///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: src/gtk1/textctrl.cpp // Purpose: // Author: Robert Roebling // Id: $Id: textctrl.cpp 41739 2006-10-08 17:46:12Z VZ $ // Copyright: (c) 1998 Robert Roebling, Vadim Zeitlin // Licence: wxWindows licence ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // For compilers that support precompilation, includes "wx.h". #include "wx/wxprec.h" #include "wx/textctrl.h" #ifndef WX_PRECOMP #include "wx/intl.h" #include "wx/log.h" #include "wx/utils.h" #include "wx/panel.h" #include "wx/settings.h" #include "wx/math.h" #endif #include "wx/strconv.h" #include "wx/fontutil.h" // for wxNativeFontInfo (GetNativeFontInfo()) #include #include #include #include "wx/gtk1/private.h" #include //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // idle system //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- extern void wxapp_install_idle_handler(); extern bool g_isIdle; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // data //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- extern wxCursor g_globalCursor; extern wxWindowGTK *g_delayedFocus; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // helpers // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- extern "C" { static void wxGtkTextInsert(GtkWidget *text, const wxTextAttr& attr, const char *txt, size_t len) { GdkFont *font = attr.HasFont() ? attr.GetFont().GetInternalFont() : NULL; GdkColor *colFg = attr.HasTextColour() ? attr.GetTextColour().GetColor() : NULL; GdkColor *colBg = attr.HasBackgroundColour() ? attr.GetBackgroundColour().GetColor() : NULL; gtk_text_insert( GTK_TEXT(text), font, colFg, colBg, txt, len ); } } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // "insert_text" for GtkEntry // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- extern "C" { static void gtk_insert_text_callback(GtkEditable *editable, const gchar *new_text, gint new_text_length, gint *position, wxTextCtrl *win) { if (g_isIdle) wxapp_install_idle_handler(); // we should only be called if we have a max len limit at all GtkEntry *entry = GTK_ENTRY (editable); wxCHECK_RET( entry->text_max_length, _T("shouldn't be called") ); // check that we don't overflow the max length limit // // FIXME: this doesn't work when we paste a string which is going to be // truncated if ( entry->text_length == entry->text_max_length ) { // we don't need to run the base class version at all gtk_signal_emit_stop_by_name(GTK_OBJECT(editable), "insert_text"); // remember that the next changed signal is to be ignored to avoid // generating a dummy wxEVT_COMMAND_TEXT_UPDATED event win->IgnoreNextTextUpdate(); // and generate the correct one ourselves wxCommandEvent event(wxEVT_COMMAND_TEXT_MAXLEN, win->GetId()); event.SetEventObject(win); event.SetString(win->GetValue()); win->GetEventHandler()->ProcessEvent( event ); } } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // "changed" //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- extern "C" { static void gtk_text_changed_callback( GtkWidget *widget, wxTextCtrl *win ) { if ( win->IgnoreTextUpdate() ) return; if (!win->m_hasVMT) return; if (g_isIdle) wxapp_install_idle_handler(); win->SetModified(); win->UpdateFontIfNeeded(); wxCommandEvent event( wxEVT_COMMAND_TEXT_UPDATED, win->GetId() ); event.SetEventObject( win ); win->GetEventHandler()->ProcessEvent( event ); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // "changed" from vertical scrollbar //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- extern "C" { static void gtk_scrollbar_changed_callback( GtkWidget *WXUNUSED(widget), wxTextCtrl *win ) { if (!win->m_hasVMT) return; if (g_isIdle) wxapp_install_idle_handler(); win->CalculateScrollbar(); } } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // redraw callback for multiline text // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // redrawing a GtkText from inside a wxYield() call results in crashes (the // text sample shows it in its "Add lines" command which shows wxProgressDialog // which implicitly calls wxYield()) so we override GtkText::draw() and simply // don't do anything if we're inside wxYield() extern bool wxIsInsideYield; extern "C" { typedef void (*GtkDrawCallback)(GtkWidget *widget, GdkRectangle *rect); } static GtkDrawCallback gs_gtk_text_draw = NULL; extern "C" { static void wxgtk_text_draw( GtkWidget *widget, GdkRectangle *rect) { if ( !wxIsInsideYield ) { wxCHECK_RET( gs_gtk_text_draw != wxgtk_text_draw, _T("infinite recursion in wxgtk_text_draw aborted") ); gs_gtk_text_draw(widget, rect); } } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // wxTextCtrl //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS(wxTextCtrl, wxTextCtrlBase) BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(wxTextCtrl, wxTextCtrlBase) EVT_CHAR(wxTextCtrl::OnChar) EVT_MENU(wxID_CUT, wxTextCtrl::OnCut) EVT_MENU(wxID_COPY, wxTextCtrl::OnCopy) EVT_MENU(wxID_PASTE, wxTextCtrl::OnPaste) EVT_MENU(wxID_UNDO, wxTextCtrl::OnUndo) EVT_MENU(wxID_REDO, wxTextCtrl::OnRedo) EVT_UPDATE_UI(wxID_CUT, wxTextCtrl::OnUpdateCut) EVT_UPDATE_UI(wxID_COPY, wxTextCtrl::OnUpdateCopy) EVT_UPDATE_UI(wxID_PASTE, wxTextCtrl::OnUpdatePaste) EVT_UPDATE_UI(wxID_UNDO, wxTextCtrl::OnUpdateUndo) EVT_UPDATE_UI(wxID_REDO, wxTextCtrl::OnUpdateRedo) END_EVENT_TABLE() void wxTextCtrl::Init() { m_ignoreNextUpdate = m_modified = false; SetUpdateFont(false); m_text = m_vScrollbar = (GtkWidget *)NULL; } wxTextCtrl::~wxTextCtrl() { } wxTextCtrl::wxTextCtrl( wxWindow *parent, wxWindowID id, const wxString &value, const wxPoint &pos, const wxSize &size, long style, const wxValidator& validator, const wxString &name ) { Init(); Create( parent, id, value, pos, size, style, validator, name ); } bool wxTextCtrl::Create( wxWindow *parent, wxWindowID id, const wxString &value, const wxPoint &pos, const wxSize &size, long style, const wxValidator& validator, const wxString &name ) { m_needParent = true; m_acceptsFocus = true; if (!PreCreation( parent, pos, size ) || !CreateBase( parent, id, pos, size, style, validator, name )) { wxFAIL_MSG( wxT("wxTextCtrl creation failed") ); return false; } m_vScrollbarVisible = false; bool multi_line = (style & wxTE_MULTILINE) != 0; if (multi_line) { // create our control ... m_text = gtk_text_new( (GtkAdjustment *) NULL, (GtkAdjustment *) NULL ); // ... and put into the upper left hand corner of the table bool bHasHScrollbar = false; m_widget = gtk_table_new(bHasHScrollbar ? 2 : 1, 2, FALSE); GTK_WIDGET_UNSET_FLAGS( m_widget, GTK_CAN_FOCUS ); gtk_table_attach( GTK_TABLE(m_widget), m_text, 0, 1, 0, 1, (GtkAttachOptions)(GTK_FILL | GTK_EXPAND | GTK_SHRINK), (GtkAttachOptions)(GTK_FILL | GTK_EXPAND | GTK_SHRINK), 0, 0); // always wrap words gtk_text_set_word_wrap( GTK_TEXT(m_text), TRUE ); // finally, put the vertical scrollbar in the upper right corner m_vScrollbar = gtk_vscrollbar_new( GTK_TEXT(m_text)->vadj ); GTK_WIDGET_UNSET_FLAGS( m_vScrollbar, GTK_CAN_FOCUS ); gtk_table_attach(GTK_TABLE(m_widget), m_vScrollbar, 1, 2, 0, 1, GTK_FILL, (GtkAttachOptions)(GTK_EXPAND | GTK_FILL | GTK_SHRINK), 0, 0); } else { // a single-line text control: no need for scrollbars m_widget = m_text = gtk_entry_new(); } m_parent->DoAddChild( this ); m_focusWidget = m_text; PostCreation(size); if (multi_line) gtk_widget_show(m_text); if (multi_line) { gtk_signal_connect(GTK_OBJECT(GTK_TEXT(m_text)->vadj), "changed", (GtkSignalFunc) gtk_scrollbar_changed_callback, (gpointer) this ); // only initialize gs_gtk_text_draw once, starting from the next the // klass::draw will already be wxgtk_text_draw if ( !gs_gtk_text_draw ) { GtkDrawCallback& draw = GTK_WIDGET_CLASS(GTK_OBJECT(m_text)->klass)->draw; gs_gtk_text_draw = draw; draw = wxgtk_text_draw; } } if (!value.empty()) { #if !GTK_CHECK_VERSION(1, 2, 0) // if we don't realize it, GTK 1.0.6 dies with a SIGSEGV in // gtk_editable_insert_text() gtk_widget_realize(m_text); #endif // GTK 1.0 gint tmp = 0; #if wxUSE_UNICODE wxWX2MBbuf val = value.mbc_str(); gtk_editable_insert_text( GTK_EDITABLE(m_text), val, strlen(val), &tmp ); #else gtk_editable_insert_text( GTK_EDITABLE(m_text), value, value.length(), &tmp ); #endif if (multi_line) { // Bring editable's cursor uptodate. Bug in GTK. SET_EDITABLE_POS(m_text, gtk_text_get_point( GTK_TEXT(m_text) )); } } if (style & wxTE_PASSWORD) { if (!multi_line) gtk_entry_set_visibility( GTK_ENTRY(m_text), FALSE ); } if (style & wxTE_READONLY) { if (!multi_line) gtk_entry_set_editable( GTK_ENTRY(m_text), FALSE ); } else { if (multi_line) gtk_text_set_editable( GTK_TEXT(m_text), 1 ); } // We want to be notified about text changes. gtk_signal_connect( GTK_OBJECT(m_text), "changed", GTK_SIGNAL_FUNC(gtk_text_changed_callback), (gpointer)this); m_cursor = wxCursor( wxCURSOR_IBEAM ); wxTextAttr attrDef(GetForegroundColour(), GetBackgroundColour(), GetFont()); SetDefaultStyle( attrDef ); return true; } void wxTextCtrl::CalculateScrollbar() { if ((m_windowStyle & wxTE_MULTILINE) == 0) return; GtkAdjustment *adj = GTK_TEXT(m_text)->vadj; if (adj->upper - adj->page_size < 0.8) { if (m_vScrollbarVisible) { gtk_widget_hide( m_vScrollbar ); m_vScrollbarVisible = false; } } else { if (!m_vScrollbarVisible) { gtk_widget_show( m_vScrollbar ); m_vScrollbarVisible = true; } } } wxString wxTextCtrl::GetValue() const { wxCHECK_MSG( m_text != NULL, wxEmptyString, wxT("invalid text ctrl") ); wxString tmp; if (m_windowStyle & wxTE_MULTILINE) { gint len = gtk_text_get_length( GTK_TEXT(m_text) ); char *text = gtk_editable_get_chars( GTK_EDITABLE(m_text), 0, len ); tmp = text; g_free( text ); } else { tmp = wxGTK_CONV_BACK( gtk_entry_get_text( GTK_ENTRY(m_text) ) ); } return tmp; } void wxTextCtrl::DoSetValue( const wxString &value, int flags ) { wxCHECK_RET( m_text != NULL, wxT("invalid text ctrl") ); if ( !(flags & SetValue_SendEvent) ) { // do not generate events IgnoreNextTextUpdate(); } if (m_windowStyle & wxTE_MULTILINE) { gint len = gtk_text_get_length( GTK_TEXT(m_text) ); gtk_editable_delete_text( GTK_EDITABLE(m_text), 0, len ); len = 0; gtk_editable_insert_text( GTK_EDITABLE(m_text), value.mbc_str(), value.length(), &len ); } else { gtk_entry_set_text( GTK_ENTRY(m_text), wxGTK_CONV( value ) ); } // GRG, Jun/2000: Changed this after a lot of discussion in // the lists. wxWidgets 2.2 will have a set of flags to // customize this behaviour. SetInsertionPoint(0); m_modified = false; } void wxTextCtrl::WriteText( const wxString &text ) { wxCHECK_RET( m_text != NULL, wxT("invalid text ctrl") ); if ( text.empty() ) return; // gtk_text_changed_callback() will set m_modified to true but m_modified // shouldn't be changed by the program writing to the text control itself, // so save the old value and restore when we're done bool oldModified = m_modified; if ( m_windowStyle & wxTE_MULTILINE ) { // After cursor movements, gtk_text_get_point() is wrong by one. gtk_text_set_point( GTK_TEXT(m_text), GET_EDITABLE_POS(m_text) ); // always use m_defaultStyle, even if it is empty as otherwise // resetting the style and appending some more text wouldn't work: if // we don't specify the style explicitly, the old style would be used gtk_editable_delete_selection( GTK_EDITABLE(m_text) ); wxGtkTextInsert(m_text, m_defaultStyle, text.c_str(), text.length()); // we called wxGtkTextInsert with correct font, no need to do anything // in UpdateFontIfNeeded() any longer if ( !text.empty() ) { SetUpdateFont(false); } // Bring editable's cursor back uptodate. SET_EDITABLE_POS(m_text, gtk_text_get_point( GTK_TEXT(m_text) )); } else // single line { // First remove the selection if there is one gtk_editable_delete_selection( GTK_EDITABLE(m_text) ); // This moves the cursor pos to behind the inserted text. gint len = GET_EDITABLE_POS(m_text); gtk_editable_insert_text( GTK_EDITABLE(m_text), text.c_str(), text.length(), &len ); // Bring entry's cursor uptodate. gtk_entry_set_position( GTK_ENTRY(m_text), len ); } m_modified = oldModified; } void wxTextCtrl::AppendText( const wxString &text ) { SetInsertionPointEnd(); WriteText( text ); } wxString wxTextCtrl::GetLineText( long lineNo ) const { if (m_windowStyle & wxTE_MULTILINE) { gint len = gtk_text_get_length( GTK_TEXT(m_text) ); char *text = gtk_editable_get_chars( GTK_EDITABLE(m_text), 0, len ); if (text) { wxString buf; long i; int currentLine = 0; for (i = 0; currentLine != lineNo && text[i]; i++ ) if (text[i] == '\n') currentLine++; // Now get the text int j; for (j = 0; text[i] && text[i] != '\n'; i++, j++ ) buf += text[i]; g_free( text ); return buf; } else { return wxEmptyString; } } else { if (lineNo == 0) return GetValue(); return wxEmptyString; } } void wxTextCtrl::OnDropFiles( wxDropFilesEvent &WXUNUSED(event) ) { /* If you implement this, don't forget to update the documentation! * (file docs/latex/wx/text.tex) */ wxFAIL_MSG( wxT("wxTextCtrl::OnDropFiles not implemented") ); } bool wxTextCtrl::PositionToXY(long pos, long *x, long *y ) const { if ( m_windowStyle & wxTE_MULTILINE ) { wxString text = GetValue(); // cast to prevent warning. But pos really should've been unsigned. if( (unsigned long)pos > text.length() ) return false; *x=0; // First Col *y=0; // First Line const wxChar* stop = text.c_str() + pos; for ( const wxChar *p = text.c_str(); p < stop; p++ ) { if (*p == wxT('\n')) { (*y)++; *x=0; } else (*x)++; } } else // single line control { if ( pos <= GTK_ENTRY(m_text)->text_length ) { *y = 0; *x = pos; } else { // index out of bounds return false; } } return true; } long wxTextCtrl::XYToPosition(long x, long y ) const { if (!(m_windowStyle & wxTE_MULTILINE)) return 0; long pos=0; for( int i=0; iline_start_cache ) { // tell the programmer that it didn't work wxLogDebug(_T("Can't call SetSelection() before realizing the control")); return; } if (m_windowStyle & wxTE_MULTILINE) { gtk_editable_select_region( GTK_EDITABLE(m_text), (gint)from, (gint)to ); } else { gtk_editable_select_region( GTK_EDITABLE(m_text), (gint)from, (gint)to ); } } void wxTextCtrl::ShowPosition( long pos ) { if (m_windowStyle & wxTE_MULTILINE) { GtkAdjustment *vp = GTK_TEXT(m_text)->vadj; float totalLines = (float) GetNumberOfLines(); long posX; long posY; PositionToXY(pos, &posX, &posY); float posLine = (float) posY; float p = (posLine/totalLines)*(vp->upper - vp->lower) + vp->lower; gtk_adjustment_set_value(GTK_TEXT(m_text)->vadj, p); } } long wxTextCtrl::GetInsertionPoint() const { wxCHECK_MSG( m_text != NULL, 0, wxT("invalid text ctrl") ); return (long) GET_EDITABLE_POS(m_text); } wxTextPos wxTextCtrl::GetLastPosition() const { wxCHECK_MSG( m_text != NULL, 0, wxT("invalid text ctrl") ); int pos = 0; if (m_windowStyle & wxTE_MULTILINE) { pos = gtk_text_get_length( GTK_TEXT(m_text) ); } else { pos = GTK_ENTRY(m_text)->text_length; } return (long)pos; } void wxTextCtrl::Remove( long from, long to ) { wxCHECK_RET( m_text != NULL, wxT("invalid text ctrl") ); gtk_editable_delete_text( GTK_EDITABLE(m_text), (gint)from, (gint)to ); } void wxTextCtrl::Replace( long from, long to, const wxString &value ) { wxCHECK_RET( m_text != NULL, wxT("invalid text ctrl") ); Remove( from, to ); if (!value.empty()) { gint pos = (gint)from; #if wxUSE_UNICODE wxWX2MBbuf buf = value.mbc_str(); gtk_editable_insert_text( GTK_EDITABLE(m_text), buf, strlen(buf), &pos ); #else gtk_editable_insert_text( GTK_EDITABLE(m_text), value, value.length(), &pos ); #endif // wxUSE_UNICODE } } void wxTextCtrl::Cut() { wxCHECK_RET( m_text != NULL, wxT("invalid text ctrl") ); gtk_editable_cut_clipboard(GTK_EDITABLE(m_text) DUMMY_CLIPBOARD_ARG); } void wxTextCtrl::Copy() { wxCHECK_RET( m_text != NULL, wxT("invalid text ctrl") ); gtk_editable_copy_clipboard(GTK_EDITABLE(m_text) DUMMY_CLIPBOARD_ARG); } void wxTextCtrl::Paste() { wxCHECK_RET( m_text != NULL, wxT("invalid text ctrl") ); gtk_editable_paste_clipboard(GTK_EDITABLE(m_text) DUMMY_CLIPBOARD_ARG); } // Undo/redo void wxTextCtrl::Undo() { // TODO wxFAIL_MSG( wxT("wxTextCtrl::Undo not implemented") ); } void wxTextCtrl::Redo() { // TODO wxFAIL_MSG( wxT("wxTextCtrl::Redo not implemented") ); } bool wxTextCtrl::CanUndo() const { // TODO //wxFAIL_MSG( wxT("wxTextCtrl::CanUndo not implemented") ); return false; } bool wxTextCtrl::CanRedo() const { // TODO //wxFAIL_MSG( wxT("wxTextCtrl::CanRedo not implemented") ); return false; } // If the return values from and to are the same, there is no // selection. void wxTextCtrl::GetSelection(long* fromOut, long* toOut) const { wxCHECK_RET( m_text != NULL, wxT("invalid text ctrl") ); gint from = -1; gint to = -1; bool haveSelection = false; if ( (GTK_EDITABLE(m_text)->has_selection) ) { haveSelection = true; from = (long) GTK_EDITABLE(m_text)->selection_start_pos; to = (long) GTK_EDITABLE(m_text)->selection_end_pos; } if (! haveSelection ) from = to = GetInsertionPoint(); if ( from > to ) { // exchange them to be compatible with wxMSW gint tmp = from; from = to; to = tmp; } if ( fromOut ) *fromOut = from; if ( toOut ) *toOut = to; } bool wxTextCtrl::IsEditable() const { wxCHECK_MSG( m_text != NULL, false, wxT("invalid text ctrl") ); return GTK_EDITABLE(m_text)->editable; } bool wxTextCtrl::IsModified() const { return m_modified; } void wxTextCtrl::Clear() { SetValue( wxEmptyString ); } void wxTextCtrl::OnChar( wxKeyEvent &key_event ) { wxCHECK_RET( m_text != NULL, wxT("invalid text ctrl") ); if ((key_event.GetKeyCode() == WXK_RETURN) && (m_windowStyle & wxTE_PROCESS_ENTER)) { wxCommandEvent event(wxEVT_COMMAND_TEXT_ENTER, m_windowId); event.SetEventObject(this); event.SetString(GetValue()); if (GetEventHandler()->ProcessEvent(event)) return; } if ((key_event.GetKeyCode() == WXK_RETURN) && !(m_windowStyle & wxTE_MULTILINE)) { // This will invoke the dialog default action, such // as the clicking the default button. wxWindow *top_frame = m_parent; while (top_frame->GetParent() && !(top_frame->IsTopLevel())) top_frame = top_frame->GetParent(); if (top_frame && GTK_IS_WINDOW(top_frame->m_widget)) { GtkWindow *window = GTK_WINDOW(top_frame->m_widget); if (window->default_widget) { gtk_widget_activate (window->default_widget); return; } } } key_event.Skip(); } GtkWidget* wxTextCtrl::GetConnectWidget() { return GTK_WIDGET(m_text); } bool wxTextCtrl::IsOwnGtkWindow( GdkWindow *window ) { if (m_windowStyle & wxTE_MULTILINE) { return (window == GTK_TEXT(m_text)->text_area); } else { return (window == GTK_ENTRY(m_text)->text_area); } } // the font will change for subsequent text insertiongs bool wxTextCtrl::SetFont( const wxFont &font ) { wxCHECK_MSG( m_text != NULL, false, wxT("invalid text ctrl") ); if ( !wxTextCtrlBase::SetFont(font) ) { // font didn't change, nothing to do return false; } if ( m_windowStyle & wxTE_MULTILINE ) { SetUpdateFont(true); m_defaultStyle.SetFont(font); ChangeFontGlobally(); } return true; } void wxTextCtrl::ChangeFontGlobally() { // this method is very inefficient and hence should be called as rarely as // possible! wxASSERT_MSG( (m_windowStyle & wxTE_MULTILINE) && m_updateFont, _T("shouldn't be called for single line controls") ); wxString value = GetValue(); if ( !value.empty() ) { SetUpdateFont(false); Clear(); AppendText(value); } } void wxTextCtrl::UpdateFontIfNeeded() { if ( m_updateFont ) ChangeFontGlobally(); } bool wxTextCtrl::SetForegroundColour(const wxColour& colour) { if ( !wxControl::SetForegroundColour(colour) ) return false; // update default fg colour too m_defaultStyle.SetTextColour(colour); return true; } bool wxTextCtrl::SetBackgroundColour( const wxColour &colour ) { wxCHECK_MSG( m_text != NULL, false, wxT("invalid text ctrl") ); if ( !wxControl::SetBackgroundColour( colour ) ) return false; if (!m_widget->window) return false; if (!m_backgroundColour.Ok()) return false; if (m_windowStyle & wxTE_MULTILINE) { GdkWindow *window = GTK_TEXT(m_text)->text_area; if (!window) return false; m_backgroundColour.CalcPixel( gdk_window_get_colormap( window ) ); gdk_window_set_background( window, m_backgroundColour.GetColor() ); gdk_window_clear( window ); } // change active background color too m_defaultStyle.SetBackgroundColour( colour ); return true; } bool wxTextCtrl::SetStyle( long start, long end, const wxTextAttr& style ) { if ( m_windowStyle & wxTE_MULTILINE ) { if ( style.IsDefault() ) { // nothing to do return true; } // VERY dirty way to do that - removes the required text and re-adds it // with styling (FIXME) gint l = gtk_text_get_length( GTK_TEXT(m_text) ); wxCHECK_MSG( start >= 0 && end <= l, false, _T("invalid range in wxTextCtrl::SetStyle") ); gint old_pos = gtk_editable_get_position( GTK_EDITABLE(m_text) ); char *text = gtk_editable_get_chars( GTK_EDITABLE(m_text), start, end ); wxString tmp(text,*wxConvCurrent); g_free( text ); gtk_editable_delete_text( GTK_EDITABLE(m_text), start, end ); gtk_editable_set_position( GTK_EDITABLE(m_text), start ); #if wxUSE_UNICODE wxWX2MBbuf buf = tmp.mbc_str(); const char *txt = buf; size_t txtlen = strlen(buf); #else const char *txt = tmp; size_t txtlen = tmp.length(); #endif // use the attributes from style which are set in it and fall back // first to the default style and then to the text control default // colours for the others wxGtkTextInsert(m_text, wxTextAttr::Combine(style, m_defaultStyle, this), txt, txtlen); /* does not seem to help under GTK+ 1.2 !!! gtk_editable_set_position( GTK_EDITABLE(m_text), old_pos ); */ SetInsertionPoint( old_pos ); return true; } // else single line // cannot do this for GTK+'s Entry widget return false; } void wxTextCtrl::DoApplyWidgetStyle(GtkRcStyle *style) { gtk_widget_modify_style(m_text, style); } void wxTextCtrl::OnCut(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event)) { Cut(); } void wxTextCtrl::OnCopy(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event)) { Copy(); } void wxTextCtrl::OnPaste(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event)) { Paste(); } void wxTextCtrl::OnUndo(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event)) { Undo(); } void wxTextCtrl::OnRedo(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event)) { Redo(); } void wxTextCtrl::OnUpdateCut(wxUpdateUIEvent& event) { event.Enable( CanCut() ); } void wxTextCtrl::OnUpdateCopy(wxUpdateUIEvent& event) { event.Enable( CanCopy() ); } void wxTextCtrl::OnUpdatePaste(wxUpdateUIEvent& event) { event.Enable( CanPaste() ); } void wxTextCtrl::OnUpdateUndo(wxUpdateUIEvent& event) { event.Enable( CanUndo() ); } void wxTextCtrl::OnUpdateRedo(wxUpdateUIEvent& event) { event.Enable( CanRedo() ); } void wxTextCtrl::OnInternalIdle() { wxCursor cursor = m_cursor; if (g_globalCursor.Ok()) cursor = g_globalCursor; if (cursor.Ok()) { GdkWindow *window = (GdkWindow*) NULL; if (HasFlag(wxTE_MULTILINE)) window = GTK_TEXT(m_text)->text_area; else window = GTK_ENTRY(m_text)->text_area; if (window) gdk_window_set_cursor( window, cursor.GetCursor() ); if (!g_globalCursor.Ok()) cursor = *wxSTANDARD_CURSOR; window = m_widget->window; if ((window) && !(GTK_WIDGET_NO_WINDOW(m_widget))) gdk_window_set_cursor( window, cursor.GetCursor() ); } if (g_delayedFocus == this) { if (GTK_WIDGET_REALIZED(m_widget)) { gtk_widget_grab_focus( m_widget ); g_delayedFocus = NULL; } } if (wxUpdateUIEvent::CanUpdate(this)) UpdateWindowUI(wxUPDATE_UI_FROMIDLE); } wxSize wxTextCtrl::DoGetBestSize() const { // FIXME should be different for multi-line controls... wxSize ret( wxControl::DoGetBestSize() ); wxSize best(80, ret.y); CacheBestSize(best); return best; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // freeze/thaw // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void wxTextCtrl::Freeze() { if ( HasFlag(wxTE_MULTILINE) ) { gtk_text_freeze(GTK_TEXT(m_text)); } } void wxTextCtrl::Thaw() { if ( HasFlag(wxTE_MULTILINE) ) { GTK_TEXT(m_text)->vadj->value = 0.0; gtk_text_thaw(GTK_TEXT(m_text)); } } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // scrolling // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- GtkAdjustment *wxTextCtrl::GetVAdj() const { if ( !IsMultiLine() ) return NULL; return GTK_TEXT(m_text)->vadj; } bool wxTextCtrl::DoScroll(GtkAdjustment *adj, int diff) { float value = adj->value + diff; if ( value < 0 ) value = 0; float upper = adj->upper - adj->page_size; if ( value > upper ) value = upper; // did we noticeably change the scroll position? if ( fabs(adj->value - value) < 0.2 ) { // well, this is what Robert does in wxScrollBar, so it must be good... return false; } adj->value = value; gtk_signal_emit_by_name(GTK_OBJECT(adj), "value_changed"); return true; } bool wxTextCtrl::ScrollLines(int lines) { GtkAdjustment *adj = GetVAdj(); if ( !adj ) return false; // this is hardcoded to 10 in GTK+ 1.2 (great idea) int diff = 10*lines; return DoScroll(adj, diff); } bool wxTextCtrl::ScrollPages(int pages) { GtkAdjustment *adj = GetVAdj(); if ( !adj ) return false; return DoScroll(adj, (int)ceil(pages*adj->page_increment)); } // static wxVisualAttributes wxTextCtrl::GetClassDefaultAttributes(wxWindowVariant WXUNUSED(variant)) { return GetDefaultAttributesFromGTKWidget(gtk_entry_new, true); }