///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: src/gtk1/region.cpp // Purpose: // Author: Robert Roebling // Modified: VZ at 05.10.00: use AllocExclusive(), comparison fixed // Id: $Id: region.cpp 51183 2008-01-12 20:28:56Z VZ $ // Copyright: (c) 1998 Robert Roebling // Licence: wxWindows licence ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ============================================================================ // declarations // ============================================================================ // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // headers // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // For compilers that support precompilation, includes "wx.h". #include "wx/wxprec.h" #include "wx/region.h" #ifndef WX_PRECOMP #include "wx/log.h" #endif #include "wx/gtk1/private.h" // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // wxGdkRegion: creates a new region in ctor and destroys in dtor // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- class wxGdkRegion { public: wxGdkRegion() { m_region = gdk_region_new(); } ~wxGdkRegion() { gdk_region_destroy(m_region); } operator GdkRegion *() const { return m_region; } private: GdkRegion *m_region; }; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // wxRegionRefData: private class containing the information about the region // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- class wxRegionRefData : public wxObjectRefData { public: wxRegionRefData() { m_region = NULL; } wxRegionRefData(const wxRegionRefData& refData) : wxObjectRefData() { m_region = gdk_regions_union(wxGdkRegion(), refData.m_region); } virtual ~wxRegionRefData() { if (m_region) gdk_region_destroy( m_region ); } GdkRegion *m_region; }; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // macros // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #define M_REGIONDATA ((wxRegionRefData *)m_refData) #define M_REGIONDATA_OF(rgn) ((wxRegionRefData *)(rgn.m_refData)) IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS(wxRegion, wxGDIObject) IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS(wxRegionIterator,wxObject) // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // wxRegion construction // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #define M_REGIONDATA ((wxRegionRefData *)m_refData) void wxRegion::InitRect(wxCoord x, wxCoord y, wxCoord w, wxCoord h) { GdkRectangle rect; rect.x = x; rect.y = y; rect.width = w; rect.height = h; m_refData = new wxRegionRefData(); M_REGIONDATA->m_region = gdk_region_union_with_rect( wxGdkRegion(), &rect ); } wxRegion::wxRegion( GdkRegion *region ) { m_refData = new wxRegionRefData(); M_REGIONDATA->m_region = gdk_regions_union(wxGdkRegion(), region); } wxRegion::wxRegion( size_t n, const wxPoint *points, int fillStyle ) { GdkPoint *gdkpoints = new GdkPoint[n]; for ( size_t i = 0 ; i < n ; i++ ) { gdkpoints[i].x = points[i].x; gdkpoints[i].y = points[i].y; } m_refData = new wxRegionRefData(); GdkRegion* reg = gdk_region_polygon ( gdkpoints, n, fillStyle == wxWINDING_RULE ? GDK_WINDING_RULE : GDK_EVEN_ODD_RULE ); M_REGIONDATA->m_region = reg; delete [] gdkpoints; } wxRegion::~wxRegion() { // m_refData unrefed in ~wxObject } wxObjectRefData *wxRegion::CreateRefData() const { return new wxRegionRefData; } wxObjectRefData *wxRegion::CloneRefData(const wxObjectRefData *data) const { return new wxRegionRefData(*(wxRegionRefData *)data); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // wxRegion comparison // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool wxRegion::DoIsEqual(const wxRegion& region) const { return gdk_region_equal(M_REGIONDATA->m_region, M_REGIONDATA_OF(region)->m_region); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // wxRegion operations // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void wxRegion::Clear() { UnRef(); } bool wxRegion::DoUnionWithRect(const wxRect& r) { // workaround for a strange GTK/X11 bug: taking union with an empty // rectangle results in an empty region which is definitely not what we // want if ( r.IsEmpty() ) return TRUE; if ( !m_refData ) { InitRect(r.x, r.y, r.width, r.height); } else { AllocExclusive(); GdkRectangle rect; rect.x = r.x; rect.y = r.y; rect.width = r.width; rect.height = r.height; GdkRegion *reg = gdk_region_union_with_rect( M_REGIONDATA->m_region, &rect ); gdk_region_destroy( M_REGIONDATA->m_region ); M_REGIONDATA->m_region = reg; } return TRUE; } bool wxRegion::DoUnionWithRegion( const wxRegion& region ) { if (region.IsNull()) return FALSE; if (!m_refData) { m_refData = new wxRegionRefData(); M_REGIONDATA->m_region = gdk_region_new(); } else { AllocExclusive(); } GdkRegion *reg = gdk_regions_union( M_REGIONDATA->m_region, region.GetRegion() ); gdk_region_destroy( M_REGIONDATA->m_region ); M_REGIONDATA->m_region = reg; return TRUE; } bool wxRegion::DoIntersect( const wxRegion& region ) { wxCHECK_MSG( region.Ok(), false, _T("invalid region") ); if (!m_refData) { // intersecting with invalid region doesn't make sense return FALSE; } AllocExclusive(); GdkRegion *reg = gdk_regions_intersect( M_REGIONDATA->m_region, region.GetRegion() ); gdk_region_destroy( M_REGIONDATA->m_region ); M_REGIONDATA->m_region = reg; return TRUE; } bool wxRegion::DoSubtract( const wxRegion& region ) { wxCHECK_MSG( region.Ok(), false, _T("invalid region") ); if (!m_refData) { // subtracting from an invalid region doesn't make sense return FALSE; } AllocExclusive(); GdkRegion *reg = gdk_regions_subtract( M_REGIONDATA->m_region, region.GetRegion() ); gdk_region_destroy( M_REGIONDATA->m_region ); M_REGIONDATA->m_region = reg; return TRUE; } bool wxRegion::DoXor( const wxRegion& region ) { wxCHECK_MSG( region.Ok(), false, _T("invalid region") ); if (!m_refData) { return FALSE; } AllocExclusive(); GdkRegion *reg = gdk_regions_xor( M_REGIONDATA->m_region, region.GetRegion() ); gdk_region_destroy( M_REGIONDATA->m_region ); M_REGIONDATA->m_region = reg; return TRUE; } bool wxRegion::DoOffset( wxCoord x, wxCoord y ) { if (!m_refData) return FALSE; AllocExclusive(); gdk_region_offset( M_REGIONDATA->m_region, x, y ); return TRUE; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // wxRegion tests // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool wxRegion::DoGetBox( wxCoord &x, wxCoord &y, wxCoord &w, wxCoord &h ) const { if ( m_refData ) { GdkRectangle rect; gdk_region_get_clipbox( M_REGIONDATA->m_region, &rect ); x = rect.x; y = rect.y; w = rect.width; h = rect.height; return true; } else { x = 0; y = 0; w = -1; h = -1; return false; } } bool wxRegion::IsEmpty() const { if (!m_refData) return TRUE; return gdk_region_empty( M_REGIONDATA->m_region ); } wxRegionContain wxRegion::DoContainsPoint( wxCoord x, wxCoord y ) const { if (!m_refData) return wxOutRegion; if (gdk_region_point_in( M_REGIONDATA->m_region, x, y )) return wxInRegion; else return wxOutRegion; } wxRegionContain wxRegion::DoContainsRect(const wxRect& r) const { if (!m_refData) return wxOutRegion; GdkRectangle rect; rect.x = r.x; rect.y = r.y; rect.width = r.width; rect.height = r.height; GdkOverlapType res = gdk_region_rect_in( M_REGIONDATA->m_region, &rect ); switch (res) { case GDK_OVERLAP_RECTANGLE_IN: return wxInRegion; case GDK_OVERLAP_RECTANGLE_OUT: return wxOutRegion; case GDK_OVERLAP_RECTANGLE_PART: return wxPartRegion; } return wxOutRegion; } GdkRegion *wxRegion::GetRegion() const { if (!m_refData) return (GdkRegion*) NULL; return M_REGIONDATA->m_region; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // wxRegionIterator // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // the following structures must match the private structures // in X11 region code ( xc/lib/X11/region.h ) // this makes the Region type transparent // and we have access to the region rectangles #include struct _XBox { short x1, x2, y1, y2; }; struct _XRegion { long size , numRects; _XBox *rects, extents; }; class wxRIRefData: public wxObjectRefData { public: wxRIRefData() { Init(); } virtual ~wxRIRefData(); void CreateRects( const wxRegion& r ); void Init() { m_rects = NULL; m_numRects = 0; } wxRect *m_rects; size_t m_numRects; }; wxRIRefData::~wxRIRefData() { delete [] m_rects; } void wxRIRefData::CreateRects( const wxRegion& region ) { delete [] m_rects; Init(); GdkRegion *gdkregion = region.GetRegion(); if (!gdkregion) return; Region r = ((GdkRegionPrivate *)gdkregion)->xregion; if (r) { m_numRects = r->numRects; if (m_numRects) { m_rects = new wxRect[m_numRects]; for (size_t i=0; i < m_numRects; ++i) { _XBox &xr = r->rects[i]; wxRect &wr = m_rects[i]; wr.x = xr.x1; wr.y = xr.y1; wr.width = xr.x2-xr.x1; wr.height = xr.y2-xr.y1; } } } } wxRegionIterator::wxRegionIterator() { m_refData = new wxRIRefData(); Reset(); } wxRegionIterator::wxRegionIterator( const wxRegion& region ) { m_refData = new wxRIRefData(); Reset(region); } void wxRegionIterator::Reset( const wxRegion& region ) { m_region = region; ((wxRIRefData*)m_refData)->CreateRects(region); Reset(); } bool wxRegionIterator::HaveRects() const { return m_current < ((wxRIRefData*)m_refData)->m_numRects; } wxRegionIterator& wxRegionIterator::operator ++ () { if (HaveRects()) ++m_current; return *this; } wxRegionIterator wxRegionIterator::operator ++ (int) { wxRegionIterator tmp = *this; if (HaveRects()) ++m_current; return tmp; } wxCoord wxRegionIterator::GetX() const { wxCHECK_MSG( HaveRects(), 0, _T("invalid wxRegionIterator") ); return ((wxRIRefData*)m_refData)->m_rects[m_current].x; } wxCoord wxRegionIterator::GetY() const { wxCHECK_MSG( HaveRects(), 0, _T("invalid wxRegionIterator") ); return ((wxRIRefData*)m_refData)->m_rects[m_current].y; } wxCoord wxRegionIterator::GetW() const { wxCHECK_MSG( HaveRects(), 0, _T("invalid wxRegionIterator") ); return ((wxRIRefData*)m_refData)->m_rects[m_current].width; } wxCoord wxRegionIterator::GetH() const { wxCHECK_MSG( HaveRects(), 0, _T("invalid wxRegionIterator") ); return ((wxRIRefData*)m_refData)->m_rects[m_current].height; } wxRect wxRegionIterator::GetRect() const { wxRect r; if( HaveRects() ) r = ((wxRIRefData*)m_refData)->m_rects[m_current]; return r; }