (m_FS) delete m_FS; } void wxHtmlDCRenderer::SetDC(wxDC *dc, double pixel_scale) { m_DC = dc; m_Parser->SetDC(m_DC, pixel_scale); } void wxHtmlDCRenderer::SetSize(int width, int height) { m_Width = width; m_Height = height; } void wxHtmlDCRenderer::SetHtmlText(const wxString& html, const wxString& basepath, bool isdir) { if (m_DC == NULL) return; if (m_Cells != NULL) delete m_Cells; m_FS->ChangePathTo(basepath, isdir); m_Cells = (wxHtmlContainerCell*) m_Parser->Parse(html); m_Cells->SetIndent(0, wxHTML_INDENT_ALL, wxHTML_UNITS_PIXELS); m_Cells->Layout(m_Width); } void wxHtmlDCRenderer::SetFonts(const wxString& normal_face, const wxString& fixed_face, const int *sizes) { m_Parser->SetFonts(normal_face, fixed_face, sizes); if (m_DC == NULL && m_Cells != NULL) m_Cells->Layout(m_Width); } void wxHtmlDCRenderer::SetStandardFonts(int size, const wxString& normal_face, const wxString& fixed_face) { m_Parser->SetStandardFonts(size, normal_face, fixed_face); if (m_DC == NULL && m_Cells != NULL) m_Cells->Layout(m_Width); } int wxHtmlDCRenderer::Render(int x, int y, wxArrayInt& known_pagebreaks, int from, int dont_render, int to) { int pbreak, hght; if (m_Cells == NULL || m_DC == NULL) return 0; pbreak = (int)(from + m_Height); while (m_Cells->AdjustPagebreak(&pbreak, known_pagebreaks)) {} hght = pbreak - from; if(to < hght) hght = to; if (!dont_render) { wxHtmlRenderingInfo rinfo; wxDefaultHtmlRenderingStyle rstyle; rinfo.SetStyle(&rstyle); m_DC->SetBrush(*wxWHITE_BRUSH); m_DC->SetClippingRegion(x, y, m_Width, hght); m_Cells->Draw(*m_DC, x, (y - from), y, y + hght, rinfo); m_DC->DestroyClippingRegion(); } if (pbreak < m_Cells->GetHeight()) return pbreak; else return GetTotalHeight(); } int wxHtmlDCRenderer::GetTotalHeight() { if (m_Cells) return m_Cells->GetHeight(); else return 0; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // wxHtmlPrintout //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- wxList wxHtmlPrintout::m_Filters; wxHtmlPrintout::wxHtmlPrintout(const wxString& title) : wxPrintout(title) { m_Renderer = new wxHtmlDCRenderer; m_RendererHdr = new wxHtmlDCRenderer; m_NumPages = wxHTML_PRINT_MAX_PAGES; m_Document = m_BasePath = wxEmptyString; m_BasePathIsDir = true; m_Headers[0] = m_Headers[1] = wxEmptyString; m_Footers[0] = m_Footers[1] = wxEmptyString; m_HeaderHeight = m_FooterHeight = 0; SetMargins(); // to default values SetStandardFonts(DEFAULT_PRINT_FONT_SIZE); } wxHtmlPrintout::~wxHtmlPrintout() { delete m_Renderer; delete m_RendererHdr; } void wxHtmlPrintout::CleanUpStatics() { WX_CLEAR_LIST(wxList, m_Filters); } // Adds input filter void wxHtmlPrintout::AddFilter(wxHtmlFilter *filter) { m_Filters.Append(filter); } void wxHtmlPrintout::OnPreparePrinting() { int pageWidth, pageHeight, mm_w, mm_h, scr_w, scr_h, dc_w, dc_h; float ppmm_h, ppmm_v; GetPageSizePixels(&pageWidth, &pageHeight); GetPageSizeMM(&mm_w, &mm_h); ppmm_h = (float)pageWidth / mm_w; ppmm_v = (float)pageHeight / mm_h; int ppiPrinterX, ppiPrinterY; GetPPIPrinter(&ppiPrinterX, &ppiPrinterY); int ppiScreenX, ppiScreenY; GetPPIScreen(&ppiScreenX, &ppiScreenY); wxDisplaySize(&scr_w, &scr_h); GetDC()->GetSize(&dc_w, &dc_h); GetDC()->SetUserScale((double)dc_w / (double)pageWidth, (double)dc_h / (double)pageHeight); /* prepare headers/footers renderer: */ m_RendererHdr->SetDC(GetDC(), (double)ppiPrinterY / (double)ppiScreenY); m_RendererHdr->SetSize((int) (ppmm_h * (mm_w - m_MarginLeft - m_MarginRight)), (int) (ppmm_v * (mm_h - m_MarginTop - m_MarginBottom))); if (m_Headers[0] != wxEmptyString) { m_RendererHdr->SetHtmlText(TranslateHeader(m_Headers[0], 1)); m_HeaderHeight = m_RendererHdr->GetTotalHeight(); } else if (m_Headers[1] != wxEmptyString) { m_RendererHdr->SetHtmlText(TranslateHeader(m_Headers[1], 1)); m_HeaderHeight = m_RendererHdr->GetTotalHeight(); } if (m_Footers[0] != wxEmptyString) { m_RendererHdr->SetHtmlText(TranslateHeader(m_Footers[0], 1)); m_FooterHeight = m_RendererHdr->GetTotalHeight(); } else if (m_Footers[1] != wxEmptyString) { m_RendererHdr->SetHtmlText(TranslateHeader(m_Footers[1], 1)); m_FooterHeight = m_RendererHdr->GetTotalHeight(); } /* prepare main renderer: */ m_Renderer->SetDC(GetDC(), (double)ppiPrinterY / (double)ppiScreenY); m_Renderer->SetSize((int) (ppmm_h * (mm_w - m_MarginLeft - m_MarginRight)), (int) (ppmm_v * (mm_h - m_MarginTop - m_MarginBottom) - m_FooterHeight - m_HeaderHeight - ((m_HeaderHeight == 0) ? 0 : m_MarginSpace * ppmm_v) - ((m_FooterHeight == 0) ? 0 : m_MarginSpace * ppmm_v) )); m_Renderer->SetHtmlText(m_Document, m_BasePath, m_BasePathIsDir); CountPages(); } bool wxHtmlPrintout::OnBeginDocument(int startPage, int endPage) { if (!wxPrintout::OnBeginDocument(startPage, endPage)) return false; return true; } bool wxHtmlPrintout::OnPrintPage(int page) { wxDC *dc = GetDC(); if (dc && dc->Ok()) { if (HasPage(page)) RenderPage(dc, page); return true; } else return false; } void wxHtmlPrintout::GetPageInfo(int *minPage, int *maxPage, int *selPageFrom, int *selPageTo) { *minPage = 1; if ( m_NumPages >= (signed)m_PageBreaks.Count()-1) *maxPage = m_NumPages; else *maxPage = (signed)m_PageBreaks.Count()-1; *selPageFrom = 1; *selPageTo = (signed)m_PageBreaks.Count()-1; } bool wxHtmlPrintout::HasPage(int pageNum) { return pageNum > 0 && (unsigned)pageNum < m_PageBreaks.Count(); } void wxHtmlPrintout::SetHtmlText(const wxString& html, const wxString &basepath, bool isdir) { m_Document = html; m_BasePath = basepath; m_BasePathIsDir = isdir; } void wxHtmlPrintout::SetHtmlFile(const wxString& htmlfile) { wxFileSystem fs; wxFSFile *ff; if (wxFileExists(htmlfile)) ff = fs.OpenFile(wxFileSystem::FileNameToURL(htmlfile)); else ff = fs.OpenFile(htmlfile); if (ff == NULL) { wxLogError(htmlfile + _(": file does not exist!")); return; } bool done = false; wxHtmlFilterHTML defaultFilter; wxString doc; wxList::compatibility_iterator node = m_Filters.GetFirst(); while (node) { wxHtmlFilter *h = (wxHtmlFilter*) node->GetData(); if (h->CanRead(*ff)) { doc = h->ReadFile(*ff); done = true; break; } node = node->GetNext(); } if (!done) doc = defaultFilter.ReadFile(*ff); SetHtmlText(doc, htmlfile, false); delete ff; } void wxHtmlPrintout::SetHeader(const wxString& header, int pg) { if (pg == wxPAGE_ALL || pg == wxPAGE_EVEN) m_Headers[0] = header; if (pg == wxPAGE_ALL || pg == wxPAGE_ODD) m_Headers[1] = header; } void wxHtmlPrintout::SetFooter(const wxString& footer, int pg) { if (pg == wxPAGE_ALL || pg == wxPAGE_EVEN) m_Footers[0] = footer; if (pg == wxPAGE_ALL || pg == wxPAGE_ODD) m_Footers[1] = footer; } void wxHtmlPrintout::CountPages() { wxBusyCursor wait; int pageWidth, pageHeight, mm_w, mm_h; float ppmm_h, ppmm_v; GetPageSizePixels(&pageWidth, &pageHeight); GetPageSizeMM(&mm_w, &mm_h); ppmm_h = (float)pageWidth / mm_w; ppmm_v = (float)pageHeight / mm_h; int pos = 0; m_NumPages = 0; // m_PageBreaks[0] = 0; m_PageBreaks.Clear(); m_PageBreaks.Add( 0); do { pos = m_Renderer->Render((int)( ppmm_h * m_MarginLeft), (int) (ppmm_v * (m_MarginTop + (m_HeaderHeight == 0 ? 0 : m_MarginSpace)) + m_HeaderHeight), m_PageBreaks, pos, true, INT_MAX); m_PageBreaks.Add( pos); if( m_PageBreaks.Count() > wxHTML_PRINT_MAX_PAGES) { wxMessageBox( _("HTML pagination algorithm generated more than the allowed maximum number of pages and it can't continue any longer!"), _("Warning"), wxCANCEL | wxICON_ERROR ); break; } } while (pos < m_Renderer->GetTotalHeight()); } void wxHtmlPrintout::RenderPage(wxDC *dc, int page) { wxBusyCursor wait; int pageWidth, pageHeight, mm_w, mm_h, scr_w, scr_h, dc_w, dc_h; float ppmm_h, ppmm_v; GetPageSizePixels(&pageWidth, &pageHeight); GetPageSizeMM(&mm_w, &mm_h); ppmm_h = (float)pageWidth / mm_w; ppmm_v = (float)pageHeight / mm_h; wxDisplaySize(&scr_w, &scr_h); dc->GetSize(&dc_w, &dc_h); int ppiPrinterX, ppiPrinterY; GetPPIPrinter(&ppiPrinterX, &ppiPrinterY); wxUnusedVar(ppiPrinterX); int ppiScreenX, ppiScreenY; GetPPIScreen(&ppiScreenX, &ppiScreenY); wxUnusedVar(ppiScreenX); dc->SetUserScale((double)dc_w / (double)pageWidth, (double)dc_h / (double)pageHeight); m_Renderer->SetDC(dc, (double)ppiPrinterY / (double)ppiScreenY); dc->SetBackgroundMode(wxTRANSPARENT); m_Renderer->Render((int) (ppmm_h * m_MarginLeft), (int) (ppmm_v * (m_MarginTop + (m_HeaderHeight == 0 ? 0 : m_MarginSpace)) + m_HeaderHeight), m_PageBreaks, m_PageBreaks[page-1], false, m_PageBreaks[page]-m_PageBreaks[page-1]); m_RendererHdr->SetDC(dc, (double)ppiPrinterY / (double)ppiScreenY); if (m_Headers[page % 2] != wxEmptyString) { m_RendererHdr->SetHtmlText(TranslateHeader(m_Headers[page % 2], page)); m_RendererHdr->Render((int) (ppmm_h * m_MarginLeft), (int) (ppmm_v * m_MarginTop), m_PageBreaks); } if (m_Footers[page % 2] != wxEmptyString) { m_RendererHdr->SetHtmlText(TranslateHeader(m_Footers[page % 2], page)); m_RendererHdr->Render((int) (ppmm_h * m_MarginLeft), (int) (pageHeight - ppmm_v * m_MarginBottom - m_FooterHeight), m_PageBreaks); } } wxString wxHtmlPrintout::TranslateHeader(const wxString& instr, int page) { wxString r = instr; wxString num; num.Printf(wxT("%i"), page); r.Replace(wxT("@PAGENUM@"), num); num.Printf(wxT("%lu"), (unsigned long)(m_PageBreaks.Count() - 1)); r.Replace(wxT("@PAGESCNT@"), num); const wxDateTime now = wxDateTime::Now(); r.Replace(wxT("@DATE@"), now.FormatDate()); r.Replace(wxT("@TIME@"), now.FormatTime()); r.Replace(wxT("@TITLE@"), GetTitle()); return r; } void wxHtmlPrintout::SetMargins(float top, float bottom, float left, float right, float spaces) { m_MarginTop = top; m_MarginBottom = bottom; m_MarginLeft = left; m_MarginRight = right; m_MarginSpace = spaces; } void wxHtmlPrintout::SetFonts(const wxString& normal_face, const wxString& fixed_face, const int *sizes) { m_Renderer->SetFonts(normal_face, fixed_face, sizes); m_RendererHdr->SetFonts(normal_face, fixed_face, sizes); } void wxHtmlPrintout::SetStandardFonts(int size, const wxString& normal_face, const wxString& fixed_face) { m_Renderer->SetStandardFonts(size, normal_face, fixed_face); m_RendererHdr->SetStandardFonts(size, normal_face, fixed_face); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // wxHtmlEasyPrinting //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- wxHtmlEasyPrinting::wxHtmlEasyPrinting(const wxString& name, wxWindow *parentWindow) { m_ParentWindow = parentWindow; m_Name = name; m_PrintData = NULL; m_PageSetupData = new wxPageSetupDialogData; m_Headers[0] = m_Headers[1] = m_Footers[0] = m_Footers[1] = wxEmptyString; m_PageSetupData->EnableMargins(true); m_PageSetupData->SetMarginTopLeft(wxPoint(25, 25)); m_PageSetupData->SetMarginBottomRight(wxPoint(25, 25)); SetStandardFonts(DEFAULT_PRINT_FONT_SIZE); } wxHtmlEasyPrinting::~wxHtmlEasyPrinting() { delete m_PrintData; delete m_PageSetupData; } wxPrintData *wxHtmlEasyPrinting::GetPrintData() { if (m_PrintData == NULL) m_PrintData = new wxPrintData(); return m_PrintData; } bool wxHtmlEasyPrinting::PreviewFile(const wxString &htmlfile) { wxHtmlPrintout *p1 = CreatePrintout(); p1->SetHtmlFile(htmlfile); wxHtmlPrintout *p2 = CreatePrintout(); p2->SetHtmlFile(htmlfile); return DoPreview(p1, p2); } bool wxHtmlEasyPrinting::PreviewText(const wxString &htmltext, const wxString &basepath) { wxHtmlPrintout *p1 = CreatePrintout(); p1->SetHtmlText(htmltext, basepath, true); wxHtmlPrintout *p2 = CreatePrintout(); p2->SetHtmlText(htmltext, basepath, true); return DoPreview(p1, p2); } bool wxHtmlEasyPrinting::PrintFile(const wxString &htmlfile) { wxHtmlPrintout *p = CreatePrintout(); p->SetHtmlFile(htmlfile); bool ret = DoPrint(p); delete p; return ret; } bool wxHtmlEasyPrinting::PrintText(const wxString &htmltext, const wxString &basepath) { wxHtmlPrintout *p = CreatePrintout(); p->SetHtmlText(htmltext, basepath, true); bool ret = DoPrint(p); delete p; return ret; } bool wxHtmlEasyPrinting::DoPreview(wxHtmlPrintout *printout1, wxHtmlPrintout *printout2) { // Pass two printout objects: for preview, and possible printing. wxPrintDialogData printDialogData(*GetPrintData()); wxPrintPreview *preview = new wxPrintPreview(printout1, printout2, &printDialogData); if (!preview->Ok()) { delete preview; return false; } wxPreviewFrame *frame = new wxPreviewFrame(preview, m_ParentWindow, m_Name + _(" Preview"), wxPoint(100, 100), wxSize(650, 500)); frame->Centre(wxBOTH); frame->Initialize(); frame->Show(true); return true; } bool wxHtmlEasyPrinting::DoPrint(wxHtmlPrintout *printout) { wxPrintDialogData printDialogData(*GetPrintData()); wxPrinter printer(&printDialogData); if (!printer.Print(m_ParentWindow, printout, true)) { return false; } (*GetPrintData()) = printer.GetPrintDialogData().GetPrintData(); return true; } void wxHtmlEasyPrinting::PageSetup() { if (!GetPrintData()->Ok()) { wxLogError(_("There was a problem during page setup: you may need to set a default printer.")); return; } m_PageSetupData->SetPrintData(*GetPrintData()); wxPageSetupDialog pageSetupDialog(m_ParentWindow, m_PageSetupData); if (pageSetupDialog.ShowModal() == wxID_OK) { (*GetPrintData()) = pageSetupDialog.GetPageSetupData().GetPrintData(); (*m_PageSetupData) = pageSetupDialog.GetPageSetupData(); } } void wxHtmlEasyPrinting::SetHeader(const wxString& header, int pg) { if (pg == wxPAGE_ALL || pg == wxPAGE_EVEN) m_Headers[0] = header; if (pg == wxPAGE_ALL || pg == wxPAGE_ODD) m_Headers[1] = header; } void wxHtmlEasyPrinting::SetFooter(const wxString& footer, int pg) { if (pg == wxPAGE_ALL || pg == wxPAGE_EVEN) m_Footers[0] = footer; if (pg == wxPAGE_ALL || pg == wxPAGE_ODD) m_Footers[1] = footer; } void wxHtmlEasyPrinting::SetFonts(const wxString& normal_face, const wxString& fixed_face, const int *sizes) { m_fontMode = FontMode_Explicit; m_FontFaceNormal = normal_face; m_FontFaceFixed = fixed_face; if (sizes) { m_FontsSizes = m_FontsSizesArr; for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) m_FontsSizes[i] = sizes[i]; } else m_FontsSizes = NULL; } void wxHtmlEasyPrinting::SetStandardFonts(int size, const wxString& normal_face, const wxString& fixed_face) { m_fontMode = FontMode_Standard; m_FontFaceNormal = normal_face; m_FontFaceFixed = fixed_face; m_FontsSizesArr[0] = size; } wxHtmlPrintout *wxHtmlEasyPrinting::CreatePrintout() { wxHtmlPrintout *p = new wxHtmlPrintout(m_Name); if (m_fontMode == FontMode_Explicit) { p->SetFonts(m_FontFaceNormal, m_FontFaceFixed, m_FontsSizes); } else // FontMode_Standard { p->SetStandardFonts(m_FontsSizesArr[0], m_FontFaceNormal, m_FontFaceFixed); } p->SetHeader(m_Headers[0], wxPAGE_EVEN); p->SetHeader(m_Headers[1], wxPAGE_ODD); p->SetFooter(m_Footers[0], wxPAGE_EVEN); p->SetFooter(m_Footers[1], wxPAGE_ODD); p->SetMargins(m_PageSetupData->GetMarginTopLeft().y, m_PageSetupData->GetMarginBottomRight().y, m_PageSetupData->GetMarginTopLeft().x, m_PageSetupData->GetMarginBottomRight().x); return p; } // A module to allow initialization/cleanup // without calling these functions from app.cpp or from // the user's application. class wxHtmlPrintingModule: public wxModule { DECLARE_DYNAMIC_CLASS(wxHtmlPrintingModule) public: wxHtmlPrintingModule() : wxModule() {} bool OnInit() { return true; } void OnExit() { wxHtmlPrintout::CleanUpStatics(); } }; IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS(wxHtmlPrintingModule, wxModule) // This hack forces the linker to always link in m_* files // (wxHTML doesn't work without handlers from these files) #include "wx/html/forcelnk.h" FORCE_WXHTML_MODULES() #endif // wxUSE_HTML & wxUSE_PRINTING_ARCHITECTURE